Bits & Pieces
BrandonGeerhasakeeneyefor detail,ensuringthateveryelement intheframecontributestothe overallcompositionandmoodofthe photograph.
Stick ToThe Plan
Josephalmostforfeitedtheplan becauseMarywaspregnant,wasn’t married,andwaspregnantby someoneelse(HolySpirit).Mary’s circumstancescauseJosephto second-guessthemarriage. But whilehewasasleeptheangelofthe Lordappeareduntohiminadream, tellinghimtofearnot.(Matthew1: 18-25).
STICKTOTHEPLAN!Oftentimes, somesitandwriteaplanandnever start.Otherswritetheplanand thenstop. Frombeforeandafter Jesuswasborn,everyonefollowed theplanthroughobedience.But alsowithawillingnesstocomply andfollowthrough.IntheOld Testament,therewereseveral prophetswhotoldthepeoplewhat wouldcome.Isaiah7:14says …”behold,avirginshallconceive, andbearason,andshallcallhis nameImmanuel. 6
Thisisoneexampleoflife circumstancesthatcausesomeone nottogoforth.
Fearcaneasilysetinandcauseus nottomove.Also,thewaythings lookandwhatpeoplewillthink. Worryingabouttheapprovalof peopleandtheirthoughts.Joseph wantedtoputherawayprivatelyso thatMarywouldnotbemadea publicexample.
Butlisteningtotheangel, everythingthereafterwasfulfilled becauseJosephwasajustmanwho waswillingnomatterthecost. Jesuswasborn,andallwasfulfilled.
Birthingsomethingnewordoing somethingdifferentcanbe challenging.Itcancauseourfocus toturninthewrongdirection, makeusloseconfidenceandgive up,ormakeusbelievewedonot havewhatittakesinusorhave whatisneededfinancially.
Thissimplymeansweareonly trustinginourselvesandour abilitieswithnotrustinGod.So,we droptheplanandplaceitonthe shelf.
Followingtheplanandstickingtoit inpartnershipwiththeHolySpirit cantakeusfartherthanwecan imagine.
Getstarted,startmovingbecause favorcan’tfollowunlessthereis somethingtofollow(wink).
So,Iencourageustodaytostickto theplanandfollowitthrough.Do ourpartandletGoddotherest
Stick tothe planand keep moving forward!
Health Fitness & Fashion
Growingup,Iwasalwaysoneofthe tallestgirlsinmyclass,oftentallerthan manyoftheboys.Mydadassumedthat myheightwouldeventuallyleadmeto theWNBA,butwhathedidn’trealizeat thetimewasthatIhadadifferent perspective.Iwasagirlygirlatheart,and whileIunderstoodhishopeforme,that wasn’tmycupoftea.Ididtryoutforthe basketballteam,butIwasn’tselected. Afterthat,Idecidednottopursueschool sportsanymoreandinsteadshiftedmy focustohair,makeup,andfashion.
Inmytwenties,Ihadtheopportunityto participateinlocalgigs,suchasmy hometownfashionshows,andI submittedmysubmissiontoAmerica’s NextTopModelbutwasn’tchosen.Bymy thirties,Itookthingsfurther,doingprint modelingforanagencyinColumbia,SC, thatyear,Ialsohadtheopportunityto participateinFashionWeek,whereIwas abletowalkinarunwayshow.Now,in my40s,I’vedecidedtocombinemy passionforfitnessandfashionby pursuingbikinibodybuilding.
Bikini Bodybuilding
Itfeltliketheperfectwaytobring togetherthethingsIlove,health,fitness, andfashion,intooneexcitingjourney.
Bikinibodybuildingbecameanatural evolutionofmypassionforbothfitness andfashion.Thediscipline,dedication, andaestheticsinvolvedinbodybuilding appealedtomeinawaythatnoother formoffitnesshadbefore.Itwasablend ofstrength,form,andartistry,andIsaw itastheperfectchallengethatwould allowmetopushmybodytonewlimits whilealsocelebratingmyloveforfashion andphysicalexpression.
