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First year at Bilgi features a multidisciplinary design studio for undergraduate students of architecture, interior design and industrial design. The purpose of the studio is to develop a new generation design education milieu by integrating 1:1 scale construction experience through an understanding of materials and computational design+manufacturing technologies. The main objective of the studio is to develop creative ways of design thinking and constructing through materials, geometry and recent technologies. Computational technologies and means, rather than just being tools, inhabit a capable design logic that requires an alteration of settled educational habits and pedagogies. The pedagogical intentions of the studio is to foster an awareness to the nature of things, materials, technologies and their close/far environment. In the final project of the , students are first asked to search for the material they would work with. This demand directs them to the city and let them discover places where they may find required materials for their projects. They experience the city with a different concern, searching for material resources. They then begin questioning the nature of the material; its flexibility, strength, weakness etc. Rather than forcing the material into forms which doesn’t fit its nature, they reveal and discover shapes and geometries according to material performance. Thus they become capable of designing and constructing 1:1 scale material systems. Scale of the project requires group work through which students gain skills of sharing design ideas, working together and finalizing a design work in collaboration.

For more information about Bilgi Faculty of Architecture visit:


After two semesters of basic design education during the first year, second year undergraduate architecture studios introduce students to the concepts of space, place and context and provide them with basic skills of spatial analysis, design and representation through problems of low/medium complexity. The projects during the fall semester focus on the notion of tectonics and the spatiality of natural landscapes through the design of small scale site structures. The spring semester builds upon the basic knowledge and skills gained during the previous semester, aiming to develop and articulate the understanding of space as a lived-in experience and its fundamental relationship to placemaking through the design of a cluster of units with a mixture of public and private programs within a rural setting. Second year architecture students are expected to be able to analyse given site conditions in detail, while proposing appropriate materials and structural systems for their individual projects. A short site trip is an integral part of the spring semester and acts as a polysensorial learning tool that sensitizes students to the dynamic interactions between natural and vernacular contexts through a critical visit to the countryside. The main aim of the second year architecture studios is to challenge students’ preconceptions of the natural and built environments by discussing and redefining basic architectural concepts and terms while helping students develop sensitivity towards the intrinsic qualities of existing natural and urban atmospheres.

İstanbul Bilgi University Architecture Faculty Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santralı Kazım Karabekir Cad. No: 2/13 İSTANBUL / TURKEY

Leaflet Design: Elif Kendir B, Oğul Öztunç, Ayça Özgün, Ahmet B Hot, Akın Arslan, Can Çobanoğlu


In the third year undergrad architecture studios, architectural design is primarily studied as an urban intervention. While the fall semester studios focus on a public building project set in a multifaceted central urban context, the spring semester studios tackle with a larger urban fabric, mixed-use building compounds and urban open spaces. Student proposals are expected to stem from an architectural position developed through collective analyses and individual readings of the urban context, as well as typological research on relevant precedents. Benefitting from a process of collective effort to analyze and understand the given sites, students start prioritizing some aspects of the site and form their individual positions. The student projects are expected to be driven by an understanding of the city beyond the specific site and encouraged to explore the possibilities that could enhance public life around the site. By the end of the year and with the help of the other third year courses, students are expected to develop an understanding of the contemporary city and gain experience in forming architectural positions when tackling with current urban conditions.

Coordination Team: Bilge Bal, Caner Bilgin, Elif Kendir B, Ertunç Hünkar, İdil Karababa, Rahman Çelebi, Şebnem Yalınay contact:


The fourth and final year architectural design studios at Bilgi primarily concentrate on developing the skills for reason-based, individual and coherent design approaches in response to architectural problems of particular complexity. Fall semester studios deal with the problem of intervention to a valuable object of architecture, usually formulated as an adaptive re-use design for a heritage building, a complex or an area. Studio participants are guided with methods of gathering and analyzing spatial/contextual information, enabling the comprehension of the ‘existing’; and defining relevant values, problems, relations and the context. Almost simultaneously, they are expected to convert analytical information to design input, determining the content and scope of intervention. Spring semester studios tackle with a variety of real-life architectural problems, each demonstrating multiple layers of problematics. In the final semester of undergraduate education, studio participants are expected to develop their ability to solve complex architectural programmes simultaneously by designing a variety of integrated components such as structural systems, material choices or light control, resulting in spatial quality. These final studios challenge their participants to holistically process all the knowledge and ability they had acquired throughout the curriculum, in order to experience the complete process of developing an architectural entity, beginning with treatises on site, up to the presentation of a mature project, coherent in various scales.

For more information about Bilgi Department of Architecture and studio work samples, visit:

main sponsor


with special thanks to

Çağrı Bağcıoğlu






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Instructors: Şebnem Yalınay Çinici, Caner Bilgin, İnanç Eray, Salih Küçüktuna, Tuğrul Yazar

Design Team: Ekin Arslan, Ece Abdioğlu, Ece Emanetoğlu, Deniz Eskiçırak, İdil Işıksoy, Kübra Koyuncu, Elif Özüçağlıyan, Pelin Tatlıcı, Eylül Utkan

Computation Based Basic Design Studio @BILGI



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