Pja Annual Report 2016-17

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PORTLAND JEWISH ACADEMY 2016 - 2017 Annual Report

November 2017 Cheshvan 5778

Dear Friends of PJA, We are pleased to present Portland Jewish Academy’s annual report for the 2016-17/5777 academic year. This report outlines our stewardship of funds, highlights our financial health, and celebrates our school’s achievements, focusing on our new strategic plan. Your support makes a significant impact upon the daily experiences in our classrooms as well as our school-wide programs, and we thank you for your generosity. This year we completed our new strategic plan. The plan, approved unanimously by PJA’s Board of Directors, establishes priorities for the coming years as we seek to further strengthen our school Kehillah (community). Organized around four broad themes – School Identity & Community, Ensuring Student Success, Enrollment Management, and Financial Strength – the plan identifies initiatives to pursue in the next few years. We are grateful to the many school families, students, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, staff and community members who participated in the development of the strategic plan. We want to thank our many donors who have enabled us to begin to achieve our strategic goals. This past year saw a heightened emphasis on project-based learning, integration of educational technology, and student support, and your gifts made it possible for us to secure additional equipment, professional development and personnel. Our investment in these and other school programs led to stronger retention and recruitment, culminating in an increase in preschool enrollment of more than 20% and middle school enrollment of more than 30% for the 5778 (2017-18) academic year! We also planned the construction of our new PJA Learning Commons, including a renovated library space, Beit Midrash, student kitchen, private student lavatory, and music studio. It is hard to overstate the importance of the PJA Annual Auction. The auction raises funds for financial assistance, making it possible for more than half of our day school students to attend PJA. Moreover, in recent years, the auction has also allowed us to add hundreds of thousands of dollars to the school’s endowment, further ensuring our long-term financial health. Other major gifts supported financial aid and our annual 8th grade Israel trip, and our new PJA Giving Circle funded a greenhouse for our school garden. We also successfully completed the capital campaign for the Learning Commons, which will be in full use by our students later this fall. By providing more flexible spaces for students and teachers to work collaboratively, in small groups and individually, the Learning Commons will provide space for greater differentiation, enhanced project work, and a variety of spaces for classes to learn together. Our new strategic plan charts an ambitious course for our school. It articulates our commitment to serve every member of our diverse community with a challenging, student-centered educational program that fosters collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving skills, and meets the individual needs of each child. We are proud to be your partners in educating the Jewish leaders of tomorrow and empowering them to think for themselves and work for the world.

B’shalom, Jonathan Glass & Andrea Sanchez Co-Presidents, Board of Directors

Steve Albert Executive Director

Merrill Hendin Principal


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School Identity and Community

Capitalize upon and strengthen the strong sense of community at PJA.

Limmud 2.0

Limmud 2.0 is an adult and family education program open to all PJA families. The goal of Limmud 2.0 is to give families opportunities to learn together, whether side by side in a PJA classroom, or enjoying a family program centered around Shabbat, Jewish holidays or Israel. Limmud 2.0 runs Cafe Limmud, an adult education program which is ongoing throughout the school year. Cafe Limmud is facilitated by community rabbis and Jewish educators who share learning in a casual atmosphere in our PJA Beit Midrash. Cafe Limmud meets every other week and is open to all on a drop-in basis. Other programs Limmud 2.0 provides include Digging Torah (co-sponsored with the Institute for Judaic Studies), Shabbat (or holiday) nature hikes, Challah baking, and book talks.

Service Learning

PJA’s robust service learning program includes monthly school wide service collections, individual projects at every grade level, and focused and intentional learning about the value of service through a Jewish lens. Grade level projects include cooking, visiting Rose Schnitzer Manor regularly, collecting warm clothing in the winter to be distributed to shelters, volunteering at the Oregon Food Bank, pulling ivy at a local park, or serving a meal at a local shelter. Eighth graders complete a capstone project. Students are guided by our service learning coordinator, Elana Cohn-Rozansky, who works with students to choose a topic of interest and a related service project. Students work with faculty to research their topic and consider their Capstone Project through a Jewish Lens, bringing Jewish text and sources to further deepen their work.


