Official Newsletter of Burbank High School Key Club
THE BULLDOG KEYNOTER August 2013 Caring, Our Way of Life
Five Paws Volume 6 Issue 5
In This Issue… 1. Editor’s Page 2. BHS Key Club News 3. Division News 4. Past Project Recaps 5. Upcoming Projects 6. Contact Info.
Editor’s Note WELCOME BACK! This is it! The school has started and now we are back in ACTION. The official year of 2013-2014 begins! I am overwhelmed at how fast the summer went by. It sure is bittersweet to leave behind those times in the beach and all, but great things are ahead of us! Soon, we will be welcoming new Key Club members in our family circle. The Officers are working on multitude of opportunities for all of you to experience and enjoy throughout the school year. Over the summer, few changes and many preparations were made. It is only the matter of time to see how much Key Club will grow this year. I am excited to see those changes in the future!
GOOD TO SEE YOU, NEWCOMERS! I am greatly EXCITED to have you join us. You made a smart choice in joining the LARGEST and MOST KNOWN club on campus. Let’s start with brief introduction of myself: My name is Dohee Lee and I am one of the officers in BHS Key Club for 2013-2014. My position is called the Bulletin Editor and I am in charge of publicizing our club’s news and updates to our members. My job will be done mostly through newsletters and announcements. But whenever you need help in confusion about the Key Club or event, contact me in anyway. Feel free to just come and talk to me even. I would love to get to know you. Don’t worry, I don’t bite! In the Spirit of Service, Dohee Lee BHS Key Club Bulletin Editor, 2013-2014
Bulldog Key Noter
BHS Key Club News Key Club was established in May 1925 in Sacramento, California by the local Kiwanis organization. Educators who sought to replace fraternities with a "more wholesome activity for youth" formed the very first Key Club at Sacramento High School. The idea behind Key Club was to form a high school service club that allows students to contribute to their communities.
Introducing Mr. Benjelloun Our New Faculty Advisor!!!!!!
How to join us:
1. Get an application in Benjelloun's class room1155 or on our website 2. Fill out the application 3. Pay the fees at the finance window 4. Return them by: SEPT. 17 for Seniors SEPT. 18 for Juniors SEPT. 19 for Sophomores SEPT. 20 for Freshmen
1st General Meeting Key Clubbers! There is meeting every Thursday at lunch in the auditorium. No food or drink is allowed so please do not bring any of those to the meeting.
Bulldog Key Noter
Executive Board Day
On August 9, BHS Key Club newly elected executive board members had a training session at the house of our very own President Ani. We had great time having fun with games such as chubby bunnies, human knot, shoe game, cookie games and many more. We also had indivisual discussion with each chair and trained about leaderships and the responsibilities as leaders. We were able to have a quality time getting to know each other better and look forward to our coming year!
Bulldog Key Noter
Division 16 News
DCM On August 24, at Las Palmas Park, division 16 had a council meeting. About 17 of our Burbank Key Club joined this day to have fellowship with other Key Clubs. There was fun ice breaker time, snack time, and cheering time.
D16 Ice Skating Fundraiser On August 31, at Burbank Pickwick Ice Rink, Key Clubbers had a quality time skating with each other. The ticket was purchase at $12 and was able to enjoy for 2 hours. We helped each other learn how to skate and had refreshments at the snack stand. It was a good opportunity to spend time in the ice rink away from the heat.
Bulldog Key Noter
Past Project Recaps Registration
Food Truck Night
From August 2 to August 5, the registration had their last session. Key Club helped in the library in distributing the textbooks to incoming students. All the students would come together and in lines of upwards to receive their books. Our responsibility was to help the students get their textbooks, answer questions, and assist the people who seemed lost. We had to accommodate 2-3 kids per trip causing a lot of stress. However, reliable members from our club worked with passion so the work wasn't too much of a burden. Food Truck Night went pretty well! We basically helped set up and clean up by putting all the tables and chairs from the cafeteria to the parking lot and vice versa. Chef Shalhoub appreciated our help greatly.
Teacher Help At Burbank High School on August 16, the teachers needed our help in preparation for the upcoming school year, and they were really appreciative! We had just enough people and managed to help all the teachers who needed it.
Helping out Mrs. Edge On August 21, Mrs. Edge, Burbank HS Accounting teacher, asked for some help. Members went helping in putting tennis balls for the chairs. Also, we cleaned the monitors and decorated the room for her. She was really glad to call us to do this job.
Bulldog Key Noter
Upcoming Events
Come to meetings every Thursday to be updated with fun events! Or go on our website to find out more!
Bulldog Key Noter
Ani Byurat Grade 12 (818) 319 0661
Daisy Duong Grade 12 (818) 571-3915
Dohee Lee Grade 11 (213) 598-2181
Mr. Benjelloun
Rachel Trujillo Grade 11 (818) 967-9684
Nora Papazyan Grade 10 (818) 298-5071
Bulldog Key Noter
Key Club Pledge “I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.