You Can LiveThrough It
Galatians2:20Iamcrucifiedwith ChristneverthelessIlive:yetnotI, butChristlivethinmeandthelife whichInowliveinthefleshIliveby thefaithoftheSonofGodwholoved meandgavehimselfforme
Whateveryouarefacingorgoing through,Iamjustremindingus todaythatwecangetthroughwhat wearefacing.Godisnotonlywithus butheisinus.Weseemtoforget thatgreaterishethatiswithinus! BeingcrucifiedwithChristseparates ouroldlifefromthenewlife.Alife thatisnotbypowerandmightbut byfaithandHisSpirit.
Takingamomenttolookback watchingallthatGodhasbroughtme through,amazesme.
Itseemedsohardandnever-ending whenIwasinthemidstofthestorm. Attimesitfeltliketheshipwas sinking,butGodkeptmeaboveitall withHisSpirit,andbyfaith,Ilived.
Godcomfortyouinthedarkest seasonsasIwalkedthroughthe valley.Thereissomuchtolearn aboutthewordshadowfromthe scriptureinPsalms.
Psalm23:4YeathoughIwalk throughthevalleyofshadowof death,Iwillfearnoevil:forthouart withme;thyrodandthystaffthey comfortme.
Shadowisadarkareaorshape producedbyabodycomingbetween raysoflightandasurface.
Let’sstartwiththefirstpartofthe definition.Darkareasorshapes producedbythebody.Godworks fromtheinsideout.Removingallthe darkareassothathislightcanshine throughus.Thedarkspotsare producedbythebody.Howisthat youmayask?Unforgiveness,hate, anger,stressandworry, disobedience,sin,andmuchmore. Causesdarknessproducedbyour ownheartsandminds.
You Can LiveThrough It
Theseconddefinitionofshadowis thatitisareferencetoproximity, ominousoppressiveness,orsadness andgloom.
Walkingthroughthevalleycanfeel oppressive,sad,andgloomy. The seasontheIjustlivedthroughwas.I washomelessbutnothouseless.I justdidn’thaveaplacetocallmy own.
Ihadtomoveseventimeswithin sevenyears.ManyplacesIlived weren’tthebestlivingconditionsfor anyonetolive.ButIlivethroughit!
Iwasn’tbypowerormightbutby faithandtheHolySpirit,Imadeit through.HoldingontoGod’spromise keptmegoing.
Inthis,Ialsolearnedthatashadow isalsoprotection.Ashadowcan coveryou.Godsaid“Iamwithyou” Shadowalsomeanstofollowand observesomeonecloselyandor secretly.Godisthereevenwhenyou don’tseehimorfeelHimjustknow thatheisthere.
Watchingandhelpingusthrougha majortransformationinlifetaking uscompletelyfromdeathtolife. Shadowalsosymbolizesthe transitorinessofone’slifemeaning anindividuallifeisnearitsend(the shadowsofdeath).Thedeathofan oldlifetoliveintoanewlife.
Iencourageyoutoholdonandbe encouragedbecauseyoucanlive throughit!BecauseChristliveswe live.
Lastthing!Howdowegetthrough ourtrialsandtribulations?Amos5:4 ForthussaiththeLorduntothe houseofIsraelseekyemeandye shalllive.
WemustseektheLordandwewill live!
TheHeartof TheFather
“Jesus, Your name is power. It’ s breath and living water, and Your Spirit guides me to the heart of the Father” - Ryan Ellis
These lyrics are from a song titled “Heart of the Father.” The focus of this song is how God’s love is unparalleled and life-changing. I would go on to say, based on the Word, the heart of the Father is what unites us, despite our differences. The Holy Spirit is Who fuels our desire to live in unity, and a life pleasing to God.
As children of God, we all desire to please The Father. So, what does one do when they want to please someone? They must get to know the person they want to please, right? They must know the person’s likes and dislikes. They must know the person’s love language. They must know what drives them or pushes them away. The same rule applies to Father God.
We will never understand everything about God. But through His Word, we have access to everything we need to know to live a life that pleases Him.
Only through the Word can we gain insight on the heart of The Father, and through His Holy Spirit, become a woman or man after God’s own heart.
I’ve always been intrigued by the fact that God referred to David as “a man after My heart who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22). What was it about David that God perceived him this way? If you know the story of David, you know that he could be stubborn, prideful, and disobedient, yet God referred to him as “man after His own heart” .
What characteristics should one have to please the Father?
Since God referred to David as a man after His own heart, why not take some pointers from him? One characteristic that was evident in David’s life was his unapologetic faithfulness to God. What type of faith does it take to go into battle alone, as a child, to face a nine-foot giant with a slingshot and a rock? There was not one adult at that moment willing to do that.
Another characteristic that David had was his reverence for God, despite his mistakes, and times of despair. When David sinned, he took ownership and followed up with sincere repentance, honor, and faithfulness to God. One of my favorite chapters is Psalms 51 which includes David’s heartfelt prayer to God,
“Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! Against You, You only, I have sin.” (vs. 2 and 4).
Faithfulness is one of the primary characteristics of being a man or woman after God’s own heart.
One day after a special encounter with the Lord, I began to desire a deeper relationship with Him. I recall asking, “God, how can I be a woman after Your own heart?” His response was, “Go to My Word, there, you’ll find Me” opened my Bible to Genesis 1:1.
”All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.” (2nd Timothy 3:16) The Father’ s heart is revealed in the Holy Bible. It’s His love letter to us. Here are six key characteristics of the Father’s heart based on His Word.
1. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” Whoever has seen Me, has seen the Father.” (John 14:6,9). To know the heart of the Father, you must first know and acknowledge His Son Jesus. He is the first key to salvation and a personal relationship with the Father.
2. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6). God loves when we believe what He tells us, including the fact that He exist! Through our faith God and pursuit of God, He gets the glory, and we can see His plan for us come into fruition. (Jeremiah 29:11-13).
3. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30). God understands that living in this world is difficult, but He wants us to know that with Him it is easier.
This is why he sent His Son Jesus to not only be an example for us on earth, but as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Jesus stood in OUR place. On top of that, He didn’t leave us alone. We have the Holy Spirit/Helper to guide and live within those who believe and trust what He did on the cross was for us, because He loves us with an indescribable love.
4. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; That they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me. (John 17:22-23). The heart of Father God is perfect unity among believers through His Son Jesus Christ. Spiritually, He wants us to be of one body, one mind, and together, with one voice, glorify and worship Him. In doing so, we can point others to Christ. Unity is not something we can obtain on our own, it comes only by the power of the Holy Spirit.
5. “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child-this one is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes Me. “(Matthew 18:4-5). God loves children, and He love humbleness.
“6. “But the hour is coming, and is now here when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.” God knows the motives and intents of our heart so there is no fooling him. To please God, our worship to Him must be true and sincere. True worship stems from the Holy Spirit that lives within God’s children.
The heart of the Father is saturated within the pages of The Holy Bible. There, you can find one consistent theme. His love for humanity through His grace and mercy. All that he requires from us is to believe. Through the Word, our faith increases, and our hearts are transformed into women and men after God’s own heart. In turn, God gets the glory, and we are able to point others to Christ so they too can partake in the wonderful experience of a personal relationship with Him.
repent after knowing who Christ is. God created these through me in 2016 when this journey began. I’m Walking Fiercely In Faith was given to me by the lady in DC when she prophesied to me in my transition from DC back to Anderson. When I was struggling to let of the old life to step into the new life by faith. Next, we have Bits & Pieces which was birth out of me from the ministry podcast. I thank God for all that He has done, doing, and going to do.
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