Recipes et recettes

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Really Good Recipes Recettes

Brownie Triffle

Ingredients: Servings: 20 Units: US | Metric 1 (19 7/8 ounce) package fudge brownie mix 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 1 tablespoon dry instant coffee (dry) 1 package chocolate flavor instant pudding and pie filling mix 2 cups milk 1 (6 ounce) package English toffee bits (reserving 2 tablespoons for garnish) 3 1/4 cups whipped cream Directions: 1- Heat oven to 350F degrees. 2- Prepare brownie mix as directed on package for 13 Ă— 9-inch rectangular pan, using water, oil and eggs and stirring coffee into batter. 3- Bake and cool as directed. 4- Cut brownies into 1-inch squares. 5- Place half of the brownie squares in the bottom of a 3-quart glass bowl. 6- Prepare pudding mix as directed on package for pudding, Pour half of the pudding over brownies in bowl. 7- Top with half each of the toffee bits and whipped cream. 8- Repeat with remaining brownies, pudding, toffee bits and whipped cream. 9- Sprinkle with reserved toffee bits. 10- Cover and refrigerate at least 4 hours before serving.

11- Cover and refrigerate any remaining trifle (if you have any left, doubtful).

Scones Ingredients 225g/8oz self raising flour pinch of salt 55g/2oz butter 25g/1oz caster sugar 150ml/5fl oz milk 1 free-range egg, beaten, to glaze (alternatively use a little milk)

Preparation method 1. Heat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Lightly grease a baking sheet. 2. Mix together the flour and salt and rub in the butter. 3. Stir in the sugar and then the milk to get a soft dough. 4. Turn on to a floured work surface and knead very lightly. Pat out to a round 2cm/他in thick. Use a 5cm/2in cutter to stamp out rounds and place on a baking sheet. Lightly knead together the rest of the dough and stamp out more scones to use it all up. 5. Brush the tops of the scones with the beaten egg. Bake for 12-15 minutes until well risen and golden. 6. Cool on a wire rack and serve with butter and good jam and maybe some clotted cream.

Yorkshire Pudding

A traditional Yorkshire Pudding fresh from the oven should be well-risen, golden brown with a crisp exterior and soft middle.

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Yield: Depends on size of tin used.

Ingredients: 4 large, fresh eggs, measured in a jug Equal quantity of milk to eggs Equal quantity of all purpose/plain flour to eggs Pinch of salt 2 tbsp lard, beef dripping or vegetable oil

Preparation: Serves 6 Heat the oven to the highest temperature possible, however, do not exceed 450F/230C or the fat may burn. Pour the eggs and milk into a large mixing bowl and add the pinch of salt. Whisk thoroughly with an electric hand beater or hand whisk. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. Gradually sieve the same volume of flour (as the eggs) into the milk and egg mixture, again using an electric hand beater or hand-whisk to create a lump free batter resembling thick cream, if there are any lumps pass the batter through a fine sieve. Leave the batter to rest in the kitchen for a minimum of 30 minutes, longer if possible - up to several hours. Place a pea-sized piece of lard, dripping or ½ tsp vegetable oil into your chosen Yorkshire pudding tin, or a 4 x 2"/5cm hole tin or 12-hole muffin tin and heat in the oven until the fat is smoking. Give the batter another good whisk adding 2

tbsps of cold water and fill a third of each section of the tin with batter and return quickly to the oven. Leave to cook until golden brown approx 20 minutes. Repeat the last step again until all the batter is used up.

