The Standard | Edition 3 2018 | The British Institute of Cleaning Science

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#Creating a Career in Cleaning



Introduction Welcome to Edition 3 of our industry magazine The Standard. The cover is dedicated to the evolution of BICSc Individual Membership, inside you can read all about the changes we have made to our Individual Membership offering, most of which will only enhance what is already available and will help you to build your career in cleaning. This edition also features an article and interview with some of the ISS Team who work with PwC in one of Manchester’s most famous landmark buildings, an interesting and inspirational read about careers in cleaning. On the subject of careers in cleaning our 2018 message #Creating a Career in Cleaning has gained momentum, we took the message to both Interclean, Amsterdam and The BACHE Conference at Aston University in May. We are enjoying getting out and about and meeting our members, across the two shows we caught up with over 150 visitors who were interested in what BICSc has to offer. In June we hosted our second Sector Day, this time dedicated to Healthcare, we welcomed Grahame White from The POINTERS Institute who educated us on the ‘Faecal Fountain’, it was fascinating stuff and definitely got us thinking about those loo habits! You can learn more about POINTERS inside this issue.



Further Sector Days will follow for Retail and Higher Education and due to popular demand, we will be taking a roundup of the all of our Sector Days to Glasgow Clyde College on the 7th August. Don’t forget the main event – The 2018 BICSc Annual Awards, Education Programme & Exhibition will take place on 27th September 2018 at Whittlebury Hall, you can find out full details inside. It really has been non-stop since the last edition; our international client base continues to grow, we have hosted successful and well attended members only events and CleanlogicTM Courses and Workshops continue to be well received. What a fantastic time to be a member of The British Institute of Cleaning Science.

We hope you enjoy this issue, Best wishes, Team BICSc

A note from The Chairman | Sue Robinson, FBICSc MBA It’s been a busy time since the last edition. In May I attended Interclean in Amsterdam and spent the best part of two days at the show. There were nearly 900 companies exhibiting representing 47 countries. This year I was pleased to see the addition of a Healthcare Cleaning Forum, which welcomed over 300 healthcare professionals. There was so much to see with new innovations in the Robot Arena, seminars & demonstrations all contributing to an impressive 4-day schedule. The BICSc team looked great in their BICSc logoed shirts, you can read more about how they got on in this edition. Back at HQ the team continue to work hard to give you the most for your membership. As I mentioned in the last edition, BICSc will be introducing a number of changes to our membership offering; all of which will encourage more members to join the Institute through the education route. On another note, I along with my fellow Council members will be delighted to welcome new faces to Council in September, they will, I’m sure bring new and fresh ideas, which will help us to move with the times. We have also taken the decision to put the BICSc Offices on the market as we are considering a move to larger premises in Northampton, a move like this will allow us to expand our world class training offering and retain our current office and technical team. I think you’ll agree we have some exciting times ahead.

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Best wishes Sue Robinson EDITION 3 | 2018


An update from Denise Hanson, FBICSc Head of Technical Services

An update from Neil Spencer–Cook, PBICSc Chief Operating Officer

It’s been an interesting first half of 2018 at Headquarters, with the changes to the Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite, membership and the increase in member benefits. We have been working hard to ensure our processes are robust and we are able to give you the best service possible. Jo Begg and her team (who you met in the last edition) have honed the request and applications process to make it as efficient as possible. In this edition you can learn all about Stage 2 of the changes to our Individual Membership offering. Stage 3 of the changes, for our centres that conduct training, is due in October so there is still more to learn for the team. We have seen a number of new centres join the BICSc family and our Verification team are busy ensuring our standards are adhered to, don’t forget that if you need an interim visit between audits, your account manager is happy to help arrange this for you. Welcome to this edition of the BICSc Standard I’m pleased to be able to tell you that the last three months have seen lots of exciting changes and additions to the offerings from BICSc. We have been busy expanding both the number and range of our Cleanlogic™ Courses and Workshops with Work Rates and Work Loading and Cleaning Inspector Level 1 successfully launched and running at full capacity. The initial feedback from these has been exceedingly positive with candidates already booking onto the followon courses, we have Calculating and Costing and Cleaning Inspector Level 2 both due to launch later this year. We’re also launching the Principles of Cleaning Science for those of you of a more technical inclination. This has meant some changes to the BICSc delivery team, later in this edition you’ll find out a little more about Nigel Howe whose training experience is already proving invaluable to us. Nigel is an experienced trainer who has embraced the cleaning industry, along with the particular challenges it brings – he will be at our Annual Awards, Education Programme and Exhibition in September so make sure you get your tickets and come along to meet us.

In addition to this BBS have made changes in how they deliver UK based training, moving away from external Associates to an internal model. You can read more about BBS and BICSc International inside this edition. You will have heard about Cleanlogic™ training Courses and Workshops that the Technical team have been developing, we now have seven up and running, keep an eye out on our website for booking opportunities.

As always, we are looking forward “ to meeting as many of you as possible

at the BICSc Annual Awards Education Programme & Exhibition. There is much talk in the office about outfits and shoes, that is just the men!

The team here continue to work hard for our members and the industry and I have to say it is a pleasure to work with such a dedicated, knowledgeable and hardworking team.

Such has been the demand for our training that Monika Johnson is also joining us to facilitate these requirements, Monika is joining us from an FM background providing industry experience and knowledge as well training capability – we look forward to welcoming her to the team.

The Manchester Show was a great “ opportunity to meet and talk to some of our customer base and our presentation slot was well attended and supported so thank you to those of you who took the time to come and listen and ask questions.

Inside there is a full list of where you can find us in 2018 so if you have a chance please come and talk to us, your comments really do help us design the new products and courses. I hope to see you in this next quarter and look forward to updating you all again soon.

