Exclusive updates for our donors and supporters from your MJCC
Jewish Community Center
Spring 2019
at the Schnitzer Family Campus
6651 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97219 | 503.244.0111 |
MJCC Adopts New Strategic Plan At its January meeting, the MJCC Board of Directors approved an exciting, ambitious, new strategic plan for the Center. The strategic planning process spanned nearly a year and a half, and the discussions involved numerous members of the Board, staff, MJCC and broader communities. The Board worked with David Posner, a Strategic Visioning Consultant with the Jewish Community Center Association of North America, who advised the entire process. The Board began by completing a survey regarding strategic issues of importance, and this was followed by a retreat, facilitated by David Posner. The retreat launched the process of crafting a revised mission statement and a new vision statement, the completion of which were delegated to a committee comprised of Board and staff members. New Mission Statement: The MJCC is an inclusive and welcoming hub for a diverse community, fostering lifelong wellness and providing dynamic social and educational experiences, grounded in Jewish values and culture.
The retreat also provided an opportunity to identify six areas of focus for the new plan. The Board created six task forces to consider challenges and opportunities in each area, and each task force was co-chaired by a current or former member of the Board and a staff member: Arts and Culture Programming (Co-chairs: Jonathan Singer and Lenny Steinberg), Programs for Children and Young Families (Co-chairs: Amy Blauer and Scott Reese), Community Engagement (Co-chairs: Barry Benson and Kelsey Kaplan), Building Utilization (Co-chairs: Brian Carleton and Jennifer Harrington), Financial Sustainability (Co-chairs: Marni Glick and Beth Germain), and Development (Co-chairs: Gail Mandel and Saul Korin). Each task force also included MJCC members and community members, and each gathered data and solicited input from various stakeholders, ultimately developing a set of recommendations. The development recommendations came from information gathered through our Benchmarking process (done in conjunction with the Jewish Community Center Association of North America), survey data, and input from Board members about key priorities. This section of the plan identifies several major fundraising goals for the next
A preview of the new MJCC Strategic Plan brochure
five years: raising a larger percentage of overall revenue from fundraising; expanding the MJCC’s donor base to include more members; creating a Physical Plant Repair, Replacement & Special Maintenance Account to address capital needs; implementing a plan to expand the MJCC’s endowment to $1 million, and fundraising to meet the capital and programmatic needs outlined elsewhere in the Strategic Plan. A brochure describing the Strategic Plan and outlining the objectives and strategies in each of the six areas of focus will be available shortly. For more information, please contact Steve Albert, Executive Director, at
Party Boards Support the J by attending a fundraising event! Fundraising Dinner from Aviv
Join us for a fundraising dinner at Aviv, Portland’s home of delicious vegan Israeli food. Two seatings. Aviv is donating a portion of the proceeds of this multi-course dinner to the MJCC.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
5:30 pm or 8:00 pm Aviv 1125 SE Division St., Portland Cost (Wine not included - bar a la carte): $45 per person. Cost (Wine included): $85 per person.
Poker Party with Rob La Forte
Texas Hold’em, beer, wine, snacks, and fun.
Thursday, May 30, 2019 7:00 pm Cost: $50/person
Sign up:
MJCC Day Camp is the Place to be this Summer! Summer Day Camp is fast-approaching! We are extremely excited to welcome our new Sports, Recreation + Camps Manager, Jake Marr, and our new Sports, Recreation + Camps Assistant Manager, Carli Rosenthal, who comprise the leadership team for MJCC Day Camp. From June 24 - August 23 we have full and half-day options to keep the kiddos busy all summer long! In addition to our classic and specialty camps that Portland has grown to love and depend upon, our Counselor in Training (CIT) Program will be back for its second year. This leadership development program is designed to empower teens by offering new responsibilities, challenges, and adventures. Teens gain real-life experience and skills that will teach them how to be positive mentors and leaders. A new feature this year is the Sun Hat Awareness, Distribution & Education (SHADE) program, a program developed by the Uriel Medical Foundation and Bend Science Station, teaching kids that the sun’s invisible rays can be both helpful and harmful. The MJCC is embarking on a project to adapt this school-based program into a day camp setting. Funding for this project is provided in part by the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Community Partnership Program. (Note: SHADE program participation varies based on age, weeks attended, group, and parent permission). We are very excited for this upcoming summer! For more information on all of our Day Camp offerings, visit
es 3 - 15
g er yone A pen to Ev
Full + Partial Day Options
7:30 am - 6:00 pm all summer long.
