October 19, 2010
Ricardo Henriques Secretary of Social Assistance and Human Rights
[Objectives] • To ensure consolidation of territory control and pacification initiatives in the Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) areas. • To promote citizenship and social economic development within these areas. • To implement a full integration of these areas to the city as a whole.
[Mission] • To establish guidelines for the integration of efforts of public and private actors, and members of the civil society in order to accomplish the objectives. • To provide a management structure for the execution of this integration, with priority and efficiency in the UPP areas. • To provide support for the execution of the planned programs, and to oversee implementation.
[Performance Model] The program promotes a qualified identification of potential demand and supply for programs in the beneficiary areas, and integrates them to the shared objectives, benchmarks, and guidelines.
[Performance Model] Municipal Government
State Government
Entrepreneurs Database and Research
Integrated Programs
Program Guidelines
Federal Government
Local Public Management Community Groups
Private Sector Civil Society
[Performance Model] Demand Adoption of permanent listening mechanisms (I.e: ombudsman) and direct communication channels with residents, entrepreneurs, public managers and community groups in the beneficiary areas; mapping of sector demands identified by various public entities; development of specific studies and diagnostic assessments for each area.
Database and Information Compilation and organization of primary and secondary databases, public surveys, management reports by sector, and general studies and research, which will allow for the analysis, qualification and enumeration of perceived demands.
Supply Identification of existing federal, governmental and municipal programs, as well as projects and actions within the private sector and civil society.
Program Guidelines Establishment of priorities in the organization and integration of programs, allowing for the optimization of synergies, with a focus on the consolidation of pacification efforts and the development of beneficiary areas.
[Performance Model] It seeks to establish priorities for complementary policing efforts to be implemented by the program. Based on the pacification results secured by the UPPs, focus efforts on two main areas: • Consolidation: programs to be implemented after the recovery of territorial control and the establishment of peace, with a focus o guaranteeing the presence of a democratic government, promoting citizenship and reversing the causing factors of adversities such as violence and social exclusion. • Social economic development: joint efforts among public actors to promote a sustainable social inclusion cycle and urban integration in the beneficiary areas, according to their individual realities. Note: The following Consolidation and Social Development Programs illustrate intervention possibilities that can be adapted according to specific territories, and executed by each respective sector.
[Program Guidelines] Overcoming juvenile violence Democratic Legal Services
Citizenship and sociability
Symbolic and territorial integration
Consolidation Poverty reduction
Pacification Infrastructure and environment
Social Development Diversity and human rights
Quality of life
Human development Inclusion in productive sector & economic development
[Pacification] Recapturing Intelligence and repressive efforts; “war forewarned�; variable effect parameters; variable durations.
Stabilization Maintenance of control; removal of remaining focuses of resistance; utilization of tactical force; variable effect parameters; variable durations.
Permanent occupation Prevention; proximity police; specialized recently graduated police force; administrative link to the Military Police Battalion (BPM); operational and ideological link with the Community Police Command (CPCOM).
Post-occupation Follow-up on the quality of services; objective and subjective standards; strengthen community ties; institutional articulations.
[Consolidation] Citizenship and Sociability Establishment of communication channels (ombudsman, social forums) and support to community organizations and citizenship initiatives.
Democratic Legal Services Orientation and legal services; mediation services; group and individual conflict resolution; formalization and regularization of informal activities (urbanization and environmental policies; land ownership; private services and enterprises; utility services such as electric power, water, gas, cable television and internet; public transportation, etc.); agreements and oversight of social regulations and utilization of public spaces.
Overcoming Juvenile Violence Support to youth initiatives in sports, culture, recreation and citizenship: availability of educational opportunities; emphasis on the social rehabilitation and social insertion of teenagers and youth coming out of criminal gangs, or from penitentiaries/juvenile institutions.
Symbolic and Territorial Integration Creation or improvement of existing public spaces for socialization and recreation; construction of streets and roads; improvement of public transportation; mapping and promotion of services and cultural, tourist, and entertainment attractions of beneficiary areas; integration with citizens in the neighborhood and the city.
[Social Development] Poverty Reduction Transfer of wealth, food safety, assistance with public aid (educational financial aid, subsidized transportation, etc.).
Human Development Improvement of universal and segmented health and education services; increased access to information; opportunities in the arts and sports, development of new talents.
Inclusion in the Productive Sector and Economic Development Expansion and improvement of professional development and placement services; collaboration with local organizations in each community; offer of credit alternatives; technical support to small businesses; expansion of local services and enterprises.
Quality of Life Support to local initiatives and facilities in the areas of culture, sports, and recreation; assistance in access to facilities and services located in the neighborhood and in the city.
Diversity and Human Rights Orientation regarding access to services to vulnerable groups, insular minorities, and diverse populations (gender, race, sexual orientation, special needs, religion, and age).
Infrastructure Improvement of urban, transportation, and economic infrastructure of local communities; implementation and/or enhancement of existing environmental and urban conservation services.
[Management] The State Government of Rio, through the Department of Social Assistance and Human Rights, is in charge of the general coordination of the program, according to objectives, guidelines and performance model here introduced. The universe of potential actions described in the guidelines is then distributed among the various state departments and municipal entities, according to their respective responsibilities, as well as to partners in the private sector and civil society, based on their vocation and voluntary participation. The program’s management structure sets up the conditions for collaboration and integration, and offers support for the execution of each action, monitoring and continued evaluation of the program’s implementation.
[Management - Key Elements] Integration Shared guidelines and management of program’s supply and demand.
Network Management Coordinating unit, with no hierarchical authority over participating actors.
Intra-governmental Character Synergy of efforts among state and municipal actors. In particular, a close cooperation with the Department of Public Safety and the UPPs’ Commands.
Participative Management Partnerships with local communities, private sector and civil society.
Continuous Learning Flexibility, innovation, mechanisms for monitoring outcomes and evaluation.
Transience The goal is a total integration of the city, with benchmarks for citizenship and public welfare according to specific territories, and normalization of all state and municipal public management programs.
[Management - Structure] State Management Chamber
Municipal Management Chamber
Focal Points (Departments)
Focal Points (Departments) Central Management Unit
Civil Society Partnerships
Private Sector Partnerships
Local Management Units
[Management - Structure] State and Municipal Management Chambers Political arm of the program, composed by the secretaries of participating departments, who are responsible for the approval of the guidelines and action plans, and who will monitor the implementation.
Central Management Unit Executive base of the program, and central point of contact for all participating actors and partners. Responsible for planning, coordination and monitoring. Located at the Rio State Department of Social Assistance and Human Rights. It also oversees and supports the Local Management Units, and promotes the interaction of the other state agencies in the common goal of the program.
Partnerships with Private Sector and Civil Society Opportunities for participation of organizations and companies who desire to engage in supporting the beneficiary areas, based on the program’s proposed guidelines, and through the management structure and communication venues established by it.
Local Management Units Action bases of the program within each community, made up of qualified technical teams, who are responsible for the tactical implementation. Assessment of local needs, support for the execution of strategies defined in the program, collective problem solving, development of local community forums, works closely to the UPP.
[Synthesis] PACIFICATION Dissolução de redes criminais
CONSOLIDATION Dissolução de fronteiras
Rio 2016 Integrated City