40th Anniversary Celebration

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40th Anniversary Celebration June 12, 2010 at Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes

40 YEARS 1970-2010

Everyone Welcome Fun event for the whole family, Live stage, Early years, child and youth zones, food, clowns, Bouncy castle, Climbing wall, Sonflower the Clown, community mascots, and much more! www.bgckl.com Advertising supplement to The Lindsay Post


Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes is a non-profit organization that strives to ensure that children and youth have no barriers to programs including fees and transportation to service.

Schedule for 40th Anniversary Celebration Events for everyone all day! HIGHLIGHTS 2pm - 9pm Early Years, Child & Youth Zones

including: Games & activities, Ball hockey/Basketball tournaments, Face painting, Bouncy castle, Climbing wall, Sonflower the Clown, community mascots, and much more! Plus - BBQ, Past-Present-Future display, Facility Tours & Alumni Events MAIN STAGE 2 pm OPENING CEREMONIES 2:05 pm Terri & Rick 3 pm Odyssey Project 4 pm GLOSS 4:30 pm Kylie McCullough 5 pm IDOL COMPETITION 6 pm Matthew Rivera 6:20 pm IDOL COMPETITION AWARDS 6:30 pm 40TH Anniversary Celebration! “Donor & Volunteer Recognition” 7 pm BEATLES FOUR 9 pm Event Concludes Thank you for all the community support! To provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary is a publication of

Core Values


Inclusion & Opportunity Respect & Belonging Empowerment Collaboration Speaking Out

ANGELA MONSMA, retail sales supervisor


JASON BAIN, managing editor BARB WEIGHTMAN, reader sales and marketing director JENNIFER SPEERS, design and layout 17 William Street South, Lindsay, ON L9V 3A3


Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary


History In the mid 1960’s, our founder, Ron Kennedy began serving a critical need in Lindsay – child and youth recreation. Ron’s group of boys and girls never received much notice until the Queen St. United Church congregation came to church and discovered 80 windows had been broken. At a hastily called meeting, Ron quietly remarked it was probably “his kids” who were responsible. Instead of turning their backs on Ron and the kids, programs were quickly developed for the Queen St. Annex, St. Mary’s Church, Cambridge St. Church and eventually the 3rd floor of the Russell St. Arena. Ron was pulled bodily up those stairs, which had an incline steeper than Mount Everest. In 1969, Ron inspired a group of concerned citizens to create Kawartha Youth Incorporated (KYI). A building was purchased at the corner of Cambridge and Wellington Streets and a legacy of serving all young people, particularly those with special burdens to carry, was born. Since that time, thousands of volunteers and staff people have banded together to continue the mission of making a difference in the lives of children. The Club has been a home away from home for local kids both as KYI and later as the Boys and Girls Club. Since it’s beginnings under Ron Kennedy’s direction, the Club has grown into a diverse organization helping over 4,000 children and youth throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes. Hundreds of kids benefit

daily from sports, counselling, childcare, cultural, restorative justice, infant development and other types of programs. Significantly though, a commitment to help every child with their special burdens burns brightly in every volunteer and staff person working here.

Ron Kennedy with children from the club.

Club Alumni are invited to our 40th Anniversary We are looking for you! Do you have contact with other alumni? We want to connect. Please send us a message on the Alumni section of our website, www.bgckl.com.


Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

Time Line 1970 - Incorporated as Kawartha Youth Inc. When the organization originally incorporated in 1970 as Kawartha Youth Incorporated it operated in church basements, community centres, vacant retail space and in the homes of concerned community volunteers. Summer camps, sports, crafts and a latchkey lunch program provided fun, low-cost services to many children. 1974 – Purchased and renovated a building at 38 Cambridge St. N. to house agency programs In 1974, a decision was made to centralize services in one building in Lindsay; this led the Board to purchase an empty factory and renovate it into a community centre for youth. In 1980, a fundraising campaign was held, and $60,000 was raised locally to retire the mortgage. 1980 – Retired the mortgage on the Cambridge St. facility 1988 – Changed name to Lindsay Boys and Girls Club to reflect regional and national affiliations In 1988, the name changed from Kawartha Youth Incorporated to Lindsay Boys and Girls Club to reflect the new affiliation with Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada. As demand for services in smaller communities grew, the Club began programming in Fenelon Falls in 1990, then Bobcaygeon and Dunsford and finally in Coboconk, Woodville and Little Britain. As the City of Kawartha Lakes continues to grow, the Club is ready to meet growing demands for its programs as it continually assesses local child and youth needs.

