Today’s Word
Thursday, July 7th 2022
Issue #10
John Davis Marshall
You Matter To God Cast your cares on him. Imagine having to tackle problem! With Whom would you desire to talk someone who has factual information or has mastered that problem. Sin is our most plaguing problem! Fortunately for us, Jesus has already conquered our sin problem and provides factual information to console our hearts. Jesus the Christ was tempted in all things just as we are, “For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things just as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Because He was tempted, He knows the power of sin. Because He knows the power of sin, He understands the predicament of the sinner. And because He understands the predicament of the sinner, He sympathizes with the sinner’s need for a priestly Savior. To sympathize is to be affected with the same feeling as another. Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses – He is affected by our feelings. Because He sympathizes with our weaknesses, He invites us to come to the throne (the very source) of grace with confidence, “Therefore let’s approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need” (Hebrews 4:16). Confidence is a term used to describe the right of a citizen to speak on any subject and be heard in a “town meeting.” It is a right reserved for citizens and that slaves did not have. In times of need, Jesus listens to help us. Nobody does it like Jesus does it!
Picture Caption by: Brett Sayles from Pexel stock
Myra Skelton
The Bands Are Broken Move, go, and take the land! Have God Said to you go and take the land don’t be dismayed for I am with you? But it’s like a rubber band of fear that snatches you back. Thoughts of what happened make you take two steps back. God is saying go but, you run into your cave because the walls are crashing in.
At our youngest, being babes in Christ, unlearned and lacking knowledge. Under wrong leadership, warfare, pressure of life, in the most vulnerable state. Eating bad food, (wrong messages) spirit starving because of it. You have tried every direction pulling and tugging this way, that While in meditation after a week of warfare I way and getting nothing or going nowhere. could feel myself retracting. But a small voice said, the bands are broken move forward. Be encourage today because you can break And it reminded me how elephants are the band if you just keep moving. Don’t trained to be tamed. think about the force of the past just keep Elephants at its youngest are trapped, lassoed and tied to stakes, and unsuitable animal freed. Pulled into tight, wooden “crush” enclosures, they are tamed to obedience by a method called “phaajaan” or breaking of the spirt. Trapped barely able to move for days or even weeks in the crush cage and deprived and starved until they accept chains or harnesses without a struggle.
moving because it will break. You are stronger and bigger in heart, mind and soul. The wisdom and knowledge that you have learned, it is time to put it into action and don’t look back. Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest. Joshua 1:9. The bands are broken!
He Cares for you.
The scoop of the day The latest updates
Authentic Me Launches July 7th
Juneteenth The latest updates
Myra Skelton
Myra Skelton
To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that complement each other. Page XX
Reading is easier, too, in the new Reading view. You can collapse parts of the document and focus on the text you want. Page 3 Page 1
A poem of what Juneteenth means to two college students. Page 4
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Today’s News
Issue #10
Christopher Skelton
FRIENDSHIPS The “Faith” of a thirteen-year-old on friendship! Relationships can be very complicated. When thinking about the word relationship people don’t usually think about friends. A true “friend” is one of your most powerful allies. IF you’ve picked the right friends is quite challenging. You might be wondering why there are quotation marks around the word “friends, well that is because people label the people that they hang around “friend”. A friend is someone who is there through the thick and thin, someone you can borrow faith from when you are down. In Ephesians six faith is considered a shield used to deflect the flaming arrows sent from Satan. Sometimes, you don’t have your shield in its defensive position, thus allowing Satan’s arrows to do incredible damage.
Your “friend” should notice this, so he/she will come with her/his shield and deflect the arrows while you re-equip…. …shield. Wow! Is God not good? Once I found out that He will send people like that …I had to stop and praise His name. You heard correctly; God will send those people. You can’t find them on your own; with prayer he will help you find these relationships and savor them. My final piece of advice is to make sure you have an impact on your friends. Your time together needs to have meaning. Ask yourself – do my friend see Christ in me? Also make sure you see Christ in your friends, if bad company, then why try to fit in with them?
Don’t change for them, make them change so that they have a stronger relationship with Jesus. Your shield of Faith should link together like a Roman testudo so that you can stand firm together in trust, faith, and love. The testudo or tortoise was a war tactic where soldiers would link their shields together. Some would hold theirs in front of them while other would hold their shield up forming a “shell”! The soldiers even would use this as a ramp to get over small walls or hills. And as they slowly move forward that they will protect each other, as we should. I cannot even imagine where I would be today if it were not for the handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. -Charles Swindoll
Dr. Damele Elliott-Hubbard
Budgeting Finances “Tell your money where to go or you’ll wonder where it went!” This is one of the truest statements I have ever heard about managing finances. So many of us have out of control credit card debt, nagging student loans, unexpected expenses that throw our budgets off course, and a shaky idea of what our monthly expenses are.
Picture Caption: To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that complement each other.