EDITION 3 | 2018

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page four - 3 Steps | Step Two - The Route to Individual Membership page six - The Technical Edit – The Chemical Make Up of Products with Denise Hanson page eight - Perceived Cleaning Faults and their Possible Causes with James Marston page ten - ISS@PwC | A Special Interview on Careers in Cleaning page twelve - Your Career | Your Goals | Our Training page seventeen - CleanlogicTM page twenty - Well Done Barnet Homes page twenty one - Events and Exhibitions 2018 page twenty two - Find out whats happening with BICS Business Services & BICS International page twenty four - BICSc Annual Awards page twenty six - Thank you to our sponsors for spoiling us! page twenty seven - Moving on and up... THESTANDARD



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In March, I took The British a trip Institute of Cleaning Operations Manager to the vibrant city of Manches BICSc is the Science (BICSc) largest independen with over ter to North and Wendy t, profession 25,000 Individual All work for ISS and Corporate al and educationa Young, Assistan interview Fern Soo, Houseke Our aim is effect l body within Members. UK, who are a to t Operations eping Associat the cleaning professiona raise the standards leading provider contract for PwC industry, e, Rakesh Joshi, l standards of + ams, cause-anduti wa at and accredited education and build for total facilities Manager North about their at No. 1 Spinning wa awareness – ) in sol wer of and 14. (H ) ion training. addresse fishbone diagr careers in cleaning of the cleaning OH or management. fields. This is But wh s within a About BICS industry through (OH rogen the ‘po ween 1 a They are responsi ed by Kaoru Ishika m H. Business ams (also called Services (BBS) ions Robert Peel once business district in the North statement building on possibly pH is ble for the cleaning to for bet s of hyd BBS is a leading l diagrams creat roxyl said, “What Manches of England, it’s one of the most Ishikawa diagr Well ric scale training provider other through BICS i.e. lot team are certainly also now one for the cleaning sought-after awa) are causa Business ter thinks today, s of hyd lise each Services. Fishik industry. dic – of or the setting lot . nume All BICSc accredited tallest Our aci h the t ams, the standards event buildings world y scene on forward tra diagr combine expert training is – deliver accredited e wit managed qualit knowledge The y defec is ver thinking cleaning does tomorrow”, well perhaps in the city. Sir s of a specific training and from OH neu kindly took time best practice highly regarded alkalin pH 1 . ct design and I tookteam that’s true, the industry professiona BBS facilitates to the industry. out of their busy show the cause produ very H+ and cause that accredited are ISS ls allowing a tour is organisation am Each training day of . the us to the floors occupied to talk to me through our diagr s from a range Associates pH 14 of sectors. about their careers overall effect It’s angroup and In-house by PwC and saw tral as of the Ishikawa Trainers to ed About Cleanlogi in cleaning, just first-hand what both individuals s causing an is neu ly impressive c™ factor and and inspiring usual before the interview Common uses the team look tial are pH 7 s building, Novembe poten Cleanlogic™ after on a day , full r 2017, they are is a growing identify developed to day basis. collection variation. 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Edition 1 2018



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3 Steps to the Future of BICSc Membership


Step Two – Individual Membership




During 2017, BICSc held a number of member surveys to find out how we could improve our membership experience for our Individual and Corporate Members, and also our Training Centres. We have reviewed all of your comments and ideas and during 2018 we are acting on our findings, in 3 stages, the first being Corporate Membership which launched on the 30th April 2018 and now the Individual Membership which launches on the 31st July 2018. We have created a membership route to combine industry experience along with education to cater for everyone, no matter which stage you are at in your career in cleaning. Student Membership will be free of charge for anyone currently undertaking a qualification relating to the cleaning industry. Following on from this, anyone who has undertaken their BICSc Licence to Practice and hold a valid card can take up PBICSc Membership to the Institute, we will be offering the first year free of charge. We have relaunched the ABICSc and MBICSc membership grades with new entry requirements; • ABICSc – hold BICSc Licence to Practice and 5 or more skills from our Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite and have been in the industry for one or more years. • MBICSc – hold or have previously held a BICSc Licence to Practice or hold 12 BICSc CPD (Continuous Professional Development) points and have been a manager or supervisor in the industry for five or more years. We have also introduced a BICSc CPD points (Continuous Professional Development) structure to maintain the ABICSc and MBICSc grades year on year. LBICSc will remain as our membership grade for all BICSc Licenced Assessors. Any existing members will not be affected by the changes unless of course you allow your membership to lapse, existing ABICSc and MBICSc grades will be amended to show a suffix of ‘Pre 2018’.

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New pricing structure below from 31st July 2018: Membership Grade

Annual Membership Fee including VAT



PBICSc (after first year)






We are pleased to say we have also revamped our membership benefits and introduced some new Partners, member rates and much more for our members to access. On top of this, we will now be offering a monthly direct debit option for our Individual Members and no joining fees.

Exclusive Member Rates •

Specialist Manuals, posters and more on our Online Shop.

All BBS Training Courses and Cleanlogic Workshops/Courses including Trainer the Trainer, Health & Safety, Control of Cross Contamination, Work Rates & Work Loading, Cleaning Inspection Level One and many more.

E-Learning Courses.

Training Bundles & Technical Support Bundles, mix and match our training products to suit your needs in 6, 12 or 18-day packages.

Ongoing Communication & Support •

Dedicated Membership Coordinator at BICSc Headquarters to help you get the most out of your membership.

Quarterly copies of our industry magazine, The Standard, to keep you fully up to date with the latest news.

Quarterly Newsletter to provide you with the latest updates and exclusive articles, as well as advice and support to help you get the most out of your Individual Membership.

Access to BICSc events throughout the year including Sector Days and the Annual Awards Dinner.

Voting rights in the BICSc Council Elections and opportunity to stand for Council as an Individual Representative.

Things our Partners can do for you • Free access to Citation employment and health & safety briefings all over the country. • Darwin Clayton provide specialist insurances to clients with distinct needs, they remain proud of their heritage, independence and Lloyd’s Broker status. BICSc Members can take advantage of discounted premiums and enhanced cover. • Greatlittlebreaks have teamed up with us to offer a 10% discount to our Individual Members on UK breaks. •

POINTERS is a not-for-profit organisation which brings together infection prevention practitioners, solution providers, researchers and people who have been affected by infections. Their biggest aim is to promote best practice in the areas of infection prevention, detection, and control. BICSc members gain an additional membership to POINTERS free of charge.

• Exclusive member rates on Rubbermaid products. • Free subscription to C&M magazine.

