MyraMeilleure Bits & Pieces Magazine

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Bits & Pieces

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Showme!Isthewordthathasbeen inmyheart.Showme,ifyouloveme, showme.Nomorejustlipservice; showmethatyouloveme.

Isaiah29:13(NLT)AndsotheLord says,“Thesepeoplesaytheyare mine.Theyhonormewiththeirlips, buttheirheartsarefarfromme.And theirworshipofmeisnothingbut man-maderuleslearnedbyrote.

So,youguysknowIbegantodiginto thistitle,andithascontinuedto grow.So,let’sstartwiththe definitionof“love”. Thismeansa deepaffection–anintensefeeling–greatinterestandpleasurein something;tolikeorenjoyvery much.

Inthisnextseasonwehavetobe connectedtoGodcompletelywith ourheart,mind,andsoul.(Matthew 27:37)

Hewantsusinafeelingofjoy, eagerness,andpeacewhileonour journey.Toknowinfullawareness whatwearesayingandmeanwhat wesayanddowithourheartsand minds.

Hannahin1Samuel1:13comesto mindwhensheprayed,“Now Hannah,shespokeinherheart;only herlipsmoved,buthervoicewasnot heard;”shespokefromherheart. AndtheLordrememberedher(1:19)

Hannahchangedthewaysheprayed, byprayingwithherheartandnotlip serviceorasound.Jeremiah29:1214)says“Inthosedayswhenyou pray,Iwilllisten.13.Ifyoulookfor mewholeheartedly,youwillfindme 14. Iwillbefoundbyyousaysthe LordIwillendyourcaptivityand restoreyourfortunes.Iwillgather yououtofthenationswhereIsent youandwillbringyouhomeagainto yourownland.

InallofthisImustshowtheLord thatIloveHim,inmyactionswithall myheartandwithtrust.Trustthat Heisleadingmetoalltruthno matterwhatitlookslikeorwhatI amaskedtodo.Thatitwillworkout formygood.EventhethingsthatI don’twanttodolikeDavidaman afterGod’sownheart.

It’stimetoshowtheLord andnot justtellHimweLoveHim.

Colossians3:23Whateveryoudo, workheartily,asfortheLordandnot forman. 5

Passion: I love music, writing songs, playing piano, and interviewing People of all races about their history and culture.

Don’tGiveUpOnYour Dream

JameC.SkeltonthesonofThomas andInellSkelton.MyFatherwas borninAnderson,SouthCarolina, andmymotherwasbornin Jacksonville,Florida,butraisedin Charleston,SouthCarolina.Ihavean olderbrother,SylvesterSkelton,who continuestoliveupnorth—asister, WanitaSkelton,whohaspassed away,andmyparents.

Iam68yearsold,andgrowingupin Bostonwasgreat!Myfatherworked onlargeshipsthatsentwheatto Russia.Heworkednearthecoast calledQuincey,Massachusetts,and mymotherworkedatadrycleaner inWalpole,Massachusetts.Itwasn’t yourordinarycleaners;news reporters,basketballplayers,and baseballplayersvisitthereoften. Hangingoutatmymother’sjobasa littleboy,ImetRedSox,Celtic players,andmore.

Myfatherretiredin1971,and boughtahouseinatowncalled SandySprings;Iwentbackandforth betweenthesouthandthenorth.

Theytaughthistorythatpublic schoolsrefusetoteach.Becauseof thisschool,Ihaveapassionfor history.

Aftermiddleschool,Ireturnedto SouthCarolinaandattended PendletonHighfortheninth,tenth, andeleventhgrades.MysenioryearI wentbacktoBostontostaywithmy auntbecausethisschoolallowedus toworktowardsourgoalandtested youtodiscoveryourgiftsandtalents. Toseewhatyouweregoodatand placeyouonajobtodowhatyou scoredhighfor.ItturnedoutthatI wasgoodwithpeople,somy placementjobwasinpublic relations.Formytraining,Iworked atBostonGasCompanywhenI graduatedfromhighschool.

Aftergraduation,theGasCompany sentmetodoaprogramatBoston Universitythatwouldcostmefive thousanddollars.Iplannedtoreturn toAndersongetajobatatextile plantsaveeightthousandandgo backtoBoston.ButIfellinloveand married;therestishistory.

InBoston,therewasaschoolcalled PhillipBrooksElementary.Iattended therefromthefirsttothefifthgrade. TheHighlandParkSchoolwas private;thoseweremylife’sbest years. 8

ImanagedtogotoTri-CountyTech andreceivedaretailmanagement certificate.

BeStillAnd Know!

