#Creating a Career in Cleaning
EDITION 1 | 2018 |
Introduction You may be wondering what the statement on the front cover is all about? Well, you could say the writing is on the wall…if you have the passion for it, there is a Career in Cleaning - this is our focus for 2018 #Creating a Career in Cleaning. In this edition we will be taking a look at Stan Atkins, BICSc Group CEO, Career in Cleaning - it’s a fascinating read. 2018 is Stan’s 11th year at the helm of the Institute, this seemed like the perfect time to share his career path with you. In later issues, we will look at other industry careers, perhaps you would like to share your career path with us? You will have heard about CleanlogicTM, our growing collection of workshops and courses designed for those who wish to advance their industry knowledge. Courses and workshops are available to book online – keep an eye out as we will be adding to the collection throughout 2018. We have a packed schedule for the year, we will be presenting and exhibiting with a fun new look at the Manchester Cleaning Show. Then we will be at the BACHE conference at Aston University and Interclean in Amsterdam. We will also be hosting Specific Sector Days throughout the year, look out for your special invitation. We will round up an exciting year with the eagerly anticipated BICSc Annual Awards, Education Programme & Exhibition in September and we will also be inviting our Corporate members to join BICSc Council. What a year it promises to be, and an important time to be a member of the Institute! Of course, as BICSc continues to grow and more importantly move with the times, we will always stay true to our roots and remain focused on what we do best: Raising the status and standards of the cleaning industry, through education and accredited training.
We hope you enjoy this issue, Team BICSc
Hello from Sue Robinson, FBICSc | BICSc National Chair I’m very proud and honoured to be able to write this message as the newly appointed Chairman of The British Institute of Cleaning Science. The Institute fulfils an important role within the cleaning industry and I want to ensure this continues to be the case in the future. I am looking forward to my term in office and hope to meet as many members as possible at events throughout the year. I am keen to hear the views of members to ensure that we continue to provide services that are pertinent to the needs of the membership. In the coming years, we will all face many challenges, in particular, the current economic climate and the impact of Brexit on the cleaning industry. If we are to survive and prosper, the Institute will need to continue to be innovative, proactive and develop relevant and exciting products.
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I believe that the profile of the “ cleaning industry needs to be raised and
the Institute has an important role in achieving this aim. Our profession needs to be seen as an exciting and rewarding career opportunity, particularly for younger people.
I recently joined others from the industry for a meeting to discuss ways of attracting under 35-year olds into our profession. This is hopefully the start of a journey that will identify areas in which we all need to improve so that our industry appeals to the younger generation. The Institute has come a very long way since it was formed in 1961 and throughout this time, it has grown and become the important organisation it is today. I hope that by working together we can ensure that the Institute continues to develop and evolve in the future.
Best wishes Sue Robinson EDITION 1 | 2018
An update from Denise Hanson, FBICSc |
An update from James Marston, MBICSc |
Technical Manager
Learning & Development Manager
It’s been a busy few months since I joined BICSc as a staff member and I am really enjoying the challenges of the role. The new courses that I have been developing are now underway, CleanlogicTM half day courses have launched first - Health and Safety has run on 4 occasions now and we have bookings from Corporate members for us to teach this popular course at site for their managers. Control of Cross Contamination was launched in January to positive feedback and will run monthly to meet customer demand. The first full day CleanlogicTM Work Rates and Work Loading course covers how to calculate the cleaning hours for buildings from plans and the factors that can affect this, is due to run monthly until the next course Costing and Calculating is launched to follow it up.
I joined the Institute on the 4th September 2017 as Learning and Development Manager, that feels like a very long time ago now. I am enjoying my new role very much and have the responsibility for Business Development and Sales & Marketing.
With the support of the Verification “ team we have reviewed and updated
the CPSS Scheme going live January 2018 with the new combined LTP unit – the Verifiers will update centres at annual audit, including the provision of Standard Operating Procedures for the Base and Additional Skills.
My highlights to date include “ the 2017 BICSc Annual Awards,
Education Programme & Exhibition, at Whittlebury Hall which was as always, was a fantastic event for the Institute and of course our winners.
I have also been to New Delhi in India, where I worked with our new Associate Provider ICSM who is working hard to encourage businesses to take up the Clean India challenge set up by the Government. We look forward to supporting them further in such an important objective for the country. I am looking forward to watching the Institutes Cleanlogic™ brand grow, looking at future opportunities and playing my part in promoting our aim in 2018 #Creating a Career in Cleaning.