And Finally…. • All Individual Members receive a membership card, lanyard and lapel badge on joining and have use of their membership grade post nominals. If you have any questions regarding your current membership or would like to apply for membership, please contact us on 01604 678711 or email

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The Technical Edit

The Chemical Makeup of Products with Denise Hanson | Head of Technical Services Let’s take a close look at the composition of the products we use. The SDS gives an overview of the active ingredients and lists the pH of the products. But what does pH actually mean? Well pH is the ‘power of hydrogen’ in a solution and is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. It is quoted on a numeric scale between 1 and 14. pH 1 is very acidic – i.e. lots of hydrogen (H+) ions in solution. pH 14 is very alkaline with lots of hydroxyl ions (OH–) in solution. pH 7 is neutral as the H+ and OH– neutralise each other to form H-OH or water – more commonly written H2O.

As you can see the intermediate numbers between 1 and 14 have varying degrees of acidity or alkalinity. Acidic solutions are used to remove inorganic soils such as rust and limescale. This is because the acid dissolves these types of materials – limescale for example is a carbonate so you see the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas fizzing off as the acid dissolves it. Common examples of acidic cleaners are toilet cleaners and kettle descaler. The 4 most commonly found types of cleaning acid are as follows;





Some acids should not be used on metals especially aluminium, brass or stainless steel, make sure you carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid this kind of irreversible damage. Many natural stone surfaces, notably marble and granite also react badly to acid cleaners, again this damage can be permanent or costly to repair – both financially and in terms of reputation. Alkalis are generally used to remove organic soils such as fats and grease. The alkali will break down the fats making the residue soluble or dispersible in water. This reaction is known as saponification: alkalis turn fats into soap, beware of the slip factor! Alkali based cleaners are used for example to clean meat processing areas and food preparation surfaces. But be aware that alkalis also negatively affect aluminium surfaces, most professional cleaning products designed to be effective against heavy soiling are very strong alkalis. So, remember you should always read the label and the manufacturer’s instructions before using any product. If you would like to know more about how products work, and which chemicals affect, or damage surfaces why don’t you check out our new Cleanlogic course “The Principles of Cleaning Science” launching in September incorporating both theory and practical exercises.

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darwin clayton evolutionary insurance

What Darwin Clayton can do for you as members of the British Institute of Cleaning Science About Darwin Clayton Darwin Clayton has worked closely with the British Institute of Cleaning Science since it’s formation in the 1960’s, and we pride ourselves on delivering an excellent service and offering market leading insurance products.

Unique Benefits

Summary of Cover Standard cover and limits:• Employers Liability - £10,000,000* • Public & Products Liability, including Damage to property being cleaned,Treatment Risks and security of customer’s premises - £5,000,000* • Employee Dishonesty - £250,000 (£50,000 for mis-use of telecommunication equipment) • Direct costs arising from mis-use telecommunication equipment - £50,000 • Loss of Keys - £100,000

• Discounted premiums and enhanced cover for BICSc members

• Financial Loss - £250,000

• Discounts for robust risk management and good claims experiences/records

* Higher limits available on request

• Premiums not subject to declaration adjustment – no charges at year end

• Professional Indemnity - £100,000* (increased to £250,000 for members of the BICSc) Optional covers:• Environmental Clean Up Costs • Property, Business Interruption and Goods in Transit • Terrorism

Additional Covers Available

We can offer a wide range of additional covers, such as Cyber & Data Risks, Directors & Officers Liability and Motor Fleet. For further details, please visit our website.


Call: 01892 511144 Email: Visit:


Perceived Cleaning Faults and their Possible Causes! with James Marston | The Ishikawa Diagram




Ishikawa diagrams (also called fishbone diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams, or Fishikawa) are causal diagrams created by Kaoru Ishikawa that show the causes of a specific event. Common uses of the Ishikawa diagram are product design and quality defect prevention to identify potential factors causing an overall effect. Each cause or reason for imperfection is a source of variation. Causes are usually grouped into major categories to identify and classify. The Problem (head of fish) A polish has been applied to the floor, the polish has solidified leaving an uneven poor finish. The polish surface is susceptible to cracking and premature wear. Ultimately the polish will no longer protect the floor causing further damage and contamination. Further attempts to polish the floor will increase the problem.

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Causes Method The technique for a consistent finish was poor. Previous polish applied incorrectly or not stripped back correctly. The floor was not adequately prepared for polishing.

People Lack of training to strip and seal a floor. Poor team work. Staff unsupervised. Poor decisions at key points of the process. Equipment & Materials

Poor or no tools to complete the task. Chemicals not diluted according to manufacturer’s instructions. Floor not tested for neutrality before applying polish. Polish product not compatible. Environment

Time pressures. The building in constant use. Floor not stripped for a number of years. Floor damaged.

Solution Operators must have the correct training and the right equipment to carry out this task. The team should be supervised, and the leader must use good judgement and evaluation. Chemicals in the stripping process can damage floors due to their chemical make-up so the correct product, dilution and amount should be applied taking guidance from the manufacturer. Stripping polish back to floor needs patience and time. Machines to scrub and remove solutions quickly is necessary to control the stripping process. The floor should be rinsed and tested for neutralisation before applying new polish. Polish must be applied with the correct applicator. The result is a consistent and even floor polish. Astatically pleasing to the building user and 100% protection for the floor. BICSc CPSS Specialist Skills including Strip, Dry and Reapply Emulsion Polish and Machine Scrubbing and Drying would ensure operators understood the process and techniques involved.

