Democracy in Action Friday 13th March was Democracy Day at BGA. Each year group debated the following topics: Year 7: This house proposes that all detentions should be abolished. Year 8: This house proposes that plastic surgery is something to fear not to celebrate. Year 9: This house proposes that capital punishment for murderers should be introduced into the United Kingdom. Year 10: This house proposes that job seekers allowance and benefits should be taken away from 18-21 year olds.
Football Update With only a couple of games remaining the under 13's are in a strong position to win the league.
Monday 16th March . Issue 139
Word on the Street The Newsletter of Bethnal Green Academy and Sixth Form
Click, Connect, Construct at the Courtauld Congratulations to Sixth Form student Nadia Ahmed, who won a "Highly Commended" prize for her work in the Courtauld Gallery's Click, Connect, Construct: 16-19 Student Visual Essay Competition. This competition supports students in developing visual literacy, research skills, knowledge and confidence for the critical and contextual component of the Art and Design A Level. Nadia created a visual essay based on and around an artwork from the Courtauld Gallery Collection using Pinterest to gather digital images. This is her account of the celebration day at the Courtauld Gallery: In December 2014, I entered a Pinterest competition ‘Click, connect, construct’, along with my classmates and competed with other students around the country. Our brief was to create a board in the name of ‘The Courtauld Gallery’ and pin The Courtauld Gallery Goya Exhibition images from the Courtauld website then relate it to other artists' work. My theme was ‘Relationships'. I only had a limited amount of time to prepare my entry and the competition was tough, but to my surprise was shortlisted which meant I had won the competition along with 11 others out of the 120 that entered. I was then invited to the ceremony on March 3rd 2015 to celebrate my achievement, along with my special guest Ms Austin. After witnessing many artworks in 2 " hours we ended the day with the awards, and I received a certificate for my contribution and the visit to the!Courtauld Gallery and Ms Austin was presented with an art book for the department and a free ticket to visit the Goya exhibition. !!
Year 11: This house proposes that all exams should be abolished. Sixth Form: This house proposes that all University fees should be cut.! Each form group chose the best proposing and the best opposing student in their group to go into the final debate.
Celebrating BGA Volunteers
Artbeat Exibition 2015
On Thursday 26th February BGA hosted a night of music to celebrate students who have volunteered and helped people in the community. The night was packed with great musical performances by BGA students. The awards were a huge success and a great way for the school to appreciate those students who have gone the extra mile.
Information Courses for Parent/Carers Over the next two weeks, Tower Hamlets’ Parent and Family Support Service will be running courses aimed at parent/carers on how to keep your child safe from radicalisation and extremism outside of school.! Dates and times are as follows: ! • Thursday 19th March 2015 from 10.00am – 12.30pm
30 students took part in a ten week project working with Allen & Overy. With the help and guidance of two professional artists, Sarah Douglas and Fabiane Lee-Perrella, students have spent the last academic term exploring new media and techniques, culminating in a collaborative exhibition at Allen & Overy's London offices. On Wednesday 25th February, students and staff were invited along to the preview evening which showcased their finished work in a professional public environment.
• Thursday 19th March 2015 from 4.00pm – 6.30pm • Tuesday 24th March 2015 from 10.00am – 12.30pm (Female only session) • Tuesday 24th March 2015 from 6.00pm – 8.30pm
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World Book Week at BGA From 2nd to 6th March, to mark World Book Day, we decided to turn it into a whole week of celebrations around the theme of books, the pleasure of reading and the innumerable benefits of literacy! Our Literacy Ambassadors prepared exciting workshops, games and quizzes, Countdown with Chris, University Challenge with Evana and Sayra, the Big Book Quiz!with Siham and Aida, and Spelling Bee!with Jasmin and Esther. At lunchtime, teachers chose a Banned Book and read a part of it to our students who are now well accustomed to Jackanory. Teachers also chipped in and talked about The Book That Changed Their Lives. We have also launched a Readathon to encourage our students to read to raise money for charity. To inspire and enthuse our students, we invited famous poets, writers and journalists to lead literacy workshops – Cecilia Knapp, Malika Booker, and Erica Wagner. The whole school got involved in the celebration of books – in Science, students made a Horrible Science Book, in Hospitality, they baked Book-themed cupcakes, in Art, they created Book covers. The culmination of the World Book Week Celebration was The Fancy Dress Competition, when students and staff dressed up as a character from a book. Students delivered speeches in front of an audience and the Literacy Ambassadors voted for the best !"
Fancy Dress Competition Winners Liam and Orlando
Celebrating Difference On February 9th we launched our second Celebrating Difference week at BGA where we!worked together to bring disability and special educational needs to the forefront of the minds of our students and staff.!On Thursday evening we hosted our first ever!Celebrating Difference Awards, applauding our active Ambassadors, our kindest students!and!those who inspire us with their ability to overcome challenge and adversity.!Six! of our students worked with!Phoenix school for Autism to collaborate on a Music Project which they shared with a small audience in the LRC. There were!two exciting sessions on how to!learn sign language and there was an information booth and display in the Street for the week.
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