Dg 2017 2018 issue 1 all newsletter compressed

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Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 District Governor Randy Hargrave Governor’s Message

Lions Service Areas

Welcome Fellow Lions, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your District Governor for District A-12 for 2017-2018. I believe I am well prepared for this role. Twenty-four years of service with the Penetanguishene Lions, two years preparing as Vice District Governor, and the final training received in Chicago at the 100th International Convention. But I am not taking this journey alone, I have an amazing team with me: Past District Governors, Cabinet Officers, ChairLions, Lions and family ready to assist me. During my DG training, there was a great emphasis on International President Dr. Naresh Aggarwal's message. A simple message we all know: WE SERVE. He wants to give every Lion the same goal for the next twelve months. His dream is that every Lion will serve 10 people each month. If this happens we will serve 170 million people this year— a big increase from our current level of 100 million and a big step toward our goal of serving 200 million annually by 2020. Putting a different spin on International President Aggarwal's request, as we are in our 101st year of service, I challenge every Lion this year to do 101 acts of service. Ranging from those small acts such as opening a door for a stranger or giving a few bucks to a homeless person, to our club service projects, every Lion in our district can easily do 101 acts of service this year. By accomplishing this challenge, we can easily meet and even surpass President Aggarwal's challenge of serving 10 people a month. As Lions, we must continue to assess our service and the programs we offer. As Lions, we make an enormous impact on our communities through our work in protecting the environment, as we tackle hunger relief, and our continued work with the vision impaired. Major changes are happening in the areas of service on which we concentrate. Pediatric cancer and diabetes are causes which we are being asked to make a tremendous impact going forward. For our 101st year diabetes will receive the most attention from Lions International. Youth are still an area of importance to Lions, and they are included within the focus of the other five areas of Lions' concentration. Every year we are asked to provide more service and I am confident Lions of A-12 will meet these new challenges. I look forward to working with all of you in this year of Lionism. I believe we can Be Part of the Impact in the Lions Club International vision to be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.

We Serve. The Global Service Framework focuses the efforts of Lions and Leos on five service areas with the goal of tripling our humanitarian impact by serving 200 million people per year by 2021. The Global Service Framework complements all of the great ways clubs serve locally, and gives Lions and Leos new opportunities to help meet the growing challenges facing humanity. No matter how you choose to serve, Lions matter now more than ever!

Be A Lion

Issue No. 1 About District Governor Randy Hargrave Lion Randy is a member of the Penetanguishene Lions Club and has held all major positions in the club. He has served four chairs including Diabetes and Camp Huronda and the environment. He received an International Certificate of Appreciation for his “Blue Glove Campaign” helping to raise awareness of diabetes. Randy is a Melvin Jones Fellow, Knight of Lake Joe and a Honourary Guardian of Camp Huronda. Randy firmly believes that giving back to community is one of life's higher goals and service to others will result in a happier life. He is a dedicated Lion, but has other volunteer interests besides Lionism including: soccer, Tiny township Heritage committee, local soup kitchen, children's choir treasurer and church committees. Randy is married to Nancy and they have three children and four grandsons. Nancy became a Lion at this year's A-12 convention and his daughter Keirstan has been a Lion now over a year. Randy and Nancy are extremely proud of Keirstan as she has been working with a Christian missionary group helping under privileged people in Peru this summer.

DG Randy’s Project




Pediatric Cancer

Lion Randy


Choosing a District Governor's project is a difficult decision to make. I toyed with the idea of helping to raise funds to sponsor a Diabetic guide dog or drilling for a well in Africa. The inspiration for our district governor's project came to me at Camp Huronda's Appreciation Day. During a tour of the camp, we visited one of the campers sleeping cabins. It was in very poor shape with holes in the walls and other structural damage. The most galling thing was it had a plaque at its entrance saying it was the A-12 Cabin, sponsored by many Lions Clubs of our district. So this year I have selected Camp Huronda to be my District Governor's project. I realize IPDG Len's project was also with Camp Huronda, but my project will be different than his. I have a long history with Camp Huronda, so I believe it is only right to carry on this association between me and the camp. Also, diabetes is very prevalent in my family: parent, siblings and other extend family members cope with the disease every day. I try to live healthy every day to prevent it from affecting me. Camp Huronda is the only camp facility owned by the Canadian Diabetes Association and the only camp that runs a full summer program. Camp Huronda is located on the shores of Lake Waseosa in Ontario's beautiful Muskoka area. It occupies 100 acres of land and includes gorgeous waterfront areas, a cool forest, and rugged hiking and mountain bike trails. Camp Huronda is celebrating its 46th year on Lake Waseosa and 53rd year of operation. The Camp has a few items on their wish list: replacing the sleeping cabin with our district name is, I believe, a priority. I believe that the A12 Lions family can raise over $30,000.00 for this project from the past history of our donations. I am negotiating with the camp to make this a service project for our Lions. I would love to see Lions contribute hands on service to replace this cabin. I will be asking Lions from our district to commit to a day or two to build this cabin ourselves, when we get approval. This would make a great Lions Legacy Project and we would be impacting many youths for many future years. Diabetes, along with Pediatric Cancer, has been added to our Lions International service framework. Lions Clubs International is asking us to put the emphasis on diabetes this year. A project at Camp Huronda would nicely fit into this request. I am respectfully asking clubs to support this project this year and allocate some funds from their budgets.

