The Standard Summer Edition 2016

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THESTANDARD Summer Edition July 2016

Inside this issue 2 Dear Members of BICSc

3 Metro Clean

11 Exclusive BICSc Member Offers

3 What is CIMS Certificaion

12 Health & Safety Posters

4 BICSc Roadshow

12 Member News

5 Events

13 New ATOs

7 The BICSc Annual Awards 2016

13 New Corporate Members

9 BICSc Chairman’s Charity Challenges 9 Annual Awards Prize Draw 10 Oltec Group Trading Ltd



Dear Members of BICSc Hello and welcome to the Summer Edition of The BICSc Standard Magazine We have had a busy first half of the year at BICSc, with the launch of our Roadshows, exhibiting at The Manchester Cleaning Show, ISSA Interclean Amsterdam and The Facilities Show in London. Not to mention our preparation and judging for the upcoming Annual Awards Evening which will be taking place in September. You will find lots of important announcements and updates in this issue of The Standard, as well as a summary of what’s been going on here at BICSc over last few months. We have some exciting and big changes planned which we are pleased to be able to announce in this edition of The Standard. If you would like to share any of your stories with us to be published in future copies of The Standard please email them to

Many thanks The British Institute of Cleaning Science

Hello from the verification team‌ Since our last correspondence we have seen many new centres and assessors come onboard and we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all and remind you we are here to help at all times not just at your annual audit. We all know that we can have minor issues or problems so please contact us sooner rather than later in order for us to help you, this goes for our existing centres and assessors too. We have been busy with our normal roles so far this year but have also had the benefit of working closely with the Scottish regional team and thoroughly enjoyed supporting them at the event held in Perth. I also attended the Scottish and Northern Ireland University meeting which was hosted at Stirling University. Thank you for the invitation and I look forward to seeing you again. This year we have also been given the opportunity to work for a number of new clients undertaking i-CQI (Independent Cleaning Quality Inspections). We have learnt a lot, it has been a new experience and this has proved to be challenging for the team but at the same time a very positive addition to our current roles. We are always delighted to come and visit you and support all our centres. We have now commenced our annual judging and visits for our awards ceremony, we would like to thank all of you who have submitted entries and wish you all good luck! Maureen Kelso Head of Standards & Verification



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Metro Clean

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& Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council Gains Cleaning $ $ Industry Management Standard (CIMS) Accreditation $ Dianna Steinbach said$ “It is a pleasure to be able to ,#&*0$4=#'($A$+0(5'/&#*$,#&*0B0=7&'($20*0;8"$40;(57=$C'7(/$ present this certificate$ personally. Congratulations 4=#'(7(8$3();/&*D$,'('8#-#(&$%&'()'*)$E43,%F$G55*#)7&'&70($ to Metro Clean, Doncaster’s In-House Cleaning Operation team for all$their hard work in making $ the necessary changes$ <=>!?&>+",?)/&#$#9$%:&M+),$(&Z)7,,7&!*$),97?6@&=!!G& Z)%$?*+%&T'F'GU&!$%8)?$:@&7*&Z+,?7:*$%P:&6):*+%)?&F7,:)+,& to gain this coveted $ W+":$&A6$,&:6$&L%$:$,*$(&*6$&=!!G[<<!&>=F!&>$%*);)?7*$& award, it is well *+&'/$?*$(&F70+%&+;&Z+,?7:*$%&B+:&.+,$:&90&*6$&\%7,(& deserved.” !"#$40>#&#)$4#*&7175'&#$