It has been a busy few months and I look forward to the opportunities and challenges that 2018 will bring.
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EDITION 1 | 2018
FEATURING The Technical Edit – the launch of BICSc Standard Operating Procedures
The Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite (CPSS)
Launch of BICSc Standard Operating Procedures
As this issue will take us on a journey and back in time, I wanted to share a little bit of my history with you. It was 1991 to be exact when I became an Assessor for what at the time was the BICSc COPC Scheme. The company I worked for had sent myself and a colleague on both the NVQ Assessor course and the BICSc courses to find out which we believed was most suitable for our company’s needs. The decision to move ahead with the BICSc training and assessment model was one I have replicated wherever there has been a need. The BICSc qualifications provide a clear career path for staff, their skills demonstrations showing their capabilities and this often provided me with new supervisors, trainers and earmarked potential management candidates. The demonstrable skills mean that limited English or literacy does not exclude the candidate from a successful outcome. As the schemes have been reviewed, updated and relaunched I have kept my skills and Assessor licence current. Whilst the company were very happy with the BICSc qualifications what was missing was any BICSc supplied training support or documentation.
The BICSc scheme has always been an assessment of capability rather than a training course to reach the agreed standard.
Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite update
January 2018 has seen the launch of CPSS 2.1 including the amalgamation of the Mandatory Units – MU1, MU2, and MU3 into the new LTP – Licence to Practice Unit. The Verifiers are introducing these updates to the centres at their annual audits, or centres can request an interim visit for an earlier installation date if required – a nominal fee to cover travel will be requested if we are unable to tie this visit with another local call.
The Technical Edit
these you used an overhead projector to show them!) that he trained with to help me cascade this training on. Over the years I have requested training material as the BICSc Skills Suite has developed always with the answer, BICSc are an assessment body. So, I have worked from those original acetates to company specific PowerPoint presentations. Now however, that old saying “be careful what you wish for” has truly come back to haunt me, as the new Technical Manager at BICSc part of my role is to create new training courses and support documentation and this year will see the launch of the Standard Operating Procedures. The whole of the Verification team has been involved in producing these and there have been some interesting debates on our agreed practices. These documents will be provided free of charge at annual audits and supply guidelines for the LTP, Base and Additional Units. The SOP give you a flow for the skill demonstration, with underpinning knowledge to support the candidate’s development. They are a starting point for training documentation and the Specialist Units will be added to the SOP over the coming months. I’m sure we will receive feedback from this and like all BICSc documentation they will be reviewed and updated as the industry evolves. The next steps are to provide training notes and PowerPoint presentations for the skills, if there is a demand for them – so please let us know your views.
I was fortunate that the gentleman that was my trainer on that official first BICSc course kindly shared the acetates, (for those of you not old enough to remember
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Denise Hanson, Technical Manager EDITION 1 | 2018
Improving Communications the skill marking sheets, investigating whether an electronic version of the scheme would be welcomed by you, our customers, and trying to keep up with our ever-changing workplace in the skills and courses we develop.
The newly launched Standard Operating Procedures will also be delivered at these calls, your thoughts and comments would be most welcome on this document. However, we are not resting on our laurels there is still lots to be done to develop the CPSS Scheme so that it truly delivers to your expectations, we are looking to align the SOP and
Sector Specific Days this year will give you a chance to voice your opinions so please come and see us, or email any comments and queries you have to Keep an eye out for your special invitation. Brochure now available for download on the BICSc website.
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EDITION 1 | 2018
Improving Communications
It’s Election time for you CORPORATE MEMBERS
We are always looking at ways on how we can improve our communications, along with The Standard, and our website you will have received e-shots from us, these are a great way to deliver key messages and information about the Institute. Please keep us informed and let us know if your contact details have changed, just drop a quick message to or give us a call on +44 1604 678711 where we will be happy to update your details.
International Communications
In September 2017, BICSc Council made a change to its Articles of Association whereby the make-up of future Councils will change, allowing the Individual and Corporate membership to have a more equal voice. This means that from September 2018 BICSc Council will be made up of 4 Corporate Representatives and 5 Individual members, the position of Chairman and Deputy Chairman remains.
Corporate Election | Become a BICSc Council member
Are you interested in joining BICSc Council to represent our Corporate membership? Can you bring your industry knowledge and expertise to the board room? Can you make a difference? How does it work?
