Vascular News Issue 89 – January 2021 REVISED

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January 2021 | Issue 89

Featured in this issue:


Bridging stents Their evolution for FEVAR and BEVAR

Profile Julie Ann Freischlag

SWEDEPAD Unplanned interim analysis published

page 18

page 20

Silent brain infarction common after endovascular arch repair, STEP registry finds Preliminary results from the STEP (Stroke from thoracic endovascular procedures) registry show that silent brain infarction following endovascular repair of the aortic arch is frequent, with postoperative diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) demonstrating an incidence of 50%.


s a result of this main finding, Philippe Charbonneau (Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, GHPSJ, Paris, France) and colleagues write in an online European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVES) article that “innovative strategies to reduce the risk of embolisation need to be developed”. The authors begin: “Over the last decade, thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) has supplanted open surgery as the main repair technique for aneurysms of the descending thoracic aorta”. While TEVAR has an “early morbidity and mortality advantage,” they note, neurological complications following TEVAR remain a “significant periprocedural concern”. Charbonneau and colleagues explain that cerebral solid and gaseous embolisation during aortic arch instrumentation is “debated to be the primary cause of perioperative stroke and silent brain infarction.” They note that silent infarct is defined as “image proven ischaemic brain injury without acute neurological dysfunction attributable to the lesion” and detail that it is identified as “an independent predictor of future stroke, cognitive impairment, and dementia”. Considering the literature, the authors write that only a few studies have investigated the presence of silent brain infarction following TEVAR using cerebral DW-MRI,

showing lesions in up to 81% of patients within the first week after TEVAR involving the aortic arch. Charbonneau et al state that use of carbon dioxide flushing to replace trapped air in stent graft delivery systems has been introduced to reduce gaseous embolisation during TEVAR, but that “its impact on silent brain infarction has not yet been evaluated with cerebral imaging”. According to the authors, the STEP registry is the largest study to evaluate the incidence and distribution of silent cerebral infraction following endovascular repair for disease of the aortic arch, and also the first cohort to include total endovascular arch repair and devices flushed with carbon dioxide. The purpose of this work, Charbonneau and colleagues relay, was to quantify silent brain infarction in a patient population that underwent advanced endovascular aortic arch treatment. They specify that the study included total endovascular arch repairs, and carbon dioxide flushed devices as one embolic protection strategy. Writing in EJVES, Charbonneau and colleagues detail that this multicentre retrospective cohort study included consecutive patients treated with an aortic endoprosthesis deployed in Ishimaru zone 0–3 and brain DW-MRI within seven days following the procedure. They state that DWMRI was performed to identify the location and number Continued on page 4

At one year: the rate of all-cause mortality

10.2% [117 patients]


device group


[113 patients]


device group

First-in human study shows “feasibility and potential” of FORS technology Based on the findings of their firstin-human feasibility study, Joost van Herwaarden (Utrecht University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands) and colleagues write in the European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (EJVES) that Philips’ Fiber Optic RealShape (FORS) technology “has the potential to improve intraoperative imaging”. Their results show that real-time navigation using FORS technology is safe and feasible in abdominal and peripheral endovascular procedures. VAN HERWAARDEN AND colleagues detail that endovascular procedures are conventionally conducted using 2D fluoroscopy. However, a new technology platform, FORS, has recently been introduced, which allows “real-time, 3D visualisation of endovascular devices using fibreoptic technology,” they explain. This technology functions as an “add on” to conventional fluoroscopy and “may facilitate endovascular procedures”. The present first-in-human study assessed the feasibility of FORS in clinical practice. The researchers performed a prospective cohort feasibility study between July and December 2018, recruiting patients undergoing either regular or complex endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) or endovascular peripheral lesion repair. Continued on page 6

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