Final Research Paper 1 Brooke Helgerson ARCH 4432; TA: Tom Christian December 16, 2009
Movie Theaters of the 1920’s: Creating Social Change through Advertising Entertainment The first impression on entering the Roxy is that of agreeable surprise. You are prepared for the unusual. Your expectation is more than realized. Your eyes encounter so much that is out of the ordinary that you find it difficult to center your thoughts on any one feature. The size of the stage and proscenium arch amaze you. No other structure in the world equals their proportions. From this point the theater radiates out fanlike, with a tremendous sweep of balcony at the widest point and a shimmering bronze dome overhead. It is vast. It is amazing in its sheer beauty of design and decoration. A symphony in color. A harmonious blending of luxurious draperies clothing an architectural masterpiece… When you enter its portals you step magically from the drab world of confusion and cares into a fairy palace whose presiding genius entertains you royally with all the fine allurements that art, science and music can offer. That is the spirit of this Cathedral of the Motion Picture. –Ben Hall, The Best Remaining Seats The picture palace, or ‘Cathedral of the Motion Picture,’ was a new type of movie theater that came to represent moviegoing in the 1920’s. Palaces popped up all over the country, offering each audience a similar experience to the one described above. The palaces represented the extravagance of their times. Their presence confirmed that a new age in moviegoing, where movies were not only respected but celebrated by millions, had arrived. These theaters played an integral role in elevating movies to this respectable status. Without them, the movies may have never made it past the opposition that plagued them in their early years. The picture palaces thus offer a unique viewpoint from which to view American culture in the 1920’s. In addition to reflecting the variety of cultural, technological and economical changes of the 1920, picture palaces also changed the ways that society viewed and responded to movies. Through their architecture, these theaters transformed the motion picture from a low-class only entertainment into a respectable, enduring amusement for all classes.
I would like to begin by saying thank you to everyone who helped me with this paper. My peer review group, TA Tom Christian, and Professor Dr. Rachel Iannacone have given me invaluable advice that has led me to this final product. I appreciate their insight, which has opened me up to new, exciting ideas about the movie theater and its relationship to society.