SOMETHING'S BREWING Innovations in format, function and flavor aim to extend kombucha category growth into the new decade. 2019
Contents / November – December 2019 / Volume 17 / No. 6
4 First Drop My new #Family
28 Something’s Brewing Innovations in format, function, and flavor aim to extend kombucha category growth into the new decade
6 Publisher’s Toast A beverage birthright that’s now all the rage 26 Gerry’s Insights Roll over Beethoven
38 Sacred (Cold) Space In the battle for the refrigerated set, no one wants to be put out to pasture
46 Leading National Cider Brand Sales Decline Smaller producers find growth
8 Bevscape/NOSHscape/Brewscape Coke Energy hits the U.S., Misfit pivots to meat, Rhinegeist plans ESOP for 2020 18 New Products Even more CBD
SHOW COVERAGE 52 Natural Products Expo East Review
22 Channel Check Bottled Fruit Drinks Spotlight 102 Promo Parade Matthew McConaughey and Wild Turkey, Nuun partners with LA Marathon
54 National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) Review
SPECIAL SECTION 57 New Beverage Guide with services and suppliers
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My New #Family I know there were people out there who lived to regret panning the iPhone. Steve Ballmer, for example, threw some memorable shade its way, calling it the most expensive phone in the world. Now, I don’t want to be remembered as Steve Ballmer, but he’s not exactly a cautionary tale: the former Microsoft CEO has, if nothing else, really great seats for Clippers games. Still, history tends to make fun of those who sit on the wrong side of business evolution (note Gerry Khermouch’s column in this issue for warnings about too much adherence to tradition). We can’t stick to the old ways, or we might find ourselves on the sidelines, maybe still cheering for our teams but not in the hot seat anymore. And yet, I’m willing to risk it when it comes to LifeFuels. Perhaps you’ve seen the incredible, Instagram-ready snippets of this gadget, which calls itself “The Smart Nutrition Bottle that Adapts to Your Day.” It’s a plastic water bottle that, when you hit a button, shoots flavored nutrient mixes from a base that contains three differently flavored and enhanced “FuelPods.” According to the company, the brand has a couple of purposes – first, to automatically release nutrients into a bottle and track them throughout the day to understand what you’ve consumed, and second, to eventually eliminate single-use plastic bottles. For the tracking component, of course, it’s got an app. On camera, the sight of a red geyser of electrolyte nutrition spewing into clear water is affecting indeed, especially when the scene is set against the mountain that the bearer of the LifeFuel presumably just climbed. On the desk, it’s a bit less impressive. I request one for trial. I receive a cheery, handwritten note, welcoming me to the #FuelFam. I also get instructions on how to plug in and charge my bottle and how to insert my FuelPods into the base. One confusing instruction tells me to “Set the FuelPod cap aside for later use.” I reach out to relatives in the #FuelFam to learn what that “later use” might be – I am sup-
posed to screw them back onto the empty FuelPods when I send them back? Useful! I download the app. It confuses me and I move it to the folder where apps that confuse me reside. That folder runs four screens deep. When loaded and filled, the bottle weighs in the neighborhood of 2 ½ lbs. That’s not light. It takes me a little while to be able to get that weight because I initially forget to put in the gasket that seals the attachment between the water bottle half to the base, so all my added water drains out. Eventually, I get that right, even without the help of the app. There are issues right off the bat. Will my water bottle shock me if there’s a breach of the gasket? I can’t find an open mini-USB port in my house, so I can’t charge my water bottle. My bottle’s base is hand-wash only. I find this particularly distressing for the company because it is selling to a millennial generation that cannot be bothered to put a cereal bowl into the sink, let alone to hand wash an electric bottle. The unit comes with a special brush, however, and soon, at least, my travel coffee mug is substantially cleaner. From an experience standpoint, there are flaws. My bottle cannot go into the refrigerator because it will drain the battery. My water, even when it has been mixed with the fruity contents of my FuelPod
is, therefore, warm. Due to the size of the base, my water bottle can only hold about 16.9 oz. of water. That’s a two-chug model. A four-chugger would be more thirst-quenching for sure, but the size and weight would be ludicrously inappropriate for my daily mountain hike. Meanwhile, from a taste perspective, maybe my palate isn’t as refined as the rest of my #FuelFam’s, but I would say that there’s a lot of eau du Propel in there. I know it’s giving me crucial electrolytes. I just wish it wasn’t as part of a room temperature electrolyte soup. As for the app, it’s not that I don’t want to live a quantified life. It’s just that … I don’t want to live a quantified life. Not if it weighs as much as a large can of whole peeled imported tomatoes and can shock me to death. The moguls over at Keurig Dr Pepper are apparently more sanguine on the LifeFuels concept than I am: at the start of the year, they sank untold millions into the company’s Series A round. I’m sure they know gadgets better than me – they knew enough, for example, to avoid the Juicero and keep the Keurig. But still – wouldn’t it have been a surer thing to double down on BodyArmor? Maybe I can bring it up at the next #FuelFam Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, I guess I’ll see you at the Clippers game.
Photo by Samara Doole on Unsplash
A Beverage Birthright That’s Now All the Rage Barry J. Nathanson PUBLISHER Jeffrey Klineman EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Martín Caballero MANAGING EDITOR Ray Latif CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Brad Avery REPORTER Justin Kendall EDITOR, BREWBOUND Carol Ortenberg EDITOR, NOSH Erin Cabrey EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
I grew up in New York, on Long Island. I’ve spent the last 50 years in Manhattan. I can rightly say that I’m a dyed-in-thewool native. I did take off after college and travel for 7 years, but that’s for another and longer discussion. For now, I want to say that watching a “new” beverage category take off has a special meaning to me – and a surprisingly nostalgic one. Growing up in the fifties, there were certain rituals and customs in our life styles that we held dear. One of my favorite memories is when we got home delivery of our assortment of beverages. In those days you had a distributor – or as we called him, the “soda guy” – come to your home, go into your garage and drop off your order. We were a Coca-Cola, Ginger Ale, 7-Up family. We would put our old bottles in the crates and miraculously a new batch would appear. But more relevant to this column, we were seltzer bottle aficionados. They were the cornerstone of our deliveries. There was nothing like receiving our “two cents plain” in those glass bottles with the spray nozzles. Nothing captured life for a Jewish boy from Great Neck more than those deliveries, and those bottles. So, imagine my joy to find that seltzer has come back to prominence. Over the past few years, the bubbles have come back, and with a vengeance. Never before 6 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
has seltzer taken such an important role in beverage marketing. There has always been the occasional brand or two in the marketplace, usually in a secondary position, as a cute addition to one’s portfolio, but never as a headliner. Today, seltzer and sparkling water have taken front and center in the beverage universe. What started as a trickle, with entries such as Sparkling Ice, a long time innovator, has led to a full- scale invasion. They were so ahead of the curve, and were followed by the likes of La Croix and dozens of other brands that are now competing for consumer’s palettes and dollars. You cannot go into any store, be it a grocer, warehouse, convenience store, drugstore or restaurant without seeing dozens of seltzer-based offerings. They are everywhere, and I couldn’t be happier. Even the alcohol players have jumped in, and these hard seltzer brands offer a great alternative to harder and heavier drinks. Health and wellness are the mantras today as our society tries to live better. Diet is a major aspect of that move toward better-ness. Seltzer should be lauded, as one of those better-for-you products that is pouring into the market. I’ll take a low-tono-calorie, tasty and refreshing beverage any time. While there is no perfect drink other than water, these seltzer options are the next best thing, even better than the nostalgia. Photo by David Hurley on Unsplash
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Danone Deepens Plant-Based Dairy Holdings With Forager Project Investment Plant-based food and beverage brand Forager Project announced in October that it has received a minority investment from Danone Manifesto Ventures. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Launched in 2013 initially as a HPP juice brand, Forager Project has pivoted away from the juice category to develop a portfolio of cashew-based dairy-alternative products, including milks, creamers, shakes, drinkable yogurts, yogurt cups, and sour cream. The company also makes a line of kale and spinach chips. Although the company is preparing to launch several new products in the coming months, including cashew butter and cereal, Forager Project founder and CEO Stephen Williamson told BevNET the investment will mainly be used to sustain Forager’s current growth, including expanded distribution and increased brand awareness. According to Williamson, Forager investor and board member Gary Hirshberg – the founder and former CEO of Stonyfield Farm – recommended Danone based on his own experience with the multinational, which invested in Stonyfield in 2001 before later acquiring the company. Williamson said Danone, which
also owns dairy alternative brands such as Silk and So Delicious, gives Forager access to “deep expertise” in production, distribution, sourcing, marketing and sales methods for the U.S. market. Danone Manifesto Ventures has previously invested in dairy alternative products with oat milk yogurt maker Halsa Foods and Harmless Harvest, which makes a line of coconut-based drinkable yogurts.
Peet’s Closes Coldcraft Unit to Focus on Shelf-Stable Coffee Innovations Peet’s Coffee has ceased operations of its Coldcraft direct store distribution network and discontinued its bottled cold brew line as it focuses on developing shelf-stable RTD products. Speaking with BevNET at the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) show in October, Peet’s senior director of marketing Gretchen Koch said the company closed its Coldcraft unit earlier this year. Announced in the spring of 2017, Coldcraft was a business unit that focused on cold brew coffee innovation and established a West Coast DSD network to distribute the company’s refrigerated products, including kegs
and Revive Kombucha. Koch said Peet’s business had “splintered” in trying to expand its shelfstable RTD coffee offerings while also growing its cold brew business,
leading the company to cut the latter in order to focus on becoming a “national player” through the former. At NACS, the company showcased new shelf-
stable innovation with its Peet’s Blended Coffee line of iced coffees made with cream, sugar, and single-origin Colombian beans. The line, set to launch in California in
January, features flavors including Coffee & Cream, Caramel Dulce, Chocolate Truffle and Vanilla Creme, and will retail for $2.99-$3.49 per 13.7 oz. bottle.
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BEVSCAPE Coke Energy Set for U.S. Launch in January The Coca Cola Company in October announced January 2020 as the U.S. launch date for its first energy drink, Coca Cola Energy. The line, currently available in a full and a zero calorie SKU, debuted in Hungary and Spain earlier this year and is now available in over 25 countries in Europe. Two new flavors, Cherry and Cherry Zero Calorie, will be U.S. exclusives. The entire line will contain 114 mg of caffeine per 12 oz. single-serving can, plus guarana extract and B-vitamins. Coke Energy’s U.S. debut is the longforecasted endgame to the soda giant’s dispute with Monster Energy; the Atlantabased soda giant owns a 16.7% stake in Monster and distributes the brand’s products through its network of franchised bottlers in the U.S. and Canada. The two companies split over the interpretation of terms of their 2015 distribution agreement, which prevents Coke from launching a direct competi-
tor to Monster, unless introduced under the Coca-Cola trademark. The matter was eventually settled in
favor of Coke in an arbitration hearing in July. Both companies have reaffirmed their partnership throughout the process.
Founder Asprey Steps Down as Bulletproof CEO In late September, Dave Asprey, founder of nutrition platform brand Bulletproof 360, stepped down as CEO and moved into the role of executive chairman, the company announced. He was be replaced by Sovos Brands CFO Larry Bodner. Speaking to BevNET, Asprey said he chose to step aside as CEO in order to focus on being an “evangelist” for the brand, opting to hire a new leader with extensive CPG experience as the company transitions from a primarily ecommerce platform to a broader omnichannel retail business. In this past year, the company’s cold brew coffees
and various supplement products have launched nationwide into mass and grocery chains including Walmart, Target, Sam’s Club, Costco, and Kroger. “I’m a tech entrepreneur from Silicon Valley and I know an awful lot about biology and what to eat,” Asprey
told BevNET. “I don’t have 25 years of CPG experience. So I hired someone to help me do that. My office isn’t moving. What I do on a daily basis isn’t actually changing that much because I’ve always been our head evangelist, the face of the company and the face
of the movement. I just want to be better at that and be better at leading the company.” Asprey’s decision to step down follows a wave of c-suite and leadership exits at Bulletproof throughout 2019, including president and COO Anna Collins, VP
of product management and strategy Karen Huh, director of financial planning and analysis Brian Hawkins, director of marketing Sandy Blumberg, VP of retail operations Amy Jo DiMeglio, and director of sales planning and strategy Cynthia Hamilton, among others. Asprey declined to call this wave of exits a “layoff,” noting that Bulletproof was not downsizing and had posted job openings online to fill the vacated positions. Bulletproof has raised nearly $70 million in investment over three rounds, including a $40 million series C financing round led by CAVU Ventures in August, 2018.
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Misfit Pivots from Juices to Meat To Save the Planet Misfit Foods has pivoted away from its signature juice line — and the use of imperfect produce — and into the meat counter with the launch of a new line of veggie and meat sausages. Established in 2014 by Georgetown University graduates Ann Yang and Phil Wong, Misfit was built around the concept of using “ugly” or imperfect produce as the raw ingredients in its cold-pressed juices. At first the co-founders decided to launch a food product as a second line, but ultimately decided to shutter the juice business due to complexities in that format and what they felt was a misalignment with the company’s ultimate goals and values. “What we really wanted was a product that could match the ambition of our brand and the impact that we wanted to have,” Wong said. “So we made the choice to focus all of our resources to match that ambition.” The sausages launched this fall in three varieties — Kale Citrus Chimichurri, Sweet
Potato Andouille and Squash Sweet Italian — with an MSRP of $7.99 for a 12 oz. pack. Launched on FoodKick (the on-demand arm of Fresh Direct) and in Fairway markets, the sausages are made of 50% humanely-raised, antibiotic-free, hormone-free chicken and 50% vegetables.
Although the sausages are made with vegetables, they no longer feature the imperfect produce Misfit used in their juices and sourced, in part, via its partnership with Baldor. Although Wong believes the market for imperfect produce is “out there to be had,” the issue, he told NOSH was with con-
sumers’ perception of sausages — which is largely is that they are made from lesser quality ingredients (exactly how people view imperfect fruits and vegetables). Adding in messaging about why imperfect produce was just as good as regular fruits and veggies, just “added another layer of complexity.”
VMG to go Retail with Velocity Snack Brands Launch, Acquires Popchips Leading food and beverage fund VMG is moving from investor to operator with the launch of a new corporate entity that will acquire, run, and create snack brands. Velocity Snack Brands (VSB) kicked off last month with the acquisition of salty snack brand Popchips; the company will be led by Amit Pandhi, the former CEO of frozen treat brand Arctic Zero. Terms of VMG’s acquisition of Popchips were not disclosed. Moving forward, VSB will look to acquire sweet and salty snack brands, nutrition bars, cookies and confectionary brands. In addition, VSB will launch brands of its own.
So what brands are on the target list? Wayne Wu, general partner at VMG, told NOSH that brands have to possess a voice that resonates with consumers, the ability to solve an unmet consumer need, and a clear path for VMG to help the brand scale to the next level. Founders who want to remain involved with their companies can, Pandhi said, as will team members who can contribute to unmet VSB roles. Deal sourcing will likely come through VMG team members, although VSB will have its own experts to help explore deals. After acquisition, all brands will likely have their own market-
ing teams, but will use shared resources for functions like operations, corporate finance and sales. Wu added that retail buyers will eventually be able to turn to VSB’s sales team to supply them with a variety of brands, rather than having to hold several one-onone meetings with multiple companies. If a buyer needs a specific product that doesn’t exist in the better-for-you space, VSB can also partner with them to create the brand. Anchor brands like Popchips will give VSB immediate retail distribution and access to buyers, who can then hopefully add those smaller brands as well.
Milk Bar Founder: Investment Will Help Us ‘Cannonball’ into Retail Christina Tosi, founder of the whimsical New York City-based bakery Milk Bar, attributes visiting the grocery store as a child as what “ignited her imagination” and encouraged her to pursue a career in food. So she’s going back. The award-winning pastry chef and Master Chef judge will try to inspire the next generation of chefs when she launches a line of brands based on Milk Bar into retail stores next year, helped by an investment from Sonoma Brands and the firm’s CEO and founder Jon Sebastiani. Financial details of the round, which was in October, were not disclosed. Milk Bar previously closed a round of funding in November 2017 from RSE Ventures. Speaking with NOSH, Sebastiani said Sonoma was the only institutional investor in this round. Milk Bar currently has 16 store locations and the chain also sells products on
its ecommerce website. In 2011, the brand introduced a line of premium baking mixes in high-end culinary store Williams Sonoma. When that partnership ended, Tosi then executed a test of the mixes in Target, which she said allowed the brand to reach a more mainstream shopper.
Sebastiani and Tosi plan to focus on snacking when the brand launches into retail sometime in 2020. Although exact products are still being determined, Sebastiani referenced classic cookie brands such as Oreo, Tate’s and Chips Ahoy as possible competitors.
Beam Raises $5M for Functional CBD Platform Boston-based CBD brand Beam closed a $5 million round of funding led by investment firm Obvious Ventures. Other firms and investors contributed about $1 million of the round, including cash from C2V Ventures and Camwood Capital, alongside notable angel investors such as Yasso co-founder Drew Harrington, the founders of Kitu Life and Freshly CEO Carter Comstock. Beam co-founders Kevin Moran and Matt Lombardi met while attending Boston College before both went on to careers in professional baseball and hockey, respectively. After being sidelined by career-ending injuries, the duo founded Beam in 2018. The brand had previously raised $800,000 before meeting with Obvious, which, Moran said, was looking for a CBD investment to back. Lombardi added that the capital was needed for product innovation and marketing. Beam plans to launch several new products at the end of November, one of which will be a CBD powder. All products
will combine CBD with other functional ingredients, in an effort to offer consumers more specific health benefits for different day parts and need states instead of broad functional claims. Beam uses broad spectrum CBD which the co-founders say gives the products the benefit of being more functionally effec-
tive then a CBD isolate, but without even trace amounts of THC. While the company currently sells topicals, tinctures and protein bars, the goal is to find new ways of integrating CBD into food and beverage products that the average wellness consumer is already using — and not vapes, gummies and patches, Lombardi said.
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Rhinegeist Plans to Implement ESOP in 2020 Fast-growing Cincinnati craft beer maker Rhinegeist Brewery plans to implement an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) in mid-2020 that will eventually transfer 100% ownership of the company to its employees. “It’s what always felt right,” Rhinegeist co-owner and president Bob Bonder told Brewbound. “We had an idea and catalyzed Rhinegeist into existence, but our employees built it, and molded it into what it is today.
They deserve to share in the rewards.” Bonder estimated that the full transfer of ownership to Rhinegeist’s workforce will take up to 20 years. He added that staff-wide discussions took place to ensure that the transition was employee-driven. “You’d have 10 different departments represented at each table, brainstorming ideas on how to create more opportunities for personal growth, recognition, and
cross-departmental bonding,” he said. Bonder, who co-founded the company in 2013 with Bryant Goulding, said alternatives to an ESOP, such as selling the company or taking on outside investment, typically “only serve to enrich ownership, typically at the expense of the employees and community.” “That would be both disingenuous and counter to our personal philosophy,” he said.
Odell Brewing Founders to Retire from Daily Operations in January After three decades, Odell Brewing’s founders – Wynne, Doug and Corkie Odell – will exit the brewery’s day-to-day operations starting in January 2020, as part of a planned leadership transition. The employee-owned, Fort Collins, Colorado-based craft brewery will turn to chief sales and marketing officer Eric “Smitty” Smith as its next chief executive officer. Smith, a 25-year employee of Odell, has served as co-CEO with Wynne Odell since the start of 2019, and he’ll fully take over the role in January. When the calendar turns, the Odells will no longer be involved at the operational level but will continue to serve on
the brewery’s board of directors. Speaking to Brewbound, Wynne Odell said the founders would be involved in “just the big stuff,” such as adding a winery, entering new states and spending on capital improvement projects, among other projects. “That’s intentional to keep us from diving back into operations because now we have the new team all seated and ready to have their chance at it,” she said. Odell had not publicly addressed the leadership changes until Smith announced the moves during Brewbound’s Brew Talks event in Denver this past September. The company’s employees were notified of the changes at the start of 2019.
Anheuser-Busch InBev Acquires Markstein Beverage Co.
California’s beer distribution system was shaken up once again at the end of September. Anheuser-Busch InBev announced the planned acquisition of “key assets” from Markstein Beverage Co. in San Marcos, California. The company will add those assets to its existing wholly owned distributor, Anheuser-Busch Sales of San Diego. The move comes about 15 months after Markstein, under threat of termination, was forced to sell the distribution rights to the Constellation Brands portfolio of Mexican import brands, including Corona Extra, Modelo Especial, and Pacifico, among others, in northern San Diego County to the Reyes Beverage Group. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. The transaction is expected to close upon closing requirements being met. Markstein Beverage Co. president Travis Markstein and his family have decided to focus on their Sacramento-based beer wholesaler, which was not included in the transaction, according to the release.
Legacy Breweries Acquires Aspen Brewing, Laurelwood Brewing
Six months after acquiring a majority stake in Oregon’s Ninkasi Brewing, Legacy Breweries Inc. announced the acquisition of two smaller craft breweries, Aspen Brewing in Colorado and Laurelwood Brewing in Oregon. As part of the transactions, Legacy will acquire all of Aspen’s assets, including its intellectual property, production facility and downtown Aspen brewpub. Meanwhile, Legacy will acquire all of Laurelwood’s assets, with the exception of its Portland, Oregon-based brewpub. Financial terms of the transactions were not disclosed. In April, Legacy Breweries acquired a majority stake in Ninkasi. At the time, Legacy CEO Don Bryant said the upstart firm planned to acquire two additional “Ninkasi-sized” breweries in the Midwest and on the East Coast, as well as 10 to 15 smaller craft breweries in those regions.
