Bits & Pieces August Issue

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BITS PIECES Chris Salley Running For SC State House 7

Praying Women Wins

Angela Hill Her journey to

becoming a journey changer for others.

MyraMeilleure Bits & Pieces © Copyright 2022

Photo by Marianna Lupina

Bits & Pieces Table of Contents Angela Hill……………………………… Page 4, 5, 6 Fashion With Myra Skelton DeSign .........Page 7

Praying Women Win……………………..Page 8,9 Walking With God……………………….Page 10

Chris Salley……………………………... Page 11 Questions & Answers…………………....Page 12,13 Bits & Pieces ……………………………Page 14 Resources………………………………..Page 15

Angela Hill’s Journey The journey for me started back when I was a high school student. I came from a family who was always used to being on government assistance just to provided the day-to-day necessities. No one in my family had ever graduated high school at that time. I was being

raised in a single-parent household, one mother on welfare, doing the best she could to take care of 5 children. I was always taught three values: 1) family is all you have when no one else is around, 2) always support your family and 3) trust God. I learned to use these three things at a very young age in my life.

After a long day of school, my siblings and I were walking home. It was a hot day and we were having a conversation about who was going to get the leftover chicken in the refrigerator. We had no idea that our lives would change when we got home. When we arrived at our house, there was a yellow eviction notice on the door. We were used to seeing the eviction notices, but we were not used to our mother not being there.

Being the oldest girl, I had been taught how to take care of the household. When my mom was not home at dinner time, I stepped in and prepared a meal for us. When it was time to go to bed, she was not there, so I made sure everyone got to bed. When we awoke the next morning, she was not there. We went to school as normal, came home and she was still not there. Days passed and we could no longer stay due to the eviction notice. Each of us packed up our clothes and some personal items and went our separate ways. Fortunately, a family member or friend was able to support one child per household. Over the next two years of my high school life, I was without a mother and didn’t know where she was. She eventually was MIA for several years. Although my family traditionally depended on the government for assistance, I refused to lean on the government. I had a dream of going to college and being a computer programmer. How was I going? At the moment, I did not know. Neither of my parents were in my life to be a guide. No one in my family had graduated high school, thus they could not tell me how. Teachers at school could not help me because I was afraid that if they found out about my mother, they would have me sent into DSS custody.


My junior and senior years of high school included teaching myself how to go to college, which colleges I could go to and how to apply to them. I received several acceptance letters, but then I discovered I had to pay the bill. My guidance counselor did tell me I needed to fill

out a financial aid form and apply for scholarships, but she didn't tell me how. So, I began to research how to find scholarships and submitted applications. By the grace of God, I was able to secure a full-ride scholarship to an out of State College. That college was Norfolk State University. After leaving Norfolk state, I returned to my hometown of Anderson, S.C. Years later when I started my own family, my 2 children wanted to go to college. I did

not have the funds to send them to college and I remembered that I taught myself scholarships. My sons received scholarship education from me and collectively were able to secure over $75,000 in awards. Their friends, children at church and other relatives wanted to find out how could they go to college on scholarships. I started teaching those students what I knew. I realized there was still a community problem. Families did not know how to use scholarships to make college affordable. In response, I launched Journey Changes Scholarship Solutions- a powerful resource to help students learn how to S.E.W. Not with the typical needle and thread but sew their way through this journey called life. Students

have different life goals. Those that want to go to college can learn to S.E.W. scholarships. Those who want to be entrepreneurs, can learn to S.E.W. their own business. Others who do not want to do either, can learn to S.E.W. the skills to become workplace ready. I specialize in empowering families to maximize the number of scholarship opportunities their students can have so they don't have to depend on student loans. All of the skills that I

learned as a high school student are incorporated into my coaching program. I have combined scholarship education with essential life skills, the abundance mindset, and spiritual principles.

Fashion Tip With Myra Sketon Design Fall is coming quick, and we’ve hardly put away the winter gear. Animal print is timeless and ever evolving. Lepord, Zebra, Snakeskin, Tiger and lets’s not forget cow print in black and brown. The tiger stripes are standing this year on the runway. Try and pair your strips and tag #myraskeltkon design.