What can BICSc training do to help? BICSc offers practical training in the skills required to clean effectively and safely in today’s modern facilities. Candidates who attend our courses understand the risks to themselves and the client. They understand and comply with safe systems of work and systematic ways to achieve cleaning tasks. Candidates learn effective cleaning techniques to ensure quality results and continuously high standards. page nine |

EDITION 3 | 2018


Careers in Cleaning

A special interview with ISS @ PWC at No. 1 Spinningfields by Michelle Iland | Marketing & Communications Executive

In March, I took a trip to the vibrant city of Manchester to interview Fern Soo, Housekeeping Associate, Rakesh Joshi, Operations Manager North and Wendy Young, Assistant Operations Manager North about their careers in cleaning. All work for ISS UK, who are a leading provider for total facilities management. They are responsible for the cleaning contract for PwC at No. 1 Spinningfields. This is a statement building on possibly one of the most sought-after addresses within a business district in the North of England, it’s also now one of the tallest buildings in the city. Sir Robert Peel once said, “What Manchester thinks today, the world does tomorrow”, well perhaps that’s true, the ISS team are certainly setting the scene on forward thinking cleaning. The team kindly took time out of their busy day to talk to me about their careers in cleaning, just before the interview, I took a tour of the floors occupied by PwC and saw first-hand what the team look after on a day to day basis. It’s an impressive and inspiring building, full of architectural appeal, PwC occupy 3 floors and moved in on the 20th November 2017, they are currently occupying 80% of the space they lease, with approximately 967 staff working from there. It’s a huge and very modern space, that includes internal glass walls, colour changing lighting, open ceilings revealing the ventilation system, presenting spaces, reflection rooms and meeting rooms (all of which are named after wellknown Northerners). The theme continues in the restaurant, where you can read quotes from some well-known folks. There are open plan offices across the practice and client floors, a large board room, roof terrace to enjoy the surrounding views (blankets are available), ping pong table, pool table, red telephone booths are dotted around the public areas providing staff a place for those confidential calls, there is also a large recycling point. The design team certainly thought of everything for the comfort of the employee. I was interested to learn that ISS were able to collaborate with the building contractor BAM, from a cleaning perspective, this gave them the chance to plan in advance how they would manage the contract. This is progress, cleaning and building contractors working together, it’s great to know exactly what would be required to manage the contract before the client even moves in. PwC have created a concept called ‘One Team’. This allows all of the service providers to work closely together. Assisting and helping each other in delivering a more effective streamlined service to their customers. In order for them to achieve this, each service provider from housekeeping to AV support wear the same uniform and ‘One Team’ logo badge. This helps distinguish the service providers being part of ‘One Team’. As this was a new concept to me, I asked Rakesh; what was involved in creating the One Team? The Housekeeping Associate role is a brand-new concept in the long serving partnership between PwC and ISS. To achieve a ‘One Team’ ethos we first looked to recruit the right team which included an interview process and an assessment day. We then began a 3-week training programme to prepare our team and provide them with all the skills they would need to then join the One Team. We worked closely with other service providers such as Honeywell, Mitie and Portico and all departments provided cross training so that we could all support each other during the working day. For me I have always felt PwC is a family and all who work with PwC although come from different industries under the PwC roof we are One Team. We at ISS want to be the world’s greatest service provider and in turn want to provide exceptional service to our client. The way to do this is becoming One Team and ensuring we deliver, and I feel since the birth of the One Team we have strengthened our relationship and made a positive impact at PwC Spinningfields.

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Meet the Team

Left to right: Fern Soo, Rakesh Joshi & Wendy Young

Name: Rakesh Joshi

Name: Wendy Young

Name: Fern Soo

Current Role: Operations Manager North Region - PwC Account

Current Role: Assistant Operations Manager – PwC Account

Current Role: Housekeeping / Training Associate – PwC Account

Time in the Cleaning Industry: 3 years

Time in the Cleaning Industry: 6 months

Time in the Cleaning Industry: 6 months (Fern is now a 2018 BICSc Annual Awards finalist)

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The Interview Tell us all about your role with ISS? Rakesh As Operations Manager for the North Region I am responsible for looking after a total of 8 of our client’s offices from Aberdeen down to Donnington. My role includes H&S compliance, training and staff welfare. I attend regular meetings with our staff and the Office Managers to discuss our service and any issues they may have. Wendy My role consists of managing the operation of the housekeeping services within PwC’s northern sites. This includes the full employee life cycle, ensuring our sites are kept to the highest cleaning standard through inspections and auditing and regularly meeting with the client to make sure we are exceeding their expectations. Fern My role within ISS at PwC involves maintaining a high standard of cleanliness of the office, the facilities the clients use and the equipment I use. The role also involves being part of the One Team; working with other contractors to ensure the day to day running of the office is efficient and effective. As housekeeping associates, we are also customer service focused dealing with any questions or queries the client may have.

What do you enjoy most about your role? Rakesh I enjoy the traveling aspect of the role as I love to be out on the road and I get to visit some fantastic cities on a regular basis. I have a clear duty of care to all of our ISS employees on the PwC contract and want to make sure they are being looked after. Our biggest asset is our people if you look after them they will shine and perform to the highest standard. Wendy I enjoy being able to spend time with the housekeeping team and ensure they have the correct knowledge and tools to do the job safely. ISS take health and safety very seriously, so I enjoy being able to get involved in the various training programmes and learn how to promote a safe working environment. Fern I enjoy being part of a great team who are goal driven and always strive to be their best in every aspect of the role. Completing our daily tasks and seeing the end results after putting in the hard work. The role is also varied which is key for me, it also enables me to use my initiative. I really enjoy the way that PwC invest in their service providers. The One Team concept has helped me feel part of a wider team and have also gained knowledge in other areas such as; helping clients set up audio and video conferencing if they are unable to, assist PwC employees if they have any issues or concerns in the office and support the hospitality team.

Tell us about your career path in cleaning? Rakesh I have always been interested in pursuing a career in Facilities Management and in the last few years have been in Security and Property Management which always involved elements of being involved in cleaning. I enjoy being responsible for looking after various offices of different styles and sizes. I was particularly keen to pursue a career with ISS Facilities as they have a fantastic learning & development culture for all of their employees and with the added opportunity to work for PwC, one of the biggest firms in the world I was delighted to be given the chance. Wendy Before starting at ISS, I worked within the catering and hospitality industry for 12 years. Although customer service is a major part of the role within this industry, cleaning is also taken very seriously. This is not only for a customer perception benefit, but it also needs to meet compliance standards. Although I enjoyed working within the hospitality industry, I wanted to gain experience within another industry which is when I found my role here at ISS.

