Buckhorn Fine Art Festival 2018

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Thank you to our community sponsors, funding partners, and local businesses.

Gerri’s Arts and Crafts Wagstaffe Family: Buckhorn Fine Art Award The Art Shoppe, Lakefield: Art Competition Michael Dumas

LEGACY SPONSOR See AD on backcover

Thank you to our host:

Lynn Woodcroft Sales Representative 705-768-5588

Named one of the Top 100 Festivals in Ontario for eleven consecutive years!

On the Cover

Detail of ‘Looking Out’ – eastern phoebe by Michael Dumas. Oil on Russian birch, 8.75” x 16.5” The setting for Looking Out is a working 19th Century flour mill at Upper Canada Village in Morrisburg Ontario. The mood created by light from a window falling on full sacks of flour and fading into darkness along the walls caught my interest. The full rounded forms of the sacks and how they contrasted with the angular shape of the open window became the main compositional elements. The addition of the eastern phoebe to introduce a bit of life as a focal point was a natural extension of having observed these bird’s preference for nesting in man-made structures.


Book Design and Production by Design One, Bobcaygeon.


Map of Festival Park 3 Festival Hours & General Info 4 Entertainment Schedule 4 Fine Art Award & Competition 5

Exhibiting Artists BFAF 2018 Team Leaders Advertisers

6 - 33 34 35 - 40

Hummingbird Eagle


To Parking Back Gate Trillium

Food & Beverage Pavillion


White Pine


Festival Park Pheasant


Seating Entertainment



To Family ARTivity Zone

Exhibitor Lounge

Front Gate Shuttle Bus Stop


Special Exhibit


Community Centre


Art Competition Display

? Booth Washrooms




Opening Night: Friday, August 17 from 7pm to 9:30pm Weekend Hours: Saturday August 18, 10 am to 5 pm Sunday August 19, 10 am to 5 pm Location: 1782 Lakehurst Road, Buckhorn At the Buckhorn Cultural Centre 30 minutes North of Peterborough, Ontario

• Wheelchairs are available upon request. • No pets are allowed. • Our security personnel will be checking purchase invoices on exit – please be sure to hang on to the white copy of your invoice. • We ask that art purchased from the Special Exhibit remain on display there until 5 pm on August 19. • Shuttle bus from and to parking. • ATM.


• Fill out your ballot and drop it into one of the ballot boxes to win great prizes. • No smoking in the buildings or tents please.

Contact us 705-657-1918 www.buckhornfineart.com

Festival Park Entertainment Schedule Opening Night Friday, August 17th 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm – Bridget Foley & The Pocket Kings 8:30 pm – Mystery Masterpiece Draw 9:00 pm – Draw for Michael Dumas Original Food & Refreshments throughout the evening Saturday, August 18th 10:00 am to 5:00 pm 12:00 pm to 3:30 pm – Brooke Avervill Sunday, August 19th 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

10:30 am to 1:00 pm – The History Buffs 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm – Musical Entertainment 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm – Art Competition Awards



A specially designated area is set aside within the Festival to exhibit the work of these young artists for the duration of the Festival. The objective is to encourage creativity and nurture budding interest and skills in the Visual Arts.


Sponsored by the Wagstaffe Family In keeping with the mandate of the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival to recognize and support contemporary artistic talent, one award of $500.00 is available annually: To be awarded to an adult (age 17 or older), pursuing an education in the visual arts at a recognized Canadian art institution, who demonstrates community involvement and is in need of nurturing support and recognition. For more details and the application form visit: www.buckhornfineart. com. One piece of the recipient’s work will be displayed in the Art Competition area of the Festival.


We welcome competition entries from individuals developing their art skills and/or experimenting in a new medium, individuals who identify themselves as hobby or professional artists, and teen artists (ages 13 to19). This year, the Art Competition entries are on display in the Multipurpose Room of the Community Centre. Visitors are invited to participate by casting a vote for the “People’s Choice Award”. Ballots are available in the Art Competition area and will be accepted until 3 pm on Sunday, August 19, 2018. The Art Competition is committed to: • Encouraging the development of creativity and skills in Visual Arts • The recognition and support of artistic talent • Providing opportunities for learning from being judged professionally

Presentation of the awards for the Art Competition will take place Sunday August 19, starting at 4:30 pm in the entertainment marquee in Festival Park. For past winners, more details and the Art Competition application form visit: www.buckhornfineart.com First Place Winners, 2017 Art Competition: Best of Show

Jesse Strong

Future Promise

Rehanna Othman

People’s Choice

Rehanna Othman


Rehanna Othman


Brynn White


Christine Galvin

Open: Oil

Marianne Melis-Verhoeff

Open: Watercolour

Barb Evett

Open: Acrylic

Judy Scopes

Open: Pastel/Charcoal; Pen & Ink; Pencil

Jesse Strong

Congratulations to all 2017 winners!