We would like to ensure our communications to our International members are delivered in the correct manner. If you would like to be addressed in a particular way please do not hesitate to let us know at page seven |
EDITION 1 | 2018
How many Corporate seats are available? There are 4 Corporate seats available on Council The criteria? Your organisation must be a fully paid up member of the Institute for 3 years The Corporate Representative must be employed by the Corporate member Whilst the positions are voluntary as you will become a Director of the Institute, we ask you to attend 6 (UK based) Council meetings per year
BICSc Training Courses &Workshops | Enhance your career with BICSc Training
Why should your Corporate organisation join BICSc Council? BICSc now has over 20,000 members You will join a group who have years of industry experience who consult, deliberate and make decisions on the future of the Institute Your contribution will help to shape the future educational development for the industry page nine |
EDITION 1 | 2018
Creating a Career in 197Cleaning 7
Th w he ept Mana the nation, r Silver Ju bilee, Stafor r atInstitute In 2018 Stan Atkins, group CEO will have headed upge the n 11 years, mana geme ISS service was by no Star Wars nt tea as Stan has been in the cleaning industry for over 40 years, we thought this w fever m of systems, a Contrac respo 40. ts seemed like a good time to share his particular career path with you. nsible for a e qu Stan Atkins - From Porter to CEO, there really sw can beeeancareer in cleaning sa
Princ e an ind William wa ividua s bo
Licence to Practice The BICSc Licence to Practice (part of The Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite) provides the essential entry level skills for cleaning operatives to work safely and efficiently.
E-Learning - Infection Control This course looks at the scientific concepts underpinning the production and maintenance of hygienic environments, as well as covering the identification and control of hazards. Upon completion, candidates will be able to make informed decisions regarding the choice of procedures and materials in the appropriate situation.
Car Valeting This course covers all aspects from a health and safety view through to best practice and takes into account the different environments that car valeting may take place in such as workshops and external areas. With the correct knowledge and procedures, operatives will be able to assess the requirements and be confident in their decisions regarding all aspects of car valeting.
On Premises Laundry This course has been designed to meet the requirements of operatives who carry out the collection and laundering of items. It covers all aspects from an infection control and health and safety view through to best practice and takes into account the different environments that this may take place in such as healthcare, retirement homes and premises where laundering facilities are provided.
Train the Trainer This two-day course has been designed to meet the requirements of individuals looking to improve their training skills to become a great workplace trainer.
mana rn The Institute as we know was formed in 1961 by a group of like-minded geme l member , Stan joi such ne nt rol an as Ar es for d continu d BICSc individuals seeking to give the cleaning industry recognition. The Institute’s am clinic as ally cle ark, No well-estab es in indus rth founder, Eric Hill, supported by a small network of men and women, initially lis try an Eu rotun fleet and thehed comp The cleaning nel! any’s set up the Institute to raise the profile of the industry as a profession once Olymp describ ics too in standards. ed as and then went on to establish educational In k1961 the US placeStan was at junior school, by the time he electi in Ba rceloninto the Construction industry. onschool Castl Stan left left education with no proper career guidance , a hu and went e, a,
It covers all aspects of training from learning theories to questioning techniques as well as effective assessment methods to ensure a candidate’s future trainees are successful in their learning. Upon completion candidates will have the skills to be able to confidently plan and deliver a training session.
Independent Cleaning Quality Inspections
Fergi ge bla Clinto e and ze rip n beat the Qu Andre ped thr Bush een sa w sepa ough id it wa howe rated Wind s her ver, his , unde sor “annu rstan caree he wa s horri dably r was s offere bilis” going d a rol . For projec from Stan, e at Eu stren t that gth to rotun would role ho nel, thi stren link the wever gth s was an , UK to took to ad Franc excitin Stan apt to e via out of g ne tunne the British economy w chall hiswinter There was a time throughout the mid 1970s that was known as the contr comf of discontent, l. The ol, wa enge ort zo s in dif ste this, was troubled by high rates of inflation. ne, as manathe government was atTo tackle fer he ha Eurot capped public sector pay rises and publicly promoted ageclear mentcapped ent areas d unne . Such d winte l until Thean level to the private sector. This extended to most industries. job as pe r maint 19 . st market wasn’t particularly buoyant, and many people found 97 themselves enan ce. Sta on a 3-day week! Stan was just 19 and found himself looking for a job. n
Our Independent Cleaning Quality Inspections (i-CQI) are an additional service offered by BICSc and are designed to ensure an organisation is receiving a high-quality standard of cleaning service.
