Welcome back
A belated HAPPY NEW YEAR from me! Although the festive break feels like a distant memory, I hope you all had a good one and felt refreshed… some of you may still even be going strong with Dry Jan or a new fitness regime?! Whilst I recognise January has been an uncertain and challenging month, I am optimistic and excited about the year ahead.
The property perspectives event we hosted earlier in the month forecasted capital markets stabilising over the next 6 months and investor confidence growing off the back of this... hopefully leading to a positive second half of the year. That said, as much as we’d like to, we don’t control the international money markets, so we’ve focused on what we can influence..!
Chances to get more involved in 2023
With this in mind, we have pulled together an exciting list of client and office events across the year (more on that below). I am keen that we get together with, and without, clients as often as possible. We are in a people business and meaningful relationships (with clients and colleagues) can’t be engendered on Teams or via email. In addition to this, we are rolling out a number of new office-wide working groups, to give all colleagues and teams the opportunity to collaborate and communicate more. We are also refreshing and
empowering the Next Gen initiative with the goal of harnessing and channelling the ambition of that group. Hopefully you are starting to get a sense of what we are trying to create;
“An inclusive, fun environment where people feel comfortable coming forward with ideas and solutions and where teams are actively collaborating to win more business.”
That’s my vision for the Leeds office and I hope you’ll buy into this as it needs us all to get involved for it to become a reality.
I look forward to hearing from you all with your ideas and initiatives!
All the best for 2023, Tom
Leeds Property Perspectives

Envision 2023
On 18th January, over 30 clients attended this networking event in our boardroom. Hosted by Tom with a livestream to an introduction from Stephanie Hyde from the London equivalent event, our guests heard from Elaine Rossall, Head of UK Offices Research and our panel of experts, Jeff Pearey for Offices, Harry Fullerton for Industrial, and Mathew Atkinson for Capital Markets, on their predictions for the year ahead. You can find a link to the presentation and slides below.
Property Perspectives 2023 →

One Leeds
New Office Working Groups
Aligned to JLL’s key pillars, our aim is to create small, focused groups to drive cross office strategy. These groups include:
Goal: Consider the growth and wellbeing of our people including training and development, graduates, and apprentices, communications, and feedback.
Chair: Hannah Partington
• Aileen Duffey, Lease Advisory
• Louise Scott, Bewonder*
• David Stanford, PAM
• Brad Harris, Residential
Goal: Encourage office wide collaboration to improve sharing of intel on existing clients and identify new target clients.
Chair: Mathew Atkinson, Capital Markets
• Tony Stott, Building Surveying
• James Mohammed, Residential
• Jordan Kenefick, Valuation
• Matthew Ogden, Bewonder*
Goal: Articulate the sustainability skillsets and services available in our office, identify areas of growth and opportunity and to encourage a coordinated approach to winning work in this area.
Chair: Stephanie Curtin, Upstream
• Eleanor Smith, Capital Markets
• Mike Linnane, Building Consultancy
• Anna Marland, Valuation
• Richard Thornton, Office Agency
Goal: Coordinate a Leeds office approach to growing our occupier work.
Chair: Lee Conroy, Lease Advisory
• Nick Gibby, Office Agency
• Harry Fullerton, Industrial Agency
• Tom Phillips, Building Consultancy
• Ross Haywood, Rating
How can I be involved?
We’ll be sharing updates from each group within our next newsletter. If you have any feedback or ideas for these groups, we want to hear from you, please don’t hesitate to contact the group chair.
You can also be involved via our Next Gen, DEI and Social & Charity committees, they are always open to ideas, feedback, and new members, so please do reach out to any of the committee members should you wish to join.
Next Gen
Overseen by James Mohammed and Ross Haywood
Led by Eleanor Smith, Brad Harris, and Harry Fullerton
Next Gen aims to encourage communication, collaboration, and cross-selling between the levels of Associate Director to Graduates & Apprentices, whilst also engaging in other areas of business development such as client targeting initiatives. At each meeting, at least one representative from each team comes armed with current jobs and target clients.
The next meeting will be held on 8th February, where an anonymous Q&A has been arranged with Tom McWilliams. Please submit any questions to Eleanor prior to the meeting.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee
Overseen by Sally Sookia
Members include Mike Linnane, Ravinder Heer, Anna Marland, Anam Abdullah, Thomas Gibson & Sherida Ampoma.
The DEI committee meet monthly to help champion DEI initiatives for our office and raise awareness of available
resources and activities taking place. This year we will be holding quarterly education sessions on different DEI topics, celebrating a variety of cultural and religious festivals, and sharing resources and updates on JLL DEI initiatives.
Social & Charity Committee
Overseen by Louise Scott and Jordan Kenefick
Members include Sue Oliver, Eleanor Smith, Emma Boulter, Lydia Martin, Karen Moore, Aileen Duffy, Christabelle Day, Molly Orviss, Holly Pickard.
Your social and charity committee are responsible for coordinating social activities and charitable campaigns that everyone is welcome to partake in.
They meet every six weeks to review the calendar of events. You will already have some placeholders in the diary for 2023, and the committee are busy preparing events for the rest of the year, so look out for future diary invites.