gifted a 68,000 square foot facility on 8 acres of land so that a new home could be created for its members. The Alloway Corporation who made the generous donation owned the facility at 107 Lindsay Street South. The Building Potential fundraising campaign was conducted raising over $650,000 for renovations to the donated building. The last Club member exited the Cambridge street facility on June 23, 2000 and programs opened at the newly renovated facility on July 3. The old building housed many great memories but members and staff relished the thought of creating new ones in the Club’s wonderful new home. The first summer saw program registrations rise over 50% and registrations were up another 50% the following year. 1998 – Club ranks in top 10% for program effectiveness and affordability in Fraser Institute study 2000 – Moved into new facility at 107 Lindsay St. S. - Prime Minister Jean Chrétien presides over official facility opening Foundation Endowment Fund formed with Dorothy Tewkesbury donation

1986- Latch key lunch program serves over 25 area youth 1990 – Began outreach services to communities outside Lindsay 1991 – Lindsay Boys and Girls Club Foundation formed and incorporated 1997 – Alloway Corporation gift of the Deyell Building and 8 acres of land In 1997, the Club was


Mayor Ric McGee & members of Council City of Kawartha Lakes


Congratulations on 40 years of service to youth and their families in our community.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary


Time Line - Founding Member of the Parks and Recreation Ontario High Five Quality Assurance Program

centre for an outdoor youth area

2001 – Opened Mile High Adventures, an adventure programming and rock climbing facility supported by three levels of government

2010 - Funding from Lindsay Legacy C.H.E.S.T. Fund for new play area, outdoor paved area for youth resource centre and fencing at front of building

2002 – Name change to Boys and Girls Club of Kawartha Lakes to reflect the Club’s geographical service area

2010 - Funding approved from Trillium to develop a community green space plan for the Club’s green space

Opened Mile High Adventures 2003 – Program use increase reaches nearly 100% since move to Lindsay Street facility Selected by Parks and Recreation Ontario to be one of 5 sites in Ontario to be accredited in High Five 2005 - Opened new Indoor Skate park for children and youth 2006 - Opened new Child Care centre at Lindsay site Kids in Motion 2007 - Implemented City wide youth needs assessment 2008 - Opened New child Care Centre at St. Mary’s Catholic School Creative Kids 2008 - Youth Justice Committee program began PAST LOGO

2008 - Opened new Youth Resource Centre at Lindsay Club site & created new mini gym 2009 - Relocated Childcare play area to make room at youth resource





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The Lindsay Lions Club are proud supporters of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes.

Congratulations on your 40th Anniversary.

Rick Johnson, MPP


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Happy Anniversary!



Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

Mile High Adventures opens in 2002 Club’s Mile High Adventures won Grand Prize in Innovation Awards 2002, the City of Kawartha Lakes Community Futures Development Corporation awarded Mile High Adventures a 2002 Innovation Award Grand Prize. The Innovation Awards recognized businesses whose product or service responds to a local need in an innovative way. Mile High Adventures, a Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes

program, provides high quality adventure programming to selected target groups in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Activities include a combination of indoor rock climbing and high/low ropes activities that promote fitness, self-esteem, teamwork and leadership building for participants. The primary target group for the programming is “at risk youth� who often cannot afford to pay for the services.

The Lindsay Site Centrally located, with easy access, abundant parking, five acres of green space along with 30,000 sq feet of programming space, the facility has offered a great many new opportunities to make our programs the best they have ever been. This fact has been clearly reflected in the greatly increased numbers participating on a daily basis. The average number of children attending before school, after school drop-in and evening programs on a daily basis has grown to an average of over two hundred fifty. Over the summer months the average daily attendance was two hundred and fifty children in the four day camps run out of the facility. The gymnasium is used for a variety of sports and social programs including basketball, ball hockey, volleyball and badminton. Monthly dances attract over three hundred participants. The facility has also enhanced our special events. Each December we have a Christmas Party for our members and their families. In the gym we provide a full turkey dinner with all the fixings for three hundred. We also program some festive family activities and a visit from Santa himself. In October, our annual Halloween Haunted House attracts over four hundred participants. In the summer, our Family Night for day-campers and their families makes use of the building and the

grounds. The ability to use the green space for outside activities, including the ever popular Dunk Tank, makes this event a highlight of the summer. The Club has become a community hub; other organizations utilize the facility for their programs. The former Deyell building has become a vibrant bustling centre where local children are reaching their potential.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