Fort Point Beer Company Expands Distribution Statewide in California San Francisco’s Fort Point Beer Company has signed with eight wholesalers in California, expanding the craft brewery’s distribution footprint statewide. “For six years, Fort Point has pretty much been sold in nine counties around the Bay Area with a couple of things being sold here and there outside of that,” Fort Point co-founder and CEO Justin Catalana told Brewbound. “But we just flipped the switch to sell through the rest of California.” Between May and early October, Fort Point, which self-distributes its offerings in the Bay Area, has struck several distribution deals. Those include a mix of independent, craft-centric wholesalers, as well as Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors houses.
Tea Teakoe Tea Supply Co. has announced the nationwide launch of a new line of beverages: Fizzy Tea Cans. The canned, lightly carbonated iced teas are under 30 calories with 7 grams of sugar each, and are naturally sweetened with fruit juice, herbs or raw honey. The four varieties are available at a suggested retail price of $2.49 per 12 oz. cans. For information, please contact Teakoe at (303) 658-0935. Ocean Spray Cranberries’ innovation incubator, The Lighthouse, has launched Atoka, a line of “herbalist crafted” plant-based drinks. The Atoka line of Tea Tonics, Oatmilk Elixirs and Herbal Shots will be available in four herbal blended flavors, launching at test market in the Boston area with a plan to roll out in January 2020. For more information, please contact Ocean Spray Cranberries at (800) 662-3263. The newest addition to AriZona’s lineup of 23 oz. cans is African Rooibos Red Tea, the company’s first red tea offering. African Rooibos Red Tea is naturally caffeine free, made with real sugar and has 70 calories per serving. Rooibos is available for $0.99 at local convenience stores, gas stations, bodegas, delis and wherever AriZona is sold. For more information, please contact AriZona Beverages at (800) 832-3775.
Juice Aura and Replenish are the latest cold-pressed juices from Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company. Aura, made from blood orange, strawberry puree and the Indian herb ashwagandha, is formulated to help ease anxiety and improve sleep, as well as boost and regulate the immune system. Formulated to detoxify and invigorate, Replenish is made from a blend of cucumber juice, celery juice, apple juice, lime juice with holy basil extract, aloe, jalapeno extract and sweet basil. Aura and Replenish are both available in stores and online for $99.95 per 12-pack of 10 oz. bottles. For more information, please contact Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company at (772) 465-1122. Odwalla’s newest release is Odwalla Zero Sugar. Available for $3.49 per 12 fl. oz. bottle across retailers nationwide and online, Odwalla Zero Sugar is sold in three flavors – Dark Choco-Berry, Strawberries & Cream and Vanilla 18 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
Matcha. Each Odwalla Zero Sugar product is vegan and gluten free, containing 5 g of plant protein, 2 grams of MCT oil and 110 calories or less per bottle. For more information, please contact Odwalla at (800)-ODWALLA.
CBD CBD-infused sparkling drink Feelz is formulated with 20 mg of CBD paired with adaptogens, electrolytes and antioxidants and contains zero calories. Feelz is available online in Peach Ginger, Lemon Lime and Blackberry Lavender varieties in 12 oz. slim cans for $34.99 per 6-pack. For more information, please contact Feelz at (562) 735-7578. Cannabis company Cannabiniers’ latest brand launch is Just Society, a line of CBD and THCinfused ready-to-drink iced teas. The drinks contains 50-80 calories per 12 oz. can with 25 mg of CBD or 5 mg of THC per serving. Just Society is available in five varieties: Honey Green Tea, Mint Green Tea, Raspberry Black Tea, Mango Black Tea and Lemon Black Tea. For more information, please contact Cannabiniers at (855) 436-7876, ext. 701.
Dairy/Alt-Dairy New brand OATH launched its Organic Oat Milk with Plant Protein, an oatmilk protein beverage containing 15-16 grams of protein and 6-10 grams of fiber, depending on the SKU. The product is available in four flavors: Double Chocolate, Matcha Chai, Indian Rose and Golden Turmeric. OATH Organic Oat Milks with Plant Protein are available now at select retailers. For more information, please contact OATH at
Sparkling Water Hal’s New York Seltzer Water launched a limited-edition Cola flavored seltzer water, containing zero calories, sugar, carbs, artificial flavors or colors and 118 mg of caffeine per serving. Hal’s New York Seltzer Water Cola is currently available exclusively at 7-Eleven Stores through December 2019 on Long Island and the New York Metro Area, as well as on for $34.99 per 24-pack of 20 oz. bottles. For
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NEW PRODUCTS more information, please contact Hal’s New York Seltzer Water at Sparkling Ice’s latest holiday flavor is Cranberry Frost, available in seasonal packaging at local retailers for a suggested retail price of $1.29 per 17 oz. bottle. For more information, please contact Talking Rain at (800) 734-0748 Wellness company Heywell launched its first line of ready-to-drink sparkling beverages, formulated with vitamins, adaptogens, herbs, super berries and organic caffeine. The line comes in three varieties: Energy + Immunity (Grapefruit), Energy + Focus (Strawberry Lemon) and Calm + Reset (Blackberry Ginger). Heywell drinks are available in select retailers in the Chicagoland area and for order online for $24.99 per 6-pack or $45 per 12-pack. For more information, please contact
Protein Drinks Quest Nutrition’ launched Quest Protein Shakes containing 30 grams of protein, 3-4 grams of carbs and 1 gram of sugar. Quest Protein Shakes are available in 4-packs in three flavors – Chocolate, Salted Caramel and Vanilla – at select retailers including Walmart, Target, The Vitamin Shoppe, CVS, Walgreens and QuestNutrition. com. For more information, please contact Quest Nutrition at (855) 518-7837. REBBL introduced its Mayan Cocoa Gold Label Elixir, featuring four varieties of medicinal mushrooms, alongside adaptogens maca and ashwagandha. The Gold Label Elixir is now available at Whole Foods Stores nationwide for a suggested retail price of $6.99 per 12 oz. bottle. For more information, please contact REBBL at (855) 732-2500. The latest addition to Soylent’s lineup is Mint Chocolate, made with 36 essential nutrients and 20 grams of plant protein. Mint Chocolate is available now on and Amazon for $39 per 12-pack of bottles, as well as in select stores in New York. For more information, please contact Soylent at Coconut beverage marker Harmless Harvest has launched Protein & Coconut, a new line of plant-based snack drinks made with a blend of plant proteins from pea, sunflower and pumpkin. Protein & Coconut comes in three flavors, Chocolate, Vanilla Spice and Toasted Coconut 20 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
and is available at national retailers, including Whole Foods, for a suggested retail price of $3.99 per bottle. For more information, please contact Harmless Harvest at (347) 688-6286.
Energy Drinks The latest addition to the Crunk!!! energy drink portfolio is Sour Apple, formulated with natural flavors and real cane sugar. Crunk!!! Energy is available in a 16 oz. can at select retail and convenience stores, and online in a 12-pack for $25. For more information, please contact Crunk!!! Energy at (877) 932-7865 CELSIUS expanded its product portfolio to include a branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) functional beverage intended to fuel muscle recovery. The three varieties– Orange Lemonade, Tart Cherry Lime and Tropical Twist – have initially launched in the fitness channel. For more information, please contact CELSIUS at (866) 423-5748. London-based sparkling water brand Ugly has launched Energized, a caffeine-infused line of zero-calorie flavored sparkling water. The line – available in Peach, Lemon Lime, Berry and Pink Grapefruit flavors – contains 160 mg of caffeine per 16 oz. can. The product is available direct-to-consumer through the brand’s website in 12-pack cases for $49.99 each, or $44.99 for a monthly subscription. For more information, please contact Ugly at
Functional Beverages The Plug announced the launch of its 3.4 oz. recovery shot, made with a blend of 13 herbal plants and flowers including DHM (oriental raisin tree), dandelion, chrysanthemum and honeysuckle. The supplement, containing 40 calories and no added sugar, is now available online in packs of 6 for $29, 12 for $54 and 24 for $98. For more information, please contact The Plug at
Coffee Califia Farm’s first shelf-stable beverage is Nitro Oat Milk Lattes, a line of nitrogen-infused cold brew lattes with oat milk. The product comes in four varieties: XX Espresso, Mocha, Salted Caramel and Unsweetened Black & White varieties. The line is now available on Amazon and the brand’s website in 12-packs of 7 oz. slim cans for $36 and
will be in convenience stores with a suggested retail price of $2.99 per can. For more information, please contact Califia Farms at (661) 679-1000
Spirits Craft distillery Tattersall Distilling has launched its first bottled ready-to-drink product: Old Fashioned. The bottled old fashioned is made with rye whiskey, made from 100% Minnesota-grown rye aged in charred American White Oak barrels and then blended with Tattersall Sour Cherry Liqueur, aromatic bitters, a dash of orange zest and sugar. Tattersall’s 70 proof Old Fashioned will be sold at select retailers for $34.99 per 750ml bottle. For more information, please contact Tattersall Distilling at (612) 584-4152 Kentucky’s Woodford Reserve has released Chocolate Malted Rye Bourbon, part of its fall Master’s Collection. The 90.4 proof bourbon has hints of dark chocolate and spice and is available for a suggested retail price of $129.99. For more information, please contact (859) 879-1812. BET Vodka, distilled entirely from sugar beets, has launched online and in stores in the Upper
Midwest after partnering with a sugar beet farm cooperative in Minnesota’s Red River Valley. With this release, BET Vodka is launching a new ad campaign using the slogan “Simple Neat.” The 40% ABV Vodka is available in stores and online for $41.49 per 750ml bottle. For more information, please contact BET Vodka at San Diego’s Cutwater Spirits has added its first tequila to its lineup: Cutwater Rayador Tequila Blanco, made with 100% blue Mexican agave. Cutwater Rayador Tequila Blanco is 40% ABV, 80 proof, and now available at select retailers. For more information, please contact Cutwater Spirits at (858) 672-3848. Prairie Organic has announced the newest addition to its USDA Certified Organic Spirits line, Navy Strength Gin, its first small batch collection release. With a 57% ABV, the 114-proof bold gin has citrus notes of lemon zest, floral notes of angelica root and proprietary spices with a peppery finish. Prairie Organic Navy Strength Gin will be available in 750 ml bottles with a suggested retail price of $34.99. For more information, please contact Phillips Distilling Co. at (612) 362-7500.
Put your mind in the Tropics! Subscribe to the iTi Innovation blog for recipes, infographics, and more. 21
SPOTLIGHT CATEGORY BOTTLED FRUIT DRINKS The slowdown in this category seems to parallel the slowdown in its breakout brand, BAI. Still, it’s not all bad news – with Keurig Dr Pepper owning the top three brands in the space, the shift in distribution is apparently helping Snapple pick up share. Taken together with Hawaiian Punch, KDP has about 1/3 of the category – a big advantage when it comes to setting the shelf.
Hawaiian Punch
V8 Splash
Private Label
Minute Maid
Little Hug Fruit Barrels
Kool Aid Bursts
Sunny D
Lipton Brisk
Good 2 Grow
Robinsons Fruit Shoot
Tum E Yummies
Bug Juice
CORE Organics
Motts for Tots
Energy Drinks
Bottled Juices
Bottled Water
Liquid Drink Enhancers
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/6/19
Starbucks Frappuccino
Starbucks Doubleshot
Java Monster
Coca Cola Dunkin Donuts
Starbucks Tripleshot
Private Label
Starbucks Cold Brew
Monster Caffe
Starbucks Doubleshot Light
Lipton Pure Leaf
Gold Peak
Lipton Brisk
Monster Rehab
-5.0% -3.8%
Lipton Diet
Diet Snapple
AriZona Arnold Palmer
Miller Lite
Bud Specialty
Miller High Life
Blue Moon
Sierra Nevada
Samuel Adams
New Belgium
Leinenkugel Specialty
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/6/19
Private Label
Gatorade Perform
Gatorade Frost
Glaceau Smart Water
Powerade ION4
Nestle Pure Life
G Zero
621.3% 91.6%
Poland Spring
Bodyarmor Superdrink
Glaceau Vitamin Water
Powerade Zero ION4
Deer Park
Gatorade G2 Perform
Gatorade Fierce
Red Bull
Private Label
DOLLAR SALES $576,797,490
Monster Energy
Sparkling Ice
VPX Bang
La Croix
Red Bull Sugar Free
Monster Energy Zero Ultra
163.0% 15.4%
Monster Energy Lo Carb
San Pellegrino
Monster Mega Energy
Topo Chico
Red Bull The Summer Edition
Red Bull The Blue Edition
Sparkling Ice Lemonade
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/6/19
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Roll Over, Beethoven “Classical marketing.” It was one of the first phrases I heard in the early 1990s after getting de-industrialized out of a reporting career covering subjects like manufacturing, robotics and electronics and making a mid-career transition to a marketing trade magazine, with zero expertise aside from the thousands of TV commercials I’d doubtless ingested over the years. (Also a longstanding fascination with beer extending back in time and geography to McSorley’s Old Ale House!) Immediately into my new career hobnobbing with ad copywriters, branding consultants and media strategists I started hearing that phrase: classical marketing. The gist was that there are certain basic precepts that a marketer violates only at great peril to the brand he or she is sworn to protect.
does stand out on the shelf, and yes, it is a brand, to the tune of over $1 billion in sales. (OK, it’s as low-priced as ever. Cheaper, counting inflation.) Of course, exceptions don’t necessarily prove that the rules they violate lack validity. Still, the striking success of AriZona made me wonder early on how ironclad those rules really could be. I visited the company’s Flatlands office one time and found it full of miniature airplanes and other constructs fans had made from the shards of used AriZona cans and mailed in to the brand they clearly loved. “No brand” indeed! More recently, particularly as social media has exerted a greater and greater influence on marketing, and with it the potential to go viral at minimal expenditure with your message or meme, it seems that more and more of the rules of classical marketing
It so happens that I began my new career just as two guys operating out of a scuzzy building in the Flatlands section of Brooklyn began to systematically violate those classic marketing rules with a new brand they’d created. (“Systematically” may be too strong, as I suspect they had no idea what those rules were in the first place.) They put their new iced tea in a pastel can, pooh-poohed by packaging experts as too recessive on crowded store shelves. They priced it aggressively, offering 50% more liquid at the same price as Snapple, foreclosing on any chance of ever becoming a premium brand, I was assured. The pair didn’t do much in the way of marketing, either, beyond driving inner-city bodega owners around in a rented limo in which they could use the car phone – a big novelty then – to call the family back home. (Trade marketing!) No ads? No agency? Tsk-tsk. In a few years, they’ll realize they don’t have a brand, my marketing expert friends predicted. That brand, you may have guessed, was AriZona and, yes, it
have gone out the window. “Impossible to hate,” Vita Coco has deemed its Pressed Coconut Water extension. When a widely followed online hater said he’d rather drink piss, Vita Coco jumped at the opportunity by, shall we say, putting its marketing on a urinary track? The resulting burst of buzz and relevance seems to have more than outweighed any downside to associating the brand with a revolting image, per the rules. So far, the brand hasn’t suffered any obvious urinary track infection. Or take LIFEAID Beverage. The Santa Cruz, Calif., company launched a series of functional entries with names like FitAid, FocusAid, PartyAid and GolferAid before ever getting around to releasing what it regards as its core, most mainstream brand, LifeAid, for which the company was named years before its launch. It’s still early, but the strategy seems to be working. So much for the rule about “always lead with your core brand.” Another key principle: don’t overextend your core brand,
because there’s too much downside if you erode its equity with failed offerings. In the past year or two I’ve been amazed at how rapidly that last redoubt of classical marketing has eroded. By way of perspective, I recall the ice beer craze in the 1990s, when Anheuser-Busch launched a brand delicately called Ice Draft from Budweiser. Why go with that kind of “endorsement” branding strategy instead of just calling it Bud Ice? Too risky, A-B insiders told me. What if Ice Draft fails? Or the category proves to be a fad? It would tarnish the Bud brand! As though beer drinkers didn’t regard it as a Bud brand! From the start, customers in a noisy bar simply yelled “Bud Ice.” Magnanimously, the company announced it was acceding to consumers’ preferences and renaming the product Bud Ice. Not long after, the category kind of sputtered into irrelevance (or semi-relevance as a more upscale malt liquor). The misfire didn’t seem to take Bud and Bud Light down the tubes. Or fast-forward a few years to the millennium, when A-B created an elegant champagne-style bottle so its Budweiser brand could ring in the new era in style, at a $15 register ring. Nice pack, I remember saying to A-B’s marketing chief. What are you going to put inside it? Why, Budweiser, of course, he said, with astonishment in his voice. It’s the best beer ever, so why would we put anything else inside our special pack? Clearly, even for that once-in-a-thousand-years occasion, tinkering with the core Bud liquid was inconceivable. Can we survey the landscape now? Budweiser 1933 Repeal Reserve. Bud Light Lime-A-Rita. Bud Light Platinum. Things have changed! And not just in St. Louis. Coca-Cola Life. CocaCola Energy. Diet Coke Blueberry Acai. Pepsi Wild Cherry Vanilla. Pepsi Salted Caramel. So are there any limits any more? One could argue not really, given that all kinds of other rules are being shattered these days (presidential decorum, for instance). Certainly, for fallen celebrities, there’s always redemption, if contrition is shown on the talk show circuit. (Kind of like Coca-Cola did after the abject failure of New Coke.) Or maybe pendulums swing both ways, and at some point marketers will decide they really are eroding their brands with short-lived, promiscuous extensions and marketing campaigns. Another thought: Maybe the emergence of the cannabis sector will bring this branding issue to a head (pun intended). Should maryjane, at least, be a no-go zone for some brands, especially those with a broad demo? For a while, that was the thought at Jones Soda, whose brand stewards worried that, even for a once-renegade brand, they had to carefully consider any cannabis extension so as not to alienate the moms who purchase the soda for their kids. Now that Jones is joined at the hip to a cannabis company, that seems to be less of a concern. In any case, we can always return to the classics. In this fast-moving, turbulent time in consumer brands, though, I’m suspecting that won’t be happening for a while yet. Longtime beverage-watcher Gerry Khermouch is executive editor of Beverage Business Insights, a twice-weekly e-newsletter covering the nonalcoholic beverage sector.
The largest companies in the beverage industry already trust PurCaf. So, why wait to formulate with PurCaf? 27
SOMETHING’S BREWING Innovations in format, function and flavor aim to extend kombucha category growth into the new decade By Martin Caballero In kombucha, the story of the 2010s has been about the category’s rise from a niche beverage to a mainstream product. Having achieved that milestone, the question facing the industry at the precipice of a new decade is how to ensure that growth continues. Even before turning the page to 2020, there are already reasons for some concern: According to market research group SPINS, category dollar sales have slowed even as kombucha continues to climb closer to becoming a $1 billion market. After growing 39% across all retail channels in 2017, the category expanded by just 22% over the course of 2018, including a notable drop – from 22% to 5% – in the natural channel, traditionally kombucha’s strongest retail base. Distribution gains are still happening at a brisk pace with double-digit gains across channels, but velocities have declined, with natural (-14.1%) and convenience (-10.1%) taking the biggest hits. In MULO and specialty gourmet channels, velocity was down 9.8% and 6.9% respectively. According to Bobbi Leahy, director of sales at SPINS, the combination of declining velocities and increased distribution is pushing the retailers towards the limits of their category set sizes; as such, a “reckoning” for a number of kombucha brands may soon be inevitable. Once buyers take a closer look at what flavors and formats are working at their respective stores, underperforming brands will likely face the chopping block. With that in mind, the impetus to innovate is perhaps stronger than ever. By adding functional ingredients, reducing sugar and introducing shelf-stable products, kombucha brands from across the industry are betting that moving aggressively with on-trend releases can bolster their prospects of standing out in an increasingly
D E D N U O R R U S R O V A L F R E T A W BY e flavors)
in thes (also available
nection we already have with kombucha consumers,” he said. “I don’t think people are going to slide into kombucha because of CBD, but it adds value for those who are already on board with kombucha.”
