Welcome To The Future
EDITION 2 | 2018 |
Introduction Welcome to a bumper edition of The Standard! There is so much happening we wanted to pack this issue full of important and interesting information for you. The cover is dedicated to the future of our membership, we are first and foremost a membership organisation, we have reviewed all levels of our membership and are planning a few changes this year. Inside you can see what our plans are, all of which will be delivered in 3 steps over the coming months. As you know our focus for 2018 is #Creating A Career in Cleaning, which seems to have taken off. We returned from the Manchester Cleaning Show on a high, it was as usual a great success, we enjoy getting out and meeting our members and industry colleagues to talk about what’s happening in the industry. The team are now catching their breath to prepare for one of the biggest industry shows, Interclean, Amsterdam in May. You can also catch us at the BACHE conference and at our upcoming Sector Days. It’s non–stop at BICSc HQ, our international client base continues to grow and our CleanlogicTM Courses and Workshops continue to be well received. We have also hosted our first Sector Specific Forum for the Building Cleaning Services Sector, again a great success, there’s so much more to come from us this year! The industry seems to be in agreement, there is without a doubt A Career in Cleaning!
We hope you enjoy this issue, Team BICSc
Hello from Sue Robinson, FBICSc | BICSc National Chairman It’s been an interesting time for the Institute and the industry. In March many operations were severely affected by the ‘Beast from The East’; the impact on our industry was immense. Unlike some other industries there is generally no opportunity for the work to be completed at a later date and those staff that were able to get to work were put under a lot of pressure. In some cases, supplies ran out causing further operational issues. After a spate of bad weather, there is as always, the big clean up. It’s never an easy task dealing with burst pipes and leaks in the workplace. Hopefully,
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now spring is here, we can start to look forward to better weather, warmer temperatures and lighter nights all of which have a beneficial impact.
The team at BICSc continue to work “ hard to give you the most for your
membership and we will be bringing in a number changes for our members later in the year; all for the better I might add!
In May I’m looking forward to attending the Interclean show, which is always a great platform for the Institute and the industry. I hope you enjoy reading this edition of The Standard.
Best wishes Sue Robinson , MBA, FBICSc BICSc National Chairman
EDITION 2 | 2018
An update from Denise Hanson, FBICSc Technical Manager
The Manchester Show was a great opportunity to meet and talk to some of our customer base and our presentation slot was well attended and supported so thank you to those of you who took the time to come and listen and ask questions. There is a full list of all the other shows and exhibitions we are attending so if you have a chance please come and talk to us, your comments really do help us design the new products and courses. I hope to see you in this next quarter and look forward to updating you all again soon.
An update from James Marston, MBICSc
Learning & Development Manager
Well I can hardly believe I’m saying this, but another quarter has past and it’s time for another update in the Standard. It has been a busy few months with the new Cleanlogic courses running and further courses being written ready for launch. The new course on the block for this quarter is the Introduction to Cleaning Science – this gives information on which products work for which surface types and just how they work. A course specifically designed for those who want to learn more about the whys as well as the how. I’ve also been out visiting some of our customers and speaking to those who deliver our training in real time operations, this has led to another branch of product development with PowerPoint slides and training notes for the CPSS Skills – the Verification Team have been heavily involved in this to ensure these truly meet the customer requirements. This new support documentation supports the BICSc focus #Creating a Career in Cleaning by providing our customers with training aids so that they can provide a clear career path for their operatives. The BICSc Sector Days are running over the course of 2018, please keep an eye out for your invitation, and check the
The Institute has been very busy in the last three months training and supporting its existing and new members. For me their commitment to improving skills, embracing new ways of working and injecting further investment into products and services stood out. There is plenty to be concerned about when you read and watch the news currently, not so in the organisations I have had the pleasure to work with, they want continuous improvement and growth. More importantly they want this to happen through their staff and existing resources which means opportunities for all, looking internally for skills and innovation is a good place to start when change is necessary.
The Institute has its part to play “ supporting businesses that need to
invest further in their future and their people.
Looking ahead we have the opportunity to work with many more organisations that are striving for excellence amid the economic uncertainty we face. Whatever the future brings I am confident the cleaning sector will be ready for the challenge.
