Priority Equipment List 2020 -2021
Without the generosity of donors like you, our hospital is just a building.
Please consider making a gift towards our equipment needs.
BGH Foundation Office
Hospital equipment continues to advance at a rapid pace, new technologies make it easier to diagnose and treat a range of diseases and disorders here at BGH. This is why the Belleville General Hospital Foundation raises money to fund the purchase of vital medical equipment; to provide better healthcare outcomes for your family, friends and loved ones. Government funding pays for the operation of Belleville General Hospital, but not the vital equipment needed to care for our patients.
613 969 7400 ext. 2061
How was this equipment created?
(A Q&A with BGH Foundation Executive Director Steven Cook)
How does the hospital determine its new equipment priorities? An equipment replacement and purchasing plan is an important part of every hospital’s budgeting and planning process. Old and outdated equipment that must be replaced, along with the latest tools for state of the art patient care, are identified through a rigorous process which commences each fall. Each department creates an initial list of items and goes through a costing and prioritization process with Senior Leadership at Quinte Health Care. The value of this process is that we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the real equipment needs from professionals treating patients in each department on an annual basis.
What is involved in the review process? The entire list - which always numbers many items across each department, and costs millions of dollars – is carefully reviewed and ranked. Ranking takes into consideration how urgently the equipment is needed; the number of patients that it will benefit; the impact a piece of equipment will have on new or expanded services or programs; how it might affect wait times; and the role it may play in helping the hospital attract and retain top healthcare professionals… to name just a few criteria. The ranking process is often lively and impassioned, because the best possible patient care lies at the heart of these discussions. Once the equipment pieces have been identified, the Foundation Board agrees on the amount that will be sought from the donor community over the next financial year.
Who is involved in the review process? Stakeholders that provide input include departmental staff, physicians and managers in addition to the Senior Leadership Team, myself as Foundation Executive Director, Finance, Redevelopment, Information Technology and Infection Control HOD’s. These meetings involve representatives from other Quinte Health Care sites, and also look at the wider requirements of multi-year, capital intensive projects and service expansions such as ICU redevelopments, fracture clinic expansion projects, etc.
What criteria are used to determine the highest priority needs? The review process considers the need to support new or expanded services, changes in standards of care or practice, age and condition of the current equipment, efficiencies and safety considerations such as infection control issues.
What happens once the highest priority needs are finalized? Equipment purchases for the hospital are almost entirely funded by the generosity of public donations, not by the government. The Belleville General Hospital Foundation takes the approved priority equipment list and works hard with the community throughout the year, to ensure that the highest priority equipment is funded. This ensures that the hospital can continue to offer the best care locally.
Why we need
you “
2020 has been a year like no other. It has also been a year that has witnessed the Belleville General Hospital Heath Care team pull together like no other. The need for having the best equipment at our hospital has never been greater. As you know, the government does not buy medical equipment, donors do. As clinicians, we count on our Foundation and the donations they secure to provide the tools we need to extend exceptional patient care. Each year the BGHF team looks to the community for your generosity and support. I hope you will consider giving a gift to support the valuable work of our healthcare teams, working above and beyond to keep our loved ones healthy and safe. Dr. Colin MacPherson Quinte Health Care Chief of Staff
inspires you?
Your generous gift can be applied to any of the following pieces of equipment, or you may choose to purchase a piece outright.
$144,669 $50,741 DEPARTMENT: EMERGENCY
Ultrasound Machine
Creates images of organs inside the body to be further examined. Unlike with an X-ray or CT Scan, this test does not use ionizing radiation.
Faxitron Core Specimen Radiography System Located in the mammography room. Provides high resolution imaging for biopsy verification. Decreases radiation to the patient and also decreases procedure time, enabling more patients to be seen.
Vital Signs Machines
Cautery Machine The machine creates a high frequency, alternating current, that’s used for cutting and coagulation during endoscopy surgery.
Measures the basic medical indicators of health, which are important during surgery and medical procedures.
Hypo/Hyperthermic Unit Essential for the treatment of sudden cardiac events. Helps to regulate the patient’s body temperature as a life saving device, particularly after drowning incidents.
ECG Machine
An Electrocardiogram is a simple test that can be used to check your heart’s rhythm and electrical activity.
Milk Warmer Required to heat refrigerated or frozen expressed breast milk for babies and infants.
Patient Information Centre monitoring system The heart of our patient monitoring system across areas of the hospital. This facilitates visibility into a patient’s condition, assisting caregivers with information about potential deterioration and patient complications etc.
$25,062 $63,661 DEPARTMENT: ICU
Ultrasound Unit
Allows physicians in a critical care unit to obtain immediate clinical information, which helps to decrease patient complications and save lives where internal trauma exists.
ECT Machine Delivers effective treatment for depression and mental disorders, in the form of electroconvulsive therapy.
$13,393 2 DEVICES $26,789 TOTAL
Flexible Ureteroscopes Helps to deliver high resolution images to doctors exploring diseases and conditions of the urethra, bladder and renal area.
X-ray Machine & Supporting Equipment A common but essential machine used to detect issues with bones and soft tissue for patients following a break or fracture, etc.
Ventilator Lifesaving machinery that provides mechanical ventilation, by moving breathable air into the lungs of a patient.
292 DEVICES $716,128 TOTAL
Infusion Pumps
Crash Cart Defibrillators
Wall Mounted Vital Signs Machines
Designed to be lightweight and portable, allowing our hospital medical professionals to respond to cardiac emergencies.
Essential in the monitoring and gathering of a patients vital signs information, including, blood pressure, pulse, oxygen, etc.
A medical device that delivers fluids, nutrients and medication into a patient’s body in controlled amounts. Essential to patient care in many hospital units.
When your health or the health of someone you love is at risk, fast, accurate diagnosis and treatment can make all the difference.
To give the patients we serve – your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues – the best care possible, our team here at Belleville General Hospital (BGH) requires the right tools.
But the only way we can purchase this life-saving medical equipment is with your support. Simply put, discovering hidden diseases and conditions like cancer, stroke, cardiac disease or kidney failure at an early stage makes them much easier to successfully treat. Advancing technology is vital to my team’s ability to clearly and precisely diagnose a range of medical conditions and adjust treatment accordingly. The government does not provide funding for new hospital equipment. BGH relies on the support of caring community members like you to bring upgraded technology like modern new SPECT-CT machines to our region. If we don’t want service interruptions, increased wait times and costly repairs to become the norm, we need to act now. The health of you or your loved ones can change in an instant, which is why I hope the hospital can count on your support. Sincerely, Dr. René Barette Nuclear Medicine Specialist Quinte Health Care
Please take a moment to invest in the health care we all depend on, by making a gift today. 265 Dundas St. EAST, Belleville, ON K8N 5A9 613 969 7400 x2061 | Visit us at