BevNET Magazine November/December 2022

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Contents / November – December 2022 / Volume 20 / No. 6 COLUMNS 6 First Drop Influencers Find the Brand Building Shortcut 8 Publisher’s Toast Beverages Still For The Dreamers 42 Gerry’s Insights Dietrich Mateschitz’s Lasting Legacy DEPARTMENTS 12 Bevscape/NOSHscape/Brewscape VPX Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection; FDA Defines ‘Healthy’ On-Pack; Reyes Strikes Again with Deal for Paradise Beverage in Hawaii 32 New Products Red Bull, Zevia & La Colombe 36 Channel Check Ciders Take Center Stage 120 Promo Parade Monster Energy Inks Deal With New York Rangers EVENT COVERAGE 44 Show Preview NACS 2022 Recap: Lots of Iced Tea, Plus Tropical Wave FEATURES 46 Sparkling Water Innovation Driving Options On-Shelf (with Brand News) 52 Kombucha & Probiotics Booze Makes a Comeback (with Brand News) 60 Dairy & Alt-Dairy Shifting Strategies Highlight Health (with Brand News) SPECIAL SECTION 67 New Beverage Guide MAGAZINE BevNET Magazine (ISSN 2165-6061, USPS 24-552) is published bi-monthly by, Inc. 65 Chapel Street Newton, MA 02458. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to BevNET Magazine, Subscriber Services, 65 Chapel Street Newton, MA 02458 Follow Us Online 46 52 60 67 5 NEW BEVERAGE GUIDE • 2022 Cover Image By: Garnish Studios -

The Brand Builder’s Shortcut?

It’s likely that by the time this hits your desk/inbox/birdcage fl oor I’ll have interviewed a woman named Emma Chamberlain about her Chamberlain Coffee brand during our NOSH Live show, along with Chris Gallant, her company’s CEO.

The interview will have been an attempt to understand this so-called “Creator Economy” – a fancy name for brands started by the social media stars your kids are watching on Youtube/ Instagram/TikTok/Twitter (note I didn’t say LinkedIn, where I tend to hang out). In researching the interview, I’ve come to understand that a lot of entrepreneurs are fearful of the implications of the Creator Economy, as they are worried that they’ll get squeezed out by someone with strong bandwidth and a ready-made audience. Should they?

The always coffee-slurping Chamberlain has an audience and more: her team claims she has 35 million followers; she launched her company in 2019 and it pulled in more than $7 million in investment this year, not bad for a brand that so far consists of steeped coffee bags, beans, some fl avor collaborations and a lot of fun accessories.

Chamberlain’s popularity comes through her sense of being “real.” Her early videos combined the angsty confessional style of a 17-year-old raised on reality shows with the silliness of a smart kid who has had too much caffeine. She doesn’t really rely on stunts, drugs, the latest dances or pure bodily objectifi cation. She’s also a talented editor who is able to get a message and mood across through fi lters, the addition of quick-cut meta-commentary on her own monologues, and a willingness to never take Emma Chamberlain the character too seriously. It worked: she’s now got a podcast, has been on Jimmy Kimmel and to the Met Ball: fashion houses like Louis Vuitton have started dressing her up and sponsoring her, she’s making lots of money and has swanned from talkative teen into a model and fashion infl uencer.

So if she’s able to take these followers and turn them into coffee drinkers, that has to mean something, right? It’s an evolutionary moment – we’ve gone from hiring a celebrity to endorse a brand (think Miller Lite commercials), to having a celebrity invest time or money in a brand and support it (think Vitaminwater), to having a brand bring in a celebrity “co-creator” (think Zoa or Foodstirs). Now, the Creator gets top billing; the product is an extension of their popularity and audience devotion. The rest of the business is assembled behind them, and if it gets traction, it scales.

Here’s the great part about something like Chamberlain Coffee: it’s absolutely an inch wide and a mile deep. Her followers are late teens and early 20s: Gen Z for sure. But how long will they stay with her?

It’s in researching this point that I became a cool uncle, because I got to DM my nieces and tell them about my interview with Chamberlain, which they thought was much more interesting than parts of my job that involve getting yelled at by, say, the founder of BANG.

My 25-year-old niece Margot – a graduate student and former investment banker – was aware of Chamberlain, but

on the outside of her sphere of infl uence (she was awed, nevertheless – I’m just that impressive). Younger, more fashion-focused friends of hers had much more developed opinions about Chamberlain, her style choices, and her coffee brand. They were all positive! Their texts about her had lots of “!!!!”

My younger niece Rebecca, a soccer-playing college junior, reached out to her cohort for an incredible trove of Emma treasures. At 21, both her college and high school friends had actual relationships Emma. They loved her podcast because she’s “super relatable but also is mature beyond her years and gives very good advice.” They love her style and think “she isn’t controversial and defi nitely sets a lot of fashion trends and such,” and that “she has a slay personality and is super funny.”

Asked about her coffee, there was agreement that it fi t her brand. One fan admired the brand’s “great aesthetic – I have two totes and a Mason jar.”

Then I reached out to my sister, Andrea, who is the mother of these two amazing nieces. What follows is a direct quote from our text exchange:

Me: Your daughters have been very helpful in my research into an upcoming interview with Emma Chamberlain. So thank you for having them.

My Sister: Who is she?

Me: Exactly.

So there you go. What will it take to extend these brands to niches beyond their founders’ followers? What will it take for the founders themselves to keep their followers interested for life? And, of course, are the products any good?

In Chamberlain’s case, they seem to fi t the moment for sure. They are customizable, she has great recipes, it looks cool. It’s a extension of her brand, it makes sense, it resonates with her image and her audience. But I worry. Not so much about the coffee, but about us.

I’m worried that we might be living in a society in which being famous means that you’re qualifi ed to do all kinds of things that you probably shouldn’t, like be President. Still, as we saw in that last example, if people don’t like the brand, they’ll reject it once they get the chance. Meanwhile, enjoy your coffee.

Photo by Samara Doole
on Unsplash

The Long Run

Yesterday was a majestic day in New York: the New York Marathon was back in all its glory. Over 50,000 runners from all corners of the world participated in this iconic event. While the temperature, in the 70’s, was more reflective of late spring or early fall, it made for great viewing. The cloud cover and a little sprinkle made it bearable for the runners, so a great time was had by all. As I stood at the same spot that I’ve perched at for 30 years, I heard so many different languages spoken, country flags waved, and saw so many different beverages in the hands of spectators.

I thought back to the early days of the race, and how my viewing coincided with my entry into the beverage space. It made me aware of what people were drinking. Back in those days, the choices were few. Obviously, the runners were pretty much imbibing just water. Gatorade and other sports drinks were just entering into our spheres. The spectators were pretty much drinking soda. Beverage Marketing Corp. had just coined the term “New Age Beverages” and they were just starting to make an impact on our world. Boy, did it ever explode over the next few years, leading to

the plethora of options we have today. In this limited space, I couldn’t even begin to list the categories that sprouted up. There have been thousands of brands that have crossed my desk. To those of you that have stopped by my office, you’ve seen shelf upon shelf of products lining my walls. So many ask to be placed on what they believe is a wall of fame – but I always share that all the products are ones that have failed. It is my cautionary tale of how hard it is to be successful in the beverages.

What has not changed in the 30 plus years I’ve observed the beverage arena is the failure rate, which is still close to 90 percent. There are so many reasons brands fail that I cannot begin to objectively list them, but that is the reality. It is also the reason I so admire all of the marketers with an idea, an execution plan and a hope to achieve success. All the dreamers who dared to enter the fray are to be praised for their efforts. There is still a place to make it in the marketplace. I hope you are one of the success stories, and that I get to see someone chugging you either to get through the Marathon, or sipping it for enjoyment from the sidelines.

Barry J. Nathanson PUBLISHER

Jeffrey Klineman EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Martín Caballero MANAGING EDITOR




Carol Ortenberg EDITOR, NOSH

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Liquid Death To Launch Iced Teas, Begin Shift to U.S. Production In

Can a brand built on counterculture, rebellion and fl aming skulls become the next big mainstream beverage giant? That remains to be seen, but Liquid Death CEO Mike Cessario is certainly up for the challenge.

In just a few short years, the former advertising executive has emerged as an unlikely visionary businessman, injecting a punk rock aesthetic and healthy disregard for ‘safe’ marketing tactics into a packaged water brand expected to clear $130 million in sales this year -- and to double in 2023. According to internal company documents viewed by BevNET, Liquid Death has achieved 94% national distribution coverage via DSD and broadline partners, carrying the ability to service 346,000 doors across the U.S., while only clocking in at 13% brand awareness. To the chagrin or disbelief of many, Liquid Death has achieved a $700 million valuation by selling water in a can, generating a war chest of $195 million in investment -including October’s $70 million Series D -- along the way.

If January’s $75 million Series C round was a confi rmation of Liquid Death’s growth thus far, October’s round underscores the belief that the brand can go even further, mainly thanks to the performance of its fl avored sparkling line released in January. Within three months of its introduction, the product had “gone nuclear,” according to Cessario, generating 40% of the brand’s total Amazon revenue without cannibalizing its existing business. In brick-and-mortar retail, the fl avored line outsold all varieties of Topo Chico in Target and became the #2 best-selling sparkling water at 7-Eleven. Retailers that had initially been skeptical on stocking a Liquid Death product that strayed from the brand’s zero-calorie, zero-sugar roots were eventually won over.

To Cessario, that experience has underscored Liquid Death’s true point of differentiation as a beverage maker: bringing otherwise disinterested consumers into the better-for-you space. Beyond the various publicity stunts and provocative ads, the brand has created a connection with its audience that allows its waters to play at retailers as diverse as Whole Foods and Walmart at virtually the same price. The early success of the fl avored line, positioned somewhere between a soda and a zero-calorie Sparkling Ice or Spindrift, suggests

that consumers are eager to evolve alongside the brand. It’s also now seeing its fi rst line extension since the launch with a fourth fl avor, Convicted Melon, launching in the near future.

“What we’re seeing is that the brand can be a platform for healthy beverages,” Cessario said. “Healthy beverage categories typically don’t have the most exciting, fun marketing; it tends to kind of be all very the same kind of bland. I think there’s a possibility for Liquid Death to go into multiple healthy beverage categories and sort of be the cool, fun brand. And for me, outside of our ‘Death to Plastic’ mission, what we’re really trying to do is bring healthy beverages to people who don’t typically drink them.”

The fi rst test of the brand’s broader viability is set to begin soon with the introduction of iced teas, Liquid Death’s fi rst non-water product. The line was previewed at the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) 2022 show in Las Vegas with three aptly named fl avors: Rest In Peach, Grim Leafer and Armless Palmer. The teas are expected to hit


shelves this spring and will be available for $2.79 per 19.2 oz can ($17.99 per 8-pack case), with six grams of sugar from agave each.

Thanks to its large audience, healthy halo and dearth of recent large-scale innovation, the iced tea category “checked all of our boxes,” said Cessario. With just 30 mg of caffeine from black tea, the product allows Liquid Death to dip its toes in the general ‘energy’ space without going full force with a dedicated product, a move the CEO suggested was unlikely.

“When your brand is called Liquid Death, if you were to create an energy drink with 300mg of caffeine, and a kid could drink five in an hour and actually die, it’s not funny,” he said. “I think what makes us successful is taking something that is completely safe and having fun branding it as something extreme where it is very tongue-in-cheek and fun because it’s sort of two different worlds at odds with each other coming together. That’s what makes it interesting.”

The extension will also serve to test whether Liquid Death’s strong presence in on-premise channels can go beyond water. The brand is currently in over 400,000 restaurants, bars and other on-premise venues; through its exclusive partnership with Live Nation, where the product has found traction as a non-alcoholic option for partying and nightlife occasions. It’s unclear whether the iced tea will also be prominently featured in those channels or if it would be carried as the exclusive category product for Live Nation properties.

“For us, it’s more exciting to find products [where] maybe the category in general has never had the right kind of brand to bring, you know, more audience, or more different kinds of people into those categories,” Cessario said. “Places where there already are 100 cool, loud, exciting brands -- it doesn’t make as much sense to kind of go [into those categories].”

Iced tea -- and more potential innovations -- are expected to help fuel the company’s march towards profitability and stronger gross margins. But operations are also set for a major overhaul next year, as Liquid Death transitions its sourcing from “mountain water” from the Austrian Alps to natural springs in the U.S. Cessario said the move was “always on our radar,” but a lack of U.S. co-packers who could produce spring water in cans forced the company to source from abroad. Now that Liquid Death has more options stateside, the transition is expected to begin next year and be completed by 2024-2025, by which point gross margins are projected at 46-47%. Moving production to the U.S. will also sidestep ocean freight, which weighed down both profitability and the company’s more-sustainable positioning.

That growth, along with a planned expansion into Europe, will require even more funding, and October’s announcement teased the potential for Liquid Death to go public in the future. Having been encouraged by the $5.5 billion valuation attached to publicly traded energy drink company Celsius, Cessario called the prospect of an IPO “interesting” but emphasized that his company was not committing to going down that road just yet.

As the brand’s reach and platform widens, though, Cessario said Liquid Death will stick to the marketing approach that has taken it this far by focusing on “insane ROI on every marketing dollar” the company spends. In other words, don’t expect the brand to splash the cash on an NBA sponsorship anytime soon.

“When you create something where a lot of people legitimately love it and think it’s the greatest thing ever, but then you’ve got some people who completely don’t understand it and think it’s the dumbest thing ever, that kind of a dynamic has been proven to lead to a tremendous amount of success,” he said.



VPX Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection

Vital Pharmaceuticals (VPX), the maker of Bang Energy, has fi led for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

Business operations will continue, the Florida-based company said in a press release in October, as it moves ahead with efforts to rebuild the Bang distribution network – now up to 269 DSD houses around the country – following the termination of the brand’s agreement with PepsiCo earlier this year. VPX has also received $100 million in loans from a syndicate of lenders to ensure operations are not interrupted during the Chapter 11 restructuring process.

“We are excited about our future, and particularly the new distribution system that we have spent the better part of this year assembling,” VPX founder and CEO Jack Owoc said in the release. “Utilizing our new state-of-the-art decentralized direct store distribution (DSD) will allow Bang Energy to get back to our pre-Pepsi meteoric annual success of several hundred percent year over year growth. We are coming like a freight train and cannot be stopped.”

The fi ling comes in the wake of a federal court ruling in September ordering VPX to pay $293 million in damages to Monster Energy Co. after a jury found that the company had violated the Lanham Act by falsely marketing its “Super Creatine” supplement as a functional ingredient in Bang that is superior to standard creatine. Those damages could be potentially tripled in a post-trial hearing, though VPX may appeal the decision.

During the trial, VPX’s attorney David P. Muth warned that a decision favoring Monster could potentially push the company into bankruptcy.

The legal blow came just months after VPX lost a separate trademark dispute with Monster and family-owned beverage brand Orange Bang, in which VPX was ordered to pay $175 million as well as a 5% royalty fee for every can of Bang sold.

Besides Monster, VPX has recently faced a spate of breach of contract lawsuits from PepsiCo, prior to a

mutually agreed upon termination of its distribution deal this summer. It is also engaged in a trademark infringement lawsuit with Sony Music Entertainment, which alleged the beverage brand improperly used its music in social media advertisements. Last month, a Miami federal judge sided with Sony in a pretrial decision, following a similar decision in a lawsuit against VPX from Universal Music Group last year.

VPX acknowledged in the release that the lawsuits played a role in the decision to fi le for bankruptcy protection, noting that the cases “impacted the Company’s shortterm outlook,” while the need to rebuild its DSD network led to a summer revenue gap. The company said it intends to use the Chapter 11 process to “recapitalize and emerge from bankruptcy well-positioned to continue its rapid growth in the beverage market.”

Though Bang has commanded a strong position in the U.S. energy drink category as the number three brand behind Monster and Red Bull – reporting over $1.1 billion in annual retail revenue – it has faced consistent and steep sales declines over recent months. According to NielsenIQ, retail dollar sales fell -21.3% in the two-week period ending September 24 and volume declined by -25%. Over the 52week period, sales dropped by -8.3% and volume was down -9.7%.

But in the release, Owoc projected a positive outlook, vowing that the brand would one day see a return to the triple-digit growth numbers it experienced in 2019 when it fi rst emerged as a signifi cant national brand eager to unseat Monster as the largest energy drink in the country.

“This company was founded on determination and a relentless passion for giving our customers and consumers what they want – and we will continue to do so,” Owoc said in the release. “I know we will successfully emerge from this process as a stronger company.”


Essentia Founder, Former CEO Reteam for Enhanced Water Brand Yesly

After an exit to Nestlé last year, Essentia founder Ken Uptain and its former CEO Scott Miller are jumping back in the water with Yesly, a new brand of canned enhanced waters launching early next year.

The new venture, fi nancially backed by Uptain with Miller serving as CEO, is targeting a white space for a zero calorie, better-for-you still beverage with functional benefi ts, the founders told BevNET this week. Billed on the 16 oz. cans as an “Enhanced Still Water Beverage,” Yesly contains vitamins B6, B12 and C and electrolytes and is sweetened with stevia. The drinks will be available in four fl avors: Pomegranate Acai Blueberry, Lemon, Black Cherry and Kiwi Strawberry. Pricing for the line is still being fi nalized.

As canned water brands like Liquid Death have fed demand for more options in the packaged water category, Yesly aims to provide a similar point of differentiation in the enhanced water set as its tall cans look to stand out on shelf from plasticpackaged national brands like Vitaminwater and Bai.

“After having successfully had the opportunity to transition the [Essentia] business to Nestlé, we sat down and chatted about what’s next,” Miller said. “We really thought that the water category had just continued to have such great growth with multiple consumption [occasions] throughout the day that Ken and I decided to start a new brand, which is really in the area of what I’ll call the ‘On-the-go lifestyle brand.’ Whether you’re taking a walk, whether you’re hiking or just on-the-go throughout the day.”

Uptain founded Essentia in 1998, leading the brand over the course of two decades as it became a nationwide premium bottled water player. Miller, the former CEO of Tampico Beverages, joined the company as CEO in June 2020 overseeing its fi nal leg of growth leading up to the exit –reported to be in the high nine-fi gures – in March 2021.

While Miller’s tenure with Essentia was relatively brief, leaving the company in February, he and Uptain said they became fast friends who shared a business philosophy, making the creation of a new beverage brand a natural next step. Much like their Essentia colleague, former chief strategy offi cer Neil Kimberley, who jumped back into the industry this year to help launch enhanced sparkling water brand Bossa Nova, the founders said they couldn’t stay idle and were eager to get back into startup mode.

“I think it’s in your blood,” Uptain said. “Especially after a success like Essentia.”

However, in this new act Uptain said he is looking to play a supporting role. He is the sole fi nancier providing a set amount that will fuel Yesly for the fi rst two years, and he is also tapping into his network of industry partners to establish a strong grounding for the brand. Meanwhile, Miller will take the lead on day-to-day operations.

Other Essentia alumni are joining them as well; Essentia head of fi nance Justin Connell has come on board as Yesly’s

CFO. Miller said the company is now looking for a full time brand manager to lead marketing and will be hiring for sales positions closer to the Q1 launch.

Yesly has secured a distribution agreement with New York metro area DSD house Big Geyser to begin rolling out in January, Miller said, and the company will take a regional approach to retail to start, also targeting the California, Florida and Seattle markets.

Jerry Reda, president and COO of Big Geyser, said he was excited for the chance to work with Uptain and Miller again, having worked with them while distributing both Essentia and Tampico. Reda called Yesly itself “clean, fresh and exciting,” suggesting the combination of packaging, formulation and brand positioning made it a unique opportunity that doesn’t compete with any other brands in the distributor’s portfolio.

“I have an endless amount of respect for both Scott Miller and Ken Uptain for their achievements in the business,” Reda said. “Ken was able to stay the course and be patient with Essentia and that paid off for him and many other people around him, so I applaud him for that. And, I look at Scott as being one of the top 5% of best operators and CEOs of this business, and I don’t say that lightly.”

As the brand establishes a national DSD network, Miller said ecommerce is also in the works and Yesly will likely begin selling on Amazon shortly after the brick-and-mortar launch, but direct-to-consumer will not be a priority as the company aims to be “effi cient and effective.”

The Yesly branding and packaging was created in partnership with consultancy fi rm Retail Voodoo and Miller said messaging will focus around positivity, ideally serving as a broad net that can appeal across demographics.

“The name Yesly is this kind of positive expression of what we want to do to the consumer, we want to give them a great tasting product that’s better-for-you but also it’s fun and exciting for them,” Miller said. “We’ll say things like, ‘Say yes to what’s next’ and really it’s about a brand with inclusivity where everyone’s welcome. We want to serve every consumer with a mouth. That’s the goal.”



Laird Superfood to Shut Down Oregon Production Plant

Laird Superfood is shutting down its Sisters, Oregon production and fulfillment facility and laying off all workers at the end of this year, the company announced in October.

In a letter shared with employees, CEO and president Jason Vieth, who joined the company in January, cited “an inability to produce at this facility at a rate that is competitive with the industry,” which has intensified already existing financial pressures. The company markets a variety of food and beverage products across categories and formats, but the change only affects its powdered creamers and hydration products, which will be shifted to an unnamed copacker, according to a press release.

“This strategic pivot to an outsourced manufacturing model will significantly improve our financial profile by reducing fixed overhead and simplifying our business, enabling us to focus on maximizing our commercial growth potential,” said Vieth in a statement.

The plant, located on 275 W. Lundgren Mill Drive in Sisters, will be permanently shuttered on December 31, 2022. Around 46 employees are expected to be impacted, starting in mid-December.

Speaking to local media in October, Vieth said the Sisters facility was down from 147 to 83 full-time employees since the start of the year, saying the company had “over-hired” relative to the size of the business. The company will have 38 workers after further reductions are completed, 10 of which will remain in Central Oregon, based on reports.

“We are grateful for the support of the Sisters, Oregon community and our dedicated employees who have helped to build the Laird Superfood brand,” Vieth said in the letter. “Discontinuing our manufacturing operations was an extremely difficult decision. We are deeply committed to supporting our employees during this transition and will provide all affected team members with severance and outplacement services.”

Launched in 2015 by big wave surfer Laird Hamilton and his wife, former U.S. volleyball star Gabrielle Reece, Laird Superfood built a foundation for its flagship “superfood” coffee creamers online before making the transition to retail. As the company grew, it expanded into other product categories including kombucha, powdered beverage mixes, refrigerated RTDs, as well as granola, oatmeal and bars, the latter via its $12 million acquisition of Picky Bars last year. Danone Manifesto Ventures backed the brand with a $10 million investment in 2020.

The company’s production facility in Sisters was seen as a major component of its growth; in 2020, then CEO Paul Hodge told BevNET of plans to add a 30,000 sq. ft. building to the manufacturing campus, and said Laird was interested in helping Sisters to “build a more robust middle-class demographic” by developing affordable housing.

However, Laird has struggled with profitability and financing. Since going public in September 2020 at $22.00 per share, the value has tumbled to around $1.72 as of press time. In the spring, the company mentioned it had reduced headcount during Q1 through “a combination of automation and process improvements.” In Q2, net sales decreased 6% to $8.7 million, compared to $9.2 million in the same period the prior year. The company had around $25 million on hand at the beginning of Q3.

The company reportedly received an unsolicited, roughly $27.5 million acquisition bid from EF Hutton SPV this summer.

“For a company of our size in the current market situation, there is no doubt that protecting cash is the paramount strategic initiative. As I shared on the first quarter call, we’re taking aggressive steps to moderate our own cash burn, including cost improvement initiatives and balance sheet management activities,” said Vieth, according to a transcript of the call.

Suja Acquires Cold-Pressed Juice Shot Brand Vive Organic

Cold-pressed juice maker Suja has acquired California-based Vive Organic, producers of a range of 2 oz. juice shots, for an undisclosed fee. The deal is Suja’s first acquisition since its sale to private equity firm Paine Schwartz Partners in July 2021.

Founded in 2015, Vive Organic emerged as a pioneering brand in the refrigerated premium juice shot category, offering a range of immunity focused, physician-formulated blends sold at retailers like Whole Foods, CVS, Target and other major national chains. The company secured a $13 million series B funding round led by Monogram Capital in July 2020.

Having emerged a few years earlier in 2012, California-based Suja helped seed the retail market for premium cold-pressed juices, operating out of its own 200,000 sq. ft. production and toll processing facility in Miramar, California, and eventually expanded to a wide variety of juice-based drinks, including kombucha, enhanced water, sparkling juice and shots with functional ingredients. At one point, The CocaCola Company was a 33% stakeholder in the brand with an option to buy the company outright within a certain timeframe. After Coca-Cola allowed the deadline to expire, Suja was picked up by Paine Schwartz for an undisclosed fee.