The feedback from the Higher “ Education, BSC and HMP days has
been really positive – the chance to meet and talk with other customers from the sectors has been particularly well received and we’ve had some great ideas from attendees
website for future dates relevant for your sector.
EDITION 1 | 2018
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FEATURING page four - 3 Steps to the Future of BICSc Membership page seven The Technical Edit Dilution Rates page nine - Perceived Cleaning Faults and their Possible Causes! page ten - Your Career | Your Goals | Our Training page twelve - Corporate Election Update page fourteen - Events & Exhibitions 2018 page sixteen - Where you can catch us page seventeen - Meet the BICSc Customer Support Team THESTANDARD
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with James Marston | The Hand Soap Dispenser
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About The British Institute of Cleaning
Our aim is to raise the standards of education and build awareness of the cleaning industry through professional standards and accredited training.
About BICS Business Services (BBS) BBS is a leading training provider for the cleaning industry. All BICSc accredited training is managed through BICS Business Services. Our standards combine expert knowledge from highly regarded industry professionals allowing us to deliver accredited training and best practice to the industry. BBS facilitates accredited training through our Associates and In-house Trainers to both individuals and organisations from a range of sectors.
About Cleanlogic™ Cleanlogic™ is a growing collection of supervisory and management courses and workshops, developed with BICSc technical knowledge and experience.
The dispenser has also eluded cleaning inspection and scrutiny and so remained undetected. If left in this warm, damp environment bacteria will not be removed but continue to spread and increase the risk of infection to building users.
“If you ha product ve a passion for it, o s can h aspira What can BICSc training do to help? tions, e elp you attain ur training mpowe your ca BICSc offers practical training in the skills required to clean effectively and safely in today’s sathetisfa ring yo modern facilities. Candidates who attend our courses understand the risks to themselves and ct u, thro reer ion an client. They understand and comply with safe systems of work and systematic ways to achieve ugh job cleaning tasks. Candidates learn effective cleaning techniques to ensure quality results and work-r d achieving GOO continuously high standards. yo elated D LU goals.” ur EDITIO Events & Exhibitions 2018 CK! 8 NEDITION 1 | 201 1 | 2018 page nine | N 1 | 201 We recommend the following skills: AU5 – Washing surfaces BU6 – Dusting/damp wiping of surfaces
Stan At ki
nsIO, Grou
Editi on Events & Exhibitions 2018
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18 page ten
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All Cleanlogic Courses & Workshops are certified by BBS and are exclusively delivered by our In-house Trainers.
Your Career | Your Goals | Our Training
Cor po COR rate El ec POR ATE tion U MEM pdat BER e S
201TION 8
Science (BICSc)
BICSc is the largest independent, professional and educational body within the cleaning industry, with over 25,000 Individual and Corporate Members.
The base of the dispenser has not been cleaned for some time and has possibly been missed in both daily and periodic cleaning.
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Perceived Cleaning Faults and their Possible Causes!
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WHERE US Visit us on StandYOU A06 | TeamCAN BICSc willCATCH be happy to help you
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Visit us on Stand A06 | Team BICSc will be happy to help you
Meet th
e BICS c Suppor Customer t Team
The Cu Support stomer Supp ort Ma the custo nager Jo Be Team are the gg, the backbo mer, the y are ne the phon y are a pleasure a friendly tea of BICSc HQ , led by e or em m who Custome have a ail to he to work with. str r Th lp you A Q&A with you e team are alw ong focus on Session you r queri ays at , so you es and question the end of can ge t to know s. them be tter.
