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Name: Tutor Group:

I have included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This badge means something to me because . . . . . . . .



because . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................


The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . represents

The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . represents



Holocaust Memorial Day • Ciaran’s Book Review • School Uniform Survey Table Tennis Club & Competition • Saturday Sports Clubs • Sixth Form

Issue #96 - Monday 23 January 2012

Read all about it. Welcome to issue number 96. We have a jam-packed edition for you this week as we welcome parents and carers to our first Academic Progress Day of the calendar year. We hope to sign up plenty of new readers to our mailing list throughout the day.

(Blank) cover story Design a new school badge competition.

As part of our uniform consultation, we want you to come up with a design for a new school badge. Our current badge, introduced back in 2007 still holds a lot of significance for our staff and students as it represents the progress we have made since then but we also feel it is time to ask for your ideas and to reaffirm what makes our school special. If we were to change our school badge, what would you do to make it better? What images would you include to represent our school ethos and community values? We really want to see your ideas on paper, so have a go today! What do I need to do? 1. Draw your school badge on the front of this newsletter.

Show of hands.

New Saturday sports classes including Handball. Have you tried it? Our very own Sports Centre here at Bethnal Green Academy has just introduced a new range of taster clubs for local primary and secondary students. Fancy having a go at volleyball, badminton or handball? Well, now you can. Not only that but you’ll get expert tuition from professional coaches, all for just £1. Come along this Saturday! Badminton, Volleyball and Handball clubs for 9-16 year olds run every Saturday from 12 - 3pm. 12.00 - 14.00 Badminton / Volleyball 14.00 - 15.30 Handball

2. Make sure you label your design, justifying the symbols, colours and pictures you have used. What does it mean to you? 3. Hand in your newsletters to your form tutor. A gallery of your designs will be on display in The Street and on our school website next week.

Earn while you learn. Our new Sixth Form opens this September.

Next week...

We are very proud to announce that the Bethnal Green Academy Sixth Form will open this September. Not only are we keen to translate our fantastic GCSE results into great A Level results but we are also introducing our Earn While You Learn scheme too. Students can earn up to £30 per week through achievement, attendance and our volunteering programme. Browse our new Course Guide on our website now.

Speak up, speak out. Holocaust Memorial Day 2012: Friday 27 January. Every year on 27 January, the world marks Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) that provides an opportunity for everyone to learn lessons from the Holocaust, Nazi persecution and subsequent genocides and apply them to the present day to create a safer, better future. We share the memory of the millions who have been murdered in the Holocaust and genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur in order to challenge hatred and persecution in the UK today. This year, the Speak Up Speak Out campaign asks us to consider what we see and hear around us, and to use our voices to speak up against hatred and discrimination no matter how big or small. This message very much echoes our student pledge and our commitment to Student Voice and Leadership that has over the years helped resolve conflict, beat bullying and promote the respectful, community spirit that makes our school special today. First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me First They Came Pastor Martin Niemoller

For more information about this year’s awareness campaign, visit the official Speak Up Now website.

Look smart, think smart.

New Academy uniform and school badge consultation. A huge thank you to all the students, staff, parents and carers that have taken part in our uniform consultation surveys and activities. We have had so many responses that we are still sorting through them! We really value your ideas, comments and concerns. Our Student Council reported back to our Senior Leadership Team on Monday and have further options to discuss this week which will be fed back via assemblies next week. We understand that cost is a key part of the decision making process and we would like to reassure parents/carers especially that we are looking into our sourcing and costs very careful. We would not expect current parents to purchase a new uniform, the new uniform would likely be introduced year by year from September, but we will clarify this process once a decision has been made.

Tutors and teachers can also download our classroom pack including a Diamond 9 activity, image sort and sticky note feedback page. All of which is also available via our website.

Download our Tutor Time Activities (.ppt) Take part in our online survey. Thank you to all the students, parents and staff that have completed and returned their surveys. We really value your input. Results will be fed back very soon.

Bethnal Green Academy is part of the BBC School Report Project. Visit schoolreport or for more information.

Team Voice: Student Report by Ciaran

Novel ideas. Book Reviews from our weekly Book Club Student Reporter, Ciaran talks to fellow Book Club member, Mahima about John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. This book is a wake-up call for young people reading about the shocking truths of the holocaust. Adding grit to everyday life, we hear both sides of the story. “It really made me reflect on the bigger picture and how things we think are stable can change so quickly,” Mahima says.

Word of the week. ideology noun a system of ideas and ideals, especially one that forms the basis of politics or religion: the ideology of the current, Conservative government. Our Word of the week is sourced from our Focus Words list which is compiled by our teaching staff and is designed to include the sort of keywords, terms and phrases regularly used in their subject areas. The full list, complete with dictionary definition hyperlinks can be found on the Students page of our website.

Bat man.

Table Tennis Club & Competition.

Table Tennis is proving so popular that the P.E. Department will be running an after school club every day this term. Not only that but we will be announcing details of a knockout competition very soon too.

Narrated by a nine year old boy, Bruno was living in Berlin with his father who became the commander of the now infamous death camp, Auschwitz. This is where Bruno’s life took a turn for the better and worse. Here he meets another nine year old boy, Shmuel who lives in the camp. There is a fence separating them but they develop a strong friendship. “My favourite thing about the book,” Mahima continues “is that the author writes the book from Bruno’s point of view and all the silly assumptions that Bruno makes reveals the bigger picture.” This book is a shining star for ideology. The book alerts the reader to what is going on in the world and that it’s not just one side that gets treated unfairly. Book Club runs every Tuesday lunchtime with Ms. Gill in the LRC. Come along!

Student Council

Key Stage 3 and 4 meet every Monday and Wednesday lunchtime respectively and feed back on Fridays. This week your council members are discussing uniform and will be asking your opinion in tutor time.

On a roll.

How many words can you find in our Word Wheel?

There is just one simple rule - every word you create must include the letter in the centre of the wheel. In this instance, it’s a letter D. Target: 20 words. There is at least one nine letter word. Can you find it?

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