Serving Yorkshire Pudding In Yorkshire serving the pudding is traditionally with gravy as a starter dish followed by the meat and vegetables. More often smaller puddings cooked in muffin tins are served alongside meat and vegetables. o Yorkshire pudding isn't reserved only for Sunday lunch. A large pudding filled with a meaty stew or chili is a dish in its own right. o Cold left-over Yorkshire Puddings make a lovely snack with a little jam or honey. o Yorkshire Puddings do not reheat well, becoming brittle and dry. o

Preparation: -1 can of condensed milk -200 g of butter -1 cup of flour -100 g chopped walnuts -200 g of chopped chocolate -1 teaspoon vanilla extract -1 teaspoon baking soda -1 teaspoon salt

Method of preparation:

-Beat butter with an electric mixer and adding the condensed milk go until creamy white; -Add to the mix the chopped nuts and chocolate and mix well; - Add the sifted dry ingredients and lastly the essence; -Use a tablespoon to make the portions on a tray; -Bake in preheated oven until the bottom is ready. Remove cookies from pan and let cool on a dry surface until they are cold.

Ingrédients: -1 kg de farine -550 ml d'eau -50 g de levure -70 gr de sucre -20 g de sel -30 g de poudre de lait -1 œuf -100 g de beurre

Procédé de préparation :

-Faire une pâte avec du beurre, le sucre, la poudre à pâte, la farine, le sel, l'œuf, l'eau et le lait en poudre, bien pétrir jusqu'à obtenir une pâte lisse; - Laisser reposer la pâte pendant 20 minutes, recouvert d'un morceau de plastique; - Ouvrir la pâte avec le rouleau et placer la margarine y 2/3 de la pâte et couper en triangles ;

- Façonner et placer les plaques de cuisson dans le four entre 200 ° et 220 ° C.

Old English Apple Pie Ingredients: Pastry: 2 cups of raising flour 2 tea spoons of caster sugar 125gm of butter 2-3 table spoons of cold water Pinch of salt Filling: 750gm of cooking apples, peeled, cored and sliced 4 table spoons of sultanas or raisins 1 cup of brown sugar ½ tea spoon ground cinnamon Ÿ tea spoon of grated nutmeg Grated rind and juice of half a lemon To Finish: Milk Caster sugar Method: To prepare the pastry, sift the flour and the salt into a mixing bowl. Then stir in the sugar. Add the butter in pieces and rub into the flour with the fingertips until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs. Stir in enough water to hold the mixture together. Then form into a smooth ball. Wrap in foil or grease-proof paper and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into two and roll out one half on a floured board into a circle to fit the base of a 20cm/8inchpie dish. To prepare the filling put the apples in a mixing bowl and then stir in the remaining filling ingredients. Spoon into the dough lined pie dish. Roll out the remaining dough into a circle to form the lid. Lay over the filling, pressing down and sealing the edge with water. Flute the edge with your fingers or crimp with the prongs of a fork. Brush with a little milk and dredge with caster sugar. Make a slit in the centre of the pie for the steam to escape. Bake on a baking sheet in the centre of a hot oven (200 degrees C/400 degrees F) for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to moderate (180 C/350 F) and continue baking for 20 minutes. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before serving. You can serve it with custard sauce or sweetened whipped cream.

The Apple Pie is not originally from America but from England as opposed to what people think.

Galette des rois Ingrédients : 2 pâtes feuilletées à dérouler (pur beurre) 100 g de beurre 125 g de poudre d'amande 100 g de sucre 2 oeufs + 1 oeuf pour la dorure une poignée d'amandes entières (facultatif mais tellement bon) Préparation: 1-Dans un saladier, mélangez le beurre mou avec le sucre en poudre et la poudre d'amande. Ajoutez les 2 œufs l'un après l'autre, après les avoir bien incorporés à chaque fois. 2-Déroulez une pâte feuilletée sur une plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé. A l'aide d'un pinceau, humidifez les bords de la pâte sans déborder vers l'extérieur. 3-Répartissez la crème d'amande au centre de la pâte. Pour les amateurs de tradition, c'est le moment de mettre la fève. 4-Déposez délicatement une seconde pâte feuilletée sur la première. Appuyez sur les bords de la galette avec les doigts pour qu'ils adhèrent bien, puis repliez-les vers l'intérieur jusqu'à la garniture pour bien enfermer cette dernière. Appuyez de nouveau avec les doigts sur les bords, puis chiquetez-les en les entaillant avec la pointe d'un couteau. 5-Mélangez un œuf avec une cuillère à café de lait, puis badigeonnez-en la galette une première fois. Placez-la au réfrigérateur pendant 30 minutes, puis badigeonnez-la de nouveau. Attention à ne pas déborder sur les côtés de la galette en badigeonnant, car cela aurait