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THESTANDARD Fern I have had some cleaning experience mostly in student halls which I really enjoyed and prepared me for the worst whilst at University. I came into my current role by chance scrolling through Indeed looking for a change, the description of the role suited me and the rate of pay amazing, which was very appealing. It shows that ISS and PwC are willing to invest in the right people.

Tell us about your qualifications? Rakesh I have qualifications in IOSH Working/Managing Safety, FLM (First Line Managers course), Service with a Human Touch. I am shortly about to carry out an ILM Level 5 apprenticeship in Leadership & Management through ISS. I have recently become a BICSc Assessor and have been carrying out assessments to new staff members. Wendy I went to Manchester Metropolitan University and achieved a BA(hons) in International Business. I also completed my NEBOSH national certificate and currently completing my National Diploma. When joining ISS, I completed my BICSc training which equipped me to understand the practical side of the industry in more depth. Fern I obtained 7 GCSEs, 3 A levels, a level 3 BTEC National Diploma in Public Services and a foundation degree in Public Services. I have also completed various modules of BICSc training which is highly recognised within the cleaning industry and great to have, I have also recently become a BICSc Assessor.

Have you got a success story you can share about yourself or a member of the team? Rakesh I feel in such a short amount of time ISS Facilities have taken so much time and care in listening to my needs and what my personal goals are in the cleaning industry. This has resulted in my knowledge in the cleaning industry growing so much that I am now in a position that I can pass it on to my fellow colleagues as they look to me for help/guidance on various things, such as correct use of equipment and chemical competence. I feel I have made a success of myself in this industry and foresee that I will have a very long and happy career. Wendy When we recently opened our Manchester site, we trialled out our new Housekeeping Associate role which involved our core responsibility of keeping the office clean to the highest standard but also an element of customer service. Our client found it very important to have the Associates working throughout the day and being available to assist any employees with issues and ensure the office is kept to its highest standard. We have recently had outstanding feedback for this new model of working and they are planning to roll this out within other offices. This was such a proud moment for myself and the team. Of course, I have heard of team work before but it’s refreshing to see different businesses work together to ensure their client gets a complete different level of service. Fern There have been many occasions where myself and my team have banded together. One incident that comes to mind would be when we had quite an extensive leak. Nobody was prepared for this, but we worked quickly and communicated effectively to have it under control, so much so the floor was re-opened by 10am the next day. This for me showed that we all work well under pressure together and are united in our goals.

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Finally, what advice would you give to the younger generation who may be considering a career in cleaning? Rakesh Although I did not initially look to get into the cleaning industry, it is one of the best moves I could have made for ensuring I have a long and successful career which is ultimately my goal. There may be some pre-conceptions of the industry as a whole, but I cannot recommend enough how exciting a career in cleaning can be. The industry is full of growth and new innovations that make it one of the most exciting career paths to follow and I would strongly advise the younger generation to consider any opportunities that may come their way. Wendy I know cleaning is probably not the first thing people think about when considering their careers in the future. I have to admit it wasn’t mine. But now that I have entered the industry there are so many avenues you can look at. The cleaning industry is such a lucrative business and is growing rapidly. Technology is advancing and so is the equipment being used on sites. I promise you, there is more to the role than you initially think. Fern The advice I would give is, if anyone is interested in a career in cleaning, do not dismiss any opportunities that might come your way. That’s speaking from my experience so far. Plus, you might get to use the nifty equipment and get a drive around on a ride on vac!

Final thoughts – Whilst the space has an uber corporate feel, there are many things for the cleaning operative to consider, vast spaces, exposed ventilations systems, large recycling points, washrooms, floor coverings, outdoors seating, the list goes on……of course applying the all-important BICSc Standards certainly helps. All in all, it looks like a great place to work, it also looks like a great place to clean.

One last note from me - I like the nod to the famous Northerners, it brings a new feel “ to the corporate working environment, I would also like to say that I took a moment to

remember whilst visiting. Included in the interior design is a glass panel that forms the side of a meeting space, which has been adorned with 22 worker bees, a symbol synonymous with the city and now used as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives in the Manchester Arena terror attack in May 2017, very thoughtfully done PwC.

ISS keep up the good work and keep flying the BICSc flag for excellence in cleaning.

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Your Career | Your Goals | Our Training Check out all of our training Courses and Workshops in one handy place visit to download your copy today

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BICSc Council Update Earlier this year we received a large number of expressions of interest from our Corporate Members who wished to join BICSc Council. Due to the high volume of interest expressed at the time it was our expectation that we would go ahead with a full election and ballot. As stage two of the process was for those who had expressed an interest to submit their nominations it has transpired that just four of the candidates actually meet the strict criteria to become a member of BICSc Council. What does this mean? If we had of received more than four nominations from the Corporate Members who met the strict criteria we would have proceeded to the next stage and electronic ballot papers would have been issued on the 16th July 2018. As there are only four Corporate seats available on BICSc Council from September and just four of the candidates meet the criteria it is not necessary to issue ballot papers as by default the four seats are taken for the next term of office, which will commence in September. The names of the successful candidates will be announced on the 27th September 2018. The successful candidates will be notified prior to the AGM to ensure they are able to accept the position. BICSc Company Secretary | July 2018 page fifteen |

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Special Offer | 25% off all Courses and Workshops

Cleanlogic™ is a growing collection of supervisory and management Courses and Workshops, developed with BICSc technical knowledge and experience. These Courses and Workshops will provide the technical underpinning knowledge for you to progress in your career and ultimately have the understanding to manage a cleaning operation. These Courses and Workshops are designed for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of the industry, whether you are a supervisor, team leader, manager, involved in quoting, or producing tenders, there will be one for you. Visit our website to find out more and book today!