Sowhyat40?Thetruthis,fitnessand fashionhavealwaysbeenpartofmylife, butasIenteredmy40s,Ifoundmyself cravinganewchallenge somethingthat wouldpushmefurtherandallowmeto rediscoverthatdriveandpassionIhad whenIfirstgotintofitnessandmodeling. ItwasachancetoseehowfarIcould takemybodyandtrulyembody everythingIhadlearnedaboutstrength, confidence,andself-expressionoverthe years.Ichallengedmyselftocompletea 5Kruneachmonththroughout2024,and I’mproudtosayI’vesuccessfully achievedthatgoal.It’saboutsettinggoals thatnotonlyhelpyougrowphysically, butalsomentally,movingyoucloserto whereyouwanttobe.
Pursuingbetterhealthat40wasa majorpart,too;notjustarandom decision itwasaculminationofyears ofnurturingmyloveforfitness,fashion, andself-expression.Attimes,weinvest somuchofourselvesintoothers; family,friends,andourcareersthatwe forgettopursueourowndreamsand setchallengesforourselves.Now,each workout,eachmeal,andeachstepfeels likeareflectionofthededicationI've hadtomybodyandthecommitment I’vemadetomyself.Myjourneynot onlytransformedmyownlife,butIalso hopeitinspiredotherstopursuetheir goalsanddreams,creatingaripple effectthatempowersourcommunities andpavesthewayforfuture generations.
Elevateyour brand
I am a professional photographer based out of the upstate of SC. My strengths as a photographer are portraits and high fashion. I enjoy working with not only photographers but models, styles, MUA, visionary artists, and people who share the same vision. I strive to educate, inspire, and innovate this local area so that fashion can be connected not only in bigger cities but also in SC.
I am a professional photographer based out of the upstate of SC. My strengths as a photographer are portraits and high fashion. I enjoy working with not only photographers but models, styles, MUA, visionary artists, and people who share the same vision. I strive to educate, inspire, and innovate this local area so that fashion can be connected not only in bigger cities but also in SC.
Expertise in Natural Light:
Highlight a skillful use of natural lighting to enhance the vibrancy and authenticity of each shot, making the subject come alive in dark backgrounds.
Diverse Landscape:
Emphasize proficiency in capturing a wide range of environments from lush forests to serene beaches, ensuring each location tells its own story
We are a vibrant community of models based in Upstate South Carolina, united by our passion for growth and success in the fashion industry. Our mission centers around three core principles: development, confidence, and networking.
At THE MODEL PEOPLE, we offer exclusive opportunities to collaborate with seasoned photographers, designers, and coaches, enabling you to build an impressive portfolio while gaining invaluable industry experience.
This is a judgment-free zone where individuality is celebrated, and everyone is encouraged to embrace their authentic selves. To make the most of our program, we invite you to approach this journey with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a readiness to embrace new challenges.
Let’s embark on your modeling journey together. We’re here to help you shine in the world of fashion and beyond.
Photographer: Prince Brock
I remember a time when, at the end of every church service, the pews would be packed, and I would hear the pastor say, “The church doors are open, will there be anyone? “This phrase is essentially part of the altar call an invitation to join the church community and use the sanctuary as a place to serve and worship.
Unfortunately, statistics show there has been a significant decrease in physical church attendance since 2020 due to the pandemic. While this may be disappointing for some, all hope is not lost. As we know, the church is not limited to a building. As members of the body of Christ, we are the church! The church doors are still open, whether we are really in the church building or not.
We have all made it to 2025, and it is important to recognize that the church will never look the same as it did before the pandemic. We need to accept that the changes we are witnessing are part of God’s plan, and they are working for good. Although it is clear the church is under attack, the opportunity for spreading the Gospel and carrying out the Great Commission is more significant than ever. Not only is the opportunity great, but the need is even greater.
© Copyright 2024
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). That time is now.
We have all made it to 2025, and it is important to recognize that the church will never look the same as it did before the pandemic. We need to accept that the changes we are witnessing are part of God’s plan, and they are working for good. Although it is clear the church is under attack, the opportunity for spreading the Gospel and carrying out the Great Commission is more significant than ever. Not only is the opportunity great, but the need is even greater.
According to an article written by best-selling author Carey Nieuwhof, statistics show that there are significant reasons for the decline in church attendance. One reason is that people are “drowning in options.”