In 2016, we launched the Mishpachot initiative. Mishpachot – families - are a way for PJA students across grade levels to get to know each other better and develop stronger bonds as a community. Each mishpacha was named for a tree found in the Torah. There is a student from every grade level in each mishpacha. During all of our all-school assemblies students sit in mishpachot, with 8th graders as their leaders. Teachers are assigned to mischpachot as well. During mishpacha gatherings, students participate in short conversations, sing songs together and learn Israeli folk dances. They get to know each other as families and cherish the moments in the hall or during recess when they see a member of their mishpacha.


ensuring student success Increase PJA’s ability to support a diverse student body to ensure the success of all PJA students.


STEAM Day is an exciting day of collaborative learning led by students in grades k-8. STEAM - science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics - provides opportunities to do integrated projects and helps students see the connections among different disciplines. During STEAM Day, each grade level plans an integrated activity/project which they then teach to the grade levels above and below them. STEAM Day gives all of our students an opportunity to teach, learn, engage, and explore at a variety of different levels of engagement. It is a wonderful learning opportunity for all. As we continue to build our STEAM day we hope to integrate Jewish Studies with STEAM and to include families in our program.

Student Support Consultant

PJA was fortunate to receive a Stage of Life Grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, along with Maayan Torah and Maimonides Jewish Day Schools. The grant has afforded our three schools the opportunity to hire a part time consultant to work with teachers, students and families in the area of student support. Joanie Krug brings many years of experience and a deep level of knowledge to her work as a Support Services Consultant. During her time at PJA she has trained teachers in the use of dialogue circles, given parent/guardian workshops, attended meetings with families and faculty, and has met with students in the classroom and in small groups. We have benefited a great deal from her deep understanding of children and schools.

Science Club

Each year, students in 5th – 8th grades have the opportunity to participate in PJA’s Science Club, supervised by Middle School Science Teacher, Sara Morton. Students can choose to pose a question that can be answered with a scientific experiment, or they can choose an engineering problem to solve. Projects vary widely, and projects have included experiments related to plant growth, fingerprinting, and radioactive decay as well as engineering projects related to magnetic levitation and hovercrafts, among many others. Students even have the opportunity to participate in the Intel Middle School Science Competition, if they choose to do so!


enrollment management

Strengthen and increase recruitment and retention at PJA.

Retention and Growth of Middle School

PJA has worked diligently to improve our retention and increase admission in our Middle School. Several years ago we created the Middle School Round Table, an evening event for our 4th and 5th grade parent/guardians, to meet and discuss middle school curriculum with our faculty over dinner and wine. We also pair up current alumni parents with our 5th grade families to talk about what our middle school has to offer our students. We are happy to report that our retention from 5th to 6th grade was remarkable this year. From last year to this year, the middle school has grown over 30%.

Parent Ambassadors

PJA ambassadors are a group of current PJA family volunteers who meet regularly and volunteer at admission and retention events. They are an important sounding board for admission and speak with potential families.

Outreach events

Outreach events are ‘friendraisers,’ and help PJA gain name recognition in other parts of Portland outside of the Southwest area. They help with recruitment and we gain new students from these events.

All of these programs work in tandem for admission- PJA ambassadors volunteer at outreach events such as Passover for Preschoolers in Southeast Portland, and at the Middle School Round Table, a retention event for our 4th and 5th grade families.


FINANCIAL STRENGTH Work to fill sections to capacity and optimize enrollment to improve our financial strength for PJA to continue to achieve our mission.

Launch endowment campaign

The PJA Endowment continues to grow, and we have surpassed the $1 million dollar mark in terms of funds currently under management. Best practices suggest that an endowment should be equal to or larger than the annual budget, and we are planning to embark upon an endowment campaign. Auction proceeds (above immediate operating needs), unrestricted legacy gifts, and endowment-directed gifts all provide opportunities to ensure PJA’s financial strength for generations to come.

