Milano South Park | Polimi Open Space System and Parks Design Studio

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Agroecological foodpark A bet for food security in urban contexts and periurban areas

School Of Urbanistic, Architecture and Construction Engineering MSc. Landscape Architecture, Land Landscape Heritage Open Space System and Parks Design Studio 2020-2021 Prof.Lionella Scazzosi, Prof. Branduini Paola Nella Prof. Darko Pandakovic, Prof. Giovanni Sala. Aux. Prof. Hang Lu Stu.Alice Dasco, Stu. Bilge Kobak, Stu. Güneş Idil Altun, Stu. Karelia E. Díaz, Stu. Luis M. Ocampo

Theoretical and contextual frame World urban-rural dynamics

| urban-rural dynamics

Italy urban-rural population dynamics

Lombardy urbanization processes 1954

Milan urbanization processes




The urbanised landscape of Milan underwent alterations in the last century due to the increase from about 500,000 to 4 million inhabitants over an area of about 1600 km2. The importance of parks and peri-urban sites has therefore increased enormously. Considering the Italian and European urban-rural dynamics, we aim to interpret the relationship between urban habitation and residues of the agricultural landscape in South Milan.

European countries urban rural dynamics Data from: World Bank (2019) and https:// Italy urban rural dynamics Data from: World Bank (2019)

Target SDG

Sustainable Development Goals SDG as navigation chart

Lombardy Nolli Plan Data from: Lombardi region open data (2021)

Milan Nolli Plan Data from: Lombardi region open data (2021)

Zero hunger

Quality education

Sustainable Development Goals SDG Source: ONU (2015)

Clean water and sanitation

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Sustainable Responsible cities and consuption and communities production

Climate Action

Life on land

Partnership for the goals

| Regional landscape structuring systems Water network

Ecological system

The portion of the Po Valley that we define as the Milanese metropolitan region is a place of human settlements for thousands of years due to the extraordinary abundance of water. The role of regional water connectivity is important for our project vision.

Active fontanili

South Milano park is a wide semicircular belt located along the southern perimeter of Milan. The prevailing environmental matrix is constituted by a typical rural habitat, by a network of channels, hedgerows and a few natural habitat fragments.

Inactive fontanili 7km


Inaccesible fontanili

Regional water system Data from: Lombardy region open data (2020)


Special protection areas National regional patches

Regional ecological system Data from: Lombardy region open data (2020)

Topography, from the Alps to Po Plain Data from: Lombardy region open data

Lombardy is divided physically into 3 parts from N to S, a mountainous Alpine&pre-Alpine zone; gently undulating foothills zone; and alluvial plains zone sloping gently to the Po River in the south. The Alpine division reaches 4,049 metres in the Bernina.

| Surrounding landscape History and heritage

Ecological context

Chiaravalle town is still today separated from the urban fabric, remaining surrounded by the countryside; in fact the neighborhood is more similar to a suburban fraction of the capital and it maintained its peculiar agricultural aspect over time. It has has a very rich heritage in terms of agricultural practices such as “marcite” which are lowland wet meadows flooded in winter. The original settlement formed in the middle ages, and was centered in the Chiaravalle Abbey founded by the Cistercians in 1135.

Currently, the Protected Areas System covers about 26% of Lombardy. The total protected area included in the system is 98,000 ha, corresponding to about 54% of the regional parks located in the southern Lombardy plain. The extension of the unprotected buffer belt (control areas) is 80,000 ha. Lombardy Protected Areas System had a real effect on conservation of natural habitat and landscape features in the Lombardy countryside, despite a widespread process of habitat alteration. Our project statement aligns with the standards to preserve nature and protect the richness in biodiversity.

The town is crossed by the old route of the Milan-Genoa railway, still visible, while the modern rails run further east. On the original route there was a station serving Chiaravalle, which was then abandoned together with the old tracks. .

Agricultural practicas timeline, Data from: Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, Food Policy Milano, Granapadano, Emilio Sereni, History of the Italian Agricultural Landscape, Princeton Univ Press, (1997).

