GSAS Newsletter February 2017

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February 2017 Issue #151

Word on the Street The Newsletter of Green Spring Academy SHOREDITCH and Sixth Form

A world of imagination and books Green Spring Academy Shoreditch joined in the world wide celebration of books and reading during World Book Week from Monday 27th February to Friday 3rd March 2017. The theme of our book week was magical creatures. The main aim of World Book Week at the academy is to encourage students to explore the pleasure of reading through activities including ‘drop everything and read’, and share with student’s book-related activities and puzzles during break time. ‘Jackanory’ took place every lunch time with a member of staff reading extracts from one of their favourite books and discussing the book in detail. Students also had an opportunity to meet author Joshua Davis and Mr Marsh during a Tea Time Talk. World Book Week ended with students having an opportunity to dress up to bring their favourite book character to life. There was a competition for students to display the imaginative characters they recreated, as well as speeches to help develop confidence and public speaking skills. We hope this week has encouraged students to read more actively.

27 February


Interfaith Week @GSAS

The week commencing 20th February the academy’s Interfaith Week celebrations took place. The week of activities aims to build positive interfaith relations and explores how people of different faiths and beliefs work together for the common good of our society. Students participated in a range of fun and engaging activities, including group discussions, Mindfulness meditation drop in sessions and workshops involving mixed year groups. On Tuesday 21st February, Sixth Form students welcomed Mehri Nicknam MBE and Rabbi David from the Joseph Interfaith Foundation. Students were treated to an enlightening and often quite humorous journey through the ins and outs of Judaism and Islam. On the morning of Thursday 23rd February, Year 7, 8 and 9 students were taken off timetable to explore commonality between key religious parables and they also looked at case studies on how someone should respond to prejudice in familiar situations. The week ended with a lunchtime celebration enabling students to speak about their experiences and to showcase some of their work. The event was joyfully accompanied by biscuits and cakes inspired created using a range of religious symbols.

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A week ofWeek wellbeing World Book at GSAS at GSAS

Our second Health, Happiness and Kindness Week began on January 30th with a range of activities for students and staff to promote wellbeing. Year 12s enjoyed a talk about time management and how to cope with stress, especially with their exams coming soon, and Year 7 students produced a guide to healthy friendships. To help promote the benefits of physical activity and raise awareness of British Heart Foundation Heart Month students got active at lunchtime, pedaling whilst having their heart rate monitored. During the week staff also got involved, taking part in activities such as a ceramics workshop, creative writing and a mindfulness session.

Swedish teachers visit GSAS

On Friday 27th January, eleven teachers from Sweden came to visit Green Spring Academy Shoreditch to compare practice in the U.K and Swedish school systems. They were given a presentation, followed by a Q&A session and a learning walk to experience a wide range of lessons. Our visitors were impressed with what they saw throughout the day and were grateful for the opportunity to see our students engaged in learning. Many thanks to all who supported the highly successful and enjoyable day.

Year 7’s Revolting Rhymes

Talking about TV and Film

On February 8th Ms Chakravarty hosted GSAS’s sixth Tea Time Talk. This week’s talk was titled 'Choose a career in TV and film!' and we were fortunate to welcome an expert panel of professionals from the TV and film industry to talk about their career journeys. The panel included Tom Brown, a senior lecturer in Film Studies at Kings College London, Toni Williamson, a TV series producer and Pietra Brettkelly a documentary film director and producer. The session was really informative and sparked some interesting questions from the audience. Tea Time Talks give a valuable insight into different career options and open up a world of opportunities for students to think about as they make their subject choices and decide on next steps for their future.

Next issue.....


On the 6th February 2017 Year 7 Drama students performed their interpretations of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes to an audience of parents, carers and staff. They displayed confidence and humour working in groups to delivered their rhymes. Well done to all of the performers!


Green Spring Academy Shoreditch

6th - 10th March 2017


#celebratingdifference #unseendifferences

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