Under a unified portfolio, both Suja and Vive Organic will see “improved operational capabilities, enhanced marketing and sales efforts, extended innovation reach, and benefits of scale,” according to a press release. Wyatt Taubman, Vive’s CEO and co-founder, is expected to continue and “partner with Suja’s leadership to maintain the brand’s successful momentum in the market.”

“Ten years ago, Suja set out with a vision to make organic freshpressed juices available to everyone. The addition of Vive Organic strengthens our offerings and accelerates our mission to build one of the foremost healthy beverage platforms in the world,” said Bob DeBorde, CEO of Suja. “We have a shared focus on prioritizing sustainable, ethical extraction and production processes, as well as a similar purpose of helping consumers take charge of their wellness journeys. We are excited about building on each company’s momentum and, together, we will innovate the next generation of wellness offerings.”

Taubman praised the Vive Organic team for working “tirelessly to inspire more people to start their own holistic wellness journey.”

“In just five years, our team has built the fastest-growing juice shot company in the country,” Taubman said. “Becoming part of Suja will not only accelerate our efforts and enable us to grow the combined business to even higher heights, but also further amplify our mission with a broader group of consumers.”

Kevin Schwartz, CEO of Paine Schwartz, called the deal “an important next step in (Suja’s) evolution.”

“We continue to believe in the significant value creation opportunities in the better-for-you space, and with this transaction, Suja is even better positioned to capture them. We look forward to supporting the Company in this next phase of growth as it expands its product offerings, widens its distribution, and brings Suja and Vive Organic to even more consumers,” he said.

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Nothing “Ugly” About It: Misfits Market Acquires Imperfect Foods

Grocer Misfits Market is eating up the competition, announcing it will acquire fellow e-commerce retailer Imperfect Foods. The deal will put the combined company on a path to hit $1 billion in sales and achieve profitability by 2024, a press release said.

Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati served as legal advisor to Misfits Market while Solomon Partners acted as fi nancial advisor and DLA Piper as legal advisor to Imperfect Foods. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Since Misfits Market’s inception in 2018, and Imperfect’s in 2015, the companies have raised roughly $526.5 million and $229 million, respectively.

In the near term the two companies will operate as independent businesses, but ultimately Misfits Market founder and CEO Abhi Ramesh will assume the combined entity’s primary leadership role. Executives from Imperfect Foods will join the Misfits Market team, but the fate of Imperfect Foods’ newlyappointed CEO Dan Park, as well as what this combined entity will be called, have not yet been disclosed.

“We have a tremendous opportunity to advance the shared mission of both brands, which is nothing less than a fundamental re-imagining of both the grocery category and the broken U.S. food system,” Abhi Ramesh, CEO and founder of Misfits Market, said in a release. “The strengths of the Imperfect Foods organization, from its in-house delivery fl eet and robust private label program to its sustainability commitments and innovation, add immediate scale and depth to what we’re building at Misfits Market.”

Initially both Imperfect Foods (formerly Imperfect Produce) and Misfits Market began as subscription boxes sending customers “ugly,” or imperfect, produce that would otherwise be discarded by retailers or growers. At fi rst, the novel concept appealed to sustainability seeking shoppers.

The two have since evolved their models to incorporate other categories of

goods -- including shelf stable items, meat and seafood -- in an effort to offer more of a full grocery shopping experience. The subscription model has also evolved to allow customers to make one-off purchases and have more say in the products they receive.

The positive effects of these retailers have, at times, been in dispute with some critics arguing they actually contribute to food insecurity by taking products that otherwise would be donated. Still others believe that the impact of saving “ugly” food has been overstated, with many of these less attractive items typically sold to food service providers who don’t care about appearance.

Alongside these questions, in order to have products across the store, both retailers have had to make compromises when it comes to peddling their “ugly” assortments. While they still offer misshapen produce, the two have expanded their idea of imperfect and misfits to include products that are short coded, seasonal, overstock or simply have a fl aw in packaging.

There’s certainly interest in the concept. According to research group Innova Market Insights, 62% of shoppers surveyed said they would be willing to pay extra for food and beverage options that fi ght food waste and roughly 50% are working to cut their own food waste.

At the same time, for all online retailers, the operating environment in the past two years has been volatile. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, shoppers turned to online grocers which increased order volume, and, at times, required wait lists. Although that demand has waned, Misfits Market and Imperfect may be able to keep consumers’ interests with their cost savings play.

According to marketing solutions company Vericast, 83% of baby boomers cite price increases as the biggest challenge when purchasing food. Even 57% of affluent shoppers called out pricing as a concern, with 39% switching to online shopping as a means of cost savings.

Consumer interest has in turn led to increased competition in the channel, but together, Misfits and Imperfect may have better luck maintaining their stronghold over newer players such as Martie, which also sells shelf-stable grocery items that are either overstock, seasonal items or short coded.

“Scale matters in grocery, and this combination makes us a truly meaningful disruptor in the space,” said Imperfect Foods CEO Dan Park in a press release. “The combined experience and expertise of this newly merged team will exponentially increase our ability to take on established players in the traditional grocery space.”

While platforms like Good-To-Go have tried to put a spin on Misfits’ model, the company operates with limited quantity “surprise bags” that ring in at a specifi ed price threshold, it does not yet allow shoppers to select what goes into their bag.

Rather than hold its own inventory, tech platform Flashfood partners with existing retailers in more of an Instacart meets click-and-collect model. Shoppers on the Flashfood app can select items from retailers such as Giant Eagle or Stop and Shop, pay, and then head to the store for pick up.


Beyond Meat v. Don Lee: All Claims Dismissed As Settlement Reached

Five years since Don Lee Farms first sued Beyond Meat for breach of contract, four months since it alleged “something is really wrong” at the alt-meat brand through numerous federal false advertising claims, and three days into the trial proceedings in Los Angeles Superior Court, the plant-based meat brand and its former comanufacturer reached a settlement agreement.

The parties released a joint statement in October stating neither admit liability or wrongdoing and both are satisfied with the outcome. The agreement will dismiss all claims and cross-claims filed in both California state and federal court between the two companies.

According to an SEC filing by Beyond Meat regarding the breach of contract settlement, the terms “did not have a material impact on Beyond Meat’s financial position or results of operations.” The companies reached a separate “confidential written settlement agreement” to dismiss the federal false advertising claims.

The original dispute dates back to 2017 with claims that Beyond had wrongfully terminated its five-year exclusive manufacturing contract with Don Lee, misappropriated trade secrets by sharing proprietary processes developed by Don Lee for Beyond products with new co-manufacturers, and thus, created unfair marketplace competition. A judge later dismissed the misappropriation of trade secrets and unfair competition accusations; however, the contract dispute was allowed to proceed.

Since the initial filing, the two companies have slotted upwards of four derivative actions against one another, including a countersuit from Beyond claiming it voided the contract due to unsafe conditions and subpar health and safety practices in Don Lee’s production facilities.

In 2020, Beyond Meat stockholders sued its senior management team, including co-founder and CEO Ethan Brown, former

executive chairman Seth Goldman and former CFO Mark Nelson, stating the team “breached their fiduciary duties” by not properly disclosing the state of the lawsuit. Beyond Meat settled that case earlier this year.

In June, Don Lee took aim at Beyond again, making a series of accusations in a countersuit that ranged from questioning capabilities of its co-founder and CEO Ethan Brown, to alleging the company had been misleading consumers with its nutrition and ingredient labels. The latter accusation opened the floodgates for multiple consumer-led class action lawsuits that see Beyond Meat challenged for fraudulent nutritional claims.

The subsequent class actions focus primarily on Don Lee’s accusation that Beyond Meat does not contain “equal or superior protein” to real meat or that the products are free from “synthetic” ingredients, despite assertions within Beyond’s labels and marketing materials. Consumers from California, New York, Illinois and Iowa have signed onto complaints which will likely still stand up despite the two parties settling the motivative dispute.

Beyond filed a motion to dismiss Don Lee’s false advertising derivative ahead of the trial, claiming the co-manufacturer had been aware of Beyond’s recipes for nearly six years and voided the statute of limitations by the time it took aim on the products in court. Additionally, Beyond said Don Lee could not make accusations of false advertising when it participated in the production of the alleged, falsely advertised products. That motion had not been heard ahead of trial.

The news comes on the heels of Beyond’s Q3 earnings report in which Brown announced quarterly and full-year sales were lower than expected and that the company would cut 200 jobs in order to continue pursuing profitability.

PowerPlant Partners Closes Fund III at $330M, Expands into Consumer Tech

Venture capital firm PowerPlant Partners announced in September the close of its Fund III at $330 million. Double the size of its 2019 predecessor, Fund III will focus its investments solely in growth stage companies and consumer-facing brands “that are better for the people and planet,” according to a press release.

“With this additional capital, we’re expanding our team and building an even stronger bench of industry-leading operating advisors and partners,” said PowerPlant Partners co-founder and comanaging partner, Mark Rampolla, in the release.

The firm’s portfolio includes Vive Organic, Your Super, Thistle, Bon Devil (formerly The Coconut Collaborative) and Apeel Sciences.

The firm plans to invest $15 to $40 million in target companies and has already made four investments from fund III, including Miyoko’s Creamery, Liquid Death and Partake Brewing. Most recently, PowerPlant announced an investment in and partnership with holding company SYSTM Brands to launch SYSTM Foods, a platform focused on acquiring sustainable and socially conscious food and beverage brands; the company has already added Chameleon Cold Brew and REBBL to the SYSTM portfolio.

In conjunction with the Fund III announcement, PowerPlant Partners revealed plans to expand beyond investing in food and beverage plant-centric products, as it has focused on with fund I and II, to include consumer technology, service and enablement companies focused on improving “human and planetary life.” According to PowerPlant, this shift will enable the firm to grow its platform in the consumer-wellness space and offer a more integrated network portfolio.

“We are thrilled to receive such strong support and commitment from our limited partners, especially during a period of increased market volatility,” said Dan Gluck, comanaging partner of PowerPlant Partners, in a press release. “This new fund will allow us to deepen and grow our efforts to find, fund and scale breakthrough companies that are building a healthier, more sustainable future.”


Secret Sauce: Bachan’s Raises $13M, Will Hit Profitability This Year

Condiment brand Bachan’s announced in September it has raised $13 million in capital, impressing investors with its plans to hit over $30 million in revenue this year.

The round, which closed earlier this summer, was led by investment fi rm Sonoma Brands Capital, which was founded by KRAVE jerky founder Jon Sebastiani. The round also saw participation from existing investors Prelude Growth Partners and New Fare Partners, along with RVCA founder and president Pat Tenore and fi lmmaker Destin Daniel Cretton.

“[In 2021] we took the approach of raising less, growing the brand, protecting shareholder value, and then racing down the road when we built more value,” Bachan’s founder and CEO Justin Gill said, “Then 2022, we essentially wanted to raise what we felt could get us to profitability and turn us into a selfsustaining organization”

Gill plans to use the capital to grow the company’s 16 person team as well as support new accounts. This summer the brand brought on new CFO David Lacy, formerly CFO at KRAVE. Some of the capital will also give early executives liquidity to pay back debt taken to launch the company.

Founded in 2019, Bachan’s produces a line of Japanese barbeque sauces available in Original, Hot & Spicy, Yuzu and Gluten-free varieties.

The three-year-old company fi rst attracted investors with its products’ unique taste profi le and potential for revenue growth. Bachan’s previously raised $4 million in summer 2021 in a round that saw participation from former Whole Foods Market co-CEO Walter Robb alongside celebrity investors including Ryan Tedder, Aaron Paul, Whitney Port, Chase Utley and Abe Burns.

The sauces are sold in 11,000 stores including Whole Foods Market, Sprouts Farmers Market, Target Kroger and this fall, will reach Publix and Albertsons. Bachan’s expanded into the club channel in 2021 when it was picked up by Costco. Gill said that while foodservice is on the docket for next year for now, the company plans to focus on driving trial, velocities and ACV in retail. Though the brand has no plans to expand beyond its current set, he said the ultimate goal is to build a portfolio of shelf-stable, clean-label, Japanese-inspired products.

Maintaining a tight portfolio and focusing on sustainable growth have been part of Gill’s secret sauce from the start, he said, and it’s paid off. The company is on track to report over $30 million in revenue this year, 500% growth from 2021, and Gill said it will be profitable by year’s end. One key to success was a focus on growing natural, specialty, conventional grocery sales in tandem with D2C, rather than focusing on D2C before moving into brick and mortar.

Although comparable to a more traditional teriyaki sauce or glaze, the term “barbecue sauce” has allowed Bachan’s to get on shelf in the traditional condiment set alongside brands such as Rufus Teague, New Primal, Primal Kitchen and Kevin’s, rather than in the international aisle. Not only does the barbecue sauce category attract more shoppers, but it also

helps position the sauce as a more versatile condiment like ketchup, Sebastiani said, rather than something that should be used only with Japanese dishes.

“We have become part of [our customer’s] household pantry,” Gill said. “[It] comes down to having a really highquality product that’s versatile and that people want to use in every meal, not just once a year.”

Overall, the condiment category has seen lasting growth as the popularity of at home cooking, spurred by the pandemic, has yet to wane. A survey by marketing fi rm Hunter last year found that not only were 51% of Americans cooking more than in 2020, 71% intended to continue cooking at home even after the pandemic ended.

While mealtime shortcuts such as sauces have risen, Bachan’s fl avor profi le has also given it an edge. According to research conducted by Whole Foods Market, “BBQ Goes Global” was the top condiment trend of the summer, and Kroger cited “umami” as its top fl avor trend prediction for 2022.

Bachans is the number one selling shelf-stable barbecue sauce in the natural channel, Gill said, bringing in the highest dollars per store, per week, in the category. Online, the brand has found that the average shopper repurchases once every 45 days. That loyalty to the brand, as well as its unique cold fi ll process and lack of gums, is what’s helped Bachan’s maintain its top position, Gill said, and ward off competitors or private label offerings.

“[Justin] caught lightning in a bottle and now it’s just protecting the momentum,” Sebastiani said. “Bachan’s hits the data points that we think are highly relevant, it’s past a signifi cant point of a proof of concept. It’s got very high margins, and it is wildly profitable already…[Justin is an] emotionally invested founder that we think has a story to tell and only just assists the fact that the product, the secret sauce in the bottle, is driving this virality right now.”


FDA Defines Healthy On-Pack

The agency opened up a public comment period for 90 days allowing stakeholders to comment or raise concerns regarding the new rule. The news also comes as the White House is turning its attention to nutrition. The Biden Administration hosted the Hunger, Nutrition, and Health conference in Washington for the first time in 50 years, which will address hunger, nutrition as well as work on plans to reduce dietrelated diseases and close disparity gaps in nutrition standards within the next decade.

After six years of discussion and controversy, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one step closer to finalizing a definition for the word “healthy” for use on food and beverage packaging with the release of a proposed rule in September.

The guideline aims to align the term’s regulatory definition with modern nutritional science, the Nutrition Facts label and the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Nutrient dense foods like fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy and whole grains are key to healthy dietary patterns, according to the FDA. However, foods including nuts and seeds, higher fat fish like salmon, certain oils and water have now been added to that list. Under the new definition, the FDA also offered parameters for what constitutes “nutrient dense,” defining it as food with little added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium, but containing vitamins, minerals and “other health-promoting components.”

In order to be labeled “healthy,” a food or beverage must contain “a certain meaningful amount” of at least one nutrient dense food group or subgroup, per the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines; the parameters around each “meaningful amount” is specific to each food group or subgroup.

Healthy foods are also required to fall below a specified limit for saturated fat, sodium and added sugars. Each threshold is determined by the percent of the Daily Value (DV) recommended for each individual nutrient and the permitted ratio is calculated relative to the product’s serving size.

“For example, a cereal would need to contain ¾ ounces of whole grains and contain no more than 1 gram of saturated fat, 230 milligrams of sodium and 2.5 grams of added sugars,” the rule states.

Under the new regulation, foods must contain the minimum amount of at least one nutrient dense food and be within the nutrient limits regarding fat, sodium and sugar in order to be labeled as “healthy” on front of pack.

Earlier this year, the agency also announced it was looking into creating a symbol to denote healthy food that could be used voluntarily on pack. That symbol is still currently in the works.

The FDA has recognized the word healthy as an “implied nutrient” claim since 1994. At that time, the agency formally recognized the word holds a specific meaning for consumers and indicates a food may help them maintain healthy dietary practices, the agency said in the proposed rule. It also recognized that nutritional science has evolved since the mid-1990’s and stated that its former definition was outdated and excluded many foods that should have been considered healthy.

“Diet-related chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes, are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. and disproportionately impact racial and ethnic minority groups,” said FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, in a press release. “Today’s action is an important step toward accomplishing a number of nutrition-related priorities, which include empowering consumers with information to choose healthier diets and establishing healthy eating habits early. It can also result in a healthier food supply.”

Snack maker KIND secured a win earlier in September in a federal class action lawsuit challenging its use of terms like “healthy” and “natural.” According to the new regulation, about 5% of all packaged food current is labeled as healthy. The agency said it hopes that the updated definition will increase that percentage as well as encourage food manufacturers to reformulate in order to meet the new “healthy” requirements.

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Modern Times’ Anaheim Taproom Closes; Merger with Maui Done; Former CEO Jennifer Briggs Exits

Leisuretown, Modern Times’ Anaheim, California-based taproom, complete with a swimming pool, has closed, Brewbound has confirmed. News of the closure was first reported by Spectrum News 1.

Social media profiles for the location have been taken down, but Spectrum News 1 cited a statement Modern Times posted in October that the location was “closing its doors for good.”

“It has been an incredible, joyous, heartbreaking, life-affirming journey, and — even though we are deeply saddened to see it end — we cannot thank you enough for being part of it,” the statement read. “This is a hard day, but we’re not done. Not by a long shot. More to come.”

The Anaheim taproom is the fifth Modern Times location to close this year. With its closing, 33 employees are out of work, Brewbound has learned. In February, the company shuttered its taprooms in Portland, Oregon; and Oakland, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles, California, which resulted in the termination of 73 employees. Modern Times’ three remaining taprooms in Encinitas and San Diego are still open, according to the company’s website.

The end of operations in Anaheim happened in mid-October.

On Oct. 31, Maui Brewing closed on its acquisition of Modern Times as the companies merged to form Craft ‘Ohana. Maui was slated to acquire the business for $15.3 million as the backup bidder in an auction that saw offers as high as $21 million. However, Maui ended up paying $10 million for the business, Brewbound has learned. The Anaheim location was excluded from the sale.

In August, former Modern Times CEO Jennifer Briggs was promoted to chief experience officer of the combined company, a role that was expected to oversee “human resources, cultural development, DE&I [diversity, equity and inclusion], marketing, brand development, direct-to-consumer and hospitality functions.” However, Briggs decided not to continue with the company and her last day was in October, she told Brewbound. The split was amicable.

Briggs steered Modern Times through stormy seas and to its eventual sale to Maui. The company’s troubles bubbled to the surface in May 2021 when founder and former CEO Jacob McKean resigned after Modern Times was called out for fostering a toxic workplace culture in the industry-wide reckoning that began on social media last year. Briggs’ tenure included guiding Modern Times through a court-ordered receivership, and an auction process that included more than a few hiccups.

Modern Times’ financial status was illustrated in court records during the receivermandated auction process in June, which revealed the company would owe a total of $8.28 million over the 186.3 months then-remaining on its lease. Rent for the Anaheim location cost $44,455 per month, more than twice the monthly rent of any other location.

In 2019, Modern Times valued itself at $264 million in financial records shared as part of a crowdfunding campaign on WeFunder.

American Canning Signs Agreement with Ball, Decreases Order Minimum for Printed Cans to 1 Truckload

American Canning, an Austin, Texas-based aluminum can and packaging supplies provider, has signed a supply agreement with global can manufacturer Ball Corp. as an “official distributor” of blank and printed brite cans.

Through the agreement, American Canning can order printed cans with a minimum order requirement of 1 truckload per SKU (about 204,000 standard 12 oz. cans).

Brite can minimum orders will vary by can size and style, but will be about a half-pallet of standard 12 oz. cans, according to an American Canning spokesperson.

The agreement includes all core can sizes for brites and printed cans, including 12 oz. standard and sleek, 16 oz. standard and 7.5 oz. sleek.

The news may be a welcome option for bev-alc producers who were left to find alternative can supply solutions this year, after Ball announced it increased its minimum order requirement for printed cans from one truckload per SKU to five truckloads (a jump from 204,000 cans to more than 1 million cans). The change was announced in November 2021 and went into effect in March.

Earlier this fall, producers got a slight glimmer of hope when a Ball representative told a brewer client, in an email obtained by Brewbound, that they had been “give the green light to start printing single truck load runs again” with a surcharge of $3,500 per truck for orders fewer than three truckloads.

American Canning serves approximately 6,000 beverage producers across beer, wine and spirits, but the majority of its clients are craft breweries. The company’s agreement with Ball will now allow those small- and mid-sized producers to make smaller printed can orders, without the extra surcharge.

“We have purchased and sold Ball brite cans for many years now,” Monica Christmas, American Canning’s purchasing manager, said in a press release. “This agreement allows us to serve our customer base with a more diverse product portfolio through the addition of printed cans. It also guarantees supply and lead times in a more consistent way than we previously had.”

In 2021, American Canning announced plans to build its own aluminum can manufacturing plant. The plant is set to be operational in November, with sales available in Q1 2023, according to the spokesperson. The plant will have an annual production capacity of 300 million cans (both printed and blank).

American Canning co-founder David Racino spoke to Brewbound in December about the plant, which will use a “more sustainable” method for can manufacturing. The plant will also use a “liner technology that includes the use of a pre-coated aluminum sheet,” which will protect “hard-to-hold beverage ingredients as craft expands into more beverage categories,” the spokesperson said.

In February, American Canning moved its operations to a 155,000 sq. ft. facility. The new space increased capacity for the company threefold, to an estimated 20 million cans, and houses the manufacturing plant. The company also added its second shrink-sleeve line in June, increasing its shrink sleeving capacity to 1.5 million cans per week.

Ball will hold its Q3 earnings call with investors Thursday, November 3. In its second quarter conference in August, the company announced plans to permanently close manufacturing facilities in Phoenix, Arizona, and St. Paul, Minnesota. Ball CEO Daniel Fisher said its customers’ decisions to increase price at the risk of volume losses were to blame for the closures.


Beer Institute Picks Brian Crawford as Next President & CEO

Five months after the departure of Jim McGreevy, the Beer Institute (BI) has named its next president and CEO.

In October, the trade group announced the appointment of Brian Crawford, the executive vice president of government affairs for the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA), as its next leader during the organization’s annual meeting in Chicago. Crawford will assume the role on December 5.

“I am incredibly honored to join the Beer Institute team and become part of the vibrant American beer industry,” Crawford said in a press release. “It is clear that the beer industry is strongest when we work together to strengthen and grow the beer category for brewers and suppliers, consumers and communities alike. I look forward to starting and working every day to promote the more than two million hardworking Americans whose jobs rely on beer.”

Crawford joins the BI as beer continues to lose share of total beverage alcohol to spirits. In recent years, the BI has attempted to beat back efforts by spirits producers to achieve tax equalization and expand market access in states, as well as ongoing aluminum tariffs and other supply chain issues. Meanwhile, spirits-based, ready-to-drink canned cocktails have grown in popularity over the last couple of years.

“The beer industry has seen significant category growth and with Brian’s leadership, we will be able to accelerate that momentum with leaders in Washington and help ensure beer companies are positioned to best serve our customers, consumers and communities,” Brendan Whitworth, Anheuser-Busch CEO and chairman of the BI, said in a release. “Brian brings deep experience across government and public affairs, as well as a strong foundation driving policy

outcomes, making him uniquely qualified for this important role.”

“The past two years have been pivotal to the future of our industry, and selecting a new chief executive of the Beer Institute has been particularly important as we look to the road ahead,” added Gavin Hattersley, Molson Coors Beverage Company CEO and vice chairman of the BI. “Whether that means challenging aluminum tariffs or advocating fair tax rates for beer, I have no doubt that Brian has the experience, passion and integrity necessary to lead us into an exciting next chapter.”

Crawford assumes the role from Jim McGreevy, who departed the organization that he had led since 2014 to join the Coca-Cola Company’s North America Political Action Committees (PACS), as VP of public policy, federal government relations and political engagement (PPGR).