Graphic of the variation in the average annual temperatures from 1900 to 2020. Data from:

Historical analysis, urban growth and demographic evolution timeline. Data from: Mappe Storiche (, Lombardy Open Data, Milano Open Data,

Ecological context and Conservation-production surroundings. Data from: mixed dynamics Lombardy region open data (2020) Prioritare areas for biodiversity conservation

Fontanili and springs functional scheme. Data from: Open spaces and Parks Design Studio Lectures, Politecnico di Milano.

National regional patches

Historical growth Permanences Settlements Roads Urban fabric Residential Productive













Urban Growth 1871






1865 1335

2011 1956







1999 1026

Chiaravalle Inhabitants by census


AGE 50-64





10-14 15-19 20-34

female: 518 male: 513

Cultural heritage

Chiaravalle associated vegetation and fauna. Data from:

Migratory movement of the Grey Heron. Winter visitor of the area. Data from: https://worldbirdsblog.


School Of Urbanistic, Architecture and Construction Engineering MSc. Landscape Architecture, Land Landscape Heritage Open Space System and Parks Design Studio 2020-2021 Prof.Lionella Scazzosi, Prof. Branduini Paola Nella Prof. Darko Pandakovic, Prof. Giovanni Sala. Aux. Prof. Hang Lu Stu.Alice Dasco, Stu. Bilge Kobak, Stu. Güneş Idil Altun, Stu. Karelia E. Díaz, Stu. Luis M. Ocampo

Critical/argumentative interpretation

| Internal and external influences in the territory

Vettabia Park

Massive Infrastructure


SWOT identification map

Milano south ecological network Data from: Milano Open Data (2020)







One of the features in the site can be defined as neglected structures such as the abandoned cascinas, dry canals and the electricity poles.

A-A’ Lago verde - Macconago Site

The second character is the agricultural structures and related services which are dominant in the area and they shape its silhouette.

B-B’ Abbazia di Chiaravalle - Cascina Gerola

The third one is the public areas such as the public park, entrances, mobility infrastructures etc.

C-C’ Vaiano Valle - Cascine Nosedo

Milano south ecological network Photos from: Field surveys (2021)



School Of Urbanistic, Architecture and Construction Engineering MSc. Landscape Architecture, Land Landscape Heritage Open Space System and Parks Design Studio 2020-2021 Prof.Lionella Scazzosi, Prof. Branduini Paola Nella Prof. Darko Pandakovic, Prof. Giovanni Sala. Aux. Prof. Hang Lu Stu.Alice Dasco, Stu. Bilge Kobak, Stu. Güneş Idil Altun, Stu. Karelia E. Díaz, Stu. Luis M. Ocampo

Project development

| Design Manifesto The project is focusing on 3 main aspects which are ecology, heritage and people. It aims the improvement of the existing ecological services together with the proposed ones. It also aims to highlight the permanence, traces from the past, tangible and intangible heritage together with the integration with public activities.

Rather than simply restoring the structures, it proposes enhancement of the green infrastructures and the agricultural system. In order to create an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable cycle, facilities and programs that will provide presentation and transmission of these practices to recent and future generations is proposed.

Strategies development

Design principles

| Stakeholders network

| Program development

One of the Sustainable Development Goals underline the necessity to create and weave alliances between the different involved actors in order to achieve together the accomplishment of the goals. Our project is a city project, which means an urban scale leaded towards a considerable number of users. Therefore, we can consider this project a metropolitan park for gathering and leisure but that also have the virtue of being a productive park that contribute to the food safety of Milan. Since it is a city project with a city scale, there is a lot of stakeholders involved, which encompasses from the municipality of Milan to the self-organizations created by the community of Chiaravalle, such as the Abbey. Having said that, we entangled each one of the systems developed within the project with specific stakeholders, to create alliances that can evolve in benefits for every party and transform in well-being for the city and their inhabitants. Agroecological food park is an inclusive vision which develop the current potential of the space to its fullest, always taking in consideration that to achieve an actual welfare for the city is necessary to include in the decision making those who are going to use the project. Programatic definition

| Masterplan

Stakeholders and alliances proposed network.

| Stage plan 2021 - 2023 | Consolidation of agricultural hub Infrastructure to consolidate agricultural activity and enhance its productivity ensuring economical viability of the project

2023 - 2025 | Academic hub -First new infrastructures Consolidation of the educational/academic areas and the research activities along with the first new amenities infrastructures