d welcome n Atkins ked show! Sta man, Stan tal d air fantastic Interclean Amsterdam focuse BCC Ch what a always Firstly, y role of e very and as voluntar were som industry 15th – 18th May all in his s there hnical ure of our day Tec fut ISSA / Interclean Amsterdam two n our about the ! Over the reer e Hanso ive Ca nis a rat Association Hall 3 03.431C g De – 18 May ope ISSAPavilion /15 Interclean Amsterdam reatin tations, on the topic #C cks of a 15 – 18 May ve presen hot blo We will join the industry associations stand ati g ut our e inform buildin We will join the industry associations stand ked abo on the Sc Licenc tal ed er BIC uss Manag via the ich foc ry level ng, wh about our ent ani ked m Cle tal in ng fro are e also in cleani , Denis what we ion and career s cat e qualifi workshop to Practic TM courses and c Cleanlogi future. ive, for the Execut n, Sales planning a Willso Samanth joined er lat Denise BACHE Conference cco, Sa BACHE Conference Teresa 15 MayMay le Iland, 13th13– –15th Michel Left to we will be exhibiting and will also be at the Gala Dinner right, Jo inator and ive on the BACHEUniversity Conference Aston Begg, Te rt Coord cut ns Exe r Suppo resa Sa itors 13 – 15 May unicatio w of vis Custome cco, Sa mm flo Co ra Holt, g& the Sector Specific a steady we will be BICSc exhibiting and will also be atDays the Gala Dinner Lisa Ha braced Marketin ich saw em wh ly in rrington What is stand, reer team ful Healthcare | 5th June & Karen BICSc s. The your po ting a Ca . day rea h rts #C Boyde bot ir shi sition at ge with across Retail | 1stScotland August Facilities k of the messa bac Sc the BICSc? Lis on a: Custo 12 – 13 September 2018 BIC Higher Education | 2nd October mer Su broidered em ce ng Updates to follow pla pp a ort Admi Sara: Cu Cleani to win nistrator stomer chance and Ka s the ren rse d . Su s TM cou : Memb pport Co ere a there wa ership were off ordinator anlogic mple of board, Visitors BICSc Updates | Hot Industry Topics new Cle Facilities Scotland s an exa . represen Coordinator, aning cup sink included of the all stand wa I am bad cle tative for on one on the sluice 12 – 13will September Jo: I am se byspecial Sector Forums good and our me the contact an s. Also, cloour All of be held at Highgate House Hotel ss-steel mbers. the Custo d stainle have one workshop e of to follow even a mer Su in Updates Northamptonshire. rd should x and dispos Teresa: pport Ma cupboa mi Custome the to to ce (every nager. s itor r Supp a safe pla wFree ort Coord many tovis attendgoo fordBICSc members, including refreshments, lunch and free parking. to allow dre is the inator. Who wou s). Th look at Edition 1 2018 ich chemical were keen to ld wh yo rd A chance to ves us and your industry colleagues in a neutral environment about u mos who cupboa to talkglo t like to stand, e of the ndard, what’s happening in the industry. bad sid have di ing sta ed and the our cod nner w e includ our col bad sid ith aliv ters Sara: Pro included n. The low dus Look out for your e-shot invitation. e or de fessor protectio tles, yel Brian Co ad? and eye cal bot ments. Lisa: Ne x. d chemi r attach rke lson Ma ane ma cle un ndela. pag sev vacuumEDITION 1 | 2018 pageesixteen | enteen and a few | bics.o rteen Edition 1 2018 page fou
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EDITION 1 | 2018
3 Steps to the Future of BICSc Membership
Step One – Corporate Membership
During 2017, BICSc held a number of member surveys to find out how we could improve our membership experience for our Individual and Corporate members, and also our training centres. We have reviewed all of your comments and ideas and during 2018 we are acting on our findings, in 3 stages, the first being Corporate membership which launches on the 30th April 2018. Corporate membership is currently available for any company to purchase who has been trading for 12 months, enabling them to utilise the benefits BICSc offers and also to show their support for our values and mission statement. • We will now be offering a more cost effective 3-year membership deal as well as the current annual membership. • We have reduced our joining fee’s by over 50% in some turnover brackets. • We have introduced an Advocate of BICSc, for businesses not in the cleaning industry but would like to support the aims of the Institute. • We have also introduced a grade to appeal to Franchisers and Franchisees.