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E6$&?$%*);)?7*$&:6+A:&*67*&; ?+#L%$6$,:)8$&7::$::#$,* BICSc Council members joined Dianna Steinbach, to accept the award on $ ),($L$,($,*&G??%$()*$(&>= ISSA Director (EMEA) Services, at Doncaster’s behalf of Metro Clean Z)7,,7&!*$),97?6&:7)(&]=*&):&7&L/$7:"%$&*+&9$&79/$&*+& historic Mansion House when she presented the and Doncaster Council.F$*%+&>/$7,&67(&($#+,:*% L%$:$,*&*6):&?$%*);)?7*$&L$%:+,7//0J&>+,D%7*"/7*)+,:&*+& ISSA/BBS CIMS Certificate to Elected Mayor of It is wonderful to see F$*%+&>/$7,@&Z+,?7:*$%P:&=,-W+":$&>/$7,),D&^L$%7*)+,& ?+##)*#$,*&*+&*6$&($/)8$% Doncaster Ros Jones by*$7#&;+%&7//&*6$)%&67%(&A+%N&),&#7N),D&*6$&,$?$::7%0& the Grand Staircase. This Doncaster leading momentous event means that Doncaster Council the way in the local ?+,:):*$,*&`"7/)*0&:$%8)?$:& ?67,D$:&*+&D7),&*6):&?+8$*$(&7A7%(@&)*&):&A$//&($:$%8$(J_& & now has the distinction of being the first Local authority cleaning '/$?*$(&F70+%&B+:&.+,$:&:7)(&]=&7#&L%+"(&*+&7??$L*&*6$&7A7%(&+,&9$67/;&+;&F$*%+&>/$7,&7,(& Authority outside North America to gain the CIMS industry services, providing quality and value to the Z+,?7:*$%&>+",?)/J&=*&):&A+,($%;"/&*+&:$$&Z+,?7:*$%&/$7(),D&*6$&A70&),&*6$&/+?7/&7"*6+%)*0& accreditation. residents of Doncaster.”

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What is CIMS Certification?

$ $ ISSA’s Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) is the first consensus-based $ management standard that outlines the primary characteristics of a$ successful, quality $ cleaning organisation. $ !"#$40>#&#)$4#*&7175'&#$ First introduced in 2006 in the United States and The next I.C.E (Industry Certification Experts) E6$&?$%*);)?7*$&:6+A:&*67*&;+//+A),D&7& Canada, CIMS is a trailblazing consensus-based workshop will be taking place on 8th November ?+#L%$6$,:)8$&7::$::#$,*&90&7,& ),($L$,($,*&G??%$()*$(&>=F!&G"()*+%@& management standard that is geared towards 2016. For further details and to book your place F$*%+&>/$7,&67(&($#+,:*%7*$(&7& validating and improving the professionalism of visit ?+##)*#$,*&*+&*6$&($/)8$%0&+;& cleaning service providers. ?+,:):*$,*&`"7/)*0&:$%8)?$:&),&Z+,?7:*$%J$

Organisations wishing to& achieve certification must & undergo a comprehensive on-site assessment; & performed by an independent, accredited auditor who verifies the organisation is in compliance with the Standard. BICS Business Services (BBS) serves as the program Registrar in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Middle East region, administering the audit process and managing the auditors. Certification is then reassessed every two years to ensure ongoing compliance. Becoming accredited can benefit an organisation in a number of ways including improving performance, reducing costs, improving customer service and providing value for money. For more information on CIMS contact

The Coveted Certificate

The certificate shows that following a comprehensive assessment by an independent Accredited CIMS Auditor, Metro Clean had demonstrated a commitment to the delivery of consistent quality services in Doncaster.



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BICSc Roadshows

& The Roadshow Programme !"#$T0')/"0L$U*08*'--#$ $ The Roadshows will feature industry expert

speakers from KPMG small Business Accounting, BICSc, Environmental Excellence Education and Citation. The programme for the day is as follows: • KPMG: Top 10 Accounting Tips – How to do your accounts in 30 minutes • BICSc: Who’s hitching a free ride? • Citation: Latest hot topics in HR and Employment Law • Environmental Excellence Education: Health Matters! Risk – Hygiene - Compliance • Free Networking Lunch



Upcoming Roadshow dates: 27 July Crumlin Road Gaol Visitor Attraction, Belfast 24 August Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester 5 October University of the West of Scotland, Paisley 3 November Tortworth Court Hotel, near Bristol The Roadshows are free to attend for all BICSc members, and £15 for non-members To book your place on a roadshow visit: or contact us on 01604 678710

Events It has been a busy few months for BICSc. You may have seen us exhibiting at the Manchester Cleaning Show, ISSA Interclean in Amsterdam, the Facilities Show in London as well as most recently BACHE in Sheffield. Thank you to all of our members and customers who came to visit us. It was a great opportunity to meet many of you for the first time face-to-face, as well as getting to see some more familiar faces.