BICSc is currently the only organisation with Licenced Inspectors to carry out an i-CQI, and we are now able to offer this service to our customers and Corporate members. Please note this is not a training course but an additional service to inspect the quality of cleaning services.
Where it all began
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Stan responded to a job advert in a local paper that had been placed By 19said, “Men Required for Porterage by Bizley Clean. The advertisement 98 Sta MaMotor n was (see job advert). The nage Company duties” it was based at the Ford well int r, res Hewas po5nsor athrow oper job, in a time of the 3-day week working and his week ibl6 days caree for ludedseee from nageAs inc r in cle was offering £25 - £30.80 perma week. advert ilities meyou can fighti facthe aning su ng for and pro being there wasn’t any reference to any kind ofntcleaning involved…… prope ch as T2 He , having lef mo sptraining r the t Eurot Stan arrived on his first day,Tohis consisted of tin being shown rea g accre conditio athrow he rem d his wi unne and ns ed tra underground garage which needed cleaning, buddy systemdit was in ngthe ain s, pu ining and achievinWindsor Cal he moved ed in cle ttin . the ind g all use. It would not be unfair to an saying that the chap Stan was buddied with to the stl g a mo assig of us thotasks role of re eq e, etc. Sta nmStan se to was a little like the blind leading the blind. onga with the ents gottry ns uitab along ining ma years of kn le balan achievemGeneral the best of his ability. As long as it was done to an acceptable ny qu the wa standard en ce for alificatiowledge to male ts at and the client was happy, this seemed acceptable. By today’sy.BICSc great ons an and fem d havin use Sta standards it would not be acceptable. ale n be g both natio came a cle nal an d internaning cons ult ation al pre ant, stige Stan joined in cle BICSc an Charlie to Chaplin received a knighthood, Richard The Charge Hand pres Chair ing for tho in 2007, so ent ma me mi se wh of the Burton and Elizabeth Taylor got married (again), In the year that Nixon resignednfrom office ght wa BCCovero‘Watergate’ in 2017 nt it – of co say he rea BIC and Argentina welcomedSc a female president. Stan was ch was found guilty of murder (he was urseLord Lucan andstill provid offer a var many ed pinnacle conti ietyStan es the/ porter, profesand there at Ford with Bizley as of was of was promoted nues never theancleaner to str found) a ‘Thrilla in Manilla’. his ca an op foundati courses, ive for sionals wi ree on tiohad ou you ne ll ve r showing firs to ‘charge hand’ where he then responsibility for a t an new SitehaManager for the new ed to n to build units nece r Licence Stan became the d for to Pr up to a Site getafter ssary emos a similar stothat there you on team of cleaner / porters, shortly he became ac ma for t the tic tru ry e quali a cleaning All op contractor at Ford, the job the ca nageme opcame Clean erativwithtoatell. Sta ly is a ca ree Manager. Changeyea as weera know Motor tivesis inevitable. Ford e. r path nt training ing Opera fication is n beca reer who co rs wi tivreported the company to (unusually for those wi car, he me mplet Company retendered and a new contractor took over the th accredit th our all e to perfo best pla e the ce to rm ed ne ir Lic w theafter tra sta days a female then Cle Shortly iningDirector). ir was ence cleaning contract (TUPE didn’t exist in those days) the job and ind anlogic co role safel rt, the quali to Pr ac urs us tic promoted again to Branch Manager covering try rec es. We y and efficie fication e are had changed, Stan wanted to move on and up. og issue page d withand Brighton! nised qu can provid ntly, there Essex, East London alificati e eve a Licen twelve rythin is ons. ce to | bics.o g Practic e Card id for EDITION 1 |val 2018 page eleven | three
EDITION 1 | 2018
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Stan Atkins | A look at a Career in Cleaning
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EDITION 1 | 2018
The Technical Edit
Launch of BICSc Standard Operating Procedures
As this issue will take us on a journey and back in time, I wanted to share a little bit of my history with you. It was 1991 to be exact when I became an Assessor for what at the time was the BICSc COPC Scheme. The company I worked for had sent myself and a colleague on both the NVQ Assessor course and the BICSc courses to find out which we believed was most suitable for our company’s needs. The decision to move ahead with the BICSc training and assessment model was one I have replicated wherever there has been a need. The BICSc qualifications provide a clear career path for staff, their skills demonstrations showing their capabilities and this often provided me with new supervisors, trainers and earmarked potential management candidates. The demonstrable skills mean that limited English or literacy does not exclude the candidate from a successful outcome. As the schemes have been reviewed, updated and relaunched I have kept my skills and Assessor licence current. Whilst the company were very happy with the BICSc qualifications what was missing was any BICSc supplied training support or documentation.