One can access almost any church of their choosing online and enjoy worship in the comfort of their home. Consider the great falling away that happened during the peak of the pandemic some still have not returned to church physically.
Unfortunately, the number of Americans who identify as Christian is also declining. Statistics show that in the early 90s, over 90% of adults in the United States identified as Christians. Today, that number is roughly 63%, while the number of people who identify with no religion has increased from 6% to 29% within the same time period (Nieuwhof, 2024).
The need is critical, and this is where the Church comes in. What we see happening is God allowing the division to identify who the true followers of God are, just as Paul speaks about in (1 Corinthians 11:18-19)
In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent, I believe it.
No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval. Through the division, God’s remnant is being revealed.
“So too at the present time, there is a remnant, chosen by grace (Romans 11:5).
As part of the remnant, you can be encouraged to know that you are in the number tasked with the honorable responsibility of keeping the church doors open through your presence and your heart to serve. Don’t you know “that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16)
There is wisdom in understanding that, as a child of God, without you, the church-house is only a building. As Nieuwhof puts it, You don’t attend the church. You are the church. When we, as the remnant, enter the building, it becomes a sacred space to praise, worship, repent, comfort, and grieve sometimes alone, but mostly with others. This sacred space also becomes a place of healing and recovery. Praise God for the sisters and brothers who are allowing God to use them to keep the church doors open.
Amen? Amen!
The church-house doors are open for the community to gather and fellowship together, and for those who will be drawn to come in the future. Nieuwhof says it best: it is “an experience for the sake of those not yet in the room.
The same can be said for online church from a slightly different perspective.
While the presence of online church has affected in-person church engagement, leading some to eliminate online services altogether to encourage physical attendance, this strategy is counterproductive. Social media is being used to spread the Gospel to those who might not otherwise hear it. For some, if online attendance is an option, they won’t engage at all.
We need to consider the bigger picture: whether in person or online, the church doors are open spiritually, physically, and virtually. The Gospel is being spread more extensively than ever. Just as a service in the church-house is an “experience for the sake of those not yet in the room,” so too is an online church service, but from a slightly different perspective.
"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23-24).
Is this verse talking about you? Do you consider yourself a true worshiper? If so, Father God is looking for you, recognizing your sincerity in worship. You have proven to be someone who can be trusted to represent the Church because of your heart, your love and awareness of Him, and your spiritual maturity. By grace, God is using you for the upbuilding and uplifting of His Kingdom which includes doing your part to help keep the church doors open, whether in person or online. This is an honor!
“For as in one body, we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.” (Romans 12: 4-6)
.Whether the church-house is full, or the numbers online fluctuate, let us as the Church reset and refocus on our purpose as we settle into year 2025. God is not impressed by numbers; all He needs is two or three (Matt 18:20).
God is drawn to obedience and true worship. Consider what God tells the church of Philadelphia in Revelation 3:8: “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”
We want God to see us the same way. Philadelphia’s church was small, but their faith in God was strong, and for that reason, God blessed them in a mighty way. So, you see, it doesn’t matter how many members a church has in God’s eyes. He’s looking for the heart of obedience and faith. Church looks a lot different than it used to, but the heart or the root of the church, the remnant has not changed. Being open to change and diversification is required if we are going to influence community engagement -while keeping the heart of the church in focus. This will require for us to go to the community instead of waiting for them to come to us.
Recently I heard a minister repeat a familiar saying when addressing the Church, ‘instead of handouts, sometimes people need a hand up.’ Essentially, as the church, we are to represent the love of God in all that we do.
The number one goal should always be to draw people to Christ through the Truth. It is God’s desire that everyone is saved, and He is using the Church to get the message across.
Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV) And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. The church doors are still open in 2025. While things may look a little different now, they never closed, and they will remain open until Jesus’s return. Personally, I believe that fellowshipping with other brothers and sisters is just important as intimate time with just you and the Lord. We should all seek to find a good balance (if possible) while not neglecting the guidance of Father God. As the Church, let’s bring in 2025 right by being intentional about coming together in unity to honor and worship God in spirit and in truth. Amen? Amen! The church doors are open. Come on in!