During his tenure with the BI, McGreevy helped the industry achieve now-permanent federal excise tax relief via the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act in 2020.

Crawford, who joined AHLA in February 2014, has led the organization’s efforts in Washington, D.C., as well as led the “lodging industry’s largest political action committee, HotelPAC,” according to a bio. Crawford was named to The Hill’s list of top lobbyists in 2021.

Prior to joining AHLA, Crawford worked for more than eight years as a senior staffer in the House of Representatives, including five as chief of staff for former U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL), deputy chief of staff for former U.S. Rep. Ric Keller (R-FL).

Crawford also worked with trade group the Associated Builders and Contractors for six years, including more than three as senior director of legislative affairs. He also spent nearly two years at the National Small Business Association as a manager of government affairs.

Topo Chico Spirited: Spirit-Based Offering Coming From Molson Coors

in 2023

Topo Chico’s fated move into hard spirits is coming in 2023, via Molson Coors.

On the heels of the fast-growing Topo Chico Hard Seltzer brand, Molson Coors will launch a spirit-based version of Topo Chico in key markets, such as the southwest and southeast and parts of the Midwest.

David Coors, Molson Coors’ VP of next generation beverages, made the reveal during the company’s distributor convention in Nashville. Coors reminded wholesalers that he warned them a wave of spirit-based, readyto-drink (RTD) canned cocktails was coming during last year’s convention.

Topo Chico Spirited (5.9% ABV) will come in three flavors, two with a tequila base and one with a vodka base.

Jamie Wideman, Molson Coors VP of innovations, and her team worked closely with the Coca-Cola team to develop the product.

Wideman told wholesalers that the line is “premium, bar-worthy cocktails, ready-todrink and made with top-notch ingredients,” including blanco tequila from Mexico. Topo Chico is made with “real spirits, real juice and

sparkling water.” The goal, Wideman said, was to create “sessionable, light-flavored cocktails.”

“These are real cocktails, not hard seltzer,” she added. “Our packaging is going to cue cocktail. We know the opportunity here is massive. We’ve got a winner on our hands.”

Matt Escalante, Molson Coors VP of marketing for hard seltzers, stressed that Topo Chico Spirits “isn’t a replacement for our hard seltzer.”

Escalante reeled off a few highlights from Topo Chico Hard Seltzer’s national launch, including:

• Margarita variety pack was Drizly’s No. 1 selling new item in Q2;

• Topo Chico Ranch Water is the “fastest turning” ranch water pack in the country;

• The brand family is now “neck and neck” with Bud Light Seltzer for the No. 3 hard seltzer spot, excluding spirit-based offerings, namely High Noon Sun Sips.

Year-to-date through September 4, offpremise dollar sales of Topo Chico’s variety pack are up +86.4%, to nearly $94 million, in multi-outlet and convenience stores tracked by market research firm IRI. The pack is the 45th overall best-selling beer category item at

retail and Molson Coors’ eighth best-seller in its portfolio, according to the firm.

Meanwhile, Margarita sales are nearly $29 million, Ranch Water sales have surpassed $17 million, its Strawberry Guava pack has posted more than $13 million in sales, and its Tangy Lemon Lime single can has topped $6 million (+149.5% year-over-year).

In Topo Chico’s next chapter, the brand has an opportunity to reach new drinkers and raise awareness with 21- to 34-year-olds, Escalante said.

Escalante said the original pack is among the five fastest turning 12-packs in the seltzer segment, and Margarita being “highly incremental,” with the majority of Topo Chico Margarita buyers new to the franchise. Escalante said the company needs to get these core packs “everywhere,” and the company will support them with national advertising.

“We have big ambitions to be the No. 1 hard seltzer with Latinos,” he said. “We already index 25% higher with Latino drinkers than any other seltzer. And it’s not just Mexican Americans either. It’s Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, a wide variety of Latino Americans.”


Boston Beer & PepsiCo’s Hard MTN Dew Distribution Deal Challenged in Virginia by Blue Ridge and Reyes’ Premium

Wholesalers’ fourth category frustrations finally boiled over in October, as Blue Ridge Beverage Company and Premium Distributors, a Reyes Beer Division subsidiary, filed a complaint with the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority against Boston Beer Company over its appointment of PepsiCo’s Blue Cloud Distribution as the distributor of Hard MTN Dew.

This marks the first formal challenge brought by an existing Boston Beer wholesaler to the company’s distribution agreement with PepsiCo for Hard MTN Dew.

In the 13-page complaint, Blue Ridge and Premium argue that Boston Beer’s appointment of Blue Cloud violated the state’s beer franchise act (Beer Act), which reads: “no brewery shall enter into any agreement with more than one beer wholesaler for the purpose of establishing more than one agreement for its brands of beer in any territory.”

Premium has distributed Boston Beer offerings in northern, central and southeastern Virginia since acquiring Northern Virginia Beverage (2004), Chesbay Distributing (2012) and Loveland Distributing (2018).

Meanwhile, Blue Ridge has distributed Boston Beer products in western Virginia since being appointed by the brewery in the mid-1980s, as well as through acquisitions of “several distributors” in southwest Virginia.

The distributors argue that the law prohibits Boston Beer from “entering into any agreement that splits the distribution rights to its brands of beer between different distributors in the same designated sales territory.” As such, they argue Boston Beer “established an unlawful ‘dual-distribution’ scheme for its Hard MTN Dew brand” in the 37 counties and cities where Premium serves as Boston Beer’s “exclusive distributor,” as well as the 43 counties and cities where Blue Ridge holds exclusivity. The law does allow for dual distribution deals in situations such as one brewery purchasing another, but they note that this instance does not apply.

Premium and Blue Ridge also argue Boston Beer has “unilaterally amended” their distribution agreements by “eliminating” their role as Hard MTN Dew’s exclusive distributor in their respective territories without providing at least 90 days’ written notice.

“Boston Beer’s actions have been undertaken with full knowledge that the Beer Act does not permit a brewery (and the holder of a Virginia Beer Importer’s license) to divide its brands of malt beverages between two or more distributors appointed to service the same sales territory,” the complaint reads.

Premium and Blue Ridge allege Boston Beer’s violations of the act were in “bad faith.”

“Boston Beer knew, or should have known, that its ‘collaboration’ with PepsiCo to manufacture the Hard MTN Dew brand of malt beverage and distribute the same exclusively through distributors owned and controlled by PepsiCo would

trample on the long-standing exclusive franchise distribution rights that Boston Beer had already granted to its other distributors, such as Premium and Blue Ridge,” they argue.

“The appointment of a single county or city to which Boston Beer had already granted distribution rights to another could be reasonably termed a mistake,” they continued. “To appoint 80 such cities and counties, however, displays a conscious disregard by Boston Beer towards both the good faith obligations owed to its existing distributors and to the laws of the Commonwealth.”

The distributors are asking the ABC to enter orders:

• holding Boston Beer in violation of the Beer Act;

• nullifying the appointment of Blue Cloud as the distributor of Hard MTN Dew in territories already appointed to Premium and Blue Ridge;

• barring Boston Beer from appointing any distributor other than Premium and Blue Ridge to distribute the company’s malt beverages in their respective sales territories;

• asserting that Boston Beer acted in bad faith in violating the Beer Act;

• awarding Premium and Blue Ridge “reasonable costs and attorney fees;”

• and granting “such relief as the board shall deem appropriate.”

In a statement, a Reyes spokesperson said: “We deeply respect Boston Beer and our longstanding business relationship, but we are also committed to upholding the franchise laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We cannot comment further due to the ongoing nature of the litigation.”

A Boston Beer spokesperson declined to comment on the pending litigation.


Reyes Strikes Again with Deal for Paradise Beverage in Hawaii

The Reyes Beer Division continues to wheel and deal. Just one day after revealing a 16 million case deal for Capitol Wright Distributing near Austin, Texas, the largest beer wholesaler in the U.S. announced on Oct. 5 an agreement to acquire Paradise Beverage in Hawaii, the company’s 12th market.

The transaction is slated to close in early December. Once closed, Reyes will add about 8.9 million cases and 2,300 customers to its operations. Key suppliers include Molson Coors, Constellation Brands, Boston Beer Company, Diageo, Heineken USA and Maui Brewing.

The addition of Paradise, Capitol Wright (slated to close in December) and DET Distributing in Tennessee (expected to close in November) will put Reyes’ case volume firmly above 300 million cases.

Reyes will operate Paradise under the Hawaii Beverage LLC banner and maintain the distributor’s five facilities across the state.

“On the heels of announcing new business in Tennessee and Texas, we are humbled by this opportunity in Hawaii,” Reyes Beer Division CEO Tom Day said in a press release. “We are fortunate to be in the position of accelerated growth that we’re in today – and it’s all thanks to our hard working teams. We wouldn’t be here, or be approached for opportunities like these, without our employees, their high standards of excellence and the service they provide to our suppliers and customers every day.”

Tom Reyes, president of Reyes Beer Division West, noted in the release that the Paradise deal is the first expansion of the Reyes Beer Division West footprint outside of California.

“Paradise and Reyes have similar missions and values rooted in integrity and excellence and we are eager to join our teams and get to work,” he added.

“Our family has been incredibly honored to have been owners of Paradise Beverages for over four decades and it is bittersweet to say goodbye to this company and its exceptional group of people,” Anderson Holdings chairman and CEO William Anderson said in the release. “I am extremely grateful to John Erickson, president of Paradise Beverages, for his exemplary leadership and his team’s hard work to build an organization of which our family is very proud. We strongly believe that Reyes is the right owner going forward and will continue to build on Paradise’s strong performance and deliver excellence for our many long-term customers, employees, and the Hawaiian business community.”

Paradise Beverage was founded in 1948 as the Crockett Sales Company, according to its website. The company, which adopted its current name in 1976, grew by acquisition several times in its history, adding the Coors and Stroh brands in 1980 and the portfolio of McKesson Wine & Spirits in 1988. Paradise acquired rights to Miller in 1995 and Heineken and Samuel Adams in 1996.

For 31
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Pepsi took inspiration from a classic campfi re treat for its latest fl avor series: The S’mores Collection. When combined, the three fl avors – Toasty Marshmallow, Graham Cracker and Chocolate – make a classic s’more. The Pepsi S’mores Collection is sold in a 7.5 oz. mini can trio. For more information, call 1 (800) 433-2652.

Zevia launched its new limited-edition CranRaspberry fl avor. The drink will be available on Amazon through January 8 and at select Target and Costco locations in 8-packs of 12 oz. cans. For more information, call 1 (855) 469-3842.

In conjunction with tailgate season, Dr. Pepper unveiled its latest LTO: Bourbon Flavored Fansville Reserve. The non-alcoholic beverage features sweet, savory and woody fl avor notes with hints of cherry, vanilla, chocolate and caramel. To get their hands on the LTO, consumers must enroll in the Pepper Perks program and participate in a scratch-to-win game on the Dr. Pepper website. For more information, visit

Fever Tree expanded its lineup of cocktail mixers with Blood Orange Ginger Beer. The new offering was specifically formulated to pair with characteristics “unique to bourbon” to create a new twist on the Kentucky Mule, according to the brand. For more information, call (347) 735-5437.


Veteran-owned specialty coffee brand Fire Dept. Coffee entered the RTD coffee set with its launch of two non-alcoholic “spirit-infused” nitro cold brew products: Whiskey Infused Irish Coffee and Bourbon Infused Vanilla Bean. Both varieties are available online for $47.88 per 12-pack of 7 oz. cans with retail distribution slated for later this year. For more information, visit fi

La Colombe is celebrating the winter holiday season by bringing back Peppermint Mocha Latte. Additionally, the brand will roll out a new dairy-free version of the festive drink:

Oatmilk Peppermint Mocha Latte. Both varieties are crafted with 100% Arabica single-origin Brazilian cold brew coffee. La Colombe Peppermint Mocha Latte and Oatmilk Peppermint Mocha Latte will be available beginning Nov. 7 for $3.99 per 9 oz. can and $36 per 12-pack at Whole Foods and Sprouts nationwide. For more information, visit


Flora Hemp Spirits unveiled its latest LTO: Passion Fruit “Margarita” Cannacocktail, which features 5mg of hemp-derived THC, 10mg of CBD and just 40 calories per 8 oz. can. The new offering is available exclusively online for $23.99 per 4-pack.

Jones Soda Co. has expanded its Mary Jones brand of cannabis-infused sodas with a new 100mg THC product. Available in four fl avors – Berry Lemonade, Orange & Cream, Green Apple and Root Beer – the drinks will come in 16 oz. multi-serve resealable cans. Mary Jones Tallboys launched in California in October for $20 per can.

Massachusetts-based startup HighTide announced it will roll out its fl agship line of Cannabis Margaritas to licensed dispensaries in November. Available in three fl avors –including Classic and Diablo Spicy – each 12 oz. can is infused with adaptogens and 5mg of THC. For more information, visit


Just in time for the winter season, Red Bull launched its Winter Edition Fig Apple fl avor. The limited-edition offering will be available in 8.4 oz. cans in single-serve and 12-pack formats, in addition to 12 oz. spruce-colored cans. Red Bull Winter Edition Fig Apple will be available at select retailers nationwide starting Oct. 31. For more information, visit

C4 Energy has announced a new collaboration with the Wounded Warrior Project. As part of the two-year partnership, the energy drink brand is rolling out an exclusive release, C4



Energy x WWP Mango Foxtrot. The limited edition cans will feature a WWP logo and a dedicated QR that will lead consumers to the organization’s website. The new offering is available in military channels, including AAFES, and at retailers nationwide. For more information, call 1 (866) 927-9686.

Monster Energy has once again teamed up with Electronic Arts Entertainment to launch three new limited-edition Apex Legends cans, targeted toward the gaming community. Available in three varieties– Original Green, Lo-Carb and Zero Ultra – the cans feature QR codes that allow consumers to unlock exclusive in-game content. The limitededition cans will be available in 16 and 24 oz. formats. For more information, visit

Texas-based sparkling water brand Rambler splashed into the energy drink set with Rambler Yaupon Energy. The all-natural energy drink features Yaupon, the only caffeinated plant in North America. Available in four fl avors – Pomegranate, Peach, Blackberry Mint and Coconut Lime – each 16 oz. can packs 120mg of caffeine. Rambler Yaupon Energy is available for $28.99 per 12pack on Amazon. For more information, visit

Multivitamin energy drink maker King Kongin introduced its newest offering: Mango Pineapple Multivitamin Energy Drink. The new fl avor packs 160mg of caffeine per 12 oz. can and is available on Amazon for $29.99 per 12-pack. For more information, visit


Energy and supplement brand GHOST launched GHOST Gamer and GHOST BCAA in Sour Patch Kids Pineapple fl avor. The former boasts 150mg of caffeine per two scoop serving while the latter delivers 7 grams of vegan fermented 2:1:1 BCAAs. For more information, visit

Nutrabolt brand XTEND expanded its lineup of hydration and recovery amino acids with XTEND Healthy Hydration. Available in three fl avors – Lemon Lime, Strawberry Banana and Raspberry Lemonade – the new

on-the-go electrolyte supplement contains six essential electrolytes. XTEND Healthy Hydration is available online for $24.99 per 15-pack of 0.3 oz. stick packs. For more information, visit


Eggo has teamed up with craft distillery Sugarlands Distilling Co. to launch its Eggo Nog Appalachian Sippin’ Cream. The drink is a rum-based liqueur that features fl avor notes of cinnamon and nutmeg. According to Eggo, the drink was formulated to pair “perfectly” with its Thick & Fluffy Waffles. Eggo Nog Appalachian Sippin’ Cream (20% ABV) will be available at select retailers nationwide. For more information, call (865) 325-1355.

Misunderstood Whiskey brought the fi rst ready-to-drink dairy-free hard oat nog to store shelves this fall. The limited release features Misunderstood’s Ginger Spiced Whiskey and oat milk. Misunderstood Oat Nog is available at select liquor stores in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Texas and South Carolina for $23.99 per 750ml bottle. For more information, contact


In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the discovery of King Tut’s tomb, Highclere Castle Gin launched its limitededition Barrel Aged Gin. The new LTO was aged for two years in Armagnac, Scotch and American Oak barrels. Highclere Castle Barrel Aged Gin (45% ABV) is currently available for preorder online for $99 per 750ml bottle. For more information, visit

Under its Select Club brand, Houston-based spirits importer and distributor Mexcor International launched its new Peanut Butter and Banana Whisky & Cream. The new offering is made from North American corn and rye aged in American Oak bourbon barrels. Select Club Peanut Butter and Banana Whisky & Cream (17% ABV) will soon be available in 750ml bottles. For more information, visit


Not much to say in terms of runaway hits in the cider space these days! In fact, the entire category has dropped more than 3% over the past year, at a time when beer-alternatives have migrated to Non-Alcoholic options and RTD cocktails. That’s not to say the category is “over” – there’s plenty of ferment happening in hopped and imperial styles – but things have been leveling off for a while in the face of broader, more appealing innovations like hard seltzer.


Angry Orchard

$187,162,609 -6.5%

Bold Rock $28,840,323 -6.7%

2 Towns $24,376,397 22.6%

Schilling Cider $16,998,628 46.5%

Ace $15,866,534 -12.2%

Juneshine Hard Kombucha $14,226,352 29.0%

Downeast Cider $13,430,088 23.2%

Golden State Cider $12,625,728 19.0%

Incline Cider $12,239,943 7.4%

Austin Eastciders $11,921,306 -6.0%

Ciderboys $11,242,346 3.6%

Blakes $10,897,397 7.9%

Boochcraft $8,894,621 5.1%

Flying Embers $7,842,201 -1.8%

Woodchuck $6,976,725 -22.3%

Citizen Cider $6,884,143 -2.0%

Stella Artois Cidre

$5,847,671 -46.2%

Seattle $5,490,730 -7.7%

Strongbow $5,434,069 -37.8%

Beak & Skiff $5,169,584 9.8%

SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/02/22

Drink Enhancers
Sports Drinks $10,520,269,652 15.3% Bottled Juices $8,410,234,103 6.7% Bottled Water $23,491,268,656 12.4% Energy Drinks $18,303,092,191 11.5% Tea/Coffee $8,033,441,803 3.0% Liquid




Planet Oat $178,511,298 36.7% Oatly $111,133,174 46.6% Chobani $88,385,051 43.6% Silk $50,973,622 42.2% Califia Farms $40,778,597 46.8% Private Label $17,338,444 25.7% Simply $3,245,328 68.3% Lifeway $2,227,034Malk $970,761 163.7% Happy Planet $336,930 -53.0%




Snapple $373,153,489 18.1% Bai $285,756,961 -5.7% Hawaiian Punch $239,596,649 18.4% V8 $190,375,188 -7.7% Arizona $157,888,498 18.7% Welchs $130,470,745 6.1% Minute Maid $126,476,833 8.5% Sunny Delight $106,390,533 102.6% Private Label $103,756,301 1.9% Tampico $81,197,283 20.1%


Red Bull



$6,952,040,920 7.8%

Monster $5,164,521,272 10.3%

VPX $1,215,129,382 -10.6%

Rockstar $708,482,383 -0.8%

Celsius $653,953,440 180.5%

Reign $430,335,053 -4.7%

NOS $425,158,611 -2.9%

Cellucor $305,150,457 160.6%

Alani Nu $302,978,412 202.4% Ghost $187,801,230 1260.4%



Private Label


$4,786,990,974 26.2%

Aquafina $1,298,276,914 8.2%

Glaceau $1,113,861,143 13.0%

Dasani $985,798,691 0.4%

Poland Spring $876,499,696 13.6%

Pure Life $740,615,468 -2.5%

Deer Park $538,347,354 17.4%

Fiji $524,367,500 5.0%

Essentia $490,789,462 24.5%

Ozarka $452,142,651 14.5%

SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/02/22







$6,672,041,845 12.7%

Bodyarmor $1,608,535,736 12.8%

Powerade $1,227,200,458 -0.5%

Electrolit $345,013,348 61.0%

Private Label $67,390,132 40.9%

Prime $54,030,776 -

Biolyte $37,569,014 56.8%

Pedialyte $33,636,001 89.6%

Suerox $7,922,906 153.2% VPX $6,120,239 -



GTS $304,394,396 6.7%

Health Ade Kombucha $105,292,953 23.5% Kevita $67,084,376 -12.2% Brew Dr Kombucha $33,066,840 4.2% Private Label $28,927,309 -0.3% Humm $19,622,068 5.9% Live $4,955,332 11.7% Aqua Vitea Kombucha $4,866,046 1.3% Mother Kombucha $2,692,023 7.1% Buddhas Brew Kombucha $2,474,296 -22.9%





$6,502,553,332 -6.1%

Modelo $3,844,760,131 18.0%

Michelob $3,513,300,341 6.2%

Corona $2,912,920,898 3.2%

Coors $2,618,310,088 -1.6%

Miller Lite $2,126,223,337 -2.0%

White Claw Hard Seltzer $1,894,702,883 -2.3%

Busch $1,787,622,026 1.8% Natural $1,330,058,747 -3.8%

Truly $1,083,471,135 -12.0%

SOURCE: IRI, a Chicago-based market research firm-@iriworldwide% 52 Weeks through 10/02/22

BRAND DOLLAR SALES CHANGE vs. YEAR EARLIER Sparkling Ice $842,988,765 4.9% Private Label $657,534,811 4.9% La Croix $546,233,037 0.3% Bubly $375,353,412 -3.5% Polar $283,637,638 18.2% Perrier $157,521,691 1.9% Aha $146,041,730 -2.3% Spindrift $142,738,731 36.4% Waterloo $92,754,846 51.3% Bubbl R $78,491,348 87.4%

The Incredible Imprint of Dietrich Mateschitz

marketing talent. So fresh was this company’s approach that in the early days, even jaded distributors in blue chip distribution networks like Anheuser-Busch’s were stunned at the commitment and disciplined strategy of the Austrian interloper. “Red Bull was way ahead of the curve in its marketing compared to any of our brewer suppliers,” a former Bud wholesaler named Terence Fox told my newsletter Beverage Business Insights a few weeks ago. Its use of advanced metrics to monitor performance also exceeded what many other marketers did at the time. Not least, it maintained a staunch commitment to premium pricing, in the process elevating the entire category. Because Red Bull’s key rivals also have continued to be independently owned and operated, energy has been a rare category not to spiral into downward cycle of promotional pricing as with soda, bottled water and sports drinks, where a rotating cast of caretaker executives under pressure to meet volume goals make short-term tradeoffs that tarnish the promise of the category.

Dietrich Mateschitz was a jet-lagged, middle-aged marketer for a European toothpaste brand when he encountered an odd energizing beverage in Thailand called Krating Daeng. Inspiration struck, and he cut a deal with the brand’s founder Chaleo Yoovidhya to devise a version adapted to western tastes. That effort took three years, but the brand debuted in his native Austria in 1987 under the name Red Bull. The rest is history – to the tune of 9.8 billion cans sold in 172 countries last year. Sadly, the central role of “Didi” in this remarkable story came to an end in October, when he passed away after a long, private battle with a severe illness that the company hasn’t identified. The man’s ebullience made it all the more shocking to realize he really might be mortal, as was clear on the faces of some attendees at that energy drink mecca, the NACS c-store show in Las Vegas, as rumors of his pending demise rippled across the floor few weeks earlier. He was 78.

Mateschitz’s passing could herald significant implications for a category that, nearly three decades here in the U.S., remains a marvel of growth and profitability. I’ll get to that in a moment. But first I’d like to express my appreciation of how influential this entrepreneur was, not just in energy drinks but across the range of image-oriented CPG categories. For starters, Mateschitz’s commitment to creating ownable spectacles rather than piggybacking on existing equities represented a key marketing innovation. After all, even Pepsi’s splashy half-time shows at the Super Bowl leveraged somebody else’s existing equity. Whether it was a flamboyant air show with the Golden Gate Bridge as a backdrop or parachuting the daredevil Felix Baumgartner from the edge of outer space, Red Bull created lasting impressions that translated into deep brand equity – and sales. When you see newer brands like Black Rifle Coffee, Bang Energy or Liquid Death Water that are media machines as much as beverage marketers, that’s the influence of Red Bull’s founder. He also innovated in his ground game, with legions of appealing field marketing staffers who relentlessly worked the brand in the nation’s streets, clubs and college campuses. No surprise, then, that many of the executives associated with the brand’s breakout years have moved on to influential posts elsewhere, in much the way that P&G and Gallo once served as finishing schools for

Is that dynamic suddenly in jeopardy? It could be if Red Bull is now in play and likely to fall into the hands of a strategic player. Even as the rumors were circulating that Mateschitz was severely ill, the company did a distribution deal in Mexico with Keurig Dr Pepper, which sent a shudder through the trade. After all, a similar alliance next door, in the U.S., would be uncommonly seamless to implement, since Red Bull self-distributes in most major markets and wields a notoriously stingy contract that doesn’t offer meaningful buyouts to its independent houses. KDP acknowledged Mexico was a one-off deal but expressed the hope its success would breed further expansion down the line.