Health & Safety Course

Control of CrossContamination Course

Work Rates & Work Loading Workshop

Level One Cleaning Inspection Workshop

COMING SOON Principles of Cleaning Science

Level Two Cleaning Inspection Workshop

Specialist Workshop - Resilient Flooring

What our members are saying about CleanlogicTM “As a Corporate Member of The British Institute of Cleaning Science we always keep up to date with the latest training offerings from BICSc. Recently, BICSc have announced their Cleanlogic brand. These courses and workshops are perfect for anyone within the industry will provide the technical underpinning knowledge for you to progress in your career and ultimately have the understanding to manage a cleaning operation. Our Commercial Director and Financial Director attended the first Work Rates and Work Loading Workshop in order to enhance our skills when pricing and evaluating jobs, with both attendees reporting the workshop to be very beneficial. These courses and workshops mark the start of a campaign by BICSc to promote careers within the industry using the hashtag” #Creating a Career in Cleaning.

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EDITION 3 | 2018



Compact & Versatile, The Quick Cart is ideal for housekeeping and janitorial environments



*Choose between one High Level cleaning kit or one High Level dusting kit

QUICK CART Constructed with high-performance materials for added strength and durability, this compact cart withstands rigorous daily use. Treated with Dupont™ Teflon® fabric protector, Quick Cart repels water, oil and stains, to greatly extend the life of the cart.

ADJUSTABLE DIVIDERS Dividers can be moved or removed to create multiple compartments to meet your specific cleaning needs.

REMOVABLE CARRY CADDY Rigid dividers improve efficiency, keeping amenities and supplies organised.

SECURED STICK GOODS Heavy-duty fastening strap wraps around supplies to keep them secure while the cart is in motion.

SECURE SUPPLIES Durable lid conceals supplies and features hardware for adding a lock to prevent unauthorised access to cart and its contents.

Offer valid from 1st August to 31st October 2018 To take advantage of this offer please send your details to



LARGE QUICK CART Product number Product weight Outer dimensions (L x W x H) Inner dimensions (L x W x H) Maximum Weight Capacity Internal Storage Capacity (m3) Associated Quick Cart Caddy product number Caddy dimensions (L x W x H) Caddy Maximum weight Capacity Pack


1902465 7.80 Kg 41.9 x 36.3 x 63.5 cm 40.6 x 31.7 x 57.1 cm 27.2 Kg 0.074 1902468 35.6 x 27.9 x 14 cm 6.8 Kg 1





Opened 101.6 x 28.0 cm


75.5 x 5.7 x 1.0 cm




High Level Cleaning Pack (includes 1x short extension handle FGQ74500YL00, 1x Flexi Frame FGQ85500BK00, 3x Flexi Frame glass covers FGQ87100BL00 and 3x Flexi Frame damp covers FGQ89100BL00)



High Level Dusting Kit (includes 1x short extension handle FGQ74500YL00, 1x Flexible Dusting Wand with High Performance Microfibre sleeve Microfiber FG85200WH00 and 2x Wand Duster Performance Microfiber sleeves FGQ85300WH00)



©2017 Rubbermaid Commercial Products LLC 10, Chemin de Blandonnet, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland



Well Done

Barnet Homes Scott Cartwright – Senior Estate Service Manager says “It has been some years since our caretaking staff have received accredited specialist training to carry out their roles. With the service we provide to our customers our top priority is to ensure that we are providing high standards of cleaning on our estates. The training provided to our caretaking teams has given them the skills and expertise to ensure we continue providing that excellent service. Feedback from our staff has been really positive, they feel that what they learnt with BICSc has given them better knowledge of cleaning standards and have enjoyed putting all of their training into practice on their estates and have really seen the benefits this has brought.”

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Events & Exhibitions 2018 It’s proving to be quite the year for the Institute, outside of our membership offerings we have exhibited and presented at The Manchester Cleaning Show at Event City, The BACHE Conference at Aston University, Birmingham and Interclean, Amsterdam.

In April some of our members working within Building Cleaning Services joined us at Highgate House, Northamptonshire for a Sector Day. More recently in June we welcomed members from the Healthcare sector, we invited Grahame White from The POINTERS Institute to talk about the ‘faecal fountain’. Grahame also talked about a few inventions that are out there to reduce the spread of infection such as rimless toilets and alarmed hand soap dispensers, all makes perfect washroom sense. POINTERS is a not-for-profit organisation which brings together infection prevention practitioners, solution providers, researchers and people who have been affected by infections. Their biggest aim is to promote best practice in the areas of infection prevention, detection and control.

We are pleased to announce that POINTERS are offering BICSc members a free membership to POINTERS.

Join online here

Our Sector Days and events have proved an invaluable addition to our events schedule this year, they have allowed us the opportunity to update our members on what’s happening at BICSc and have provided you with the chance to talk to us and your industry colleagues in a neutral environment about what’s going on in the cleaning industry.

If you’ve missed us, don’t worry we will be hosting further Sector Days:

1st August

Retail & The Changing Face of Cleaning within FM | Highgate House Northamptonshire

Register here

7th August

HMP’s, Retail, Healthcare & Higher Education | Glasgow Clyde College | Scotland

Register here

2nd October

Higher Education | Highgate House | Northamptonshire Booking opens soon

Our Sector Days are free to attend for BICSc members and include refreshments, lunch & free parking. page twenty one |

EDITION 3 | 2018


BICS Business Services, BICS International Update

BICS BUSINESS We thought now would be a great time to update you on what’s been happening for BICS Business Services, whilst BBS is considered the commercial arm of BICSc it is also a leading training provider for the cleaning industry. All BICSc accredited training is managed through BICS Business Services. Our standards combine expert knowledge from highly regarded industry professionals allowing us to deliver accredited training and best practice to the industry. BBS facilitates accredited training through our International Associates and in-house Trainers to both individuals and organisations from a range of sectors. Cleanlogic™ is a growing collection of supervisory and management Courses and Workshops, developed with BICSc technical knowledge and experience. All Cleanlogic Courses & Workshops are certified by BBS and are exclusively delivered by our in-house Trainers. As we know it’s been a very busy start to the year for the Institute, our #Creating a Career in Cleaning message has boosted interest in our services and we have seen significant growth in both our UK and international training delivery. The BICS International team have also been very busy, here’s what’s been happening since the start of the year.