Explore new fundraising opportunities and models

“The PJA Family Giving Circle funds experiential, differentiating projects within PJA based on the Middot (values) emphasizing Limmud (Study), Kehillah (Community), and Akhrayut (Responsibility).” The first cohort of the PJA Family Giving Circle was comprised of seven families who pooled their Annual Gifts to support a project at PJA. Rob La Forte and Carol Richmond were our co-chairs, and we examined Jewish values as they relate to philanthropy and charted a direction for the Giving Circle. After engaging conversations and deliberations, the group decided to build a new PJA Greenhouse with their funds. In the next year, we will expand the number of families engaged and look at other ways of increasing the impact of gifts to the school.

Please note that the initiatives described in this Annual Report are only representative of the programs outlined in the Strategic Plan. To review the complete plan, please see www.pjaproud.org/strategicplan.

PJA by the Numbers Revenue

Board of Directors Tuition: 81% Contributions & Fundraisers: 16% Investments: <1% Federation Allocation: 3%


Jonathan Glass | Co-President Andrea Sanchez | Co-President Steve Klein | Vice President - Strategy Jason Zidell | Vice President - Facilities Marni Glick | Treasurer Channah Rose | Secretary Avi Ben-Zaken Barry Benson Amy Blauer Joyce Evans Gail Mandel Robert Philip Erik Richmond Steve Rosenberg Stan Rosenfeld Jonathan Singer Carrie Wynkoop

Community Partners Personnel: 83% School Overhead: 10% Office Administration: 3% Student Expenses: 4%


Portland Jewish Academy is a proud beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland and is proud of our partnership with them in strengthening our local Jewish community and greater Portland community.

Blanchet House Cedar Sinai Park The Challahman Community Warehouse Congregation Beth Israel Congregation Kesser Israel Congregation Neveh Shalom Congregation Shaarie Torah Havurah Shalom Jewish Family and Child Services Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Meals on Wheels Neighborhood House Northeast Portland Backpack Lunch Program Oregon Food Bank Oregon Humane Society Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation Oregon Jewish Museum & Center for Holocaust Education Portland Homeless Family Solutions Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Rose Schnitzer Manor Schoolhouse Supplies Tivnu Transition Projects Tryon Creek State Park Tuv Haaretz Urban Gleaners

Our Donors

Portland Jewish Academy is enormously grateful to individual and community organizations that support our programs by contributing to the school. Please allow us to take this opportunity to thank each donor for all that they do for PJA. We have made our best effort to ensure the accuracy of this list. If you find an error, please notify Saul Korin, Development Manager, at skorin@pjaproud.org or 503.452.3427.

$100,000 & Above

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland Rosenburg/Lippman Family Fund of OJCF/ Steve Rosenberg and Ellen Lippman Jay and Diane Zidell Charitable Foundation

$25,000 - $99,999

Aspen Mitzvah Fund of OJCF Arthur P. Krichevsky Memorial Scholarship Fund of OJCF Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation/ Arlene Schnitzer & Jordan Schnitzer Jason E. Zidell Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous Martin Elias William Frank Jonathan and Sarah Glass Chuck Karsun Memorial Fund of OJCF Tony and Priscilla Kostiner OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation Cookie and Merritt Yoelin Fund of OJCF Jay and Diane Zidell

$5,000 - $9,999

Ronald and Judy Appelbaum Matt and Jasmin Felton Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Robert and Rita Philip Erik Richmond and Annette Demsey Gayle and Paul Romain Leonard & Lois Schnitzer Charitable Supporting Foundation of OJCF Michael and Ann Stone Jason Zidell and Crystal Lamb

$2,500 - $4,999

Scott and Amy Bloom Michael and Chris Feves Eleanor Fischer Revocable LivingTrust Isaac and Sylvia Frankel Jay and Iris Greenberg Merrill and Perry Hendin Intel Matching Gifts to Education Program Garry and Judith Kahn Joel Mullin and Sheri Katz Howard and Carole Ory Rabbi Joshua and Channah Rose Stan and Madelle Rosenfeld Kelli and Avi Tevet

$1,800 - $2,499

John and Beth Germain Harley Marine Services, Inc. William and Jennifer Johnson Markel Kids Michael Olds and Gloria Borg Olds Larry and Janet Richards Bunny and Jerry Sadis Ulysses and Narda Sherman Dana and Eric Simpson Jonathan Singer Carrie Wynkoop and Kari Chisholm