pour effet d'empêcher la pâte feuilletée de monter. 6-Avec la pointe d'un couteau, dessinez des diagonales sur la galette, ou tout autre forme que vous souhaitez (épis, couronne, etc). Enfournez à 240°c pendant 10 minutes, puis baissez la température à 180°c pour les 20 dernières minutes de cuisson.

Eton Mess Recipe


500 g/1 lb fruit of your choice (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries...) 500 ml/ 1 pint of double or whipping cream 8-12 meringue nests A little icing sugar (optional, depending on the sweetness of the fruit) A large decorative glass bowl, individual glasses or dishes to serve

Preparation Wash the fruit. If you’re using strawberries and they’re large, cut them in half. Blend half the fruit to a puree. Add the icing sugar if the fruit seems tart, but remember that it needs to cut the richness of the cream. Whip the cream until it stands in firm peaks. Crumble the meringues (if serving in a bowl) or arrange them on a plate.

Fold the pureed fruit into the whipped cream, then add the crumbled meringue. Pile into a large bowl or individual dishes and scatter with the remaining.

Recette Ratateuille -2 courgettes -1 aubergine -1 poivron vert -1 poivron rouge -3 tomatoes -1 onion -2 gousses d'ail -1 bouquet garni, huile, sel, poivre

Coupé les legumes en cubes de taille moyenne, et les tomates en quartiers et les oignons finement hachés. Dans une poêle, faire revenir chaque légume séparément pendant environ 5 min., Jusqu'à ce qu'ils COREM. Enfin laissant les tomates et les oignons à cuire ensemble. Maintenant, vous pouvez rejoindre tous les légumes aux tomates et oignons sautés être. Ajouter le bouquet garni, le sel et le poivre. Couvrez et faites cuire pendant 40 min., En remuant régulièrement. Les gousses d'ail à ajouter 10 min. avant que le feu s'éteint

English cake recipe

Ingredients 225 g softened butter 200 g sugar 4 eggs 300 g plain flour .5 individual package of baking powder (8 g) 150 ml of rum 120 g raisins 350 g candied fruit to decorate Quince jelly for brush

Macerate the raisins in rum overnight. Drain the raisins and reserve the remaining rum .Pre-heat the oven to 250ยบc.Grease and flour a cake tin with a 26 cm long .Cut the fruit into small pieces. Beat the butter with the sugar until they are well mixed .Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well between each addition. Add the sifted flour with the baking powder and beat just until all the ingredients bind. Incorporate raisins, with smooth movements, lifting the dough. Add the candied fruit the same way. Pour the batter into

the Tin. Place the cake in the oven and lower the temperature to 180° c. When you start to form a crust on the cake (10-15 minutes), make a longitudinal blow on the surface of the cake. Let Cook for about 1:0, proving with a toothpick that should come out dry when inserted into Center of cake. Remove from the oven and let cake cool for about 10 minutes before unmolding. Sprinkle the cake with rum and brush with the jelly. Garnish with fruit crystallized .Leave to cool completely. Keep cake refrigerated covered with cling film (will keep for 1 to 2 weeks) and prepare preferably 4 days before eating. Remove from refrigerator 30 minutes – 1 hour before eating. Why to macerate the raisins? Macerate the raisins in a liquid makes them softer and tender and helps to balance the amount of liquid in the recipe, as they can absorb moisture from the dough. In addition, the liquid used gives a special flavor to the batter. Extra rum, in the end, makes the cake moister.