~Written by Daveda Janine, Creator and host of the radio podcast, The Journey Tip, which Airs every Sunday at 4 pm EST. on WABB 105.1 FM, 1390 AM Spirit Radio, and online at,

I was swiping through shorts on YouTube and all of a sudden, I heard a male’s voice singing, but I didn’t see him. I swiped past it, but then I felt the need to swipe back. When I realized what was going on, I was moved to tears. The male sung, “I love you Lord, for Your mercy never fails me. All my days I’ve been held in Your hands. From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head, oh I will sing of the goodness of God.” Slowly his family joins in. I still don’t see them, because they are taking cover under a table in a mattress while Hurricane Beryl is ripping the roof off of their home.

Pastor Tommy Lee decided to record him and his family singing “The Goodness of God.” in the midst of a horrible storm. Now how special is that! I was amazed by the peace and strength their tone conveyed while the hurricane destroyed their home.

Soon after I saw this short video, I came across Psalms 46:1, “God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble”. Immediately Pastor Tommy Lee and his family’s worship came to mind.

Unlike the physical storm Pastor Tommy Lee and his family endured this year, many of the storms and battles that we face in life are spiritual. How do you handle when you come face to face with a spiritual tornado or hurricane that threatens your entire life’s journey?

Oftentimes, we are quick to quote verses from Psalms 46 and others to encourage us during times of trouble. We especially love to quote verses like Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against me shall prosper” or the verse we’re going to focus on in this article, which is Psalms 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God”

Do we really know what this verse means?

I recall a phase in my life’s journey where I was getting spiritually attacked from every direction. I felt I had nowhere to turn. The only help that my loved ones could provide was prayer. I remember thinking God had abandoned me, because no matter how much I prayed, read the Bible, and got quiet before the Lord, I heard no direction.

Eventually, I realized He’d been giving me direction the entire time; I just didn’t want to go that way. It was too scary, too hard. I noticed He directed me to go in the opposite direction of the way I thought He would direct me. Total opposite of what I thought was best and … easier. So, after asking God to help me, despite all the arrows pointing one way, in disobedience, I continued to try and control a situation I was never going to be able to control.

It took me a while to recognize and accept that I was going up against something that was much larger and stronger than me. To survive, I had to relinquish control. I had to wave the white flag in surrender and truly give the situation in its entirety to the Lord. I’ve since learned that there is no way to fight spiritual battles and withstand spiritual storms with physical tactics and strategies, and that is where Psalms 46 comes in.

I completed a deep study on Psalms 46, and one writer points out that the majority of the chapter is written in the third person. However, in verse 10, the tone changes, and God speaks! He says: “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted among the earth.” There is a sweet and powerful interruption between the psalmist’s adoration of the power of God and God’s confirmation of His power!

Moses, under the guidance of the Lord, made a similar statement in Exodus 14:14. Pharoah was hot on their tracks, and he was trying to encourage the Israelites to trust God. He said, “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” You do know that Lord will set us up in a spiritual battle or storm just to reveal His glory right? You can read it for yourself in Exodes chapter 14. Many times, people wonder, what did I do to deserve this? Sometimes you didn’t do anything. God allows your faith to be tested. A good example of this can be found in the book of Job. To keep you humble and increase your faith, God will allow you to fall in the “quick sand” of life, where the only way you will survive is if He rescues you, and He will if you surrender your will to Him. The psalmist in Psalms 37 says “I have never seen the righteous forsaken.” God will never abandon us, and we can be encouraged to know that we do not have to navigate through the trenches of life’s journey on our own. When it is all said and done, God will get the glory!

“God is our refuge, a very present help in the time of trouble.

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!”

To be still before the Lord does not mean to literally sit and do nothing. To be still and know… means you put your faith into action. You relinquish all control to God by getting into a posture, or position of obedience. Regardless of how it looks, do what God tells you to do.

In Exodus chapter 14, God gave the Israelites directions that led them straight to danger. So much so, the Israelites began to complain about being delivered from slavery in Egypt.

In order for God’s glory to be revealed, Moses had to keep the faith in the face of doubt and fear, and along with the Israelites, had to get into position and trust God to rescue them. And we have to do the same.

That fateful day of July 2024, Pastor Tommy Lee, along with his family, sang “The Goodness of God” while Hurricane Beryl was destroying their home. Their act of faith is absolutely inspiring. While explaining why he recorded the moment, Pastor Tommy Lee was quoted saying, “I want to do this so after the storm pass, I can have this as a little memory to show them that together we have gone through a storm, and for them to see their reaction while the storm was taking place, and that was the intended purpose” (Freedom Come Rain, 2024).