2025 - 2028 | Touristic consolidation Consolidation of the infrastructure for the strengthening of the tourist activities, positioning of Chiaravalle as a cultural hub for the city



Pedestrian path in soil

Agroecological food park project Masterplan

Stage plan and over time development phases


School Of Urbanistic, Architecture and Construction Engineering MSc. Landscape Architecture, Land Landscape Heritage Open Space System and Parks Design Studio 2020-2021 Prof.Lionella Scazzosi, Prof. Branduini Paola Nella Prof. Darko Pandakovic, Prof. Giovanni Sala. Aux. Prof. Hang Lu Stu.Alice Dasco, Stu. Bilge Kobak, Stu. Güneş Idil Altun, Stu. Karelia E. Díaz, Stu. Luis M. Ocampo

Open space system | Green-blue infrastructure system A thriving ecosystem is reliant upon plants, animals, and microorganisms as well as healthy water resources. That is why in our project, we have a comprehensive vision of the land as shown in the section which illustrates how the flora, fauna, topography, water systems work together to create an integral vision. For the management of the water system, it is important to highlight the 2 points: -revegetalization of water canals and bodies -the pounds for rainwater collection

The ecological approach for the site can be summarized as below: -reforestation in existing forest patches -the recuperation of brown field & degraded soils by natural recovery

Stakeholders and possible alliances - Organization Italia Nostra - Academic partners Università degli studi di Milano - Commune di Milano, Municipality 4, Municipality 5 - Citizens

Green and blue infrastructure proposed system and network general plan

Proposed natural-designed sceneries




Ecological network Water canals Water bodies Ecoogical recovery of degradated lands Existing trees patches Proposed trees pathces

| Agroecological and productive system There are unique agricultural techniques that are being used in Milanese farmsteads. To study and improve these techniques, we propose a productivity system which includes a logistic centre as well. Many farm-level improvements are “process innovations” in the sense that they pertain to enhancing production techniques, such as adopting better seeds or irrigation methods, focusing on circular economy and water systems.

technique, improve the existing ones and create a bigger vision to the extent that represents the products at global level. The farmers will benefit from this as well as the customers. Innovative ideas in the local agro-food chain, new work & development opportunities, transportation service improvements towards a bigger vision is proposed.

Also research & practice labs in order to find the most convenient

Stakeholders and possible alliances - Consorzio passepartout “Casa Chiaravalle” - Citizens - Active Cascine (Nosedo, Grande, San Bernardo) - OpenAgri project - Associazione LaStrada - Academic partners Università degli studi di Milano - Commune di Milano, Municipality 4, Municipality 5 - Sunugal Association Agroecoological system general plan

Agriculture and logistics system functioning scheme


Agricultural system Corn Communal farming Cereals Set-aside Marcita Fruits Meadows Soy Research and experimental crops for innovation Academic cultivation gardens and experimental crops

| Connectivity and infrastructure system The connectivity was a problem in the existing conditions. Most of the places were not accessible and the visitors could only use the roads on the edges to circulate in the area. Also cars, cyclists and pedestrians were conflicting during the visit because of the lack of convenient paths. Another problem in the site was the lack of shadow elements on the roads. As a pedestrian, it is very hard to do sports or visit the area due to this reason.

Hence, we propose a slow mobility system and typologies of paths for bikers, pedestrians and cars. A calcestre pedestrian road for visitors to be able experience and comprehen the area fully is proposed along the canal that is treated with new vegetation. The car and biking path is seperated to prevent conflict and have a convenient pedestrian circulation. Additionally, trees from the site’s flora that provide shades is proposed along the paths.

Stakeholders and possible alliances - Citizens - Academic partners Università degli studi di Milano - Academic partners Politecnico di Milano - Commune di Milano, Municipality 4, Municipality 5

Connectity and infrastructure system general plan

Typology of paths and associated vegetation


Infrastructure network Water canals Multimodal main path Secondary path Terciary path Services points Stay areas

| Relationships and tension points system The project aims to create relationships with the existing and proposed structures. It offers connections vertically and horizontally by creating tension points that will activate the site including its rural past and its current use as a public park. These points creates engagement in site by being activation points for the local people and even tourists.