Classic scones with jam & clotted cream Ingredients •350g self-raising flour , plus more for dusting •¼ tsp salt •1 tsp baking powder •85g butter , cut into cubes •3 tbsp caster sugar •175ml milk •1 tsp vanilla extract •squeeze lemon juice •beaten egg , to glaze •jam and clotted cream , to serve Method 1.Heat oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7. Tip the flour into a large bowl with the salt and baking powder, then mix. Add the butter, then rub in with your fingers until the mix looks like fine crumbs. Stir in the sugar.

2. Put the milk into a jug and heat in the microwave for about 30 secs until warm, but not hot. Add the vanilla and lemon juice, then set aside for a moment. Put a baking sheet in the oven. 3. Make a well in the dry mix, then add the liquid and combine it quickly with a cutlery knife - it will seem pretty wet at first. Scatter some flour onto the work surface and tip the dough out. Dredge the dough and your hands with a little more flour, then fold the dough over 2-3 times until it's a little smoother. Pat into a round about 4cm deep. 4. Take a 5cm cutter (smooth-edged cutters tend to cut more cleanly, giving a better rise) and dip it into some flour. Plunge into the dough, then repeat until you have four scones. By this point you'll probably need to press what's left of the dough back into a round to cut out another four. Brush the tops with beaten egg, then carefully place onto the hot baking tray. 5. Bake for 10 mins until risen and golden on the top. Eat just warm or cold on the day of baking, generously topped with jam and clotted cream. If freezing, freeze once cool.

Crème Brulée

Informations recette :

- Temps de préparation: 15 min - Temps de cuisson: 1h - Repos 2h

Liste des ingredientes: 5 jaunes d'oeuf 100 g de sucre 50 cl de crème fleurette* 1 gousse de vanille


1)Dans un récipient, faire blanchir 5 jaunes d’œufs et 100g de sucre, le mélange doit devenir mousseux. 2) Vider l’intérieur d’une gousse de vanille et ajoutez au mélange. 3) Ajouter doucement les 50cl de crème fleurette, et bien mélanger de nouveau. 4) Versez le mélange dans les ramequins à crème brulée. Préchauffé votre four à 100°c et laisser cuire les crèmes pendant une bonne heure. 5) Laisser les crèmes refroidir, puis mettez les au réfrigérateur 2h environ, la crème prendra en consistance. 6) Pour le caramel, saupoudrez les crèmes brulées de cassonade et utiliser un chalumeau de cuisine pour bruler le dessus. Vous pouvez également passer vos crèmes quelques minutes sous le gril de votre four (température au maximum pour un temps court). Attention, cette dernière étape doit être réaliser peut avant de les servir, car le caramel perd son craquant.

Quiche feuilletée aux oignons et carottes

Quantité Préparation Cuisson Coût de la recette Niveau de difficulté

4 Personne(s) 30 min 50 min Pas cher Facile

Ingrédients 250 g de pâte feuilletée 2 oignons 400 g de carottes 1 gousse d'ail pressée 125 g de lardons 30 g de beurre 20 cl de crème liquide 1 yaourt 3 œufs 2 c. à soupe de persil haché 1/2 feuille de laurier 1 pincée de noix de muscade sel, poivre Préparation 1- Epluchez les oignons et émincez-les en anneaux. Pelez les carottes et coupez-les en rondelles.

2- Faites fondre la moitié du beurre dans une casserole épaisse puis faites-y revenir les oignons et les carottes. Ajoutez 5 cl d'eau, l'ail pressé, le laurier, un peu de sel, du poivre. Laissez étuver 15 min à feu doux jusqu'à ce que les carottes soient presque cuites. Laissez tiédir. 3- Préchauffez le four (210°C). 4- Plongez les lardons pendant 2 min dans une casserole d'eau bouillante et égouttezles. Beurrez un plat à tarte puis garnissez-le avec la pâte. Répartissez sur le fond les lardons et les carottes. 5- Battez les œufs et badigeonnez-en légèrement les bords de la tarte. Incorporez en fouettant le yaourt, puis la crème liquide, une pincée de muscade, le persil, un peu de sel et du poivre. Versez sur les légumes. Enfournez pendant 30 à 35 min. Décorez de persil ciselé et servez.

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