Be Blessed
~Written by Daveda Janine
January Have No Fear
Aswestepintothenewyear,2025,it’s naturaltolookbackandreflectontheyear goneby.Forsome,2024mayhaveended withasenseoftriumphand accomplishment,whileforothers,itmight havebeenfilledwithstruggles, unansweredprayers,orunforeseen challenges.Butnomatterhow2024ended, letmeremindyou:Godisstillincontrol, andHistimingisalwaysperfect.
Thisnewyearisafreshopportunityto resetourheartsandminds,notdefinedby whatwe’vejustwalkedthrough,butbythe certaintyofGod’spresenceandHisplans forourfuture.Isaiah55:9tellsus,“Asthe heavensarehigherthantheearth,soare mywayshigherthanyourwaysandmy thoughtsthanyourthoughts.”Wemaynot alwaysunderstandwhythingsunfoldthe waytheydo,butrestassured,God's wisdomandtimingfarexceedourown.His planforyouisneverdelayed,neverwasted, andneveroutofstepwiththegreatergood Hehasforyourlife.
InEcclesiastes3:1,wearereminded, “Thereisatimeforeverything,anda seasonforeveryactivityunderthe heavens.”Whetheryouaresteppinginto thisyearwithhopeorwithquestions, knowthatGodhasalreadygonebeforeyou, makingthewayclear.Heseesthebigger picture,andHeisorchestratingallthings foryourgood.Eventhemomentsthatseem uncertainor unresolvedarepartofHisperfecttiming.
2025isnotjustacontinuationoftheold, butaninvitationtotrustGodmoredeeply. Nomatterhow2024ended,Godisnot limitedbyourpast.Lamentations3:22-23 encouragesus,“BecauseoftheLord’sgreat lovewearenotconsumed,forhis compassionsneverfail.Theyarenewevery morning;greatisyourfaithfulness.”His merciesarenewtoday,andeverydayof thisyearholdsthepromiseofHisfresh grace,guidance,andlove.
Thisyear,embracetheopportunitytostart withanewperspective oneoftrustand expectation.Yourpastdoesnotdefineyour future,andGod’stimingwillalwaysbe perfect,evenwhenitdoesn’talignwithour timeline.Heisworkingbehindthescenes, preparingthewayforyou.Romans8:28 reassuresus,“Andweknowthatinall thingsGodworksforthegoodofthose wholovehim,whohavebeencalled accordingtohispurpose.”Everymomentof 2024,everytrial,andeveryjoyhasbrought youtothisverymoment whereGod’s perfectplanunfolds.
Aswebeginthisnewyear,releaseany lingeringdoubtsordisappointmentsfrom 2024andstepforwardintothefullnessof whatGodhasforyou.TrustHistiming. TrustHisplans.Hehasapurposeforyouin 2025,andnomatterwhatthisyearholds, youcanwalkintoitknowingthatGodisin control,andHeiswithyoueverystepofthe way.Thebestisyettocome,becausewith God,thefutureisalwaysfilledwithhope andpromise.
January1-Genesis15:1:“Donotbe afraid,Abram.Iamyourshield,your verygreatreward.”
January2-Exodus14:13:“Donotbe afraid.Standfirmandyouwillseethe deliverancetheLordwillbringyou today”
January3-Deuteronomy31:8:“The Lordhimselfgoesbeforeyouandwill bewithyou;hewillneverleaveyou norforsakeyou.Donotbeafraid;do notbediscouraged.”
January4-Joshua1:9:“HaveInot commandedyou?Bestrongand courageous.Donotbeafraid;donot bediscouraged,fortheLordyourGod willbewithyouwhereveryougo.”
January5-Psalm23:4:“Eventhough Iwalkthroughthedarkestvalley,I willfearnoevil,foryouarewithme; yourrodandyourstaff,theycomfort me.”
January6-Isaiah41:10:“Sodonot fear,forIamwithyou;donotbe dismayed,forIamyourGod.Iwill strengthenyouandhelpyou;Iwill upholdyouwithmyrighteousright hand.”
January7-Matthew6:34:“Therefore donotworryabouttomorrow,for tomorrowwillworryaboutitself. Eachdayhasenoughtroubleofits own.”
January8-John14:27:“PeaceIleave withyou;mypeaceIgiveyou.Ido notgivetoyouastheworldgives.Do notletyourheartsbetroubledand donotbeafraid.”