$500 - $1,799

Anonymous (3) Dan and Ellie Albert Steve Albert and Janie Goldenberg Jeffrey and Roz Babener Kelly and Richard Barker Dr. Melissa Beadnell Birnbach CGA Endowment Fund of OJCF Marc and Sarah Blattner Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services Milton and Cissi Carl Fund of OJCF Chown Hardware Lynne and Mitch Cohen Ron and Becky Eiseman Gerda Eiseman Ceal & Asher Ettinger Remembrance Fund of OJCF Judd Eustice and Monica Litt Joyce and John Evans Jeff and Sharon Feinblatt First Republic Bank Robin and Eric Flamm Boaz Frankel The Fuss Family Gevurtz Menashe Duncan Gilman and Rabbi Eve Posen Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Rae Goldenberg Rosalie Goodman Hachler Investments, LLC Les Hemmingson Holman’s Funeral Service Melissa and Daron Horwitz Dan Jacob Kenneth Jacobs JD Fulwiler & Company Insurance

J. Michael Johnson and Carolyn Wooden-Johnson David Karlin Susan Katz Sheldon Klapper and Sue Hickey Ellen M. and Peter M. Klein Josh Lake and Tamar Wyte-Lake Richard A. Lane Ryan and Jordana Levenick Allen and Louise Levin Robert Litt and Sonia Acharya Yossi and Judy Malka Gail Mandel and Steven Klein Judy Margles and Steve Wasserstrom Richard and Judi Matza Sharon McLeod Samuel Metz Sara Morton and Alex Millkey Paul and Annie Niedergang NIKE, Inc. Brian and Amara Norman North Rim Partners, Inc. Northwest Forensic Institute, LLC Stacey and Marshal Oller Oregon Israel Fund of OJCF Pacific Office Automation Portland General Electric Co. Provenance Hotels Realty Marketing/Northwest Mary Reisch and Peter Kroepfl Deborah Reynolds Carol and Jeff Richmond Chantal and Eli Rosenthal Justin and Alison Rosenfeld Erika Saiers Salesforce.org Faye Gordon Samuels Andrea K. Sanchez and Benjamin Drucker Sarah and Ryan Scott Leonard Shapiro Jennifer Singer Dan and Jackie Solondz David and Kim Solondz Eve Stern and Les Gutfreund Sharon Stern and Steve Rallison James and Susan Winkler Rabbi Joey Wolf and Lisa Rackner Yuval Zalkow and Sheri Blue The Zeitzer Family

Donors Cont’d

$250 - $499

Anonymous (3) Lee and Stephanie Auerbach Alan Bacharach Betsy and Donald Bailey Brian and Alisa Bendis Barry and Karla Benson Manny and Karen Berman Keith and Rosalie Berne Doug and Amy Blauer Rabbi Michael and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Joe Cissna and Jill Ory Nathan Cogan Elana Cohn-Rozanksy and David Rozansky Matthew Dubrow Bridget Fahrland and Stephanie Portman Margot Feves Barbra and Adam Fisher Lisa Gitelson Robert Gitelson Gennady and Kira Govshtein Gregory Funding Michael Hare and Paula Bart Helen Herner Julie and Cliff Hockley Susan Jacobs Barry and Jordana Katcher Ronald and Ruth Katon Larry and Susan Katzen Herb and Joan Kornblit The Kosak Family Eileen Nolan Kressel and Ron Cinniger Steve Laveson and Lesley Isenstein Seth and Jennifer Litwin The Mark Spencer Hotel The Mellman Family Merck Partnership for Giving Lora and Jim Meyer Adam and Stacie Mishcon Avital and Ben O’Glasser Larry and Jane O’Glasser Benjamin Olds and Nadine Gartner Ella Ostroff Irving and Arlene Potter Chen Ren Carol S. Richmond Julia and Jeff Robinson Jennifer and Ariel Rogson Jay Rosenbloom Norman and Judith Rosenbloom Richard and Patricia Schwartz Joel and Gail Semler Gary and Linda Singer The Standard Employee Giving Program Adam Steckel Jonathan Steinberger The Swartzbaer Family R.D. Symms and Danelle Romain Lorry and Vicki Wasserman