Functional Ingredients Depending on who you ask, kombucha has always been a functional drink. Like other fermented beverages, it has long been associated with supporting healthy digestion and gut function, thanks to the presence of acetic acids and probiotics. Yet, as seen in other categories, consumer interest in functional benefits and ingredients is beginning to influence how companies in the space consider building their respective brands. Within that context, energy is a natural place for kombucha to go next. Aiming to stake an early claim in functional kombucha, Brew Dr. this fall launched Uplift,
oz. cans in Q1 of 2020. CBD is enjoying a recent surge in mainstream interest after a long history of use by homeopaths and natural medicine enthusiasts. With that in mind, could kombucha be an ideal vehicle to bridge the knowledge gap with new consumers and communicate CBD’s unique benefits and uses? Some brands are hoping that’s the case. Last year, GT’s Kombucha introduced Cannabliss, a draft-only addition to its Enlightened line which contains 10 mg of CBD per 16 oz. serving. Meanwhile, a handful of small-batch brewers across the country – including Wild Kombucha, Nessalla and Booch – have all introduced CBD-infused varieties over the last year. Jeff Weaber, CEO and founder of Vermont-based Aqua ViTea, believes that kombucha has a natural advantage over other beverages when it comes to CBD.
which the company has marketed as “the first caffeinated kombucha.” Made with Yerba mate and guayusa, Uplift contains 130 mg of caffeine per 12 oz. bottle. According to Brew Dr. founder and CEO Matt Thomas, using those two naturally caffeinated botanicals fits with the company’s heritage as a tea-focused brand. “Where we have a goal for a product, or where we know we can get the best flavor from something that’s not in-line with the tea approach, we are willing to flex our expertise into new areas,” he said. Uplift also has a clear commercial objective: help Brew Dr. expand its presence in convenience stores. Thomas said the product, now available in 14 oz. glass bottles, will be introduced in 16
This year saw the brand launch two varieties of CBD-infused kombucha: Green Tea and Chaga Chai, the latter of which is brewed with chaga mushrooms. Each contain 25 mg of CBD per 16 oz. serving and is available exclusively at retailers in New England. “If you add CBD to sparkling water, you have sparkling CBD water. There’s no craft in that,” Webber said. “Is water really the stage to be building functional beverages from? Kombucha, which is already part of that health and wellness mindset, seems to me like a better place to add the functionality of CBD.” Weaber acknowledged that this approach may have its limits, as well. “I think it’s just deepening the con-
particularly those looking for a better-foryou alternative to carbonated soft drinks, with appealing low-sugar flavors adds a further wrinkle to the proposition. The question brands looking to cut sugar must answer is, simply, how and how much? Looking across the category will provide different answers. Oregon-based Humm Kombucha – which introduced two new reduced-sugar flavors, Raspberry Hops and Ginger Juniper in 2018, each containing 5 grams of sugar and 25 calories per 8 oz. serving – closed the sweetness gap by pivoting from using sweeter fruits to tart and spicy ingredients like ginger and raspberry. While those products feature callouts to “reduced sugar” on the package, other brands have also
saturated market, while also staying true to kombucha’s valued traditions. It’s a difficult line to walk, but one that may prove crucial to the category’s long-term health.
Less Sweet, More Sales Amidst all the buzz around various diets and healthy lifestyle trends today, there’s one thing that everyone can agree on: the less sugar a product has, the better. Yet for kombucha, there are clearly defined limits to how much sugar can be reduced; as an essential ingredient in the brewing process, it can’t be completely removed or substituted. As a live beverage, listed sugar content can change while products sit on the shelf, which itself has led to lawsuits targeting some of the category’s biggest brands. The challenge of bringing in new kombucha consumers,
sought to create SKUs that come in at around 5 grams of sugar per 8 oz. serving, including Health-Ade (Ginger Lemon) and Brew Dr. Kombucha (Clear Mind). Cutting sugar was also a key decision for Revive, the Northern Californiabased kombucha brand in which Peet’s Coffee is majority stakeholder. This year the company introduced a line of sparkling kombucha in cans, each with 5 grams of sugar per 12 oz. serving. More importantly, unlike Revive’s original line, the product is shelf-stable, granting it access to distribution via Keurig Dr Pepper’s ambient DSD network. Beyond simply counting grams of sugar, shelfstable kombucha presents the question: is making the move away from exclusively cold-chain products a valid way in which the category can gain new consumers, or will kombucha’s identity and authenticity be lost in the process? There’s reason to suggest that the former could be true. According to SPINS, shelf-stable functional beverages is the
positive response to the shelf-stable can format, but decided to reformulate to reduce sugar and calories earlier this year. Prior to going wide at retail in 2020, KOE reduced sugar and cut calories across the line. Having started at 80-90 calories per can, depending on the flavor, each 12 oz. can now contains 35 calories and less than 9 grams of sugar, while two new fruit-forward varieties – Lemon Lime and Strawberry Lemonade
fastest growing segment of the “Natural Refreshment Beverage” category, growing 77% ($521 million) through February 2019. In contrast, the refrigerated functional beverages category, which includes kombucha, was up just 4%, albeit with significantly larger total sales. KOE Kombucha is in the midst of discovering the answer for themselves. The Los Angeles-based brand has spent the last several years seeding and testing product in Southern California retailers. According to chief strategy officer Louisa Lawless, the brand received a
– have been added to the lineup. For consumers engaging with the category for the first time, Lawless noted, adhering to cold-chain storage and traditional flavors may simply matter less than a good tasting, reduced sugar kombucha. “Taking sugar down was one component, but really the main focus for us was fruit-forward flavors that were very appealing to the masses,” she said. That example may be telling; for all the discussion and noise around ideas of authenticity in kombucha by those who make it, the attributes with which
Private Label
Gold Peak
0.4% 20.9%
GTs Kombucha Synergy
Red Diamond
Turkey Hill
Lipton Pure Leaf
Health Ade
GTs Synergy
Turkey Hill Natures Accents
GTs Organic Raw Kombucha
Swiss Premium
Brew Dr Kombucha
Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein H.H.
Bolthouse Farms Perfectly Protein
GTs Enlightened Kombucha
POM Super Tea
SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/6/19
consumers connect the strongest – be it convenience, functionality, sugar or something else entirely – will ultimately exert the strongest influence on the category’s future. Those customers will help determine how innovation and identity will co-exist, and, according to Jeff Weaber, it’s up to brands to be ready for the results. “For me, the whole reason for starting the company was to help replace soda,” he said. “Whatever different formats you can put out there, as long as its accomplishing that mission of giving people a better-foryou beverage, I’m fine with it.”
Revive Kombucha is currently rolling out its new shelf-stable kombucha, Revive Sparkling Kombucha, across Northern California. Wonder Drink is adding a new line of kombucha, Prebiotic Plus. Available in three functional flavors – Prickly Pear Cascara for Focus, Turmeric Ginger for Radiance, and Salted Watermelon for Hydration – Prebiotic Plus contains ingredients like ashwagandha, cascara, sea buckthorn and biotin, as well as electrolytes and vitamins. Each Prebiotic Plus comes in a 12 oz. can, contains only 8-9 grams of sugar (depending on the SKU), is certified organic, guaranteed non-alcoholic, non-GMO, vegan and gluten free. Greenbelt Craft Kombucha is now accepted by KeHe and other national reaching 3PLs to deliver its kombucha nationwide. Two new flavors – blueberry acai, which uses Texas yaupon tea, and pineapple ginger turmeric kombucha, made with premium oolong tea – will be launching soon. The brand also plans to launch at a major national big box retailer in December. NessAlla Kombucha launched a line of CBDinfused kombucha in three varieties: Butterfly Effect, Magic Matcha and J-Hops, each containing 30 mg of CBD per 16 oz. bottle. Fine Health Kombucha. The newest addition to Fine Health Kombucha’s portfolio is Cherry Rose, featuring flavor notes of pink rose petals and dark cherries. The brand has also updated its logo and is now on tap in a pre-mixed cocktail at Asbury Park Distillery in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Ferm Fatale has announced the launch of Shrub-Bucha, a shelf-stable probiotic mocktail, in Margarita and Cosmopolitan varieties. The line will first launch to the Los Angeles market, with a hard launch to come in January. Buchi has revealed a new global visual identity, including new bottle artwork, new logo and redesigned packaging for its flagship kombucha line, as well as its kefir soda and shrub soda extensions. Updated to reflect the brand’s distinct narrative and aesthetic – an invitation to look inward, and expand outward – the new bottles hit shelves this summer. Better Booch. Los Angeles’ Better Booch is now available nationally for the first time on 34 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
Amazon in seven vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free flavors such as Ginger Boost, Cherry Retreat and Citrus Sunrise. A 12-pack mixed case is now available for $47.99. Kombucha Town is now participating in 1% for the Planet, and is using Fair Trade ingredients across its entire kombucha portfolio. The brand’s new packaging will hit store shelves in early 2020. House Kombucha opened a kombucha taproom and cafe in Berkeley, California in October. The brand also has a new flavor, Hemp Peach, containing a blend of white tea, peach and ginger along with hemp seed oil. Kulture Club. Retailers on and off the island of Martha’s Vineyard can now reserve kegs in advance of Kulture Club limited releases or any of the brand’s standard fruit and herb combinations for refill stations or on-tap service at bars or restaurants. Wild Kombucha recently entered 60 new Whole Food Stores and 150 Giant Foods stores across the Mid-Atlantic. Wild Kombucha is now expanding its footprint to include New Jersey, Kentucky and Ohio. This expanded distribution follows a move to a new brewery in Northwest Baltimore and release of the new flavor UpBeet. Wild Tonic has introduced its 5.6% ABV Hard Jun Kombucha in 12 oz. slim cans. Blue Ridge Bucha’s five ready-to-drink SKUs are now available in colorful new packaging along with a variety of flavors in kegs. They are now available throughout the entire MidAtlantic region via Rainforest Distribution. Brooklyn Boocha. In October, Brooklyn Boocha partnered with Baked Bazaar to ship its hemp-infused kombucha across all 50 states. The brand also plans to launch a non-infused kombucha line, available on its website in early 2020. GT’s Living Foods. To celebrate its 25th anniversary, GT’s Living Foods is launching a new kombucha called Sacred Life in 2020. This limited edition kombucha, made of GT’s organic and raw kombucha, young coconut water, fresh pressed ginger juice and blue spirulina, will be accompanied by
BRAND NEWS a year-long campaign diving into the history of living foods, GT Dave’s journey and a celebration of what makes life sacred. GT’s Living Foods will also launch Golden Pineapple, a citrusy, herbal offering that combines GT’s organic and raw kombucha with sweet pineapple, tart lemon, and a hint of sage, nationwide in January 2020. Boochcraft’s latest release is Spiced Pear, a limited fall release with 7% ABV, available through November 30. Its winter seasonal release is Turmeric Tangerine Ginger, featuring fresh turmeric and ginger juice sweet tangerines. The 7% ABV kombucha will be available mid-December through March. Rowdy Mermaid. Boulder, Colorado’s Rowdy Mermaid Kombucha recently announced national availability of its new canned kombucha. The company has also expanded to a new 29,000 square foot facility in Boulder to support rapid growth throughout the Central and Western United States at more than 1,000 retail stores, including Whole Foods, Walmart, Natural Grocers and King Soopers. The brand has also cut down its recipe’s sugar content by 25%. Humm Kombucha. Five Humm Kombucha flavors are now available in 12 oz. cans: Pomegranate Lemonade, Blueberry Mint, Coconut Lime, Hopped Grapefruit and Mango Passionfruit. The brand reformulated its 5G line and its Ginger and Raspberry varieties now have only 5 grams of sugar per bottle. The brand has announced four new 14 oz. bottle flavors: Pineapple Turmeric, Blackberry, Ginger Joy, and Cucumber Lime Mint. Urban Farm Fermentory has released its seasonal Elderberry kombucha again in 16 oz. bottles, in its home state of Maine as well as Massachusetts and greater New York City. Brew Dr. Kombucha recently launched Uplift, its first-ever naturally caffeinated kombucha, containing 130 mg of clean caffeine per 14 oz. bottle. It also launched a Ginger Trio, three ginger-centric flavors including Ginger Turmeric, Ginger Lemon, and coming in January 2020, Wildberry Ginger. Its new Island Mango flavor will also hit shelves in early 2020. Health-Ade’s latest launch is Grape Vibes, made from its signature original kombucha with cold-pressed organic California grapes and packaged in the brand’s new look in36 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
formed by brighter colors and neon. Grape Vibes is available nationally at a suggested retail price of $3.25 per 16 oz. bottle. KÖE Kombucha has added two new flavors to its product line and introduced a new lower calorie and lower sugar formula, available in Strawberry Lemonade and Lemon Lime with 35 calories and 8 g sugar per 12 oz. can. The brand also revamped its product labels to reflect its latest better-for-you recipe, featuring a “packed with probiotics” color band, a “35 calories per can” badge, and the official non-GMO Project Verified logo. Huney Jun launched three SKUs in 2019, including two hemp flavors: Blueberry Ginger Chaga, Hemp Jasmine Rose Ashwagandha and Hemp Watermelon Mint Moringa. Its hemp varieties now contain 25 mg of hemp. The brand signed with five DSD Distributors. Huney Jun also signed with UNFI, and will be stocked at UNFI Ridgefield and Auburn warehouses in 2020. The brand expanded distribution in Oregon and has Safeway DSD authorization its entirel line and Walmart DSD at two locations. Unity Vibration. Hard kombucha brand Unity Vibration has completed a complete rebrand for first time in eight years with a new release of 12 oz. cans and 16 oz tea. It has also signed with FullClip Distributing for distribution in the state of Texas. Aqua ViTea. Vermont kombucha brewer Aqua ViTea launched AfterGlow, a new organic hard kombucha with 5% ABV available in three varieties: Citrus Rush, Ginger Blue and Hops & Dreams. The brand has also introduced Pineapple Lemonade Kombucha, an organic flavor now available on tap and in bottles by the end of the year, currently sold in 25 states. The Bu Kombucha has updated its packaging to a cleaner, sleeker design that highlights its involvement with 1% For The Planet. This is a small adjustment to the complete rebrand that took place in early 2018. Flying Embers. Hard kombucha Flying Embers is donating 1% of its sales to first responders and firefighters of the massive wildfire that threatened its home and brewery in Ojai, California. The brand is also expanding its line with a Pineapple Chili at 6.8% ABV and Black Cherry at 7.2% ABV.
In the battle for the refrigerated set, no one wants to be put out to pasture. BY BRAD AVERY
This past April, The Fresh Market undertook a total restructuring of its beverage set. Unlike standard category reviews, the natural grocer declared that “no one” was safe as it sought to reverse declining sales. More than half a year later, the retailer is looking at another category reinvention: the dairy set will no longer be called “Dairy.” Instead, The Fresh Market will now call the coolers where the cow’s milk lives “Refrigerated Grocery.” “It’s really not dairy anymore,” said director of grocery Dwight Richmond. “It’s still 50% or greater cow-based dairy, but we’re looking at it in a little different light because we’re now getting our refrigerated groceries from multiple sources, not just a cow or animal protein.” The Fresh Market’s approach may lie outside traditional naming conventions, but there is justification for the transition. According to market research firm SPINS, sales of refrigerated milk in the natural, specialty and conventional multi outlet (MULO) channels declined 0.8% to $12.6 billion in the 52-week period ending October 6 – a loss of $106.2 million. Meanwhile, refrigerated plant-based milk alternatives grew 6% in the same period to $1.8 billion for an increase of $99.9 million. Even with inverse growth patterns, plant-based milks still account for only a fraction of the traditional dairy market. But with eyes on the future, many retailers are following the direction of the data and have begun allocating significant shelf space to plant-based offerings. In the case of natural channel retailers like The Fresh Market, plant-based can now encompass close to half of the cold case, but even conventional grocery is increasing the space it allots to almond, oat, and other vegan alternatives in fluid milk as well as other categories such as yogurt, cheese and butter. Greg Steltenpohl, founder and CEO of plant-based milk brand Califia Farms, told BevNET that he believes retailers are right to make the change now as the cohort of “Next Gen Shoppers” – defined as shoppers under 40 – are poised to become the majority of the working population within the next four years. According to Califia’s own internal data, Steltenpohl said that the Next Gen shopper currently spends about $143 annually on
plant-based products, up from $100 for the older consumer. “That’s why we have to pace [shelf] allocation, which can take two years to accomplish,” he said. “These conversations have to happen in a heavy way now.” Even as the dairy industry continues to lobby for legislation to address the growth of plant-based products – the Dairy Pride Act, which would formally prohibit plant-based products from using terms such as “milk” and “cheese,” is still working its way through the U.S. Congress – the sea change in retail is happening. Dairy producers themselves have begun embracing plant-based; Dean Foods took a stake in flax milk brand Good Karma, Hood has released an oat milk, and even some farmers are changing course as plant-based products maker Miyoko’s Creamery announced in November it is working with California dairy farmers to convert their facilities to plant agriculture. While dairy will remain on top for the foreseeable future, the cold case is changing today. Dairy industry leaders, however, may be more prepared for that change than anticipated. DAIRY TURNS INNOVATIVE According to data from trade association Dairy Management Inc. (DMI), low fat milks have seen large double digit declines in the past five years. Between 2014 and 2018, 2% milk fell 25.4% to $4.7 billion, 1% milk fell 24.8% to $2.4 billion and skim milk lost nearly half of its sales, dropping 47.4% to $1.1 billion (a $1 billion loss). At a glance, these numbers might suggest that the situation for the dairy industry is dire. But speaking with BevNET, DMI EVP of global innovation partnerships Paul Ziemnisky said that the decline has been mainly isolated to low fat products. In the same period – as consumers attitude towards fat has improved – whole milk grew dollar sales 1% to $5.5 billion with volume growth of 15.3%, maintaining its status as one of the highest velocity items in the grocery store. Ziemnisky joined DMI in 2015 when the association created a new unit to find ways of driving innovation in the industry. Drawing from past experience as a senior brand manager at Kraft Foods,
one goal for Ziemnisky is to get dairy makers to take entrepreneurial approaches to the food and beverage business. “We relied on the white gallon to carry everything for 40 years,” Ziemnisky said. “Our team formed four years ago. Phase one was to get brands in the category to act like brands. My team comes from big CPG companies, and a lot of the big CPG approach was missing in fluid dairy. The category didn’t have that much emphasis on marketing and innovation.” While whole milk’s improvements have provided a multi-million dollar silver lining to a traditional dairy industry under pressure, it has been innovative “value
coolers, giving it a presence throughout the grocery store. Today, the rest of the industry is now following suit and embracing innovation. In August, Borden Dairy announced Kid Builder, a line of flavored milks fortified with nutrients to benefit young children, and this fall Horizon Organic released Growing Years, an organic whole milk targeted at kids under 5. In March, Darigold released FIT, a high-protein, low sugar, lactose free milk. In recent years, organic and grassfed milks made by brands such as Organic Valley and Maple Hill Creamery have helped drive traditional dairy milk growth,
add” milks that have seen the most explosive growth. Ultrafiltered milk maker Fairlife and its various product lines including Core Power and YUP saw 908% dollar sales growth to $457 million. Founded in 2012 through a partnership between The Coca-Cola Company and Select Milk Producers, Fairlife launched in 2014 with premium milk products containing less sugar, more protein and functional nutrients such as omega-3. Now, the brand’s entrepreneurial approach to innovation and go-to-market strategy is providing a model for the dairy industry to maintain its dominance. “Fairlife came in with strong velocities, although to a retailer it’s still only moving at a third of the velocity of conventional milk,” Ziemnisky said. “[It’s difficult] trying to benchmark new products against milk, where there’s nothing else as strong as it, but Fairlife is now in close to 700 million households and selling at almost three times the price per gallon of conventional milk.” While functionality and premiumization has been a key driver to Fairlife’s growth, the brand has also benefited through format innovation, he said. The brand is able to sell its gallon jugs in the cold case, but has also succeeded in grab-and-go
while brands like Australian import The a2 Milk Company – which removes the a1 protein from cow’s milk while maintaining lactose – has gained traction in the natural channel. As well, there are opportunities for trending functional ingredients to bring in new consumers. Brands like Picnik have released dairy-based creamers featuring collagen and MCT oil, while companies such as Bulletproof have popularized butter coffee. Meenakshi Trehan, VP of brand marketing and innovation for Organic Valley, told BevNET that her company has focused on disruption and category expansion through innovation. Organic Valley, she said, has seen significant growth in the natural channel over the past several years and is now looking to expand its footprint in conventional. “It comes back to messaging on-shelf,” Trehan said. “It’s not just about mass communication, but how you make sure when consumers are actually choosing products on shelf that you stand out.” Dwight Richmond, who prior to The Fresh Market has held category management positions at Earth Fare and Whole Foods, noted that milk sales tend to “ebb and flow over the course of every year.” In The Fresh Market, he noted that whole
milk sales have diminished of late in favor of grassfed and other premium products. “The consumers drive the preferences,” Richmond said. “Recently it was all about whole milks, and now the whole milk customer has evolved into the better attribute milk consumer. But commodity milks behave very differently to the industry because [what traits are popular] really does change year to year.” In November, the California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) partnered with Silicon Valley-based innovation consultancy VentureFuel to create The Real California Milk Accelerator, a competition intended to promote innovative dairy brands. The first winner of the accelerator was Bears Nutrition, a line of milk-based nutritional shakes made with protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega 3’s packaged in 8 oz cans. “Marketing per se isn’t going to solve [dairy’s decline],” said CMAB CEO John Talbot. “We have to have new products, we have to have new ideas in there.” But reinventing the dairy set in retail takes more effort than simply rolling out innovations. According to Ziemnisky, DMI has worked “hand-in-hand” with education group MilkPEP to teach dairy brands traditional category management principles and marketing strategies – including tools and software, space optimizations, and consumer insights. “Rather than taking a defensive approach, we just flipped the switch on an offensive approach,” he said. “We’re educating the industry – everybody from the farmers to our retailers to consumers – about the facts.” SPACE IS THE PLACE As more products flood the market, shelf space more or less remains the same. DMI has worked with retailers to explore new placement opportunities (Ziemnisky points to Kroger as an example, noting the retailer places “c-store style” graband-go sections at the front of their stores for dairy snacks) but expansion space remains limited. Talbot noted that the rise of niche product lines, including the rise of plant-based milks, has led to out of stock issues for core dairy products in some retailers. “The proliferation of all these new products has just jammed doors,” he said. “So a major challenge for us has been trying to manage the space that we believe is deserved for these kinds of products.
