Beyond Parazine Issue5

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Issue 5

What a great response we had to our last issue, we took the decision to make the magazine available for FREE, this proved to be a great idea and within the first week we had over 250 views!! This has been a great response and we are seeing the magazine grow thanks to all of you who read it every month. If you would like to see your article in the magazine then please feel free to contact us at We welcome any ideas for articles etc that you may like to submit. We hope you enjoy this latest issue and many more in the future your support means everything to us here at Beyond Parazine. Every month we aim to bring you great articles and interviews and we will strive to continue. Come and meet the team this November at PARACON UK Derby Conference Centre 22nd & 23rd

Weapons Of Choice……..Do we really nees millions of pixels? Interview……...In depth interview with Past’s medium Kevin. Gresley Old Hall…….Investigation review The Most Haunted Place…….Feature by Tomo Warrington A True Story……..One to make you think Poltergeists……...How they differ from regular hauntings Echovox………..Does it really work? Beyond Parazine is edited and compiled by Past Investigations/Hauntings With many thanks to our contributors.

WEAPONS OF CHOICE As paranormal investigators we have a tendency to acquire a vast array of equipment, some of which we deem to be essential to our chosen field. Some of these items may simply be in vogue or trendy at the time, we have all probably fallen into the trap of seeing another team on television or otherwise rave about a new piece of kit and instantly think

‘I NEED THAT!’ But, do we? Some items of equipment are unquestionably useful to have and it’s with one of these that the majority of people have access to that this short article is about – ‘The Digital Camera’.

There are thousands of digital cameras on the market all coming with a multitude of functions and features which range in price from under £50 to well over £1000, a good camera is in the long run an investment and cost will inevitably play a part in our choice, however, bare in mind the majority of pictures we take are in the dark in secluded areas so ask yourself do I really need all of the functions I am paying for? Probably not! One of the main considerations we all make in choosing a digital camera (apart from cost) is how many Megapixels the camera is, once again the choices open to us are immense the majority of cameras are somewhere between 5 and 20 Megapixels some go even higher,

but do we actually need a 25 Megapixel camera when we are shooting in a pitch black room at 3am... the answer will probably be no. I tend to use cameras that could be deemed as mid range, these are: Sony Cybershot 5.1mp

memory card! Below are 2 images taken from the Cyberpix and the Lumix, there isn’t much difference in the quality even though there is a big difference in the Pixel rate of each camera.

Sony Cyberpix


Agfa DC-1030b 10mp Fuji Finepix s1600 12mp Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS11 14mp All of them apart from the Fuji are compact cameras that easily fit into a pocket; the Fuji is styled more like an SLR and needs to be hung round the neck (which can sometimes be problematic). The picture quality on all of them is good, however the one major difference is the size of the images this only really poses a problem when you are taking 100s of pictures, the higher pixel rate pictures soon eat up your memory card!

Panasonic Lumix

As can be seen from the 2 images there isn’t much to choose between the two, however the price difference within the cameras and the features would suggest that

a massive difference with quality, and there isn’t... Price and features don’t mean much to us for what we do. What I would suggest, and this is only my personal opinion, is get a reasonably priced mid range spec camera HOWEVER invest in a good quality fast SD card. This combination won’t let you down and in the long run they may also become your weapons of choice. End Note: SD cards are all rated on speed as well as capacity, there will be a small number within a circle which denotes the speed of the card (2,4,10,16 etc) the higher the number the faster the card, this can make a vast difference in the time the camera takes to actually write to the card, which in our field can be the difference with getting that once in a lifetime picture and missing it.... Happy hunting and stay safe. Nick Evans 2014

Kevin is a highly valued member of our team, Past Investigations/ Haunting, he is rapidly gaining a reputation for his accurate readings and his friendly approachable style. Time after time Kevin has proved his abilities during investigations, having previously been guest medium with big event companies we are privileged to have him as a member of our team. Week after week he is being inundated with requests for readings from people all over the world. Many of you will have enjoyed reading Kevin's features in previous issues of this magazine, this month we wanted to get you all a little closer to our team medium.