Key Facts

Specialized Services • Infant and Child Development – In home program for special needs children 0-5 years • Reach Youth Support Program – Individual and Group Counselling for children struggling to cope with stressful situations • Youth Justice Committee program – All youth diverted by the Crown and local police take part in restorative justice provided by the Club • Adventure Quest – A Program operated in partnership with Chimo Youth and Family Services that provides support to youth in danger of school expulsion • Recognised as the operator of choice for Before and After School Programs in the City • Diverse variety of related services designed to lead children and youth to life success • Parks and Recreation HIGH FIVE Quality Assurance Program accredited organization – one of only 13 organizations in Ontario

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Support Services • No child is turned away due to lack of financial means • Youth Resource Centre supports youth to stay in school, develop leadership, mentoring, employment, health and wellness and life skills, engage in community support and offer scholarships to assist with post secondary education • Our Foundation provides $80,000 - $100,000 of funding to ensure quality programs and subsidies for families who are struggling financially • We provide 900 coats to local residents annually through Coats For Kids • Reduce barriers by providing over 35,000 rides to programs each year for local kids • Reach 600 – 700 children each year through the Telephone Santa Program • Provide over 45,000 meals or snacks to children/youth each year • Annual scholarships available for Club members

Proud to support The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes.


Scope • More kids have fun at the Clubs than anywhere else in the City • 4200+ kids 0 – 19 years old impacted annually • 250 local children and youth are involved in Club programs daily Club operations inject over $1.9M into the local economy • The Club employs over 120 individuals from the area annually • Extensive partnerships with many other youth serving and community organizations involved in children’s mental health, child care, youth leadership, poverty reduction, sports and recreation and other key community issues. • Member in good standing with Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada, a network of 104 organizations nationally. Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes is amoung the top 15 largest Boys and Girls Clubs in Canada along with Clubs from Scarborough, Victoria, Oshawa, London and others.



Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

Boys &Send Girls aClubs of Kawartha Kid to Camp Lakes Foundation “It is the mission of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes Foundation to support @kd[ '(j^ the aims of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 7dd_l[hiWho by acquiring the necessary financial resources 9[b[XhWj_ed to meet the local youth service needs.” A[bb_ C_jY^[bb 9Wcf <kdZ

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Annual Appeals: “Kelli Mitchell Camp Fund” Spring mailing to donor base to provide subsidized summer camp experiences to local children and youth whose families can’t afford to pay for services. “In From the Cold” Christmas Appeal, fall mailing to donor base that pays for free memberships for local children and youth whose families can’t afford to pay for services.

Future Plans: The Foundation’s Strategic Plan is focused on continuing to build on existing activities with a greater emphasis on Planned Giving and Major Donor initiatives. The current economic trends indicate that more families will be requiring support so their children can grow up healthy and successful. The Foundation plans to be at the forefront in the local fundraising landscape so that more children can benefit from the Club’s world class programs.

The Foundation donor base has over 1800 donors. Special Events: • Jeff Beukeboom Charity Golf Tournament • Evening of Champions – gala evening featuring a three course meal, sanctioned boxing and a guest speaker. • Third party events - vary from year to year, groups and organizations run events to benefit the club. • Charity BBQs held at various venues. • Kelli Mitchell Lob Ball Tournament – Annual fundraiser to support the Kelli Mitchell Camp Fund

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Gaming: Bingos held at Bingo/Bingo. The Foundation also runs a Nevada ticket outlet at the Mac’s Milk store on Lindsay Street South in Lindsay. Capital Campaigns: done as needed for building or equipment upgrades. Planned Giving: The Foundation receives estate and memorial gifts. These are directed according to donor preference. Possible directions include capital projects, Investment Fund, equipment purchases and costs for specific programs and services.

Annual Pledge: The Foundation provides an annual pledge to the Club using the proceeds of our various fundraising activities. The pledge for the 2010 – 2011 fiscal year is $120,000. These funds enable the Club to offer affordable programs for local children, youth and their families and to subsidize those families who face financial challenges.

Congratulations! We are proud of your accomplishments and contribution to keeping our community a safe place to live, work and play. 64198627

Investment Fund: The Foundation oversees an investment fund that is designed to ensure the long term viability of the Club. The annual interest from this restricted fund can be used for operating or capital costs or can be reinvested.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary


Volunteerism Chris Osborne - Volunteer of the year 2009!