On the other hand, Mateschitz apparently felt deeply that Red Bull needs to stay independent. Whether that commitment remains is unclear: his Thai partners, Yoovidhya’s heirs, own 51% of the company, and it’s not clear where they stand on the matter, or if there’s some internal agreement that the company shouldn’t be sold. Even if Red Bull were in play, it would be an uncommonly expensive proposition for an outright acquisition, and a minority investment by a strategic wouldn’t necessarily kill the golden goose. After all, Monster has remained vibrant even as a strategic ally of Coca-Cola.

In the short term, the company hasn’t been making any pronouncements about its continued independence, but it did move to implement a succession plan urged by Mateschitz that will replace the charismatic founder with a troika of executives. Notably, Mateschitz’s son Mark, inheritor of his 49% stake, is recusing himself from any further operating roles, at least for now. Given Red Bull’s generally opaque inner workings, it is hard to handicap how stable this reorganization will prove, but for now, we can likely breathe a sigh of relief. Personally, I feel that it’s healthier for innovation, and for the independent distribution system that incubates new concepts, if a certain number of consumer-compelling brands like Red Bull – and AriZona Iced Tea and Spindrift – remain independent and unaligned. So Didi may be gone, but here’s hoping that Red Bull finds a way to maintain his legacy of injecting creativity, glee and sheer fun back into marketing.

Longtime beverage-watcher Gerry Khermouch is executive editor of Beverage Business Insights, a twice-weekly e-newsletter covering the nonalcoholic beverage sector.


NACS 2022 Recap

The annual National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) trade show returned this October in Las Vegas, Nevada, with new innovations in categories like energy and tea debuting across the show floor.

Flavor Innovations Experience a Tropical Wave

Judging from the slate of new flavor innovations on display at this year’s NACS Show, consumers are looking for a little taste of paradise as Tropical SKUs debuted across beverage categories.

Monster’s fitness energy brand Reign Total Body Fuel debuted a new “Tropical Storm” flavor, the line’s sole innovation at the show, which is set to launch on Amazon next month with plans to be fully available in retail by February. Meanwhile, Sparkling Ice is expanding its +Caffeine line with a new Tropical Punch variety, which a team member at the booth said was selected as the latest innovation thanks to strong consumer testing feedback.

Meanwhile, “Tropical” proved its versatility as a flavor call out for brands like 5-Hour Energy, which introduced Tropical Burst alongside Orangesicle and Pineapple Splash flavors for its 16 oz. carbonated energy drink line, which launched last year. At the booth, the company noted that its full-sized line has performed well in California where it is utilizing craft beer distributors like Morris Distributing in San Francisco, among others, and has resonated most with working class consumers. One brand representative said the addition of flavors like Tropical Burst and Pineapple Splash suggests that while

consumers are “not in paradise” it allows them a moment “to escape to there.”

UPTIME Energy, which is in the process of transitioning its packaging from tall 12 oz. slim bottles to rounder, squat bottles, added Tropical Passionfruit – currently sold in Lucky’s – alongside Ruby Red Grapefruit and Green Mandarin flavors (both H-E-B exclusives until April) to its line. As well, Nutrabolt’s C4 included its own Tropical Passionfruit flavor for its functional Smart Energy extension, joining the line with Blood Orange Yuzu and Strawberry Guava.

While ‘Tropical’ innovations may have been most prominent in the energy category, they weren’t exclusive. Antioxidant sparkling water brand BUBBL’R launched Tropical Dream in May, which brand development manager Zach Lastrilla said was timed for the summer and has performed well thus far. The brand is distributed through PepsiCo bottlers and Anheuser-Busch InBev DSD houses and intends to expand the flavor’s footprint in 2023.

Two brands founded by serial entrepreneur Lance Collins also jumped in on the trend: energy brand A-SHOC launched a Tropical Punch flavor and MyMuse showcased Tropical Citrus flavor as part of its new functional soda line.

Finally, The Coca-Cola Company wasn’t immune to the trend either. The soda giant was sampling new flavors on the trademark Coke and Sprite lines via its Freestyle machines, although whether those innovations will one day make it into cans and bottles remains to be seen.

Iced Teas Take Over the Show Floor

While innovations in energy drinks may have played the starring role at this year’s show, iced tea was not far behind as multiple companies unveiled moves into the category and smaller brands made their NACS debut with eyes on expanding into the convenience channel.

Liquid Death previewed its upcoming iced tea launch displaying mockup 19.2 oz. cans (final design still pending) at its booth for three flavors: Rest In Peach, Grim Leafer and Armless Palmer. The teas are expected to hit shelves this spring and will contain six grams of sugar from agave and 30 mg of caffeine per serving.

While the company aimed for a better-for-you nutrition panel, several other companies debuted more indulgent takes on classic sweet teas. Lemonade brand Calypso showcased a new line of teas, with Peach Tea, Lemon Tea and Tea & Lemonade Half ‘n Half flavors featured at the booth and Green Tea and Unsweetened Tea flavors listed on its website. The line is sold in 16 oz. glass bottles. Aside from Unsweetened (containing zero calories and zero sugar) the remaining SKUs range from 100 to 230 calories per bottle and are sweetened with sugar.

Congo Brands also unveiled a new sweet tea brand, Down South, created in partnership with country music star Morgan Wallen. The line includes Original, Peach and Original Lite varieties. Meanwhile, several tea makers known for their loose leaf and bag offerings unveiled RTDs at the show, including Revolution Tea’s canned cold brew line, and European brand Just T’s line of organic iced teas sold in cartons with flavors including Darling Peach, Dynamic Day (Green Tea, Matcha, Acai and Grapefruit), Nordic Blueberry and Apple Moringa Affair. Just T will be distributed by Dot Foods and the drinks are sweetened with agave syrup.

Brands without a strong presence in c-store were present at the show with aims to begin opening up the channel. POM Wonderful , which has primarily tackled the convenience channel through its premium Fiji Water brand, is aiming to open up new accounts for its POM line with 12 oz. tea SKUs expected to lead the strategy.

As well, sparkling tea startup brand Minna displayed a fresh can design at its booth. The brand’s CEO Anshu Dua said Minna has been primarily sold in Whole Foods where it has become a top three organic tea brand to date but is now targeting the convenience channel as the line is differentiated as a sparkling product.



While the beverage industry has been rocked by inflation and shifting consumer habits, sparkling water sales are staying fizzy.

According to data firm IRI, flavored sparkling water sales grew 5% to over $3.72 billion in the 52-weeks ending October 30, while nonflavored sparkling waters (including seltzers and mineral water) grew at an even faster rate, up 8.5% to around $856 million.

Although the category has felt some drag as several larger flavored sparkling brands from conglomerates have declined – including PepsiCo’s Bubly (-3.7%), Nestle’s Perrier (-0.4%) and The CocaCola Company’s AHA (-3.4%) and Topo Chico (-30.3%) – the category has continued to show some of the steadiest growth across the nonalcoholic beverage sector as the macro betterfor-you trend remains firm and wallet-pinched consumers seek out lower priced products in a marketplace ravaged by record high inflation.

Jim Watson, senior analyst for beverages at Rabobank, told BevNET

Photo Credit: Garnish Studios

that although economic conditions have led to some “trading down” by consumers away from name brands, resulting in a 5.3% pickup for private label products during the 52-weeks, the category as a whole remains strong, particularly for smaller, innovative brands.

“It’s still one of the best places to be,” Watson said. “[Sparkling water] still has all the core tailwind behind it of being like full fl avor if you want it to be much healthier, a reasonable price point, and a platform for innovation within the category. So I’m still super bullish on the category as a whole.”

Even as Coke and Pepsi fi ght for sales in a crowded category, other top players are still growing. Sparkling Ice (+4.1%), LaCroix (+0.9%) and Polar (+17.8%) – the latter still scaling its national presence outside of the Northeast through a distribution pact with Keurig Dr Pepper – have stayed competitive even as surging startups like Spindrift (+35.7%) and Waterloo (+53%) have gained more market share throughout brick-and-mortar retail.

But for a category that traditionally has been defined as unsweetened carbonated water with natural flavors, disruptive innovations in flavor, format and function are creating a more diversified set that frequently crosses category lines and, most importantly, offers more opportunity to peel off soda consumers and drive incremental growth.


As it’s a category built around refreshment, flavor remains a key innovation pillar for sparkling water brands. One notable emerging trend is double flavor varieties, such as AHA’s line with SKUs like Lime + Watermelon and Blueberry + Pomegranate, or Aura Bora’s more experimental offerings such as Cactus Rose, Lavender Cucumber and Lemongrass Coconut. According to Watson, the prevalence of these types of products can be attributed to crowded sets with brands adopting more unusual taste profiles in an attempt to stand out – “If you go up and down the aisle looking at brands, count the number that have two flavors, as opposed to one, and I think you’d see a massive move in that direction,” he suggested. However it also comes with some risk of being too complicated for mainstream consumers, he added, who are primarily seeking simple alternatives to sugary soft drinks.

“I do think in a category where every month to three months you come in and it’s a new array of flavors, everything is kind of more powerful or more different than you’re used to, it can be a little damaging to the brand of overall flavored seltzer,” Watson said. “Obviously, some level of innovation is good, but you can kind of confuse consumers or just give them the paradox of choice and it’s overwhelming.”

Aura Bora, a California-based startup which closed an eight-figure funding round in September, has turned complex, botanical-infused flavor profiles into its signature. The brand, which has about 50% ACV in the natural channel and is currently expanding into mass and conventional accounts nationwide and has scaled revenue 30-40x since 2020. However, even with a line that deviates drastically from the category’s traditional focus on simple fruit flavors, co-founder and CEO Paul Voge has said he won’t tone down the innovation for mainstream channels but rather will push SKUs like Lime Cardamom for conventional accounts that are more palatable to new customers.

However, even within the single-flavor, fruit-focused sparkling water space, brands such as Sanzo have stood out by turning to untapped flavors. The Asian-inspired line features flavors like Lychee, Calamansi, Mango, Ginger and Yuzu, and most recently an LTO Asian Pear variety. Founder and CEO Sandro Roco has been outspoken about the need for more Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)


representation within the food and beverage industry, and Sanzo has now established itself in the market by highlighting a broader cultural trend towards embracing Asian cultures; “Our biggest contention was ‘Why does the grocery store not yet refl ect what I’m seeing on my television or listening to on my Spotify?’” Roco said.

In targeting the sparkling water shelf, Sanzo has followed a path paved by Spindrift – creating a premium sparkling water brand made with real fruit juice. Roco credited Spindrift and that brand’s investment partner VMG for introducing both consumers and retailers to a unique style of sparkling water that has allowed Sanzo to more readily gain placements.

“It felt like a category that for quite a while has been treated as a commodity – just water with bubbles,” Roco said. “Even when you say ‘seltzer,’ I think a lot of folks have a particular connotation of what that brand and price point is. And it’s ended up being ripe, I think, for a brand to come in and kind of spur a conversation.”

From a different angle, canned water brand Liquid Death has fast established itself as not only one of the fastest growing still waters in the country, but a serious sparkling player as well. The company debuted an unfl avored sparkling water in 2020, and it has grown 238.2% in the 52-week period per IRI to $19.6 million in retail sales. This year, the company debuted its fi rst fl avored sparkling line, similarly packaged in 16.9 oz. tallboy cans, with aptly named fl avors like Berry It Alive and Mango Chainsaw, is lightly sweetened with agave and contains 20 calories per can, a decision that CEO Mike Cessario said

then obviously the prebiotic soda brands like all the Poppi and Olipop, we were all birthed at a time of being digitally native – there just wasn’t another option. We couldn’t have fathomed launching a beverage brand by just putting a product on the shelf.”

Meanwhile, Spindrift founder and CEO Bill Creelman said his company is likely to stick with fl avors that consumers are already familiar with, but instead the brand is building its platform around category crossovers through hybrid products with tea, lemonade and, most recently, cider (not to mention hard seltzer with its Spindrift Spiked line).

Spindrift, which has surpassed AHA to reach over $145 million in retail sales, still has under 50% ACV for the traditional sparkling water category, Creelman said, and while other brands are now following his company’s lead he said the brand is keeping its focus on simple, fl avorful beverages with a platform approach to product development.

“Our innovation strategy is to take big, big categories, huge categories – I mean, when you take soda and cider and lemonade and tea, you’re talking about literally the biggest categories in beverage, it doesn’t get much bigger,” Creelman said. “We want to provide our point of view on those categories, what we think is interesting and unique and in what is our IP, and extend it into big well known categories. But we don’t really look much beyond what we’re focused on, just because there’s so much to do.”

For Spindrift, Creelman noted that the brand’s sales are primarily multiserve, leaving large runway open to expand its single-serve business, as well as opening new retail partners the company has yet to launch. And despite more competition at the premium level, Creelman noted that the slow decline of traditional soda is still fueling the category and constantly attracting new consumers.

“When we think about all of the places that soda is available today, and then contrast it to where sparkling water is not available today or is less available, [those are] opportunities,” he said. “I just think the consumer is more and more aware of ingredients and sugar … and the move towards better-for-you products will only continue to accelerate.”


intended to further set the products apart from the rest of the zero calorie category. Since the line launched in Q1, IRI reported the fl avors at $25 million in sales to date, racing ahead of brands like Canada Dry, Arrowhead and Cascade Ice.

Roco noted that brands like Sanzo, Liquid Death and Spindrift have also benefited greatly from online community building, connecting directly with consumers to generate loyalty and high repeat sales. Direct-to-consumer and social engagement, in addition to innovative formulations and branding, has been key to fueling this new wave of brands.

“From a consumer psychological perspective, this is more in line with how the modern consumer is wanting to engage with brands,” Roco said. “As far as why I think brands like ourselves, Liquid Death, add Aura Bora in there as well, and

Outside of flavor, functional brands are also bringing new use occasions to the sparkling water shelf. Crossovers with the energy space through caffeinated brands like Hiball and Phocus have been around for years, but the rise in CBD and relaxation beverages has led to mood-boosting brands like PepsiCo’s Soulboost. Meanwhile, alcohol-alternative styles of products, such as Recess, are carving out all new sets in retail.

The influx of brands billing themselves as functional sparkling waters hasn’t slowed in recent months, as startups like Baloo craft messaging around relaxation while legacy brand Bossa Nova is relaunching as a plant-based functional line.

More established, however, is midwest brand BUBBL’R, an antioxidant sparkling water that has focused on building out a commanding presence in convenience stores in the middle of the country. BUBBL’R grew 84% to $81.4 million in the last year, per IRI, making it the fastest growing


company in the category. Owned by Wis-Pak brands, a Pepsi Cola bottler and distributor, BUBBL’R has foregone expansion into coastal markets but is connecting with consumers as a better-for-you, value-add product.

Tyler Hartmann, director of marketing and brand development for Wis-Pak, told BevNET that BUBBL’R has made “functional forward” a core part of its message, which has helped it succeed in the convenience channel while more traditional sparkling water brands have tended to struggle to compete at the level they do in the grocery and natural channels.

“Consumers that are having BUBBL’R are not your typical generic sparkling water consumer that you that you think of, we have a lot of sales that are coming from a lot of different categories when consumers are looking for something that’s a little bit healthier,” Hartmann said. “My feeling is that that trend is going to continue, and where AHA and Bubly are all fighting over what we typically think of as that traditional sparkling consumer – you know, maybe a millennial, slightly older, they’re looking for permissible but still fun – BUBBL’R is in a much wider category stretching down to Gen Z that is really looking for a healthier option.”

While BUBBL’R aims to be a national brand, to date the company has avoided launching along the coasts and Texas remains “underdeveloped,” Hartmann said. However, around Milwaukee and Chicago, he said the brand is competing to be a top three, if not top two, competitor in the sparkling water space and further expansion will come steadily over time.

As a PepsiCo distribution affiliate, Wis-Pak also services Bubly, but he suggested BUBBL’R is differentiated enough to not compete directly with it. While PepsiCo’s brand has seen some sales declines this year, Hartmann said he believes it has less to do with the product itself and more with general consumer trends in the post-pandemic market.

“I do think that while we’ve seen maybe a little bit of slowing on the unsweetened traditional sparkling waters, I think a lot of that might be due to [how] we just had a lot of COVID foot traffic that was going into grocery stores, and sparkling is so dominant in that channel,” he said. “And so overlapping that foot traffic probably has some pretty significant impact on that because they’re not really developed outside of that grocery channel.”

Photo Credit: Garnish Studios

Crystal Geyser Sparkling water has a new flavor addition: Black Cherry. The new SKU has a rich black cherry aroma with hints of almond and vanilla notes. The drink has zero calories, zero sugar, and is available in 1.25L bottles.

Flavored sparkling water brand Spindrift unveiled its first seasonal offering: Spiced Apple Cider. The new release will also be available in a Spiked alcoholic variety. Both versions are rolling out into retailers later this month, and mark a notable change from the brand’s once-a-year flavor introduction strategy.

Baloo splashed into the CPG set with its line of mood-boosting sparkling waters. Available in three flavors – Lemon & Ginger, Blood Orange & Basil and Grapefruit & Mint – each 12 oz. can features a curated combination of nootropics such as rhodiola, rosea and L-theanine. The drinks are available online for $35.99 per 12-pack.

California-based sparkling water brand Aura Bora launched its new Blueberry Wildflower fl avor. The drink is crafted with wild blueberries and chamomile “to taste just like a sweet summer day in Yosemite valley.” Twenty percent of all profits from the LTO will be donated to the Yosemite Conservancy. Aura Bora Blueberry Wildflower is available online for $30 per 12-pack.

DRAM added two new flavors to its line of herbal sparkling waters: Mushroom Cola and Holy Basil & Lemon. The former contains a blend of four organic adaptogenic mushrooms – cordyceps, chaga, reishi and shiitake – while the latter features passionflower and holy basil (tulsi). Both new varieties are crafted using a specialized in-house plant extraction process. DRAM Mushroom Cola and Holy Basil & Lemon are available online for $25 per 12-pack of 12 oz. cans.

Wellness drink brand CENTR announced the North American launch of CENTR Enhanced Functional Sparkling Water. CENTR Enhanced will be caffeine-free, while CENTR Enhanced+ will pack 60mg of natural caffeine. Both nootropic

and adaptogen-enhanced beverages will have zero calories.

As cannabis beverages continue to gain mainstream traction, Leisuretown teamed up with professional DJ Diplo and TV personality Rob Dyrdek to launch its line of cannabinoid-infused sparkling waters. Available in three varieties – Cherry Vanilla, Ginger Berry and Yuzu Lime – each can will contain 2.5mg THC and 5mg CBD.

Sparkling Ice added a new, permanent flavor offering to its line of +Caffeine sparkling waters: Watermelon Lemonade. Each 16 oz. fluid can boasts 70mg of caffeine with just five calories. The new offering joins Sparkling Ice +Caffeine’s current roster of other flavors, including Cherry Vanilla, Black Raspberry, Blue Raspberry, Citrus Twist, Orange Passionfruit and Strawberry Citrus.

Known for its willingness to experiment in flavor on its flagship jelly beans, Jelly Belly is bringing that ethos to its sparkling water line with its latest offering: Chocolate. The zero calorie beverage retails for $1.79 to $2.99 per single-serve 16 oz. can and $4.99 to $7.99 per 8-pack depending on the retailer.

Waterloo Sparkling Water, known for its authentic fruit flavors and lively carbonation, announced the launch this fall of its all-new Spiced Apple sparkling water and the anticipated return of Cranberry, both as limited-time-only (LTO) offerings. The all-new Spiced Apple flavor offers a nostalgic and unique fall experience, with a blend of crisp apple, aromatic spices, and sweet cider notes that transports you to an evening gathered around the firepit.

Non-alcoholic sparkling hop water producer HOP WTR sweetened its flavor roster with the addition of Peach. Like all of the brand’s existing varieties, Peach features citra, amarillo, mosaic and azacca hops to craft a taste reminiscent of your favorite IPA. HOP WTR also packs mood-boosting adaptogens such as ashwagandha and Ltheanine into each 12 oz. can. HOP WTR Peach is available nationwide direct-toconsumer and at select retail locations.


Kombucha’s rise over the past decade has been as much about what is not about in the bottle as what is. After multiple brands were pulled from grocery store shelves in the early 2010s amid concerns about alcoholic content, brewers have gone to various lengths to verify their alcohol content — naturally produced during fermentation — as coming in below the 0.5% ABV legal threshold.

But after years of work, the efforts of a small handful of mainly West Coast brands to build a viable, standalone adult kombucha category are paying off. The category is forecasted to grow 75% in the U.S. by 2025, according to IWSR, while the Specialty Food Association’s State of the Specialty Food Industry Report 2022-2023 cited hard kombucha as one of the growth drivers that helped specialty beverages to grow twice as fast as food in 2021.

That momentum has helped attract the interest of major strategics like Beam Suntory, which led a $20 million Series C funding round in Flying Embers, the hard kombucha brand created by KeVita co-founder Bill Moses, in January. Other CPG venture players like PowerPlant Partners and Beechwood Capital were also involved.

Meanwhile, in October California-based JuneShine announced the opening of its third


taproom (and fi rst East Coast location) in Brooklyn, which will offer ten hard kombuchas on draft alongside a small food menu when it debuts later this winter. That move was largely fueled by a $24 million investment last year led by VC groups Amberstone and Litani Ventures, each of which have broad CPG experience.

As drinkers seek more adventurous and betterfor-you alternatives to hard seltzer, alcoholic kombucha has been the beneficiary.

“There have been major shifts in the consumption habits of alcohol over the last few years, with a major focus on more intentional choices when people are choosing to drink,” said Abbey Schoenberg, Marketing Director at Boochcraft. The San Diego-based company has been one of hard kombucha’s early success stories, growing from a small operation to being sold in 7,000 stores across 12 states, though its primary focus has been in on-premise accounts.

The rise of West Coast brands like Boochcraft helped inspire Sam and Luke Walker to launch their eponymous brand Walker Brothers in Nashville. Hard kombucha was always the goal from the beginning; its non-alcohol-

ic versions, released in 2019 while awaiting approval to begin producing the boozy kind, is a modular business that can provide some “insulation” for the company overall, according to co-founder Caroline Walker. The company’s four hard kombuchas — available in Watermelon Lime, High Gravity Ginger, Blueberry Juniper and High Gravity Passion Fruit — are unpasteurized and come in at 5% ABV per 12 oz. can.

Some years ago, the idea of national brands playing on either side of the alcoholic kombucha divide might have been considered risky; category leader GT’s revamped its package label design to clearly distinguish its alcoholic and non-alcoholic lines, while various brands have adopted or advocated for alcoholfree verifi ed certifi cations. But there are also signs that barriers may be starting to crack, if not fall completely: see the release of Health-Ade’s three-SKU mixer line last year, or Aqua ViTea’s introduction of After Glow (5% ABV).

Others like Arizona-based jun kombucha maker Wild Tonic have leaned into both sides: along with its recently rebranded 5.6% ABV line, the brewer is adding new fl avors to its Wanderer series of “cocktail inspired” non-alcoholic jun that is “almost identical to the fl avors of their alcoholic (counterparts),” according to Jessica Gerth, director of sales and marketing at Wild Tonic.

With a vast sea of small players fi ghting for share, Sam Walker said he sees echoes of craft beer in the hard kombucha category, where narrow opportunities for national distribution are helping gestate robust regional markets and push breweries to go deep rather than wide. His plan for Walker Brothers is to “play the regional craft kombucha game” by building a strong base in the Southeast, betting that the overall category will continue to develop.

Within the store, however,


the challenges may be different, as Walker explained. In the already mature non-alcoholic kombucha category, consumers have come to expect unpasteurized, refrigerated products; as such, retailers retain cold-box space specifi cally for them. Despite also being unpasteurized, hard kombucha enjoys no such protection, as brands like Walker Brothers are forced to fi ght for their cooler slots against all types of other alcoholic beverages. Add on cold-chain logistical hurdles and a rapidly proliferating canned RTD cocktail market and it’s clear that competition is getting tougher, Walker said, forcing his company to reconsider its approach.