The Buckhorn Fine Art Festival and Art Competition organizing committee is grateful for the support of: The Art Shop 33 Queen Street Lakefield, Ontario www.theartshop1.com


Andrews, Keith

Brother, Acrylic 18 x 24 www.keithandrews.art

Anderson, Judith

Queen Bee - Encaustic 16 x 20



Asbil, Bruce

Puzzled? Woodturning Bowl 6x2 www.bwawoodturning.com

Beaudet, Denis

QuĂŠbec 1931 Oil 30 X 40 http://en.artscad.com/DenisBeaudet

Barber, Linda

Lily Meditations Acrylic, 20 x 16 www.lindabarberart.com


Berman, Laura The Three Graces Photography 16 x 24 www.laurabermanphotography.com

Blower, Stuart Rose Stone Carving www.stonedevilstudio.ca

Boisclair, Therese Moonlight Acrylic, 40 x 30 www.tboisclair.com 8

Burns, Chuck Above Lillooet Acrylic, 36 x 48 facebook.com/Chuck-Burns-Fine-Art

Bulas, Marlene Clouds Over Thunder Beach Acrylic, 20 x 20 www.sunninghillart.com

Brash, Roy Northern Ontario Acrylic, 36 x 48 www.roybrash.com


DiDomizio, Frank Wood Sculpture www.frankdidomizio.com

Cox, Cyril

Lynde Creek Acrylic, 30 x 30

De Viller, Yvonne End of Autumn Supermoon Glass, 21 x 15.5 www.yvonnedeviller.ca


Diamond, Paul Gray Vase, Woodturning 705-454-2095

Davidson, John Grey Light www.johndavidsonphotography.com

Ding, Tina Purple Tree Oil, 32 x 44 www.tinadart.ca 11

Dunn, Lori Hiding a Mystery Scratchboard, 18 x 24 www.loridunnart.com

Doherty, Robert Lady In Pines Oil, 16 x 20 www.robertdoherty.org 12

Dou, Guo Yue Girl with Two Dogs Oil, 18 x 36 www.douguoyueart.com

Ford Forrester, Stephanie Stones and Seaweed 2018 Textiles, 43 x 20 www.stephaniefordforrester.ca

Forbert, Ginny Into the Streets 2017 Photography 18 x 24 www.mynds-i.com

Fernandes, Henry Putting Down Roots 36 x 24 www.henryfernandes.com 13

Foyn, David End of Day, Acrylic, 30 x 30 www.davidfoynart.com

Goodman, Barry 14K Gold Pendant with Mother of Pearl 1.5 x 1 bgoodman4@aol.com

Franks, Rhonda Red Tailed Hawk Acrylic, 36 x 26 www.rhondafranks.com


Gill, George Canyon Set, Photography www.georgegillphotography.com

Gillis, Garfield Sculpture www.iggstone.com

Froude, Dave Clingy - Still Life Oil, 12 x 16 www.davidfroude.com 15

Kay, Clive Maple Syrup Time Acrylic, 28 x 32 african@clivekay-artist.com

James, Dwayne Canadian Mason Watercolour, 11 x 14 www.resteddy.com 16

Iva, Maria Pond Reflections, Oil, 18 x 24 www.mariaiva.com

Hasner, Rosemary Bare Bones Mixed Media Photography, 17 x 23 www.blackdogcreativearts.com

Keast, Bill Autumn Jewel, Acrylic, 24 x 32 www.paintingsbykeast.ca


Kooistra, Anja Fairy with Attitude Textile Clay Sculpture 30� www.rollinghillsstudio.ca