Manchester Cleaning Show The inaugural Manchester Cleaning Show took place

We thoroughly enjoyed speaking to everyone, talking

over the 6th and 7th of April this year. We expected

through the range and opportunities with BICSc and

something more regional and small scale than the

gaining useful feedback and insight.

London sister show. But with lots of exhibitors, almost 2500 attendees and a wide range of seminars and

The event organisers have confirmed that the success

networking opportunities the event was a huge hit. The

of the Manchester Cleaning Show means it will now

large crowds that made their way to the show were no

become a regular feature in the cleaning industry

doubt boosted by the coverage the event received on

calendar and is returning to Manchester in April 2018.

BBC Breakfast, with the show’s business presenter,

This is alongside the version of the The Cleaning Show

Steph McGovern, broadcasting live from the show floor

which will return to London next year, hosted at ExCeL

each morning.

between the 14th and 16th of March. We have already confirmed our attendance at this event and hope to see

We were extremely impressed with the turnout to our

many more of you there.

stand at the show and had a busy two days as a result!



ISSA/Interclean Amsterdam

The Facilities Show

More than 30,289 professionals from 134 countries

As this issue of The Standard goes to press we have

joined us at the largest and most prestigious

just returned from the Facilities Show in Excel, London

cleaning event of the year. With cleaning products

which took place on the 21st-23rd of June. No other

and solutions, inspiring sessions on cutting edge

industry event puts so many FM professionals in the

topics and the technology of the future, we had a very

same place at one time. The event was a wonderful

inspiring and informative few days.

opportunity for us to meet many of our members as well as lots of new faces.

Visitors came from across the globe to see new technologies and find out what is new and upcoming in the industry. The robot arena and information-packed seminars at the Innovation LAB were two features not to be missed at the event, taking place at RAI Amsterdam. At the Innovation Award Ceremony on the first day, Sealed Air Diversey Care was crowned overall winner of the eleventh Amsterdam Innovation Award with their product Augmented Reality: Suma Revoflow. We were delighted to see so many new faces at our stand this year. Many of the visitors we spoke to had travelled from as far as Australia and New Zealand, which makes for some exciting times as we now have the opportunity to expand our presence and work across new continents.

At the show we unveiled our ‘Skills Sweet Stand’ which proved to be very popular, attracting lots of visitors to our stand. The idea behind it was to represent the ‘pick and mix’ approach we offer with all of our training and services. There is never a ‘one size fits all’ with the huge diversity of businesses that we work with. Our training and skills packages are therefore always tailored allowing our customers to pick and choose the skills that match their requirements, and we felt the pick and mix sweet stand was a great (and tasty) way to get across our unique approach!




The BICSc Annual Awards 2016

The BICSc Annual Awards are fast approaching, and will be taking place this year on Thursday 15th September 2016 from 6pm until midnight. The Awards were established to recognise outstanding excellence in accredited training and assessment. It is a diary-must for the cleaning and training industry. In addition to the awards and entertainment, the evening provides a great opportunity to network and meet like-minded individuals within the industry.

HMP Norwich 2015 BICSc Award Winner Case Study HMP Norwich opened its BICSc Training Centre 3 years ago and is responsible for delivering more than 80 MU and progression accreditations to new learners, experienced landing cleaners and prison staff. In 2015 Ken Byrne, Instructional Officer for HMP Norwich was challenged with entering the organisation in the BICSc Awards Category for “Excellence in Training and Assessment within an Accredited Training Establishment (HMPS)” which was by no means an easy task. Copies of session plans, learner’s records and progression, photos of the training centre highlighting colour coding, different styles of training areas as well as details of chemicals and equipment were all required to support the application. Upon receiving these details, it was clear that HMP Norwich takes pride in their training operating within an inclusive environment. Each learner is given the same advantage to gain a leading recognised cleaning qualification to help them address their re-offending and gain respectful employment. After being shortlisted for the award, the

It was a proud moment for both Ken and HMP

independent judging panel visited the organisation

Norwich, who were overwhelmed to receive this

and were pleased to see the required BICSc

fantastic recognition of their success. Ken Byrne

standards in operation including an assessment of

said “It was an incredibly proud moment for us,

a learner, who now uses colour coding to stop cross

demonstrating our dedication, understanding and

contamination as well as chemicals correctly being

knowledge of the BICSc standards, proving how far

diluted according to manufacturer’s instructions.

our training centre has come in a short time.”