That means fi nding workarounds to practical issues; faced with soaring rates for less-than-truckload (LTL) cold shipping, the company began wrapping pallets in reusable insulation so they could be shipped dry. Yet at retail, merchandising tools like end caps, secondary displays and fl oor stacks remain off limits as long as it is restricted to the cold box. Solving that problem ultimately takes Walker back to the issue of pasteurization itself, with the company setting the goal of fi nding how to make its hard kombucha shelf-stable by 2023.

“It’s tough to go in as a brand and stand by your morals and say ‘we’re unpasteurized because of this and this’ and fi ght for the space when maybe there is a lack of understanding of why that is important from the retailer and the consumer. I think that has been tough for us,” Walker said. “And that’s been leading us to investigate how important is being unpasteurized in this category?”

With its health halo knocked slightly askew, hard kombucha consumers tend to be more interested in taste experience than the drink’s better-for-you properties. Walker said his brand initially made efforts to keep ABV low enough to maintain residual probiotics, thinking that better-for-you callouts would enhance its appeal. Yet that wasn’t the


case, according to Caroline Walker, as hard kombucha drinkers tended to “focus on how it makes them feel versus why it makes them feel that way.”

That can put the onus back on brewers to come up with innovative fl avors, Schoenberg noted.

“The challenge we face is melding familiarity with the boldness that our customers desire,” she said. “Familiar can’t mean mild, as our customers gravitate toward bold, full bodied fl avor, which we will always deliver. As we approach innovation in the coming years, it’s about fi nding that balance between familiar fl avors and interesting combinations to deliver a pallet pleaser with every sip.”



Probiotic seltzer, anyone? More like probiotic seltzer, everyone. Whether prebiotic, probiotic or placed somewhere under the general banner of “gut health,” you know them when you see them. The growth of shelf-stable, kombucha-adjacent CSDs has been one of the major developments within the space over the past several years, and it’s showing no signs of slowing.

For kombucha makers, the extension makes a lot of sense, ticking boxes for innovation that both widens their offerings and circumvents some of the production and distribution challenges related to raw kombucha. Most of these have come in the form of gut health-boosting seltzers and soft drinks: along with moving its core line from glass bottles to cans, New Yorkbased Bear’s Fruit introduced its fi rst non-kombucha product, a sparkling water made with the Bacillus subtilis probiotic strain, in July, while North Carolina’s Tribucha launched SuperB, a four-SKU line of fermented beverages dubbed as “soda redefi ned” at the beginning of this year.

The range of brands making the leap into gut-health CSDs refl ects a market that is still wide open with low barriers to entry. Vermont-based Aqua ViTea, a longtime proponent of raw, unpasteurized kombucha, jumped in the shelf-stable game in July with the introduction of Aqua Seltzer, a four-SKU line boasting fi ve billion live probiotics per 12 oz can, plus just 15 calories and 1 gram of sugar. Two months later in September, CBD drink and gummy maker Daytrip followed suit with its prebiotic soda line.

That diversifi cation brings to question whether kombucha brewers can truly claim this new functional sub-category as their own – as Revive, Humm, Health-Ade have all attempted with their own shelf-stable line extensions – or if brands that have been working exclusively in the space – like Culture Pop, Poppi and Olipop – have already beaten them to the punch.

Regardless, as large strategics lean out of refrigerated beverages in general — as refl ected in the recent spate of sales for once-vaunted cold-pressed juice businesses like Suja, Naked and Evolution Fresh — it’s unlikely that the momentum away from cold-chain will reverse in the years ahead.


Maryland-based Wild Bay Kombucha is now on tap in WeWork locations across the country and sold in Weis Markets throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

The newest flavor from Mother Kombucha, Arise, is a magical combination of mango, peach and ginger, coupled with a natural caffeine kick from guayusa and the calming focus of L-theanine. Mother Kombucha uses regeneratively farmed teas and all organic ingredients and is a Certified B Corporation.

Ferm Fatale relaunched after reformulating its revolutionary and proprietary shelf stable formulations combining such ingredients as kombucha, shrub, water kefir, and sauerkraut brine (although you’d never know it.) Besides reformulating and rebranding, Ferm Fatale’s fermented cocktails now come in 8 oz. cans in contrast to the custom glass bottles they were in when they launched January 2020.

GT’s SYNERGY Raw Kombucha is launching their most popular flavors in category-first 10 oz. glass bottles perfect for the lunch time crowd or on-the-go consumer.

Though Buddha’s Brew is known for Wildly Delicious Kombucha, it can also can Kefir! The brand announced its newest Sparkling Water Kefir flavor: Pineapple. The new offering will be available in Central Market (Texas) and Whole Foods (Southwest Region) soon.

The Bu’s kombucha line launched regionally into select Target stores in California, Arizona and Utah. To build awareness, The Bu launched 3 out-of-home marketing campaigns consisting of bustails and 30-sheet billboards, influencer partnerships and samplings events like Farmers’ Markets and a Spartan Race. Three flavorsStrawberry Hibiscus, Tropical and Ginger Peach - are available at Target for $2.59.

Better Booch is proud to announce its collaboration with Colorado-based artist Bailey Elder for its fall/winter seasonal flavor, Ginger Spice. The can features Elder’s intuitive biomorphic forms, a natural fit for the can format. Ginger Spice is a delicious take on a traditional spiced apple cider, with notes of ginger, cinnamon and orange peel.

Health-Ade expanded its Glow Up Line with two new flavors: Ginger Pineapple Belly Reset and Citrus Immune Boost. The former features

Vitamin C, Zinc and a blend of oranges. The latter features pineapple and ginger and includes 6 billion CFU of living probiotics at bottling, six times more probiotics than Health-Ade’s other kombuchas. Both new flavors are available for $3.99 per 16 oz. single-serve bottle and $8.99 per 48 oz. bottle at Whole Foods Market, Sprouts, Safeway and Target stores nationwide.

KeVita put a new twist on a classic summertime staple with its Sparkling Probiotic Lemonade. Available in two varieties – Classic and Peach –each 15.2 oz. bottle is made with fermented water kefir culture and packed with live probiotics. Each serving has just 30 calories and 6 grams of sugar. KeVita Sparkling Probiotic Lemonade is available nationwide for a suggested retail price of $3.49 per bottle.

Kombucha 221 B.C. (K221BC), a women-owned and operated company in Sarasota, Florida, recently launched two new flavors: Passion Fruit + Red Clover and Tangerine + Marigold. Additionally, the brand rolled out a label redesign that showcases the timeless medicinal herbs used during the traditional fermentation process.

Cultured South Fermentation Company, makers of Georgia’s Golda Kombucha, starts construction at Atlanta Utility Works, to become its new company headquarters and second brick-andmortar location. Construction is expected to wrap up by the end December 2022.

Jun maker Wild Tonic has unveiled a revamped visual identity designed to celebrate the brand’s uniqueness and clarify the difference between jun and kombucha for consumers. Concurrent with the rebrand, the brand is introducing several new flavor profiles with its Wanderer Series, a cocktail inspired non-alcoholic line of jun that is “almost identical to the flavors of their alcoholic [counterparts].” The brand is also slated to roll out a line extension of its existing portfolio with Orange Dream and Lavender Honey Lemonade varieties.

Remedy Drinks debuted its new Orange Splash kombucha flavor along with other best-selling flavors including Raspberry Lemonade, Mixed Berry and more at Natural Products Expo East. Orange Splash is made through the brand’s traditional technique of a 30-day brewing process to accentuate the flavor and strength of living cultures and organic acids, creating a light and refreshing better-for-you beverage.



What seems healthier for a growing body than a tall glass of milk? Both plant-based and dairy milk companies are leaning into the health benefits of milk’s age-old claim of being the best daily source of protein, calcium and vitamin D. Alternative milk brands are trying to broaden their consumer appeal with kid-friendly formats and fortifi ed product lines, while traditional dairy companies are pushing healthier, premium varieties of cow’s milk.

Demand has shifted over the years towards plant milk’s environmental sustainability claims but as infl ation puts pressure on milk-buyers’ wallets, both conventional and plant-based dairy brands are looking for new ways to bring in new customers.

According to data from market research group SPINS, the price gap continues to narrow between dairy milk and plant-based alternatives. Dairy still has an edge with the average retail price (ARP) of $3.64, increasing 6% in the last 52-week period. Plant-based milk’s ARP is $4.34, increasing only 4% in the same period.

From a strict cost-to-consumer perspective, dairy milk, often sold in larger, 1 gallon quantities whereas plant-based is more often found in a 64 oz. size, continues to be the better deal, with dollar sales increasing 10% for dairy while plant-based increased 7% from a year ago.

As with other categories, premium dairy is growing: milks labeled animalwelfare (+18%) and grass fed (+9%) outpace conventional brands not labeled by either term, which only grew 3%.

Oat milk continues to be the fastest growing non-dairy alternative, with dollar sales up 41.6% in the latest 52week period, according to IRI data. By comparison, almond milk only grew 0.6% and soy was down -0.7%.

Dairy alternative producer SunOpta’s third quarter earnings reported 19.9% revenue growth in its plant-based segment and a 68% increase in oat milk


revenues compared to the same quarter of 2021, showing the grain’s continued dominance in vegan milks.


Plant-based brands see the sustained consumer adoption of dairy alternatives as an opportunity to move to a younger age cohort.

Berkeley-based dairy-free brand Ripple has been playing in the alternative milk space for some time; among its offerings is a kid-positioned product, Ripple Kids. A new 48 oz. bottle boasts 50mg of DHA Omega-3 fatty acids and 8g protein from peas that is fortified with prebiotic fiber and choline to promote healthy brain health. The brand saw a 33% sales growth in the 52-weeks ending October 3.

Plant milk maker Good Karma, based in Boulder, Colorado, also offers lunchbox-sized, 6.75 oz. cartons of its oat, fl ax and pea-based milks in Vanilla and Chocolate fl avors. The kid-friendly decorated labels have 4g of plant protein and 700mg of Omega-3s per serving.

you would do for adults,” Alex Abelinor said. “Their gut lining is evolving. Their immune system is coming online. You have to be more sensitive and careful when you make products for children.”

The brand’s fi rst two products were 8 oz. cartons available original and chocolate fl avors. In September, the company released a 32 oz. format to broaden the brand’s positioning in the shelf-stable dairy aisle and “widen the narrative of usage for adults to use in coffee, protein smoothies or as a baking substitute,” Abelinor told BevNET.

“A lot of adult products aren’t really good for kids but adults can enjoy kid products because they’re super safe and nutrient dense.”

The brand’s tagline “Made by kids, enjoyed by all” affi rms its plans to grow beyond the kids drink aisle. Kiki Milk is banking on its all-organic recipe blend of oats, hemp seeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, coconut, seaweed, and bananas will continue to resonate with consumers looking for a plant milk with no soy, gluten or nuts that is safe to feed kids or adults.

One brand seeing early success with its kid-positioned plantbased milk is Kauaibased PlantBaby. For now, the company’s fi rst brand, Kiki Milk is only available online through its website, Amazon, and Thrive Market, but it has garnered enough interest to close a $4 million seed round this past summer. Initially conceived to help feed their young son who has a dairy and soy insensitivity, founders Alex and Lauren Abelinor found a void in the plant milk category for clean-label, allergen-free dairy alternatives specifi cally targeting young children.

“When you are designing a product for kids, you can’t really do it the same way


Originally, the Abelinors intended to make the fi rst U.S.based, vegan infant formula but found the arduous process of navigating FDA regulation to be too much for the company’s fi rst product entrance. The couple still plans to launch an infant formula, calling it their “North Star product” but expects to release a toddler milk fi rst.

Kate Farms is another plant-based brand that has leaned heavily into formulas. The brand has focused on bringing USDA Organic, vegan medical formulas to the healthcare industry for tube and oral feeding of children and adults.

In September, the company closed a $75 million Series C funding round.

“Historically, people have had little choice when needing alternative or supplemental nutrition. When formula makes up a large part, or in some cases, all of your daily calories, what you consume matters that much more,” said Coeffi cient Capital managing partner Franklin Isacson, who joined Kate Farms’ board as an observer in November after Coeffi cient invested in the company. “Kate Farms gives children and adults an organic and plant-based alternative that is clinically proven to be just as nutritious but without the allergens and artifi cial ingredients of conventional products.”

Parents of young children and consumers who rely on formula as a main source of nutrition were frantic earlier this year when an Abbott Nutrition production facility recall exacerbated an already short supply of formula in the U.S.

New Zealand-based a2 Milk Company announced earlier this month that it was FDA-approved to bring its easier-to-digest Platinum Premium infant milk formula to the U.S. The milk maker expects to sell up to 1 million cans through June 2023 and is also banking on its Stage 3 toddler product to further its reach within the U.S. among health-conscious milk drinkers.

Within the country, a2 claims distribution in more than 27,000 stores and, according to IRI data, has increased dollar sales by 25.5% and unit sales up 18.4% year-over-year.

sitting side-by-side,” Cargill business development manager Mark Fahlin explained in a press release discussing the survey.

Cargill’s research pointed to consumers perceiving animal-based dairy as a better source of protein, calcium and vitamin D while preferring the texture of conventional milk to plant-based options.

This aligns with Mintel’s 2022 Dairy Report, which found that “nearly eight in 10 milk buyers agree they want to improve their diet over the coming year, and 72% of total milk purchasers agree they generally view dairy as having a positive impact on health.” Additionally, inflation might be playing a role in bolstering dairy from its steady decline in recent years due to its slightly lower price point compared to plant milks.

Some animal-milk brands see that opportunity by leaning into low-sugar options that can also be consumed by people with lactose sensitivities.

Initially launched in 2012, ultra-filtered brand fairlife was fully acquired by early investor Coca-Cola in 2020; as of February it had been built into a $1 billion brand. Banking on the success of fairlife, organic dairy companies Horizon and Organic Valley followed suit in 2019 and got into the ultra-filtered milk category with their own products.

According to IRI data covering the 52-week period ending October 2, Horizon dollar sales are down -2.9% in the refrigerated white milk category year-over-year while Organic Valley and Fairlife are up 12.8% and 24% respectively. The total refrigerated white milk category is up 9.1% year-over-year with total unit sales slumping -2.7%.

Other dairy companies have not found the same consumer success in ultra-filtered varieties, but they’ve tried different approaches.

Maple Hill Creamery launched a sugar-free, ultra-filtered line in 2021 to complement its portfolio of 100% grass fed dairy products. The Whole and Reduced Fat varieties were launched on the claim of being the first zero-sugar milks without sweeteners or additives in the country, but were discontinued in July due to a “lack of consumer demand,” according to a company representative.

Similarly, Greek yogurt maker Chobani initially announced its own foray into the refrigerated milk category with a February release of its own four SKUs of ultra-filtered milks along with two SKUs of Half & Half. Yet, the company pulled the line of lactosefree milks only three months later, citing inflationary pressures weighing heavily on the company’s copacker.

Dairy is still struggling to compete in consumer buying trends and plant milks are not the main driver of the reduction in milk sales.


Milk drinkers are not abandoning conventional dairy altogether, food and ingredient maker Cargill reported in a 18-month research survey. In fact, the number of consumers actively avoiding animalbased dairy products dipped from four in 10 survey respondents in 2021 to less than three in 10 in July 2022.

“Clearly, there’s a growing swath of plant-based dairy consumers who are open to both categories. Look in their refrigerator, and they may have conventional milk and a plant-based alternative

“U.S. per capita fluid milk consumption has been trending downward for more than 70 years and fell at a faster rate during the 2010s than in each of the previous six decades,” the USDA’s Economic Research Service reported in a June blog post.

Americans are just drinking less milk with the average person drinking 0.49 cups per day in 2019, down from 0.69 in 2000, according to the USDA.

To gain back consumer demand for milk-drinking, the USDA said that both plant-based and dairy companies will need to “to gauge and anticipate the mix of attributes most appealing to consumers” be it allergen- and sugar-free varieties or focused messaging describing the health benefits of drinking a proteinand vitamin-rich beverage.


Coffee Mate has announced two new creamer collabs that are sure to sweeten your daily cup of joe: Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts Flavored Creamer and Zero Sugar Twix Flavored Creamer. The former features a combination of sugar and cinnamon flavors while the latter contains flavor notes of milk chocolate, caramel and buttery cookies. Both new creamers will be available at grocery stores and mass retailers nationwide in January 2023 for $4.39 per 32 oz. bottle.

During an episode of Master Chef Brasil, NotCo launched its newest product: NotCreme. The new offering is a plant-based cream made from chickpeas. NotCo claims the product does not contain an aftertaste, unlike similar creams crafted from oats or cashews.

Califia Farms celebrated the fall season early with the launch of Pumpkin Spice Oat Barista. The offering combines the brand’s signature oat milk with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. It is designed to be steamed, frothed and added to espresso drinks. Califia Pumpkin Spice Oat Barista is available at Target, Albertsons, Whole Foods and HEB for $4.59 per 32 oz. container.

Merry Grinchmas! International Delight teamed up with Dr. Seuss Enterprises to launch this year’s three-SKU lineup of holiday creamers. The newest flavor, Gingerbread Cookie Dough, pays homage to the classic wintertime treat. Previously released flavors Peppermint Mocha and Frosted Sugar Cookie have also been revived. All three SKUs, wrapped in Grinch-themed packaging, will be available in-store and online through the end of 2022 for $3.99 per 32 oz. bottle.

Elmhurst 1925 announced the return of two seasonal offerings: Pumpkin Spice Oat Creamer and OatNog. The former will be available for purchase this month for $6.99 per 32 oz. bottle while the latter will roll out in November for $5.99 per 16 oz. bottle.

Alternative milk brand MALK launched its newest oatmilk flavor: Chocolate. The new variety is made with just five ingredients, including fi ltered water, organic gluten-free oats, organic cocoa, pure organic vanilla extract and Himalayan pink salt. MALK Chocolate Oat is rolling out at select Whole Foods Market stores nationwide for $5.99 per 32 oz. bottle.

This fall, Dunkin’ debuted its fi rst Pumpkin Munchkin Creamer. According to the brand, the new offering “features a pumpkin-forward flavor with hints of sweet donut glaze and natural spices.” The limited-edition creamer is available at retailers nationwide for $3.99 per 32 oz. bottle.

Silk celebrated the fall season by launching two new products: Pumpkin Spice Almond Creamer and Maple Brown Sugar Oatmilk Creamer. The limited edition offerings are available at Whole Foods, Amazon, Target and Amazon all season long for $5.29 and $4.79, respectively.

Kiki Milk expanded its lineup of plant-based kids’ milks with a new 32 oz. shelf-stable format, available in Original and Chocolate flavors. Both varieties are made with organic oats, organic hemp seeds, organic pumpkin seeds and organic coconut milks. According to the brand, the larger cartons size will reduce package waste and transportation emissions. Kiki Milk 32 oz. cartons are available online for $40 per 6-pack.

New York-based Chobani got a head start on the winter holidays with its two new seasonal offerings: Peppermint Mocha Coffee Creamer and Oat Nog Oatmilk. The former features cream, cane sugar, peppermint and chocolate and is available for $5.49 per 24 oz. carton. The latter is a dairy-free take on the classic holiday favorite and is available for $4.99 per 32 oz. carton. Chobani will also roll out a limited-edition Gingerbread Oat Coffee Creamer and Coffee Cold Brew with Peppermint Mocha Oatmilk.

Plant-based creamer brand Nutpods brought back its annual seasonal Winter Collection featuring Peppermint, Holiday Nog and Pumpkin Spice fl avors. The Nutpods Winter Collection pack, which contains one 11.2 oz. carton of each fl avor, is currently available online for $14.95.

Vancouver-based Beyond Moo Foods expanded its plant-based product line with a single-serve Oatgurt drink for kids. Available in two flavors –Cherry and Vanilla – the oat-based “yogurt” beverage contains vitamins A, B2, B12 and D and has probiotics 1 billion CFU per 180ml bottle. Both flavors are available at Canadian retailers including Choice Markets, Healthy Planet and select Sobeys locations.




Amaz Project, Inc

Organic Sparkling Yerba Mate Tea with Adaptogens for Natural Energy, Focus, & Immunity | Plant-based | Zero Calories | Zero Sugar | Vegan | Keto-Friendly | 80mg Organic Caffeine | Sourced from Regenerative Agroforestry

Bang Energy

Meltdown is perfect for those who want energy but not a shock. Packed with d-ketones, electrolytes, and betaine, Meltdown is delicious too—the one sugar-free metabolism-boosting drink that won’t leave your tastebuds holding a grudge.

VOOZ™ Hydration Sensation™

Aprch Beverage Co.

Aprch (ap·proach) Beverage Co. maker of relaxation beverages has released its newest flavor of CBD Sparkling Water, Fruit Punch! Aprch was named Winner of the CSP Magazine 2022 Best New Product Award.

Bang Energy

75% of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration – Vooz is here to help. Instead of sugar and carbs, Vooz offers essential electrolytes and sugar-free flavor that hydrates you—fast— without stressing your waistline.


Aqua ViTea

Authentically brewed with premium organic ingredients and naturally-occurring live probiotics, our kombucha low in sugar & calories, and always verified nonalcohol comp

Beauty Booze™

The perfect cocktail created by a Nutritionist and an Hebalist who still love to have fun. Our BeauTea Cocktail® is low-alcohol, no added sugar & made with Organic Juices, Botanical Extracts, Celtic Sea Salt and 3g of Collagen. @ sipbeautybooze

Aqua ViTea

With low sugar and calories, our full-flavored probiotic seltzer is infused with organic kombucha and packed billions of live probiotics for immune and gut health.

Belvoir Farm

A twist on our classics - combining our famous elderflower infusion with pressed Yuzu juice to create a zingy, botanical beverage to delight our consumers. 100% natural. Nothing Artificial. Just honest, great tasting botanical lemonades

AMAZ Your Best new Mate
Fruit Punch CBD Sparkling Water | Aprch Artist Series Vol. 2 Organic, Sustainable, Low Sugar Kombucha NEW Organic, Probiotic Seltzer Meltdown® Energy - Increased energy and metabolism Belvoir Farm's Newest Elderflower Lemonade
Fresh New Look & Flavors
Gut-Healthy Beverage Brand Big Easy Debuts
Beliv US LLC
Plant-based Energy Drink OCA, launches 3 new 0 sugar Flavors. Beliv US LLC
velocity driving flavor’s now available in a 4 pack Belvoir Farm
BIOLYTE - the IV in a bottle BIOLYTE
Non Alcoholic Festive Punches to drive sales over the Holiday season Belvoir Farm BioSteel - Next Gen. Sports Hydration BioSteel Sports


Blue Bear Wellness

The first ready-todrink melatonin nighttime tea is here. Made with natural and organic ingredients, Blue Bear Sleep supports rest and relaxation with a zero sugar, lightly sweetened, peach flavored white tea. Get ready for a new nightly routine.

Award Winning Taste in the Most Sustainable Package

Boxed Water Is Better

Made from 92% renewable materials (trees), Boxed Water™ brand now has a plant-based cap and the highest renewable content. Our water won a prestigious International Taste award and the Good Housekeeping award this year. Consumers ask for it by name


Our delicious Sparkling Fruit Tonics are low calorie, low sugar, and made with only wholesome ingredients such as ACV, Wellmune®, Amla, Manuka Honey, and Amino Acids to satisfy your thirst and strengthen your overall health, wellness, and vitality!

Brighter Tonic

A sparkling nonalcohol beverage that uses an infusion of apple cider vinegar to create layered, complex, and slightly sweet tasting experience with simple ingredients. Perfect for any occasion and available in 4 flavors with only 30 calories each.

day begins at night with Blue Bear Sleep
Improve Your Overall Health with Breezzo Sparkling Fruit Tonics! Yuzu Grapefruit Brighter Tonic combines tart and a touch of sweet New CBD Seltzer. No Alcohol. No THC. Gluten-free. Stevia-free. Bravago Bold Seltzer BUBBL’R Antioxidant Sparkling Water - New Flav’r! BUBBL’R Buchi Living Energy – A New Kind of Energy Drink Buchi



Lightly sweet & refreshing with less than 50 calories, no added sugar, and nothing artificial. Includes low-carb jelly-like tapioca pearls and antioxidants from loose leaf tea. Available in 3 delicious flavors. Woman and minority owned.


Cann’s social tonics are microdosed with cannabis to provide a light buzz without the hangover. Less than 45 calories, crafted with allnatural ingredients, and packaged into portable, pocket-sized liquid packets. Just add sparkling water and enjoy.

Cann Cann’s social tonics are microdosed with cannabis to provide a light buzz without the hangover. Less than 35 calories, crafted with allnatural ingredients, and award winning flavors. Enjoy the social tonic that has sold over 10 million Canns!

Dancing Blender Smoothie Co.

