Welcome to issue #98.
Weekly news from Bethnal Green Academy. Issue number 100, World Book Day, Fairtrade Fortnight, International Women’s Day and BBC School Report Day are all fast approaching so let’s crack on with the news!
Read Around the World. The count down to World Book Day. As part of our seven week reading programme and the count down to World Book Day 2012 we are attempting to read our way around the world. The idea is simple. One page equals one mile. 24,000 miles later and we’ll be back in London! So, pledge your pages now in the following ways: Students - complete your reading logs and pledge your pages during your tutor time reading every Monday morning. Parents - email the title and author of the book you are reading along with your name and child’s name to: info@bethnalgreenacademy.co.uk Staff - pledge your pages by emailing the title and author of your book to: info@bethnalgreenacademy.co.uk Primary Schools / Community - we’d love for as many primary schools, community partners and local organisations to get involved too. Email your name, organisation, book title and author to: info@bethnalgreenacademy.co.uk Track our progress online with our interactive map. www.bethnalgreenacademy.co.uk/ratw
Fancy dress? The English department would also like to invite and encourage students and staff to come to school on Thursday 1st March (World Book Day) dressed as their favourite character from a book they have read.
Read Around the World World Book Day Questionnaire Feedback Part 1 Artbeat Exhibition 2012 The Diana Awards Weekly Word Wheel Puzzle We’re now on Facebook & Twitter.
Issue #98 - Monday 27 February 2012
Why not come as a lion, a witch or even a wardrobe. OK, perhaps not a wardrobe! Getting your thinking caps on and we look forward to seeing your costumes on the day. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes but no hoodies or jeans please!
Find us online: www.bethnalgreenacademy.co.uk Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/BethnalGreenAc ‘Like’ us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BethnalGreenAcademy
Academic Achievement
Extra-Curricular Local School
Sense of Community Rapid Improvement Global Perspective
Inclusive Ethos Academy Status
Innovative Curriculum Sixth Form
“Going the extra mile.”
Cultural Diversity
Calling all coders! Sidekick Studios near Old Street are running a series of evening sessions for young people who want to learn more about coding and programming. More info next week. http://london-dojunior.eventbrite.co.uk/ Next session: March 7th • 6.30 - 8.30
Your school is tremendous and your students were inspiring. Ed Miliband, MP
What makes us special?
A local school, going the extra mile. Thank you to all our staff, students and parents that took part in the range of surveys, questionnaires and activities over the last few weeks, we really appreciate your feedback. In one such survey we wanted to know what you thought makes our school unique and special (results above). It is really important to reaffirm our values every once in a while and this will help guide us forward.
A picture paints... Icons that reflect our school values. We recently asked our students and tutors to complete an activity in which they chose from a range of images and icons that they felt best represented the school. This is a really great way of getting across what makes our school unique. We will have more feedback from your surveys next week.
Sights and Sounds. Artbeat Exhibition 2012. Photos from this year’s Artbeat exhibition are online now. Congratulations to all the students, staff, artists and Allen & Overy volunteers who helped produce yet another fantastic event and array of artwork. New products are soon to be announced and it’s not long until we celebrate 10 years of this amazing, arts project.
Inspire the lives of others. The Diana Award.
Achievement Success
Diversity Community
Look out for our new, Fairtrade cotton shopper bags. Students will be selling them along with a range of other Fairtrade items and snacks for Fairtrade fortnight from next week. www.fairtrade.org.uk
Our Student Council representatives are currently discussing the Diana Awards, created to recognise and congratulate young people who inspire the lives of others.The core values of the Diana Awards are: Youth (belief in the power of young people), Celebration, Collaboration and Pride. Who would you nominate for an award? How could we improve our school by adopting the values of the Diana Awards? Find out more at diana-award.org.uk
Wheelie Good! This is a great tutor time activity. How many words can you make from the letters in the wheel? The only rule is, each word must use the centre letter. Aim for 20 words and there is at least one, 9 letter word to be found!