Lasenby, James Breaking Trail Acrylic, 11 x 14 jameslasenbyart@gmail.com

LePage, Eddie Rough Water, Acrylic, 12 x 20 www.eddielepage.net 18

Lennard, John End of the Lake Oil, 30 x 36 www.johnlennardart.com

Koo, Simon Man Reading Newspaper Oil, 39 x 29 www.simonkoo.ca


Lopatina, Olena Blooming Time in Lily Pond Oil, 18 x 36 www.art-3000.com/artist/?id=807

McCracken, Vicki A Mother’s Love Oil, 12 x 16 www.vickimccrackenart.com


Little, Brenda All in a Row, Acrylic, 8 x 14 www.brendalittlewcg.com

Lovat-Fraser, Heather A Lazy Day, Acrylic, 36 x 24 www.heather-lovat-fraser.pixels.com

Leung, Charles Arrival of Spring Watercolour on Rice Paper 12 x 16 cmleung.168@gmail.com

Loney, Steven Who, Stone Sculpture stevenloneycreations@hotmail.com


Morton, Chris Sunlight Tamarack - Tom’s Stomping Ground Oil, 20 x 1

McNeil, Kelly Golden Reteiver, Oil www.kellymcneil.net


McKay, Vicki Rapt-Golden Eagle, Photography, 20 x 45 www.e-scapesphotography.ca

Miller, Judi Hanging On Embroidery, 6 x 6 www.judimiller.ca Mitchell, Col Bud Hawk Acrylic, 16 x 12 www.colmitchell.com


Rheaume, Dave Love on the Gapstow Acrylic, 30 x 40 www.daverheaume.com

Rankin, Paul Acrylic www.facebook.com/paulrankinbirdart


O’Reilly, Laurie Just Breathe Encaustic, 25 x 17 www.laurieoreilly.ca

Pardy, Margaret Grizzly Eye Watercolour Ink on Scratchboard, 10x8 www.margaret-sarah-pardy.artistwebsites.com

Quirt, Wendy Cardinal in Cedar Acrylic, 5 x 3.5 www.wendyquirtstudios.ca

Pearce, Victoria Ode to Night Sky Aacrylic, 21 x 35 www.victoriapearce.ca 25

Ribatchok, Vladimir Em Winter 2, Oil www.vrstudio1.com


Sidler, Nan Wolfe Lake Watercolour, 11 x 21 www.sidlerart.com

Salzman, Heather Piano Vase 7 inches tall fused glass salzman@xplornet.com Schissel, Catherine Ocean Frolic, Acrylic 30 x 48 www.ceschisselart.ca

Sohn, Barbara Big Rideau Lake Acrylic www.barbsohnart.ca


Staples, Lorraine Extended Family Acrylic, 20 x 40 www.lorrainestaples.ca

Thivierge, Claude BlackBear Acrylic www.claudethivierge.com 28

Swift, Fran Summer Passage Watercolour, 18 x 24 www.orchiddesignstudio.com

TenEycke, Barb Tunnel Vision, Acrylic on Wood Panel with Resin 30 x 24

Talbot, Col Oh Canada SteelRust, 31 x 18 www.ironoakdesigns.ca 29

Whalen, Shawn Burnhams Dam - Oil on Canvas www.whalenfineart.ca

Vander Wier, Shiela Forever Beautiful Oil, 30 x 24 artistsheilavanderwier.weebly.com 30

Van Drie, A.J. Fall Moose Acrylic, 12 x 16

Trach, Brent Winter Sentinels Watercolour, 8 x 22 www.brenttrachart.com

Varga, Emil Keene Barn varga@3web.com 31

Wilson, Lloyd Oil www.lloydwilson.ca

Werlich, John Rocks, Trees & Water 2 Paper, 26 x 34 www.artfrompaper.com


Wilson, Randall Out on a Limb Acrylic, 30 x 40 www.randallwilsonart.com

New Regionalism Exhibit featuring various artists


Presenting the 2018 team Leaders

Allyson Allin Director

John Bannan Security

John Bannan Jr. Security

Shelley Bertram Security

Linda Black Preview Night

Marilyn Britt Art Competition

Roger Clark Set Up

Lea Dennis Volunteers Liaison

Ellen Dumas Youth Art Display ARTivity Zone

Gary Gauthier Volunteers Lounge

Doris Hillier Executive Chef

Gerri Jablonowski Accommodations

Peter Raymond Website

Image not available at time of printing

Michelle Lemme Assistant Director

Judy McWhirter Logistics & Setup

Diane Michell Show Office

Carol Milroy

Art Competition

Jamie Milroy Art Competition

Peggy Roberts Accounting

Bill Schregardus Logistics & Setup

Diane Skinner Volunteers Liaison

Judy Staszak Artist Lounge

Sue Swankie Design & Decor

Susan & Laura Wagstaffe Information Booth Co-ordinators


Jim Wagstaffe Set Up

Sally Yardley Past Director

Thank you to all of our Fabulous volunteers!