2017-18 International President Upgrading Our Service to You—as a Lion Namaste! The divine in me salutes the divine in you. Welcome to our new century. My goal over the next 12 months is very simple—to reach a new level of service to Lions and from Lions. Before I ask you to reach a new level of service, Lionism will reach a new level of service to you. So how can I serve our 1.4 million Lions? I cannot give everyone senior positions. I cannot give you money. I cannot meet all of you. However, I plan to touch all of your lives with the power to serve. So let’s examine every stage of one’s Lionistic career and how I can help. The first stage is becoming a new member. When I became a new member 43 years ago, I suddenly felt as if I had left my hometown and become a man of the world. This year, I want every member to download our new mobile app. This will connect all our members on one global platform. The next stage is beginning to serve. As a member of the Batala Outgoing Gov ( PDG ) Len and Lion Angela, with incoming Governor Smile Lions Club in Punjab, India, I was proud of how the community Randy and Lion Nancy. Thanks for your Service, Lion Len and Lion began to respect me. This respect depended on the number of people I served and how many people were aware of this service. Angela, again. The District is in good hands with all of you involved. We now have a new Global Service Team. Your District GST leader will identify projects that serve the maximum number of people per dollar and per hour. They will also train Lions on how to convert a normal project into a Legacy Project via Lions branding and public relations. The third stage is aspiring for leadership. While I enjoyed rising up the Lions’ ladder, I sometimes wished that our leaders focused more on work than on long speeches. A new awards system will incentivize the efforts of Lion leaders in the right direction. We plan to reward retention of members, hence keeping the focus on you—our existing members. New awards will also be given for involving over half the club in service and for creating the most Legacy projects. As a global leader of Lionism, I want to keep every Lion connected to Lionism. Our new Welcome Home program is an international online club for members unable to attend club meetings. Meetings and fee payments are conducted entirely online. Our own MDA all dressed for a Parade in Chicago. A-12 District The last stage is now. I want to give every Lion the same goal for the Governor Randy Hargrave is standing on the right. next 12 months. My dream is that every Lion will serve 10 people each month. If this happens, we will serve 170 million people this year— a big increase from our current level of 100 million and a big step toward our goal of serving 200 million annually by 2020. This is the focus of all my meetings around the world. All the best. See you as I travel around the world.

Naresh Aggarwal Lions Clubs International President Happy to meet in Chicago! District Governor Randy Hargrave and John Squire, Stayner Lions Club Treasurer share a nice moment.

Governor’s Newsletter

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Lions Stand Against Hate

Stayner Lions to Plant 150 Trees By Trina Berlo Creemore Echo August 17, 2017 To mark the 100th anniversary of Lions International and Canada's 150th, the Stayner Lions Club is planting 150 sugar maples throughout Clearview Township. The trees will be planted on public property this fall. Lions have been touring the municipality, selecting possible locations for the trees, including boulevards and community facilities. They hope to plant trees at the arenas and the emergency hub in Stayner, but the plan has yet to be finalized. Lion Shawn Davidson said they plan to offer trees to each community hall, if they wish, for the hall or an alternative location in the community. The Lions will also offer some trees to the Tree Society of Creemore to augment the tree planting they have planned. “As the Stayner Lions Club serves all of Clearview Township and we do quite well when we are fundraising in the Creemore community, particularly with the car show and Copper Kettle Festival, we want to give them a few trees that they can add to their complement as well,” said Davidson. Initially the trees will be adorned with a ribbon in the Lions' colours, blue and gold, so they can be easily identified. Next year, as part of the expansion of Station Park in Stayner, a larger maple tree will be planted there with a permanent marker explaining the tree planting project. “Seventy-five to 100 years from now, when we have canopy cover on our boulevards and in the park, people will know this was done to celebrate Canada 150 and the 100th anniversary of the Lions,” said Davidson. “We wanted to make this our project, done by us to give back to the community that has supported us so well over the 62 years of our club,” he said.