The BICSc scheme has always been “ an assessment of capability rather than a training course to reach the agreed standard.
I was fortunate that the gentleman that was my trainer on that official first BICSc course kindly shared the acetates, (for those of you not old enough to remember
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these you used an overhead projector to show them!) that he trained with to help me cascade this training on. Over the years I have requested training material as the BICSc Skills Suite has developed always with the answer, BICSc are an assessment body. So, I have worked from those original acetates to company specific PowerPoint presentations. Now however, that old saying “be careful what you wish for” has truly come back to haunt me, as the new Technical Manager at BICSc part of my role is to create new training courses and support documentation and this year will see the launch of the Standard Operating Procedures. The whole of the Verification team has been involved in producing these and there have been some interesting debates on our agreed practices. These documents will be provided free of charge at annual audits and supply guidelines for the LTP, Base and Additional Units. The SOP give you a flow for the skill demonstration, with underpinning knowledge to support the candidate’s development. They are a starting point for training documentation and the Specialist Units will be added to the SOP over the coming months. I’m sure we will receive feedback from this and like all BICSc documentation they will be reviewed and updated as the industry evolves. The next steps are to provide training notes and PowerPoint presentations for the skills, if there is a demand for them – so please let us know your views.
Denise Hanson, Technical Manager EDITION 1 | 2018
HR and Health & Safety business HR and Health &briefings Safety business briefings
We would like to invite you to attend a Citation business briefing. Join our experts who will discuss the latest HR and Health & Safety updates and advice to support you and your business. We would like to invite you to attend a Citation business briefing. Join our experts who will discuss the latest HR and Health & Safety updates and advice to support you and your business.
What’s covered? –
What’s covered?
Grow your business and bottom line in 2018 –
Grow your business and bottom line in 2018 – your employee absence 5% ReduceReduce your employee absence byby5%
Prepare your business for increased tribunal claims
Understand the impact of 2018’s GDPR regulation – Assess any risks in your business - fire, personal on your business
– –
Prepare your business for increased tribunal claims Understand the impact of 2018’s GDPR regulation on your business injury, training & recruitment
Assess any risks in your business - fire, personal injury, training & recruitment
January business briefings
10th Edinburgh
16th Southport
24th Luton
4:00pm - 5:30pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
10:00am - 11:30am
13th -Limavady 10:00am 12:00pm
21st Bristol 9:30am - 11:30am
February briefings 25th Worcester 10th Falkirk business 17th Huddersfield 10:00am - 12:00pm
11th Greenock
1st Dartford 10:00am - 12:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 16th -Altrincham 9:30am - 11:00am
4:00pm - 5:30pm
18th Nottingham
10:00am - 11:30am
31st Illford
10:00am - 12:00pm 23rd High Wycombe
9:00am - 10:30am
10:00am – 11:30am
6th Northampton 14th Newtown Abbey February business9:30am briefings 9:00am - 10:30am – 11:30am 1st Dartford
7th Milton Keynes
10:00am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 3:30pm
6th Banbury
14th Newtown Abbey
6th Banbury 6th Northampton 4:00pm - 5:30pm 9:00am - 10:30am 4:00pm - 5:30pm
7th Milton Keynes 1:00pm - 3:30pm 0345 310 0650
0345 310 0650
15th Enniskillen 13th Limavady 9:00am - 10:30am 10:00am - 12:00pm
27th Burnley 10:00am - 11:30am
15th Enniskillen 9:00am - 10:30am
28th Halifax 10:00am - 11:30am 3:00pm - 5:00pm 20th Swansea
9:30am – 11:30am
20th Swansea 3:00pm - 5:00pm
The Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite (CPSS)
January 2018 has seen the launch of CPSS 2.1 including the amalgamation of the Mandatory Units – MU1, MU2, and MU3 into the new LTP – Licence to Practice Unit. The Verifiers are introducing these updates to the centres at their annual audits, or centres can request an interim visit for an earlier installation date if required – a nominal fee to cover travel will be requested if we are unable to tie this visit with another local call. The newly launched Standard Operating Procedures will also be delivered at these calls, your thoughts and comments would be most welcome on this document. However, we are not resting on our laurels there is still lots to be done to develop the CPSS Scheme so that it truly delivers to your expectations, we are looking to align the SOP and
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the skill marking sheets, investigating whether an electronic version of the scheme would be welcomed by you, our customers, and trying to keep up with our ever-changing workplace in the skills and courses we develop. Sector Specific Days this year will give you a chance to voice your opinions so please come and see us, or email any comments and queries you have to Keep an eye out for your special invitation. Brochure now available for download on the BICSc website.