$100 - $249

Anonymous (11) Frances and George Aaron Bonnie and Steve Altshuld Rafael Astorga and Connie Apa Susan Baillet and Herman Asarnow Paige Battle and Ira Pollack Melinda Becker Joshua Billeter and Jennifer Yocom Deborah Bletstein Sam and Amalia Blumberg Marcie and Jeff Brewer Rabbi Yosef and Rochel Chaiton Michael Chang and Alice Fung Gil and Autumn Dorfman The Eder Family Steven and Deborah Eisenbach-Budner Becky and Greg Ewer Tamir and Tsvia Faclieru David Friedman and Laura Appleman Faith Galderisi Darren Gilroy and Christie Glynn Dr. Edward Glick z’l Dr. Erica Goldman and Jeffrey Druckman Justin and Anna Gonzales Gordon Family Endowment Fund Sam and Naomi Harwin Rick Haselton and Sura Rubenstein Yafit and Tamir Heyman The Hilbert Family Wendy Hitchcock Inge Hoogerhuis and Sandra Lewis Lisa and Lewis Horowitz HouseSpecial Marje Jacobson and Sheila Wiener Phil Jansen and Ariel Shattan Gordon Kaplan Gerald Karp Josh and Michelle Kashinsky Lisa Katon and Noah Kressel Natalya Kerner Jaime and Donna Komitor Michelle and Loren Koplan Saul and Tatum Korin Robin and Eric Kornblit Tammy Kramer Virginia and Rob La Forte Fran Lake Barbara Leinwand Brian Lindstrom and Cheryl Strayed Sandra Litt David and Ronnie Malka Philip Marden Adam and Daniela Meltzer Jeffrey Menashe and Wendy Gutmann Vic and Toinette Menashe Microsoft Michael and Ellen Millender Allison Mudrick Kathleen Murphy Amos Nachum and Yael Dassa-Nachum

NVIDIA Employee Giving Program Dale Oller Linnea Osterberg and Alex Yamashita Barbara and Art Palmer Mark and Tami Panichello Liz and Brett Phillips Ken and Mary Rait Rand Raynor and Tzviah Schwartz Alex and Marisa Reby Patricia Reisch Jennifer and Shlomo Reitshtein Dr. Marc Richmond Alice Rogan David and Diane Rosencrantz Barry and Dena Ross Sandi and Marc Scholnick Paul Seal and Lara Greenberg Aaron and Ashley Simpson Debbie Sweeney Sharon Ungerleider Wells Fargo Foundation Harriet Wingard Ken and Jennifer Zeidman

Under $100

Anonymous (26) Laurel Akridge Emebet Alemu and Dawit Addis Gina Alongi and David Herman Meaghann and Nick Ande Aaron and Susan Anderberg Sandi Anslow Jennifer Antick and Eric Oslund Ariel Bacharach Karl and Kevlyn Baker Leslie Berman Deborah Bimstein David and Vivian Blum Ora Botwinick and Bruce Goldberg Adrienne Bovee Richard R. Boyd Jay D. Broudy Chantel Brumbaugh Caroline Buchalter Arkady and Rita Buzinover Priscilla Caldwell Donna Capodacqua Chris and Colleen Clancy Helene and Mike Cuomo Vivianne Deng Edith Dorsen Mindi Earvins Shahar Eden Megan Edmunson Stephanie and Jackson Faddis Sandor and Jennifer Felberg Barry and Sandra Friedman Elaine Friedman and Robert Liebman Cynthia Friedson Joseph R. Funk and Sarah Grenert-Funk Michele Gardner