TDB premium functional smoothies are pasteurized using high pressure process (HPP) and has a verifiable shelf life of 45 days. PowerTm, and Bantigo are our signature smoothies, with traditional strawberry, banana Smoothie, called Racheil.

Califia Farms, LLC

These first-of-theirkind dairy-free creamers are specially formulated for iced coffee. Available in Vanilla Sweet Crème and Caramel Crème, they maintain their sweet, vivid flavor even as the ice in your coffee melts. Available at national retailers.

Cann Cann’s Unspiked contain less than 45 calories, crafted with all-natural ingredients, and award winning flavors. No cannabis, all taste.

Coppa Cocktails

Made with premium Caribbean white rum, vodka, rich cream, coconut, and pineapple juice, simply pour over ice! Imported from Amsterdam and made with only natural flavors and premium spirits, Coppa Cocktails have 15% ABV and an SRP of $17.99/750mL.


Crisp, effervescent, sun-drenched refreshment driven by our proprietary uplifting terpene blend, 5 grams of clean prebiotic fiber and immunity support from elderberry and vitamin C. USDA Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Shelf Stable and Only 30 Calories.

We cold-press the goodness of Cane Root with Ayurvedic Herbs and Healthy Fruits and pass them through HPP to enhance its shelf life. Our plant based juices are 100% Natural, Cold-Pressed, Non-GMO Verified, No Added Sugar, Low-Glycemic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Preservative Free and a great source of Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidants and Electrolytes. Our Juice Blends boost immune function and provide natural hydration.

We are a Minority Women Owned company and a proud partner to the Minority Farmers.

The First RTD Healthier Alternative to Boba Tea – 1g sugar
Califia Farms Iced Café Mixers Cann Roadies: Microdosed social tonics for on-the-go Cann Unspiked: It's Cann without the Buzz Cann: Microdosed social tonics Coppa Cocktails Piña Colada The Dancing Blender- (TDB) Introduces Premium Functional Smoothies **NEW** Daytrip Prebiotic Soda - Happy Mind. Healthy Gut. CANE’d, The First All-Natural Cane Juice Blend, A Natural Electrolyte CANE’d is the first US brand crafting Cane Juice Blends with a delectable flavor and are great for your gut. Our company’s mission to revolutionize Cane Juice among other cultures and increase awareness about its nutritional benefits to all while expanding its accessibility.
Best-selling CBD Living Sparkling Water introduces a new flavor - tropical Mango Guava
to its lineup of fruity and refreshing CBD beverages. Each can of CBD Living Sparkling Water contains 25 mg of nano CBD and six important vitamins and minerals to boost energy levels and aid the immune system, all with no
The Best-Tasting CBD Sparkling Water - Now in Tropical Mango Guava! CBD Living


Escape the ordinary with Daytrip's awardwinning CBD-infused sparkling water! 25mg of premium Hemp CBD with our signature uplifting botanical terpene blend to supply mood elevation, clarity and stress reduction without fatigue. Try all six flavors.


Namaste Y'all. A delicious, organic, and plant-based Yerba Mate with 150mgs of natural caffeine per can. Amazing and balanced blueberry, pomegranate, and acai flavors matched with premium Yerba Mate for an epic and energizing brew. Drink Weird!

Dewey Crush

Dewey Crush is the original craft vodka and crushed fruit cocktail. This delicious spirit-based beverage is blended with Vodka & Triple Sec, Lemon-Lime Soda, and all natural, freshly crushed juice, available in four flavors.


Electrolit is scientifically formulated to provide immediate hydration. Whether it’s after a hard workout, exposure to heat, or a night out, Electrolit helps replenish your electrolytes so you can bounce back faster and keep your life moving.

Daytrip CBD-Infused Sparkling WaterHappier is Healthier! Dewey Crush, the Fresh Canned Crush Cocktail Introducing WEIRD YERBA - Organic & Plant-Based with Natural Caffeine
All Natural, Wellness-Oriented Functional Beverage Solutions CENTR Brands
New Electrolit Zero. Zero Calories. Zero Sugar. All the Taste. Spirits with Real Fruit Juice, Natural Flavors and Carbonation Day Chaser Cocktails Meet Tepache - A Fermented Pineapple Beverage De La Calle Co.

Feelz is a CA based company dedicated to providing consumers with a delicious zero calorie CBD beverage that will help restore balance. Feelz is also packed with electrolytes, B-Vitamins, antioxidants and adaptogens to help replenish the body & soul.

Ferm Fatale Reformulated & repackaged, Ferm Fatale's revolutionary zero sugar, shelf stable yet still raw, live and organic nonalcoholic probiotic cocktails just got a makeover with more FUNctionality sans booze right in time when the category just capped $10B.

Elm Fork Beverage Company

There’s only one way to make a REAL Texas Ranch Water and that’s with pure 100% Blue Agave Tequila. Coming to you from Jalisco, MX - The Original comes in 4pk/12oz cans with fresh lime, no added sugar, and a smooth 5.8% ABV. Raise Your Standard!


Fiery, full-bodied taste, balanced with juicy and zesty flavors of Blood Oranges from Italy. A uniquely refreshing drink, specifically made to be mixed, but equally delicious on its own. No artificial sweeteners with 35 calories per 6.8 oz bottle.

Elixir Inc Feelz CBD Sparkling Water The Standard Ranch Water - With 100% Agave Blanco Tequila Ferm Fatale wildly fermented zero proof cocktails, elevated. New Fever-Tree Blood Orange Ginger Beer Dough Ball Cookie Dough Flavored Whiskey Expands Nationally Dough Ball Whiskey The Complete Sports Drink Elite Beverage International Mixers exquisitely crafted using the finest botanicals Fentimans


Crafted using essential oils from a signature blend of three gingers from the Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Cochin, India. Refreshing taste and aroma. Perfectly balanced to enhance cocktails and equally as delicious on its own as a soft drink.


Superb lemonade made with the finest Sicilian lemons for a crisp & refreshing flavor. Perfectly balanced and crafted to be mixed but is equally delicious on its own as a sophisticated soft drink. Only 40 calories per 6.8 fl oz bottle.


Crafted by brewing a signature blend of three real gingers for a bold & spicy flavor. Not too sweet on the palate, this refreshing non-alcoholic is perfectly balanced to complement the finest spirits as well as to enjoy on its own.


What do you get when you mix magical super fruits, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acid's and some good old fashioned culinary ingenuity??? You get... *insert suspenseful drum roll*... B-B-B-BBERRY BOMB!!!!!!!


Sustainably sourced & responsibly packaged, Hawaii Volcanic Water comes from the Kea‘au aquifer - deep within the sacred Island of Hawai‘i. We bottle this natural water in crystal glass and 100% recycled bottles made with Prevented Ocean

New Fever-Tree Ginger Ale 6x250 ml Cans New Fever-Tree Ginger Beer 6x250 ml Cans New Fever-Tree Sparkling Sicilian Lemonade G FUEL 16OZ BERRY BOMB Granny Squibbs Iced Tea Granny Squibb's Organic Iced Tea is proud to introduce Porter's Peach! With a portion of proceeds to benefit Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Porter's Peach continues Granny Squibb's mission of offering timeless flavors that support the community. Granny Squibb's Introduces Peach Flavor Harmless Harvest We've added a new flavor to our hydrating organic smoothie lineup! Introducing Radiant Greensdeliciously radiating goodness from the inside out. Harmless Harvest Organic Radiant Greens Smoothie
Gym Molly Gym Molly is the future of Vegan Drinks Energy packed with all the B Vitamins, Amino Acids, and Hydro Creatine you need to make your body & mind feel great! If you're looking for the best smart energy drink, look no further, because she's right here
Certified Vegan Pure Energy Drink you've been looking for is here!
Organic Cold-Pressed Energy Elixirs with Probiotics Garden of Flavor
Hawaii Volcanic Plastic™. Lava Filtered • Naturally Alkaline • Ultra Premium Water from Hawai‘i Green Soda: Cola & Four Delicious Flavor Varieties Green Cola North America LLC


Improv Booze-Free Cocktails

We are a mission based Organic Tea Company. We pride ourselves on taste and quality. We
five amazing flavors: Mango+Melon Black Tea, Wildberry+Lime Hibiscus, Passionfruit+Kiwi Green Tea, Unsweet Black and Coconut Lemonade. Give us a call ! Best Tasting Tea - HUMANITEA HyVida Brands With Just 4 Clean Ingredients, HyVida is a True Sparkling Water that's Betterfor-You! Antioxidant Hydrogen Bubbles deliver a softer more refreshing taste and smoother finish. First-ever flavor combo of Grape-Watermelon new 2023. 12oz cans & 6pks Try Hydrogen Bubbles - NEW Organic Grape-Watermelon Flavor
and distinct flavors that will
Glacial Natural Spring Water
Water Icelandic Glacial is exceptionally pure and naturally alkaline (pH 8.4) spring water. Sourced from the naturally replenishing Ölfus Spring in Iceland, it is also available with added carbonation
arouse your senses. Icelandic
Improv Booze-Free Cocktails High Rise Beverage. Creates Real Fruit Infused Hemp Derived Seltzers High Rise Beverage Company
Our full-flavored, premium nonalcoholic cocktails taste like the real deal, but without the booze. They're ready to enjoy if you're going dry, and ready to spike if you're not. We're not here to judge. We make the drinks, you call the shots.
Water & Hops. Pure & Simple. HOPLARK Real Coffee. Real Vodka. Howie’s Spiked Alc-a-Chino



Real Energy. No Crash. JOCKO GO is the cleanest, most effective, and best tasting energy drink available. Formulated to be sugar-free with balanced caffeine, nootropics, and electrolytes for those who want to dominate life. GET SOME.


Yeah We’re Different: Introducing All-Natural Joie

Jove Wellness Water

Jove Alkaline

Wellness Water is making waves with consumers by providing noticeable skin and cellular health benefits. Backed by clinical studies, these benefits are derived from its exclusive ACH Technology® (Advanced Cellular Hydration Technology).

Organic, Fair Trade Certified, Just Sweet Enough Bottled Teas

Just Ice Tea by Eat the Change

Just in Time! Delicious, real-brewed bottled teas with organic and fair trade certified tea leaves, spices, and sweeteners (agave and/or honey).

Unsweetened and Just Sweet Enough options. OU Kosher certified. This is just ice tea but so much more.

KickStand Cocktails: Real Spirits. Crushable Spice

KickStand Cocktails

KickStand Cocktails is the only canned cocktail dedicated to spice. Made with vodka, fruit juice & natural flavors.

KickStand contains 105 calories, 0g added sugar, 3g carbs & 5.5% ABV, in three clean flavors: Roasted Jalapeno Cucumber, Charred Pinea

Deep Hydration® for Skin & Cellular Health
CUT Energy + Weight Loss Sparkling
Iovate Health Sciences
Energy Drinks!! Joie Energy
Karma Drinks : The World’s Most Ethical Soft Drinks Karma Drinks


Linden Leaf Botanicals is an award-winning spirits company to handcraft its ultrapremium products at the molecular level, fine-tuning flavors to create perfectly harmonious and exceptionally balanced spirits.

Launched in April, King Kongin MultiVitamin Energy Drink is an all-natural drink that is loaded with vitamins. Designed for consumers who need that extra boost of energy but don’t want the jitters, this beverage also boasts an amazingly good taste.

“Important people like Master P don’t just stand behind any product. They must first believe in it,” says King Kongin CEO Dr. Myra Dulac. “So for him to put his stamp on our energy drink says a lot about the quality of our product.”

The newest flavors include Mango Pineapple and delicious KonginAde Fruit Punch. Loaded with Vitamins B and D, both new flavors are zero calories, increase energy levels, boost immunity and help to improve brain function.

“A lot of energy drinks have an aftertaste, but we came up with a formula to make it taste good,” Dulac explains. “Our flavors come directly from the fruits. That’s why we call our energy drinks all natural. We don’t use artificial ingredients, artificial chemicals or preservatives.”

Now available on Amazon and at Rouses’ stores. If interested in partnering, contact us at info@

Living Seltzers are a mindfully-crafted cannabinoid blend with specifically selected terpenes.

Our seltzers contain an organically grown broad spectrum cannabinoid blend and organically grown CBGa isolate to deliver the premium experience you seek.

Energy, Upgraded with Oaza's line of strong cold brew (200mg caffeine).

Low calorie (<30 calories) and 0 sugar - Oaza is enhanced with electrolytes and L-Theanine for sustained energy without the crash.

Sparkling, Delicious Exotic Natural Fruit Flavors. Boosts energy, focus, clarity, & mood. No detectable taste of mushrooms, but all the benefits. Sober curious option or mixed with spirits. Naturally Sweetened. Change Your Energy. Change Your Life!

Linden Leaf Botanicals Linden Leaf 88 Gin, Singularity Vodka and Cocktail Elements O2 Living Hemp O2 Living Introduces CBD X CBGa Infused Seltzer: Living Seltzer Oaza Cold Brew 0 sugar, Low Calorie Cold Brew Infused with Electrolytes & L-theanine Odyssey Wellness LLC Odyssey Elixir; Sparkling Functional Mushroom Energy Drink Music mogul Master P endorses all-natural King Konging Energy Drink King Kongin Businessman and entrepreneur Percy “Master P” Miller joins forces with King Kongin Energy Drink to add diversity to grocery store shelves and bring high-profile celebrities to join the movement.
New L8 Hemp Infused Adaptogenic Sparkling Beverages L8 Life Mandatory Spirits Co, 40% straight & 30% flavoured BIB spirits 1.75L Mandatory Spirit Co

Partáy Craft Cocktails

This isn’t a party drink. It’s a Partáy drink. Which is way classier. So, raise your pinkies to a cocktail made with blue agave, real fruit juice, and no artificial flavors. Comes in four flavors, Key Lime, Pineapple, Passionfruit and Grapefruit.


Newest flavor in poppi’s delicious line of prebiotic sodas! Our most requested flavor ever, it marries sweet cherry and crisp lime for a rich refreshment. All poppi sodas are made with real fruit, apple cider vinegar, and only 5g of sugar (or less).

Positive Beverage

With a mission to bring heath to the energy category, Positive Energy delivers natural caffeine from green tea, 110% all added vitamins and an Immunity Boost from Zinc in a Zero Sugar, Zero Calorie thirst-quenching experience!

Responsibly sourced still, sparkling, and alkaline bottled water in lightweight, durable aluminum packaging
bottled water empowers people
genuine, measurable impact
Award-Winning Purified Water in an Aluminum Bottle
Partáy, a refreshing margarita made with blue agave and real juice. PATH
created to
future of
to make a
and to take
right PATH. PATH-Sustainable
Cherry Limeade Prebiotic Soda
#1 Immunity Boosting Energy Beverage ALL NEW Mitra9 Deliciously Crafted Kava & Kratom Beverages Mitra9Brands Drink it for the Taste, Love it for the Mission! Nixie Sparkling Water, Inc 100% Pure Premium Coconut Water Once Upon A Coconut

Calling All At-Home Baristas!

Craft the perfect cup in seconds with just 1 Tbsp of Pop &

new Super Concentrate. With a rich flavor and smooth finish, this little bottle works hard so you don’t have to. Enjoy coffee your way - iced, hot, creamy, black - no machine needed. Available in Classic, Vanilla, and Mocha.

85 BRAND LISTINGS Try Our Pocas Bubble Tea Classic Taiwanese Flavors Now with Thai Tea Pocas International Corp.
& Bottle Organic Super Concentrated Coffee Pop & Bottle
#1 Immunity Boosting Energy Beverage Positive Beverage
Meet The World’s Best Ready-to-Drink Cocktail Post Meridiem Spirit Co.


QULA's crafted drink mix is low in sugar by using a patented process that microencapsulates real fruit juice in its fiber, giving a juicy sweet taste without sucrose.

QULA contains live Probiotics to provide a full spectrum of gut health. Drink QULA!

Low Cal, Low Sugar Complete Hydration™ Beverages

ROAR Organic

A line of organic Complete Hydration™ beverages with replenishing electrolytes, antioxidants, 100% of your daily value of vitamins C, B5, B6 and B12, and only 20 calories & 3g of sugar or less per bottle. Untwist a cap and experience ROAR®.

RISE Brewing Co.

Introducing our brand new Nitro Cold Brew Salted Caramel Latte! This latte cues the start of the fall season. Grace your taste buds with deliciously sweet caramel and a dash of sea salt. It's Organic, non-GMO, and as always... refreshingly smooth.

Sati Soda

Sati Soda launched Sati CBD Soda in October 2019 with 3 flavors, Energy Berry, Chill Ginger and Clarity Lemon Lime. After winning multiple Best CBD Beverage and Gold Medal Awards for branding, design, and taste, it now offers Sati Soda without CBD.

'QULA' World's First Pre+Probiotic Powdered Drink Mix | All Natural RISE Brewing Co: NEW Salted Caramel Oat Milk Latte
Powerlyte Superior Electrolyte Solution Drink POWERLYTE Better Mixers Make Better Drinks Q Mixers
Sati Soda, The Healthy Soda Company Rancho La Gloria’s New Premium Infused Tequilas Rancho La Gloria
BRAND LISTINGS No Sugar, Refreshing and Sparkling, Live
Drinks with Benefits Remedy Drinks
Revive Probiotic Sodas & Seltzers Revive Drinks Robin Road Cocktails - Genuine Flavor. Celebrating Nature. Robin Road Cocktails Bright, Refreshing “Hello Ginger” Kombucha Rowdy Mermaid

Regenerative Hydration


The first sports drink powered by regenerative oats, Smootch provides sustained energy with added electrolytes + immune support.

Available in 4 smooth, refreshing flavors: Guava Hibiscus, Blood Orange Grapefruit, Black Currant Elderberry, Lemon Lime


You’re Invited to our Par-Tea!: Brighten your afternoon with our zero sugar iced tea that leaves you smiling with every sip. Our full-bodied brewed black tea has a powerful punch of peach flavor that’s so sweet, you won’t believe there’s no sugar.

Stewart's Enterprise Holdings

Hard Rock Grab ’n’

Go Cocktails are for those seeking great taste on the run: the 19.2-ounce cans are filled to the rim with Hard Rock-inspired flavors, including their classic Hurricane and the ever-popular Long Island Iced Tea, each at 10% ABV.

TÖST Beverages

Enjoy an alcoholfree, dry, sparkling refresher perfect for every occasion. Using natural ingredients, our beverages are crafted to be as meaningful and sophisticated as alcoholic beverages but without alcohol.

Sunshine In A Bottle®! 100% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin D in every bottle. ShineWater is naturally sweetened with ZERO added sugar. Our formulas are full of key electrolytes including Potassium, Magnesium, and Zinc. No artificial colors or flavors. Shinewater comes in 7 bold flavor fusions - Peach Mango, Watermelon Blackberry, Strawberry Lemon, Mixed Berry Acai, Kiwi Cucumber Coconut Lime, and our newest flavor Fruit Punch!!

Hard Rock 10% ABV Grab 'n' Go Cocktails NEW! Swoon Peach Tea TÖST and TÖST ROSÉ - Alcohol-Free Sparkling Beverages A hard-working soft drink formulated to keep your Running Lights on!
Running Lights
Saint James Organic Brewed Iced Tea Saint James Iced Tea SHINEWATER. All Natural. Vibrant Flavor. Zero sugar. Vitamin D. ShineWater


Premium craft coffee and organic ceremonial grade matcha, rich and creamy, perfectly calibrated for balance and creativity. Our products are plantbased, with no sugar added, and infused with adaptogens and functional mushrooms.

This Girl Walks Into a Bar

This Girl Walks Into a Bar: Mixers + Snacks introduces a premium, certified organic, non-GMO, deliciously tart Margarita Mix for cocktail fans who want to create homemadetasting, bar-quality drinks at home. Award winning, female owned, and operated.


We created the first 12oz premium spring water, infused with hydrogen and Quad-C (our proprietary blend of colloidal copper, gold, platinum, and zinc). This product is the next generation hydration drink for everyone from athletes to seniors.

Your favorite cocktail is now in a can! Togronis® is proud to introduce their first RTD Craft Negroni in partnership with Scrappy's Bitters. Served in a 3.4 oz can, it is the perfect pour, and has received gold awards for both taste and design.

Plant-based Coffees & Ceremonial Grade Matcha with Adaptogens Takeover Industries Inc. Unlock your body's NXT LVL with NXT LVL Hydrogen Water This Girl Walks Into A Bar Margarita
Real Plants + Real Virtue Sparkling
Togronis® Launches with their RTD Craft Negroni
Spirited Hive Premium RTD Craft Cocktails Infused with Organic Honey Spirited Hive VITAFUSION INFUSIONS™ Singles to Go!® Drink Mix The Jel Sert Company

The PoP Shoppe originated in 1969. Their low price, value branded strategy was a hit with consumers. Stand alone, brick and mortar outlets spread throughout Canada and the USA. Sadly, in the early 1980’s, the emergence of private label saw the demise of the brand. What remained was a tremendous amount of brand equity.

Fast forward to 2006, a young entrepreneur in Ontario, Canada revived the brand. Today, it’s Canada’s fastest growing craft soda. With the pandemic in the rear view mirror and supply chain returning to normality, the brand officially relaunched into America at NACS 2022 in Las Vegas.

The PoP Shoppe brand is now positioned as a premium craft soda, a hit from Baby Boomers to Millennials and current day Generation Z.

Nopal Cactus Water - The Original Cactus Water

True Nopal Ventures LLC

True Nopal Cactus Water is made from the fruit of the prickly pear cactus & is 100% all natural with no added sugar or sweeteners.

True Nopal has less than half the calories & sugar of coconut water while providing electrolytes, potassium, magnesium.

1st Carbonated Plant Protein, with Clean Energy: VUUM

VUUM Technologies

VUUM is fresh, bubbly, fruity…protein? Yes. 10 grams to be exact. With 135mg of natural caffeine and L-Theanine to keep the brain sharp and body moving all day. 0 sugar or artificial sweeteners. Vegan. 50 calories. Delicious. Energy that’s not empty.

Warrior Water-Alkaline Water Available in 12oz Cans Fueled by Culture!

Warrior Beverages

Uncle Waithley’s

Vincy Brew is a Black Caribbean owned small batch ginger beer. It is uniquely enhanced with extra bite from Scotch Bonnet pepper, giving our all-natural product an amazing and special flavor with a long, spicy and delicious finish.

Warrior Water has Warrior Hydration that supports cell & nerve movement, reduces muscle pain, provides nutrients and is healthy for infants and adults to consume. Vegan, 100% recyclable cans to stop plastic ocean pollution.

True Uncle Waithleys Beverage Co Authentic Caribbean Ginger Beer with a Scotch Bonnet Bite
SKITTLES Wild Berry Variety Pack
Mix The Jel Sert Company
Singles to Go!® Drink
The PoP Shoppe retro, iconic, nostalgic craft soda is back in the USA! The PoP Shoppe International The World of Non-Alcoholic Beverages is About to Change The3rdBevco Inc.

The only RTD of its kind to use cold pressed ORGANIC juice NOT from concentrate. No chemicals, NO preservatives. Friends don’t let friends drink “natural flavors”.

Replenisher Premium Hydration Electrolyte Powder Mix Ultima Health Products, Inc Well Spirits Organic Cocktails Well Spirits

YATÉ Yerba Mate

YATÉ is a new unapologetically fun, music-inspired interpretation of yerba mate for social occasions. Naturally caffeinated with 100% yerba mate and only 45 calories, this tasty twist on tea is clean energy without compromise and is available now!

Organic Sparkling Yerba Mate with 100% Plant-powered Social Energy™
Energy introduces new bottle size to launch January 2023. UPTIME Energy Inc.
This Bottle Helps Prevent Ocean Pollution ZenWTR Alkaline Water
Premium Alcohol-Free Wines for True Wine Lovers YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine

For over 47 years, we've traveled the world to connect people with the finest products. At A. Holliday & Company, we source, test, and ship every product we carry. We supply bulk tea varieties (extracts & leaf), coffees (extracts), antioxidants, herbal & superfruit extracts, natural caffeine, polyphenols, EGCG, Rooibos, coconut water powder, and our newest product, oil soluble tea polyphenols.

Flavor Manufacturer

Abelei Flavors

As a flavor manufacturer abelei creates delicious, application-specific flavors assisting our clients in getting to market faster with flavorings that fit their product requirements. abelei specializes in creating great-tasting sweet brown, citrus fruit, soft fruit and other top-note flavors perfect for the beverage, food, dairy, confectionery, health & nutrition, and pet industries.