1. How did you feel when you connected with spirit for the 1st time? To be honest I was very emotional constantly crying as if my guide was wanting me to connect with them for so long, it was not until I released from that night that it happened to me that I would ever do mediumship or be a medium as it had never crossed my mind before as I was a complete sceptic, but when I connected that night after about twenty minutes of constant crying I felt at ease, for some strange reason it was as though I had realised something had wanted to grab my attention for so long.

2. What sort of reaction did you receive from friends and family when you told them about your mediumship gift?

3. Do you find it difficult to 'switch off' when you’re not working?

When I first started out I did find it hard to switch off as I was My side of the family was ok with it wanting more and more all the as my mum used to go to open time, it started to take over my life circle so they were all fine with it. so to say. I found a church where I When I was in the army all my live, Long Eaton Spiritualist mates before they knew that I did Church, where I started to attend mediumship were fine with me, ‘open awareness’ and then I went until the joys of Facebook and to ‘open circle’ where anyone one someone joined my group Kevin can go and learn to work with Peters Medium the word got spirit. around and I started losing quite a It was none stop giving readings, few friends, this upset me for a platform work, plus my day time while and I felt like packing it all job as a soldier, It got that bad that in. I ended up having a car crash as I Then one by one my friends that was that much involved, the signs never talked to me anymore where there, sounds stupid at the started to ask for readings off me, time but as I came home to pack over the next six months I must of my bag for work I had about eight read for nearly everyone in my flies hit me one at a time and I regiment as word started to get never thought anything of it until I around. was traveling to work in my car. Also in my new job when I was in So I do believe karma has a big training and they found out that I part in life and to be honest I do mediumship I had the whole thought I was the bees knees, I can team wanting readings. do this and I can do that, it was taking over my life and I was

burning out and that was spirits way of saying slow down, I truly believe that, but now I don’t find it hard to switch off. Sometimes when I’m out and about like shopping I want to go up to people and give them a message but I have learnt to control it now and switch on when I want to switch on and shut down when I want to shut down.

5. Where do you see your gift as a medium taking you in the future?

4. Was you surprised when you discovered your abilities to communicate with spirit?

I would like to thank Past Hauntings for the questions that have been put forward to me.

At first I was as I was like ‘how did I do that?’ and hearing and seeing the look on clients faces as to say how could you possibly know that, I have never said or told that to anyone in my life before and you say it.


It still surprises me to this day but I have trust in my guides that I work with and what they give off

Well we can all dream but to be honest I want to be up there with the best mediums in the world, give up my day job to do it full time as the way I see it I’m helping others connect with their loved ones and re assuring them that there still here with us and looking over us.


LOCATION Gresley Old Hall, Derbyshire DATE 25th July 2014 CONDITIONS Hot and still The team for the night was Sean (myself) Sarah, Kevin, Daniel, Sian, Leon, Zara and Ash. We arrived at the hall at around quarter to 7, myself, Kevin and Daniel went into the building to put the equipment in the base room whilst the rest of the team had a wander around outside, almost as soon as we went in we heard what sounded like heavy footsteps stomping around upstairs, we decided to go and see if anyone was up there that shouldn't have been, as you go

upstairs into the older part of the hall there is a door which we opened all the way back to the wall.

You can see the door in this photo on the left hand side, the stairs go into the older section.

We carried on through the top rooms and there was nobody else in there, which we knew would be the case, but you have to check.

Slightest breeze or draught.

The rest of the team were still outside at this point, we pushed the door right back and were about Whilst up in the attic rooms Kevin to go downstairs to begin getting began calling out, asking for a rethe equipment ready when we sponse, we heard some tapping noticed the door beginning to sounds and what sounded like a slowly close, it was a very smooth childs voice but it was too faint to action and then it stopped, around make out clearly. 18 inches from being closed, Kevin then said why don’t you just slam it like before, no sooner where the words out of his mouth and the doors slammed with incredible force.

