Vascular News — CX 2019 Special Edition

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Charing Cross Special Edition

March 2019

Vascular & Endovascular

Challenges Update Aortic Challenges

Peripheral Arterial Challenges

Venous & Lymphatic Challenges

Acute Stroke Challenges

Vascular Access Challenges


and introducing



CX Challenges vascular community to focus on Evidence The Charing Cross Symposium (CX; 15–18 April, London, UK) is the longest-running vascular and endovascular global symposium in Europe, and an important source of Education, Innovation and Evidence as the vascular field in 2019 faces several critical questions and concerns. Through structured debate and presentation of data, the international forum at CX aims to drive the discussion through this year of Challenges, towards future Consensus.


hree CX Special Sessions have been introduced to the programme, to focus on those topics that are seen as most central to the vascular community and warrant highlighting. With two aortic and one peripheral CX Special Sessions, as well as dedicated Podium 1st sessions to emphasise new data, CX is improving its format to optimise engaging education. This year, the four-day programme starts with an afternoon of Acute Stroke Challenges, followed by three days of Aortic, Peripheral, Venous and Vascular Access programmes.

The last word on paclitaxel

On Tuesday 16 April, the first CX Special Session will take place to shed

light on the highly discussed 2018 suggestion of an association between paclitaxel-coated and -eluting devices, and patient mortality. Katsanos et al created uproar and uncertainty surrounding the results of the meta-analysis of 28 paclitaxel device studies and trials. Enormous efforts have been made by societies, regulatory bodies and industry to understand the data presented in the meta-analysis claims. CX aims to analyse the problem and attempt to point the way forward. The US Food and Drug Administration and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency are showing high-level interest and will be listening to the CX discussions.

Draft NICE aortic guidelines

The second CX Special Session, on Wednesday 17 April, is focused upon the durability of endovascular aneursym repair and the draft National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) aortic aneurysm guidelines. A Virtual Reality live endovascular aneurysm repair procedure will be performed to illustrate the discussion. The draft guidelines, published in May 2018, recommended UK healthcare professionals to favour open repair for aneurysms over endovascular repair. Subsequent debate with a dissenting majority within the vascular community has ranged from the appropriateness of outdated trials, to healthcare economics and the cost of post-endovascular repair

reinterventions. If implemented, the draft guidelines may change vascular practice in the UK significantly. The final guidelines remain unpublished at the time of writing.

Stroke from Thoracic Endovascular Procedures

On the final day of CX, Thursday 18 April, the investigators of the Stroke from Thoracic Endovascular Procedures (STEP) study take the stage, to give new insight on an important issue in thoracic interventions. Presenting new ideas for riskreduction with regard to stroke from endovascular procedures, one particular tool and its peri-procedural application stands out, as the benefits of using diffusion-weighted MRI are considered. Tilo Kölbel’s team from Hamburg, Germany, will perform a Thoracic EndoVascular Repair (TEVAR) whilst risk of stroke is discussion, and how to minimise this risk.

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Vascular News — CX 2019 Special Edition by BIBA Publishing - Issuu