REGISTER TODAY! 503.452.3436 |
The J is Your Destination for Young Family Programs Over the past few months, our young family programs have provided lots of fun and entertainment! We kicked off the Chanukah season with our annual Donuts and Dancing event, where families had the opportunity to create crafts and decorations for their homes, indulge in delicious sufganiyot (jelly-filled donuts) and learn Israeli folk dancing. We wrapped up 2018 with our annual New Year’s Eve at Noon family program, co-hosted by our incredible MJCC Day Camp. And most recently, we enjoyed celebrating MLK Day and Tu B’Shevat with preschoolers and their grown-ups for our annual Day of Service with PJ Library. We continue to offer our special, free indoor playground program, Chai Baby Indoor Playground, on the second Wednesday of every month through June. We hope you and your little ones will join us at Chai Baby Indoor Playground where we run around, meet new friends, listen to stories, and enjoy a kosher snack! 2
Be on the lookout for details on more upcoming young family programs such as Good Deeds Month in April, where families will have multiple opportunities to engage in various service projects throughout the Portland area. And be sure to save the date for Wednesday, May 8th, our annual Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration where we gather as one big community to celebrate Israel’s 71st year of independence. There will be Israeli food, dancing, face painting, and kids’ activities galore in celebration of the State of Israel. For more information about these programs and more, visit
MJCC Art Gallery Exhibitions Jewish Arts Month (JAM) Showcase Throughout the month of March, a variety of beautiful artworks by ORA artists are displayed and available for purchase. Art rotates each week.
Upcoming Events The Israeli Elections: Status Quo, or Political Upheaval? With guest speaker, Herb Keinon Wednesday, April 3 at 7:00 pm Jewish Community Orchestra Spring Concert Sunday, April 7 at 3:00 pm Portland Film Premiere - Chavruta: A Drummer’s Bat Mitzvah Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00 pm Art Gallery Exhibit: The Passover Series by Shlomo Katz On display April 19 - 28 Art Gallery Exhibit: Israel from the Eyes of the Community On display April 29 - May 31
Artwork by David Kolasky
JAM featured artist, Diane Russell
Yom HaZikaron Tuesday, May 7 at 8:00 pm
Peace & Justice: Three Lettering Traditions
Yom Ha’Atzmaut Wednesday, May 2 from 5:00 - 8:30 pm
Artists Sara Harwin, Kanaan Kanaan and Inga Dubay explore the tradition of sacred letters in Hebrew, Arabic and English calligraphy in many forms of art expression. Each has a creative voice dedicated to peace and justice. “Inga, Kanaan and I come from different traditions, yet when we each speak about our journeys, we seek to touch upon a sacred, spiritual path,” says Harwin. This beautiful exhibit was on display from Dec. 16 - Feb. 12.
Runs Thursdays, May 2 - 30 from 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Memoir Writing Workshop Newcomer’s Reception Monday, May 20 at 6:30 pm Jewish Community Orchestra Season Finale Sunday, June 9 at 3:00 pm
Portland PRIDE Parade Sunday, June 16
Naim Hasan Photography
Wednesday, May 8 5:00 - 8:30 pm at the MJCC
The MJCC gallery space was made possible by the Kostiner Cultural Education Fund of the MJCC and the Oregon Cultural Trust.
Come out and celebrate! Join in Israeli music, dance, crafts, food, and vote on Israel photos submitted by the community! Have an Israel photo you want to share? Submit to by April 15. 3 ®
Friends of the Center Brunch Welcomes Michael W. Twitty On Sunday, March 3, over 270 guests were welcomed to the MJCC to celebrate athletes, support the J’s vital programs, and hear from acclaimed culinary author, chef, and Jewish educator, Michael W. Twitty. The excitement was palpable as guests streamed into the sun-filled lobby, enjoying mimosas and conversation before heading into the Stern Family Ballroom. There they were greeted by MJCC leadership and longtime members and supporters, Becki and Stephen Saltzman, who served as the event co-chairs. With their humor, wit and love for the J, they inspired hundreds in the room to make a gift to support the MJCC’s myriad programs including the Warm Water Pool, camp scholarships, membership assistance, arts and culture events, community-wide holiday celebrations and much more. Thanks to generous event sponsors, Mitzvah Moment donations, ticket sales, and party board sign-ups, we raised over $100,000 for the MJCC! In order to meet our fundraising goal, we still have another $6,500 to go. If you’d like to make a gift in any amount, please visit or call Saul Korin at 503.452.3427.