Pastor Tommy Lee was certain they would all survive the storm and live to talk about it in the future. He surrendered control to God, knowing he could not overpower the storm to save his family. Instead, he took refuge physically and spiritually and worshiped God during a time of trouble; again, the perfect depiction of Psalms 46. You can read more about Pastor Tommy Lee and his beautiful family at

“God is our refuge, a very present help in the time of trouble.

Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!”

Be blessed.


Faith,apowerfulforcethatdispelstheshadowsoffear,isthecornerstoneofaliferootedin divinetrust.Inmomentswhenfearattemptstocreepintoourhearts,faithstandsasa resoluteguardian,remindingusofGodconstantpresenceandunwaveringlove.Donotfear, Hewhisperstous,forIamwithyoualways.

Whenwechoosefaithoverfear,wetapintoawellspringofstrengthandresilience.Faith assuresusthatnomatterthetrialsweface,weareneveralone.Itencouragesustolook beyondourimmediatecircumstancesandtrustinahigherplan,onecraftedwithour ultimategoodinmind.Eachsteptakeninfaithdiminishesthepoweroffear,replacingit withasenseofpeaceandassurancethatcanonlycomefromadeepconnectionwiththe Divine.

LetusdismissthethoughtoffearbyimmersingourselvesinthepromisesofGod.Hisword isalampuntoourfeet,alightthatguidesusthroughthedarkestvalleys.Byanchoringour heartsinHispromises,wecultivateaspiritofconfidenceandhope.Faithallowsustosee theunseen,tobelieveinthemiraculous,andtotrustintheunfathomabledepthsofGodlove andprovision.

Ineverysituation,letfaithbeourresponse.Letitbethelensthroughwhichweviewour challengesandthefoundationuponwhichwebuildourlives.Aswewalkinfaith,fearloses itsgrip,andwemoveforwardwiththeassurancethatwithGod,allthingsarepossible.Faith isourshield,ourfortress,andoursong,leadinguseverclosertotheheartofGodandthe fullnessofHispromises.



September 1 - Luke 12:7: Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows

September 2 - Luke 12:32: Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom

September 3 - John 14:1; Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.;

September 4 - John 14:27:;Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid;

September 5 - John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world

September 6 - Acts 18:9: One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent

September 7 - Romans 8:15: The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, 'Abba, Father

September 8 - Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us

September 9 - 2 Timothy 1:7: For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

September 10 - Hebrews 13:5-6: Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake You So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

September 11 - 1 John 4:18: There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love

September 12 - Revelation 1:17: Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.;

September 13 - Psalm 27:1: The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?

September 14 - Psalm 34:4: I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

September 15 - Psalm 56:3-4: When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

September 16 - Psalm 91:4-5: He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day.

September 17 - Psalm 118:6: The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

September 18 - Psalm 112:7: They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

September 19 - Psalm 115:11: You who fear him, trust in the Lord he is their help and shield.


September18-Psalm112:7:Theywill havenofearofbadnews;theirheartsare steadfast,trustingintheLord.

September19-Psalm115:11:Youwho fearhim,trustintheLord heistheirhelp andshield.

September20-Proverbs3:5-6:Trustin theLordwithallyourheartandleannoton yourownunderstanding;inallyourways submittohim,andhewillmakeyourpaths straight.

September21-Isaiah12:2:SurelyGodis mysalvation;Iwilltrustandnotbeafraid. TheLord,theLordhimself,ismystrength andmydefense;hehasbecomemysalvation.

September22-Isaiah26:3:Youwillkeep inperfectpeacethosewhosemindsare steadfast,becausetheytrustinyou.

September23-Isaiah35:4:Saytothose withfearfulhearts,Bestrong,donotfear; yourGodwillcome,hewillcomewith vengeance;withdivineretributionhewill cometosaveyou.

September24-Isaiah41:10:Sodonot fear,forIamwithyou;donotbedismayed, forIamyourGod.Iwillstrengthenyouand helpyou;Iwillupholdyouwithmy righteousrighthand.

September25-Isaiah41:13:ForIamthe LordyourGodwhotakesholdofyourright handandsaystoyou,Donotfear;Iwillhelp you.

September26-Isaiah41:14:Donotbe afraid,youwormJacob,littleIsrael,donot fear,forImyselfwillhelpyou,declaresthe Lord,yourRedeemer,theHolyOneofIsrael.

September27-Isaiah43:1:Donotfear,for Ihaveredeemedyou;Ihavesummonedyou byname;youaremine.

September28-Isaiah54:4:Donotbe afraid;youwillnotbeputtoshame.Do notfeardisgrace;youwillnotbe humiliated.Youwillforgettheshameof youryouthandrememberno morethereproachofyourwidowhood.