As we were there we heard a very load bang, as though a door had been slammed shut with real force, we quickly went around looking for any doors that were closed, after checking all the rooms we noticed the main door to upstairs was shut. We went down and reopened it taking note that there was not the

Now here's the strange part, the door does not have a latch on it to hold it closed when it is shut, physics dictates that when any kind of door without means of latching is slammed with force it will bounce back from the door frame. This door didn't!! As it slammed it stopped dead against the frame, Kevin then asked for the door to be opened, it slowly began to open, it went around 6 inches before slowly closing again. Kevin had now picked

up on the spirit of a man standing on the stairs, he wasn't happy with us being there. We had now opened the door fully and were asking him to move it again but it didn't move a single millimetre.

tell what was said, evp analysis still didn't clear it up. Kevin invited the spirit to come and talk to us at which point she linked with him, she said her name was Beth and she used to live in the hall.

Kevin said he is just stood there on the stairs watching us when suddenly his presence went. We waited a few more minutes before going back downstairs to unpack the equipment which we were now wishing we had done straight away, oh well personal experiences are still good. Once we were all ready we decided to begin in the attic. We began asking questions trying to get a response and were hearing a few knocking sounds which seemed to happen on cue. One of the team then caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a small girl peek at us from an opening in one of the walls, we began telling the spirit not to be afraid of us and we then heard a small girls voice although we were unable to

At this point we heard footsteps coming up the stairs, a couple of us went to investigate but found nobody there although whilst stood looking down the stairs the steps could clearly be heard creaking as though somebody was stood there shifting their weight.

In the meantime ‘Beth’ was continuing to communicate through tapping sounds with other team members, Kevin picked up that the spirit on the stairs was a man, he was not happy with us communicating with the little girl. He also felt that this was ‘Beth's’ father and she was very scared of him. His presence lingered on the stairs for a few minutes before heavy footsteps were heard stamping back down the stairs, some of us followed down and searched through the other rooms but the mans presence seemed to have gone, Kevin couldn't pick him up any more. Upstairs in the attic it seemed ‘Beth’ was having a great time, team members felt they were touched and a torch turned on without anyone near it. At this point we decided to have a break before going to another room, we thanked ‘Beth’ and told her we would be back soon and she was more than welcome to come forward again.

After a short break we went into what is believed to be a bedroom that was once bricked up to hide the evidence of a horrible crime.

We began doing some glasswork and almost straight away ‘Beth’ came in and began working the glass, we had an amazing time with the glass confirming much of the history we know about the place, I wont go into the history and the questions/answers hear as I do not want to ‘preload’ any other teams who might go to this fabulous place but just say that the session confirmed an amazing amount of details. While we were all in this room yet again there was an incredibly loud bang from somewhere else in the hall, two of the team went

went to investigate and found that the stairs door had slammed shut again, we had considered it may be caused by a vacuum effect if a door is opened downstairs to outside but debunked this as there are other doors between the outside one and the one that slams shut also as mentioned before when it slams it just stops dead and it is a loose fitting door with no catch. As we were doing the glasswork the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed, a heaviness and that sensing you get when something is about to happen, the glass began behaving erratically, moving in small jerks, previously it had been moving very smoothly. Kevin picked up that this was the man encountered before who had called himself ‘David’, ‘Beth’s’ father, Kevin told him he had to get off the glass to which it immediately shot to the NO point on the table and then began to move in very fast circles, everyone was covered with goose bumps as

the atmosphere got thicker, Kevin demanded that the spirit of ‘David’ left the glass and the room, he had to demand it a couple of times before he left, the room changed almost instantly, as though a switch had been flicked and felt normal again. ‘Beth’ returned to the glass and again confirmed the questions we asked, time for another break, again we thanked ‘Beth’ for communicating with us and left for a short break. After the break we tried some table tipping but only got very slight movements, Kevin didn't feel anything in any of the rooms, we did hear the odd noise coming from various rooms but couldn't say any of them were paranormal, everything was now very quiet after what had been an extremely active four hours. Gresley Old Hall is an amazing place, never lets us down. The following page is photos from inside the hall.

If you would like to be featured in Paranormal Pages please contact us

“The Most Haunted place in the universe! Well we think so anyway”… Now this label of being “The Most Haunted”, has been bounced around for many years now. Harry Price labelled one of his books on Borley Rectory “The Most Haunted House in England”. This is a bold statement to say the least.