But because they’re cold and that space is limited in supermarkets it makes it that much more challenging.” But although the dairy industry has put considerable energy into pushing back against plant-based alternatives, the two categories have come to form a codependent relationship in retail. According to Greg Steltenpohl, a majority of households buy both dairy and dairy alternative products, a result of generational shifts (millennials and Gen Zers living with their parents influence purchasing decisions), different dietary restrictions, and growing concern about sustainability and climate change. Mooala founder and CEO Jeff Richards told BevNET that as many as 70% of his consumers also buy dairy products. Some dairy producers are even finding ways to combine the best of both worlds: Live Real Farms has embraced cross-category innovation with its Blend line, combining dairy with almond milk to provide the nutrition profile of cow’s milk with the flavor of plant-based alternatives. Ziemnisky and Talbot both noted that although it might appear obvious that plantbased milks are stealing sales from cow’s milk, it is not the leading cause of the sales bleed. Instead, over 60% of the category loss came from bottled water, Ziemnisky said. Talbot put the loss at a more conservative 54%, but attributed the decline in milk consumption as a beverage to water’s portability and convenience factor. “Bottled water took off like crazy in the 90’s and today it is pretty much everywhere,” Talbot said. “Milk, you typically want it cold, and it doesn’t often times come in those single serve packages, so availability is an issue from that standpoint. But water is everywhere and it’s taking volume from a lot of these other categories as well.” PLANT MILKS STAKE THEIR CLAIM According to SPINS, almond milk accounted for $1 billion in dollar sales for the 52-week period ending October 6, rising 7.9%. Oat milk holds just a 2.7% share of the plant-based milk category’s dollar volume, but its growth has been nothing if not robust: In the past year oat-based drinks have grown 2094.9%, up from just $2.2 million in 2018 to more than $48 million. The popularity of oat milk, sparked by the U.S. launch of Swedish brand Oatly in 2017, began in the on premise restaurant
and cafe channel RFG ALMOND MILK but has since broBRAND DOLLAR SALES CHANGE vs. YEAR EARLIER ken out into the Blue Diamond Almond Breeze $504,219,313 6.9% retail space. Mike Silk $433,977,545 3.8% Messersmith, U.S. Private Label $232,369,054 17.4% general manager Califia Farms $85,280,432 11.0% of Oatly, told BevHiland $3,927,458 -12.3% NET that despite All Mooala Brands LLC $1,384,002 35.7% the roughly $10 Other Smith Dairy Prods $963,330 6.2% billion lead tradiAll MALK Organics $753,732 0.4% tional dairy has over plant-based, All New Barn $659,575 -42.3% hard data is what’s All Three Foods Inc. $341,887 79.8% driving retailers’ All Pop & Bottle Inc. $267,383 -12.4% decision to bring Smiths $194,327 0.3% in more alternative All Generous Provisions $156,341 N/A products. Anderson Erickson $108,889 584.2% “The space All Beber $98,833 17.2% allocation for plantAll Sunopta Grains & Foods Inc. $61,293 N/A based today may All Live Real Farms $53,472 N/A be disproportionate All Dakin Dairy Farms Inc. $14,268 N/A to the percentage Dream $12,047 -49.6% of the overall catOther Rockview Dairies Inc. $1,561 -81.0% egory split, but the retailers that we’re SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/6/19 seeing take leadership positions and separate the two categories, which led to a making bets for the future are the ones rapid decline in plant-based sales. that are balancing those traditional staples “The number of people who shop off a with products like Oatly,” Messersmith list is still the minority,” Steltenpohl said. said. “They see it as being able to deliver something new and incremental with rising “So merchandising counts, and standing growth and able to bring in new customers. out on the shelf as a clear choice is absolutely critical for this category to get the There’s always that balance retailers are momentum across the board in [multiple trying to strike of ‘current versus future,’ channels] like it has with retailers like but they’re doing it using data and market Whole Foods or Target.” trends and qualitative insights from their Expanding plant-based milk’s shelf space shoppers in a way that’s guiding that deciis also not a simple process, as the mechansion, more so than ever before.” ics of stocking can sometimes mean giving For Oatly, success in the fluid milk up an entire dairy door. Steltenpohl noted section has also opened doors to spread that one headwind Califia has faced is that across the store. Earlier this year, the for decades, many conventional grocers brand released oat-based ice cream alterhave utilized roll-on racks that come prenatives. According to Messersmith, the stocked with dairy products right off of the line has allowed Oatly to meet consumers in multiple locations but has required very truck, meaning that developing a partial door requires senior level decision making little education as the brand association is on the retailer’s part. intuitive for most consumers. But ultimately what the consumer According to Greg Steltenpohl, stratewants, retailers will supply. gic placement and merchandising in retail “On the macro, the space hasn’t rehas been pivotal to the rise of plant-based ally changed a whole lot; The horsepower dairy alternatives. Citing Califia Farms’ within it and how it performs has changed,” internal data, Steltenpohl said there is Dwight Richmond said. “I wouldn’t say a 2x multiple in sales velocity for plantwe’ve gone out of our way to dedicate more based products when they’re shelved space to plant-based, but what we’re doing together with dairy products. He noted is using the same space more efficiently bethat in the past, some retailers – includcause consumers are dictating the change.” ing Whole Foods – have attempted to
Uproot is launching oat milk, vanilla soy milk and chocolate pea milk in bulk packages designed for food service. The soy and chocolate varieties contain 8 grams of protein and are packaged in 2.5 gallon bags. The company’s products will be carried by multiple distributors in the Northeast, launching in university dining then expanding to coffee shops and convenience stores. Three Trees Organic unveiled a new look early this year, in conjunction with two new SKUs: Pistachio milk and Black Sesame milk. New retailer partners for the brand include The Fresh Market, Earth Fare and four Whole Foods regions – Northeast, North Atlantic, Southwest and SoPac. Milkadamia’s new unsweetened creamers launched in November. The brand’s full line of milks and creamers also made its debut in London this fall and its unsweetened milk is now available in all Costco locations in Colorado. Hälsa. Drinkable yogurt brand Hälsa launched its 5.3 oz. spoonable yogurts available in four flavors: Plain, Strawberry, Blueberry and Mango. The brand’s drinkable yogurts are now available at New York City area airports, Wegmans, ShopRite and Fresh Direct. The spoonable yogurts will expand into Fairway Market in New York City in December. Nutty Life has added 32 oz. oatmilk (unsweetened and date sweetened) along with 12 oz. cashew shakes to its lineup. The cashew shakes are available in vanilla, chocolate, coffee and a rotating seasonal flavor. The seasonal flavor, Pumpkin, with chai variety will launch on December 1.
OWYN has gained new distribution authorizations for an early 2020 reset including Albertsons/Safeway NorCal and SoCal, Fresh Market and select coolers in Target and CVS across the U.S. Shamrock Farms launched Rockin’ Protein Plus combining 20 grams of protein along with superfruits and milk, with no added sugar. Rockin’ Protein Plus offers functional health benefits, such as anti-inflammation and antioxidants, and is available in two flavors: Cherry Crème and Blueberry Pomegranate. SUPERFRAU, an all-natural, Alpine-inspired hydration drink made from upcycled fresh whey, introduced its beverage in three flavors – Lemon Elderflower, Peach Mango and Cucumber Lime – to Boston this summer. The brand is currently collaborating with Ocean Spray’s Innovation Team to add another variety to the lineup using cranberries, to be released in the coming months. Lifeway. Shipping this December, Kefir Minis are the newest extension of Lifeway’s line of kefir products. Kefir Minis will be offered in 3.5 oz. bottles in flavors such as Campfire S’mores and Unicorn Cake. Lifeway also launched Plantiful, an organic, vegan-friendly beverage with 10 g of pea protein per serving and 10 live and active cultures. Plantiful comes in four flavors free from dairy, gluten and soy. New Plantiful Kids is an extension of the adult line, available in flavors such as pineapple mango and mixed berry. Modeled after Lifeway’s ProBugs kefir for kids, Plantiful Kids comes in a soft squeeze pouch and features a no-spill spout.
Modest Mylk, a premium line of organic nut mylk bases, launched this summer on Thrive Market. Due to strong sales of the original four flavors, Thrive recently launched its fifth SKU, Vanilla Nut.
Hiland Dairy has introduced a line-up of new fruit and probiotic smoothies in seven flavors. The drinkable yogurt is packaged in a sleek 7 oz. bottle. The smoothie is available in five traditional flavors, strawberrybanana, peach, pina colada, strawberry, and mango, and two contemporary flavors, guanabana and pecan cereal.
Stonyfield launched its Dairy Free Smoothie Pouch, made with coconut cream, in Tropical Twist, Berry Cherry Blast and Strawbana Smash flavors. The new on-the-go pouches contain half a serving of fruit, no added sugar and no preservatives.
Ripple’s new Superfood Milks are available in a 32 oz. bottle in flavors Matcha, Turmeric, and Acai. The plant-based Superfood Milks combine the clean plant protein of Ripple Milk with the added functional benefit of superfood ingredients. Ripple Superfood
Milks are 100% vegan, and free from lactose, soy, nuts and gluten. The line is available exclusively in Target stores through 2019, with additional retail expansion to come in 2020. MALK Organics has debuted its almond and cashew flavors in Canada in over 400 stores, including Whole Foods Market. Cocoa Metro has updated its Belgian dark chocolate milk packaging along with the quality of printing to better communicate the premium chocolate position of the brand. Sold nationally in natural channels like Whole Foods Market, Cocoa Metro has further expanded its distribution, its Belgian chocolate milk hitting shelves at several Kroger banners as well as Tom Thumb and Randalls in Texas. Goodmylk. Plant milk brand Goodmylk Co’s frozen concentrates are now being used in lattes at many cafes in Los Angeles and New York, such as Verve Coffee, Blue Bottle, La Colombe and Intelligentsia. The brand is now available at all Erewhon locations as well as for purchase online.
Maple Hill Creamery has launched a shelfstable, single-serve milk box available in whole milk and chocolate milk. The recyclable packaging includes a leak-proof and resealable cap, designed to eliminate mess and waste, available in single packages or as a 4-pack. Oatly launched a version of its oatmilk in stores nationwide this summer with a higher fat content than its original product. The fullfat oatmilk is the first of its products to have plant-based DHA Omega3. New Barn Organics. In making the transition to Evergreen Plant Carton packaging, New Barn Organics has reduced the plastic in its beverage supply chain by at least 80%. The brand is now shipping most of its perishable and frozen products directto-consumer via its website, with plans to launch additional items exclusively online in Q1 and Q2 2020. The brand’s newest offering, Organic Chocolate Almond Milk, is currently available nationwide on its website and at in storesWhole Foods Market SoPac.
Although Leading National Cider Brand Sales Decline, Smaller Producers Find Growth By Jessica Infante
National numbers foretell another decline for the cider category. In the past six months, hard cider dollar sales have declined 6.1% in major national off-premise retailers tracked by market research firm Nielsen. Over the past nine months, the segment’s retail sales declined $11 million, to $491 million. Scan data shows that 2019 hasn’t been a good year for the category’s largest players, with off-premise sales declines for Boston Beer Company’s Angry Orchard, Anheuser-Busch InBev’s Stella Artois Cidre and MillerCoors’ Crispin, according to market research firm IRI. Year-to-date volume sales of the top-selling cider brand in the U.S., Angry Orchard Crisp Apple, are down 3%, to more than 3 million cases, a decline of 93,000 cases. After a strong launch in 2018, Angry Orchard’s top innovation brand, Rosé, is down 14.6%, to 810,444 cases. During Boston Beer’s third-quarter 2019 earnings call in October, CEO Dave Burwick said the company is not expecting a return to growth for Angry Orchard in 2020, although the company plans to launch new innovations and marketing campaigns. The orchard might be angry, but it’s quite patient. “We don’t want to put too much pressure on that brand next year,” Burwick said. “To be honest, we have a lot of different pathways to growth next year. Angry Orchard doesn’t have to be one of them.” Meanwhile, volume sales of MillerCoors’ top-selling Crispin cider brands are each down double digits year-to-date. Crispin Rosé Hard Cider and Original Hard Cider declined 26% and 49.3%, respectively. MillerCoors acquired the Crispin brand in 2012 and launched Smith and Forge, another cider brand targeted to male drinkers in 2014. Smith and Forge volumes are down 53.2% year-to-date. As for A-B’s Stella Artois Cidre, volume sales are down nearly 19%. One bright spot in A-B’s cider portfolio is Virtue Cider, a cidery in Fennville, Michigan that the world’s largest beer manufacturer acquired in 2017. Available in just 14 states, many of Virtue’s SKUs posted positive numbers, albeit off small bases.
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Although national trends for the largest cider producers are in the red, many smaller regional and local cider producers are growing. These producers’ sales data often are overshadowed in scan data due to the size of the category’s largest players. Angry Orchard’s volume trends dictate whether the overall category shows growth or contraction. “Those brands are hurting,” U.S. Association of Cider Makers executive director Michelle McGrath told BevNet Magazine. “The success of the Angry Orchard Rosé had them growing temporarily, but the rosé trend has passed on from Angry Orchard to regional brands and we’re probably, I’m guessing, looking at a little wave, because a couple quarters ago national brands were up and that was due to not only Angry Orchard Rosé but Crispin Rosé.” Nevertheless, McGrath said local and regional brands have grown considerably over the past seven years, increasing their volume share from 8% in 2012 to 34% this year. Although national brands’ rosé styles suffered a sophomore slump, McGrath said the association’s local and regional
members have found success with the style, which was up about 200% last quarter. “It’ll be interesting to see if that sticks around for the regional brands,” she said. National Beer Wholesalers Association chief economist Lester Jones agreed that local producers are on the rise. “For every national larger, companyowned brand that’s down, there’s a corresponding regional or local cidery that’s up,” he said. Due to large retailers such as Walmart and Kroger only doing shelf resets a few times throughout the year, it can take a while for smaller producers to gain the attention of category buyers, Jones added. “It's a little bit of a lag here for the market to respond to the whims of the retailers who are deciding what's going to stay on the shelves and what's not, and what it's going to get replaced with,” he said. Fall Apples The NBWA publishes the Beer Purchasers’ Index, a monthly pulse check that asks buyers if they have ordered more of less of a particular category than they
did the month before. The Beer Purchasers’ Index shows steady declines in cider purchasing from December 2018 until increasing in October 2019. Jones said this shows the seasonal ebb and flow in the category at the national level. “We're pretty much getting to the point where people are going to recognize hard ciders as a third and fourth quarter play,” he said. Cider’s seasonality rings true for regional cider makers such as Castle Hill Cider in Keswick, Virginia, although those trends are “less pronounced” than a few years ago, cidermaker Stuart Madany said. “Q3 is when some people who don’t think about cider the rest of the year [start to] think about it,” he said. “But at the same time I think awareness for cider – regional cider – is just on the rise.” The Castle Hill brand sits firmly in what Madany called the “orchard-driven” segment of the market, welcoming guests to its orchard and tasting room on an 18th-century estate near Charlottesville, Virginia. Castle Hill sells about 3,000 cases annually, offering ciders mostly in
the 6-8% alcohol by volume range in 750 mL bottles, as well as ports at 18% ABV in 500 mL bottles, Madany said. Earlier this year, Castle Hill spun off the Big Pippin brand, which offers three flavors – Prickly Pear and Orange Blossom, Elder Cherry Rosé, and Ginger – at 6.7% ABV in 16 oz. cans. Madany said the company’s goal is to distribute the Big Pippin brand more widely than Castle Hill. This bifurcation of brands fills a need Jones sees in the U.S. cider market, which is far smaller than its counterpart in the United Kingdom. According to Jones, there are more ciders across a wider price spectrum. Here, “it’s all about the high end,” he said. “You can’t just have everyone driving around in Mercedes-Benzes and Porsches,” Jones added. “Some people have got to drive the Ford Focus.” In California, 7-year-old Golden State Cider’s business has doubled each year since 2016, CEO Chris Lacey said. Golden State splits its offerings into different product lines under the same brand. Core ciders, which are available year-round, range from 5.8-6.9% ABV and come in a variety of packages that promote trial. The cidery’s Harvest Series
and California Farm series are only available for a limited time after the harvest and come in fewer packages varieties. “Especially with cider, there's so much of an education element that's missing and that we spend a lot of our time focusing on,” Lacey said. “The 19.2 [oz. can] offers a great entry point for people into the category.”
Angry Orchard
Bold Rock
Stella Artois Cidre
2 Towns
Austin Eastciders
Citizen Cider
19.0% 39.3%
Downeast Cider
Smith and Forge
Incline Cider
Schilling Cider
Golden State Cider
Consumer Blackes $3,132,857 38.6% Education Square Mile Cider Co. $2,317,518 -13.8% To educate conAtlas Cider $2,295,601 -17.5% sumers on the category, Golden SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/6/19 State’s head cider maker Tim GodGodfrey was among the first in the country frey has worked closely with the U.S. Asto achieve the status of Certified Pommelisociation of Cider Makers on the Certified er, the CCP program’s second level, which Cider Professional Program, Lacey said. the association introduced earlier this year. On the East Coast, the Castle Hill staff uses Virginia Cider Week – during the third week of each November – to promote the cider category. “Virginia Cider Week is a big deal and we get out more and do more tastings and talks and dinners,” Madany said. Continuing these consumer education efforts will be key to cider’s long-term success for the often misunderstood category, McGrath added. At retail, hard cider is often placed with or near beer, even though it’s more closely related to wine. Consumers often believe cider to be sweet and sugary, when many offerings run the gamut from dry to semi-sweet to sweet. Part of the solution, she said, is the Certified Cider Professional program, the first level of which aims to educate employees who are new to the cider industry. “It’s really designed to help those folks get up to speed so that when they are talking to customers about cider they can do it from an educated platform,” McGrath said. “Hopefully, that will create a spark of enthusiasm in the conversation and allow the consumer to connect more with the beverage that they’re about to enjoy.”
Natural Products Expo East 2019 The Natural Products Expo East trade show graced the Baltimore Convention Center one last time in 2019, ahead of the event’s relocation to Philadelphia next year. Held from September 12-15, this year featured brands showcasing emerging trends including CBD, sleep drinks, and oat milk alongside innovations in cold brew coffee, tea, and kombucha. With CBD being one of the most buzzed about ingredients in the natural products industry this year, Expo East debuted the Hemp Pavilion section to showcase the numerous innovations in the category, from food and beverage to tinctures and topicals. Beverage brands in
powdered sleep beverage mix at the show – said the brand’s shot is now available in more than 1,200 locations nationwide. “I think you need to look at the lifestyle and the pace at which everyone is going; there’s the craze of travel, the need to be on at all times and people are working longer hours,” Clizbe told BevNET. “Consumers are ready to incorporate more holistic solutions into their life. So [Vital Protein’s sleep products] are a purposeful endcap at the end of the day. You can decompress and get the most bang for your buck in the time your body is in that sleep state.” Rather than helping them fall asleep, cold brew coffee makers are seeking new
ness to look beyond the natural channel, with new innovations in the category positioned towards other retail channels such as convenience and conventional grocery. After a soft launch last year, Humm Kombucha is launching its 12 oz. can format nationally in five flavors: Blueberry Mint, Strawberry Lemonade, Mango Passionfruit, Coconut Lime and Hopped Grapefruit. The company also appointed Matt Witherell, a former Red Bull and MillerCoors executive, as its new president last month. Meanwhile, Brew Dr. is pursuing its own canned line along with new functional flavor Uplift – a new kombucha flavor made with yerba mate
particular sought to expand use occasions for CBD through innovation, including recovery drinks like O2’s new “+ Hemp CBD” line, protein drinks from DOSE and numerous tea products positioned as relaxation enhancers from brands such as Chiques Creek, Mood33 and Harney and Sons. In addition, hemp-focused brand Weller debuted a powdered CBD Drink Mix in single serve packets which can be added to any beverage. As the CBD space promises to help consumers unwind, the market for sleep beverages showed signs of perking up. Brands such as Vital Proteins, Nuun, Snoooze and SOM Sleep have all taken unique approaches in format and formulation to give consumers a convenient and natural way to fall asleep at night. Katie Clizbe, VP of innovation sales for Vital Proteins – which markets a 2 oz. sleep shot containing collagen and debuted a
ways to keep consumers awake. Honest Tea announced its entrance into the category with Honest Cold Brew, available in three organic SKUs – Cubano, Mocha, and Unsweete. Kitu Life, the maker of MCT-infused Super Coffee, debuted its first cold brew offering along with redesigned packaging for its Super Espresso line. Florida-based Made introduced its Cold Brew Lemonade coffee shandy, and High Brew showcased flavored lattes including Bourbon Vanilla, Toasted Coconut and Smoked Butterscotch varieties. Coffee also intersected with the growth of plant-based milk, as brands such as Blue Bottle, Bluestone Lane and Chameleon introduced dairy-free oat milk lattes. Plant-based milk specialists Elmhurst, which is supplying the oat milk for Bluestone Lane’s RTD product, also shared a preview of its own line of oat milk lattes. Kombucha brands showed an eager-
and kombucha intended to play in the convenience channel where consumers are seeking out energy options. Expo East also proved an opportune show for companies to premiere major new initiatives and restructurings. Texasbased Great Point Brands presented a revamped portfolio with established products like LIVE Soda and Daily Greens as well as new lines Rama and Farmstand Lemonade. Rama is a line of low-calorie, unsweetened teas made with butterfly pea flower and features botanicals such as rose petals, hibiscus, lavender and holy basil. Meanwhile conglomerate Novamex, coming off of its acquisition of drinkable soup brand Tio Gazpacho last year, announced it had grouped together its beverage offerings under the new Nova Naturals banner. The section includes Tio as well as C2O Coconut Water, Steaz, Waiakea, and Mineragua.
