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25 April 2011

Health & Happiness Day

In Pictures

The Saturday before the holidays BGTC was proud to be hosting its very own Health & Happiness Day and what an event it was. We had a fantastic turn out of staff, students, parents and the local community and there was so much for everyone to try. From pedal-powered smoothie makers to Osteopathy advice, Fantastic 5 football tournaments (which will be running during lunchtimes soon) to colourful bouncy castles. Not forgetting a raffle full of prizes including a rowing machine, healthy eating guidance, manicures, blood donors, the fire brigade, the list goes on. Thank you to everyone that helped and to Ms. Bloom for organising such a fitness filled fun day!

Feet First Next Week: Walk To School Week Next week is national Walk To School Week and we will be running a number of projects and competitions as part of our Walk To School newsletter special, so watch this space. Do you walk to school? Do your friends? Let’s try and get as many of you on your feet and putting one foot in front of the other!

Word of the week -verb (used with object)


• to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess: to evaluate the results of an experiment.

evaluate -verb (used with object) All The World’s A Stage NEW • Theatre Society • Mondays • After School Miss Gill is starting a brand new Theatre Society for Year 9 students. Running alongside two fantastic projects, Off By Heart and the Shakespeare Schools Festival, this is a chance for you to take centre stage and explore the world of theatre through Shakespeare. Th e c l u b w i l l i n c l u d e a c t i n g wo r k s h o p s, performances, trips to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre and even the opportunity to perform in Romeo & Juliet at a West End theatre! Not only that, but as part of the Off By Heart project you’ll also get the chance to enter a monologue competition and be part of the BBC documentary. This is an amazing opportunity for all of our students that would like to explore the creative and performing arts further. For more information about the competitions and projects, come along to the first Theatre Society meeting, Mondays after school. In the meantime, check out for the Schools Festival and for the BBC project and competition. Bonus points for anyone that can tell me which play the headline to this article is from. Yes, it is Shakespeare, but which one?

Mr. The competitions continue... This week we have a rhyming riddle, a poetic brainteaser. The following verse spells a word letter by letter. “My FIrst” refers to the word’s first letter, and so on. What’s the word that this poem is describing?

My first is in fish but not in snail, My second in rabbit but not in tail, My third is up but not down, My fourth in tiara not in crown, My fifth in tree you plainly see, My whole a food for you and me. Last week we posed two triangular puzzles. The answers to the first are written above and for the second we wanted to know how many triangles there were in total. Answer: 27. As always, post your answers in a Voice Box or return them to Mr. Pedley. Prizes are up for grabs and we will announce the winners the following week.

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