7 minute read
TORX T40 KEY A. M8x20 (4x) B. M8x25 (2x) C. M8x30 (4x) D. M8x50 (4x) E. M8 NUT (4x)
QTY 4 4
• After each use disassemble your foil completely to prevent oxidation of the screws and threads and wash each component in freshwater.
• Protect front wing & stabilizer with dedicated covers when not in use.
• If you are not using your foil for a prolonged time, we recommend you fully disassemble the foil system, rinse with fresh water and dry it.

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Accessory Items Included • BACKPACK • PUMP • WRIST LEASH • REPAIR KIT
1. Find a spot clear of sharp objects to inflate your wing. We recommend you place your board upwind with the deck pad facing down and mast facing up, pointing in the wind direction, allowing for enough space to protect your wing from damage.
2. Unroll the wing strut side up.
4. Attach the pump tether clip to the leash loop. When you step on the pump you will create an anchor and it will prevent the wingfromflyingaway. 5. Check to see if the valves and seals are clean and free of debris 3. Attach your wrist leash to the leash loop located on the center front of the leading edge and attach it to your wrist.
6. Tighten the valve firmly to ensure no air will leak.
7. Open valve cap, attach the pump and inflate the leading edge until it starts to register on the pump pressure gage. This is the moment when you can inspect the wing to see if there is a twist in the bladder. A twisted bladder can damage your wing and affect wing performance. If there is no twist, inflate to 8 PSI maximum.
9. Close the neoprene protection covers. 10. When you disconnect the pump tether clip be advised your wing must be secured to an anchor at all times. Please note, your board and foil may not be a reliable anchor. If you choose to secure your wing to your board or foil, the foil could puncture the wing. 8. Inflate the center strut next to 8 PSI maximum.
• Rinse wing with fresh water and completely dry before folding and storing in the bag. • Check wing for punctures or tears after every use.
1. Find a spot clear of sharp objects to deflate your wing. Unscrew both valve bases to deflate the wing and make sure no sand, rocks, or water enter the valve because this may damage the bladder material. 2. Begin folding the wing from wingtip towards the center strut. We recommend folding in 6–8-inch panels, forcing the air out along the way. Once you get next to the valve add weight to the folded side to prevent it from unfolding while you fold from the other side.
3. Overlay left and right folded panels over the center struct.
6. Store wing in bag. 4. Fold the wing in three parts starting from the trailing edge, forcing the air out along the way.
7. Store pump hose inside the bag and attach the pump body to the outside of the bag. 5. Wrap leash around the folded panels to secure.
When this equipment is purchased from an authorized SIC dealer by a retail customer, SIC warrants that this product will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) Years from the date of purchase by the original retail customer. This warranty is solely for the benefit of the original retail purchaser and may not be assigned. For retail customer Limited Warranty claims, proof of purchase from an authorized SIC Dealer is required. If the date of the purchase cannot be established, SIC will decide based upon the last production year of the particular model or on the condition of the equipment claimed. If you have any questions about the SIC Limited Warranty or procedures for making claims thereunder, please contact SIC at www.sicmaui.com/support. The SIC Warranty Center will determine if the product is covered under this Limited Warranty. If covered at SIC’s sole option, SIC will repair or replace the product in question. All returns must be made through SIC authorized dealers. SIC does not accept returns directly from customers. Customers must call for a Return Authorization Number before returning any product under this Limited Warranty. All authorized returns must be sent to SIC’s Warranty Center at the country’s main distribution warranty office, freight prepaid. SIC will pay the freight for the return shipment. Return shipment will either be consolidated with the authorized retailer’s next shipment or paid by SIC at SIC’s sole option. Repair or replacement of any product under this Limited Warranty is not available for ordinary wear and tear, including scratches, paint chips, or damage caused by misuse, abuse, unauthorized modifications or repairs, accidents, heat, excessive exposure to sunlight, improper handling, storage, maintenance or care; incorrect setup, use in commercial, rental or teaching
environments; use in a shallow reef, shore break or any blow or impact with a hard object or any other irresponsible use. THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OF QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE, WRITTEN, ORAL, OR IMPLIED, AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SIC BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, STATUTORY OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE including, without limitation, loss to property other than this product, loss of use of said product or other property or other economic losses. SIC shall not be liable for contribution or indemnification, whatever the cause. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation and exclusion may not apply to particular customers. SIC’s obligations under any warranty shall be limited to the greatest extent allowed by law as provided in the SIC Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may also have other rights, which vary from one jurisdiction to another.
www. sicmaui.com/support
By assembling or using this SIC Maui product, you agree that you have read and understood the SIC Maui instructions and warnings contained in this guide and all other printed material on the product before using this SIC Maui product in any way. Also, you agree and ensure that any additional users of this SIC Maui product read and understand the instructions and warning contained in this guide and all other printed material on the product before permitting that person to use this SIC Maui product.
Foiling is a HAZARDOUS activity. The use of any SIC Maui product involves inherent risks and dangers that may result in severe injury and death of both the user and others. In using this SIC Maui product and any of its components, you freely agree to assume and accept any known and unknown risks of injury to you and nonuser third parties when using this equipment. The risks of foiling can be significantly reduced by adhering to instructions and warnings contained in this guide and by using common sense. Always check all parts of your product thoroughly before each use. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or death.
By using this SIC Maui product, you hereby agree to waive all claims that you have or may have in the future against Tahe Outdoors and all related parties resulting from the use of this SIC Maui product. Furthermore, you release Tahe Outdoors and all associated parties from all liability for any loss, damage, injury, or expense that any user/s of this product may suffer, or that any user/s next of kin may suffer, due to any cause whatsoever, including but not limited to, negligence or breach of contract in the part of Tahe Outdoors and all related parties in the design or manufacture of this SIC Maui product and any of its components. In the event of injury, death, or incapacity, all provisions contained herein shall be effective and binding upon your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assignees, and representatives. Tahe Outdoors and all related parties have not made and expressly deny any oral or written representations other than what is set forth within this SIC Maui User Guide.
Production: Tahe Outdoors France Marketing - We cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Subject to alteration. - Photo: Laurent NEVAREZ / SIC Maui - 2022-03