NACS 2019 Review This year's annual National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) trade show once again served as a showcase for beverage innovation from some of the biggest names in the business, including CocaCola, PepsiCo, Nestlé Waters and others. For The Coca-Cola Company, this year’s NACS show was a major innovation showcase, featuring its biggest-ever roster of new products set for launch early next year. The biggest news was the U.S. debut of Coca-Cola Energy in January. Available in 12 oz. sleek cans, each with 114 mg of caffeine per serving, the line is aimed at shifting legacy Coke drinkers into the energy space with a flavor profile similar to the classic soft drink taste.
bottles for grab-and-go retail in February. The company also announced MTN Dew Zero Sugar in all pack sizes, and new sugar-free flavors for its energy-focused MTN Dew Game Fuel line in 16 oz. cans. Pepsi’s portfolio of RTD Starbucks coffee products also continues to evolve; in February, it will introduce an unsweetened nitro-infused cold brew in 9.6 oz. cans. The company will also release two new products in December – Tripleshot Energy Dark Roast containing 225 mg of caffeine in a 15 oz. can and Brown Butter Caramel Frappuccino with a Splash of Cold Brew in a 13.7 oz. glass bottle. For Nestlé Water North America’s (NWNA), last year was about making
as a way of fuelling new growth. Health-Ade co-founder and chief sales officer Vanessa Dew told BevNET that the brand’s push into convenience began with up-and-down the street accounts in New York and Los Angeles, where the brand already had a deep footprint. As Health-Ade begins to dip its feet into convenience, Dew said the company will maintain a focus on similar geographies. “As I think about some of the larger [chains] within c-stores, we can’t employ those same methods [as independent accounts],” Dew said. “Some of these stores reside in areas which are pretty far reaching … so we have to think about segmenting the right geography with the stores
In coffee, Coke is going deeper in its relationship with Dunkin’ Donuts with the launch of a lightly sweetened cold brew available in two varieties: Caramel Black and Midnight Black. Outside of coffee, Coca-Cola and Sprite each will see the release of limited edition seasonal flavors: Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry Sprite and Cinnamon Coca-Cola. Another new flavor – Cherry Vanilla Coke, available in original and Zero Sugar varieties – will debut in February 2020 as a permanent addition to the line. But innovation also came from the other end of the spectrum with better-for-you, reduced sugar drinks. Odwalla will release a three-SKU line of smoothies called Zero Sugar, which will feature 100-110 calories per 12 oz. PET bottle, depending on the SKU. Elsewhere, PepsiCo highlighted new sugar-free drinks, revealing Wild Cherry as the first flavor extension for Pepsi Zero Sugar, which will be available in 20 oz.
minor tweaks to the sparkling lines for its regional water brands, but this year the focus was on functionality. Northeast water brand Poland Spring will introduce a threeSKU line of flavored sparkling energy waters in 11.5 oz. slim cans in Meyer Lemon, Valencia Orange and White Peach flavors. Elsewhere, Nestlé is also broadening availability for S. Pellegrino Essenza, launching in c-store friendly 16.9 oz. PET bottles early next year in three varieties: Lemon & Lemon Zest, Dark Morello Cherry & Pomegranate and Blood Orange & Black Raspberry, the latter being a new flavor. Finally, Outshine, a brand of frozen fruit bars, will launch a beverage extension – fruit blended coconut water – in February. As better-for-you products continue to gain steam in the mainstream, kombucha brands GT’s Living Foods and Health-Ade made their first appearances at NACS as the two companies – long successful in the natural channel – begin looking to c-stores
and segmenting where we want to go so that we’re able to tap new consumers.” Kombucha’s presence in c-stores is still “nascent,” Dew said, noting that leaders in the space, such as PepsiCo’s KeVita and GT’s, have captured only a portion of the market to date. However, that hasn’t stopped smaller companies from targeting the channel. KOE, a line of shelf-stable canned kombucha manufactured and distributed by Stratus Group, also exhibited at NACS. At the show, the brand unveiled a rebranded and reformulated product line featuring reduced sugar and calories; each SKU contains 8 grams of sugar and 35 calories per 12 oz. can, down from 80-to-90 calories per can. The products are now additionally sweetened with erythritol and stevia, and feature fruit-forward flavors in order to appeal to mainstream consumers. As well, the company introduced two new flavors: Lemon Lime and Strawberry Lemonade.
BRAND LISTINGS AlkaWonder Natural Alkaline Spring Water with a pH of 9.4
Aronia Berry Infused Anti-oxidant SuperBerry Waters
Alkawonder LLC
AX Water Aronia Berry Waters
Alkawonder is an all natural alkaline spring water with a natural pH of 9.4 for perfect hydration, performance and taste. It is nature in its purest form. Nothing added or taken away. We aim to refresh, relieve and revitalize.
Made from all-natural ingredients, 30 calories, 4g sugar, and all the benefits of the aronia berry. One 16 oz bottle Ax Water contains 19,800 ORAC units, which is the antioxidant equivalent of eating 3 cups blueberries, 24 bananas, or 16 cups kale. Taste The Real! CBD Full Spectrum Soda/ Mixer Made with Whole Foods
Backyard Soda Co
AMAZ brings the delicious healing and energizing powers of the Amazon Rainforest with perfect balance of taste and functionality. Our initiative is part of a global movement built around Regenerative Agroforestry. No Sugar. Non-GMO. GF. All Natural.
Backyard Soda Co is taking the CBD beverage world to a new level with a full spectrum, whole food ingredient soda that is as tasty at lunch with a burger or taco, as it is in a high end cocktail after work. Enjoy your drink, AND the benefits after.
BAWLS Guarana Cherry Cola Now Available
Boxed Water Is Better; a sustainable alternative to plastic & aluminum
BAWLS Acquisition
Boxed Water Is Better
BAWLS Guarana is pleased to announce the newest flavor addition to its line of highly caffeinated premium sodas. Cherry Cola is the 7th remarkable flavor to be added to the BAWLS line-up and is available in the iconic 10 oz. glass bottle.
The leader in the sustainably packaged water category, Boxed Water is Better offers people an alternative to plastic bottles and aluminum cans. Trees are the only truly renewable resource: sustainability matters. Please visit us our website.
Beauty Gourmet Sparkling Glitter® Tea Collection Beauty Gourmet, LLC
New Zealand’s #1 Nootropic Brain Drink for Mental Clarity Arepa
Beyond 100% Pure Watermelon Water Beyond Beverages LLC Our watermelons are hand picked & squeezed to give a hydrating sensation without any added sugar.100% pure watermelon water is packed with potassium, vitamin c and lycopene, to give your body that health kick it needs. Ambient 18 months shelf life.
CELSIUS - Healthy Energy to Live Fit! CELSIUS Holdings CELSIUS is a healthy energy drink, it has 7 essential vitamins, no artificial preservatives or flavors, and zero sugar. The MetaPlus® blend is clinically proven to accelerate metabolism and increase your body’s ability to burn fat and calories.
BRAND LISTINGS C4® - Explosive Energy & Performance C4®
Full Assortment of CBD Products CBD Living
CBD Living is one of the fastest-growing global cannabidiol (CBD) manufacturers and distributors, with more than 65 products in 3000 stores and shipping to consumers worldwide. CBD Living’s prestigious in-house scientists use ultrasound waves to break down CBD particles into nanoparticles 1/1000 the size of a red blood cell, allowing the CBD to pass through the blood membrane for enhanced absorption. This proprietary technique leads to up to 90 percent bioavailability, compared to 10-15 percent bioavailability when consumed in a traditional CBD product. From the original CBD Living Water product to CBD gummies, chocolates, freezes, tinctures, vapes, bath bombs and more, CBD Living is constantly innovating to bring the future of CBD to consumers today. For more information please see our website.
fill fresh
For beverage industries ranging from kombucha to dairy
rinsing filling capping sorting sanitizing WWW.FOGGFILLER.COM 59
BRAND LISTINGS Phocus Caffeinated Sparkling Water – No sugar, no calories, no crash
Ferrarelle expanding in the US
Clear/Cut Phocus
Danone Waters of America
The first-of-its-kind sparkling water containing caffeine from green tea and infused with the amino acid L-theanine. Phocus is available in Grapefruit, Blood Orange, Yuzu & Lime, Cucumber, Peach & Natural flavors.
COCO5 Clean Sports Hydration
Cloud Water Natural Sparkling Beverage with 25 MG of Hemp Extract Cloud Water Brands
The Ferrarelle sparkling natural mineral water springs from an ancient volcanic source located in Italy. Ferrarelle: 100% Natural Origin (reinforced with natural dioxide from the source) ,100% Italian. A true miracle of nature! OZ Water Earth-Crafted Virgin Water
COCO5 Created by NHL Trainers, COCO5 is a Clean Natural Sports Drink, fueled by coconut water, with 50% less sugar & natural occurring electrolytes. Nothing artificial ever . Sold in 6 great flavors at $1.99 SRP.
Deer Lake Springs, LLC OZ Water is sourced from an aquifer more than 2,000 feet under the earth's surface that has remained untouched for over 37,000 years. With superior packaging, a 7.4 pH, naturally occurring electrolytes and a "silky-smooth" taste.
Copper Moon Coffee Introduces New Branding Copper Moon Coffee, LLC
BRAND LISTINGS Juice Squeeze Sparkling Juice – 80-90 calories per 12oz can Crystal Geyser Water Company
Organic Energy Drink by Dark Dog DD USA ORGANIC LLC
Crystal Geyser 1977 Sparkling Water, Proudly Sourced in the USA Crystal Geyser Water Company
BRAND LISTINGS Detoxwater Prebiotic Aloe Water
Diva’s for Women Launches in the U.S.
Electrolit Premium Hydration Electrolyte Beverage
Introducing Evolution Fresh® Organic Celery Glow™
DIVAS drink U.S. Inc.
Electrolit USA
Evolution Fresh®
Detoxwater continues its nationwide expansion by adding DSD networks as well as new channels such as pharmacy, convenience and military bases. Detoxwater is available in major retailers including CVS, The Fresh Market, Safeway, H-E-B, among others.
Diva's functional beverages represent a thought-out supply of vitamins and other crucial beauty & health boosting substances for every day. No added sugar or artificial sweeteners, no preservatives, no colorants. ALL YOU NEED IS INSIDE.
A scientifically formulated premium hydration beverage that replenishes the body after physical activity, intense heat, hangover, or sickness. Electrolit contains the essential electrolytes for a full hydration process, providing immediate recovery.
Your daily boost of plant-based hydration in a revitalizing blend of celery juice brightened with a squeeze of lemon. Organic, a good source of potassium, and no added sugars or sweeteners.
Diabolo Sparkling Refreshment
Drink Gifted: premium botanical blends, radically crafted elixirs.
Essentia Ends Q3 2019 with RecordBreaking Measured Retail Sales
Fizzique – The Only Keto-Friendly Protein Water Powered By Bubbles
Diabolo Beverages
Drink Gifted
Essentia Water
Fizzique, LLC
Go ahead and say "au revoir" to boring Lemonade with this feisty, French Diabolo! This low-in sugar, bright blueberry flavor sparkling lemonade will leave your taste buds tingling for more! Available in thousands of grocers across the nation.
Our mission is to provide healthconscious consumers with botanical beverages to support digestion, hydration, and immunity, without trading good taste for feeling great. Enjoy our first line of crafted products, made with the rare superfood Mastic.
Essentia Water ended Q3 with $271M in measured retail sales – leading category growth – and became a member of The Recycling Partnership with its fully recyclable bottles. Essentia is the #1 alkaline water brand & #3 overall premium bottled water.
With 20g of premium whey protein isolate, 0g sugar & 1g carbs, sparkling fizzique is the refreshing, convenient way to help satisfy hunger between meals. Anywhere. Anytime. Available in Tropical Limon, Strawberry Watermelon & NEW Pomegranate Punch.
DIRTY LEMON is line a functional beverages designed to keep you looking and feeling your best. +turmeric, our immunity booster, is formulated with a powerful blend of pure turmeric and ginger root, reducing inflammation and fighting illness to optimize your winter routine. DIRTY LEMON is available in select specialty retail channels across the US, and direct from the brand at When ordering direct, we offer the ease + convenience of connecting over text message, with same day or next day shipping everywhere in the US. 62 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
Introducing…… fairlife, LLC
BRAND LISTINGS Super natural. Flow Alkaline Spring Water
Sarah’s Homegrown Agua Frescas Frey Farms
BRAND LISTINGS Greenbelt Launches Premium Raw Kombucha at a Disruptive Price!
H2OPS Grapefruit Sparkling Hopped Water
Greenbelt Craft Kombucha
Drink and Be Beautiful with H2rOse! H2rOse
H2OPS LLC From the leader and pioneer of the new hop brewed sparkling water category, H2OPS has launched its new Hopped Grapefruit. Like the Original, Grapefruit has ZERO ALCOHOL, ZERO CALORIES, is UNSWEETENED, GLUTEN FREE and GRAIN FREE.
Greenbelt Kombucha is crafted with premium functional tea bases and exotic fruit infusions. Sparkling, probiotic, raw kombuchas with no sugar added after fermentation. Clean, crushable, and low in sugar and calorie content. Available nationwide!
H2rOse is having a moment, growing from an emerging brand into a leader in the botanicals category. Coming off a big 2019, H2rOse is expanding its marketing investment and retail footprint across the nation.
GT’s Living Foods Introduces AQUA KEFIR GT’s Living Foods
Working with major partners including Ralph’s, Whole Foods, Mother’s, etc. H2rOse is becoming a top choice for retailers looking to stay on trend with a low calorie, better-foryou beverage. Consumers are loving the brand too with positive feedback and repeat purchases increasing month over month. The brand has deepened its association with health and beauty, launching a line of rose water infused lip balms. Made with real saffron, rose water and 4 delicious flavors, H2rOse helps consumers stay hydrated and beautiful. Orders can now be placed for PET bottles that come in Mango, Peach, Apple and Wild Berry. Based in California, H2rOse is excited for continued growth and are ready to connect with retail partners who are excited to shake up the category, invest and win together to help take H2rOse to the next step. Naturally Alkaline Water from Hawai‘i Island Hawai’i Volcanic Water
GT's Living Foods Launching Golden Pineapple Kombucha
HardHops - NEW Line of Custom Craft Cocktails - Hops & Spirits
GT's Living Foods
GT’s Living Foods is launching Golden Pineapple nationwide in January 2020. Golden Pineapple is a citrusy, herbal offering that combines GT’s organic and raw kombucha with sweet pineapple, tart lemon, and a hint of sage.
Designed for the "Mindful Drinker", every RTD HardHop flavor is Low-Cal, Low-Carb, GlutenFree & made with Kettle Brewed Hops, Botanicals & Natural Ingredients. Multiple Award Winning for Flavor & Innovation. 6 SMOOTH NATURAL FLAVORS!
BRAND LISTINGS Health-Ade Kombucha: A Bubbly Probiotic Tea Health-Ade Kombucha
Hecho - The Original Tequila Soda
Hoplark HopTea: The Hoplemousse One
Hoplark HopTea
Hecho is the first premium Tequila beverage with carbonated water using 100% Blue Agave TEQUILA BLANCO. Produced in the heart of Tequila, MX. and distributed in Los Angeles. Only 96 Calories per can, no sugar or artificial flavors.
Grapefruit juice, White Tea, Lemondrop & Simcoe hops make for the perfect harmony of tart, sweet and refreshing hop flavors with just 30 calories per can. The Hoplemousse One was inspired by Hoplark’s quirky desire to break the mold. Now available!
Higher Mind’s Plant-Based and Low-Sugar ICELANDIC GLACIAL, THE PUREST Premium Nootropic Beverage TASTING WATER ON EARTH.
HFactor Hydrogen Infused Water – Water with benefits HFactor Water
Founded in 2017, HFactor is the first functional water supercharged with the documented benefits of molecular hydrogen – which has been shown to increase athletic performance, reduce inflammation from exercise and deliver powerful antioxidants. Created by a team of top scientists and medical experts, HFactor is naturally infused with pure hydrogen to provide refreshing hydration plus therapeutic benefits for fitness, health and lifestyle recovery. It comes in a carry-anywhere (BPA free) pouch that optimizes the integrity and pureness of its hydrogen content. HFactor comes in original water as well as Watermelon, Blood Orange, Honeydew and Tart Cherry flavors. HFactor engineered a proprietary reverse osmosis filtering system (patent secured) that ensures the purity and taste of the water, delivering PURE hydrogen and PURE water. HFactor® water is sourced and packaged in the United States and is available online and in stores nationwide. For more information visit: 66 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
Higher Mind
Icelandic Glacial
Introducing Higher Mind, a plant-based line of nootropic beverages that power minds, without added sugar, jittery side-effects, or “the crash.” Scientifically formulated with ten active ingredients, Higher Mind is all the brain needs in one beverage.
Sourced from the pristine Ölfus Spring in Iceland, filtered through layers of lava rock, resulting in high pH of 8.4. Naturally alkaline. Certified carbon neutral company. Sicilian Lemon, Tahitian Lime and Elderflower flavored sparkling available.
Infuzed Thirst: CBD Sparkling Water Infuzed Brands
BRAND LISTINGS ITO EN's Oi Ocha -Japan's #1 Unsweetened KidKup- “k-kups” for kids! Green Tea Celebrates 20 Yrs! ITO EN (North America) INC.
KidKup KidKup! New, natural, whey-based protein, low sugar, k-kups in three yummy flavors: Vanilla, chocolate, orange cremé. 12-18 pods/pack. Parents and kids now have a healthier choice in drink pods! Keurig 2.0 compatible/100% recyclable pod
Oi Ocha is Japan’s #1 tea brand, pioneered by ITO EN, the global leaders of green tea. Authentic with the integrity & essence of the whole leaf, Oi Ocha is available in both bottles & cans, delivering a delicious & clean finish, with no added flavors Matcha LOVE Energy Shots
Calypso Teas: Another Way to Enjoy the Taste of the Islands King Juice Company, Inc.
KÖE Organic Kombucha - Surprisingly, a Great Tasting Kombucha
ITO EN(North America) INC.
KÖE Organic Kombucha
Convenient on-the-go Matcha drink made with 100% pure Japanese matcha and brewed green tea. A natural energy drink with powerful antioxidants, matcha offers health benefits of consuming the entire leaf. Available in both Unsweetened and Sweetened.
KÖE Organic Kombucha - breathing life into the betterfor-you category with one of the first shelfstable kombucha, packed with billions of probiotics and delicious organic fruit juices. Surprisingly, a Great Tasting Kombucha
Kafina Energy Kafina Energy
Calypso, the originator of the flavored lemonade category, has developed four delicious new teas: Extra Sweet Tea Lemon Tea Peach Tea Raspberry Tea Each uses premium brewed black tea, triple-filtered water, and natural flavors. If you are looking to add teas to your line-up, we are confident that you will think these are TEA-rrific! ORGANIC RTD: Change your perspective, Live LIFTED, See you at the TOP! LIFTED LIBATIONS
BRAND LISTINGS Dafruta Sparkling Juices
Mayawell Introduces First Prebiotic Beverage Made With Organic Agave
Liberty Imports USA, Inc
GAIAM Organic Green Tea MindFull Inc.
Dafruta introduces a refreshing and lightly carbonated sparkling juice that contains 28% fruit juice to deliver an authentic flavor. Available in Guanabana (Sour Sop), Passion Fruit and Mango. Packed in 10.8oz slim cans. Ad-BevNet_11-19 HR.pdf
Made with organic, hand-harvested agave, Mayawell offers a delicious line of clinically proven, sparkling prebiotic beverages. With only 4g of sugar and 5g fiber per bottle, Mayawell provides a unique blend of refreshment and real 3:22 PM functional benefit.
mood33 Hemp Infused Herbal Teas LoftTea, Inc.
VIBE Organic Electrolyte Black Tea MindFull Inc.
elevate your state
with mood33™ Hemp-Infused Herbal Tea Introducing six soulfully delicious herbal teas, infused with organic, American-grown, full-spectrum hemp extract, premium botanicals and real fruit juices. mood33 brings you the synergistic superpowers of all the hemp plant nutrients in a convenient, natural beverage – mindfully sweetened to create six totally bliss-inducing, fruit-forward flavors. With 33mg of hemp extract per bottle, you get more of the good feelings and positive vibes of the hemp plant than any beverage out there – like a full body massage at the cellular level. We artfully craft each blend with botanicals, teas and real fruits designed to harmonize with hemp to elevate you to the perfect mood state.
Low Sugar, Vegan-Certified, GMO & Gluten-Free, Non-Intoxicating – with the highest CBD content in the category
HERBAL TEA Available Fall 2019 through national retail and grocery outlets
Living Juice - New 4oz Bottles Living Juice Living Juice, makers of organic, cold-pressed juice, CBD products and wellness centers have launched a 4 ounce size of its original five flavors. Available now at the retailer level, these 4oz bottles pack a healthy punch
Wellness that works, the perfect combination of CBD and superfoods Natural Recovery Greens The first CBD infused superfood powdered beverage conveniently packed in single serving sachets. This complete wellness formula combines Superfoods, BCAAs, Probiotics and high absorption CBD with no artificial ingredients or preservatives.
BRAND LISTINGS Nitro Joe’s Cruising Altitude Nitro Cold Brew Coffee with CBD
OLIPOP Sparkling Tonics- Prebiotics, Botanicals & Natural Plant Fiber!