What gives a place, the right to label itself as “The Most Haunted”?

Does it calculate the total amount of experiences? Or is it the volume of sightings per square foot? Nobody really knows, and personally I think generally it boils down to marketing. If we take the cities of York and Derby, here we have two places that believe and state that they are the “The Most Haunted City in England”, and compete on a daily basis with their world famous ghost tours and events that draw investigators and tourists alike. Both cities have extensive history that go with it and is an excellent concoction for ghostly phenomena, but is this enough for them to be labelled the “The Most Haunted?” for me this isn’t enough.

Now the quiet village of Pluckley has been given the label of being “The Most Haunted Village in England” and even better than that they also hold the Guinness world record for this infamous title. Where will the need to be top dog stop? Or will these coveted titles just spurn on others to try and outdo each other to claim similar labels… Within Secret Hauntings we tend to stay away from places like this, purely for the reason that we believe that these places have been overrun week in week out by ghost hunters and tourists countlessly spending hours and hours hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the many famous ghosts that are boldly claimed to be roaming about at regular intervals. There are a lot of teams out there that I do take my hat off to, they take the time to research areas,

look at the options and follow up everything by going out into the field to search for places that have never been investigated before, which is what we do at Secret Hauntings. I’m sure like others we also do the odd “big venue” for the public now and again but I can never see the general public attending a venue that has no stature with regards to places in the paranormal realm. This brings us back nicely to the big marketing label.

I have a strong belief that when a supposed haunted location has been investigated into the ground, the place will start to lose any sort of energy that was once housed within the area….or are the spirits just simply getting fed up of us calling out for them and asking questions they don’t want to answer, maybe they’ve packed their bags and moved off into another realm far away from the big ghost hunting companies that hammer theses amazing venues. Personally when I hear the title “The Most Haunted” alarm bells start ringing, and avoid at all cost springs to mind. We have investigated some of the biggest venues in the country and also investigated places that haven’t been discovered by groups yet, and the evidential phenomena

found was no surprise at all to us. We do find that places that haven’t been widely documented as being investigated before seem to house a stronger energy which fits nicely to the idea of places being over investigated. So when you next decide to pay a ridiculous amount of money towards a big venue that has been given the infamous title, take a step back and have a think as to why it may have been labelled, “The Most Haunted Place in the Universe”. Thomas Warrington (Co-founder and Lead Investigator at Secret Hauntings)

It was late one night and during heavy rain when a man was driving home down a remote country lane, he spotted two women stood by the side of the road. Being very late and very wet he was concerned for them so pulled over and offered them a lift. The two women gratefully jumped into the car and thanked him for his kindness and began directing him to their house. As he pulled up at there house the women invited him in for a quick drink to say thank you for the help, which he gratefully accepted. The house was very large and grand and he commented on this saying how lovely the place was. The women introduced themselves as mother and daughter and handed him a

small whiskey. He thanked them and asked if he could smoke, the women didn't object so he took out a cigarette and his lighter, the younger woman remarked what a lovely lighter it was, the man explained it was a present from his wife, the woman asked if she could look at it and he handed it to her. Suddenly realising what the time was the man thanked them for his drink and said he had to go. The two women bid him farewell and he ran to his car and left. The following day the man realised he had left his lighter at the women's house, being a

present from his wife he had to go and get it back.

‘’I knew you would be back, its such a lovely lighter’’

Luckily he remembered where the house was but was a bit surprised when he pulled up outside and noticed what a bad state of repair the house looked in, it looked so nice last night, maybe it was due to tiredness and the weather he thought.

The man grabbed his lighter and ran from the house as fast as his legs would go without even glancing back.