Boys and Girls Club past member, current alumni & volunteer, graduate from Sir Sanford Fleming College as a Computer Engineering Technologist , School board I.T Specialist , owner of Enrobso I.T. Consulting Services. Chris began attending the Boys and Girls Club as a Club member when he was 10 years old. As part of his placement at Fleming College, Chris and another team member came to the Club to review and update the network computer system and the computer lab for Club members. Chris continues to volunteer at the Club and still dedicates many hours behind the scenes to maintain IT system. Chris was selected as volunteer of the year for his countless hours of support, professionalism, and impact to chilCELEBRATING 12 YEARS IN BUSINESS

dren and youth. Chris’ volunteer time saves the agency thousands of dollars annually. This allows the Club to be able to use dollars from the Boys and Girls Club Foundation, and partners to support Club programs and services. When asked why he volunteers Chris quoted “I am very proud to be a volunteer for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes and believe my volunteer time helps give back to the community I grew up in and make it a better place for families. I hope that my time volunteering at the Club will assist families who unfortunately do not have the opportunity to provide computer technology for their child(ren) and/or youth at home. The rewards of volunteering for the Club are many and I thank them for continuing to give me this opportunity.”

“Across Canada Boys and Girls Clubs engage children and youth in their communities and the global community. 15,000 children and youth gain access to technology learning weekly” BGCC

Summer Camps

Acrobatics, Hip Hop, Tap, Ballet, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Contemporary & all Boys Hip Hop, Cheerleading, Adult Classes & More! 7cWp_d] C_j[i )$+#,ohi


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ur Book yo Don’t get stuck at home on the Birthday computer. Spend your summer doing outdoor activities and DANCE! Party!!

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Lots of fun!!!


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Manager Amanda Whitney and back for 2010-11 season Natalie DiMichele

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Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

Current Programs


Evolution Youth Centre February 28, 2008, marked an historic day for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes as it was the day the new Youth Centre was formally unveiled to the public and youth of the City of Kawartha Lakes. Its creation was based on a vision that followed the Club from our previous location at Cambridge St. to the new facility on Lindsay St. S. Early on, community partners from all over the Kawartha Lakes were brought together to discuss the feasibility of such a project, and what its purpose should be with regards to servicing youth in the City. Eventually, through the help of our strong community partner organizations, and funding support provided by the Lindsay Legacy Chest Fund, Rotary, and the Ontario Trillium Foundation thousands of youth were surveyed, and in short order the doors were opened to a new

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facility that provides programs, services, resources, and most importantly a place for youth to call their own. The ‘Evolution Youth Centre’ boasts two flat screen tvs, satellite television, surround sound, leather couches, computer and internet access, Playstation 3 and games, numerous games tables, indoor skate park, full gymnasium, and is the home of the Kawartha Lakes Youth Council who provide a voice for youth in the City. Memberships are available to all youtha ged 15 to 19 at a cost of $20 per year. Our over 100 members use the Centre as a place to hang out, play video games, air hockey, basketball, and spend time with friends. Also, thanks to the support of the Government of Ontario, members have the opportunity to participate in any number of afterschool programs and Clubs such as Auto Club, Gardening Club, Cooking Club and Fit Club, at no extra charge.

Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary


From the kids…. Zach participates in the Club’s After School program. He likes using the computers at the Club because he does not have one at home.

Thank you - By Nicholas V Thanks for making the Club so cool It’s a hundred times better than school

Michaela said her favorite thing about the Club is EVERYTHING. Sheldon participates in After School, Drop in, Summer Camp and the Dinner program. He loves the meals he gets at the Club. Willy was a member of the Leaders In Training program. Prior to this he was also a long time member of the Club. He said he enjoys the entire atmosphere of the Club because it is fun. His favorite thing about the Club is the staff.

I can paint, surf the net, and make airplanes Or I can go to the gym and play lots of games The Club has so much from Nintendo to baseballs There’s even a place for climbing walls! If it wasn’t for the Club, I’d have no place to go There’s my friends, and staff and the volunteers too I like that the Club has so many people I know. If it wasn’t for you, what would we do? We’d have no gym, no hub, no craft-room too And we’d miss the ballpit, even if sometimes it’s a zoo For caring and making the Club cool Thanks, you rule!

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Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes 40th Anniversary

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