e fourth and final year arch tectural des gn stud os at B lg pr mar ly concentrate on develop ng the sk lls for reason-based, nd v dual and coherent des gn approaches n response to arch tectural problems of part cular complex ty. Fall semester stud os deal w th the problem of ntervent on to a valuable object of arch tecture, usually formulated as an adapt ve re-use des gn for a her tage bu ld ng, a complex or an area. Stud o part c pants are gu ded w th methods of gather ng and analyz ng spat al/contextual nformat on, enabl ng the comprehens on of the 'ex st ng'; and defin ng relevant values, problems, relat ons and the context. Almost s multaneously, they are expected to convert analyt cal nformat on to des gn nput, determ n ng the content and scope of ntervent on. Spr ng semester stud os tackle w th a var ety of real-l fe arch tectural problems, each demonstrat ng mult ple layers of problemat cs. In the final semester of undergraduate educat on, stud o part c pants are expected to develop the r ab l ty to solve complex arch tectural programmes s multaneously by des gn ng a var ety of ntegrated components such as structural systems, mater al cho ces or l ght control, result ng n spat al qual ty. ese final stud os challenge the r part c pants to hol st cally process all the knowledge and ab l ty they had acqu red throughout the curr culum, n order to exper ence the complete process of develop ng an arch tectural ent ty, beg nn ng w th treat ses on s te, up to the presentat on of a mature project, coherent n var ous scales. 1