If you are interested in joining our event committee for next year’s event, or if you would like to make a contribution to the MJCC’s annual campaign, please contact Saul Korin at 503.452.3427 or donate online at:
The event included the induction of two new members into the Oregon Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, Edward Henry “Mickey” Holzman and Glen Coblens. Also honored were two high school athletes who received the Harry Glickman Scholar Athlete Award. This year’s winners are Sophie Adler and Jack Green. The meal included dishes inspired by guest speaker, Michael W. Twitty, a recognized culinary historian and independent scholar focusing on historic African American food and folk culture, as well as the culinary traditions of Africa and her Diaspora. In addition to bagels, whitefish salad and lox, each plate also included Michael’s famed black-eyed pea hummus and his delicious apple crisp. After enjoying the meal, guests were treated to Michael’s inspirational talk touching on diversity and inclusivity in the Jewish community. At our evening VIP reception, Michael invited members of our community to share their own recipes and the stories behind them. Recipes discussed ranged from gefilte fish and kugel to crunchy jello mold. In this more intimate conversation, Michael inspired us with his knowledge of culinary history, sharing the origins of noodles and gefilte fish and discussing the importance of recipes in family and community history. He gave guests tips on how to capture recipes by observing, helping, then finally making treasured family recipes so they can be preserved for future generations. It was a true delight to bring Michael to Portland, who shared his deep passion for and knowledge of Judaism, food and identity with everyone in attendance. The Brunch has created a way for our community to come together to honor athletes, enjoy a good meal, bring renowned speakers on thought-provoking topics, and, above of all, support the J we know and love.
Friends of the Center Brunch speaker, Michael W. Twitty
MJCC Staff with Michael W. Twitty. Left to right: Karen Sapoznikow, Linda Singer, Saul Korin, Lisa Katon, Maryjane Rocker, Michael W. Twitty, Beth Germain, Steve Albert, and Bethany West
Left to right: Hall of Fame Inductee, Glen Coblens, with Harry Glickman Scholar Athlete, Sophie Adler, and Hall of Fame Committee Member, Josh Frankel
Legacy Gift Strengthens the MJCC Leaving a charitable legacy, or after lifetime gift, to support a favorite nonprofit organization, like the Mittleman Jewish Community Center, expresses a level of commitment to an organization that is different than annual support. A legacy gift conveys the message that an organization meant so much to you during your lifetime that you want to ensure it thrives to serve future generations. There are many ways to leave a legacy gift and they vary in complexity. Some can even be realized without having to consult an attorney, such as an IRA beneficiary designation or a life insurance policy. Others are more involved. However, with a wide variety of options, hopefully people motivated to leave a legacy gift can find the right strategy for them. Examples include: • Simple bequest in your will or estate plan • Beneficiary designation of an IRA or other retirement plan • Gift of tangible property, securities or real estate • Charitable remainder trust • Charitable gift annuity • Life insurance policy The MJCC has been very fortunate to receive several legacy gifts over the last few months from people who were dedicated to the MJCC during their lifetimes. One such gift was made by a former chair of the MJCC’s Board, Bernard Goldhammer. During his life, Bernard established a charitable remainder trust that provided financial support for a relative. Once his relative passed away, the remaining assets in the trust were split between the MJCC and another nonprofit that was important to Bernard. This meaningful legacy gift has ensured that Bernard’s commitment to the MJCC lives on.
MJCC Legacy Society The MJCC Legacy Society is a group of dedicated community members who have made the extraordinary commitment to remember the MJCC in their estate plans. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing support and their dedication to ensure the long-term sustainability of our Center. If you are interested in becoming a Legacy Society member, contact our Executive Director, Steve Albert, at or 503.535.3592. Anonymous Steve Albert and Janie Goldenberg Bruce Abrams John and Carol Arnsberg Stacy Barna Barry and Karla Benson Amy and Doug Blauer Gerel Blauer Stephen Butler Milton Carl z”l Glen Coblens and Mia Birk Edith Dorsen Becky and Greg Ewer Howard and Jen Feldman John and Beth Germain Robert E. Glasgow and Lesley G. Glasgow Jonathan and Sarah Glass Bernard Goldhammer z”l Nancy J. Green z”l Merrill and Perry Hendin Lisa Katon and Noah Kressel Eric and Anna Kodesch Eric and Robin Kornblit Tony and Priscilla Kostiner Jordana and Ryan Levenick
Leaving a legacy gift is a great way to support the MJCC and other organizations you care about. As the MJCC’s endowment and investment partner, Oregon Jewish Community Foundation (OJCF) can provide you with information about legacy gifts. Visit, or contact Steve Albert at or 503.535.3592 or Saul Korin at or 503.452.3427.