EDITION 1 | 2018
Improving Communications
We are always looking at ways on how we can improve our communications, along with The Standard, and our website you will have received e-shots from us, these are a great way to deliver key messages and information about the Institute. Please keep us informed and let us know if your contact details have changed, just drop a quick message to or give us a call on +44 1604 678711 where we will be happy to update your details.
International Communications
We would like to ensure our communications to our International members are delivered in the correct manner. If you would like to be addressed in a particular way please do not hesitate to let us know at page seven |
EDITION 1 | 2018
It’s Election time for you CORPORATE MEMBERS In September 2017, BICSc Council made a change to its Articles of Association whereby the make-up of future Councils will change, allowing the Individual and Corporate membership to have a more equal voice. This means that from September 2018 BICSc Council will be made up of 4 Corporate Representatives and 5 Individual members, the position of Chairman and Deputy Chairman remains.
Are you interested in joining BICSc Council to represent our Corporate membership? Can you bring your industry knowledge and expertise to the board room? Can you make a difference? How does it work? How many Corporate seats are available? There are 4 Corporate seats available on Council The criteria? Your organisation must be a fully paid up member of the Institute for 3 years The Corporate Representative must be employed by the Corporate member Whilst the positions are voluntary as you will become a Director of the Institute, we ask you to attend 6 (UK based) Council meetings per year Why should your Corporate organisation join BICSc Council? BICSc now has over 20,000 members You will join a group who have years of industry experience who consult, deliberate and make decisions on the future of the Institute Your contribution will help to shape the future educational development for the industry page nine |
EDITION 1 | 2018
Next steps: Corporate members should ensure they have updated their contact details please contact to update your details All Corporate organisations will receive a notification with instructions on who can apply and how to apply All eligible Corporate members will receive an electronic ballot sheet The application process will be fully electronic and self-explanatory Results will be announced at the BICSc AGM 27th September 2018
Moving with the times For the first time in the Institutes history, we will be breaking with tradition
by holding an electronic nomination and ballot vote. This process will be supported by UK Engage, the UK’s fastest growing provider of election services, to public and private sector organisations.
News from HQ A special delivery…… Rachael Giles, our Marketing and Communications Executive welcomed Baby Alice into the world on the 29th December 2017, Alice arrived at exactly 1pm and weighed in at a healthy 7lb 15 ounces. Congratulations to Rachael and her husband Andrew! Whilst Rachael is on Maternity Leave, we have welcomed Michelle Iland back to the Institute to take care of Marketing and Communications. Michelle was formerly PA to Stan Atkins, Group CEO, and knows the Institute well. page ten |
EDITION 1 | 2018
Creating a Career in Cleaning Stan Atkins - From Porter to CEO, there really can be a career in cleaning In 2018 Stan Atkins, group CEO will have headed up the Institute for 11 years, as Stan has been in the cleaning industry for over 40 years, we thought this seemed like a good time to share his particular career path with you. The Institute as we know was formed in 1961 by a group of like-minded individuals seeking to give the cleaning industry recognition. The Institute’s founder, Eric Hill, supported by a small network of men and women, initially set up the Institute to raise the profile of the cleaning industry as a profession and then went on to establish educational standards. In 1961 Stan was at junior school, by the time he left education with no proper career guidance Stan left school and went into the Construction industry.