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On the evening of the Awards HMP Norwich were

ultimately crowned winners within their category.


We are looking forward to hearing more success stories from our 2016 winners. If you have applied for an award for this year’s ceremony, we wish you the very best of luck! Applications have now closed for our 2016 Annual Awards, however if you are interested in applying next year visit our awards website for more information on the entry criteria. For more information on the previous Annual Awards and this year’s event which will take place at the Marriott Forest of Arden Hotel & Country Club in Birmingham visit our dedicated awards website: Tickets for our Annual Awards evening have now sold out however, if you would like to join our waiting list please contact: Karina on 01604 678714 or Helen on 01604 678716 In addition to this year’s Awards Evening we will be running a special educational programme during the day at the Marriott Forest of Arden Hotel & Country Club. The programme is open to anyone looking to enhance their industry knowledge through a series of educational seminars delivered by key speakers. The day will also be a great opportunity to meet the BICSc team and network with other industry professionals. We will be announcing more details on this, including how to book a place shortly.



BICSc Chairman’s Charity Challenges In the lead up to the BICSc Annual Awards Evening on Thursday 15th September, our Headquarters team have got together to support and raise money for Standing Together, the BICSc Chairman’s Charity through a series of challenges. The team will be completing a different challenge each week, as well as taking part in an ongoing distance challenge until Wednesday 14th September. Standing Together Against Domestic Violence builds and supports effective multi agency partnerships throughout the UK to meet the needs of survivors of domestic violence. The organisation trains agencies to deal with domestic violence effectively and consults with survivors to inform improvements in their services. For further details on what challenges the team will be taking part in and to show your support visit: The total amount raised will be announced at the BICSc Annual Awards Evening. To follow the team’s progress, visit our twitter page @BICSc_UK. We will be adding updates each week to show how the team are getting on.

Annual Awards Prize Draw You may be aware that our Individual Members are able to enter the Annual Awards 2016 Prize Draw to win two tickets (value of £200) for this year’s awards event. By September 2016 five prize draws will have been completed so that on the night a table of ten will be occupied by the winning Individual Members. The first four prize draws have now come to an end and we are delighted to announce the following winners to date:

Anthony Hayward, QSE Manager at Bouygues Energies and Services UK Limited Jennifer Kirk, Interim Assistant Community Domestic Services Manager at Northern Health & Social Care Trust Graham Love, BICSc Licenced Assessor at HMP Low Moss Peter Gowers, Consultant at Gowers Associates

To enter our last prize draw for the 2016 Annual Awards please answer the following entry question, emailing your answer to clearly stating your answer, your name and your membership number before Wednesday 31st August:

Who is the BICSc Annual Awards 2016 Headline Sponsor? A) BBS B) Rubbermaid C) Citation D) Darwin Clayton To read the full terms and conditions of our prize draw please visit our website.



A Grand Partnership with Oltec Group Trading Ltd Oltec Group Trading Ltd has announced its recent accreditation as an accredited British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc) Training Organisation. Oltec Group received the certification after Hamid Ghadry, BICSc Council Member joined the business and thereafter, OGT’s FM Director, Luanne Mason underwent BICSc’s intensive training course and a rigorous 4 days Training/Assessment conducted by Environmental Excellence Education Executive Director, Delia Cannings BBS training provider. In September 2015, Oltec Group were chosen by Savills Management Resources to deliver all lines of soft services facilities management at Grand Central Birmingham, the £150 million premium retail and dining destination.