EDITION 1 | 2018
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New pricing structure below from 30th April 2018:
Joining Fee
Membership Fee including VAT
Corporate Membership: £250,000 or under
Corporate Membership: £250,000 or under (3 year)
Corporate Membership: £250,001 - £1,000,000
Corporate Membership: £250,001 - £1,000,000 (3 year)
Corporate Membership: £1,000,001 - £5,000,000
Corporate Membership: £1,000,001 - £5,000,000 (3 year)
Corporate Membership: £5,000,001 - £20,000,000
Corporate Membership: £5,000,001 - £20,000,000 (3 year)
Corporate Membership: £20,000,000 +
Corporate Membership: £20,000,000 + (3 year)
Advocate of BICSc (1 year)
Advocate of BICSc (3 year)
Franchiser Membership (1 year)
Franchisee Membership (1 year)
Membership Grade
We are pleased to say we have also revamped our membership benefits and introduced some new Partners, member rates and much more for our members to access -
Logo & Directory Advertisement • Use of the BICSc Corporate Member logo on your company printed items and vehicles. • Use of the Click to Verify Corporate Member logo for your company website. • Corporate Member Directory listing on the BICSc website complete with your own company profile.
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EDITION 1 | 2018
Exclusive Member Rates •
Specialist Manuals, posters and more on our Online Shop.
• All BBS Training Courses and Cleanlogic Workshops/Courses including Trainer the Trainer, Health & Safety, Control of Cross Contamination, Work Rates & Work Loading, Cleaning Inspection Level One and many more. • E-Learning Courses. • Independent Quality Cleaning Inspections and Endorsed Training Material only available for our Corporate Members. • Training Bundles & Technical Support Bundles, mix and match our training products to suit your needs in 6, 12 or 18-day packages.
Ongoing Communication & Support • Access to our Technical Helpdesk, expert advice from one of our Technical Team at your fingertips. • Dedicated Corporate Membership Coordinator at BICSc Headquarters to help you get the most out of your membership. • Quarterly copies of our industry magazine, The Standard, to keep you fully up to date with the latest news. We love to include our Corporate Members achievements. • Quarterly Newsletter to provide you with the latest updates and exclusive articles, as well as advice and support to help you get the most out of your Corporate Membership. • Access to BICSc events throughout the year including Specific Sector Days and the Annual Awards Dinner, sponsorship opportunities also available. • Voting rights in the BICSc Council Elections and opportunity to stand for Council as a Corporate Member Representative.
Ongoing Communication & Support • Our Partner Citation are Health & Safety, HR and Employment Law experts, they provide advice and support that’s tailored to your business needs. BICSc Corporate Members can claim an exclusive free of charge support session with Citation and a further 5% discount on any chargeable support packages. •
A Citation company, QMS International, is accredited to provide ISO Certifications that can increase your sales and profits, improve operational efficiency and open up new markets by demonstrating to customers the quality of your services. BICSc members can receive a complimentary 5% discount on the available packages.
• Darwin Clayton provide specialist insurances to clients with distinct needs, they remain proud of their heritage, independence and Lloyd’s Broker status. BICSc Corporate Members can take advantage of discounted premiums and enhanced cover. • Greatlittlebreaks have teamed up with us to offer a 10% discount to our Corporate Members on UK breaks. • Free subscription to C&M magazine.