1973 Where it all began There was a time throughout the mid 1970s that was known as the winter of discontent, the British economy was troubled by high rates of inflation. To tackle this, the government capped public sector pay rises and publicly promoted a clear capped level to the private sector. This extended to most industries. The job market wasn’t particularly buoyant, and many people found themselves on a 3-day week! Stan was just 19 and found himself looking for a job. Stan responded to a job advert in a local paper that had been placed by Bizley Clean. The advertisement said, “Men Required for Porterage duties” it was based at the Ford Motor Company (see job advert). The job, in a time of the 3-day week was working 5 or 6 days per week and was offering £25 - £30.80 per week. As you can see from the advert there wasn’t any reference to any kind of cleaning being involved…… Stan arrived on his first day, his training consisted of being shown the underground garage which needed cleaning, the buddy system was in use. It would not be unfair to say that the chap Stan was buddied with was a little like the blind leading the blind. Stan got on with the tasks to the best of his ability. As long as it was done to an acceptable standard and the client was happy, this seemed acceptable. By today’s BICSc standards it would not be acceptable.
The Charge Hand
Charlie Chaplin received a knighthood, Richard
In the year that Nixon resigned from office over ‘Watergate’ and Argentina welcomed a female president. Stan was still at Ford with Bizley as a cleaner / porter, Stan was promoted to ‘charge hand’ where he then had responsibility for a team of cleaner / porters, shortly after he became a Site Manager. Change as we know is inevitable. Ford Motor Company retendered and a new contractor took over the cleaning contract (TUPE didn’t exist in those days) the job had changed, Stan wanted to move on and up.
Burton and Elizabeth Taylor got married (again), Lord Lucan was found guilty of murder (he was never found) and there was a ‘Thrilla in Manilla’. Stan became the new Site Manager for the new cleaning contractor at Ford, the job came with a company car, he reported to (unusually for those days a female Director). Shortly after was then promoted again to Branch Manager covering Essex, East London and Brighton!
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EDITION 1 | 2018
The queen saw her Silver Jubilee, Star Wars fever swept the nation, Stan was by now a Contracts Manager at ISS service systems, responsible for a management team of 40.
Prince William was born, Stan joined BICSc as an individual member and continues in industry management roles for well-established company’s such as Aramark, Northfleet and the once described as clinically clean Eurotunnel!
1992 The Olympics took place in Barcelona, Clinton beat Bush in the US election, a huge blaze ripped through Windsor Castle, Fergie and Andrew separated, understandably the Queen said it was her “annus horribilis”. For Stan, however, his career was going from strength to strength, he was offered a role at Eurotunnel, this was an exciting project that would link the UK to France via tunnel. The role however took Stan out of his comfort zone, as he had to adapt to new challenges in different areas. Such as pest control, waste management and winter maintenance. Stan was at Eurotunnel until 1997.
1998 By 1998 Stan was well into his career in cleaning, having left Eurotunnel he moved to the role of General Manager, responsible for facilities such as T2 Heathrow and Windsor Castle, etc. Stans achievements at Heathrow included fighting for proper conditions and achieving a more equitable balance for male and female management and promoting accredited training. To spread his wings, putting all of those years of knowledge to great use Stan became a cleaning consultant, he remained in the industry gaining many qualifications and having both national and international prestige cleaning assignments along the way.
to present Stan joined BICSc in 2007, some might say he reached pinnacle of his career showing that there truly is a career in cleaning for those who want it – of course many professionals will have a similar story to tell. Stan became Chairman of the BCC in 2017 and continues to strive for first and foremost the operative. BICSc offer a variety of courses, our Licence to Practice qualification is the best place to start, the qualification provides the foundation units necessary for a Cleaning Operative to perform their role safely and efficiently, there is then an option to build up to management training with our all new Cleanlogic courses. We can provide everything you need to get you on the career path with accredited training and industry recognised qualifications. All operatives who complete their Licence to Practice are issued with a Licence to Practice Card valid for three years.
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Licence to Practice The BICSc Licence to Practice (part of The Cleaning Professionals Skills Suite) provides the essential entry level skills for cleaning operatives to work safely and efficiently.
E-Learning - Infection Control This course looks at the scientific concepts underpinning the production and maintenance of hygienic environments, as well as covering the identification and control of hazards. Upon completion, candidates will be able to make informed decisions regarding the choice of procedures and materials in the appropriate situation.
Car Valeting This course covers all aspects from a health and safety view through to best practice and takes into account the different environments that car valeting may take place in such as workshops and external areas. With the correct knowledge and procedures, operatives will be able to assess the requirements and be confident in their decisions regarding all aspects of car valeting.