Commenting on the accreditation, Jonathan Cheetham, Grand Central General Manager, said, “We are very proud of the Oltec Group team for receiving the accreditation, which is absolutely in line with Grand Central’s visions and values, to provide a centre of excellence demonstrating world class customer service across this magnificent facility”. “We take our responsibilities to service standards very seriously and by working with Oltec Group, who have now achieved BICSc accreditation and can now offer training to the industry, Grand Central employees will continue to benefit from ‘best in class practice’ ensuring greater satisfaction for our customers.”

10 THESTANDARD Summer 2016

Exclusive BICSc Member Offers from our Partners

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We have recently launched a number of exclusive BICSc member offers with our partners; KPMG Small 5$&678$&%$?$,*/0&/7",?6$(&7&,"#9$%&+;&$C?/":)8$&<=>!?&#$#9$%&+;;$%:&A)*6&+"%&L7%*,$%:c& Business Accounting, Citation Professional Solutions, QMS International and Vigilant Plc. To find out dQF\&!#7//&<":),$::&G??+",*),D@&>)*7*)+,&Q%+;$::)+,7/&!+/"*)+,:@&SF!&=,*$%,7*)+,7/&7,(& Y)D)/7,*&Q/?J&E+&;),(&+"*&#+%$&79+"*&+"%&L7%*,$%:&7,(&#$#9$%&+;;$%:&%$7(&+,J&& more about our partners and member offers read on.

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KPMG Small Business Accounting is a &

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experts, Citation provide advice and support

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solution for your fleet management needs, whether you own or lease your vehicles, or been providing peace of mind to businesses in $ if you operate within the private or public <#'=&"$'()$%'1#&D$U0/&#*/$(0L$'>'7='.=#$0($&"#$234%5$0(=7(#$/"0B$ the UK for over 20 years and are now trusted sector. Vigilant are able to offer significantly by over 16,000 clients. BICSc members can discounted servicing, tyre fitting and MOTs using their preferred supplier network claim an exclusive free of charge support throughout the UK. All BICSc members have session with Citation and a further 5% the option to receive periodic updates with discount on any chargeable support packages. useful vehicle tips and special offers. that’s tailored to your business needs. They’ve

For further details on any of our partner’s offers visit

THESTANDARD Summer 2016 11

Health and Safety Posters now available on the BICSc online shop BICSc and Citation have recently got together to produce a series of professionally laminated A3 health and safety posters, to help ensure the safety of your clients, customers and employees. The posters cover fire safety, control of substances to health (COSHH), manual handling and hand hygiene, and include advice on:

• Lifting, pushing and pulling procedures • Hazard symbols and Using Personal

and Respiratory Protective Equipment

Fire prevention, what to do in the event of a fire, fire extinguisher symbols and uses

• Best practice relating to hand hygiene

The cost for each poster is £4.95, or you can purchase a set of 4 (either one of each or 4 of the same poster) for a reduced price of £15 If you would like to purchase your health and safety posters please visit the BICSc online shop at:

Member News In this quarter’s column we would like to let you know about an upcoming change in our routes to membership. In recognition of the crucial role BICSc plays in protecting and improving the standards of the cleaning industry, we are making some important changes to the structure and routes to membership within the institute. From the 1st of April 2017, BICSc will be focusing its routes to membership on education. New members will therefore be able to apply for one of the following three membership grades. The membership grade you are eligible for will depend on your level of training as follows: • PBICSc – to be eligible for this grade you must have completed Licence to Practice (LTP) training • CBICSc – to be eligible for this grade you must have completed Licence to Practice (LTP) as well as three further skills • LBICSc – to be eligible for this grade you must have completed Licence to Practice (LTP), seven further skills and be approved as an Assessor So what does this mean for existing members? If you are currently an ABICSc, MBICSc or FBICSc member then your membership will not be affected by these changes, and your membership grade will be protected. We hope that our members will understand, that we are committed to protecting and improving the standards of the cleaning industry, and see this change as an important step to encouraging BICSc members to develop their knowledge and understanding of the cleaning industry through accredited education. We will keep you informed over the next few months of any further details and impacts this change may have on you, and your membership. If you have any queries or concerns in the meantime, please contact

