Word on the Street

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Welcome to issue #104

Weekly news from Bethnal Green Academy. Read all about our Basketball Champions and much more to keep you informed...

BGA Basketball Champions!

Tower Hamlets Basketball Championship: Match Report Bethnal Green Academy vs Bishop Challoner, 04.05.12 1st Quarter: The game began. It was Bishop against BGA. All eyes were on the ball as players waited anxiously for tip off. BGA quickly showed why they have been the most successful outfit in the Borough for some time. But Bishop were able to penetrate our defence easily at first. They settled into the game much quicker than us and took an early lead. BGA’s coach, Mr. Warmann, was disappointed by his team’s performance. He started to mention the weaknesses as well as tell us the advantages we had over our opponents and then switched the players about. 2nd Quarter: BGA were back. We controlled the game and used our height advantage to score easy points near the basket. The team talk seemed to have a huge effect on BGA. We had more possession but both teams played with energy and aggression. 3rd Quarter: Bishop didn’t want to lose. They showed persistence and team work. Their #9 showed good leadership and did not lose hope in his team. They managed to get a number of baskets but we kept up our best efforts too. As a result, both teams entered the final quarter with the game tied at 20.

Good Luck!

to our Year 11 students currently taking their GCSE exams!

Final Quarter: “This is when it gets interesting” said Mr. Warmann. This was a tight game, but BGA stepped up their game to meet the challenge of Bishop. The ball went from one end of the court to another. You could hear both coaches shouting and team mates cheering. BGA’s tall players came in handy, getting one basket after another with their tallest player inside the key. Ultimately it came down to slightly better execution in the final seconds as BGA WON! The end score was 28-26. Thanks to Mr. Warmann (the coach of BGA). We couldn’t have done it without you sir!

Issue #104 - Monday 14 May 2012

AK Mohammed (Year 8)

Reader Rewards!

Word of the week.

Thank you to all students who gave feedback on formtime reading. Soon the most committed winners will be announced and will receive a kindle. Next term there will be different prizes - will it be an iPad? A bike? Or a mystery prize?

Exam Revision Tips

Make use of your learning style when you revise Tips for Visual Learners • Rewrite your notes as mind-maps • Use colour to highlight important things • Draw diagrams and sketches to help you remember points. Tips for Auditory Learners • Read your notes aloud • Record yourself reading key points of your notes aloud, then listen to the recording afterwards • Revise with other students if you can • Sing the main points. Linking them with a tune may help you remember them. Tips for learners who are readers and writers • Copy out your notes. • Read your notes silently. • Rewrite the key points using different words. • Write down key points from memory. Tips for Active Learners • Move around the room • Revise while you do kung-fu moves or other physical activity • Mentally review what you’ve been revising while you’re swimming or jogging.

Student Voice update Volunteering: Students have been volunteering around school to organise events such as International Women’s Day. Now it is time for all students to get involved and be more active. Sign up for the volunteering programme, clock up 30 hours of volunteering time or more and the prize is a trip at the end of term. Student Council have told teachers that you want more cross year group events, therefore they are organising a whole school event on your behalf.

interpret verb ( interprets, interpreting , interpreted )

[ with obj. ] 1. explain the meaning of (information, words, or actions): the evidence is difficult to interpret. • [ no obj. ] translate orally or into sign language the words of a person speaking a different language: I agreed to interpret for Jean-Claude. • perform (a dramatic role or piece of music) in a particular way that conveys one's understanding of the creator's ideas. 2. understand (an action, mood, or way of behaving) as having a particular meaning or significance: her self-confidence was often interpreted as brashness. Our Word of the week is sourced from our Focus Words list which is compiled by our teaching staff and is designed to include the sort of keywords, terms and phrases regularly used in their subject areas. The full list, complete with dictionary definition hyperlinks can be found on the Students page of our website.

Come along to Film Club every Monday Night from 3.30-5.30 with Ms Cradduck and Ms Gill Films so far have been Twilight and Sherlock Holmes.

Vote for the event that you would like to see happen: Quiz Day, Guinness World Record Day (you will attempt to break a world record) or Celebration of Culture Day.

Next week's film is

Vote by posting your chip into the Voting pods at each end of the Street.

The Kite Runner

Student Leadership application forms are in the library.

On the Tuesday after each film screening there will be a discussion about the book the film was based on, at Tuesday lunchtime Book Club.

Sign up today.

Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/BethnalGreenAc

Word Morph! Can you morph one word into another by just changing one letter at a time? It’s not easy but it will get you thinking!

Find us online: www.bethnalgreenacademy.co.uk




A commonym is a group of words that have a common trait in the three words. For example: the words; car - tree - elephant. They all have trunks. Give these a try.

1. Loan - Pool - Great White 2. Clog - Pump - Flat 3. Rain - Fur - Trench 4. Silver - Tin - Nickel 5. Coffee - Oil - Air 6. Tulip - Lamp - Onion

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