Andrew and Rodney Garland-Forshee Donna Goldser Louise Goldstein and Bruce Thomadsen Steven S. Goldstein Gordon-Knight Family Carolyn Gorin Samantha Grafton Blair and Jackie Haddon Jennifer Hardacker Jacob and Jaimie Harper Holly Hennig Molly Henry Corie Hinton Jana Hopfinger and Peter Way Darcy Hoyt and Ross Weinstein Melinda Hutson and Alexander Ruzicka Michael Hyde Rhona Jacobs Jacob Janin Lilka Jones James Juntunen and Maria Opie Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest Amy and Jeff Katz Brian and Alexandra Katzen Sarine Keeney Janice and Mark Kettler Ellen Kipnis Deena Klein Kim Krikorian Uriel and Jessica Kushner Magid Latif Sarah and Kevin LeClair Akiva and Amanda Leeder Larisa Lerner Charles and Laurie Lev Al and Rosanne Levi Oshrit Levin Vicky Levina Denise Littlefield Celinda Llanez Greg and Jemi Mansfield Cliff Marhoefer and Amy Lennon Emily Matza John and Robin McCaffrey Adam and Jennifer McGrath Christopher McLain and Kimberly Matulef Jessica Mehr David and Marsha Mesher Lynne Meyerowitz Clifford and Deborah Miller Mr. Harold C. Nevis Lisa and Chris Olivares Oren Painting/Ran Shriki and Rivka Cohen Shriki Susanna and Jon Perrin Michelle Pobar and Jack Oh Chandra Ramaswamy Maryjane Rocker Radha Rogers Matthew Rosenberg and Kathleen Sigelman

Gregory Rosenblatt and Jennifer Garreau Sheila and Garry Weiner Samantha Salenger The Sapoznikow Family Stephanie and Andrew Schlesinger Kim Schneiderman Renee Schwartz and Alan Biedermann Troy, Iris and Mae Sexton Steven and Wendy Shain Adrianne Sharrock Helen Sherwin Katrina Shoda-Iwasaki Terri Simon Aaron Simowitz and Emmeline Liu Molly Sloan Dr. Jennifer M. Soyke Stein/Manor Family Len Steinberg Lance and Mary Steinberg Crysie Stichler Mrs. Frieda Tobin Enie Vaisburd and Cam Williams Patrick Van Duser and Tova Peltz Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Wilhelm Tatiana Zawadzki

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Increase in Day School enrollment






Increase in Preschool enrollment

Day School students who received financial assistance.


Day School students who received special services, including academic enrichment, Hebrew language support, and other special services.

Auction Item Contributors

Many community members choose to support Portland Jewish Academy by contributing an item to our annual auction. We gratefully acknowledge all of the individuals and businesses who donated to the 2016 Auction. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the parents and teachers who ensure that each class contributes an Auction item. To learn how you can donate an item to the 2017 PJA Auction, please contact Rosanne Levi, Auction Coordinator, at rlevi@pjaproud.org. 45th Parallel AAA Oregon Academy Theater Adron Body Art Bonnie Boone Altshuld Annie Bloom’s Books Judy and Ron Appelbaum Lee & Stephanie Auerbach Baker & Spice Don and Janet Barber BarkZone, Inc./Dana & Eric Simpson Blooming Moon Spa Bowery Bagels The Broadway Rose Theatre Company Broder Soder Buster’s Barbecue Cafe at the J Campfire Columbia Cathedral Ridge Winery Cellar 503 Central Bark Doggy Daycare Chamber Music Northwest Champoeg Creamery & Pastured Meats The Children’s Course China Delight Christina M Tello Interiors Columbia Sportswear Congregation Shaarie Torah Cooper Mountain Vineyards Core Power Yoga Costco Wholesale - Tigard Courtyard by Marriott at Lloyd Center The Craft Factory Daddies Board Shop Dairy Hill Ice Cream Davidson’s Casual Dining Dick & Cameron Davis Disneyland Resort Domaine Drouhin Oregon Dooger’s Seafood & Grill Dreaming Tree Rentals Driftwood Coffee Eastside Distilling Echo Theater Company Eden Swartz Photography Eleni’s Philoxenia Emerald Waterways The Enchanted Forest Ernesto’s Italian Restaurant Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum Family Fun Center & Bullwinkle’s Restaurant