January9-Romans8:31:“IfGodis forus,whocanbeagainstus?”
January10-Philippians4:6-7:“Do notbeanxiousaboutanything,butin everysituation,byprayerand petition,withthanksgiving,present yourrequeststoGod.Andthepeace ofGod,whichtranscendsall understanding,willguardyour heartsandyourmindsinChrist Jesus.”
January11-1Peter5:7:“Castall youranxietyonhimbecausehecares foryou.”
January12-Revelation1:17:“Donot beafraid.IamtheFirstandtheLast.”
January13-Isaiah43:1“Donot fear,forIhaveredeemedyou;Ihave summonedyoubyname;youare mine.”
January14-Psalm27:1:“TheLordis mylightandmysalvation whom shallIfear?TheLordisthe strongholdofmylife ofwhomshall Ibeafraid?”
January15-Isaiah41:13:ForIam theLordyourGodwhotakesholdof yourrighthandandsaystoyou,Do notfear;Iwillhelpyou.”
January16-2Timothy1:7:“Forthe SpiritGodgaveusdoesnotmakeus timid,butgivesuspower,loveand self-discipline.”
January17-Psalm34:4:“Isoughtthe Lord,andheansweredme;he deliveredmefromallmyfears.”
January18-Psalm56:3-4:”WhenI amafraid,Iputmytrustinyou.In God,whosewordIpraise—inGodI trustandamnotafraid.Whatcan meremortalsdotome?”
January19-Isaiah54:4:“Donotbe afraid;youwillnotbeputtoshame. Donotfeardisgrace;youwillnotbe humiliated.Youwillforgettheshame ofyouryouthandremembernomore thereproachofyourwidowhood.”
January20-Psalm118:6:“TheLord iswithme;Iwillnotbeafraid.What canmeremortalsdotome?”
January21-Psalm112:7:“Theywill havenofearofbadnews;theirhearts aresteadfast,trustingintheLord.”
January22-Psalm115:11:“Youwho fearhim,trustintheLord heis theirhelpandshield.”
January23-Proverbs3:5-6:“Trustin theLordwithallyourheartandlean notonyourownunderstanding;inall yourwayssubmittohim,andhewill makeyourpathsstraight.”
January24-Isaiah12:2“SurelyGod ismysalvation;Iwilltrustandnotbe afraid.TheLord,theLordhimself,is mystrengthandmydefense;hehas becomemysalvation.”
January25-Isaiah26:3:“Youwill keepinperfectpeacethosewhose mindsaresteadfast,becausethey trustinyou.”
January26-Isaiah35:4“Saytothose withfearfulhearts,Bestrong,donot fear;yourGodwillcome,hewillcome withvengeance;withdivine retributionhewillcometosaveyou.”
January27-Isaiah41:14“Donotbe afraid,youwormJacob,littleIsrael, donotfear,forImyselfwillhelp you,'declarestheLord,your Redeemer,theHolyOneofIsrael.”
January28-Isaiah54:14“In righteousnessyouwillbe established:Tyrannywillbefarfrom you;youwillhavenothingtofear. Terrorwillbefarremoved;itwillnot comenearyou.”
January29-Jeremiah17:7-8“But blessedistheonewhotrustsinthe Lord,whoseconfidenceisinhim. Theywillbelikeatreeplantedbythe waterthatsendsoutitsrootsbythe stream.Itdoesnotfearwhenheat comes;itsleavesarealwaysgreen.It hasnoworriesinayearofdrought andneverfailstobearfruit.”
January30-Matthew10:28“Donot beafraidofthosewhokillthebody butcannotkillthesoul.Rather,be afraidoftheOnewhocandestroy bothsoulandbodyinhell.”
January31-Luke12:32“Donotbe afraid,littleflock,foryourFatherhas beenpleasedtogiveyouthe kingdom.”
GeteternallifewithGod.ConfessyoursinsandinvitetheLordintobeyour savior.