And Finally… • All Corporate Members receive a plaque, certificate and lapel badge on joining. Watch out for Step Two – Changes to Individual Membership coming in July, and Step Three – Changes to Centre/Hub Membership coming in October. If you have any questions regarding your current membership or would like to apply for membership, please contact us on 01604 678711 or email
EDITION 1 | 2018
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The Technical Edit Dilution Rates Is it me or are the general instructions for diluting product a little confusing, offering more mystery than clarity. For one thing the different manufacturers all have their own way of showing this. You could see 1:20, 5% or add 250ml to 5 Litres – were you aware that these actually all mean the same thing? Then we have the industry standard, also known as the “Glug” method, this is where the cleaning operative simply adds the amount of product that they believe will work by pouring it in with no measure or dilution device – as I previously worked for a manufacturer this is also known as my pension fund! In reality though this is simply a waste of resources, it runs the risk of damaging the surfaces if too strong or damaging health if used too sparingly in a healthcare setting, as it allows the bugs to become immune to the chemicals disinfectant properties. So how can we ensure products are used correctly? Training is the key here, explaining why as well as how to the operatives – or taking simple steps to ensure compliance. This was demonstrated to me by a Site Supervisor on a College site whose chemical usage was so low she was able to use her budget to buy additional machinery, intrigued I visited site to find how she was spending less on product with a team of 70 staff than a local secondary school with a team of 20. What I found at the start of the shift was a line of buckets filled and ready to go, the Supervisor went to site earlier than the staff and prepared their solutions – this saved not only chemical but a large amount of time as the operatives arrived signed in and then went to their areas ready to start work. She saw this as common sense, I saw a model to implement across the portfolio. I’d recommend that you try this on a large site and calculate for yourself the savings that can be achieved. However, in the absence of common sense, which in my experience can be very rare, BICSc offer the Licence to Practice Unit as a good starting point for operative training. LTP – Licence to Practice covers Chemical Competence, Safe Use of Equipment and Safe Storage in one rounded, easily delivered module. This simple good practice module can be easily rolled out across your workforce providing more effective and efficient operatives. By Denise Hanson Technical Manager
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EDITION 1 | 2018
darwin clayton evolutionary insurance
What Darwin Clayton can do for you as members of the British Institute of Cleaning Science About Darwin Clayton Darwin Clayton has worked closely with the British Institute of Cleaning Science since it’s formation in the 1960’s, and we pride ourselves on delivering an excellent service and offering market leading insurance products.
Unique Benefits
Summary of Cover Standard cover and limits:• Employers Liability - £10,000,000* • Public & Products Liability, including Damage to property being cleaned,Treatment Risks and security of customer’s premises - £5,000,000* • Employee Dishonesty - £250,000 (£50,000 for mis-use of telecommunication equipment) • Direct costs arising from mis-use telecommunication equipment - £50,000 • Loss of Keys - £100,000
• Discounted premiums and enhanced cover for BICSc members
• Financial Loss - £250,000
• Discounts for robust risk management and good claims experiences/records
* Higher limits available on request
• Premiums not subject to declaration adjustment – no charges at year end
• Professional Indemnity - £100,000* (increased to £250,000 for members of the BICSc) Optional covers:• Environmental Clean Up Costs • Property, Business Interruption and Goods in Transit • Terrorism
Additional Covers Available
We can offer a wide range of additional covers, such as Cyber & Data Risks, Directors & Officers Liability and Motor Fleet. For further details, please visit our website.
Call: 01892 511144 Email: Visit:
Perceived Cleaning Faults and their Possible Causes! with James Marston | The Hand Soap Dispenser Problem • This is a view underneath a hand soap dispenser within a wash room. • The image shows significant contamination and build-up of soil. • The risk of contamination to building users is significant in this high-risk area.
The Expert Says Cleaning all surfaces is vital in the fight against harmful bacteria. Not every surface is visible like the example in this photo. Dispensers like this are a contact point and touched or operated by most users of the facilities. Soil contamination and build up will not take long, potentially causing illness. Cleaning Operatives need to know about all the surfaces they clean via effective risk assessment and good operating procedures. Operator compliance with effective planning, cleaning methods and inspection are vital to ensure these situations do not occur.
We Say The base of the dispenser has not been cleaned for some time and has possibly been missed in both daily and periodic cleaning. The dispenser has also eluded cleaning inspection and scrutiny and so remained undetected. If left in this warm, damp environment bacteria will not be removed but continue to spread and increase the risk of infection to building users.
We recommend the following skills:
AU5 – Washing surfaces BU6 – Dusting/damp wiping of surfaces
What can BICSc training do to help? BICSc offers practical training in the skills required to clean effectively and safely in today’s modern facilities. Candidates who attend our courses understand the risks to themselves and the client. They understand and comply with safe systems of work and systematic ways to achieve cleaning tasks. Candidates learn effective cleaning techniques to ensure quality results and continuously high standards. page nine |
EDITION 1 | 2018
Your Career | Your Goals | Our Training Check out all of our training courses and workshops in one handy place visit to download your copy today
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“If you have a passion for it, our training products can help you attain your career aspirations, empowering you, through job satisfaction and achieving your work-related goals.” Stan Atkins, Group CEO BICSc EDITION 1 | 2018
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Corporate Election Update CORPORATE MEMBERS H H H H H
We are delighted to have received a hugenumber number ofof expressions of interest from the from the We are delighted to have received a huge expressions of interest Corporate Membership. Corporate Membership. We are pleased to announce willbe be holding anan election later in the year! We are pleased to announce wewewill holding election later in the year! The Corporate Representative must be be employed by the Corporate member. The Corporate Representative must employed by the Corporate member.