My Dear Lions, Like me, I’m sure you have followed the recent tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia and Barcelona, Spain. Acts of terror, and loss of innocent lives must never become the norm. Lions International and its over 1.4 million members around the world stand for peace, unity, and service to others. For over 100 years we have upheld the principle that people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions and ideologies can work together to make a positive difference. We are the example that where there is peace, there can be no hatred. Where there is love, there can be no hatred. Where there is understanding, there can be no hatred. And when there is no hatred, it is a better world for all. We stand together as one against hate, bigotry and violence in all its forms. And we pray for the victims of the recent attacks in Barcelona, Spain and Charlottesville, Virginia. May peace and love prevail. Namaste, Dr. Naresh Aggarwal International President

A-12 District 2017 – 2018 District Governor: Randy Hargrave 1st Vice District Governor: Bryon McLellan 2nd Vice District Governor: James Jones Immediate Past District Governor: Len Day Cabinet Secretary: Marj Lewis Treasurer: Sheila Webb

Region 8 Chair: Bill Frieday Zone 8n Chair: Gerald Rebidoux Zone 8s Chair: Gavin Maclean Region 21 Chair: Joe Deniet Zone 21n Chair: PDG Bill Copeman Zone 21e Chair: Gord Henderson

Funny Lion A major fundraiser for the Stayner Lions Club is its annual car draw, now in its 47th year. A 2017 Ford Ÿ Mustang convertible (above) is the grand prize this year. Tickets cost $10 each or three for $20. The draw is held Sept. 24 at the fall fair at the GNE. Ÿ Visit www.staynerlions.ca for more information. For tickets, contact winthiscar@staynerlions.ca Ÿ or 705-229-7627.


Coldwater Lions Club Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ



Ÿ Ÿ DG Randy Hargrave: I was honored today to present Melvin Jones Fellowship Awards to Lions Stan Snider and Bob Rice of the Coldwater Lions Ÿ Club . The presentation was made with Lion Laird Vanni Ÿ

My wife asked me to give her some peace and quiet earlier whilst she made dinner. So I took the batteries out of the smoke alarm Why do ballerinas always stand in their toes? Why don't they get taller dancers? Who is this "Moderation" they keep telling me to drink with? I like to start my day by having a nice cup of coffee and then scrolling through the internet for 12-14 hours. I'm too old for the amount of passwords I'm supposed to remember. You can't get on the same page with someone who has a different book. I hate when you get hit by a car while walking down the street and texting and no one is in the car and it's parked on the side of the road. Is it bad to order St. Louis Wings while your still in a weight watchers meeting? As I get older and I remember all the people I've lost along the way I think to myself, maybe a career as a tour guide wasn't for me. Sometimes I add things to my to-do list that I’ve already done just so I can immediately cross them off. A comedian walks into a party and asks, “Where's the punch line?”… Being an adult is just walking around wondering what you're forgetting. People are like mattresses.You start out firm then end up sagging in the middle. Fridays are for doin stuff ya wouldn’t do on a Monday and hopin ya don’t get caught.

Governor’s Newsletter

Zone 21w Chair: John Jackson Region 36 Chair: Tim Holmes Zone 36e Chair: Jim Rice Zone 36w Chair: Gillian Reynolds;

Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 Publisher: DG Randy Hargrave Editor and Graphics: Bill Frieday Region 8 Chair Ÿ Articles and Club News should be

submitted in Word Doc. Ÿ Photographs should be submitted

in Hi Resolution. Send to: newsletter@a12lions.org


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Lions Around District A-12

Annual Family Pumpkin Hunt September 30th and October 7th. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., come and go. Lunch included for everyone with purchase of admission! Registration now open. Everything at the event is included for the kids with the purchase of child admission -- the pumpkin hunt, one pie-sized pumpkin to take home, entrance to the maze, hot dog & juice box, cookie decorating, bird feeder making, pumpkin painting, climber & slide, baby/toddler swings, games etc.. -- special meet & greet with CHASE from Paw Patrol! (Elsa might be coming too!) Adult admission ticket includes lunch and wagon ride (wagon rides are weather permitting) All profits to LCIF Copeman Tree Farms, Bloomfield Rd, Sundridge www.freshlycuttrees.wix.com/copemantreefarms facebook.com/organictree

Lions Appreciation Day at Camp Huronda in Huntsville July 8, 2017: Today we visited Lions Appreciation Day at Camp Huronda in Huntsville. One of the only medical camps for children living with diabetes in Canada, striving to keep the camp experience as traditional as possible for their campers. Lions Clubs play a huge role in making this experience possible .

Governor’s Newsletter

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