Tutti i sogni del mondo Claudia Piscitelli
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“Tutti i sogni del mondo” “Todos os sonhos do mundo” Claudia Piscitelli “Não sou nada. Nunca serei nada. Não posso querer ser nada. À parte isso, tenho em mim todos os sonhos do mundo”. (…“Tabacaria”, Álvaro de Campos, 1928)
Assim começa o Poema Tabacaria, de Álvaro de Campos (heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa). Um poema longo, quase labiríntico, que da janela do seu quarto (que, per si, “contém milhões de mundos”), olhando a Tabacaria em frente, observa e descreve quem passa na rua, vai para fora da cidade (“fui até ao campo com grandes propósitos, mas lá encontrei só ervas e árvores”), entra na Tabacaria, fala com o Esteves e observa o sorriso do Dono da Tabacaria. Um texto que é quase um diário íntimo de visitação interior, tão rico que não se coíbe de afirmar que tem com ele “todos os sonhos do Mundo”… e à janela, quase num ritual, “saboreia num cigarro, a libertação de todos os pensamentos”. A leitura do Poema pode ser um ato íntimo, que deve ser repetido e revisitado (como numa oratória), mas quem tiver a possibilidade de ouvir os versículos declamados/sentidos/interpretados por Mário Viegas (*) entra numa outra dimensão de entendimento. É preciso “paciência” e reler o que está escrito, para tentar perceber a exata complexidade de conceitos e ideias. Poucos poetas serão capazes de propor tamanha reflexão da vida universal. Entende-se… porquê o fascínio do Poema, que não ficou indiferente além fronteiras.Entende-se… como uma Artista italiana vai “beber” estas linhas para desenvolver um trabalho tão íntimo de celebração. Claudia Piscitelli, oriunda de um mundo científico de Genética e Biologia, tendo-se deixado derivar/embalar pelo desenho e pintura, usa as palavras do Poeta, dando-lhes uma dimensão alternativa de entendimento da(s) complexidade(s) e realidades(s), objetiva(s) e
subjetiva(s), com dimensões micro e macro. As obras modulam o espaço expositivo da Biblioteca, com uma proposta de leitura original do Poema, em 18 desenhos/pinturas de personagens imaginadas/inventadas, que poderiam ter povoado a solidão do quarto, a rua comtemplada, enaltecendo o contraponto dentro e fora (quarto, rua, campo, cidade...). A Artista entende verdadeiramente que o Poeta, ao escrever em verso, está na realidade a escrever prosa (narrativas/estórias), com pausas e ritmos. As imagens aqui trazidas são um modo de “ler” muito pessoal e complementar da obra escrita, que muito adicionam às palavras lidas em voz alta. Numa visita à exposição, a observação das imagens expostas, acompanhada da leitura (e/ou audição do Poema) tornar-se-á uma experiência única. José Moura | Diretor Biblioteca | Maio 2019 “Que sei eu do que serei, eu que não sei o que sou? Ser o que penso? Mas penso tanta coisa! E há tantos que pensam ser a mesma coisa que não pode haver tantos! Gênio?” (… “Tabacaria”, Álvaro de Campos, 1928)
(*) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jjE-2FqqpM (*)
All the dreams of the world “I’m nothing, I’ll never be anything, I can not want to be anything, apart from that, I have in me all the dreams of the world.” This statement is the incipit of the poem “Tabacaria” by Fernando Pessoa: a life in the imagination, in the certainty that everything is possible, but also in the belief that we don’t have to prove anything about ourselves and our “specialty” since each one of us is unique and special. “All the dreams of the world” is a visual project inspired by the poem “Tabacaria” by Fernando Pessoa / Álvaro De Campos. I chose fragments of the poem and invented characters that are born from these little sentences... It is about isolating a fragment that somehow resonates with myself and give life to that part of me that could have thought the same sentences... So 18 characters were created 8 drawings and 10 paintings representing parts of me male and female and that are titled with phrases taken from the poem of Pessoa. The 18 artworks to represent the multitude living in myselfWhat interests me is how the lonely reflection of a great poet, known for having contacted his “heteronyms” can allow me to contact some of the heteronyms that dwell in myself. The hope is that people who come into contact with my works can do the same by identify themselves with my “thinkers”. “Since I was a child, I had the tendency to create a fictional world around me, to surround myself with friends and acquaintances who had never existed.” Fernando Pessoa. All the dreams of the world tells about loneliness, about poetic multiple personalities, crossed conversations, thoughts and above all about dreams… Claudia Piscitelli