Additionally, the inter-related paths between the main roads are creating linkage and accessibility for a wholistic understanding of the site. These inter-related paths are crucial in order for the visitors to experience this open space and for existing businesses to be visible.

Stakeholders and possible alliances - Dag Sporting Corvetto - Milano Bicycle Coalition - Academic partners Università degli studi di Milano - Academic partners Politecnico di Milano - Citizens - Commune di Milano, Municipality 4, Municipality 5 Relationships and tension points system general plan


Tension areas Multimodal path Leisure meadows Sports area Proposed new infrastructure and designed spaces

Proposed scheme of tension points and connections across the project


School Of Urbanistic, Architecture and Construction Engineering MSc. Landscape Architecture, Land Landscape Heritage Open Space System and Parks Design Studio 2020-2021 Prof.Lionella Scazzosi, Prof. Branduini Paola Nella Prof. Darko Pandakovic, Prof. Giovanni Sala. Aux. Prof. Hang Lu Stu.Alice Dasco, Stu. Bilge Kobak, Stu. Güneş Idil Altun, Stu. Karelia E. Díaz, Stu. Luis M. Ocampo

Detailed development

| Sequence of spaces and experiences 1

Proposed new infrastructure and designed spaces

| Proposed scenarios

Services points


Quantity: 2 The services points are located in leisure areas where at the moment is evident the lack of facilities for people. They are Cascina shape structures made of wood sourranded and covered by vegetation.

Activities dynamizers spaces

In order to contribute to the program proposal, some minimal service elements is needed in the area. These will accomodate the functions of each area and dynamize the space for the target group. They are simply minimalistic solutions that perform well with the users’ needs.



Quantity: 1 At the bikeStation it’s possible to rent and repairing bicycles, and also to charge e-bikes. The energy will be provided by the solar panels on the roof of the wood light structure. it is located on the intersecion between Porta Romana bike path and the transport connections.

Framing module

Cascina Camponuovo | Visitor center

Quantity: 4 The framing module is a light structure thoutgh to frame and contemplate some peculiar scenarios of the landscape. Also, it can provide a comfortable rest during the walking, at the shadow of the Hedera, like a pergola.

Type of intervention: Architectural recovery and spatial requalification with new complementary infrastructure

Cascina Camponuovo detailed plan and program development.

Building 2 Services

Building 1 Welcome building

Coffee shop, restaurant, event space, co working, playroom

Tourist information, Organic market, services, bank, rest zones, permanent exhibition of Chiaravalle history.

Building 5 Academic divulgation Classrooms, coffe shop, services, conferences rooms

e Bridg Recovered building

Building 3 Administration Administration hall, conferences rooms

Souvenir store, rental premises.

Bike-sharing Station

Cascine and historical sites strongly linked to the project


Building 4 Services

Open area

Devices basic idea




d Via

Oasis - Leisure areas


Quantity: 4 The oasis are natural places along the pedestrian paths where people can stop and rest at the shadow of the vegetation, in contact with the main elements of the landscape: the crops and the water.

Communal/academic gardens


Quantity: 3 The communal gardens are small and organized vegetable gardens located next to the city, that belong to the community. The academic gardens are located next to academic center for didactical activities.

Stone water bleachers


Quantity: 3 The stone water bleachers are made of a stone typical of the old agrarian landscape that was used to build the “chiuse” of the canals. They are located next to water in order to let people to get closer to this element.


Academic cultivation gardens

Quantity: 1 The docks are modular square platforms made of wood, floating on the Lake of Macconago. People can sit on the surface of the water, enjoy the place, and also fishing.

The visitor centre aims to add value to the visitor’s experience, help them understand the reality of their location and become a source for the local economy. Is the in the edge between urban and rural areas. It welcomes the connection with Milano Center.

Rainwater garden


Cascina Gerola | Event Hub Cascina Gerola detailed plan and program development.

Type of intervention: Architectural recovery and spatial requalification with new complementary infrastructure

Art, craft and workshops area

Exhibition area Library and conference rooms

Via Sant’Arialdo

Theather Bike-sharing Station

Picnic and events area


Open stage Open stage

2 5


4 5



Farm market

This cascina appears as ruins right next to the Abbey. Hence, we propose to turn it into a event place thorugh in-fill design. It will help making a reference point and interaction for the whole neighbourhood.