Margot Feves GiGi’s Cafe Gino’s Restaurant Glowing Greens Blacklight Minature Golf Grand Central Baking Company Hair Fairies Helium Comedy Club Higgins Restaurant & Bar Hillsdale Veterinary Hospital Hotel deLuxe Hotel Lucia Hotel Max House Spirits Distillery India House Restaurant Ivar’s Restaurant Jay’s Products – Joel and Gail Semler John’s Incredible Pizza Co Kaady Car Washes Kahn & Kahn, P.C. Attorneys at Law Ron and Ruth Katon Kitchen Kaboodle Robert G. & Virginia La Forte Lakewood Theatre Company Laurelhurst Market Restaurant & Butcher Shop Laurelhurst Theater & Pub Law Offices of Ariel S. Rogson Le Pigeon Jordana Levenick Linnea Osterberg, Photographer LLC Little Bird Lumberyard Bike Park Mandarin Cove Manly & Sons Barber Company Marco’s Cafe & Espresso Bar Dr. Cliff J. Marhoefer & Dr. Amy L.K. Lennon The Mark Spencer Hotel The Family of Niomi and Leah Markel The Martel Family Massage Envy - Murray Scholls Robin McCaffrey Art in Metal - Larry McCaffrey John McCaffrey McMenamins Pubs & Breweries Mediterranean Exploration Company Milo’s City Cafe Mother’s Bistro & Bar New Deal Distillery New Seasons - Raleigh Hills Noodles Restaurant Amara & Brian Norman

Norma’s Seafood & Steak Northwest Children’s Theater and School The Old Market Pub & Brewery Dale Oller OMEGA - Oregon Metropolitan Elite Gymnastics Academy OMSI On Deck Sports Bar & Grill Oregon Coast Aquarium Oregon Shakespeare Festival Oregon Symphony Oswego Grill Paloma Clothing Papa Haydn Restaurant Parties and Events NW Lisa Pate Joan Peck Walt & Pam Pelett - City Liquidators Piccolo Mondo Toys Pier 39 San Francisco Pietro’s Pizza Pig ‘n Pancake Play & Chase Dog Care PlayDate PDX Point Gym and Kitchen Pollo Bravo Popina Swimwear Por Que No? Taqueria PJA Classes 6th Grade Parents 7th Grade Parents 8th Grade Parents Adrianne & Maddy’s Pre-Kindergarten Class Caroline’s 3rd Grade Class Celinda’s Kindergarten Class Chantel & Holly’s Transitional 2’s Class Cyndi & Jade’s 5 day 3’s Class Ellen’s 5 day 3’s Class Harriet’s 5th Grade Class Infants Room: Caitlyn, Jen, Mindi, & Sarine Jim’s 4th Grade Class Kim & Lily’s Pre-Kindergarten Class Leslie & Debbie’s 2 Day 2’s Class Leslie & Debbie’s 3 Day 3’s Class Megan’s Kindergarten Class Rand’s 3rd Grade Class Sammie and Renee’s Transitional 2’s Class Stephanie’s 1st Grade Class Susan’s 2nd Grade Class Tatiana and Natalya’s Transitional 2’s Class Toddler’s Classes: Cristin, Daravanh, Kara, Katrina, Sara, Vicky

Portland Baroque Orchestra Portland Children’s Museum Portland Jewish Academy Portland Nursery Portland Shaolin Center Portland Trail Blazers The Portland Timbers & Thorns FC Portland Winterhawks Hockey Club Portland’s Culinary Workshop Punch Bowl Social Raccoon Lodge & Brew Pub Raul’s Family Mexican Restaurant Red Tail Golf Center Jeff & Carol Richmond RobProPhoto Ellen Lippman and Steve “Rosy” Rosenberg Alison and Justin Rosenfeld Chantal & Eli Rosenthal Ruby Jewel Handmade Ice Cream Sacred Money Studios & Prosperity Pie Shoppe The Drucker Family Sandra Lewis Design Sapphire Hotel Cocktail Lounge Sasquatch Brewing Company Sauvie Island Organics School of Rock Lake Oswego Seasons & Regions Seafood Grill Seattle Seahawks Sentinel Sesame Donuts ShedRain Corporation Sherwood Ice Arena Silver Lining Jewelry & Loans Inc. Simpatica Dining Hall Linda Nemer & Gary Singer Sit Still A Salon Shoppe For Kids Sky High Sports David and Kim Solondz The Stockpot Broiler Sunset Lanes Switch Shoes Tasty n Sons The Fried Onion The Henna Jeannie The Merry Kitchen The Old No. 77 Hotel & Chandlery Thinker Toys Thirsty Lion Pub & Grill Thomas and Sons Distillery Thrive Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Center Tom’s Pancake House Tonkin Family Toro Bravo Restaurant Trackers Earth TravelFar, LLC - Brooke Johnson Tutor Doctor Vinn Distillery Voicebox Westside Dance and Gymnastics Academy Willamette Valley Soaring Club World of Speed Motorsports Museum Jay and Diane Zidell Zoup! Washington Square Too