September29-Isaiah54:14:In righteousness,youwillbeestablished: Tyrannywillbefarfromyou;youwill havenothingtofear.Terrorwillbefar removed;itwillnotcomenearyou.

September30-Jeremiah1:8:Donot beafraidofthem,forIamwithyouand willrescueyou,declarestheLord.


GeteternallifewithGod.ConfessyoursinsandinvitetheLordintobeyour savior.

● Romans10:9,10,13 thatifthoushaltconfesswiththymouththeLordJesus, andshaltbelieveinthineheartthatGodhathraisedhimfromthedead,thou shaltbesaved10Forwiththeheartmanbelievethuntorighteousness;and withthemouth,confessionismadeuntosalvation.Romans10:13For whosoevershallcalluponthenameoftheLordshallbesaved

● SinnersPrayer–LordJesus,IknowIamasinner.IbelieveYoudiedformy sins.Rightnow,Iturnfrommysinsandopenthedoorofmyheartandlife.I repentofeachandeveryoneofmysins.Havemercyonme,ohLord,andsave me.IconfessYouasmypersonalLordandSavior.Washandcleansemewith yourblood.AndfillmewithyourHolySpiritinthenameofJesusIprayAmen.


The Seventh Day God Rested

Gen 2:1 Thustheheavensand theearthwerefinished,andall thehostofthem.

Gen2:2 Andby the beginning of theseventhdayGod finishedHisworkwhichHe hadmade.AndHerestedon theseventhdayfromallHis workwhichHehadmade.

Gen2:3 AndGodblessedthe seventhdayandsanctifiedit becauseonitHerestedfrom allHisworkwhichGodhad createdandmade.

The Creation of Man and Woman

Gen2:4 Thisistheaccountof theheavensandoftheearth whenthey were created;inthe daythattheLORDGodmade theearthandtheheavens,

Gen2:5 Theshrubofthefield wasnotyet growing uponthe earth,andtheherbofthefield hadnotyetsprungup forthe LORDGodhadnotcauseditto rainupontheearth,and there was nomantotilltheground,

Gen2:6 Buttherewentup fromtheearthamistand wateredallthefaceofthe ground.

Gen2:7 ThentheLORDGod formedman of the dustofthe ground,andbreathedintohis nostrilsthebreathoflife;and manbecamealivingbeing.

Gen2:8 AndtheLORDGod plantedagardeneastwardin Eden;andthereHeputthe manwhomHehadformed.


Gen2:11 Thenameofthefirst isPishon,whichsurroundsall thelandofHavilah,where thereisgold.

Gen2:12 Andthegoldofthat landisgood.Thereisalso bdelliumandtheonyxstone.

Gen2:13 Andthenameofthe secondriverisGihon;itisthe onethatsurroundsthewhole landofCush.

Gen2:14 Andthenameofthe thirdriverisTigris,whichgoes towardtheeastofAssyria. Andthefourthriveristhe Euphrates.

Gen2:15 AndtheLORDGod tookthemanandputhiminto thegardenofEdentodressit andkeepit.

Gen2:16 AndtheLORDGod commandedtheman,saying, "Youmayfreelyeatofevery treeinthegarden,

Gen2:17 Butyoushallnoteat ofthetreeoftheknowledgeof goodandevil,forintheday thatyoueatofitindyingyou shallsurelydie."

Gen2:18 AndtheLORDGod said,"Itisnotgoodthatthe manshouldbealone.Iwill makeahelpercompatiblefor him."

Gen2:19 Andoutofthe groundtheLORDGodhad formedeveryanimalofthe fieldandeveryfowlofthe air andbroughtthemto Adamtoseewhathewould callthem.AndwhateverAdam calledeachlivingcreature, thatbecameitsname.

Gen2:20 AndAdamgave namestoallthelivestock,and tothebirdsoftheair,andto everyanimalofthefield,but therewasnotfoundahelper compatibleforAdam.

Gen2:21 AndtheLORDGod causedadeepsleeptofall overAdam,andheslept.And Hetookoneofhisribs,and afterwardcloseduptheflesh underneath.

Gen2:22 ThentheLORDGod madetherib(whichHehad takenoutoftheman)intoa woman,andHebroughtherto theman.

Gen2:23 AndAdamsaid, "Thisisnowboneofmybones andfleshofmyflesh.Sheshall becalledWomanbecauseshe wastakenoutofMan."

Gen2:24 Forthisreasonshall amanleavehisfatherandhis mother,andshallcleavetohis wife andtheyshallbecome oneflesh.

Gen2:25 Andtheywereboth naked,themanandhiswife, andtheywerenotashamed

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