5 4

Community gardens

Lounge and Coffee

Rainwater garden

Storage and coffee 50m

1 6

Macconago historical settlement | Cultural Hub




Macconago site detailed plan and program development.

Type of intervention: Architectural recovery and spatial recovery od the historical settlementt

1 6 3 4

12 16


9 11

3 6 7



Activities and sites Permanent meadows Agricultural land

Slow mobility network and localization of the main intervened places and added infrastructures Main cascine and historical sites strongly linked to the porposal

Heritage buildings and sites. Recoveries and main linkages


Cascina San Bernardo Type: Functioning Use: Farm training The Humanitarian Society opens up the possibility of future collaborations with educational services.

Type: Abandoned Action: Research cen.


Thanks to its location close to the water treatment plant and to the experimental crops, it offers a research vocation.

In the project site that are many cascinas in different conditions; such as detached, undervalued and neglected. The goal is to revitalize these portions of territory in which there is evidence of the past & keep the remains and create a spatial relationship with the site.

Cascina Gerola Type: Abandoned Action: Event Hub


It locates right next to the Abbey and the main road which is ideal for hosting events and become a city-scale event hub.

Camponuovo Site Type: Abandoned Action: Visitor Center


The relationship with the residential area provides oppurtunities to function as a bridge between the city and the park.

Cascina Ambrosiana | Agriculture research center

Macconago site Type: Historical area Action: Cultural Hub Historical settlement characterized by the ancient Castle from the XIV century, it holds the typological characters of the past



Cascina Ambrosiana detailed plan and program development.

Type of intervention: Architectural recovery and spatial requalification with new uses Main Building Accomodation


Permanent and temporary stays











Cascina Nosedo Type: Functioning Use: Innovative Hub The OpenAgri Innovative Hub offers the posibility to cooperative actions in agricultural research activities.


Casa Chiaravalle Type: Functioning Use: Consorzio Possibilites for community cooperative actions.


Abandoned building

Vaiano Valle site

Type: Settlement Action: Requalification Informal settlement, spatial degradation. Integral habitat requalification actions needed.


Chiesa San Carlo




Abbazia Chiaravalle


Type: Functioning Use: Religious

Barn Laboratories

The core of the area, main attraction point. It is the place which holds the cultural identity of Chiaravalle site.

Aia Community getherings and small events Cereals Cereals




90m 320m


It will be recovered and given functions that represents the past use while adapting to today’s needs. It will host spaces for permanent&temporary visitors, lab, warehouse and a barn. The 2 silos which were built and used for storing grain in absence of air are turned into watchtowers which will act as landmarks.


-Better access with calcestre paving for the entrance road -Lab for green efficiency solutions -Old storage structures turned in to landmarks as watching towers -Voluntary program proposal for seasonal working schedules & agricultural education

Via Vaiano Valle | Main South-north connection axis Future vison Vaiano Vale Road enhancement and detailed plan.

Type of intervention: Enhancement of the road spatial quality and functionality

Via Vaiano Valle is an historical permanence since the 1865 minimum. It passes throught all the area, from the city up to Cascina Gerola and Chiaravalle Abbey road, for this reason it will be the main slow mobility connection, highlighted also with rows of poplars as a landmark. New proposed infrastructure | Agricultural hub Type of intervention: New infrastructure and spatial requalification of the surroundings

Industrial hub detailed plan. Building 1 Post-harvest treatment for storage Treshing, winnowing, drying, storage - distribution

Building 2 Primary processing Cleaning, grading, hulling, pounding milling, paraboling, drying, storage - distribution

sio m




Fa bio




Vi a




Ro ad


Ne w


Cascina Ambrosiana

Macconago historical settlement is a place of value forgotten by the citizens. Characterized by its historical Castle of the XIV Century, the San Carlo church, the ancient cascine complex and the green lake, the aim of the design proposal is to give again awarness of this place offering cultural activities.

Located next to the highway, a logistic centre building is proposed. This new hub will provide storage, cooperative and transportation services for farmers to help them in the market by creating a better link on the chain.

Building 3 Urban equipment Collective shop for small producers, offices, bar - restaurant, services

Rainwater garden


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