Interventional News Issue 80—November 2020

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November 2020 | Issue 80

Featured in this issue:


Bart Dolmatch: AVeNEW study results

Profile: Adam Hatzidakis Trailblazing IR in Greece page 24

Catalysed by COVID-19, societies say hybrid conferences are here to stay

“2020 has changed so much. But the need for IO education remains the same.” Cued to music and set against a backdrop of footage from previous conferences, lone individuals on laptops, and graphics of the now instantly-recognisable SARS-CoV-19 virus, this is the text that appears on the promotional video for the Symposium on Clinical Interventional Oncology (CIO), which took place virtually for the first time ever this year, with sessions livestreamed on each Tuesday in October 2020. “Undeterred by setbacks,” it continues, “this is your year to learn differently. Meet differently. See IO… differently.” At the time of writing, CIO 2020 is the most recent conference in the interventional radiology (IR) space to deliver education and networking opportunities online. As interventional radiologists look ahead to 2021, Interventional News speaks with thought leaders from IR societies across the world to capture their reflections on how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting medical education.






do not think the pandemic is the end of the inperson meeting, rather the beginning of offering meetings accessible to all,” Erica Holland (USA), interim executive director of the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR), says. “SIR’s meetings, especially the annual scientific meeting, always feel like a family reunion, and we are looking forward to reuniting with our IR family as soon as it is safe to do so.” Originally slated to be an in-person meeting in Seattle, USA, on 28 March–2 April 2020, the SIR annual scientific meeting was amongst the first events to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Constantino Peña (Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute, Miami, USA), SIR 2020 programme chair, tells this newspaper this was “a disappointment”: “The annual meeting committee had spent so many months planning the programme, the awards ceremonies, and the networking events, and was excited to share them with our peers. We knew many of the researchers were eager to share their science with their colleagues and hear the feedback that is so important to expanding their work. “But we were confident at the time that we made the

right decision and that has been proven by how the spring unfolded. As a medical society, we knew we needed to lead by example during this public health emergency and ensure we were protecting our patients, colleagues, families, and communities by not creating a potential to spread the virus further. Interventional radiologists are data-driven, and the data we were presented at the time was unmistakable. There was community spread in the Seattle area, then the

There are wonderful, unexpected benefits of virtual learning experiences, and there are also cherished, deeply missed aspects of in-person learning experiences.” Continued on page 4

Early stage curative

Advanced stage

downstaging tumour


GEST 2020: Y-90 in all HCC stages page 30

Portal vein embolization with NBCA promotes greter liver growth than PVA, BestFLR trial finds In a comparison of the regenerative capacity of portal vein embolization (PVE) before major hepatectomies with two different embolic materials, N-butyl-cyanoacrylate (NBCA) was shown to be superior to polyvinylalcohol (PVA) particles plus coils. Speaking during the virtual European Conference of Interventional Oncology (ECIO; 4 November 2020, online), José Hugo Luz (Curry Cabral Hospital and Nova Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal) presented the results of the randomised, controlled BestFLR (Best future live remnants) trial. LIVER REGENERATION STRATEGIES, such as PVE, are crucial in enabling patients to undergo major hepatectomies, Luz informed delegates. Contextualising the BestFLR trial, he went on to explain that PVE has gained acceptance as the standard of care for inducing liver growth in the last few decades. However, the optimal embolic material for PVE has not yet been established. “There are some suggestions in the literature that NBCA glue (Glubran, GEM) with Lipiodol (Guerbet) might generate more liver hypertrophy,” he said. The BestFLR investigators therefore set out to determine which embolic material, NBCA-Lipiodol or PVA plus coils, produces the highest healthy liver growth during PVE. In order to be enrolled in the study, the future liver remnant (FLR)—the volume of healthy liver that will remain with the patient after surgery—had to be 25% or less of the total liver volume in healthy liver patients, 35% or less in colorectal patients, and 40 to 45% or less in patients with cirrhosis or cholestatic liver disease. The 60 patients enrolled in the trial were randomly assigned to receive PVE with either NBCA-Lipiodol or PVA plus coils (30 in each group). Baseline characteristics, such as age, sex, comorbidities, weight, height, and presence of cirrhosis, were equivalent amongst the two cohorts. The most common tumour types included in the study were colorectal metastases (45%) an cholangiocarcinoma Continued on page 6

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