On Premises Laundry This course has been designed to meet the requirements of operatives who carry out the collection and laundering of items. It covers all aspects from an infection control and health and safety view through to best practice and takes into account the different environments that this may take place in such as healthcare, retirement homes and premises where laundering facilities are provided.
Train the Trainer This two-day course has been designed to meet the requirements of individuals looking to improve their training skills to become a great workplace trainer. It covers all aspects of training from learning theories to questioning techniques as well as effective assessment methods to ensure a candidate’s future trainees are successful in their learning. Upon completion candidates will have the skills to be able to confidently plan and deliver a training session.
Independent Cleaning Quality Inspections Our Independent Cleaning Quality Inspections (i-CQI) are an additional service offered by BICSc and are designed to ensure an organisation is receiving a high-quality standard of cleaning service. BICSc is currently the only organisation with Licenced Inspectors to carry out an i-CQI, and we are now able to offer this service to our customers and Corporate members. Please note this is not a training course but an additional service to inspect the quality of cleaning services.
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Welcome to Cleanlogic™
Cleanlogic™ is a growing collection of supervisory and management courses and workshops, developed with BICSc technical knowledge and experience. These courses and workshops will provide the technical underpinning knowledge for you to progress in your career and ultimately have the understanding to manage a cleaning operation. These courses and workshops are designed for anyone wishing to increase their knowledge of the industry, whether you are a supervisor, team leader, manager, involved in quoting, or producing tenders, there will be one for you. Visit our website to find out more and book today! Health & Safety Course Control of Cross-Contamination Course Work Rates & Work Loading Workshop Level One Cleaning Inspection Workshop page fourteen |
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ISSA / Interclean Amsterdam Events & Exhibitions 2018 15 – 18 May Events & Exhibitions 2018
We will join the industry associations stan
th th 13 – 15 May BACHE Conference onBICSc Stand us on StandVisit A06 |us Team willA06 be happy to help you 13 – 15 May Team BICSc will bewe happy will be exhibiting and will also be at the Gal to help you
Stand A06 | Team BICSc will be happy
ISSA / Interclean Amsterdam 15 – 18 May We will join the industry associations stand
Facilities Scotland 12 – 13 September Updates to follow
Visit us on the industry associations stand 15th – 18th May
BACHE Conference Edition 1 2018
13 – 15 May ISSA / alsoInterclean e will be exhibiting and will be at the Gala Dinner Amsterdam page fifteen |
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Awards, Education Programme and Exhibition is now one of th tial networking events in the cleaning industry’s calendar cele excellence in training and accreditation. The details: th Education Programme and Exhibition is now The BICSc Annual Awards, one of the largest and most influential networking events in the cleaning industry’s calendar celebrating excellence in training and accreditation.
Thursday 27 September 2018 tlebury Hall Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire The details: For further details contact2018 us Thursday 27th September Whittlebury Hallor Hotel & Spa, Northamptonshire visit For further details contact us or visit
Industry Presentations, Exhibition, Awards, Networking & Entertainment Can you afford to miss it?
Applications open February | Tickets on sale May resentations, Exhibition, Awards, Networking & Entertainmen For sponsorship opportunities please contact us at or call us onit? 01604 678713 Can you afford to miss page sixteen |
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New Corporate Members Thomann-Hanry
Pals Cleaning Services Limited
Facility Experts PC
KJ Cleaning Solutions
Cobthorne Cleaning Contractors Ltd
Azurablu (Scotland) Ltd
Perfectionist T/A Sparkle Ltd
Home Choices Oriental Rug Company
The Office Cleaning Company Essex Ltd
Shipshape Cleaning Ltd
Oruz Property Services Ltd
Melton Support Services
1st Index Services Limited
Capital Group Services Limited
Pacemaker Cleaning Services Ltd
Green Facilities Management Ltd
Tailor Made Facilities Ltd
FP Cleaning Services Ltd
O.T.S. Cleaning, Testing & Services LLC
Perfection Plus Services Company
Al Asmakh Facilities Management LLC
SWS Security
Al Qussie International Company
Chemdry Excel Ltd
New Accredited Training Organisations G4S Dubai
Cofely BESIX Mannai
Coventry University
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Need to reach us? General enquiries E: T: +44 (0) 1604 678 710 Customer Support & Membership T: +44 +44 (0) 1604 678 711 Training or Book Online T: +44 (0) 1604 678 712 Marketing T: +44 01604 678 713 Awards T: +44 01604 678 713
#Creating a Career in Cleaning