Howard and Wendy Liebreich Gail Mandel and Steven Klein Jeanne Newmark Jeff and Anne Nudelman Stacey L. and Marshal R. Oller Sue Perkel Robert and Rita Philip James E. Richman Bert and Laurie Rogoway Gayle and Paul Romain Steve Rosenberg and Ellen Lippman Stan and Madelle Rosenfeld Kyle and Rebecca Rotenberg Bunny and Jerry Sadis Stephen and Becki Saltzman Faye Gordon Samuels Andrea Sanchez and Benjamin Drucker Lois and Leonard z”l Schnitzer Sandra Schnitzer Gary and Linda Singer Les and Martha Soltesz Tom Stern Menachem M. Teiblum z”l Kenneth and Jennifer Zeidman Jason Zidell
Proud to Partner with the MJCC
’s Children Books
Other Books
Used Book Sale
OJCF is proud to be the Jewish community’s endowment and philanthropic partner.
March 31 April 1 + 2
10:00 am - 5:00 pm l 503.248.9328
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
At the Mittleman Jewish Community Center 6651 SW Capitol Hwy. Sale is open to everyone!
PJA Proud
5 Sale is open to everyone! Sale is open to everyone!
Oregon Teens to Compete in Detroit at JCC Maccabi Games® and ArtsFest® Since re-affiliating with the Jewish Community Center Association of North America in 2015, the MJCC has taken three teen delegations to the JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest, providing approximately 60 Oregon teens with the JCC Maccabi experience. This year’s Games and ArtsFest will be held in Detroit, Michigan August 4 - 9. “The minute Maccabi 2018 was over, I was ready to head back for 2019! I really enjoyed getting to meet new friends and connect with other Jewish teens in my community.” – Shai Blattner, Ice Hockey The JCC Maccabi Games are an Olympic-style sporting competition held each summer in North America. It is the second largest organized sports program for Jewish teenagers in the world. The first North American JCC Maccabi Games were held in 1982 with 300 athletes. Today, more than 3,000 teens participate each summer. JCC Maccabi ArtsFest is a weeklong summer arts experience for creative Jewish teens featuring workshops in a variety of specialties with some of the leading artists in each field. The festival also incorporates community service, social activities and themes of Jewish heritage, community and Israel.
MJCC Team Members Head to Orlando for JCCA ProCon Several members of the MJCC’s management team attended the Jewish Community Center Association of North America’s 2019 Professional Conference (ProCon) in February. The conference was held in Orlando, Florida and provided an opportunity for members of our team to connect with colleagues from across the continent. The conference provided learning opportunities from leading experts in the field and provided attendees with techniques to help teams strategize. One of the highlights was a keynote talk given by Yotam Polizer, Co-CEO of IsraAid, an Israel-based, international, non-governmental organization that provides emergency aid and relief during times of natural and man-made disasters across the globe. The MJCC works indirectly with IsraAid as part of a new JCCA initiative, JResponse. JResponse is a startup initiative to respond to local crises facing JCCs and their communities. JResponse leverages the talent of 6,000 JCC professionals nationally by deploying teams to provide aid in times of crisis. The MJCC is proud to be a part of this program under the leadership of co-coordinators Jennifer Harrington and Ryan Ochoa. After three and a half days of learning and sharing, our team left Orlando inspired to excel as innovative leaders. Becky Ewer, Creative and Marketing Director says, “Attending the JCCA Professional Conference was very powerful and enlightening. Sitting in a room filled with other JCC marketers with the same challenges and joys really helped motivate and inspire me as a leader. I made some amazing connections, learned innovative ways to engage members, and felt empowered to make a difference.” We look forward to returning in years to come!
Available sports include (ages 12 - 16): baseball, basketball, competitive dance, golf, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, table tennis, tennis, and volleyball. Available arts include (ages 12 - 17): acting/improv, dance, musical theater, rock band, social media squad, visual arts, and vocal performance/glee. We would love to continue to grow our delegation! Our goal is to bring 25 athletes and 5 artists to the 2019 program. The registration deadline is March 31. The cost of the program is $1,200 (all-inclusive). Need-based scholarships are available. For information on joining our delegation, contact Lenny Steinberg at or 503.535.3555. 6
Left to right: Lenny Steinberg, Jennifer Harrington, Ryan Ochoa, Becky Ewer, and Kelsey Kaplan
Upgrades Refresh Warm Water Pool
Milt Carl Way Honoree Designates Gift to the J
Our Warm Water Pool recently received a facelift in December of 2018, by means of a complete resurfacing. The old surface had become worn and rough after many years of use. For the new surface, we selected a durable quartz-plaster hybrid. Thanks to the quartz, the new surface is more durable, more resistant to abrasions, and less likely to be impacted by staining from mineral content in the water. The pigmentation of the new surface is enhanced by the water, making our pool a beautiful, pure blue. The new surface is warranted for ten years, so it will be with us for a long time to come! Pool users are thrilled with the upgrade.