Homage and declaration of love to a Poet Claudia Piscitelli exhibition «Tutti Sogni del Mondo» is an homage and declaration of love to Lisbon and to the great poet of the city: Fernando Pessoa. More than twenty years after one year residency as a scientist in Lisbon, she returns to the city on the Tejo as an artist -with eighteen works: huge paintings and smaller drawings. Claudia Piscitelli’s artworks are reflections of herself- soulportraits. They are invented charatcters reflecting on and repeating thoughts of Pessoa, alias Álvaro de Campos, sentences of his famous poem “Tabacaria”. The poet Pessoa has interwoven his autobiography with those of his “alter egos”, to whom he attributed their own personalities and life stories. The self-observation, fed by memory and introspection, manifests itself in different mental states translated by Claudia Piscitelli in colorful paintings and drawings with a quick and light sketching attitude: sometimes the subject is sitting on a chair self-inquiring, another time is standing in front of the sea, or lying on a sofa, in anticipation of what could happen - once as a man, another time as a woman. In the exhibition, the artworks and the poetry of Pessoa face the “self” of the audience. The questions raised are thrown back, the scenes reflect in parts our own ego, the thoughts are rethought, a life film is unrolled. Where do we come from? Where are we going? Who are we? It can be philosophical questions on the couch of the psychotherapist or those of our own environment, family and friends. But there are also the questions that we ask ourselves in each solitary and intimate minute, in meditations and prayers or in the romantic contemplation of the great, wide nature in search of a deeper meaning, a higher destiny, which makes us a particle of a mosaic in the great cosmic blueprint. Sabrina von Elten
NĂŁo sou nada I am nothing
Tudo ĂŠ sonho All is a dream
Para uma rua inacessĂvel a todos os pensamentos A street inaccessibile to any and every thought
Talvez tudo fosse nada Perhaps I failed nothing
Serei sempre somente o que tinha qualidades I will always be merely the one who had qualities
Eu, que nĂŁo tenho nenhuma certeza, sou mais certo ou menos certo? Am I who have no certainties, more right or less right?
GĂŠnio, agora Genius, at this moment
Conquistรกmos o mundo antes de nos levantar da cama We conquered the whole world before getting out of bed
Tudo isso, seja o que for, que sejas, se pode inspirar entĂŁo inspira! Whatever all of this is, whatever you are, if you can inspire then inspire me
Vivi, estudei, amei, e atÊ acreditei I’ve lived, studied, loved, and even believed
NĂŁo desmenti e perdi-me I said nothing and I was lost
E vou escrever esta histรณria para provar que sou sublime And I will write down this story to prove I am sublime
Sempre o mistério do fundo tão certo. Como o sono de mistério da superfície Always the inner mistery as true as the mistery sleeping on the surface
Invoco a mim mesmo e nĂŁo encontro nada I invoke myself and I find nothing
Calcando aos pĂŠs a consciĂŞncia de estar existindo Trampling on my consciousness of existing
E vou tentar escrever estes versos em que digo o contrรกrio And I will try to write these verses in which I say the opposite
Sempre o impossível tão estúpido como a realidade Always the impossible as stupid as reality
Visto isto, levanto-me da cadeira. Vou a janela Having said this, I get up from the chair. I go to the window
Claudia Piscitelli | Curriculum vitae Biography Claudia Piscitelli was born in Naples, 1965. She studied drawing and painting at the New York Studio School,the International Academy of Art (RUFA) Rome, the International Summer School Salzburg and the Slade University London. Formerly a biologist she also holds a PhD in Genetics and a Specialty in Microbiology from University Federico II of Naples. She has exhibited in Naples, Rome,Umbria, London and New York and Paris. Her work is in private and public collection such as Museo del Pio Monte della Misericordia in Naples and The Burghouse Museum in Hampstead London.