Organic Functional Ingredients

Food Sciences (AFS)

Almendra intends to be the leader in naturebased taste and sugar reduction ingredients. Building upon expertise in stevia, our success relies upon our ability to deliver consistently superior and innovative products. Experienced team Proprietary taste technology Manufacturing excellence Innovative agricultural approach with its patented photobiology process Headquartered in Singapore.

Clean Label Ingredients

Amoretti is a California based company specializing in super concentrated natural infusions for artisan craft breweries. Sourcing the freshest and tastiest fruits, herbs, spices, chocolates, vanillas & peppers from around the world, paying meticulous attention to quality & consistency to ensure an impeccable, creative, consistent brew in every barrel.


Fully automated canning for high-acid beverages with variety pack capabilities, state-of-the-art 350,000 sf facility, 2 million can daily capacity, tunnel pasteurized or cold fill preserved carbonated, still or alcoholic beverages, organic, kosher, halal and sqf level 3 certified. *AZPACK is a refresco beverage company.

Launching a new beverage? Nothing slows a beverage creator more than getting swallowed up by the details. BevSource has the innovation, procurement, and operational expertise to help you successfully usher your project from concept to shelf-ready product with custom solutions tailored to YOUR needs. Let us manage the operational details, while you focus on building your brand.

Connecting Nutrition & Health

Today’s Connected Packaging

Blue Bite

From energy drinks to protein and meal replacement beverages, low glycemic Palatinose™ (isomaltulose) opens the door to nutritionally optimised beverages. Its slow release of glucose…the main fuel for body and brain…supports blood sugar management while keeping you supplied with sustained energy, whether for exercising, training/competitions, or simply for those long, demanding days.

The solution for CPG brands to drive sales, engage consumers and build loyalty. Blue Bite provides a brand-owned digital platform that delivers personalized mobile information & experiences directly to consumers via the package. 57% of consumers say they are more likely to buy a product if they are able to engage with connected packaging.

Tea, Coffee & Specialty items
Almendra Americas, LLC Steviose® 100 and Steviarome® Amoretti Contract Manufacturer BENEO Inc. BevSource Beverage Industry Navigators
Dairy Alts + Neutral Pea, Rice, Pumpkin, Hemp, Sacha Inchi Proteins

Caliper ingredients are fast-acting, water-soluble cannabinoids that are easily introduced into any application using standard production equipment and with no noticeable impact to flavor, consistency, texture, or appearance. Designed for rapid go-to-market and scalable manufacturing across food, beverage, supplements, and topical care applications, and come with FDA-ready documentation.

Real People. True Flavor.


We’re re-imagining the possibilities for functional beverages & foods, cosmetics, dietary supplements, and personal care products. Great things can happen when you sharpen your competitive edge with Bioenergy Ribose and RiaGev because our ingredients do more, and they do it better.

Forget what you thought you knew about energy products. Bioenergy Ribose is a healthy, functional sugar that increases cellular energy by enhancing the body’s ability to make ATP. Not only is Bioenergy Ribose the backbone for custom energy blends, it also boosts the performance of other energy ingredients. This is THE go-to ingredient for noticeable sustained energy, without any unwanted side effects. Bioenergy Ribose is easily incorporated into beverage formulations for it is fully soluble and slightly sweet with no aftertaste.

Healthy aging is an enormous opportunity. RiaGev, now in a water soluble formula, is the next big thing in healthy aging because it uniquely increases NAD, ATP and glutathione production simultaneously. Science shows RiaGev supports concentration and motivation while reducing fatigue.

BLS is your Total Solution Provider. We partner with you to develop or refine your formulations and line extensions with our game-changing, branded ingredients. Let’s take your business to the next level!

Since 1903, Callisons has created authentic flavors using the highest quality, natural extracts directly from nature. Known as the leader in mint, Callisons develops a diverse portfolio of true flavors with a passion for the Beverage, Confection & Oral Care industries. As tastes change and the market expands, we evolve and innovate to always remain on the forefront of the next flavor revolution.

With a decade of experience, CanSource is your supply partner for cans. Sleeved, brite & printed cans - we have them all as well as a team dedicated to outstanding customer service! We leverage a national footprint to dependably provide quick lead times & high on-time delivery. Call us to ensure your cans look as great as your beverage tastes and don't forget to ask about our 1/2 pallet minimums.

We Make Your Packaging Work

Closure Systems International

Closure Systems International Inc (CSI) is a global leader in designing and manufacturing innovative closures for a wide range of applications in consumer and industrial markets. In addition to high quality closures and capping equipment, CSI provides unparalleled customer and technical services for high-speed application systems.

Caliper Foods
Water Soluble Cannabinoids
CanSource LLC
Supplied Nationwide
Game-changing, Branded Ingredients Bioenergy Life Science (BLS)
Beverage Flavors & Innovation Blue Pacific Flavors Process Authority for Beverages Caporale Consulting

CP Kelco is a nature-based ingredient solutions company with 90 years’ experience working with food and beverage manufacturers worldwide. We apply ingredient innovation and problem-solving to help you meet your clean label goals. Key product lines include citrus fiber, gellan gum, pectin, xanthan gum, carrageenan, refined locust bean gum and microparticulated whey protein concentrate.

Better-For-You Sodas

Doehler North America

Secondary Packaging Equipment

Douglas Machine Inc

Cream-based Alcoholic Beverages Creamy Creation

Doehler is your partner for creating next generation soft drinks with exceptional taste profiles, a clean label & better-for-you positioning. From classic to innovative flavors, no/low sugar & calorie options, using all natural ingredients like flavors, colors from natural sources, botanical extracts, taste modifiers & prebiotic ingredients to support digestive health. We bring ideas to life.

For 55+ years, Douglas has provided customers with high quality automated packaging solutions for paperboard, corrugated and shrink film. We specialize in the design and manufacture of case and tray packers, shrink wrap systems, cartoners, sleevers and variety pack systems. Based in Alexandria, Minnesota, USA, Douglas is a 100% employee-owned company. Employee Owned, Customer Driven.

New Beverage Creation

Drink Me Taste Solutions

At Creamy Creation we develop and produce a wide range of cream-based beverages for customers around the world; from traditional cream liqueurs and egg nog options to vegan, oats, and low/no alcohol drinks, which can be packaged in a bottle or a can.

From ingredient solutions to tailor-made formulations, concept development & product launch support, we work with our customers to bring their ideas to life. To ensure a smooth launch, we offer support every step of the way by providing market and regulatory knowledge, quality assurance and technical sales support.

Our story started in 1979, in the Netherlands and expanded from there. Flash forward to today, we have production facilities in both Rijkevoort, the Netherlands and Batavia, New York and a sales team that covers every corner of the globe.

Whether you are an experienced beverage industry guru or just looking to enter into the space, Drink Me Taste Solutions can work with you to customize your own beverage. Specializing in the natural and organic beverage space, we understand the challenges in creating a great tasting beverage and can help you every step of the way; from concept to commercialization. We know what it takes to succeed.

Contract Distilling

Dry Fly Distilling Inc

Clean Label Ingredients

Farbest Brands

Established in 2007, Dry Fly Distilling has been a staple in Craft Distilling for 15 years. With multiple domestic and international AwardWinning Spirits and RTD's, we've been through it all. Our new facility will elevate not only Dry Fly, but also our current contract brands. Your's could be next. If you're interested in starting your own spirit portfolio, or bulk product, we're your team!

Labels, Sleeves & Sleeved-Cans

DWS Printing & Packaging

Our Ingredients. Your Sourcing Simplified. We can help you meet the demand for clean-label ingredients with a full range of high-quality dairy and plant proteins, gum acacia, vitamins, sweeteners, natural colors, as well as USDAcertified organic, and NON-GMO Project Verified ingredients No matter your budget, application, or label claim we can guide you to the ingredients that are right for you.

Custom Flavor Development

Flavor Dynamics, Inc.

Established in 1865, DWS is a 5th-generation, family-owned and operated label printing and packaging company specializing in labels, shrink sleeves and sleeved-cans. Capabilities include Pressure-Sensitive Labels (PSL), Shrink Sleeves, and Sleeved-Cans. Locations in Deer Park, NY and Austin, TX. Contact Andy Staib at astaib@ or at 516.769.1907. Let us help tell your story!

We are the perfect choice for your beverage flavors. Our experienced team is guided by a commitment to creating innovative, superior quality products. Our "AA" BRC audit grade represents our commitment to food safety and quality assurance. Ask us for your clean label requirements, including Organic, Non GMO, Natural, Gluten free and Vegan. Our team is up to the challenge. Call us today.

CP Kelco Speciality Hydrocolloids
The CoPack Connection CoPack Sales

Have a great idea for a beverage? Flavorman can help you bring it to life. Own your custom formula and benefit from value-added services and resources designed for your success—everything from R&D and shelf life testing, to regulatory assistance, pre-production planning, and more. With 30 years in the business, Flavorman is the best partner to help you change what the world is drinking.

Flavor & Taste Solutions


Consumers today want it all. You’re balancing the demands of great taste, regulatory hurdles and consumer acceptance. The experts at FONA can help. From ideation to launch, we can create a seamless, winning path for you. Design, develop and scale up using our Beverage Innovation Studios in Geneva, IL and Irvine, CA. We are FONA. Let us bring the best taste solutions to the table for you.

Franklin Baker, Inc. is the largest processor of coconut ingredients in the Philippines as the premier supplier to the global beverage & food market. Franklin Baker offers an extensive portfolio of coconut products including Coconut Water, Coconut Milk/Cream, Coconut Concentrate, Creamed Coconut. Our extensive third-party certifications are unrivaled to the highest product standards.

Gusmer Enterprises

As the global leader in taste and wellbeing, Givaudan recognizes that the beverage market is now more fluid than ever. The pace of beverage innovation is speeding up at an unprecedented pace. This can be attributed to the fact that people are very open to trying new drinks. It’s an inexpensive way to discover an enjoyable food experience and has led to a lot of creativity in the beverage space.

For Givaudan, this means that customers constantly rely on our pipeline of innovation to create and respond to trends. Whether it’s a relaxing cup of tea, an invigorating wake-me-up coffee, a refreshing citrus drink or a botanically balanced beverage, we have you covered. Afterall, beverage is our largest segment for a reason.

For over 95 years, Gusmer has taken a revolutionary approach to serving the brewer’s vision. It’s why Gusmer offers a full line of solutions for the brewing industry including fermentation and processing aids, filtration media and equipment, analytical products and instrumentation, processing equipment, and analytical laboratory services.

Our expertise and portfolio span across the entire spectrum of beverage possibilities. By partnering with us to co-create your next beverage innovation, you have access to our vast array of research and product expertise to help meet your consumer’s needs - including taste, natural colors, botanical ingredients for wellness, maskers, mouthfeel, delivery, shelf life enhancements, clean and clear label solutions, sugar reduction and much more.

Visit to learn more about our expertise in beverages. Together, let’s shape the future of food.

Our experienced team knows the functional beverage market and understands the impact your active ingredients have on taste. Our flavor development capabilities will help you stay ahead of the competition.

We understand the complex issues manufacturers are facing and we offer support and coaching in formulation development.


Custom Beverage Development
FONA Franklin Baker, Inc. Coconut Ingredients Gusmer Brewing Solutions Custom Flavor Solutions Foodarom
We personalize flavor solutions to meet your needs and create flavor profiles that help your products to stand out above the rest.
Going beyond great taste Givaudan Your dedicated merchandising and sales team - Gotham Brand Managers Gotham Brand Managers, LLC

Hidell International is a 54 year old, global Bottled Water and Beverage Consultancy. The company specializes in identifying water resources, completing hydrogeological investigations and developing health and wellness formulas for clients.

Horizon Strategic Brands is your complete Walmart & Sam's Club sales solution. We have the capabilities of a large broker but are more client focused at a lesser cost. We provide a personalized and expert approach to building and scaling your business at Walmart and Sam's Club. Our selective client base allows for more time per client, helping us maximize your brands' growth potential.

IGNITE Beverage Branding

Your Beverage Marketing Team

High-Proof Creative

Ingredient Supplier


High-Proof Creative is an award-winning, woman-owned marketing agency for the beverage industry. We provide services for companies nationwide in a variety of areas including branding & packaging, website development, design, marketing strategy, social media, content, SEO, and more.

Over the last two generations, our family-owned company has grown from a sugar supplier to a one-stop ingredient shop. We have 14 distribution centers across the country and manufacture custom ingredient systems at our SQF-certified facility, Aviator. From functional ingredients to custom sweetener systems, we have what you need to create a successful beverage.

IGNITE is an award-winning packaging design firm focused on creating cutting-edge spirit, wine, and RTD branding that stands out on the shelf and connects with the consumer. Personality, target audience, and brand strategy are our guides. We look forward to working with you to develop your successful brand.

Founded in 2001, Javo is an extraction company that uses a proprietary process to produce fresh, clean-labeled coffee, tea and botanical extracts for the food and beverage industry. We use clean ingredients to craft products for global and emerging brands. Our production facilities located in Vista, Calif. and Indianapolis, Ind. are Safe Quality Foods (SQF), QAI organic and kosher certified.

Mobile Canning Solutions

Iron Heart Canning Co

Lagersmith Can Supply Co.

IHC is your solution to guide you through the canning process! With over 250 MILLION cans filled to date, IHC offers unmatched Experience and Expertise. We service the Eastern US and deliver Quality you can count on – Guaranteed seams, All beverage types, All can sizes, Materials sourcing, & Co-Packaging Partners –whatever your situation we can get your product canned. IHC is your one stop shop!

Lagersmith provides the right canning supplies based on your needs. Whether it's a box of digitally printed cans for marketing, a pallet of shrink sleeved cans for a short run, or a truckload of printed cans because you just scored your first national account; Lagersmith has been an advocate for beverage entrepreneurs and emerging brands since 2012 with our industryleading low prices.

Natural Health and Wellness Pr
Horizon Strategic Brands Walmart & Sam's Club Solution!
Packaging & Label Design
Javo Beverage Company
Clean Label Extracts
Cans: Printed, Sleeved & Brite KegID (keg tracking) and KegFleet (new and used keg leasing and sales) Hillebrand Leading Clean Ingredient Technologies with Bioconversion INGIA

Backed by 29 published studies, IMMUSE™ provides unprecedented immune support by activating a rare subset of immune cells, called pDCs (plasmacytoid dendritic cells), which act as leaders of the immune system.

IMMUSE™ is uniquely positioned to meet industry demands for natural ingredients that offer more comprehensive immune support, flexible formulation and ease of usability.

IMMUSE™ is a pure, non-GMO, allergen-free, vegetarian and patent protected dietary supplement ingredient that can stand alone or be combined with any number of ingredients for added health benefit. For more information visit

106 BEVNET MAGAZINE – NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2022 SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Tropical-ize Your Beverage Line with Natural Fruit Ingredients iTi Tropicals
and Supplements Experts Kerry
Beverage Repack Specialists Keller Warehousing & CoPacking
IMMUSE ™ A Postbiotic with Unmatched Clinical Research. Kyowa Hakko USA


Cognizin® Citicoline is one of the most comprehensive brain and nootropic ingredients on the market.

Citicoline is a naturally occurring nutrient found in the brain. It increases an important substance called phosphatidylcholine that is critical for healthy brain function. An innovative form of Citicoline, which has been clinically researched for its role in cognitive function, Cognizin® is clinically studied to support mental energy, memory, focus, and attention.

Many other cognitive health ingredients only enhance brain performance, Cognizin® provides brain performance as well as more comprehensive brain health support over time. This brain health nutrient has demonstrated through multiple clinical trials that it provides essential brain health benefits to people of all ages.

Cognizin® provides a competitive edge as consumers are looking for science backed ingredients addressing multiple needs. It is a pure, allergen free, GRAS nootropic suitable for use in many different types of product applications.

Meet demands for evidence-based cognitive health products with the gold standard for branded nootropics, Cognizin® Citicoline. Learn more

Clean & Natural Protection Lanxess Corporation

Looking to safeguard the quality and shelf-life of your beverage? LANXESS Corporation offers two unique and innovative technologies, Velcorin® and Nagardo®, which provide microbiological protection in a wide variety of beverages.

Velcorin® (Dimethyl Dicarbonate) is a cold sterilization agent that kills microorganisms during production, resulting in cleaner and more stable beverages.

Benefits of Velcorin® include:

• No impact on sensory profile

• Clean label solution

• Compatibility with all types of common packaging

• Cost-effective

• Application-specific advice and services from Velcorin® team

Nagardo® (Dacryopinax Spathularia) is a natural guardian that protects against beverage spoilage to secure and prolong shelf life.

Benefits of Nagardo® include:

• Achieve natural & consumer friendly claims

• Efficient control of a broad range of spoilage organisms

• No impact on sensory profile

• Broad application in a variety of beverages

• Easy integration into production process

• Application-specific advice and services from Nagardo® team

LANXESS Corporation hopes to conveniently meet all of your microbiological protection needs with our widely applicable technologies and services.

For more information on Velcorin®, please visit

For more information on Nagardo®, please visit

Cognizin® Citicoline, one of the world’s leading nootropics. Kyowa Hakko USA West Coast Co-Packing in Glass LA Bottleworks
Direct Trade Madagascar Vanilla & Premium Spices LAFAZA Foods

Mother Murphy's Flavors

Mother Murphy's is a full service flavor manufacturer dedicated to supporting customer needs through quality and flavor innovation. At Mother Murphy's we specialize in flavor and prototype development for the beverage industry and have over 60,000 flavors in our portfolio. We have made the world taste better for 76 years!

Nexira is the global leader in prebiotic acacia fiber. Nexira provides natural and organic ingredients and botanical extracts. With Acacia and Locust bean gum, Nexira offers a large range of clean label ingredients to texturize, stabilize or emulsify your formulation. Nexira also supplies botanical extracts with active molecules for functional beverages. Nexira provides a new superfood range!


by all

certifying bodies, and retail outlets. Aggressive lead-times and can meet any production timeline. We are a Farm-Direct Japanese provider of both USDA Organic matcha, and conventional matcha. Our independent network of multi-generational farm cooperatives allow us to hit ANY price and quality your project requires. No order too large or too small or too big. From 1.1lb (500g) bags all the way to FCL (Full Container Loads).

As the authoritative U.S. experts in all things matcha we offer advice and education to help you understand matcha in the context of your application as well as the history, production practices, health benefits, and anything else you want to know to help you create the most popular SKU and market it effectively to your customers.

Trust the monk.™




Nor-Cal Beverage Company, Inc. is a full-service Contract Manufacturer with two production facilities in Northern and Southern California. Both locations offer a range of production capabilities and certifications. We also provide finished

and distribution service centers positioned to supply West Coast fulfillment needs. Family owned and operated since 1937 and Women's Owned Business.

Flavor Manufacturer NEXIRA
Clean Label Ingredients #1 Bulk Matcha, Best Lead Time, Price & Quality From Japan Why make MATCHA.COM your Bulk Matcha Supplier? 5 Benefits You Won’t Get Anywhere Else: • Price Savings Program - We guarantee to beat any quality/price point • Dedicated Account Manager + Free Advice + Expertise on your Project
No order too big or too small. Average lead time 3 days
100% Japanese Matcha - Harvest-to-Whisk™ from our independent network farms and producers
Access to Japan’s #1 Organic Matcha Facility
are approved
major manufacturers, distributors,
Nature's Power Nutraceuticals NP Nutra® supplies premium quality plantbased nutraceutical ingredients, including an extensive Organic range, ‘Nutra Flow’ ingredients for smooth-flowing beverages, Proteins, Fruits, Greens, Sweeteners, Adaptogens, Herbs and Spices. NP Nutra’s Triple-T Verification® program follows industry best practices and ensures supply chain transparency, and ingredient quality, safety and traceability.
Beverage Ingredients
Manufacturer Mybrandforce
Activate Your Brand MyBrandForce

Call Nugogo for custom branded trade marketing, field marketing, sales and promotional merchandise and supplies. We provide the tools you need to elevate brand awareness, engage with customers, and increase case sales. Printed POS, Custom Product Displays, Dealer Loaders, Tents & Table Covers, Cooler Barrels, Shelf Management, Sampling/Demo Supplies, Sales Kits, Apparel, SWAG and so much more!

O-I: Brand Building Glass

O-I Glass

At O-I Glass, Inc., we love glass and we’re proud to be one of the leading producers of glass bottles and jars around the globe. Glass is not only beautiful, it’s also pure, healthy and completely recyclable; making it the most sustainable rigid packaging material. O-I is the preferred partner for many of the world’s leading food and beverage brands.

We are Omega Ingredients, Award Winning Creators of Natural Flavors & Clean Label Ingredients for Manufacturers of Beverage, Food, & Flavor Products Worldwide. Our focus is on 100% Pure & Natural ingredients, helping to create your next beverage from ‘Source to Sip.’ We specialize in the innovative fusion of biochemistry & natural materials to provide the finest extracts & natural flavors.

Petainer one-way keg

Petainer Manufacturing USA

Pizzey Ingredients

Petainer offers lightweight, recyclable PET kegs designed for one-way use and universal compatibility with a wide range of beverages. Our kegs are lighter and easier to handle than stainless steel, yet function and protect the same. Our kegs are fully functional with High Pressure Processing (HPP) of juice, which is an innovative non-thermal approach to pasteurization that extends shelf-life.

Pizzey Ingredients’ BevPur™ Flax enhances beverages with the nutritional benefits of flaxseed (ALA Omega 3, protein, fiber and lignans) while providing a smooth and rich texture. BevPur™ has a guaranteed shelf life of two years, is non-GMO and pesticide-free. BevPur™ is ideal for a variety of ready to mix and ready to drink beverages.

Filling and Closing Solutions

Pneumatic Scale Angelus

PTM Food is your premier product development & manufacturing support firm. Our wide range of expertise, development, and creativity achieves an exciting point of difference between your product and competitors. We work hard to uncover key industry insights, developing products that have a competitive edge. Whether your project is simple or a complex one, we’re your team!

Mastering the Art of Flavoring

Sovereign Flavors, Inc.

Since 1895, Pneumatic Scale Angelus has designed and manufactured packaging equipment for filling, seaming, capping, and labeling applications. Our solutions set the standard for bottling and canning machines, scaled for the needs of a wide range of Beverage, Craft Beverage, Dairy and Food applications, and are fully supported by a global Service and Aftermarket network.

As the masters of finished beverages and high quality flavors, our skilled beverage technologists and talented flavor chemists formulate beverages that deliver extraordinary value to our customers. Whether you’re looking to add natural vitamins and minerals, create a non-GMO or organic formulation, our team is ready to bring your beverage concept to life according to your specifications.

111 SUPPLIER & SERVICES LISTINGS Nugogo Branding Solutions
Custom Branded Marketing
Omega Ingredients Ltd Natural, Clean Label Flavors
Ideal Flax for Beverages
PTM Food
Beverage & Food Development
Packaging Handles PakTech Pyure Sweet Ingredients Pyure Ingredients Pyure Brands sells clean label high & low intensity sweeteners, no-sugar-added chocolate chips & coatings and sugar-free baking mixes, syrups & spreads for ingredient, foodservice and turnkey retail channels. Pyure is distinguished for pioneering the first-to-market third party certified Stevia, Erythritol, Allulose & No-Sugar-Added Chocolate to consumers & manufacturers worldwide. Our team of customer driven sourcing, regulatory, logistics & innovation experts have over 80 years of experience creating & supporting our business partners. Got a cobranding idea ? Pyure is trusted for taste & quality by millions of brand producers, retailers & families who insist on reducing sugar consumption without sacrificing taste. or email directly now.

Insurance for Beverages

Specialty Food Beverage-PCI


We work with specialty beverage manufacturers and importers covering a wide variety of beverage types to include, alcoholic, non-alcoholic, functional, energy drinks and supplements. Policy types include General Liability, Product Liability, Excess Liability, Property, Product Recall and Ocean Cargo. Very familiar with wholesale and retail insurance requirements for many major vendors.

Blending and Process Experts

Statco-DSI Process Systems

Sensient Flavors & Extracts offers value-added flavors, systems and extracts that bring life to products. We inspire our customers to deliver products that offer multi-sensory experiences that are “just picked from nature.” Thanks to our wide-ranging product library, development teams and cutting-edge facilities, we’re able to implement thoughtful solutions for complex challenges. With industry-leading expertise in the savory, beverage and sweet markets, we provide comprehensive solutions that meet our customers’ flavor, color, and functionality requirements. At Sensient Flavors & Extracts, we use our advanced proprietary development technologies to create fresh, unique flavor systems. Additionally, we have a complete line of masking & flavor enhancing technologies.