He knocked on the front door and got no reply, then noticing the door wasn't fully closed he pushed it open and went in calling out the girls name. The place was covered in dust and clear that nobody had lived there for many years, by now he was very confused, this only got worst when he noticed a set of footprints in the dust, he followed the footprints across the room and that’s when he spotted his lighter sat on the fireplace. By now he was completely bewildered, he walked across the room to retrieve his lighter. As he reached out to pick it up a voice came from nowhere,

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Determining the difference between poltergeist activity and ghost or haunting activity can sometimes be difficult. While ghost and haunting activity can be the result of spirit energy, poltergeist activity, also known as "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" or RSPK , can be the result of psychic energy generated (usually unconsciously) by a person, referred to as an agent. How can you tell there might be poltergeist activity in your home? Usually, you'll know because it is out of the ordinary and pretty obvious, sounds, movements, and odours of unknown origin. Here are 7 of the most common types of poltergeist activity. But just because you experience, or think you

experience, one or more of the activities listed below does not automatically mean that it definitely is a poltergeist. There could be more mundane, everyday causes for the activity. For example, smells of unknown origin could be wafting in from an open window, lightings flickering on and off could be faulty wiring. You should always seek logical explanations before jumping to the conclusion that it

the object mysteriously reappears in the very place you always put it. Or, stranger still, you later find it in a most ridiculous place, like high on a bookshelf, in a box in the garage... or some other spot where you'd never put it in a million years.

is poltergeist activity because true poltergeist activity, although it is a well-documented with many hundreds of real cases, is relatively rare. A professional investigator should be able to help you to determine the cause of what you are experiencing. Here are 7 signs to look out for. 1 . DISAPPEARING OBJECTS You put your keys or your cell phone down in the place you always put it. You turn around a minute later and it's gone. You and your family search high and low for it, but it cannot be found. Later, sometimes days later or longer,

2 . OBJECTS LEVITATING OR THROWN You're sitting there watching TV, totally engrossed in what is on, when suddenly the bowl of fruit rises from the coffee table, floats through the air a few feet, then drops to the floor. Or... you're having a loud argument with your teenage daughter, and as she storms out of the room, books and knick-knacks come hurtling off of the bookcase, as if reacting to the young girl's anger. The movement of physical objects like this can be quite dramatic and can be as slight as something very small sliding a few inches across a table top or as amazing as a heavy table, or appliance levitating off the kitchen floor.

3 . SCENTS AND ODORS No one in your house smokes, yet sometimes the distinct smell of cigarette or cigar smoke can be smelt in the bathroom. Or... as you're dressing for bed, suddenly the overpowering scent of flowers fills the room. All kinds of smells can enter your house from the outside, even from a passing car, so such scents might not necessarily mean poltergeist. Scents and odours can also be a sign of ghost activity as they might be associated with a spirit or with a residual haunting. 4 . ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE A young boy is having a tough time in school, and sometimes when he enters the living room with that scowl on his face, the overhead light and lamps flicker. Or... It's 3 o'clock in the morning and you're shocked out of sleep by a stereo turning on full blast - and it's doesn't have a remote control that could have set if off accidentally, either from inside or outside the house.

5. POWER FROM NOWHERE The old clock on the fireplace mantle hasn't worked in years, but you like how it looks there, so you've kept it. Quite suddenly, it begins to chime and the second hand resumes moving, even though the clock hasn't been wound in ten years. Or... it's 9:15 p.m. and the little kids are sound asleep in bed when suddenly you hear some electronic toy begin to beep and whir. You think that's odd, but you switch it off and put it back down. A few minutes later, the toy starts up again. Thinking there's something wrong with the

switch, you open the battery compartment to remove the batteries... but there are no batteries in it! 6. KNOCKS, RAPPINGS, FOOTSTEPS, AND OTHER NOISES You're sat watching your favourite program, but you find it hard to concentrate when your husband is in the other room banging on the wall for some reason. You go to investigate, but then remember your husband is out shopping, he isn't even home. No one else is. So where's that knocking coming from? Or... the family is the kitchen table deep into a heated game of Monopoly. Suddenly, all the chatter stops when everyone's

attention is drawn to the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. You check it out, but of course there is no one there. 7. PHYSICAL ATTACKS A twelve-year old can't stand how her parents are always fighting. The constant yelling and screaming are driving her crazy. She sits on the floor in the corner of her room, crying with her face in her hands. She winces from a sudden pain on her back. When she checks it in a mirror, she finds fresh scratches. Or... the poltergeist activity, from unexplained bangs to flying pots, has been escalating, and the young girl seems to be the centre of it all. It got at its worst when a visitor received sharp slaps across the face, seemingly from an unseen hand. Physical attacks such as these have been documented, but they are exceedingly rare and occur only in the most severe cases.