Myra Skelton
Budgeting will change the way you look at finances and is a smart way to tell your money where to go with authority and confidence. First Establish this: in order for this to work, you have to know what you bring in monthly and what your expenses are. Whether you use Excel, download a budgeting worksheet, or simply use a pen and a piece of paper.
What is Light?
Join me on a journey to financial freedom using the binder experience. I have YouTube videos below that will show you the binder system in action!
The latest updates to get you through the day
Light is a natural agent that stimulates sight and make things visible. It is daytime; brightness; illumination; spiritual enlightenment; exposure to the truth. Light is knowledge that takes us from glory to glory. This is why there is a light illustrated inside the brain. His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3
It is by the knowledge of him that the Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid Search the word because it is the lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. We truly have nothing to fear. Ask God to let there be light in the dark areas of your life, to shine the light on the thing that brings fear. And glow because of we know him. Page 2
To write to me about how your binder system is working or to ask a question or give a progress report on your journey to financial freedom, email me at: I’m so excited about this journey that we’re taking together.
Thursday, July 7, 2022
John Davis Marshall
Q&A The latest updates
Q If parents and grandparents are saved, will the other family members be saved by their grace? A We are saved by the grace of God, not the grace of our relatives. God saves individuals for their individual receptiveness to Him, not on the basis of their relative’s reception of Him (Acts 2:38; 47). “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Q: Please explain Philippians 2:12, which tells us to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” A: To “work out” or “work” is to bring to fruition that which is already inherently within. For example, the Scripture says, “tribulation works patience” Romans 5:3). Patience is the flower inside the bud of tribulation. The scripture also says that sin works death (Romans 7:13). Death is the resulting fruit of sin (Roman 7:13). The thing “worked,” though originally invisible, was already there, so that given full process if finally came into view. Salvation is bound up in our relationship with Christ, and our obedient lives are the process by which that salvation blossoms from bud to bright flower. God Further revealed, “for it is God who is at work in you” (Philippians 2:13). We can only “work out” what God “work in.” Because we realized that God is at work in us, we live our lives obediently to God “with fear and trembling” reverential respect (2 Corinthians 7:15; Ephesians 6:5)
Issue #10
Myra Skelton
Join the Today’s New Bring your news to us We would love to hear the word God is speaking to you in this hour. Join the news and tell us about your ministry, outreach, business, and more. Help us spread word in the way God has given it to you. Because each one, reach one to plant, water and help grow. To be a part email:
You are the gift that keeps giving.
Picture Caption: To make your document look professionally produced, Word provides header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that complement each other.
Authentic Me Table Talks with Apostle Treca Deshields Join us July 7th for the launching of Table Talk With Treca DeShields. Table Talks will give a new perspective to living life, spiritually, and naturally. Bringing a balance to our daily living.
She is the founder of The Love Zone Ministries and The Zone Service Inc. Apostle Treca DeShields loves serving her community by outreach, hospitality, and love.
Apostle Treca DeShields is spreading her wings. She is changing and touching lives one by one and group by group.
Join us as she shares from her book “Note To Self” is her daily devotional The Authentic Me, My Journey Journal of Validation where she will discuss the core of where we learned to be who we are. The table has been set so join us there.
She obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Family Development from Benedict College, Columbia, SC and Master of Social Work from the University of South Carolina
Join Apostle Treca Deshields live every Thursday at 7!
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Thursday, July 7, 2022
Today’s News
Issue #10
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC Article caption written by Myra Skelton
Juneteenth Means Opportunity The next generation art of expression through poem These two Benedict College students Tamia Norris and Elijah Kelly wrote this beautiful poem together, what Juneteenth means to them. It is the opportunity to show their greatness through the art of poetry. “We are the backbone and the forefront of this world”, this is a power and true statement. By the backs of our ancestors much was built, broken, and set free. And now to look, what was last…
Tamia Norris & Elijah Kelly
Black is not my negative, Black is the word they use to describe me, Black is the word they use to continue a stereotype. The word black is compared to the words ghetto and thug. And that word black is what they use to take from me and my community. But the word black is what I use to show my greatness. Being black is compared to being strong and powerful. We are rich with melanin and covered in culture the shine and glow that we have within us is glorious.
What does Juneteenth mean to you? - Myra Skelton
We flourish! The shade they throw is a crutch .. A crutch that holds them up.. from their own insecurities Kind of like a governmental Tyranny Where it is cruel and oppressive But being Black is being resilient and successful We’re the backbone and the forefront of this world, don’t ever forget Black is my positive Black is the unique word that I describe myself Black is the isolation to show who is discriminating stereotypical hesitations Black is beautiful And Black is me.
…is now first, the black is at the forefront leading and taking over each and every mountain one by one. Tamia and Elijah thank you for your uniqueness through words to inspire the next generation of leaders. Thank you to The Zone Service Inc. for giving Tamia Norris the opportunity to read the poem at the Anderson Upstate Juneteenth Event. Captions and be seen online on Independent Mail.
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