We are experts in the science, art and innovation of taste. We are market-savvy influencers, grounded in facts and driven by the needs & occasion of our consumers. We are problem solvers, and you are what makes us a collaborator, and a true partner. Together, we can solve the most challenging product puzzles and together, we can make products that are delicious, craveable and truly inspired.

Packaging Line Automation Ska Fabricating

Ska Fabricating builds heavy-duty, automated packaging line equipment that is hand-crafted to make life easier for businesses that rely on their packaging lines. We specialize in depalletizers, palletizers, custom conveyance systems, rinsing, drying, automated fill level detection and rejection, and date coding products. A team of skilled engineers handles every project with care, creating customized layouts and ensuring our customers receive the absolute best outcomes for their production goals, space, and budget.

With the acquisition of GR-X Manufacturing, we have expanded our capabilities for nearly all facets and verticals of the packaging market, including an even wider range of industries, container types, and line speeds.

Our customers receive on-time deliveries of the highest quality, most reliable products on the market. With 10+ years of experience and thousands of happy customers across the globe, we are dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes meet their high standards of quality and get their products packaged and onto the shelves.

Statco-DSI is a full-service equipment and integration service provider to the food and beverage industry, with specialties in dry powder mixing, continuous inline blending, as well as de-aeration and carbonation. Operating from 11 offices coast-to-coast, we are able to assist with all of your beverage processing requirements.

Stiebs, since 2005, has been devoted to sourcing, processing & delivering the world's finest plant-based products. We offer a full line of fruit & vegetable based ingredients as Single Strength Juice, Juice Concentrates, Purees and IQF Cubes. From the beginning stages of product development to delivering an on-going supply of premium natural products, our team is here to help you succeed.

Outsourced Sales Team & More!

Sunset Strategic Brands, LLC

Sunset Strategic Brands is your outsourced sales and commercial finance organization that can help you build and scale your CPG business. With our proven performance in scaling brands, limited client focus, and services beyond sales, we’ll give you the best shot of scaling your business!

& Vegetable Ingredients
It’s a Matter of Taste! Sensient Flavors & Extracts
Functional Beverages STAUBER

At TechniBlend, we supply beverage companies with the highest-quality turnkey, technologically advanced liquid processing systems & equipment. Our success comes from providing innovative technology & solutions, and industryrecognized service and support, to companies ranging from craft beverage producers to Fortune 500 customers like Boston Beer and Pepsi.

Perfect RTD beverage base

The Coffee Cherry Co.

We can turnkey develop and copack/manufacture all types of beverages, alcoholic and nonalcoholic, liquid and powder, in aluminum cans, PET bottles, glass bottles, and flexible packaging. If you are looking for a one stop shop that can develop, formulate, and manufacture your new beverage concept, then look no further! We can help supply all ingredients, materials, and manufacturing services.

Branding & Package Design

Watermark Design

Coffee Cherry is an upcycled ingredient for a beverage base in still and sparkling RTD Tea and energy drinks, blended into R&G coffee or added to smoothies. With a taste similar to black tea, dried fruits and citrus it's refreshing on its own or blended with other flavors. Coffee Cherry is available as a flake for high volume extraction as well as liquid concentrate and fermented liquid base.

Since 2007, Watermark has been designing award-winning designs for the beverage industry that convert to sales. We begin with your logo and brand since that needs to live separately and beyond your package, and then we create a package that is true to your story and also stands apart from the crowd.

Beverage Processing & Packaging
US Beverage Manufacturing
Turnkey Beverage Services
Win at the shelf with Trax Dynamic Merchandising Trax
Craft Cans
Shrink Sleeve Labeling,
Repack, and
Beverage Premix Solutions
Health and Nutrition

With four (4) state-of-the-art, blow/fill bottling lines and industry-leading capabilities, USHydrations is a premier co-packer of global brands. Located in Northeastern PA, USH occupies over a million square feet of production and warehouse/distribution space, in close proximity to over 120 million consumers. USH is AIB, Military, and SQF Level 3 certified. At USHydrations, we make your brand, with the highest quality, precision, and efficiency.

We offer affordable consulting to brands that are still in the "Startup" phase. Get help now before you make costly mistakes. "If you don't start in the right direction, you will never need a sales team". Get help when you need it most!!!

Enhance And Fortify Vitacyclix, Div. of MORRE- TEC

MORRE-TEC Industries is a multi faceted manufacturer and supplier of ingredients to the pharma and cosmetic industries since 1987. Vitacyclix, a division of MORRE-TEC Industries, formulates and manufactures a variety of unique water soluble dry powders and liquid emulsions for the fortification of all types of beverages. Our products include water soluble vitamin A, D and E in both powder and liquid forms. We also have a full selection of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and protein as well as vegan and Kosher options, that can be customized to your specific needs.

Affordable Launch Help Leave the bottling to USH! USHydrations


Dancing Blender Smoothie Co.

A. Holliday & Company Inc.

Abelei Flavors

Almendra Americas, LLC

Amaz Project, Inc


Manny Adeleye South Orange NJ (973) 943-6108

Christine Renken Toronto - (416) 225-2217

Mike Allegretti North Aurora IL (630) 859-1410

Eric Zabin Decatur GA (404) 395-0219

Gustavo Nader Santa Monica CA (310) 310-0672

Amoretti Debra Coletti Oxnard CA (855) 855-3505

Applied Food Sciences (AFS)

Jackson Zapp Austin, TX (512) 732-8300

Aprch Beverage Co. Sales Portland OR -

Aqua ViTea Lisa Kelly Middlebury VT (802) 999-7601

Axiom Foods

Rick Ray Bell Canyon CA (800) 711-3587

Azpack - Tempe AZ 4804497770

Bang Energy

Beauty Booze™

Yanilis Polito Weston FL 9548023546

Kris Ravenscroft Boulder CO (781) 336-6500

Beliv US Rose McLaughlin New Orleans LA (949) 525-1823

Beliv US LLC Chris Han Hemosa Beach LA (646) 477-1126

Belvoir Farm Matthew Cooke Bottesford - +447783165136___


Sofie Colombeen Parsippany NJ (003) 216-8013

BevSource - Saint Paul MN (651) 797-0132

Bioenergy Life Science (BLS)

Penny Portner Ham Lake MN (763) 746-3926

BIOLYTE Monica Fleury Marietta GA (404) 825-5917

BioSteel Sports Marlene Bairos - - (416) 561-6639

Blue Bear Wellness

Alex Vialy Encino CA (818) 208-2622

Blue Bite - New York NY -

Blue Pacific Flavors

Roya Sayyah, Lori Banks-Keller City of Industry CA (626) 934-0099

Boxed Water Is Better Robert Koenen Holland MI (616) 856-0558

Bravago Bold Seltzer


Brighter Tonic



Paul Kincaid Los Angeles CA (949) 510-4819

Julia Folk Los Angeles CA (310) 279-8663

Danny Olivas Santa Monica CA (310) 890-5664

Zach Lastrilla Madison WI (608) 846-1286

Diana Ark Chen Long Island City NY (917) 942-8759

Buchi Jennifer Rozzelle Marshall NC (828) 702-7869

Califia Farms, LLC

Caliper Foods



Katrina Picon Los Angeles CA (323) 806-8698

Jolene Jacobs Denver CO (720) 273-3824

Kim Carson Cincinnati OH -

Silky Abbott Chicago IL (217) 979-9266

Cann Sabine van der Linden Los Angeles CA (718) 708-1087

Cann Sabine van der Linden BAY CITY MI -

CanSource LLC

Caporale Consulting

Dan Reese Longmont CO (833) 228-3959

Mark Caporale Middletown CA (707) 987-9703

CBD Living Sean McDonald Corona CA (800) 940-3660

CENTR Brands - - - (888) 527-3251

Closure Systems International

CoPack Sales

Coppa Cocktails

Clint Rush New Palestine IN (317) 503-1277

Steve Klein Austin TX (425) 941-9366

Sean Cronin Miami FL (203) 253-7635

CP Kelco - - GA (678) 247-7300

Creamy Creation

Day Chaser Cocktails


De La Calle Co.

Dewey Crush

Doehler North America

Georgia Dina Konstantopoulos Rochelle Park NJ (585) 820-0430

Holly Wark Middlebury VT (802) 398-2097

Shawn Biega Pleasant Hill CA (833) 329-8747

Megan Abbott Los Angeles CA (810) 569-8289

Emily Grosser Dewey Beach DE (212) 206-9780

Kristy Ellenson Cartersville GA (770) 383-4526



Dough Ball Whiskey

Douglas Machine Inc

Drink Me Taste Solutions


Dry Fly Distilling Inc

DWS Printing & Packaging



Sam Melcher

New York NY (719) 640-8327

Todd Welker Alexandria MN (320) 763-6587

Rachel Dannemeyer - NV (949) 677-5369

Ronnie Bruland Austin TX (512) 987-2864

Patrick Donovan Spokane WA (509) 489-2112

Andy Staib Deer Park NY (516) 769-1907

Caridad Ochoa Houston TX -

Elite Beverage International - Miami FL (844) 426-2958

Elixir Inc

Elm Fork Beverage Company

Farbest Brands


Ferm Fatale

Adam Swaby Santa Ana CA (562) 735-7578

Jack Pettijohn Dallas TX (214) 642-0782

Cheryl Pasiut Park Ridge NJ (201) 573-4900

Joni Ekovich Madison CT (812) 327-7271

Julie Cielo Los Angeles CA (310) 713-8130

Fever-Tree Amanda Stein New York NY (347) 735-5437

Flavor Dynamics, Inc.



Colleen Roberts South Plainfield NJ (908) 822-8855

Spencer McGuire Louisville KY (502) 289-5549

John Fishel Geneva IL (630) 578-8638

Foodarom John Murphy - - (801) 975-2604

Franklin Baker, Inc.


John Slade Memphis TN (901) 881-6681

Joann Fletcher Hauppauge NY (646) 942-8058

Garden of Flavor Lisa Reed Cleveland OH (216) 702-7991

Givaudan - - OH -

Gotham Brand Managers, LLC

Granny Squibb’s Iced Tea

Trent Moffat Yorktown Heights NY (877) 931-3030

Kelley McShane Westerly RI (562) 774-7929

Green Cola North America LLC Manos Eleftheriou Hoboken NJ (201) 597-9300

Gusmer Enterprises - Mountainside NJ (866) 213-1131

Gym Molly Greg Booth Los Angeles CA (323) 538-2195

Harmless Harvest Emily Schell Oakland CA (989) 415-0259

Hawaii Volcanic Beverages

Jason Donovan Princeville HI (808) 639-9394

hidell international Henry Hidell Hingham MA (781) 749-8040

High Rise Beverage Company

High-Proof Creative



Horizon Strategic Brands

Howie’s Spiked Alc-a-Chino


Stephanie Zupek Charleston SC (206) 817-8102

Karen Locke Portland OR (503) 957-4473

BevPros Houston TX (281) 902-5500

Heather Gonzales Boulder CO (651) 472-1925

Joel Edel Rogers AR (479) 659-9771

Gregory Howard Bernards NJ (908) 397-6067

Joe Garza Riverside CA (951) 966-9432

HyVida Brands Rick Smith Muskegon MI (231) 780-7450

Icelandic Glacial Water

Icelandic Glacial Sales Los Angeles CA (424) 201-6800

IFPC Mathew Brady Fenton MO (314) 422-2324

IGNITE Beverage Branding

Improv Booze-Free Cocktails

Dave Bourne Portland OR (503) 201-4350

Alex Brooks San Diego CA (858) 449-8808

INGIA - Fort Myers Beach FL -

Iovate Health Sciences

Iron Heart Canning Co

Dan Grasso - - (401) 266-4776

Roger Kissling - - (908) 619-5449

iTi Tropicals - Lawrenceville NJ (609) 987-0550

Javo Beverage Company


Joie Energy

Jove Wellness Water

Joanne Sheean Vista IL (760) 330-1141

Phil Mero - - (612) 963-0852

Joie Energy Portland OR (833) 438-5643

Tammy Hobbs Boca Raton FL (561) 706-4446

Rick Tidrow Bethesda MD -

Just Ice Tea by Eat the Change



Karma Drinks

Keller Warehousing & CoPacking


Jessamy Beeson-Jones London - +4475522329_____

Michael Ramirez Defiance OH (419) 980-4857

Kerry Shawn Gerstenkorn Beloit WI (608) 201-5470

KickStand Cocktails

King Kongin

Kyowa Hakko USA

L8 Life

LA Bottleworks

Darren Rovell Livingston NJ (917) 576-2818

Myra Dulac West Palm Beach FL (650) 608-1348

Maria Stanieich New York NY (551) 482-9968

Kaze Williams Los Angeles CA (510) 559-0747

Josh Danson Montebello CA (323) 724-4076

LAFAZA Foods - Fort Myers Beach FL (510) 698-2318

Lagersmith Can Supply Co.

Lanxess Corporation

Linden Leaf Botanicals

Mandatory Spirit Co




Mother Murphy's Flavors

Nathan Smith St. Paul MN (612) 800-2169

Michael Turpin Pittsburgh PA (817) 357-5851

Sean Patrick Carver Bow Mar CO (415) 900-6596

Monika Elling New York NY (908) 625-6267 Bulk Team Tucson AZ (612) 562-8242

Shayna Paolucci Fort Myers FL (386) 264-9086

Paul Paslaski Libertyville IL (847) 367-6665

Michael Oden Greensboro NC (336) 273-1737

MyBrandForce Chris Hughes Greenwood Village CO (312) 953-3012

Nature's Power Nutraceuticals


Nixie Sparkling Water, Inc


Nugogo Branding Solutions

O-I Glass

Eric Guggenheim Gardena CA 3106943031

Vincent Delaroche Somerville NJ (908) 707-9400

Sarah Alexander - CA -

Pete Grego West Sacramento CA (916) 372-0600

Todd Gatzow Pasadena CA (626) 379-1700

Alexis Guetzlaff Perrysburg OH -

O2 Living Hemp Alexandre Bennet New York NY (914) 364-6920

Oaza Cold Brew Siva Dhamotharan Forest Hills NY (713) 851-3045

Odyssey Wellness LLC

Omega Ingredients Ltd

Margie Adelman Ft. Lauderdale FL (916) 220-3500

Jim Kavanaugh Philadelphia PA -

Once Upon A Coconut Marc Sampogna Orlando FL (646) 767-6576

PakTech - - OR (541) 461-5000

Partáy Craft Cocktails

Michael J Ditter Stamford CT -

PATH - Fremont CA -

Petainer Manufacturing USA Matthew Neely Miami FL 6143618320

Pizzey Ingredients Mary Ekman Rockford MN (651) 797-3168

Pneumatic Scale Angelus

Pocas International Corp.

Pop & Bottle

Gigi Lorence Stow OH (800) 992-0491

Jennifer Lopez South Hackensack NJ (201) 941-7900

Jessica Pratt San Francisco CA (760) 685-2624

Poppi Allison Ellsworth Austin TX (940) 867-3240

Positive Beverage

Post Meridiem Spirit Co.


PTM Food

Pyure Ingredients

Q Mixers


Rancho La Gloria

Remedy Drinks

Revive Drinks

RISE Brewing Co.

Zachary Muchnick Newport Beach CA (856) 979-2093

Andrew Rodbell Atlanta GA (404) 580-1919

Simon Bell Coppell TX (214) 885-1259

Don Rodgers Wall Township NJ (888) 736-6339

Gregory Drew Naples FL 12013889789

Larianna Evania Brooklyn NY (617) 319-7202

Kylie Dobson New York NY (141) 591-5445

Sam Melcher New York NY (719) 640-8327

Anne West Hermosa Beach CA (310) 408-5061

Sean Lovett Petaluma CA (707) 536-3593

Jessica Mahler Stamford CT (646) 400-0410



ROAR Organic

Robin Road Cocktails

Rowdy Mermaid

Running Lights

Saint James Iced Tea

Sati Soda

Sensient Flavors & Extracts


Sofia Hexsel Palm Beach Gardens FL (305) 793-8597

Theresa Robbins New Philadelphia OH (330) 606-0631

Dan Olson Boulder CO (425) 713-7459

Jason Romesburg - VA (804) 370-2808

Roy Warren Boca Raton FL (561) 632-0995

David McLaughlin Boulder CO (303) 619-4100

Sydney Riethman Hoffman Estates IL (847) 645-7031

ShineWater Larry Long Bay City MI (898) 891-6513

Ska Fabricating


Sovereign Flavors, Inc.

Sparkling Botanicals by Rishi

Specialty Food Beverage-PCI

Spirited Hive

Statco-DSI Process Systems


Stewart's Enterprise Holdings

Jake Kolakowski Durango CO (970) 403-8562

Matthew Peterson Asbury Park NJ (732) 439-0059

David Ames Santa Ana CA (714) 437-1996

Customer Service Milwaukee WI (877) 552-7977

Tom Wallace Ballston Spa NY (866) 461-0709

Jack Espy Nashville TN (720) 208-6955

Randy Smith Huntington Beach CA (714) 375-6300

Becki Schwietz Fullerton CA (714) 441-3648

Eric Brieding Lincroft NJ (561) 632-8852

Stiebs Brian Nova Madera CA (559) 455-8606

Sunset Strategic Brands, LLC


TÖST Beverages

Ken Messick Westbrook CT (201) 615-1766

Jake Lastrina New York NY (603) 315-8050

Mark Hyatt Manchester Center VT (323) 251-5404

Taika Jessica Parker San Francisco CA (714) 706-2936

Takeover Industries Inc.

Michael Tzanetatos Pasadena CA (954) 347-8960

TechniBlend Roxanne Gorham Hartland WI (262) 278-4944

The Coffee Cherry Co.

The Jel Sert Company

The PoP Shoppe International

The3rdBevco Inc.

This Girl Walks Into a Bar


Carole Widmayer Seattle WA 13129529100

Kyle Harrington West Chicago IL (630) 876-4911

Stefan Kergl Cheyenne WY (905) 719-1885

Peter Scalise Ronkonkoma NY (516) 448-6009

Jordan Catapano Pacific Palisades CA (310) 291-0666

Vincent Jacobbi San Diego CA (716) 472-5588

Trax Georgios Tzafis New York NY -

Tripack Travis Linz Milford OH (513) 253-6218

True Nopal Ventures LLC

Tom Zummo Scottsdale AZ (480) 636-8044

TWG Health and Nutrition - Lafayette LA (337) 783-3096

Ultima Health Products, Inc

Uncle Waithleys Beverage Co

UPTIME Energy Inc.

US Beverage Manufacturing


Vitacyclix, Div. of MORRE- TEC

VUUM Technologies

Warrior Beverages

Watermark Design


Wincup Group

YATÉ Yerba Mate

YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine

Loretta Reilly - - (914) 907-2245

Monica Freeman-Greene New York NY (240) 273-5830

Adriana Ramirez Van Nuys CA (310) 623-9170

Zach Mosesian Las Vegas NV (702) 476-1021

Joseph Lapchak Pittston PA (570) 655-7755

Maria Jewelyn Mendoza Union NJ (908) 922-4409

Valentino Sinacola Los Angeles CA (214) 577-8472

Cory Lewis Lakewood CA (562) 234-0919

Darcey Lacy Charlottesville VA (434) 295-5625

Jeff Tumbach Toronto - (403) 519-9576

Tyler Wincup Ladera Ranch CA (951) 289-0078

Eric Hoang Los Angeles CA (714) 244-7517

Kelly Bertog Arlington Heights IL (847) 525-0744

ZenWTR Alkaline Water - - NY -


Monster Energy Inks Deal With New York Rangers

California-based energy drink giant Monster has inked a marketing deal with the New York Rangers and Madison Square Garden.

As part of the integrated marketing partnership, the indoor arena will feature a co-branded grab-and-go concession stand dubbed the “Monster Energy Bodega.” The stand will help independently owned stores with Monster Energy products by providing fi nancial assistance to bodegas throughout the tri-state area recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are consistently thinking of new, innovative ways to bring the best food and beverage options to our fans and are thrilled to be able to offer Monster Energy drinks at the garden,” said Madison Square Garden EVP and chief sales and marketing offi cer Ron Skotarczak. “We’re looking forward to unleashing the power of this partnership and working with Monster Energy to support local tri-state area bodegas.”

In addition to the concession stand, the partnership will also provide Monster with branding exposure throughout the arena, including a dasher board during Rangers games and LED ribbon signage during all events.

The energy drink giant’s announcement comes on the heels of numerous other marketing partnerships over the past year. Last month, the brand teamed up with EA and Respawn Entertainment to launch three new limited-edition Apex cans in Monster Original Green, Monster Lo-Carb

Leisuretown Partners With Comedian

Chelsea Handler

Leisuretown has announced a strategic partnership with comedian Chelsea Handler. Through the partnership, she will develop and introduce new offerings within the brand’s CBD-and-THC-infused seltzer portfolio.

“I am always looking for ways to minimize my alcohol consumption with healthier options and Leisuretown offers a delicious, low caloric, low sugar option,” said Handler in a press release. “I am looking to operate at my highest level, and I have finally found a brand that I believe can take my wellness to the next level.”

Launched earlier this year in California, Leisuretown produces a lineup of betterfor-you cannabis-infused sparkling waters. Available in three flavors – Cherry Vanilla,

and Monster Zero Ultra. In June, the brand launched its all-access pass promotion, giving fans a chance to win a trip and all-inclusive backstage pass to either a UFC, MotoGP or Supercross event.

“We’re thrilled to fi nally announce the partnership between Monster Energy, Madison Square Garden and the New York Rangers,” said Monster Energy CMO Dan McHugh. “We have been working on this one for quite a while, so to see it fi nally materialize is a huge victory for both of us.”

Last week, Monster reported 15.2% year-over-year growth in Q3 2022 even as increased expenses and cost of goods continue to drag down the brand’s margins despite price increases.

According to data released by Future Market Insights (FMI), the global cannabis drinks market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 37.3% and top a variation of $8.3 billion by 2032.

“Non-alcoholic drinks are on the rise and the cannabis drinks category is growing,” said Leisuretown CEO Andrew Hagstrom in the release. “Our products allow consumers an alternative format to partake in THC without smoking or vaping.”

Ginger Berry, and Yuzu Lime – each can contains 2.5mg of THC and 5mg of CBD. The brand teamed up with professional DJ Diplo and TV personality Rob Dyrdek for the launch of its beverages.


BioSteel Expands Its Roster of Athletes With Four Elite Hockey Players

Sports nutrition brand BioSteel has expanded its growing roster of athletes with four elite women’s hockey players: Laila Edwards, Sarah Fillier, Calla Frank and Jade Iginla.

“Staying hydrated keeps me healthy an. “As I work on bringing my game to the next level, I’m excited to have the support of the brand’s zero sugar sports drinks.”

Founded in 2009, BioSteel is a division of Canadian cannabis conglomerate Canopy Growth Company, itself backed by liquor and spirits company Constellation Brands. Within the past year, the sports nutrition brand has emerged as a new player in the ever-evolving RTD sports drink category. It currently markets a line of zero sugar electrolyte hydration products in five flavors: Blue Raspberry, Mixed Berry, Peach Mango, Rainbow Twist and White Freeze.

In January, BioSteel announced a U.S. distribution expansion through which the brand will enter nearly 15,000 new doors nationwide across grocery, convenience and drug store chains. The new retailers include Albertsons Company, Food Lion, Giant Food, Publix, Stop & Shop, Rite Aid and Sheetz.

The four elite women’s hockey players join BioSteel’s existing roster of athletes including international soccer star Alphonso Davies, rising hockey star Connor Bedard and Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Alex Manoah.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Laila, Sarah, Calla and Jade to our team of elite athletes,” said BioSteel co-founder Michael Cammalleri. “These athletes represent the next generation, and we look forward to supporting them on and off the ice with our lineup of zero sugar hydration products as they take their games to the next level and inspire their communities.”

More Notable Marketing News:

• Soulboost, The Coca-Cola Company’s sparkling water brand, teamed up with jewelry and clothing brand DANNIJO to launch a limited-edition mood ring. One hundred percent of the proceeds from each ring ($98) will be donated to Project Healthy minds, a non-profit organization tackling the growing mental health crisis.

• Singer/songwriter Jason Derulo has acquired a “significant ownership stake” in New York-based functional birch water maker TREO, the brand announced in a press release. Derulo will also serve as an active brand ambassador.

• Non-alcoholic sparkling tea brand Sarilla announced it is sponsoring the Fair Trade Finals in partnership with the national Fair Trade University program. According to a press release, the Fair Trade University program focuses on making fair trade products, such as Sarilla, available across college campuses. Through the program, Sarilla’s products are currently available at Wellesley College, UNC Asheville, Warren Wilson, Wake Forest and Elon.


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