HOW DO YOU RECOGNIZE A POLTERGEIST CASE? An experienced paranormal investigator should be able to help you find out if what is taking place in your home, is it poltergeist activity or a haunting, which can sometimes exhibit similar effects, or whether there is a logical, non-paranormal explanation. In the case of a poltergeist, the investigator should look for other signs. Since poltergeist activity may be a psychic effect rather than a spirit-based one, the investigator should try to determine who the agent could be, the person who could be generating the telekinetic activity. Many kinds of stresses can be the cause of this activity, including emotional, physical, psychological, and even hormonal stresses, and so the investigator should try to examine the personal and family dynamics.

The investigators should place locked off cameras at various locations where activity has been reported and conduct a search of all possible other explanations, pipework, heating, loose doors and windows, draughts etc. They should perform a very thorough investigation of the property, the properties history and site history, readings should be taken all throughout the entire investigation utilising the equipment they should have including a medium who will hopefully be ale to confirm any history discovered. Luckily most cases of poltergeist activity are short-lived, lasting only days or a few weeks. It is rare indeed that they stretch out for months or more. Most of the time they just fade away on their own. But of course some don’t.

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ECHOVOX Does it work? Or Just another Gimmick? As paranormal investigators we are always looking out for the next piece of equipment, Google play is a favourite hunting ground for us. Just searching the words ghost or paranormal brings up what seems like hundreds of apps for our phones and tablets. Many of these are free but some do cost money, as I am sure we have all found out most of them are a total waste of time and do not actually do anything apart from take up memory space on our devices, I suppose it’s the idea that what we do is for entertainment purposes

only and not to be taken seriously. That brings us to The Echovox. Does it work, how does it work and is it a waste of our hard earned money? Writing this I can only express my personal opinion and experiences using this app. Unlike the useless ‘ghost radar’ apps that seem to just repeat the same few words Echovox uses a real time amplified recording system used to create a bed of random chaotic noise using random phonetics,

microphone input and a natural loop recording echo. Echovox uses a delay system which can be set from 0 to 10 seconds, this means what your hearing is actual audio being recorded in real time. We have found that setting the delay at either 3 or 5 seconds seems to work best. There are also 4 audio channels, A, B, C and D which you can adjust using the sliders in the menu, we have found that the best results seem to be achieved with all four sliders set almost on full but this is down to personal preference and experimentation. The mic gain again is something to experiment with, we have it set around three quarters and this seems to work well. You will find that it works best with an external speaker attached to your device but you may need an audio extension

for the speaker to avoid feedback, also it is easier to hear through than the device speakers. Whenever you use Echovox it stores the recordings on your device which is a great feature but we also record the sessions with a digital voice recorder as back up. As for the burning question‌. Does it actually work? In our opinion, yes it does. We have used it on a few investigations now and had success every time, unlike the

‘ghost radar’ apps it doesn't just come out with a small selection of random words which if your lucky one may just coincidently have a vague link to your question. Echovox has come out with location names when asked were we are, peoples names (that have tied in with known history of locations) yes and no answers, we have introduced the team, pointed to a person and asked their name, it came out with the correct answer!

If you are looking for some free apps that are also good on an investigation, these are worth checking out. Vibrometer (vibration meter)

This works just like a geophone and detects even the slightest movement. Sound Meter

As with any device that randomly generates noise you do have to listen carefully but once you have used it a couple of times you soon adapt to picking up the replies. All in all we as a team think it is a great addition to any paranormal teams equipment, maybe at last the software developers have created something that is actually useable and not just a way of getting us to part with our money for nothing.

A very sensitive meter for detecting sounds in a location, we use both of these free apps and found them both to be useful.

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