September 2020 | Issue 39
Featured in this issue:
Thomas Oxley Endovascular brain-computer interfaces
Trends after unruptured aneurysm treatment page 7
Two new studies presented at the Society of NeuroInterventional Surgery (SNIS) 17th annual meeting (4–7 August), which was held virtually this year, have described outcomerelated racial disparities among patients who experience strokes.
terms of good discharge modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score (p=0.27). For mRS 0–2, there was no significant difference noted (14.8% vs. 16.7%),” he reported. However, symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (sICH) was significantly higher for African Americans (11.1% vs. 3%, p<0.001), and mortality was significantly higher in African Americans compared to other races (51.9% vs. 28.6%, p=0.03). In terms of comorbidities, Dmytriw stated that diabetes was significantly higher in African American cases versus others (37% vs. 66.7%). However, regarding smoking, atrial fibrillation, prior anticoagulation, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, hypertension, Adam Dmytriw hyperlipidemia,
Dorsal root ganglion stimulation evokes motor responses in patients with complete spinal cord injury Bilateral L4 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) stimulation has been shown to evoke strong and reproducible motor responses in the upper leg in patients with chronic motor complete spinal cord injury (SCI). In their paper published in Neuromodulation, authors Sadaf Soloukey and colleagues from Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, refer to their study as the “first of its kind” to demonstrate the potential of the DRG as a new target for reproducible and potentially weight-bearing muscle recruitment in this particular cohort of patients. THE TEAM IN ROTTERDAM write that current strategies for motor recovery after SCI aim to facilitate motor performance through modulation
of afferent (=sensory) input to the spinal cord using epidural electrical stimulation (EES). However, while the DRG itself represents the first relay
New studies shed light on racial disparities in stroke outcomes, including COVID-19 patients he first study from the North American Neurovascular COVID-19 (NAN-C) Consortium, presented by Adam Dmytriw of Harvard University (Boston, USA), specifically examined stroke patients with COVID-19. He told the online audience that mortality rates in African American stroke patients with COVID-19 were significantly higher than all other races combined in North America among the hospitals participating. Additionally, he said the study showed that the mortality rate of COVID-19–positive stroke patients was greater than previously reported in patients with COVID-19 or stroke alone. The investigators analysed 69 cases of acute stroke in patients positive for SARS-CoV-2, including 27 African American patients and 42 patients of other backgrounds, including Caucasian, Hispanic and Asian. “All patients presented to 14 major hospitals in the USA and Canada, from 14 March–14 April 14, 2020,” stated Dmytriw. “Regarding stroke functional outcomes, there was no difference between African Americans and other races in
Overall rate of in-hospital mortality decreased
Profile: Jens Fiehler Culture shifts in medicine page 14
cerebrovascular accident, peripheral vascular disease, or chronic kidney disease, no significant differences were observed between races. “With respect to presenting SARS-CoV-2 symptoms, we found no difference in exposure history, asymptomatic cases, fever, cough, dyspnea, nausea or vomiting, chills, malaise, or lethargy. The African American cohort had a similar mean NIHSS [National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale] score of 16.3 compared with 14.9 in other races (p=0.63). The doorto-CT time was also similar (23 vs. 19 minutes), and the proportion of patients presenting with a large vessel occlusion was not significantly different (40.7% versus 47%),” he added. Lastly, while the team observed that 14.8% of African American patients received intravenous tPA compared to 31% in other races, Dmytriw said it was not significantly different in this sample. Addressing the SNIS audience, he reiterated that the preliminary data suggest there may be a mortality difference amongst stroke patients of African American background afflicted with COVID-19. Speculating on reasons as to why, he said: “Underlying biological, genetic, or epigenetic characteristics can predispose [people] to health differences,” but added that social determinants such as access to healthcare, and geographical differences pertaining to both population and other location-based factors may also be contributory. Moving forward, the team, which is co-led by Ambooj Tiwari of New York University (New York, USA) aims to continue recruitment of more hospitals across North America, and
station of these afferent inputs (neurons that receive sensory information), it has yet to be targeted for this purpose. Hence, Soloukey and colleagues set out to determine whether DRG stimulation can facilitate clinically relevant motor responses in motor complete SCI. Five patients were implanted with DRG leads placed bilaterally on level L4 for five days. Based on personalised stimulation protocols, the team aimed to evoke dynamic (phase 1) and isotonic (phase 2) motor responses in the bilateral quadriceps muscles. On days one and five, EMG-measurements (root mean square [RMS] values) and clinical muscle force measurements (MRC scoring) were used to measure motor responses and their reproducibility. “In all patients, DRG-stimulation
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evoked significant phase 1 and phase 2 motor responses with an MRC ≥4 for all upper leg muscles,” report the authors. This led to a knee extension movement strong enough to facilitate assisted weight bearing, they added. Moreover, the team reported that no significant differences in RMS values were observed between days one and five of the study, which indicated that motor responses were reproducible. Delving into rationale behind their research, Soloukey et al state that SCI is “one of the most devastating” injuries to the human central nervous system, as it can lead to a multitude of problems, including loss of autonomic control, muscle atrophy, spasticity and sensory and motor impairments. According to Continued on page 18