On January 13, Congregation Shaarie Torah and B’nai B’rith Camp jointly sponsored the first annual “Milt Carl Way Award Ceremony.” These awards are given in memory of Milt Carl to individuals who make a difference in our community by doing things the “Milt Carl way,” that is, with a passion for bettering our community. Throughout his life, Milt was a dedicated lay leader and prolific fundraiser in the Portland Jewish community, and he served as the President of the Board of numerous Jewish organizations. As President of the MJCC Board of Directors from 1969-1971, he oversaw the relocation of the Center from its original location at SW 13th and Market Streets to the present-day campus in Hillsdale. This year’s honorees included Jen Feldman, Kyle Rotenberg, and Jordan Schnitzer. Each was given the opportunity to direct a $1,000 gift to a non profit of his or her choice, and we are honored that Kyle selected the MJCC to receive his gift! These funds will be used to purchase new athletic and fitness equipment. If you want to join Kyle in supporting the purchase of new fitness equipment, please contact Saul Korin at or at 503.452.3427.
We want to take this opportunity to thank two longtime generous donors to the Warm Water Pool, the Leonard & Lois Schnitzer Charitable Supporting Foundation and the Friendly Rosenthal Fund of OJCF. Without the generous contributions of these two foundations, the Warm Water Pool would not be in operation today.
Ask the Expert: Josh Frankel, CFP®
Executive Vice President, Portfolio and Wealth Management West Bearing Investments, a division of Ferguson Wellman | 503.417.1444 | Question: My husband and I are both 72 years old and want to support charities, but the change in the standard deduction dramatically changed our ability to deduct our gifts. What is the best way for us to support charities in 2019? Answer: The 2017 Tax Cuts and Job Act, which took effect in 2018, nearly doubled the standard deduction, and caused many philanthropic minded individuals, like you, to reconsider their charitable giving. Fortunately, there are still ways to support charities and maximize after-tax income. Prior to the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, a 72-year-old retired couple who paid $10,000 in state income tax, $10,000 in property tax, $5,000 mortgage interest and $7,000 in charitable gifts would have itemized their deductions. In doing so, they would have $32,000 in itemized deductions versus their $15,200 standard deduction. In this scenario, the married couple would receive a financial benefit for their deductions and every dollar they allocated to charity would represent a tax benefit. In 2019, that same couple will now be capped at $10,000 for their combined income and property taxes and their total deductions drop to $22,000. This couple will now opt for the standard deduction and would receive no tax benefit for their itemized deductions, including charitable donations. Assuming this couple wants to continue making charitable contributions and be tax-efficient, they can employ a strategy called the qualified charitable distribution (QCD). The QCD, up to $100,000 per IRA owner, will count toward their required minimum distribution and will reduce the amount of taxable income from the distribution, which in-turn lowers their income tax liability. If this couple gives $7,000 from their IRAs directly to nonprofits, they can still receive the standard deduction and reduce their taxable income by $7,000. Assuming the couple is in the 24-percent federal tax bracket, they will save $1,680 in federal taxes alone. This is what we call a win-win-win! The taxpayer can support their beloved charitable organizations, still take the higher standard deduction, and receive an income tax benefit. 7
MJCC Staff is Here For You!
MJCC Board of Directors
Steve Albert, Executive Director
President Steven Klein
503.535.3592 |
Beth Germain, Chief Financial Officer 503.535.3593 |
Jennifer Harrington, Assistant Executive Director 503.535.3541 |
Miriam Stroud, Human Resources Director 503.535.3632 |
Becky Ewer, Marketing + Creative Director 503.535.3533 |
Lenny Steinberg, Program Director 503.535.3555 |
Saul Korin, Director of Donor Engagement + Philanthropy 503.452.3527 |
Board Members Avi Ben-Zaken Barry Benson Amy Blauer, Secretary Joyce Evans Jonathan Glass, Immediate Past Co-President Marni Glick, Treasurer Melissa Horwitz Gail Mandel Erik Richmond, VP for Strategy Danelle Romain Steve Rosenberg Andrea Sanchez, Immediate Past Co-President Jonathan Singer Jennifer Zeidman Jason Zidell, VP for Facilities
Lisa Katon, Donor Relations + Grants Specialist
503.535.3539 |
Jewish Community Center
Linda Singer, Community Concierge
We are grateful to the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland and our community for their support of the MJCC.
Schnitzer Family Campus 6651 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97219 503.244.0111 |
503.535.3532 |
Supported by