In these photos you can see the bloody battles going on between the two sides of the US.
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-Flags -The Union (the North) -The Confederates (the South) -Slavery
ISSUE #22 [1]
Both Sides: What was the North fighting for and what was the South fighting for? And what were their nicknames?
The stars and stripes was always the symbol for the United States (Union) flag but the amount of stars changed over time due to the increase of states.
WHAT WAS THE CIVIL WAR? The Civil War was a four year, bloody battle fought between the Confederates from the South and the Union from the North to determine the outcome of the controversial issue of Slavery. The primary purpose of the Civil War was
was made up of 7 states: South Carolina, Texas,
to end the debate on Slavery. Most states in
Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia and
America were united but several states in the
Alabama. After the battle of Fort Sumter, which
South did not agree. They wanted to keep
took place in 1861 in Charleston, SC, there were
practicing slavery.
four more states that joined the Confederates.
Slavery was an economic system where people were treated as ‘property’. It began in the US in 1640 when Africans were sent to
These states included Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee. The North was the side that was fighting to
Jamestown, VA to help with tobacco and cotton
abolish slavery. Many of the slaves of the South
crops. By 1860, there were almost 4 million
escaped to the North at the time to join them
slaves in the US. On average, 1 out of every 3
and fight for freedom against their opposers, the
Southern families owned slaves.
There were two sides to the Civil War. The
Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation
North side, which was called the United States
Proclamation in 1863 that made slavery illegal
or the Union for short and represented all but 7
and all slaves became free. It took another year
states when the war began in 1861. The South
for the war to end in 1864.
side, which was called the Confederate States of America (CSA) or the Confederates for short
This is the final Confederate flag, the design was finally done in 1861.
Their Flags
was from Nicola Marschall, a German-American
Austrian flag. The idea of “stars and bars” was
THE UNITED STATES The Union’s flag had always consisted of
artist. Her design was originally based on the formed thanks to Nicola. On the flag, a star was
the stars and stripes design, the style never
added for every seceded state. This idea later
changed, but the amount of stars was altered as
became the official flag and had a total of 13
more states joined the North. At the beginning of
stars by 1861.
the war their were 33 stars total. Then by 1861 Kansas got added and made a total of 34 stars. In 1863, West Virginia came into play making 35 stars. And in 1865, they honored Nevada
Overview of the War In 1861, when the Civil War began, both
because of joining the Union, but the star wasn’t
sides started without trained soldiers. In fact,
actually added until after the Civil War was over.
citizens had to volunteer their service (hence the
name “citizen soldier”). These groups consisted
THE C.S.A. The Confederate’s flag didn’t really have
any specific base design to it, it was mainly decided/done by the public. It started when South Carolinian, William Porcher Miles was elected to chair the new committee. He tried to show his idea of the flag, but was later denied by the public. Then the committee came up with the idea that the flag should look like the ‘old’ US flag. Then they handed it out to the public to submit their work and they would decide from there. One of the main designs they received
of farmers, laborers, doctors, lawyers, school teachers, blacksmiths, butchers, shoemakers, carpenters, printers, and stone cutters. About 2 million of the 2.7 million people who fought for the Union were under the age of 21. And there were 1 million 18 year olds out of that 2 million. In fact, they had to take an oath about their age to be able to fight. The war ended in 1864 with a country still divided on several issues, but with slavery finally legally abolished.
Two Famous Men Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) (Top)
This is a photo of the Emancipation Memorial located in Washington, D.C.
During the Civil War, he volunteered Military Service for the Union army and worked closely with Abraham Lincoln. He was a strong leader on the military front and played a huge role in the North’s successful victory.
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) (Bottom) He was the President at the time and was on the supporting side of the North. During this time slavery was at its peak and the Union was against slavery, so they tried to end it. In fact, he was the author of the Emancipation Proclamation which declared slavery illegal.
Works Cited Foundation, Wikimedia, Inc. "Union (American Civil War)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Apr. 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. < Union_(American_Civil_War)>. This specific page on wiki helped me a lot because it gave me the information I needed to know what type of people were fighting for the side of the North. Weaver, Mark. "Civil War Union Flag." American Civil War Stories. VigLink, 2012-2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. <>. This site had great information about everything on the Union side of the Civil War. "Why Was There An American Civil War?" Why Was There An American Civil War? Teachnology, n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. < subject_matter/social_studies/us_history/civilwar/>.This article assisted me on learning why, in the first place the Civil War took place. Weaver, Mark. "Confederate Flag." American Civil War Stories. VigLink, 2012-2014. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. <>. This page gave me a lot of cool, new, and interesting facts on the Confederate flag. Wikipedia. "Slavery." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 14 Apr. 2015. Web. 03 May 2015. <>. Gave me a good understanding of the overall topic slavery. Beller, Susan Provost. "Soldier's Life." The Civil War. New York: Benchmark, 2003. 26-27. Print. From this book, I got important information on what type of people were on either side of the war.