2014 commemorative issue
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The countries 1st ever Paracon has now happened. Paracon UK was the idea of Matt Hall and his team Serious Paranormal Investigations after finding out that there wasn't such an event here in the UK. As you may imagine the planning of such an event is massive and it wasn't trouble free, many obstacles had to be overcome on the way but the team helping behind the scenes rallied on made it happen. What an amazing event it turned out to be, all of the stalls were taken by a wide variety of paranormal related people, there were teams, UFO experts, mediums, alternative goods, book stalls, shamans and many more plus of course the celebrities. I wont mention who they were here as you will find out on other pages in this issue.
The atmosphere at Paracon was fantastic with everyone mingling with each other, sharing ideas and learning from not only the guest speakers but from each other. All of the guest speakers were excellent and a lot of things there that many people will be taking home to think about no doubt. The weekend was brought to a close with the patrons of one of the supported charities, Troop Aid thanking Matt for his vision and everyone who attended the event, it was a very moving moment. So you missed out? Not to worry, planning for Paracon 2015 is already underway and an amazing number of enquiries are coming in for booking stalls for it!! Paracon 2015 is going to be bigger and better than this years and will no doubt continue to grow year on year. Sean, Editor
MATT HALL PARACON UK CEO LEAD INVESTIGATOR WITH S.P.I WHY A PARACON IN THE UK? Paracon UK 2014 may have come and past, yet it is still very much alive within all that were involved and attended! Paracon UK has released the chains that once kept us shackled to our facebook pages and inside our social cages. Instead this event gives the ability to meet face to face and share your ideas to those like minded. Thus, allowing the networks to be built for further connections to grow. As the organizer of this event, it was important to me to prove it was possible to create this platform in the face of adversity. This was no easy task. As preparations began, I was warned of the obstacles ahead, but didn’t realize just how difficult they would prove to be. Being a soldier I have faced some major obstacles but with that being said the challenge was accepted.
For the first few months there was an immediate acceptance from most all that we spoke to. We were told time and time again how this was desperately needed in the UK. Motivation increased and excitement was in the air! Then it happened! Just as easy as a simple phone call we had received our first bump in the road. What people don’t realize is there are a lot of things going on behind the scenes of an event like this. Unfortunately, some egos clash and mistakes are made. One thing for sure is that people are highly competitive in the paranormal community. Human error is inevitably but with time and perseverance those mishaps will disappear. As a community we need to realize that the paranormal encompasses several aspects to include everything from healers to event companies; from dedicated private research teams to highly visual TV shows and from BIGfeet to little grey men. Para-unity does not need to incorporate everyone hugging and agreeing on ideas, but opening the communication that broadens the respect for each other’s concepts and allowing each person to feel like they can be heard without being tossed aside. Then the network of knowledge gets shared and packaged the way you decide in your own opinion.
The bottom line is that Paracon UK is the right step in the right direction. Come and see the opportunities or just come to watch some great presentations. Even walking around and challenging your mind to comprehend new ideas is worth the price of admission. To end we deserve to have this and it deserves us to continue to grow its potential. Uniting for 2 days every 6 months throughout this great country is only going to inspire us to do what we love so much! Be ready for Paracon UK 2015! It is going to come faster and hit harder this time around. Unite to Honour! Matt Hall
Your Paracon Experience JASON LOVE. The 1st and original kind here in the U.K, fantastic guest speakers, informative, educational and entertaining. The 1st building block to an even bigger, grand event for 2015.
BRIAN J CANO. Being the 1st major convention in the U.K, Paracon UK was a success in both thought and form. Ideas were shared, minds were opened and a good time was had by all! Having brought together researchers from many different areas, from ufology to palmistry to mediumship and spirit research, this event has established a foundation that will make Paracon UK a welcome tradition.
AMY GOODWIN. Paracon 2014 was amazing!! Met awesome new friends. Excited for next year!!
BARBARA HUDSON Lovely people窶馬ice to meet like minds. Certainly deserves a good look, from the plain curious to the expert enthusiast.
DARREN STANTON I have met some fantastic people, made lots of new friends and connections. I would certainly recommend Paracon to anyone involved in the paranormal community.
TAZ THORNTON Paracon is an AWESOME event and deserves support. Positive Amazing Real Awesome Collaborative Omnipotent NEXT ONE NOW ...PLEASE! GREAT IDEA, GREAT TEAM, GREAT ENERGY, GREAT FUN……...CANT WAIT FOR 2015!!!
MJ DICKSON We have met the most amazing people, learnt so much & had a fantastic time. For the 1st year Paracon has ticked every box. Thanks to Matt and everyone else who helped make it so great. This is just the beginning. See you next year!!
SPIRIT EARTH We’ve had a fantastic weekend at Paracon, everybody was so friendly and helpful, was a pleasure to be amongst some of the best paranormal teams. Our staff fitted in perfectly offering all the divination bits any investigator needs plus more. We look forward to Paracon 2015!! And hope it grows and develops from this years.
A huge thank You to everyone who was involved in making the event the success that it was. Also thanks to everyone who attended the event. Everyone who had a stall there, they all looked fantastic and made for a great variety for people to browse around. Massive thanks to our celebrity guests. Paracon 2014 was the building block for future events, it was the foundation stone in what is going to become a phenomenon in the paranormal world. Paracon 2015 is set to be bigger and better!! Events like this just couldn't happen if it wasn't for people like you, the people who attend and the people who have stalls, give talks etc. Getting together and sharing ideas, learning from each other and getting along are the keys to progressing the paranormal field and gaining credibility.