Target® Detachable Coil
With you all the way
Reach for Target Coils first— a coil range for every case Innovation is at the heart of the story of the Target Detachable Coil (Stryker). The legacy began in 1990, with the invention of the Guglielmi Detachable Coil (GDC). Named after its inventor Guido Guglielmi (University of California, Los Angeles [UCLA], Los Angeles, USA), and developed in partnership with Stryker, the introduction of detachable coils completely changed the landscape of how aneurysms were treated and is now the primary endovascular treatment across the world. Following the revolutionary launch of the GDC, Stryker introduced the Target Detachable Coil in 2010. With over a decade of treating patients, and across several iterations, the device is the next chapter in the GDC story. “PARTNERING WITH PHYSICIANS was our legacy and continues on today,” says Clifford Teoh, senior principal engineer for Stryker’s Hemorrhagic Coils Group, discussing the impact and evolution of the Target Detachable Coil. “Listening to physicians’ needs, and iterating designs to meet their needs is evident from our breadth of offerings throughout the years. With 10 years of coil innovation and more than 500,000 patients treated, Stryker offers a full line of four softness levels, three coil shapes and two primary diameters—truly a coil range for every case.” Since its first-in-human use, the device has been enhanced to respond to the needs of patients and evolving interventional practice. Using the coil offers access to three shapes—360, 3D and Helical—all designed to frame securely, fill uniformly, and seek voids within the aneurysm. The Target 360 Coil is at the forefront of coil shape technology, providing uniform distribution, concentric filling, and aneurysm neck coverage. The 360-degree shape is designed to seek the outer wall and leave an open centre for concentric filling. The first 1.5 distal loops are 25% smaller than the stated secondary coil diameter, a feature
Images courtesy of Dr. Alessandro Pedicelli
Target 360 Coil introduces a smooth and stable platform
Target Detachable Coil first used in humans
Target Nano, the softest finishing coil on the market
September 2021
Bi-lobe ACA aneurysm treated with Target Detachable Coils
designed to reduce coil herniation. Target 360 Coil features an open loop configuration, conforming to multiple aneurysm shapes, while minimising compartmentalisation. As a complementary complex coil option, Target 3D Coil offers a secure foundation for consistent framing. The coil rotates 90 degrees at each small loop, creating a three-dimensional shape. The small loops add body to the coil and help maintain this shape, while the large loops appose the aneurysm wall, providing stability within the aneurysm. Target Helical Coils are designed with versatility in mind. The helical shape is available in a range of sizes and softness levels to support from start to finish for framing, filling and finishing intracranial
Target XL changes the game for volumetric filling
aneurysms, and embolising vascular malformations. Additional innovations in the coil range's history offer full coverage for every case. These include four softness levels—standard (3–24mm), soft (2–20mm), ultrasoft (2–5mm), and nano (1–3.5mm)—as well as three primary diameters—Target 10size, Target XL, which offers double the fill and 40% more width, and XXL which offers triple the fill and 70% more width. “We continuously improve our designs,” says Teoh, who adds that other developments include the replacement of the reinforced sheath with a 3.5x thicker sheath to provide greater introduction stability to the hub; enhanced proximal contact design, to make the device 10x stronger in buckling; and a laser-ablated detachment zone with a smaller gap, reducing the detachment zone by 65%. The range of sizes and shapes of the Target Detachable Coil portfolio allow interventionalists to approach every kind of aneurysm. “In short, you get what you expect,” says Peter Schramm (Universitӓtsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck, Germany), offering his view on the platform. “If you are looking for a 3D shape, you get a 3D shape. If you are looking for a certain size, you will find it on the shelf. If you are treating a complex aneurysm, Target Detachable Coil makes it much easier. If you are experienced with those coils, you really feel very comfortable using them,” he adds. Ian Rennie (Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK) echoes Schramm’s view that the range of sizes is an advantage of the portfolio. He comments: “There is a fantastic range, from very small to very large, and very long, so the range is superb, and they are predictable across that range.” Looking ahead to the next 10 years, innovation will remain at the heart of the story. Driven by physician feedback and continuous improvement, the Target Detachable Coil will strive to be the coil range for every case.
XL Mini increases smaller XL mini offerings
500k+ patients treated with Target Detachable Coils
Target 3D unique omega shape loop New Target Nano offers larger size
Next Gen Target Detachable Coil improves user experience Target XXL, the largest of the coils
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