Nitro Joe's
Elevate your chill. This coffee with 200mg of caffeine, 0 calories and 25mg of micro-encapsulated OLEO™ CBD. This coffee will be sure to help you cruise right on through your day. Get some Shelf Stable Light Roast Cold Brew Power.
OLIPOP is a delicious tonic that is crafted with prebiotics, botanicals and natural plant fiber to support your microbiome and benefit digestive health. Flavors include Strawberry Vanilla, Vintage Cola, Ginger Lemon and new flavor Classic Root Beer!
Oh Hi Beverages Introduces New Sparkling Seltzer CBD line
All Natural Pervida Calm Beverages Feature Safe CBD Pervida CBD
Oh Hi Beverages INC Enjoy a low-calorie, great-tasting CBD beverage in the same four flavors as our popular THC line. Each can contains 15mg of fast-acting CBD, and all batches are 3rd-party tested. Interested in distributing Oh Hi CBD? Contact us!
Optimum Nutrition, Inc. ESSENTIAL AMIN.O. ENERGY® + ELECTROLYTES Sparkling Hydration Drink helps fuel active adults on the go. Each can provides energy from natural caffeine sources, amino acids to support recovery and electrolytes to support hydration.
Organic Valley Organic Fuel - Crazy Good Protein! Organic Valley
The newly formulated and crazy good Organic Fuel from Organic Valley hit shelves this summer. The milk protein shake from the #1 farmer-owned organic dairy cooperative in the country now packs 20 grams of high-quality protein, 50% less sugar than before, and one powerful new flavor: Coffee. Organic Fuel is crafted through an ultra-filtering process that concentrates the great protein while reducing the sugar; adding delicious, organic coffee with 86 grams of organic caffeine gives and extra boost for those looking for an edge in their workout or workday. Our crowd favorites Chocolate Organic Fuel and Vanilla Organic Fuel are also back and better than ever. All Organic Fuel varieties are lactose-free, gluten-free, kosher certified, and of course, USDA Certified Organic. Organic Fuel never contains artificial growth hormones, artificial sweeteners, or anything artificial, for that matter. Plus, it’s made with organic milk from family farms of the Organic Valley cooperative. That means no GMOs, no antibiotics, and all real milk protein from well-cared-for cows. This new Organic Fuel is leaner, cleaner, and ready for the health-conscious shopper. Less sugar. Lower price. Crazy good protein. 70 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
Prebiotic Soda | Be Gut Happy. Be Gut Healthy. poppi
BRAND LISTINGS The ONLY Simply Beneficial Beverage Great For All Ages, THINK POSITIVE Positive Beverage
Ready Protein Water Ready
New Wonder Drink Prebiotic Plus Pure Steeps Beverage, LLC
Recess Sparkling Water with Hemp and Adaptogens Recess
BRAND LISTINGS PATHWATER Purified Water in a BPA-Free Reusable Aluminum Bottle
BOONS+ Collagen Infused Water is Hydration With Benefits.
Purposeful Excellence
PATHWATER is a sustainable solution to the single-use plastic bottled water crisis. We want to help shift communities to a REUSE culture where we're smarter about recycling. We're driven by the positive impact we can have on the world and the future. Petal - Organic Sparkling Botanicals
BOONS+ Collagen Infused Water provides hydration with benefits. Available in three delicious flavors, each hydrating serving of Boons+ Collagen contains 10g of collagen peptides (that's 10g of protein!) and is sweetener free and sustainably packed! Red Bull Zero
Petal Sparkling Botanicals
Red Bull North America
Meet Petal™, the unique organic beverage experience that sparkles with wild, rebellious, flower-powered goodness. This betterfor-you beverage delights the taste buds and reignites the spirit with minimal sugar and no caffeine.
Red Bull Zero is full of wiiings and free of sugar. Offering a new taste, Red Bull Zero is available at retailers nationwide this January in both 8oz and 12oz single serve cans.
Reneva Collagen Protein Drink Reneva LLC
Super Tasty Guaranteed Revive Kombucha
Alter Ego Sparkling All-Natural Energy Riff
BRAND LISTINGS ROAR Organic Electrolyte Infusions Roar Beverage Company
Lion’s Root Nootropic Brew from Rowdy Mermaid Kombucha
Sofee - Coffee for the Curious
Rowdy Mermaid Kombucha
Sofee Beverage LLC Sofee: a curiously carbonated, slightly sweet, most definitely caffeinated coffee drink. All-natural, no preservatives. Just cold-brew, agave nectar and/or monk fruit, & real extracts. 5-50 cal. Six varieties, in cans and kegs. Pictured: The Hedonist
Brewed for brilliance, decaffeinated Lion's Root kombucha is flavored with the refreshing sweetness of pineapple, grounded with fresh turmeric, and built around the natural nootropic, lion's mane mushroom. Awaken focus and enlighten the senses. Single Origin Nitro Cold Brew Coffee That Will Rock Your Socks Off!
Classic SuperShot™ Line
Snowing in Space Coffee We're taking a unique approach to nitro cold brew coffee with a focus on a fun, approachable brand, single origin beans, caffeine & roasting variety and pricing and packaging aimed at increasing cold brew purchasing & consumption behavior. Rock Grace Premium Non-Alcoholic Beverage New Release Rock Grace
Sol-ti Sol-ti SuperShot Line are Glass Bottled, Light Filtered, Living Beverages that are sustainably packaged.120 Day Shelf Life.Retail velocity is 18 cs / month / store.Increase your sales revenue $862 per month per store.Email us to sell or distribute.
Introducing Uptown Wine Cocktails, Ready-to-Drink Cocktails Southern Champion
Uptown Wine Cocktails are authentic libations made for you and your friends to enjoy and avoid the hassle of bartending. These premium drinks are crafted for socializing in style with a sleek and cool presence, but smooth and friendly once the drink is poured and the conversation starts. Grab a glass and pour yourself a genuine cocktail. Share the possibilities. Uptown Wine Cocktails are available in premium 1.5L glass bottles in six flavors: Margarita, Mango Margarita, Strawberry Margarita, Lemon Tea, Chocolatini, and Ruby Red Grapefruit. Uptown Cocktails are 13.9% ABV and are crafted with natural ingredients and premium agave or orange wines. All the cocktails are gluten-free and Kosher. Email:
BRAND LISTINGS CRUNK!!! Energy Adds New Flavor to its Lineup
Spritz Softly Sparkling Teas
Solvi Acquisition
Spritz Beverages LLC
CRUNK!!! Energy has introduced the newest bold flavor to be added to the delicious lineup of naturally fueled energy products – Sour Apple. New Sour Apple is uniquely crafted with natural flavors and real cane sugar for a sweet and sour punch.
Spritz is a new line of softly sparkling, boldly flavored, craft tea infusions. Our drinks are sugar free, zero calories, vegan & keto friendly, with both caffeinated & caffeine free options. 1% of all sales go to female empowerment non-profits.
Sparkling water, made with organic juice
Sunshine Beverages - New Sparkling Energy Waters Sunshine Beverages
Talking Rain Sparkling Water Launches New Caffeinated Line Extension
Sovány Beverage Company
Talking Rain Beverage Company
We wanted a refreshing and tasty drink we could enjoy anytime, anywhere. The answer to our cravings was found in a combination of sparkling water and organic juice. Current flavors are Orange, Raspberry, Apple and Simply Sparkling.
Talking Rain +Caffeine is a naturally flavored sparkling water with 50mg of caffeine sourced from coffee beans. With zero calories, zero sweeteners and zero sodium, Talking Rain +Caffeine is the perfect better-for-you boost!
Soylent’s New Ready-to-drink Mint Chocolate Soylent
Teatulia Organic Tea Sodas in Four Delicious & Refreshing Flavors! Teatulia Organic Teas
From an ancient aquifer, deep underneath Chuck Norris’ Lone Wolf Ranch, emerges a true force of nature. CForce artesian water prides itself on absolute quality — from the pristine water inside to the premium packaging outside. Within our world-class bottling facility rests crisp, clear, fresh-tasting water straight from a sustainable aquifer. Naturally filtered through volcanic rock, CForce artesian water is dated back 23,000 years old - to the last Ice Age. The preservation of its essential minerals and naturally high pH gives CForce its delicious, smooth taste. Directly from the source to you, it’s Ice Age water, at its purest.
BRAND LISTINGS Island Punch by Wyler’s Light – Powdered Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company
Skittles Zero Sugar Powdered Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company
Starburst Zero Sugar Powdered Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company
Pure Kick Energy & Hydration – Powdered Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company
A fresh Brazilian twist to plant-based beverages!
From tree to bottle in less than 24 hours, we create refreshing, high quality coconut water and coconut milk with fresh-from-the-coconut taste and exotic flavors unique to Obrigado. VEGAN PLANT-BASED DAIRY-FREE SOY-FREE or call 1-888-627-4423
taste the Obrigado difference!
BRAND LISTINGS Sunkist Zero Sugar Powdered Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company
Tama Tea - Craft Brewed Sparkling Green Tea Tama Tea
Time To Unwind Inc.
At Tama Cafe we innovated a craft brewed sparkling tea made w/ organic whole leaf tea 0 calories 0 sugar 35mg caffeine 0 natural flavors. Made with REAL fruits, herbs and green tea yet still shelf stable & all the benefits of tea! All Good No Guilt!
KITE is a great tasting, organic, all-natural beverage, cold-brewed with adaptogens! Available in 3 flavors, Kite's sparkling functional botanical infusions are thoughtfully crafted with the health-conscious consumer in mind. Unwind with KITE!
Zero-Proof, Zero Sugar Bitters & Soda
Hi-C Zero Sugar Powdered Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company
KITE; Organic, Sparkling, Cold Brewed, Botanical Tea With Adaptogens
Sparkling ACV Drink launches in two Whole Foods Regions
The Bitter Housewife
Inspired by the classic "what to drink when you're not drinking", The Bitter Housewife Bitters & Soda is completely free of alcohol and sugar, but full of the complex and satisfying taste you expect from a bitters and soda.
VINA® Sparkling is a light, bubbly water with organic pressed juice and the added benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar. Our unique blend is delicious, drinkable and pairs perfectly with food. VINA® launches in WFM So-Pack & Rocky's regions January 2020.
Tohi Aronia Berry Antioxidant Beverages TOHI VENTURES LLC
BRAND LISTINGS True Nopal Cactus Water True Nopal Ventures, LLC
UPTIME Premium Energy Drink Launching Innovation in 2020 UPTIME Energy, Inc.
In 2020, UPTIME Energy Drink will expand its premium, sugar free lineup with two new bold and refreshing flavors: Blueberry Pomegranate and Mango Pineapple. Both varieties of innovation promise to deliver a refreshing burst of flavor, along with the comfortable, sustainable energy consumers have come to enjoy when drinking UPTIME. Officially launching in February 2020, both flavors will be widely distributed across the United States. In developing this sugar free line extension, UPTIME closely monitored flavor trends and consumer preferences. Following suit with its premium positioning in the beverage market, UPTIME’s development team continues to create sophisticated, unique flavors that appeal to a wide variety of consumers who have come to expect great taste in premium energy. As is the case with all its innovation, UPTIME conducts multiple rounds of internal taste tests and months fine-tuning flavor profiles, to create on-trend flavors that appeal to existing fans and new customers alike. “We remain excited as we continue the brand momentum we’ve been building over the past few years. The introduction of our newest, premium sugar free offerings has poised the brand for continued growth in the new year,” said UPTIME CEO, Benjamin Kim.
Ultima Replenisher Ultima Health Products, Inc.
Verve Coffee Roasters Introducing 2 New Nitro Flash Brew SKU’s Verve Coffee Roasters
BRAND LISTINGS Introducing VOSS Flavored Sparkling Water Sleek Cans
Blue Buddha Organic Wellness Tea
VOSS Water
The Cleanest Organic Green Tea Drinks Wild Orchard Tea Company
Wholesome Tea Company
VOSS Flavored Sparking Water now available in a sleek can, with beautiful, eye catching graphics. Three signature flavor combinations, with no calories, sugar, or sweeteners. Available in 355ml sleek cans and fridge friendly 8-packs. Live Every Drop.
Blue Buddha combines high grade green tea with on trend beneficial herbs – Ashwagandha, Amla, and Maitake Mushroom. These healthful herbs are mainstays in the Ayurvedic tradition. Blue Buddha is Organic, Non-GMO and low in sugar and calories.
EASE THE DAY with WELLER CBD Sparkling Water (25mg CBD per can) WELLER
O.Vine Wine Essence Water Wine Water LTD
VOSS Fabulously Flavored Sparkling Waters
Jade Monk Matcha
VOSS Water Now available in 330ml PET 6-pks and 12-pks. Five unique flavor combinations, incl. new Raspberry Rose and Strawberry Ginger. VOSS PET Sparkling Flavors are perfect for on-the-go and all occasions. NO calories, sugar, or sweeteners. Live Every Drop.
Wholesome Tea Company Jade Monk Matcha is a delicious Non-GMO Super Food, that mixes instantly in cold water, hot water, or milk - unlike other plain matcha powders that require a whisk and patience to mix a cup. Jade Monk has 137X the antioxidants of green tea.
BRAND LISTINGS NEW Wildflower Functional Herbal Tonics with MCT & Hemp Oils Wildflower by Happy Moose Wildflower is a line of shelf stable tonics utilizing adaptogens, botanicals, fresh fruit, and hemp oil. Targeted health benefits like Sleep Aid, Stress Relief, & Energy make each recipe as dynamic as they are tasty. 10g or less sugar, 100% Natural.
YerbaĂŠ Enhanced Sparkling Water Yerbae LLC YerbaĂŠ Enhanced Sparkling Water is a functional beverage powered by Yerba Mate! It leaves you with a refreshing taste and a powerful boost to carry you through your busy day.
XL Energy Drink - new look XL Energy Drink Corp XL Energy introduces a new can design that is the epitome of style and modernity. The eye-catching symphony of energetic colors is intended for people who want to enjoy the highest quality drink in style to feel and look good.
SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Tea, Coffee & Specialty items A. Holliday & Company Inc.
Scientific & Regulatory AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc.
FDA GRAS Proteins +Milks Axiom Foods
Connecting Nutrition & Health BENEO Inc.
For over 45 years, we've traveled the world to connect people with the finest products. At A. Holliday & Company, we source, test, and ship every product we carry. We supply bulk tea variety’s (extracts & leaf), coffees (extracts), antioxidants, herbal & superfruit extracts, natural caffeine, polyphenols, EGCG, Rooibos, coconut water powder, and our newest product, oil soluble tea polyphenols.
AIBMR is an industry-leading scientific and regulatory consulting firm, founded in 1978. AIBMR offers key services specifically tailored to the natural products marketplace, including toxicology studies, GRAS Independent Conclusions, FDA GRAS & NDI Notifications, label reviews, claims substantiation, FDA & FTC compliance, and manuscript preparation & publication.
Innovating food technology since 2005 Axiom Foods offers the only suspension-grade FDA GRAS, non-GMO verified, clinically tested, multi-functional, neutral plant proteins quality controlled to the field level. Large commercial quantities are available from Oryzatein rice protein, with patented sports claims, to pea, hemp and sacha inchi plant proteins, plus whole grain certified oat and rice milks
From isotonic sports drinks to fizzy water and soft drinks,… Palatinose™ (isomaltulose) opens the door to nutritionally optimised and highly stable beverages. It has a low hygroscopicity and high acid and process stability. From a health perspective, it supports blood sugar management and keeps you going thanks to being a fully digestible and more slowly released source of carbohydrates.
Flavor Manufacturer Abelei Flavors
Highest Throughput HPP Machine Avure HPP Technologies - JBT
Contract Manufacturing Azpack
Everything Beverage Packaging Berlin Packaging
As a flavor manufacturer abelei creates delicious, application-specific flavors assisting our clients in getting to market faster with flavorings that fit their product requirements. abelei specializes in creating great-tasting sweet brown, citrus fruit, soft fruit and other top-note flavors perfect for beverages, dairy, confectionery, bakery, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceutical applications.
With more than 60 years of experience and expertise in HPP science and manufacturing, AVURE specializes in HPP systems for food and beverage processing with the fastest and most reliable systems in the industry. AVURE helps producers implement HPP from recipe development and process validations to installation, regulatory affairs, and postinstallation support.
Azpack is one of the fastest growing co-packers in the country. We offer co-packing services in cans and bottles. Our team of dedicated and professional staff are focused on delivering the highest quality products to our customers. Capable of producing cold fill preserved, hot fill and tunnel pasteurized products with onsite lab services. Visit our website to find out what we can do for you.
Berlin Packaging supplies glass, plastic, and metal containers and closures. We offer a wide array of packaging for beverage companies along with design, financing, consulting, and warehousing services. From simple plastic caps to high-end glass bottles and much more -- we deliver excellent value and promote real results for companies of all sizes. We exist to help companies be Greater, Faster.
Organic Functional Ingredients
Beverage Industry Navigators
Applied Food Sciences (AFS)
Ingredients To Your Label
Having trouble developing or producing your beverage? Partner with BevSource. BevSource is an integrated provider of beverage development, sourcing, and production solutions for new and established beverage visionaries. Bringing your beverage idea to life requires hundreds of interconnected data points and decisions. The right formula with the right manufacturer in the right package with the right paperwork. BevSource helps you see the big picture – from your initial vision to the finished product, and every single operational step in between. While we manage the daily details of your beverage operations, you’ll have more time to build your brand, business, & customer base. We’re not just advisors that point you in the right direction and hope for the best. We are beverage industry navigators who collaborate with you to build a custom operational strategy for your beverage.
plant-based protein cascara coffee fruit
Visit today to find out more or call to discuss how we can start turning your beverage idea into a reality together. 866-956-4608 84 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
An Innovative Probiotic Ingredient for On-Trend Functionality Hot or cold, 24 hours or 24 months, DE111 is a patented probiotic ingredient that stands up to processing and storage. Stable under a range of temperatures, pH changes, and humidity, our clinically studied strain of Bacillus subtilis safely and effectively adds in-demand digestive and immune functionality to a variety of applications. DE111 is the versatile, stable probiotic solution for limitless formulation possibilities. Call us at 800.697.8179 or visit us at to see how DE111 can add digestive benefits to your applications.
Full-Service Flavor Supplier Brookside Flavors and Ingredie
Relentlessly driven to provide valued partnerships with those we serve. An innovative co-packing company dedicated to providing beverage packing services. We specialize in canned beverages, including widgets and Alumi-tek bottles. Our capabilities include homogenization, retort and tunnel pasteurization. Bev-Hub is an accredited SQF facility that focuses on a safe food environment for our clients.
Brookside is a full-service flavor supplier specializing in natural, certified organic and fair-trade products, including Clean Label, Conventional and Organic Spice, Floral and Herbal Extracts. Our new Botanical-based, Terpene Rich Flavor Systems are ideal for Cannabis applications. Need inspiration for your next big product breakthrough? Please reach out to us.
CBD Solutions for CPG Experts Caliper Commercial Ingredients
Functional Branded Ingredients Bioenergy Life Science (BLS)
Caliper Commercial Ingredients develops, manufactures, and distributes Caliper CBD, a proprietary suite of standardized, clean-label, shelf-stable formulations of water-soluble hemp-derived cannabinoids, including CBD*. Caliper CBD is designed for rapid go-tomarket and scalable manufacturing, mixing easily into food, beverage, supplement, personal care, and pet applications, while remaining robust to standard commercial food manufacturing processes.
BLS creates innovative, scientific based ingredients for healthier living. Our ingredients are clinically proven to support healthy aging, sports performance, sustainable energy, mitochondria health, heart health and much more. We sell to businesses who manufacture or formulate functional foods & beverages, supplements, sports nutrition products, animal nutrition & cosmetics. We are best known for the only patented & FDA GRAS-certified D-Ribose: Bioenergy Ribose®. Bioenergy Ribose is the true source of cellular energy and is crucial to the production of ATP. Bioenergy Ribose increases energy for Endurance, Performance & A Healthier You. Our newest ingredient, RiaGev™, is the first and only commercially available composition uniquely combining Bioenergy Ribose and nicotinamide. This synergistic combination is distinctly formulated to enter the salvage pathway directly to more efficiently increase nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) in the body. RiaGev maintains & enhances mitochondrial health by boosting NAD levels and inducing the creation of new mitochondria. NAD is vital for mitochondrial health. Increased NAD and healthy mitochondria help slow the aging process, reduce age-related cognitive decline, prevent cellular damage from free radicals, and create a stronger immune system. RiaGev helps Repair, Prevent, and Rejuvenate, supporting a healthier you from the inside out.
Caliper CBD allows fast-acting, water-soluble cannabinoids to be easily introduced into any food environment using standard commercial kitchen or food production equipment and with no noticeable impact to flavor, consistency, texture, or appearance — no specialized knowledge or processing required. * Derived from US-sourced industrial hemp We Invented Micro-Canning Cask Global Canning Solutions
Closure Systems Solutions Closure Systems International
Cask Global Canning Solutions invented microcanning. We provide innovative and affordable canning systems to the world’s small and medium-sized creators of craft beer, cider, wine, cold brewed coffee, kombucha and other lifeenhancing beverages. We have installed 1400+ canning lines in 59 countries.
CSI is recognized as a global leader in closure design, manufacturing, and high-speed application systems. In addition to quality closures and capping equipment, CSI provides unparalleled customer and technical services. CSI's closure systems solutions help customers maximize profits by increasing the marketability of their brands and optimizing their cost of operations.