Q *
The process will now be fully managed by UK Engage, eligible Corporate members process willselected now be fully UK Engage, eligible members who have whoThe have been to managed stand inbythe election will Corporate receive instructions and been further selected to stand in the election will receive instructions and further communications from them. communications from them. UK are the of election services, to publicservices, and private UKEngage Engage areUK’s thefastest UK’sgrowing fastestprovider growing provider of election sector organisations.
to public and private sector organisations.
Please ensure you have updated your contact details, please contact
Please ensure you have updated your contact details, please contact
EDITION 1 | 2018
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Welcome to Cleanlogic™
Special Offer | Book today and receive 25% off all courses and workshops
Cleanlogic™ is a growing collection of supervisory and management courses and workshops, developed with BICSc technical knowledge and experience. These courses and workshops will provide the technical underpinning knowledge for you to progress in your career and ultimately have the understanding to manage a cleaning operation. These courses and workshops are designed for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of the industry, whether you are a supervisor, team leader, manager, involved in quoting, or producing tenders, there will be one for you. Visit our website to find out more and book today!
Health & Safety Course Control of Cross-Contamination Course Work Rates & Work Loading Workshop Level One Cleaning Inspection Workshop
Coming Soon Introduction to Cleaning Science Level Two Cleaning Inspection Workshop page thirteen |
EDITION 1 | 2018
The Manchester Cleaning Show 2018
Firstly, what a fantastic show! Stan Atkins welcomed all in his voluntary role of BCC Chairman, Stan talked about the future of our industry and as always focused on the operative! Over the two days there were some very informative presentations, Denise Hanson our Technical Manager talked about our hot topic #Creating a Career in Cleaning, which focussed on the building blocks of a career in cleaning from entry level via the BICSc Licence to Practice qualification, Denise also talked about our CleanlogicTM courses and workshops and what we are planning for the future. Denise later joined Samantha Willson, Sales Executive, Teresa Sacco, Customer Support Coordinator and Michelle Iland, Marketing & Communications Executive on the BICSc stand, which saw a steady flow of visitors across both days. The team fully embraced the 2018 BICSc message with #Creating a Career in Cleaning embroidered on the back of their shirts. Visitors were offered the chance to win a place on one of the all new CleanlogicTM courses and workshops. Also, on the stand was an example of a good and bad cleaning cupboard, there was even a stainless-steel sluice sink included (every cupboard should have one close by to allow a safe place to mix and dispose of chemicals). This drew many visitors to the stand, who were keen to look at the good and the bad side of the cupboard which included our colour coding standard, gloves and eye protection. The bad side included unmarked chemical bottles, yellow dusters and a few vacuum cleaner attachments. EDITION 1 | 2018
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The Cleaning Show has grown over the last few years and has been held in various different cities in the UK, this year took us to Event City in Manchester. There were many interesting presentations, BCC talked about leading the industry towards a prosperous future, along with Future Ready workshops. Health and Safety of course featured heavily as did talk of a post Brexit Britain and how it’s going to affect our industry, time will tell on that one. As we know a successful Cleaning Show is vital for the entire UK cleaning industry which is why BICSc supports and exhibits at these events! Overall, it was a great show, we are on a roll with our clean and clear message #Creating a Career in Cleaning, which we will also be taking to Interclean……See you there.