Dor L’Dor Society

The Dor L’Dor Society recognizes those who have made the extraordinary commitment of including Portland Jewish Academy in their estate plan with a gift through a bequest, trust, life insurance policy or other planned gift. We gratefully acknowledge all of the members of the PJA Dor L’Dor Society. PJA is one of eleven organizations in Oregon participating in The Life + Legacy program, funded by The Harold Grinspoon Foundation and The Oregon Jewish Community Foundation. If you would like more information about how to include PJA in your estate plan, please contact Steven Albert, Executive Director, at salbert@pjaproud.org. Anonymous Steven Albert and Janie Goldenberg Bonnie Boone Altshuld and Steve Altshuld* Ron and Judy Applebaum Gloria Bacharach* Alan Bacharach* Stacy Barna Barry and Karla Benson Gregory Bishop and Sharon Klin* Donna and Dick z”l Brownstein* Stanley Davis* Marlene Davis* Edith Dorsen Robert Erlich z”l Becky and Greg Ewer Eleanor Fisher z”l Karen and Skip Freedman* John and Beth Germain* Jacob Gildesheim* Jonathan and Sarah Glass Edward and Florence Glick z”l* Eric Goldenberg* Erica Goldman and Jeffrey Druckman* Adam and Robin Greenman* Rick Haselton and Sura Rubenstein* Merrill and Perry Hendin* Ruth Horenstein* Lewis and Lisa Horowitz* Hilde Jacob z”l Dr. Irvin and Dr. Jacqueline Jacobs Sam Jacobson* Phil Jansen and Ariel Shattan* Garry and Judith Kahn Hank Kaplan and Marni Glick* Lisa Katon and Noah Kressel Sheldon Klapper and Sue Hickey Eric and Robin Kornblit Jacob and Elaine Korngold* Tony and Priscilla Kostiner* Shirlee and Reuben Lenske z”l* Jordana and Ryan Levenick Al and Rosanne Levi* Holly R. Litwin* Gail Mandel and Steven Klein Richard and Judi Matza* Zen Menasche-Slayen* Vic and Toinette Menashe* Jeffrey Menashe and Wendy Gutmann*

Larry and Joyce Mendelsohn* Mark and Marcia Meyer* Joel Mullin and Sheri Katz Hillary Nasso and Ken Wittenberg* Diane Nemer z”l * Stacey L. and Marshal R. Oller Ella and Herbert z”l Ostroff* Robert Leonard Parnas z”l Erik Richmond Gayle and Paul Romain Steve Rosenberg and Ellen Lippman* Stan and Madelle Rosenfeld David and Darcy Rubin* Nicole Heiman Sacks and Robert Sacks* Jerry and Bunny Sadis Stephen and Becky Saltzman Faye Gordon Samuels Andrea K. Sanchez and Benjamin Drucker Joan Schnitzer Richard and Patricia Schwartz* Ariel Shattan and Phil Jansen* Gary and Linda Singer* Anthony Slayen* Kelly and Julie Smith* Les and Martha Soltesz Marshal Spector Roslyn Srebnik Fund of the Srebnik Family Trust Carol and Noam z”l Stampfer* Sherry and Steven Stone* Rabbi Joey Wolf and Lisa Rackner* Carrie Wynkoop and Kari Chisholm Esther and Henry z”l Zabronsky* Ken and Jennifer Zeidman Mark and Mindy Zeitzer *Denotes Founding Members

Thank you for making last year’s auction such a success! Hope to see you this year!

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