MEATAC, who are based in the UAE, continue to go from strength to strength delivering training in the region. MEATAC have embraced our #Creating a Career in Cleaning message and are doing a great job flying the BICSc flag especially in Dubai. In November 2017 we welcomed a new International Associate Provider, Institute of Cleaning Sciences and Management (ICSM) who are based in India. The Institute has a long history with India and it continues to be a growing marketplace for industry training and education. In May 2018, The National Training Center for Facilities and Hospitality Management (FHM) who are based in Saudi Arabia agreed to join us an International Associate Provider, initial skills training has taken place at BICSc HQ.

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We have seen new BICSc centres open in the UAE and Qatar. We have also received enquiries from Oman, Turkey, Ukraine, and Australia. We are also looking to engage with a replacement Associate Provider in Malaysia, we have parted company with MECS, who were representing BICSc in the region. In September 2017, Tanzifco won the BICSc Award for Excellence in Training & Assessment within an International Accredited Training Organisation. The BICSc Annual Awards have long since recognised those who work hard to deliver and maintain BICSc standards. To protect and futureproof both the BICSc & BBS brands we have taken the decision to deliver the majority of our UK training in house. This allows us to have that all important direct contact with our candidates and members and ensures consistency in the delivery of our well respected accredited training. How are we going to do this? With over 70 years industry knowledge and training experience between them our Technical team, Denise Hanson, Lesley Parish, James Marston and Nigel Howe are really bringing home the value of in-house accredited training. Here is a little more about the team.

Denise Hanson has had an affiliation with BICSc for many years, rolling out BICSc training and standards in most of her industry roles. She served on BICSc Council and became National Chairman in 2016. Denise stood down as National Chairman joining the Institute as Head of Technical Services in June 2017, Denise heads up the Technical Services Team, which also encompasses the Verification team. When we have a question about cleaning, we know where to go first.

James Marston joined the Institute in September 2017 and has been associated with the cleaning industry for over 5 years, he has many years of training experience. James has also had a long affiliation with the Institute and now delivers BICSc skills and Cleanlogic™ Courses and Workshops in both the UK and overseas.

Lesley Parish has over 25 years of cleaning industry experience and has been with the Institute for over 8 years. Lesley is part of the Verification team and leads on our i-CQI (Independent Cleaning Quality Inspections). Lesley commenced her career as a cleaning operative carrying out daily office cleaning, she was promoted to an area manager role and later became a specialist in cleaning inspections covering the UK and Ireland.

Nigel Howe is the latest team member to join the Technical team, joining in May 2018 as our Training & Support Specialist. Being part of the training team, he is responsible for delivering skills training and assessment. Nigel has been training various products and services for over 20 years. Our Technical team is growing, watch this space!

Making it all happen is the business development team, headed up by Samantha Willson. Sam as we call her, has been with the Institute since 2010, joining the Customer Support Team as an Administrator and working her way up to her current role of Business Development Manager. Sam can offer advice on how our training services can benefit you, your staff and your business as a whole.

Last but by no means least Sarah Gilson is our Training & Logistics Coordinator, originally from Canada, Sarah joined the team in February 2018 and has a background in quality management and training. Sarah supports Sam in all areas of administration and is responsible for the coordination and logistics for all of our training Courses and Workshops.

A very skilled up team indeed! page twenty three |

EDITION 3 | 2018

The details:



Thursday 27 September 2018 tlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire For further details contact us or visit The BICSc Annual Awards, Education Programme and Exhibition is now one of the largest and most

Thursday 27thevents September 2018 influential networking in the cleaning industry’s calendar celebrating excellence in training and accreditation. Whittlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire Thursday 27th September 2018 Whittlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire For further details W: E: T: 01604 678 713

The BICSc Annual Awards is now one of the largest and most influential networking events in the cleaning industry’s calendar celebrating excellence in training and accreditation. This year’s event will begin with a series of short, snappy and educational presentations.

Our sponsors, including Citation, Rubbermaid, Killis, ISS and Matrix will be exhibiting& theirEntertainmen latest services, resentations, Exhibition, Awards, Networking Industry Presentations | Exhibition | Awards | Networking | Entertainment products and innovations. We will be bringing a fun element too with the chance to win prizes. A buffet lunch is

The BICSc Annual The Awards, BICSc The BICSc Annual Education Annual Awards, Programme Awards, Education Education and Programme Exhibition Programme and is now Exhibition and one Exhibition of the is now largest is one nowand ofone the most oflargest the largest and most and most influential networking influential influential events networking in networking the cleaning events events inindustry’s theincleaning the calendar cleaning industry’s industry’s celebrating calendar calendar excellence celebrating celebrating in training excellence excellence in training in training BROCHURES NEWSLETTERS and accreditation. and time accreditation. and accreditation. included to allow you maximum networking to catch up with your industry colleagues. LEAFLETS NCR SETS

Can you afford to miss it?

Can you afford Then it’sto timemiss to shine!it? Applications now open | Tickets on sale May Thursday

th September th September 27Thursday Thursday 27th 27 September 2018 20182018






The evening activities will begin with a drinks reception, special guest host, awards ceremony, dinner, Mike Sumner WhittleburyWhittlebury HallWhittlebury Hotel &Hall Spa, Hall Hotel Northamptonshire Hotel & Spa, & Spa, Northamptonshire Northamptonshire drinks, live entertainment and dancing through to 1am!

You cannot afford to miss this exciting industry event. March Applications open February | Tickets on sale

For sponsorship opportunities please contact For furtherFor details further For further details detailsus at

TSL Print Solutions Ltd, 33 Oaklands Drive, Westone, Northampton NN3 3JN Tel: 07931 376707

W: W: W: E: E: E: T: 01604 678 T: 01604 713 T: 01604 678 678 713 713

E: or call us on 01604T:678713 W: E: 01604 678 713 For sponsorship opportunities please contact us: or call us on 01604 678713

Headline sponsor sponsor For sponsorship opportunities please contact us at Headline Industry Presentations Industry Industry Presentations | Exhibition Presentations | Awards | Exhibition | Exhibition | Networking | Awards | Awards | Entertainment Networking | Networking | Entertainment | Entertainment LEAFLETS

BROCHURES or call us on 01604 678713 Can you affordCan to miss you Canafford it? you afford to miss to it? miss it?