● Romans10:9,10,13 thatifthoushaltconfesswiththymouththeLordJesus, andshaltbelieveinthineheartthatGodhathraisedhimfromthedead,thou shaltbesaved10Forwiththeheartmanbelievethuntorighteousness;and withthemouth,confessionismadeuntosalvation.Romans10:13For whosoevershallcalluponthenameoftheLordshallbesaved
● SinnersPrayer–LordJesus,IknowIamasinner.IbelieveYoudiedformy sins.Rightnow,Iturnfrommysinsandopenthedoorofmyheartandlife.I repentofeachandeveryoneofmysins.Havemercyonme,ohLord,andsave me.IconfessYouasmypersonalLordandSavior.Washandcleansemewith yourblood.AndfillmewithyourHolySpiritinthenameofJesusIprayAmen.
Gen5:1 Thisisthebookofthe generationsofAdam.Intheday thatGodcreatedman,inthe likenessofGodmadehehim;
Gen5:2 Maleandfemale createdhethem;andblessed them,andcalledtheirname Adam,inthedaywhenthey werecreated.
Gen5:3 AndAdamlivedan hundredandthirtyyears,and begatasoninhisownlikeness, afterhisimage;andcalledhis nameSeth:
Gen5:4 AndthedaysofAdam afterhehadbegottenSethwere eighthundredyears:andhe begatsonsanddaughters:
Gen5:5 Andallthedaysthat Adamlivedwereninehundred andthirtyyears:andhedied.
Gen5:6 AndSethlivedan hundredandfiveyears,and begatEnos:
Gen5:7 AndSethlivedafterhe begatEnoseighthundredand sevenyears,andbegatsonsand daughters:
Gen5:8 AndallthedaysofSeth wereninehundredandtwelve years:andhedied.
Gen5:9 AndEnoslivedninety years,andbegatCainan:
Gen5:10 AndEnoslivedafter hebegatCainaneighthundred andfifteenyears,andbegat sonsanddaughters:
Gen5:11 Andallthedaysof Enoswereninehundredand fiveyears:andhedied.
Gen5:12 AndCainanlived seventyyears,andbegat Mahalaleel:
Genesis 5
Gen5:13 AndCainanlivedafter hebegatMahalaleeleight hundredandfortyyears,and begatsonsanddaughters:
Gen5:14 Andallthedaysof Cainanwereninehundredand tenyears:andhedied.
Gen5:15 AndMahalaleellived sixtyandfiveyears,andbegat Jared:
Gen5:16 AndMahalaleellived afterhebegatJaredeight hundredandthirtyyears,and begatsonsanddaughters:
Gen5:17 Andallthedaysof Mahalaleelwereeighthundred ninetyandfiveyears:andhe died.
Gen5:18 AndJaredlivedan hundredsixtyandtwoyears,and hebegatEnoch:
Gen5:19 AndJaredlivedafterhe begatEnocheighthundredyears, andbegatsonsanddaughters:
Gen5:20 Andallthedaysof Jaredwereninehundredsixty andtwoyears:andhedied.
Gen5:21 AndEnochlivedsixty andfiveyears,andbegat Methuselah:
Gen5:22 AndEnochwalkedwith GodafterhebegatMethuselah threehundredyears,andbegat sonsanddaughters:
Gen5:23 Andallthedaysof Enochwerethreehundredsixty andfiveyears:
Gen5:24 AndEnochwalkedwith God:andhewasnot;forGodtook him.
Gen5:25 AndMethuselah livedanhundredeightyand sevenyears,andbegat Lamech:
Gen5:26 AndMethuselah livedafterhebegatLamech sevenhundredeightyandtwo years,andbegatsonsand daughters:
Gen5:27 Andallthedaysof Methuselahwerenine hundredsixtyandnineyears: andhedied.
Gen5:28 AndLamechlivedan hundredeightyandtwoyears, andbegatason:
Gen5:28 AndLamechlivedan hundredeightyandtwoyears, andbegatason:
Gen5:29 Andhecalledhis nameNoah,saying,Thissame shallcomfortusconcerning ourworkandtoilofourhands, becauseofthegroundwhich theLORDhathcursed.
Gen5:30 AndLamechlived afterhebegatNoahfive hundredninetyandfiveyears, andbegatsonsanddaughters:
Gen5:31 Andallthedaysof Lamechweresevenhundred seventyandsevenyears:and hedied.
Gen5:32 AndNoahwasfive hundredyearsold:andNoah begatShem,Ham,and Japheth.