Order one of Myra Skelton Design’s

crocodile print vest. Pair it with many colors and style it may ways. $49

Praying Women Win In the author’s earnest search for a deeper understanding of God through prayer, she had a profound spiritual experience. This was an experience that people could not understand and bitterly opposed, yet the Spirit guided and taught her in the face of opposition. In Praying Women Win, The author presents her testimonies and prayer through having a prayer life can change everything about you and your loved ones and anyone connected to you. How to pray is talking to God and allowing Him to talk to you by faith.

Your prayer life must be consistent to be effective. Are you ready to meet God ini\timately and personally through prayer? Are you willing to listen to His voice? Are you prepared to know Him by praying and seeking His face? The author’s prayer life was her comfort and

strength, ans she wants the same or your Christian life. She says, “My friends, if you are ready to begin a personal relationship with God through praying, God will surpass anyghing you ever dreamed possible. Pray on.” Patricia’s prayer fo the readers of this book are tht you 1. First accept Jesus as your personal Savior. 2. Read your Bible daily. 3. Find scriptures that relate to your situations. 4. Talk to God daily about everything ans your life will change

tremendously. 5. As God to fill your with His presence.

Praying Women Win Intro

For the first time I am sharing my remarkable store in print. In my earnest search for a deeper

Having a prayer life is

understanding of God

simply spending time with

through prayer, I had a

God and talking to Him

profound spiritual

about anything and

experience. An experiecne

Ways to contact

everything. When situations

that people could not

Patricia Clinkscales

arise, take them to God in

understand and bitterly

and purchas her book.

prayer and He will lead you

opposed, yet the Sprit

and guide you. He’s waiting

guided and taught me in the

on you to ask Him. He

face of opposition.


yearns for you to know Him through prayer. Praying Women Win is more than a personal story

of a young women who originated from Earl Homes

Amazon Link:

When Patricia was born.

Praying Women Win

I aslo share personal testimonies of experiences

in Anderson, SC. I was

Born on September 30,

that I endured as a new

blessed to overcome many

1960. My new life began

Christian. My goal is to get

struggles by having a

on March 7, 1990 when I

people to trust God

prayer life with God and the

was 29. On that day, I was

because He has all the

unfolding of scriptures that

born again and accepted

answers. Matthew 6:33 –

followed. My life has

Christ as my personal

But seek first his kingdom

touched the lives of

Savior. I have to relive my

and his rightousness, and

countless people who

old life to accept the life

all these things will be given

visited my home.

God had for me. This book

to you as well. “As you read

is especially for prayer

this book, remember 2

when you are going

Chronicles 7:14. My goal is

through certain situations

to get you to pray!

and circumstances in life.

Photo by Connor Vaughan

Walking In Victory What does victory mean? It is an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game , or other competition. The overcoming of an enemy or antagonist: achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties. I means to beat, triumph, win, overthrow, whip. Walking in victory is to put under your feet that thing that irratates you or something that we can’t seem to stop doing. (And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you Amen. Romans 16:20). Take small steps and overcome every obsticle and weight that easily besets us (Hebrew 12:1). Laying it down in prayer for strength not to pick it back up leaving it under you feet. And that is victory!

CHRIS SALLEY RUNNING FOR SC STATE HOUSE 7 Chris Salley was born and raised in the Upstate, Chris

was an active member of Shiloh Baptist Church and various school activities while growing up, ultimately graduating from Belton-

Honea Path High as

Since returning home to

In 2022 Chris decided to

Valedictorian in 2011. Chris

South Carolina in 2020,

run for State House in

earned a degree in Finance

he has remained busy

District 7. Chris's platform

and Economics (with a

rebuilding his family farm

focuses on creating a future

minor in Animal Studies)

with his furry pack (2

where we have a voice in

from New York University,

rescue dogs, 1 rescue cat,

Columbia when we haven't

before beginning his career

and 2 minipigs) while

in the past. From ensuring

in Investment Banking.

giving back to his

the dollars we send to

However, wanting to make

community; organizing

a more significant impact,

with the Young Democrats

Chris pivoted to working in

of South Carolina, the

fundraising and sales for nonprofits, social good startups, and technology companies across the


Sunrise Movement, and the Climate Reality Project to ensure the people in his community are heard.