Education 2001 Corsi liberi di pittura International Academy of Art (RUFA) Roma 2002-2003 Diploma di pittura Istituto di Arti ornamentali Roma 2005 Corso libero di pittura International Academy of Art (RUFA) Roma 2006 Orvieto drawing marathon NewYork Studio School 2007 Orvieto drawing marathon NewYork Studio School 2008 Orvieto drawing marathon NewYork Studio School 2009 Painting Course International Summer School Salzburg 2009-2010 Corsi liberi di nudo International Academy of Art (RUFA) Roma 2010 Fall drawing marathon New York Studio School 2011 Expanded field drawing Slade University London 2011 Off Course International Summer School Salzburg 2012 Expanded Field drawing Slade University London 2012 Westbury painting marathon New York Studio School 2014 Stanley Lewis workshop Armory Art Center West Palm Beach, FL 2014 Summer Sculpture Marathon Newyork Studio School 2014 The Art of Writing, International Summer School Salzburg 2015 Stanley Lewis workshop International School of Art Montecastello di Vibio 2015 Curatorial Course of Raimundas Malasauskas, International Summer School Salzburg 2017 Stanley Lewis workshop International School of Art Montecastello di Vibio
Exibithions 2010 Personale Fabrica, Roma 2010 “Dal Vero” Hotel Correra, Napoli 2010 “Corso Cavour”, Orvieto 2011 “In honorem” Oratorio di S. Gregorio, Spello-PG permanent, 2012 “Rumi-notes”, S. Maria in Cosmedin, Roma 2012 “Inesplorazione” Museo dinamico del Laterizio e delle Terrecotte, Marsciano (PG) 2013 “Life Still and in motion” New York Studio School, New York, NY 2013 Premio assegnato Benininsieme 2013, Napoli 2013 “Drawing Constellations” Villa Lucia, Napoli 2014 “Sweet Thames runs softly” - The Waste Land Trilogy - Duke’s Head Putney, London 2015 “Hunting Vico’s paintings” - Pio Monte della Misericordia - Napoli 2016 “Nothing is stable” Garden Room Acatholic Cemetery, Rome 2016 “Nothing is stable” Burghouse Hampstead Museum London 2017 “Soul Portraits” Galerie Piece Unique Paris 2017 “Hokusai Life coloured” New York Studio School Gallery, New York, NY 2018 “Parla con me” Mural painting. Carcere di Nisida. Napoli- permanente
Workshops 2018 Drawing inside - Galerie Elten & Elten- Zurich
Permanent installations 2011 “In honorem” Oratorio di S. Gregorio, Spello -PG. 2018 “Parla con me” Mural painting. Carcere di Nisida. Napoli Represented by Galerie Piece Unique- Paris ( wwwagalerie-pieceunique.com) Instagram: claudia.piscitelli
Tutti i sogni del mondo BIBLIOTECA FCT NOVA 30 de maio - 19 de julho de 2019 ARTISTA Claudia Piscitelli BIBLIOTECA FCT NOVA José Moura, diretor Ana Alves Pereira, coordenação Ana Roxo, coordenação Luisa Jacinto, colaboração Isabel Pereira, colaboração Ricardo Almeida, design TEXTOS José Moura Claudia Piscitelli Sabrina von Elten ISBN 978-972-99923-4-6