12 THESTANDARD Summer 2016

New ATOs United Kingdom HMP Ranby

Lorne Stewart Plc

Deeland Ltd t/a Service Master

Baxter Storey

Origin Housing Limited

HMP Wakefield

Oltec Group Trading Ltd

University of East Anglia

Salus Support Services

Lotus Landscapes Limited

Carillion PLC

Erskine Home


Park Serve@Colworth Park

International ISS WORLD - Ireland

Isnaad - UAE

Al Shirawi Facilities Management - UAE

Emirates International Property Services Abu Dhabi - UAE

ServeU LLC - UAE

New Corporate Members January Oxford Clean Tech Ltd Bleu Sparkle Cleaning Ltd Waterwise Car Washing Environmental Support Services Rathbone Cleaning & Maintenance Ltd Dellar The Cleaning Company Limited

T.O.C. Cleaning Services Limited Gardant Security Limited A to Z Services Hartlepool Borough Council - Facilities Management Services Multi Service Solutions Limited t/a Portnalls North Yorkshire County Council - Building Cleaning Services Versailles Cleaning Ltd



West End Cleaning Service Axis Group Integrated Services Ltd CE Facilities Services Aegis Conglomerate Limited t/a Aegis Group Channel Facilities Management Ltd Imdaad LLC JK Franchising Ltd

March Crystal Clear Hygiene Limited Berry Support Solutions Limited United Facilities Support Services Ltd Clear Shine Essex Cleaning Services Quality Commercial Cleaning Company Limited Alnajma Alfareeda International Building Maintenance L.L.C. 7/7 Cleaning Services Ltd BRS Cleaning Contractors Ltd Acivico Limited (Cleaning Services) Nettoyer Limited

April ECO Blue Cleaning Lilli Innovative Cleaning Solutions Ltd KPMG LLP Logic Service Management Limited

Inter Emirates Building Cleaning Services Al Shirawi Facilities Management LLC The All England Lawn Tennis Club (Championships) Ltd Blue Lemon Cleaning Services Ltd Resiclean Ltd Time Power Services Limited Apple Blossom Cleaning Services Ltd Kent Gurkha Company Ltd Spring Clean Commercial Ltd Oman Shapoorji Company LLC.

June Albany Cleaning Services Princeclean Limited Carters Cleaning Services Ferrand Human Resources Training Center Tamarind Professional Services Limited Exeter Cleaning Sw Ltd Johnsons Cleaning Company Ltd G S Associates Limited Buzz Cleaning Services Ltd. Hammond Corporate Hygiene Ltd Compass Group UK and Ireland The Restoration Academy UK Limited

THESTANDARD Summer 2016 13

Upcoming Events 27th July

BICSc Roadshow

Crumlin Road Gaol Visitor Attraction, Belfast

24th August

BICSc Roadshow

Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester

15th September

Educational Day

Forest of Arden Hotel and Country Club, Birmingham

15th September

Annual Awards Evening

Forest of Arden Hotel and Country Club, Birmingham

5th October

BICSc Roadshow

University of the West of Scotland, Paisley

3rd November

BICSc Roadshow

Tortworth Court Hotel, Bristol

Are your details up to date? We have recently changed our customer management system to improve the service we provide to our members. To ensure we’re providing the best service possible and you’re not missing out on any important member updates please can you ensure we have your correct contact details. If you have recently moved address, changed your email address or moved job roles you can you advise us of these changes by contacting

Cashback Referral Award We hope you find your BICSc membership valuable and worthwhile and are happy to recommend it to your friends, family and colleagues. We have recently introduced a cashback membership referral scheme whereby if you refer BICSc Individual Membership to an individual and they successfully obtain this membership, we will reward you with £10 cashback. All you have to do is complete the section on the application form providing your name and membership number, and then as soon as the new membership is activated we will organise your £10 reward. To read the full terms and conditions of this award please visit the BICSc website.

Keep up to date with the latest news and offers from BICSc Did you know you can keep up to date with the latest news, updates and offers from BICSc on our website and by following us on social media? For the latest news visit

Follow us on

If you have any news stories that you would like to share with us on our website on social media or even to feature in the next edition of The Standard please send your stories to:

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