Applications now Applications open Applications | Tickets now open now on sale open | Tickets May | Tickets on sale onMay sale May

Mike Sumner

For sponsorship Foropportunities sponsorship For sponsorship opportunities please opportunities contactplease us atplease contact contact us at us at

TSL Print Solutions Ltd, 33 Oaklands Drive, Westone, Northampton NN3 3JN or call us on 01604 or call678713 oruscall onus 01604 on 01604 678713 678713


Tel: 07931 376707

Headline Headline sponsor Headline sponsor sponsor


EDITION 3 | 2018



Mike Sumner

page twenty four | TSL Print Solutions Ltd, Office G120, Regents Pavilion,Northampton 4 Summerhouse 33 Oaklands Drive, Westone, NN3Road, 3JN Moulton Park, Northampton NN3 6BJ

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Thank you to our sponsors for spoiling us! We would like to thank long time Awards sponsors Rubbermaid for donating a Slim Jim Recycling Station to the Institute. A great addition to our waste management system. Thank you Rubbermaid for your ongoing support.

We would also like to say a huge thank you to Matrix Cleaning Systems for donating their SV4 Steam & Vacuum machine. A very generous donation from Matrix which is being put to great use by our Technical team at our Northampton Training Centre.

We are looking forward to seeing both Rubbermaid and Matrix at our Annual Awards in September! EDITION 3 | 2018

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Moving on and up... The words Docere Pugare will be familiar to you, these Latin words have been part of the BICSc Logo since 1961. In English it simply means “To Teach to Clean”, which of course is what we do best. From our Licence to Practice course, skills and Assessor training to our all new Cleanlogic™ Courses & Workshops, we are successfully teaching people to clean and creating careers in cleaning along the way. 2018 is proving to be one of our busiest and most successful years yet, with training taking place nearly every day at BICSc HQ, it has become apparent that we need to expand into larger premises where we can continue to offer world class industry training. This increase in trading activity is in no small part due to the popularity of Cleanlogic™ training products. Since 2016 BICS Business Services has delivered training at BICSc HQ, as the demand for BICSc accredited training grows we are now bursting at the seams. Premier Court in Northampton has been a good home for the Institute however we MUST move with the times and allow BICSc and BBS to grow so we can meet the industry demand for our training. What does all of this mean you may be asking? BICSc has for many years called Northampton home, moving into Number 9 Premier Court in 2003, a relatively small 2 storey building in Moulton Park. It’s hard to believe now that at the time the headcount was approximately 9 with a Council of circa 15, today we have a headcount of 21 and BICSc Council consists of 9. As you may know BICSc Council must ratify all major Institute decisions. In 2008 the appending property (Number 8) came up for sale, seeing an opportunity for growth Stan Atkins, Group CEO, put the idea of purchasing the next-door property to BICSc Council, there were serious deliberations and consideration around such a huge decision, but it paid off – Council voted and agreed on the acquisition of an additional property and Number 8 was purchased in 2009. This year we took the decision to deliver a larger majority of our training in-house, we have a strong technical team, and we are planning for the future and protecting our brand, meaning we will continue “to Teach to Clean” and Create Careers In Cleaning. To allow us to continue to grow we have taken the decision to put both 8 & 9 Premier Court on the market. Due to its position in central England and that BICSc has built a first-class team, we will be staying in Northampton, for both the convenience of the location and especially to maintain our current staff members. We are at the moment considering various options, one being that we move to larger premises that will be able to house the office team and a larger training facility, one team under one roof would be the preference of course. We will however also consider a building that will become a BICSc training centre, with the team based in a separate office in Northampton. We are very excited about the future and trust that the move will not only bring us the ability to continue to offer the very best in industry training, it will also add value to our brand perception and of course maintain and enhance employee morale. This is an exciting time, all we can say is watch this space! We would of course be glad to hear your feedback – please contact #Creating a Career in Cleaning

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EDITION 3 | 2018


New Corporate Members April – June We have welcomed an astonishing 46 new corporate members to the Institute since April! Acies Cleaning & Support Services

First Reflections Cleaning Contractors Limited

Alexis Cleaning Services Ltd

Gurkhas Cleaning Services Ltd

Arabian Gulf Facility Management LLC

Ice Cleaning Services

Aviserv Ltd

Inhouse Corporate Services Limited

Baltimore FM Ltd

Insideout Office and Warehouse Cleaning Ltd

Bandon Services

Jmail Assets t/a Bright Shine Cleaning

Barzan Palace Contracting, Cleaning and Hospitality

Life Enterprises UK Ltd

BeClean Abingdon Ltd

Maids Commercial Services Ltd

Blackpool Sixth Form College

Metro Cleaning UK LTD

BlueFrog Cleaning Services Ltd

Ontrak Recruitment & Training

Bristol and Avon Cleaning Services Limited

Orion Venture Technical Services LLC

Bucks Cleaning Services Limited

Premier Floorcare

BWH Cleaning Group

Regency Contract Cleaning

Cheap Deep Cleaning Ltd

S&S Mediclean Ltd

Citywide Commercial Services Ltd

S E Bellamy Ltd

Clean & Tidy UK

ServiceMaster South East London Ltd

Clean Heart Services

Supreme Facility Management Pvt.Ltd

Conservo Facility Management Co. W.L.L

Tadbeir Real Estate Co

Cornforth Industrial Services Ltd

Tommy Taylor Solutions

CVC Management Group Ltd

Triple Three Cleaning Services Ltd

CYS Group Ltd

Urban Cleaning Ltd

Deben Contracts LTD

VAST Maintenance Limited


Walsh Industrial Cleaning

New Centres/Hubs April – June Rapier Contract Services Ltd

Merlin HS

Edgewater Technical Services W.L.L

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Need to reach us? Customer Support & Membership E: T: +44 (0) 1604 678 711 BICS Business Services & Training E: or Book Online T: +44 (0) 1604 678 712 Marketing & Annual Awards E: T: +44 (0) 1604 678 713 General Enquiries E: T: +44 (0) 1604 678 710 Have your contact details changed? Drop a quick message to or give us a call and we will be happy to update your details.

#Creating a Career in Cleaning

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