Regional Client Programme update
The 2023 Regional Client Programme for Leeds includes MEPC, Moda, Caddick and Scarborough Group.
The client leads are:
• MEPC, Jeff Pearey
• Moda, Tom McWilliams
• Caddick, Richard Harris
• Scarborough Group, Louise Scott
If you have any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions of clients to join our Regional Client Programme, we want to hear from you – please let the client working group know.

Our office
To help improve our office experience, and encourage greater communications and collaboration, we will be:

Reviewing filing cabinet usage:
We’ll be encouraging all teams to review the filing cabinets they are currently using, to help us hopefully remove some of these and open-up our office more.
Returning to a clear desk policy & encouraging greater hot desking:
To allow more hot desking and enable us to group together more on quieter days in the office, please keep desks clear at the end of each day. Everyone is welcome to use both the 5th and 6th floor areas at any time.

Latest news & wins
Sheffield Forgemasters: A further instruction to carry out a site search for land and buildings for additional office, industrial, car park and flood attenuation space across the city. Wider teams will be brought in over time.
APAM UK- Briggate, Leeds: Obtained planning permission, listed building consent and advertisement consent for the former GAP unit to allow Footlocker to extend its store. Instruction extended to discharge conditions.
Building Consulting
Royal London Asset Management: Instructed to prepare planned maintenance programmes for 21 out of town retail parks across England and Scotland.
Fortinet UK Ltd: Instructed on a pre-acquisition survey of a c. 100k sq.ft. BREEAM Outstanding datacentre in Newcastle.
Henry Boot Developments (HBD): Instructed to advise on their rate liabilities associated with their occupational, operational and development portfolio across their associated companies. This is seen as a significant client instruction which the Leeds based rating team played a pivotal role in winning.
to Olha Salnikova who has accepted a permanent role as our Client Host and to Karen Moore who on 29th February, joins the Strategic Living Advisory team as a Surveying Executive.

Global Mutual: Instructed to conduct an initial marketing analysis and recommendations for St John’s Shopping Centre in Leeds.
Glentrool Asset Management Ltd: Providing marketing recommendations for a new retail acquisition in Skipton.

Dates for the diary
9th February: Residential Land Lunch & Learn
10th February: Ilkley Beer Festival
6th -12th February: Race equality week
14th February: Make a Date with Coffee & Cake
21st February: Pancake Day
1st March: Residential Market Breakfast Briefing to Clients hosted by the Residential Land Team
2nd March: Lease Advisory, Lunch & Learn

23rd March:
Q1 Townhall and All Staff Drinks
Leeds Office