Beauty Uncovered - Summer Issue 2022

Page 16


Goodbye Cellulite Tackling the lady lumps we’re not too fond of

Cellulite. There’s no escaping it. Up to 90% of women will experience the condition in their lifetime, and some men can be affected too.

always as a result of being overweight; which is what many are quick to believe. While an unhealthy lifestyle can worsen cellulite, there are other factors at play too, she says.

Appearing as lumps and dimples in the skin, cellulite is most commonly found around the bum and thigh area. That said, it can also appear on the abdomen, arms and breasts. Under the skin, cellulite occurs when fat cells push up, while fibrous tissue bands surrounding them pull down; which is why we see bumpiness in the areas affected.

“Contributing factors include genetics, hormones, age and lifestyle,” explains Dr Chantrey, noting that she sees people who live very healthy lifestyles, with a good body mass index (BMI) rating, but who still feel self-conscious in swimwear or summer clothes because of their cellulite.

So, the big question then, can it be treated? A cellulite severity scale, created by medics, suggests that there are three grades: • Grade 1 (mild): an ‘orange peel’ appearance with between one and four depressions that are close to the surface and a slightly sagging appearance of the skin • Grade 2 (moderate): a ‘cottage cheese’ appearance with between five and nine medium-depth depressions and the skin appears moderately draped • Grade 3 (severe): a ‘mattress’ appearance with 10 or more deep depressions and the skin is severely draped

Dr Jonquille Chantrey, surgeon & aesthetic practitioner, ØNE Aesthetic Studio, Manchester IG: @drjonquillechantrey


Regardless of location or severity, the appearance of cellulite is a frustration for many. Multi-award winning surgeon and aesthetic practitioner Dr Jonquille Chantrey has seen numerous patients whose mental health has really suffered as a result of the condition. She highlights that research suggests 60% of women think it’s their fault they have cellulite, while 57% feel judged for having it. Yet, Dr Chantrey explains, it is very normal for most women to have some degree of cellulite and it’s not

“Yes!” says Dr Chantrey, emphasising, “It remains one of the most challenging concerns to treat, but it can be done.” Before deciding upon a treatment approach, Dr Chantrey believes it’s important to learn more about the patient to select the most beneficial strategy for them. “It’s essential to understand your diet and exercise regime, as well as any hormonal issues and/or medication to provide you with the most relevant advice,” she says, highlighting that addressing these factors may provide satisfactory improvement without having any cosmetic treatments.

"Cellulite is one of the most challenging concerns to treat, but it can be done!" Dr Jonquille Chantrey

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