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EDITION 1 | 2018
WHERE US Visit us on StandYOU A06 | TeamCAN BICSc willCATCH be happy to help you Visit us on Stand A06 | Team BICSc will be happy to help you
Interclean Amsterdam 15th – 18th May
ISSA / Interclean Amsterdam Association Hall 3 03.431C – 18 May ISSAPavilion /15 Interclean Amsterdam 15 – 18 May We will join the industry associations stand We will join the industry associations stand
BACHE Conference BACHE Conference 15 MayMay 13th13– –15th we will be exhibiting and will also be at the Gala Dinner BACHEUniversity Conference Aston 13 – 15 May
Sector Specific we will be BICSc exhibiting and will also be atDays the Gala Dinner Healthcare | 5th June Retail | 1stScotland August Facilities 12 – 13 September Higher Education | 2nd October Updates to follow BICSc Updates | Hot Industry Topics Facilities Scotland
12 – 13will September All of our special Sector Forums be held at Highgate House Hotel Updates to follow in Northamptonshire. Free to attend for BICSc members, including refreshments, lunch and free parking. Edition 1 2018
A chance to talk to us and your industry colleagues in a neutral environment about what’s happening in the industry.
Look out for your e-shot invitation. EDITION 1 | 2018
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Meet the BICSc Customer Support Team The Customer Support Team are the backbone of BICSc HQ, led by Customer Support Manager Jo Begg, they are a friendly team who have a strong focus on you the customer, they are a pleasure to work with. The team are always at the end of the phone or email to help you with your queries and questions. A Q&A Session, so you can get to know them better.
Left to right, Jo Begg, Teresa Sacco, Sara Holt, Lisa Harrington & Karen Boyde
What is your position at BICSc? Lisa: Customer Support Administrator. Sara: Customer Support Coordinator. Karen: Membership Coordinator, I am the contact and representative for our members. Jo: I am the Customer Support Manager. Teresa: Customer Support Coordinator.
Who would you most like to have dinner with alive or dead? Sara: Professor Brian Cox. Lisa: Nelson Mandela.
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EDITION 1 | 2018
Karen: Got to be my husband but if he wasn’t available then Tom Cruise would be ok as substitute. Jo: Two of my brothers live in Australia so I barely get to see them, if Anthony Joshua wanted to join us I wouldn’t complain! Teresa: Enrique Iglesias.
Who in BICSc would you like to assist you when cleaning your home? Karen: Got to admit not my favourite job so would have to be James Marston our Learning and Development Manager, as not only does he make me laugh but also knows what he’s talking about. Lisa: James as he’s a trainer he should be quite good at it! Teresa: Denise Hanson our Technical Manager. Sara: Verifier Steve. Jo: Sam, our sales executive, so we could have a girls catch up at the same time.
What is your guilty pleasure? Jo: Domino’s pizza, must have a large dip accompanying it. Teresa: Prosecco. Lisa: Gin. Sara: Gin & Tonic. Karen: Maltesers, a large box goes in one sitting.
What is your favourite film genre? Lisa: Horror. Jo: Crime and Thriller, Romance if my Fiancé allows it! Sara: Thriller. Karen: Love most films except horror, but always prefer to laugh rather than cry at the end on the movie! Teresa: Romantic Comedy.
EDITION 1 | 2018
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Awards, Education Programme and Exhibition is now one of th tial networking events in the cleaning industry’s calendar cele excellence in training and accreditation. The details: th
Thursday 27 September 2018 tlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire The BICSc Annual Awards, Education Programme and Exhibition is now one of the largest and most influential networking events in the cleaning industry’s Forcalendar further details us celebrating excellence incontact training and accreditation. Thursday September 2018 or 27th visit Thursday 27 September 2018 The BICSc Annual Awards, Education Programme and Exhibition is now one of the largest and most influential networking events in the cleaning industry’s calendar celebrating excellence in training and accreditation. th
Whittlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire Whittlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire For further details For further details W: E: T: 01604 678 713 W: E: T: 01604 678 713
Industry Presentations | Exhibition | Awards | Networking | Entertainment
Industry Presentations | Exhibition | Awards | Networking | Entertainment Can you afford to miss it?
Can you afford to miss it?