Columbia are reinvested back here into our roads, better internet, and classrooms, to standing up against the erosion of hardwon rights; Chris will fight for us because he's one of us.

Questions and Answers

Viewer’s Question: Good morning! I was reading a scripture just now and it made my wheels turn. Matthew 6:7…Summed up, don’t pray repetitive useless prayers. So my question was how woud our prayers be considered useless or have no purpose if it’s truly something we feel in our hearts we need to pray about. I understand praying with purpose and making what you need/want plain, but isn’t our prayers still valid to God no matter what we’re praying about? For the person who’s newly spiritual or whatever the case. How do they know what to and not to pray to God about? Would their prayer automatically be pushed to the back of the line? Philippians 4:6 says take everything to God in prayer and you will get your strength renewed so I am just confused on why that’s saying take everything but then Matthew 6:7 says what it says. Answer: By John Davis Marshall His disciples heard Him pray and asked Jesus to teach them to pray, “It happened that while Jesus was praying in a certain place, when He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.” And He said to them, “When you pray, say: …” (Luke 11:1-2). Their request and His response indicate that prayer is to be a taught as well as a learned exercise and experience.

Questions and Answers

Therefore, we would be wise to listen and to honor His guidelines when He tells us to “… not use thoughtless repetition…” (Mathew 6:7). It was not so much as to what they were praying for, but how “using thoughtless repetition”. God critiques the one who prays (1 Peter 3:7, 12) as well as the prayers that are prayed (James 1:5-8). If the one who prays fails to meet God’s requirements, the prayers will not be answered. Also, if the prayers themselves fail to meet God’s requirements, those prayers will not be answered. How did most people learn to pray? Likely, they learned to pray by listening to others pray.

Unfortunately, when others prayed ineffective (thoughtless repetitious) prayers, those who heard them modeled their ineffective prayers. This rendered their prayers as being ineffective also. Scripture teaches us how to pray. Learn to pray scripture and pray scripturally. Within

scripture, locate prayers that were prayed by Holy Spirit-filled believers and/or prayers that were answered. Use them, not your heart, for to guide your prayers. When we reject God’s directives, our prayers become invalid. Therefore, we must learn how to pray and honor what we learn. Our heart is not the teacher of how to pray, but

rather scripture is the guidance for how we are to pray (2 Timothy 3:14-16).

MyraMeilleure Bits & Pieces We are excited to say happy birthday/anniversary to MyraMeileure. MyraMeillerue was created in 2016. When God spoke to me and said you are more than this. Looking for this more out of no where I began to build a website. Creating a store of highend clothing. In this process I learned to build websites and find resourses to make it happen. I set the date July 26 my mother’s birthday to launch my new business.

Shortly after the launch the clothing line that I was using was nolonger availible, searching for ways to fill the store I stumbled on to the markets that sell wholesale. And throw me to the flloor with a weight and said MyraMeilleure will be spiritual and worldwide. Hearing this and had no clue of how the spirit and clothing was going to go together I continued with my idea. Put clothing back online and later opening a clothing store to hardly sell anything. The only thing that kept happening was God move in that place through prayer and testimony……….(to be continued to the next issue



Life Coaching

Love Zone

Be You Image Solutions

Giveaway just for you.

Love Zone is a ministry

recognize the

Jump start back to

that gives great

increaseing need to be

school with a six-week

hospitality and love. A

seen without words. Our

coaching class on

no wall ministry, that

team have advised

finance, credit building,

meets the people where

corporation small

life skills and more.

they are through

businesses, and

Email me for the link to

outreach. They have

nonprofic organizations


ministered and

to solve challenges the

continues to do so by a

vision to the show the

conference call line.

true nature of the YOU.

Seven days a week at 7 AM someone is on the


line ready to pray. Bible


study is evey Tuesday at 7.Join the line

anytime 605-313-5109 Code 555953.

How to be a part of Bits & Pieces Magagzine Join MyraMeilleure Share your thoughts, love, and expertise by emailing . Include in your email name, number, where you are from and how farr you reach?

Dream Big Phillipians 4:13

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