Purim Guide 2020

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Purim Adar, the month in which Purim falls, is considered a lucky and joyful month, and often festivities and merriment are planned for the very first day. Slogans such as, “Be Happy - It’s Adar!” are heard, and the Hebrew folk song, “Misheh Nichnas Adar, Marbim Besimcha,” (When Adar arrives, rejoicing increases), is sung. Adar is a great time to sharpen your comic skills!

Be Happy - It’s Adar!

Four mitzvot comprise the ritual of Purim day itself. They are: 1. Listening to the reading of Megillat Esther. This usually takes place in synagogue, where both children and adults come dressed in costume and equipped with graggers, noisemakers, with which to drown out the name of Haman when it is mentioned during the reading of the story of Purim. At PJA we hear sections of the Megillah. This gives our students an opportunity to experience the fun of blotting out Haman’s name and hearing the beautiful chanting of the megillah. 2. Mishloach Manot, sending gifts to friends. Mishloach manot are gifts of food that recall the celebrations of the Jews of ancient Shushan, Persia, where the events of Purim took place. At least two kinds of ready to eat foods, upon which two different blessings are made, are sent to at least one friend. Most families send to more than one friend. Usual mishloach manot foods consist of hamantashen, the three cornered filled pastry reminiscent of Haman’s hat (or ears, if you use the Hebrew term Oznai Haman - Haman’s ears), candy, dried fruits, nuts, juice, or wine. The gift is usually sent in a decorated container. At PJA our students exchange Mishloach Manot with their classmates and Mishpachot.

Family & Adult


Holiday Guide

About Purim Purim is held on the 14th day of Adar, (this year coinciding with March 10), and celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from destruction by a Persian tyrant during the period of the Babylonian exile in the fifth century B.C.E. The story is found in the book of Esther, and tells how King Ahashverosh’s evil vizier, Haman, hatches a plot to kill the Jews because Mordechai refused to bow down to him. To determine the day of the Jews’ destruction, Haman casts lots (Purim). But the intervention of the brave Queen Esther saves the day for the Jews! The wicked Haman is executed, and Mordechai becomes the new prime minister. The Jews are able to defend themselves against their enemies and rejoice. It is interesting to note that God’s name is never explicitly mentioned in the Megillah of Esther. The observance of Purim commemorates these events.

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Purim Guide 2020 by Becky Hornsten - Issuu