Friends of the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival Mary Barrow

Charles Hargraves

Gordon Peters

Cheryl Battistelli

George Hurst

Roger Tory Peterson

Gordon Bowker

Richard Hayman

Al Poolman

Ricky Bowker

Art Iddison

Ursala Reese

Paul Burdette

Ely Kish

Jack Reid

Brenda Carter

Norman Knott

Dorothy Renals

Andrea Childs

James Majury

Michael Robinson

Kay & Bob Creighton (Sr.)

Barbara Matthews

Doug Sadler

Ernie Cselko

Edwin Matthews

Terence M Shortt

Jean Feng

Giles Peltier

Jean Townsend

Saul Field

Nori Peter

Debi Fitzgerald

Klaas Verboom Clifford & Eleanor Whetung

Fondly remembered and sadly missed

Thank you to our Community Supporters

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The Art Shop is proud to introduce a new release by the late Edwin Matthews, co-founder of the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival. A limited edition giclee print on canvas of “Blowing from the West” is now available exclusively at The Art Shop in Lakefield. We are honored to showcase the remainder of Edwin’s collection which includes originals, artists’ proofs and limited edition prints. Invest in a “Piece” by the “Master” to celebrate the 38th Anniversary of his creation. “Let his legacy live on.” Receive a 20% discount on both art and framing with the mention of this ad.

Chris Hamblin • 33 Queen st., lakefield 705.652.1321 • www.theartshop1.com

Gallery • OriGinal artwOrk • limited editiOns • siGnature FraminG

Welcome Everyone to Beautiful Trent Lakes! For us, it isn’t all about scenery and art, it is an amazing life. After you enjoy the wonderful Buckhorn Fine Art Festival, we hope you have the opportunity to explore our gorgeous municipality…and be truly inspired to stay. www.trentlakes.ca


Sales Representative

Century 21 United Realty Inc. Brokerage 1917 Lakehurst Road Buckhorn, On K0L 1J0 Direct tel 705-313-6057 www.kimlettosells.ca 36

Pure and Simple Pleasure.

Westwind Inn, a full service 4 season

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ais abustling hamlet than 2 hours ofis and Buckhorn aless bustling hamlet less resort, haven ofnature. tranquility and isnature. Buckhorn Westwind Inn, a full service 4tranquility season lakeside Explore antique shops, winery, art gallerie a bustling hamlet lessExplore than 2antique hours from winery, Toronto. than 2 hours from Toronto. shops, art resort, is a haven of tranquilityisand nature. Buckhorn Explore antique shops, art of galleries. The cedar inn isThereminiscent aofRocky Mountain galleries. cedar innwinery, is reminiscent a Rocky Mountain is a bustling hamlet less than 2 hours from Toronto. inn is reminiscent of a Rocky Mountain Lodge. 31 log Lodge. 31 log cabin style Main Lodge with fireplace, Explore antique shops, winery, cabin art galleries. The cedar cabin style Main Lodge rooms with fire style Main Lodge rooms withrooms fireplace, balcony, balcony, antiques. Many with jet tubstwo. forjet two. The Chalet offers inn is reminiscent of a Rockyantiques. Mountain Lodge. 31 log Many with jet tubs for Thetubs Chalet offers 4 antiques. Many with for two. The honeymoon suites. main has33meeting meetingrooms rooms cabin style Main Lodge rooms with fireplace, balcony, 4honeymoon honeymoon suites.The The main lodge lodge has suites. The main lodge has retreats, weddings. WiFi. antiques. Many with jet tubs for for two.functions, The Chalet offers 4 forgroup functions, retreats, weddings. WiFi. Spectacular Spectacular forgroup group functions, retreats, weddings. Wi views. Free honeymoon suites. The mainpanoramic lodge hasviews. 3 meeting rooms panoramic Free on site sports. Ski, skate, snow show, onpanoramic site sports. Ski, skate, views. Free for group functions, retreats, weddings. WiFi. Spectacular bike, show, canoe, kayak,canoe, sail. Golf green, hot tub, pool, beach, trails. snow bike, onsail. site panoramic views. Free kayak, Golfsports. green, hotSki, skate, See ad reverse snow show, bike, canoe, pool, beach, trails. on site sports. Ski, skate, tub, (page 38) for more snow show, bike, canoe, kayak, sail. Golf green, hot details and a Meal Plan Pkgs www.westwindinn.net kayak, sail. Golf green, hot 1-800-387-8100 tub, pool, beach, trails. code.Only Pkgs Local: 705-657-8095 info@westwindinn.net coupon aAccommodation tub, pool, beach, trails. Region 8, Buckhorn, GPS: 44.33887 - 78.19128