Beverage Innovation Specialist BLUE PACIFIC FLAVORS
Real People. True Flavor. Callisons
Kick Caffeine to the Curb Chemi Nutra
Global Food Ingredients Corbion
Blue Pacific Flavors specializes in innovative beverage solutions in organic, plant-based, sugar reduce, functional, teas and coffees. We carry flavor modulators for the ingredients hard to formulate with as well as exotic international fruit flavors. Call us for your next beverage project or flavor needs.
Since 1903, Callisons has created authentic flavors using the highest quality, natural extracts directly from nature. Known as the leader in mint, Callisons develops a diverse portfolio of true flavors with a passion for the Beverage, Confection & Oral Care industries. As tastes change and the market expands, we evolve and innovate to always remain on the forefront of the next flavor revolution.
Avoid the negatives associated with caffeine while powerfully boosting mental energy, cognitive performance, and exercise performance, with AlphaSize® Alpha-GPC. AlphaSize® Alpha-GPC is incredibly functional, FDA affirmed as GRAS, is tasteless, colorless, stable, 100% water soluble, and the most bioavailable source of choline in the world, for use in any beverage or shot application. Try it!
Corbion relies on more than 100 years of experience. Built on two successful companies that have been innovators in the food industry for years. For beverages we help achieve the perfect flavor, mouthfeel and nutritional profile and our solutions overcome product stability challenges so you can expand your geographical reach.
o t n i r u o P r e g n i G e Pur
PurGinger is bold and spicy for beverages. Try pure organic ginger that is fully soluble, shelf stable, and void of any microbial contaminants. Inquire for a sample of PurGinger for your beverage. Contact AFS 1(800)345-9666
PurGinger organic ginger extract by
SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Water Soluble Hemp Extract Farmington Research
Speciality Hydrocolloids CP Kelco
Label & Packaging Specialists DWS PRINTING
At CP Kelco, we unlock nature-powered success by applying ingredient innovation and problemsolving for food and beverage manufacturers around the world. With nature-based ingredients like pectin, carrageenan, xanthan gum, gellan gum, cellulose gum and now citrus fiber, we help you create products that engage, delight and reassure your customers.
Established in 1865, DWS is a 5th generation, family-owned & operated label printing, cansleeving and packaging design company. We are the last step in the visions of a lot of passionate people. We take an anonymous container and provide its story. Let us help tell your story through Cut&Stack, Pressure Sensitive, Shrink Sleeve, Roll Fed, Digital Printing, Pre-Sleeved Can Packaging and Design.
Co-Packing & Co-Manufacturing CraftPack Beverage, LLC
Functional Flavors Edlong Corporation
CraftPack is an 81,000 sq. ft co-packing/ co-manufacturing facility in Baltimore for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. With minimum production volume of 1,000 gallons, we can help you grow and scale your brand while also providing cans, materials, and packaging services. cGMPs & HACCP accredited, CCOF Organic Certified, K-Star Kosher Certified, pasteurization, and in-house can supply.
As the leading independent flavor company, Edlong continues to re-imagine how the taste of dairy provides unique and delicious benefits to both dairy and plant-based formulations. Our natural flavors help achieve individual clean label requirements, add mouthfeel, mask nutritional ingredient and plant protein off-notes, layer flavors for depth, and elevate a standard product to premium.
Energy. Naturally Occurring. Doehler North America
Clean Label Ingredients Farbest Brands
Beverage Development Flavorman
Flavor Designers Foodarom
Consumer increased demand for energy drinks requires exciting taste sensations as well as natural & healthier options. Guayusa, a plantbased extract that provides naturally-occurring caffeine, is rapidly trending with its “super leaf” status & functionality. Step into this dynamic market & partner with Doehler for innovative energy drinks with extraordinary flavors using natural ingredients.
Farbest Brands can help you meet the demand for clean-label ingredients with a full range of high-quality dairy and plant proteins, gum acacia, vitamins, sweeteners, natural colors, as well as USDA-certified organic, and NON-GMO Project Verified ingredients. Our extensive market knowledge and personalized customer service, help our customers make better purchasing decisions at competitive prices.
Starting a new beverage can be overwhelming. Let the beverage experts at Flavorman make your life easier, from start to finish - helping you every step of the way. Flavorman – Changing what the world is drinking for 27 years and counting.
We personalize flavors to meet your needs and create flavor profiles that help your products to stand out above the rest. Our experienced team knows the functional beverage market well and understands the impact your active ingredients have on taste. Our flavor development capabilities will help you stay ahead of the competition. WE CREATE FLAVORS THAT MAKE YOUR BRAND UNFORGETTABLE.
Secondary Packaging Equipment Douglas Machine Inc.
Tea & Coffee Extracts Finlays
FONA Flavor & Taste Solutions FONA International
Beverage Recruiting Firm ForceBrands
For over 55 years, Douglas has provided customers with high quality automated packaging solutions for paperboard, corrugated and shrink-film. We specialize in the design and manufacture of case and tray packers, shrink wrap systems, cartoners, sleevers and palletizers. Based in Alexandria, Minnesota, Douglas is an employee-owned company that has installed more than 12,000 machines in 30 countries.
Finlays is your ideal partner, delivering highquality extracts for creating versatile coffee and tea beverages in an easy, convenient and consistent manner. Through an established history of coffee and tea expertise with a focus on innovation, Finlays can help your brand develop unique beverages with great flavor, in a variety of formats suitable for food service and ready-todrink products.
Consumers today want it all. You’re balancing the demands of great taste, regulatory hurdles and consumer acceptance. The experts at FONA can help. From ideation to launch, we can create a seamless, winning path for you. Design, develop and scale up using our Beverage Innovation Studios in Geneva, IL and Irvine, CA. We are FONA. Let us bring the best taste solutions to the table for you.
ForceBrands is the leading specialized recruiting firm for the consumer products industry offering executive search services, board of director assembly, and a digital job board. Our BevForce division is made up of industry experts who understand the beverage market. We tap into our established network to connect you with the most qualified talent to grow your business.
A New Opportunity Has Bubbl’d Up!
Available At Target • Meijer • Kroger • Hy-Vee • Dierbergs Schnucks • Woodman’s • Mariano’s • Coborn’s Pick ‘N Save • Jewel-Osco • Festival Foods
Distribution opportunities available! ı
SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Decorative Label Solutions Fort Dearborn Company
Aseptic Packaging Solutions GoodWest Industries, LLC
Mobile Canning Solutions Iron Heart Canning Co
We’ve got you covered. Fort Dearborn Company offers shrink sleeve, stretch sleeve, pressure sensitive, roll-fed, and cut & stack labels and promotional printing in a variety of substrates, inks and finishing options to support your beverage brand building objectives. We service brands large and small. Contact us today to discuss your application.
IHC is your solution to guide you through the canning process! With over 100 MILLION cans filled to date, IHC offers unmatched Experience and Expertise. We service the Eastern US and deliver Quality you can count on – Guaranteed seams, All beverage types, All can sizes, Materials sourcing, & Co-Packaging Partners – whatever your situation we can get your product canned. IHC is your one stop shop!
Coconut Products Franklin Baker, Inc.
Cold-Brew Master Extractors Javo Beverage Company
Franklin Baker, Inc. is the largest processor of coconut ingredients in the Philippines and the premier supplier to the global beverage & food market. Franklin Baker offers an extensive portfolio of coconut products including Coconut Water, Coconut Milk/Cream, Coconut Concentrate, Creamed Coconut. Our extensive third-party certifications are unrivaled to the highest product standards. Online produce marketplace Full Harvest
GoodWest offers a complete aseptic packaging solution for your bag-in-box beverages and mixes. We specialize in low-acid dairy, cold brew and coffee-based products. Organic, nonGMO, gluten-free, nut free and Kosher options are also available. BIB selections include bag sizes from 2 liters to 5 gallons. A wide variety of bag and dispensing fitments are offered. Ideation, formulation, research, development, reasonable minimum runs, as well as pilot and trial run capabilities. Multiple SQF Level 3 certified plants in both Eastern and Western locations. Call GoodWest today to discuss your product and packaging needs, 1-800-948-1922 or Beverage Technical Training ISBT
Founded in 2001, Javo is an extraction company that uses a proprietary cold-brew method to produce fresh, clean-labeled coffee, tea and botanical extracts for the food and beverage industry. Our cold-brew process delivers a clean non-acidic authentic concentrate for your targeted application, whether a cold brew, nitro coffee, dairy, sauce or bakery item. Natural Flavors & Terpenes Lebermuth
Full Harvest helps food & beverage companies reduce their bottom line while increasing their sustainability footprint. Our online produce marketplace connects you with quality farms to purchase surplus and imperfectly shaped produce — helping to solve the massive food waste problem. Customers buying surplus and ‘ugly’ fruits and vegetables have saved 10%40% compared to traditional distributors.
Family owned since 1908, we formulate natural & organic flavors with a variety of natural materials. We offer terpenes, blends, liquid and powdered flavors with profiles such as mint, sweet, spicy and fruity. Our in-house distillation capabilities allow us to refine flavor characteristics that result in a unique profile your product developers, and ultimately consumers, desire.
Natural Color Solutions GNT USA Inc.
Sleeved Cans & Consumables Lucky Clover Packaging
EXBERRY® by GNT is the leading brand of natural food coloring for the food and beverage industry. EXBERRY® colors are derived solely from fruits, vegetables, and edible plants through a process of chopping, pressing, filtering and blending. EXBERRY® products can be applied to a range of beverage categories including enhanced waters, carbonated soft drinks, dairy, and plant-based milks.
Lucky Clover Packaging is your one-stop shop for shrink sleeved aluminum cans of all sizes, as well as other packaging consumables such as crowlers, case trays, and Paktechs. With 8 plants across the U.S. we can save you time and money while you focusing on producing great beverages!
SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Culinary Bulk Matcha ITO EN (North America) INC.
Teas, Botanicals and Extracts Martin Bauer Inc.
Trust the monk.™ Monk Fruit Corp
The Martin Bauer Group is one of the largest suppliers of botanical products for the food, beverage, and dietary supplement industries. Our products are based on sustainably sourced, high-quality botanical raw material. With a portfolio of over 200 plants and more than 80 years of experience, we provide off-the-shelf and tailor-made botanical solutions to meet your application needs.
Monk fruit allows you to create great tasting, innovative products with significantly less sugar and calories, from the goodness of fruit! Monk Fruit Corp (MFC) is the recognized industry leader, with ?60% of the global monk fruit market (>4X the nearest competitor). MFC offers the best quality and widest range of monk fruit products on the market. Thinking about monk fruit? Trust the monk.™
Branding & Packaging Design McLean Design
Screen Printed Labels Monvera Glass Décor
We Build Powerful Brands — Brands are built on consumer engagement, meaning that a successful brand has captivated the consumer and enriched their life in some unexpected and enduring way. At McLean we use every tool at our disposal to reveal the core meaning of a brand and enhance the consumer's experience beyond the utility of a product or service. Realize the full value of your brand at McLean.
Your label has a powerful influence on buying behavior. Monvera provides unique bottle decoration options. We specialize in screen printed labels on glass, with both ceramic and uv ink options available. Whether you want to refresh a current brand or launch a new one, screen printed labels will make your bottle stand out. It's your alternative to paper labels.
MATCHA, the finely milled green tea powder revered for its antioxidants & natural energy boost, is a trend forward ingredient for healthy beverages, baking and cooking products. 100% Authentic Matcha from Japan. Bulk available for food service.
Superstable colors that endure
Shelf Stable Probiotic Strains
Microbiome Labs
Ideal Flax for Beverages Pizzey Ingredients
Vitacyclix , a division of MORRE-TEC Industries Inc. is an ingredient supplier to the Functional Beverage, Food & Nutritional Industries. We manufacture and supply soluble vitamins including a water soluble Vitamin D, bioflavonoids, natural colors, pectins, stabilizers and minerals.
Pizzey Ingredients’ BevPur™ Flax enhances beverages with the nutritional benefits of flaxseed while providing a smooth and rich texture. BevPur™ has a guaranteed shelf life of two years and is available in organic and conventional varieties (both are non-GMO, pesticide-free and gluten-free). BevPur™ is ideal for a variety of ready to mix and ready to drink beverages.
Flavor Manufacturer Mother Murphy's Flavors
HPP Private Label & Juice Press Foods International
Data-Driven Retail Execution Repsly
At Repsly, we empower retail execution teams to achieve peak performance in the field and maximize their impact on sales. Our bestin-class software equips teams with the real-time data and tools they need to take the right action in the right store at the right time to have the biggest impact for their brand. The Repsly mobile app empowers field teams to achieve smarter in-store execution. It equips reps with the store-level data they need to more intelligently manage accounts, along with scheduling, route optimization, and prospecting tools to help reps maximize productivity and efficiency.
Mother Murphy's is a full service flavor manufacturer dedicated to supporting customer needs through quality and flavor innovation. At Mother Murphy's we specialize in flavor and prototype development for the beverage and snack industries and have over 60,000 flavors in our portfolio. We make the world taste better!
HPP Co-packing and export worldwide. We create the fresh & clean label alternative for your products line and help you innovate with HPP technology. Create your own brand and launch it worldwide with us as your partners in co-packing. With our certifications and quality assurance standards, your clients will get the highest quality and safest fresh products in the market.
Our powerful manager’s dashboard allows team managers to engage in proactive territory management practices as well as access real-time data from the field. Our advanced reporting capabilities change the way teams measure performance with instant intelligence on retail execution, team activity, and the impact they have on sales. This helps managers identify problems and opportunities across a territory to optimize each action taken in the field. Interested in learning more about Repsly? Schedule a time to chat with us at or send us an email at We look forward to connecting with you!
Craft Packaging Line Experts
Overnight Labels
Ska Fabricating
SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Beverage & Food Development PTM Food
Bigger Better Smarter Southeast Bottling & Beverage
Coffee Without Compromise Steeped Coffee
Bestevia Taste Solutions Sweegen
PTM Food is your premier product development & manufacturing support firm. Our wide range of expertise, development, and creativity achieves an exciting point of difference between your product and competitors. We work hard to uncover key industry insights, developing products that have a competitive edge. Whether your project is simple or a complex one, we’re your team!
Ready-to-Drink Beverages & Liquid Dietary Supplements Organic & Kosher certified • More Capacity • More Packaging Options (Registered Film & Carton Pkging) • New registered film capability. tray, supported & non-supported. • SQF Level III • 150,000sf • Built to cGMP Specifications • Filling rooms individually temperature & humidity controlled & HEPA Filters
Steeped Coffee is the easiest way to make a great cup of coffee anytime, anywhere, in minutes. Brewed like tea, Steeped single-serve coffee bags are filled with 100% fresh ground specialty coffee. Every bag is nitro-sealed for freshness in packaging made using compostable and renewable materials, making every cup eco-friendly. Wholesale, roaster, and private label programs available.
Sweegen brings you Bestevia Taste Solutions, a full taste experience for sugar reduced foods and beverages delivering the sweetness profile and mouthfeel of full sugar. Our portfolio of next generation stevia solutions is non-GMO, label friendly, nature-based and offers ease at use and competitive cost in beverage, dairy, nutrition, condiments and many other applications.
Naturally Crafted Flavors Sapphire Flavors and Fragrance
Beverage Co-pack Bottling Stapleton-Spence
Fruit & Vegetable Ingredients Stiebs
Synergy - Inspiring Taste Synergy Flavors
Sapphire Flavors & Fragrances is a vertically integrated natural flavor and extract company based in Fairfield, New Jersey with operations located in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Sapphire aims to create delicious natural custom crafted flavors at an exceptional value for all our customers. Our vertical integration process allows for short lead times and low MOQs. Ready to learn more? Contact us today!
Stapleton-Spence processes a variety of products including tea brewed from leaf, concentrates, juices, vinegars, functional beverages, sports beverages, syrups, edible oils, and more. 10 oz. – 64 oz. PET or Glass Containers. Shrink, C&S, and PS labels. Additional options may be available upon request. Certifications include BRC, FDA, USDA, Kosher, Organic, and USDA "Excellent" Rating.
Stiebs, formed in 2005, is devoted to sourcing, processing & delivering the world's finest plantbased products. We offer a full line of fruit & vegetable based ingredients as single strength juice, juice concentrate, purees, extracts & powders. From the beginning stages of product development to delivering an on-going supply of premium natural products, our team is here to help you succeed.
Synergy Flavors is a global manufacturer and supplier of flavorings, extracts, and essences for the food, beverage and nutrition industries. With more than 130 years of expertise, Synergy combines a heritage of flavor development with proprietary extraction technology to deliver high quality taste solutions that captivate the senses and inspire innovation.
Specialty Water - Your #1 source for private label beverages Specialty Water, LLC
Specialty Water works on bringing your brand to life. From high alkaline water (9+ ph), spring water, ultra-purified, to a CBD water, Specialty Water has the expertise to insure we produce the right product for your needs. With over 20 years experience helping companies produce their water, Specialty Water is uniquely qualified to bring your brand to market. On the forefront of new trends, we can produce a CBD water using your own CBD, or bottle with our water soluble CBD. Our sales team is knowledgeable in all aspects of the production cycle, and can help you through the entire process. Please call - 1-800-381-8494
SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS We Make Life Taste Better T. Hasegawa USA Inc.
T. Hasegawa continues to pioneer the ?avor industry with a customer experience that is optimized to rapidly respond with technical expertise. We deliver superior products that meet all your requirements no matter how complex the demand. Recognizing that the food industry needs flexibility, we proactively listen to our customers’ needs in an effort to develop better ways of delivering formulations Food Safe, High Volume Cascara The Coffee Cherry Co.
Organic Bulk Ingredients
WATERMELON JUICES Van Groningen & Sons Inc.
Tradin Organic
Tradin Organic is a global front-runner in organic ingredients. We offer over 150 ingredients sourced from more than 100 regions worldwide. We offer a full-service portfolio based on our unique sourcing, sustainability initiatives, and processing and manufacturing capabilities. Our product portfolio includes a wide variety of ingredients for beverage applications including: fruit & vegetable products (IQF, purees, JC & NFC), cocoa products, honey, coconut sugar & syrups, sweeteners, superfood powders, plantbased protein powders, beverage-grade nut and seed butters, and much more. We pride ourselves on always offering high-quality, organic fruit and vegetable juices, including options for cold-pressed unpasteurized, concentrates, NFC and purees. With warehouses available on both the east and west coasts, we are able to accommodate your needs regardless of location. Please contact us today for more information!
Coffee Cherry = premium cascara produced using a proprietary process to ensure compliance with global food safety standards. Available from multiple origins with varied flavor notes, The Coffee Cherry Co can consistently supply high volumes to companies of all sizes. Very high in antioxidants, magnesium, sodium, iron for functional drinks. Also options for concentrate & fermented concentrate.
“Leave No Melon Behind”. . We offer both Certified Organic and Conventional Watermelon NFC Juice, Puree & JC. Van Groningen & Sons utilizes farm fresh watermelons from our fields and the fields of our trusted growers to process our watermelon products being used in many areas of the Food and Beverage Industry. R&D projects this year have us excited to add additional products in 2020. Stay Tuned Delivering Preferred Taste Virginia Dare Extract Co
Virginia Dare delivers preferred taste for beverage applications with extracts, flavors, taste refinement systems (masking, modulation), and product development. Extracts/concentrates include vanilla, tea, coffee, and cocoa, plus clean label fruit and botanical extracts. We create flavor profile types including sweet, spicy, sour, bitter, fruity, exotic, botanical, spice, nutty, café, and alcohol.
Beverage Solutions and Premix
Shrink Labeling Experts
The Wright Group
Connect with the team of experts at The Wright Group to learn more about turnkey beverage solutions to add to your product portfolio. Beverages create ideal systems for functional ingredients since flavoring / sweetening systems can often mask unpleasant tastes from functional ingredients. Microemulsion value-added ingredients often perform better in beverage delivery systems since they are not subject to the same cooking or mechanical stresses as in food production. Value-added premix solutions deliver performance and stability to your products...often at a cost savings! Custom nutrient premixes have been shown to work well in a variety of products such as extruded bars, breakfast cereals and viscous, opaque beverages. SuperBlend© custom nutrient premixes are designed to include our SuperCoat© Micro-encapsulation SMART™ process. These premixes are also engineered to perform at high temperatures and shear processes. The Wright Group delivers custom nutritional blends, vitamins/mineral premixes and microencapsulated ingredients for the functional food and nutritional supplement markets. Our 100+ years of innovative expertise, accomplished R&D team, and comprehensive production capabilities allow us to provide faster lead times to successfully bring your products to market. 94 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019
Tripack is a leading North American manufacturer of shrink sleeve labeling systems and a specialty contract packaging service company, offering a wide variety of solutions to the beverage industry. Our sleeving systems are engineered for speeds from 50 up to 800 ppm, featuring sleek, easy to operate designs and an unmatched, 3 year warranty. For those brands who are looking for outsourced shrink labeling services (cans, bottles, glass), we have 5 highly automated packaging lines at our facility in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition to labeling containers, we also offer Variety and Rainbow case packing, automatic case erecting, and shrink bundling pack outs. And last, our Craft Can division offers turn-key, shrink sleeve labeled cans in variety of sizes. 12/16oz standards. Sleeks of all sizes. We have lots of inventory! When printed cans aren’t your thing, need a quick lead time, or you’re looking for that vibrant shelf appeal, we can help you get there! Try us out!