Applications now open | Tickets on sale May
Applications open February | Tickets on sale May
For sponsorship opportunities please contact us at For sponsorshipAwards, opportunitiesNetworking please contact us at& Entertainmen resentations, Exhibition, or call us on 01604 678713 or call us on 01604 678713
Headline sponsor Can you afford to sponsor miss it? Headline
Applications open February | Tickets on sale March For sponsorship opportunities please contact us at EDITION 1 | 2018 page nineteen | or call us on 01604 678713
2 2
3 3
4 4
Check that your Check that your route’s clear of route’s clear of OBSTRUCTION OBSTRUCTION
Can the load be Can the load be LIGHTENED? LIGHTENED?
Place your feet Place your feet SHOULDER WIDTH SHOULDER WIDTH APART and maintain APART and maintain stability stability
5 5
12 12
11 11
If possible, PLACE If possible, PLACE THE LOAD DOWN THE LOAD DOWN AT WAIST HEIGHT, AT WAIST HEIGHT, then slide it into then slide it into position position
AVOID TWISTING AVOID TWISTING YOUR BACK or YOUR BACK or leaning sideways leaning sideways while you’re while you’re carrying the load carrying the load
6 6
KEEP THE LOAD CLOSE KEEP THE LOAD CLOSE TO YOUR BODY, with the TO YOUR BODY, with the heaviest side closest heaviest side closest
7 7
10 10
DON’T LOOK DON’T LOOK DOWN at the load DOWN at the load – keep your head – keep your head upright upright
9 9
KEEP YOUR KEEP YOUR SHOULDERS SHOULDERS LEVEL and facing LEVEL and facing forward as you forward as you travel travel
Don’t lift using just your Don’t lift using just your hands and arms, USE hands and arms, USE YOUR LEGS AS THE YOUR LEGS AS THE MAIN FORCE MAIN FORCE
8 8
BEND YOUR KNEES BEND YOUR KNEES and back slightly and and back slightly and lean forward to lift lean forward to lift the load the load
NOT NOT LIFTING LIFTING ALONE? ALONE? Try and MATCH TEAM Try and MATCH TEAM MEMBERS’ height, MEMBERS’ height, weight and lifting weight and lifting capabilities capabilities
0345 0345 844 844 1111 1111
Make sure the lift is Make sure the lift is CO-ORDINATED CO-ORDINATED throughout throughout
TWO LIFTERS = TWO LIFTERS = two thirds the capacity two thirds the capacity of their individual of their individual strength strength
THREE LIFTERS = THREE LIFTERS = half the capacity of half the capacity of their individual their individual strength. strength.
New Corporate Members February & March DWB Cleaning Services Ltd
Marina Facilities Management
Elite Enterprises London Ltd
Moore’s Cleaning Services
ExcluSec Security Solutions Ltd t/a ExcluSec
Precision Engineering Industries W.L.L
Facilities Management
Solutions Hygiene L.L.C
Facilities Management Integrated (Pvt) Ltd
Swissclean Ltd
Harman’s Facilities Management
Ultraclean Commercial Ltd
Locus Services
New Centres/Hubs February & March Glasgow Clyde College
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EDITION 1 | 2018
BICSc Brainword
1 2 4
6 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15
17 18
3. Removal of debris with a suitable brush 7. PH value between 8-14 8. BICSc recommended colour label for General Washrooms 10. Cleansing agent solvent or water based for removing dirt 14. Uptake of substances by tissue or cloth 16. Used to render an object free from viable organisms 18. Weak acid 19. ________ Safety Data Sheet
1. Large Yarn string mop 2. BICSc recommended colour label for Clinical use 4. Ability to move from place to place 5. BICSc recommended colour label for General food and bar use 6. Not diluted or mixed 9. Application of substance to a suitable surface to create a barrier 10. Product designed for short term convenience 11. Preventing an entrance 12. Term given to a man-made fabric consisting of very fine split fibres 13. To make free from visible loose debris and cobwebs 15. Bacteria that thrive in absence of Oxygen 17. PH value 7
EDITION 1 | 2018
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Need to reach us? General enquiries E: T: +44 (0) 1604 678 710 Customer Support & Membership T: +44 (0) 1604 678 711 Training or Book Online T: +44 (0) 1604 678 712 Marketing / Awards T: +44 01604 678 713 Don’t forget to tell us if your details have changed Have your contact details changed? Drop a quick message to or give us a call we will be happy to update your details.
#Creating a Career in Cleaning