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aM aA aO

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HappyAnniversary 41st Anniversary Anniversary Happy 41st Happy 41st Festival! ckhornBuckhorn Fine ArtFine FinFestival! e Art Art Festi val! Buckhorn

Happy 41st Anniversary Buckhorn Fine Art Festival!

The perfect place to make your event one to remember! www.BuckhornCommunityCentre.com 1782 Lakehurst Road In the outskirts of Buckhorn, Ontario GPS 44o33.190, -78o21.700 Fully Accessible • Free Parking 705-657-8833 37

Superb Lakeside Dining & Accommodations Natural, Peaceful & Relaxing Perfect for Weddings & Group Retreats Pure and Simple Pleasure... Westwind Inn, ajetfull service Fireplaces, tubs for two, 4 season lakeside resort, is a haven of tranquility and nature. Buckhorn pool, complimentary activities is a bustling hamlet less than 2 hours from Toronto. Ahhhmbiance! Explore antique shops, winery, art galleries. The cedar inn is reminiscent of a Rocky Mountain Lodge. 31 log 3 km East Of Buckhorn cabin style Main Lodge rooms with fireplace, balcony, antiques. Many with jet tubs for two. The Chalet offers 4 honeymoon suites. The main lodge has 3 meeting rooms for group functions, retreats, weddings. WiFi. Spectacular panoramic views. Free on site sports. Ski, skate, snow show,required. bike, canoe, Reservations Some restrictions kayak, Golf green, hot apply:sail. Quote “Buckhorn Art 2018” tub, pool, beach, trails.

$100 off a 2 night stay

See ad reverse (page 37) for more details. 1-800-387-8100 www.westwindinn.net Local: 705-657-8095 info@westwindinn.net Region 8, Buckhorn, GPS: 44.33887 - 78.19128

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We are very excited to have Lynn Woodcroft, Sales Representative, Royal LePAGE FRANK Real Estate join us as our 1st ever Legacy Sponsor!

The Buckhorn Fine Art Festival stands out as one of the best international festivals of its kind in Canada. Everyone involved with the creation of this highly successful event is passionate about the arts and art education, and has a strong commitment to continually enhancing the art experience for all who attend. Buckhorn Fine Art Festival is many things, including a memorable collection of world-class art, entertainment and incredible cuisine. With the help of over 200 dedicated volunteers, the Festival provides a venue for visitors from across Ontario, Quebec, the north-eastern United States and some parts of the United Kingdom to participate in a world renowned experience at a very reasonable cost. This multi-day event brings hundreds of new visitors to the village of Buckhorn and surrounding communities every year. The Buckhorn Fine Art Festival is the major fundraiser for the Buckhorn Community Centre: an independently-owned, not-for-profit, charitable organization and the hub of cultural and recreational programs for families living and vacationing in the Peterborough County area. Lynn’s sponsorship of the 41st Fine Art Festival will provide positive exposure for the development of artistic endeavours and help to support the Buckhorn Community Centre which provides many programs and services within our communities and the Kawartha Lakes region. The generous support of Lynn Woodcroft makes it possible for the Buckhorn Community Centre to exist and to assist in making the community a great place to live. Lynn, please accept our sincere thanks for your support.


Lynn Woodcroft Sales Representative www.lynnwoodcroft.com 705-768-5588

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