The Purest Tasting Water On Earth ™
1 Liter
1.5 Liter
500mL Sparkling Flavors
Icelandic Glacial is sourced from the legendary Ă–lfus Spring in Iceland, one of the most pristine ecosystems on earth. Filtered slowly for 5000 years through layers of lava rock makes it exceptionally pure and naturally alkaline with a pH level of 8.4.
Contact your local Icelandic Glacial representative at Visit for more information *Nielsen Scan Data YTD Dollar Sales of 1000ml in Kroger
A. Holliday & Company Inc.
Christine Renken
(416) 225-2217
Abelei Flavors
Shelley Henderson
North Aurora
(630) 859-1410
AIBMR Life Sciences, Inc. Alkawonder LLC AMAZ
Dr. John Endres
(253) 286-2888
Mihaela Paraschivoiu
Boynton Beach
(561) 572-0510
Gustavo Nader Cavalcante
Santa Monica
(310) 310-0672
Applied Food Sciences (AFS)
Jackson Zapp
(512) 732-8300
Angus Brown
Avure HPP Technologies - JBT
Lisa Wessels
(859) 534-1545
AX Water Aronia Berry Waters
Gavin Linde
(619) 994-6812
Axiom Foods
Kay Abadee
(818) 266-2461
(480) 449-7770
Azpack Backyard Soda Co
Jonathan Schultz
(970) 363-4935
BAWLS Acquisition
Kellie D'Amato
(888) 731-9708
Beauty Gourmet, LLC
Kris Ravenscroft
(781) 336-6500
Sofie Colombeen
(321) 680-1372
Julie Saltzman
Berlin Packaging Bev-Hub BevSource
Customer Service
(316) 339-0360
Dan Macri
St Paul
(866) 956-4608
Beyond Beverages LLC
Russell Lipton
(310) 327-1700
Bioenergy Life Science (BLS)
Penny Portner
(763) 746-3926
City of Industry
(626) 934-0099
Robert Koenen
Grand Rapids
(844) 429-3987
Cortney Schirmer
(630) 520-9060
BLUE PACIFIC FLAVORS Boxed Water Is Better Brookside Flavors and Ingredie C4® Caliper Commercial Ingredients Callisons Cask Global Canning Solutions CBD Living CELSIUS Holdings Chemi Nutra Clear/Cut Phocus
Declan Duggan
(215) 219-9203
Commerce City
Kim Carson
(317) 442-8740
Brittany Houston
(951) 407- 0376
Elisha Gil
Boca Raton
(561) 926-8318
Chase Hagerman
(866) 907-0400
Ryan Smith
(866) 746-2891
Christine Pototschnik
New York
(914) 460-7372
Closure Systems International
Clint Rush
(317) 390-5067
Cloud Water Brands
Julie Siden
New York
(917) 568-5853
Scott Sandler
(312) 243-1115
Nick Thompson
(800) 486-1198
(913) 890-5500
COCO5 Copper Moon Coffee, LLC Corbion CP Kelco CraftPack Beverage, LLC Crystal Geyser Water Company
Bobbie Kenney
(678) 247-7300
Ashley Sebastionelli
Rob Bulot
(626) 859-2822
Antonine Yahia Cherif
New York City
(646) 617-5850
Leyla Sfeir
Miami Beach
(866) 822-3650
Deer Lake Springs, LLC
Jeffrrey Foss
(312) 545-1034
Christine Widga
(929) 370-9286
Diabolo Beverages
Jon Pevehouse
Sherman Oaks
(714) 702-4967
Merel Petri
New York
(630) 596-6779
Danone Waters of America
REMEMBER REFLECT REJOICE In 2020, GT’s KOMBUCHA celebrates 25 years with Sacred Life, a limited-edition offering. Encased in a commemorative, engraved glass bottle, Sacred Life is crafted with fresh coconut water, fresh pressed ginger, and blue spirulina which naturally gives this Kombucha its vibrant blue color. For orders and info, please contact:
COMPANY CONTACT INFORMATION COMPANY DIVAS drink U.S. Inc. Doehler North America Douglas Machine Inc. Drink Gifted DWS PRINTING Edlong Corporation Electrolit USA Essentia Water Evolution Fresh®
Martin Buschbacher
(954) 666-8896
Kristy Ellenson
(770) 387-0451
Erv Fringer
(320) 763-6587
Lefteris Giaprakis
(929) 228-9910
Andy Staib
Deer Park
(631) 667-6666
Lisa Drawer
Elk Grove Village
(847) 631-6797
Brenda De Anda
(518) 417-4887
Maddie Ruberg
(425) 402-9555
Christina Larigan
(206) 318-7609
fairlife, LLC
fairlife Media
(312) 624-9444
Farbest Brands
Michael Sutich
Park Ridge
(201) 573-4900
Cameron Meshell
(310) 710-1773
Farmington Research Finlays Fizzique, LLC Flavorman Flow Alkaline Spring Water
(800) 288-6272
Ashley Panyako
(760) 522-0412
Phil Icsman
(502) 301-8132
(844) 356-9426
FONA International
Cara Newkirk
(630) 578-8642
John Murphy
Salt Lake City
(801) 975-2604
Sean Conner
New York
(917) 596-3229
Gwen Chapdelaine
Elk Grove
(847) 357-9500
John Slade
(901) 881-6681
Fort Dearborn Company Franklin Baker, Inc. Frey Farms
Hilary Long
(314) 779-7018
Full Harvest
Fernando Alvear
San Francisco
(916) 500-9296
Jeannette O'Brien
(914) 524-0600
GoodWest Industries, LLC
John Ludwig
(800) 948-1922
Greenbelt Craft Kombucha
Gavin Booth
(714) 856-0835
GT's Living Foods
GT's Sales
Paul Tecker
(714) 392-4414
Melody Sham
Los Angeles
(323) 653-8500
Jennifer Kania
(419) 699-9917
Hawai‘i Volcanic Water
Jason Donovan
(808) 639-9394
Health-Ade Kombucha
Shannon Crossman
(424) 999-2965
Taylor Davies
Los Angeles
(951) 743-2900
HFactor Water
Steve Torres
New York
(347) 416-0776
Angela Helfrich
New York
(919) 906-4145
Higher Mind
Hoplark HopTea
Hodding Hall
(614) 551-3441
Icelandic Glacial
Reza Mirza
Culver City
(424) 201-6800
Jigme Love
Marina Del Rey
(310) 844-8159
Iron Heart Canning Co
Infuzed Brands
Roger Kissling
(908) 619-5449
Ronald Puvak
(419) 708-1486
(718) 250-4000
Candice Peck
(760) 560-5286
Kathleen O'Brien
East Calais
(203) 273-9009
Jana Kralick
(925) 964-7868
King Juice Company, INC.
Matt Andersen
(414) 482-0303
KÖE Organic Kombucha
Jared Smith
(323) 581-3663
ITO EN (North America) INC. Javo Beverage Company Kafina Energy KidKup
Shannon Winnicki
South Bend
Liberty Imports USA, Inc
Terri Reedell
(610) 434-1109
Moose Koons
(303) 845-2728
Rosemary Devlin
(917) 567-2650
Living Juice LoftTea, Inc.
Santa Monica
(800) 336-9630
Lucky Clover Packaging
Ashley Sebastionelli
Ms Tammi Higgins
(877) 592-6733
(201) 659-3100
Martin Bauer Inc. Mayawell McLean Design Microbiome Labs MindFull Inc. Monk Fruit Corp Monvera Glass Décor
Oliver Shuttlesworth
(737) 231-0119
Caryn Javinsky
Walnut Creek
(925) 944-9500
Alisa Ries
St. Augustine
(801) 201-8839
Paul Paslaski
(847) 367-6665
(877) 792-1150
MORRE-TEC Industries, Inc.
Michael Fuchs
(908) 688-9009
Mother Murphy's Flavors
David Wilhoit
(800) 849-1277
Natural Recovery Greens
Pete Olander
(303) 919-3849
Customer Service
(316) 339-0360
Oh Hi Beverages INC
John Lynch
(970) 903-8083
Liz Trowler
(310) 806-2601
Nitro Joe's
Optimum Nutrition, Inc.
Jean Terminiello
(561) 445-0505
Organic Valley
Sales Operations
(608) 625-3444
Overnight Labels
Don Earl
Deer Park
(800) 472-5753
Ali Orabi
(530) 329-4428
Pervida CBD
Jenny Collette
(540) 808-0800
Petal Sparkling Botanicals
Candice Crane
Highland Park
(847) 344-2858
Mary Ekman
(651) 797-3168
Pizzey Ingredients poppi
Allison Ellsworth
(940) 867-3240
Positive Beverage
Zach Muchnick
Costa Mesa
(856) 979-2093
Press Foods International
Diego Rodriguez
San Pedro Garza García
Don Rodgers
Wall Township
(888) 736-6339
Marce McKinnon
(657) 254-3321
PTM Food Pure Steeps Beverage, LLC
Claudia Marion
Purposeful Excellence
Kristopher Anderson
(412) 414-1067
Tom Serventi
New York
Erin Mand
(310) 713-9184
Red Bull North America Reneva LLC Repsly Revive Kombucha Riff ROAR Beverage Company Rock Grace Rowdy Mermaid Kombucha Sapphire Flavors and Fragrance
Deniz Oncu
(347) 860-5926
Jamison Newall
(857) 284-8140
Revive Kombucha
(707) 536-1193
Paul Evers
(541) 390-4021
Eric Berniker
(646) 621-5022
Anne Hulett
(206) 351-2798
Michelle Dziuban
(720) 656-9048
Julia Rivera
(973) 200-8849
COMPANY Ska Fabricating
(970) 403-8562
Snowing in Space Coffee
Paul Dierkes
(434) 806-5337
Sofee Beverage LLC
Chad Hazen
Redondo Beach
(310) 894-2936
Steven Cosgrove
San Diego
(949) 412-3661
Solvi Acquisition
Kellie D'Amato
(877) 932-7865
Southeast Bottling & Beverage
Alisa Cessna
Dade City
(352) 567-2200
Southern Champion Sovány Beverage Company
Tracy Frisbie
(972) 242-3777
Marcella Fodor
Las Vegas
(917) 763-3779
Andrew Thomas
Los Angeles
(480) 231-7612
Specialty Water, LLC
Dan Zucekrman
(951) 252-3263
Spritz Beverages LLC
Kathryn Dougherty
(484) 300-1046
Stapleton-Spence Steeped Coffee Stiebs Sunshine Beverages Sweegen Synergy Flavors T. Hasegawa USA Inc. Talking Rain Beverage Company Tama Tea
Rich Kenny
(408) 807-8032
Leo Betancourt
Santa Cruz
(831) 706-2887
Brian Nova
(559) 661-0031
Beth Hathcock
(336) 708-3956
Katharina Pueller
Rancho Santa Margarita
(949) 709-0583
Joe Boehrer
(847) 487-1011
Mark Webster
(714) 736-7109
Mallory Megown
(425) 222-4900
Rocco Quaranto III
(910) 465-2386
Teatulia Organic Teas
Vanessa Edgett
(303) 433-2980
The Bitter Housewife
Dan Brazelton
(503) 662-7147
The Coffee Cherry Co.
Carole Widmayer
(131) 295-2910
The Jel Sert Company
Gavin Wegner
(630) 876-4756
The Wright Group
Justin Liberty
(337) 783-3096
Time To Unwind Inc.
Tohi Ventures
Shari Coulter Ford
(816) 510-7719
Tradin Organic
Hobbs Wolcott
(831) 334-8999
Nick Linz
(513) 248-1255
Tripack True Nopal Ventures LLC Ultima Health Products, Inc UPTIME Energy, Inc. Van Groningen & Sons Inc. Verve Coffee Roasters VINA Virginia Dare Extract Co VOSS Water
Tom Zummo
(480) 636-8044
Skeet Freeman
Stan Madrid
Van Nuys
(312) 560-9888
Teri Lovdal
(209) 924-6154
Jordan Shulman
Santa Cruz
(831) 345-6613
Danielle Calabrese
Los Angeles
(213) 308-4888
(718) 788-1776
Jaana Otero
New York
(212) 995-2255
John Simmons
(303) 818-5764
Wholesome Tea Company
Kevin Kotecki
Burr Ridge
(630) 861-0422
Wild Orchard Green Tea
Michael Ham
Mount Kisco
Wildflower by Happy Moose
Ryan Armistead
San Francisco
(704) 876-8909
Wine Water LTD
AnnaT Turgeman
(972) 522-9223
New York
(212) 594-3080
Karrie Gibson
(630) 640-1968
XL Energy Drink Corp Yerbae LLC
Wild Turkey and Creative Director Matthew Mcconaughey Partner with Complex for New Digital Serie Wild Turkey and Complex, with Creative Director and brand storyteller Matthew McConaughey, announce the launch of two exciting new content series: Talk Turkey and The Spirit of Conviction, both of which explore trailblazers from influential movements who are helping to define culture through acts of personal conviction. The interview series, Talk Turkey, premiered October 11 across Complex’s social channels, and on Wild Turkey’s YouTube channel, as well as on the Wild Turkey’s Instagram, Twitter and Facebook pages. The Spirit of Conviction premiered on the same day on
Talk Turkey features the Academy Award-winning actor and producer having meaningful conversations with cultural leaders who are constantly creating, disrupting, and challenging norms while remaining authentic to them. In addition to Talk Turkey, which will air exclusively on Complex’s IGTV, Twitter and Facebook, McConaughey narrates The Spirit of Conviction, a series of longer form documentaries on each of the subjects featured in his one-onone dialogues that will launch on YouTube. With themes of redemption, female empowerment, self-help and reconnecting with the outdoors grounding each episode, this series will fur-
ther propel the authentic story of these inspiring individuals. In these new series, McConaughey explores an untapped
subculture, shining a light on people who exhibit unwavering conviction and are doing things the right way—no matter how challenging. The trailblazers featured in each series span from entrepreneurs and a world champion surfer to culinary sensations and an award-winning journalist. “We are exploring conviction. Why some never compromise to be the best and why some choose their own path where none have gone before,” said McConaughey. “Talk Turkey is connecting with groundbreakers and way-makers who, like the Russell family of distillers, have an uncompromising conviction to do what they do.”
Icelandic Glacial Announced as Official Water Sponsor of the Golden Globes In November, Icelandic Glacial announced that it will serve as the official water for the 77th Golden Globes Awards Ceremony in January 2020. The naturally alkaline and sustainably sourced natural spring water will hydrate nominees and guests both on the red carpet and during the annual star-studded show. This marks the first time Icelandic Glacial has served as a Golden Globes sponsor. “We are proud to be an environ-
mentally conscious partner of the Golden Globes,” said Icelandic Glacial’s chairman and co-founder, Jon Olafsson. “We pride ourselves on our outstanding achievement of being the world’s first certified Carbon Neutral bottled water for the past ten years, and look forward to sharing the purest tasting water on Earth with Hollywood’s finest.” Icelandic Glacial will be available to guests upon arrival at the red carpet, with glass bottles featured on every
dinner table during the televised award ceremony. Icelandic Glacial will also be exclusively available at all Golden Globes’ official events leading up to the big show. “We are delighted that nominees and guests will be able to sample Icelandic Glacial and experience water that is high in quality, purity and environmental sustainability,” said Reza Mirza, CEO of Icelandic Glacial. “We believe in bringing our water from Iceland with minimal environ-
mental impact.” Icelandic Glacial will donate water to a humanitarian cause of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association’s (HFPA) choice. “We are thrilled to partner with Icelandic Glacial to keep guests hy-
drated at the 77th annual Golden Globe Awards,” said Lorenzo Soria, president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. “For over 25 years, the HFPA has been giving back to the community, and
the world, committing over $37.5 million in grants to nonprofits and humanitarian organizations. We are thrilled that through this partnership, Icelandic Glacial will help us further our mission of doing good.”
PROMO PARADE Nuun Partners with the Los Angeles Marathon
In October, Nuun Hydration announced a new multi-year partnership with Conqur Endurance Group, the producer of the Los Angeles Marathon. Nuun, a rising Seattle-based functional hydration company, will replace Gatorade for the marathon and three other major races in the greater Los Angeles area. As consumers become more ingredient-conscious, major marathons are making the switch from traditional sports drinks to new modern hydration solutions. Steve Powell, chief commercial officer for Concur Endurance Group, commented on the switch saying, “We are proud to partner with an innovative hydration company like Nuun. We feel that they are
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steering the future of hydration, and giving endurance lifestyle athletes far more than the traditional hydration companies have to offer. Having Nuun on course is going to be a huge asset to our runners.” Originally conceived as an electrolyte replacement drink free from carbohydrates and added sugar, Nuun has built a strong following within the healthconscious athletic community, becoming the best-selling sports drink supplement brand in sport specialty and health food stores in North America. Nuun’s signature product is an effervescent sports hydration tablet, but this year they introduced Nuun Endurance, a powder formula designed specifically for the rigors
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of marathons and other long-distance endurance sports. Like all Nuun products, the Nuun Endurance formula is vegan, gluten-free, Non-GMO, Informed-Sport certified and Kosher. Runners at the Los Angeles Marathon can expect to find Nuun Endurance available on course at all hydration stations. “The Los Angeles Marathon is just another step towards bringing clean, powerful hydration solutions to mainstream athletic audiences. We’re confident that as research continues to emerge on the science of hydration, traditional sugary sports drinks will become a thing of the past,” shared Nuun CEO Kevin Rutherford.
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PROMO PARADE Health-Ade Kombucha Launches “You Brew You” Campaign
Health-Ade Kombucha celebrates the power of personal taste and its most popular flavors with a striking new advertising campaign. The first digital and print advertising for the “You Brew You” campaign breaks in October in media outlets including Vogue, Allure, GQ,Vanity Fair, and Us Weekly. The multi-million dollar campaign will run through the end of 2020 in these and other outlets. The new ads aren’t what you would expect from a beverage brand, especially not a kombucha brand, and that’s exactly what Health-Ade cofounder and CEO Daina Trout wanted. In the high-touch Health-Ade ads, street style, athleisure, pop culture and witty riffs come together with bold colors inspired by HealthAde’s iconic packaging, creating vibrant visuals that start a conversation about you and kombucha. “We want to broaden the appeal of kombucha and attract new people to the category and our brand,” said Trout. “Kombucha has a big, unique flavor and we wanted to have some fun communicating this!We tried to make a campaign that would be flavor for your eyes—bright, expressive,
and bold. My co-founders and I had to break a lot of molds and really trust ourselves to take risks when we started Health-Ade, so we incorporated that entrepreneurial spirit into the campaign, hence the name ‘You Brew You’ and its expressive look. In the end, we wanted to shake things up a bit, kind of like kombucha does when you first try it!” Kombucha can sometimes have a crunchy, yogi, DIY kind of image. Health-Ade celebrates that authenticity, but as one of the leading kombucha brands in the US, also wants to change the image of kombucha for the general public and of course, digitally native consumers. “Some people discover kombucha for the first time on their Instagram feeds,” said Trout. “This campaign speaks to them too, through strong colors, relevant language, and models that look like real people.” The “You Brew You” ads feature Health-Ade’s new bolder packaging and a street style aesthetic in the models’ wardrobes. “This campaign is very much about personal style because kombucha is a very personal drink.” Kennett Creative served as the creative agency on the campaign.
Nestlé Pure Life Launches DC Collection Bottles Nestlé Pure Life introduced “DC Collection” bottles to its portfolio in October. The 330ml bottles, which feature DC characters, are made from 100% recycled plastic (rPET) and are 100% recyclable, including the cap. The exciting new “DC Collection” includes four popular DC characters — Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman and Shazam. Additionally, the bottles have a Super Hero symbol on the side of the bottle that encourages kids to finish drinking their water. Once done, they can shine a flashlight through the bottle, projecting the symbol on a wall. ”We are excited to team up with Warner Bros. and DC to make drinking water more fun for families with kids,” said Yumi Clevenger-Lee, chief marketing officer at Nestlé Waters North America. “By featuring characters kids look up to, along
with a 100% recyclable bottle made with 100% recycled plastic, we’re doing our part to help keep both families and the planet healthy.” To ensure 100% recyclability of both the bottles and the sleeve labels, Nestlé Waters North America is using new labels for this product that are more compatible with the recycling process. Unlike some other sleeve-wrapped products, this new sleeve label technology does not require consumers to remove the label before recycling; consumers can simply place the cap back on the bottle when finished and discard in the recycling bin.
Health-Ade Kombucha Launches at CenturyLink Field The Seattle Seahawks and CenturyLink Field have partnered with Health-Ade Kombucha to bring the brand to the team’s training facility and to CenturyLink Field on game days. Health-Ade Kombucha’s Pink Lady Apple flavor is now available on-tap at CenturyLink Field pregame in American Family Insurance Touchdown City, as well as in-game at Best of Pioneer Square & International DistrictChinatown in Section 323 and Local Eats in Section 341. Pink Lady Apple is a brew made with cold-pressed juice from organic Washington-grown Pink Lady Apples, and Health-Ade’s small batch kombucha. “Our fans love having a variety of beverage options to choose from, so we are thrilled to add Health-Ade Kombucha as another unique and nutritious beverage choice for the 12s to enjoy on game days,” said Zach Hensley, VP of operations and guest experience, CenturyLink Field. The gut-healthy beverage is also being served to Seahawks players and staff at the team’s training facility, the Virginia Mason Athletic Center. Staff and players are provided with Pink Lady Apple as well as Health-Ade’s newest flavor, Grape Vibes, which is made with cold-pressed organic California grapes.
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