Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 District Governor Len Day
My A-12 Lions Family
Issue No. 9 June 30, 2017
Passing District Governor’s Gavel
As I am getting ready to leave for Chicago I am reflecting back on the last year. It has been amazing. I would like to thank all the Lions, Lioness, and Leos for all the work that you have done to make our communities better. My personal theme as you are all aware was to Give a Hand Up and I totally believe that we have. It seam like only yesterday that my family was leaving for Japan and now we are leaving for Chicago to support our new District Governor Lion Randy. I am confident that Randy will have the same support that I had from the members of A12 family. I had set some goals and we were able to reach some of them and some we will continue to work on. Some of the highlight are the Charter of a new Club In Collingwood, a positive membership growth for the 2nd year in a row, more engaged members providing needed service and a commitment to working together for a stronger organization. we have Climbed many new mountains this year and we are in a strong place heading into the 2nd Century of Lions. This year we have more clubs eligible for the Club excellence award congratulations and well done. I am confident that the work that was started before I became your governor will continue into the future. I will always remember this year and the work that was done by you the members. We have engaged our youth, provided Vision, feed the hungry and protected the environment. while leading though service Connecting with our communities and inviting for Impact. It happens every year at A-12 District Convention and this year in Barrie was no exception. District I have ben inspired by every lions member in Governor Len Day(Right) passes the huge gavel to District Governor Elect Randy Hargrave, our district. emblematically handing over the reigns of District A-12 for the year 2017-2018. Please look at the things that you and your club have done and see the positive effects that you have had in the lives of people around you and around the world. Be proud of your membership in the greatest organization in the world Lions Clubs International. I know that you will continue to work to reach your club goals and by this time next year we will be even stronger. I want to thank Angela, Jessica, Zac and Mom for all the support that you have given me without that it never would have happened. I have the Best family in the world and that includes all the Lions, Lioness and Leos. Thank you for this great year of my life and for the support from everyone of you again its been amazing. Lets build that bright future and live our Motto “We Serve.” Lion Len
District Governor Lion Len
District A-12 Convention Lions Learning Weekend and Memorial Service
The Missing Man Table, also known as the Fallen Comrade Table, was set as a place of honor. The table serves as the focal point of ceremonial remembrance.
On the Sunday Morning of the District A-12 Convention and Lions Learning Weekend a Memorial Service was held, led by PDG Jim Hilt. Pictured are PDG Jim Hilt (L) and special guests Vicki Phillipi and International Director Bill Phillipi
Memorial Service To our fellow Lions who have upheld this torch we say: “well done thou good and faithful servant”. Again, to the family and loved ones we extend our sincere heart-felt sympathy. We pray that you may realize every comfort and hope in your time of sorrow. As Lions, we mourn the passing of our friends and gather now in solemn mood. We know all things of time must end: Even what to us seems wholly good. Fellowship we have had in service, common problems and belief. Now our hearts are drawn together by the bond of common grief. Each one of us must run the course till he who does all things well, will call us to join our friends who now beyond our seeing dwells. And so, for now, we say farewell and carry on the work below, believing that the time will come, when we once more will say – “hello!”
Fellow Lions and Lioness who have passed away A-12 Convention 2016 to A-12 Convention 2017
Region 8 Lion Merle Woodcock – April 24/16 Bradford Lion Angus Starr – July 9/16 Alliston Lion Allan Bell – July 2016 Wasaga Beach Lion Bob Bell – Sept 9/16 Angus & District Lion Fred Stever – Nov 12/16 Stayner Region 21 Lion Wally Tough - May 19/16 South River Lion George Harris – May 22/16 Bracebridge Lion Don Powell – July 7/16 Port Carling Lion Norm Grinnell – Sept 9/16 Bracebridge Lion Dieter Keck – Sept 7/16 Whitestone-McKellar Lion Rudy Jock– Sept 2016 Huntsville Lion Jack Hatkoski – Nov 2016 Dwight Ronald Frankland – Feb 20/17 Windermere Lion Keith Gardner – March 6/17 Parry Sound Lion Grant Thompson – March 8/17 Sundridge Region 36
Region Chair Gavin MacLean, Zone Chair James Jones, International Director Bill Phillipi, District Governor Len Day, PDG Jim Hilt and Zone Chair Bill Frieday take part in the Memorial Service held at the A-12 District Convention in Barrie.
Governor’s Newsletter
Lion Charles Stewart – Aug 20/16 Penetanguishene Lioness Jean Stephens – Sept 6/16 Washago Lioness Lion Russ Beischer – October 8/16 Barrie Lion Gunter Freund – Nov 12/16 Midland Lioness Kay Gibson – Nov 18/16 Barrie Lioness Lion Bill Rawson – Dec 24/16 Victoria Harbour
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Collingwood Lions Charter Night
A-12 District 2016 – 2017 District Governor: Len Day 1st Vice District Governor: Randy Hargrave 2nd Vice District Governor: Bryon McLellan Immediate Past District Governor: Richard Ratensperger Cabinet Secretary: Marj Lewis Treasurer: Sheila Webb Region 8 Chair: Gavin Maclean Zone 8n Chair: Bill Frieday Zone 8s Chair: James Jones Region 21 Chair: PDG Bill Copeman
A-12 District Governor Len Day (right) presents Charter to Collingwood Lions Club President Sean Kozeyah.
Zone 21n Chair: Cliff Cookman
Celebrating New Lions Club in Collingwood June 7, 2017 was the 100th Anniversary of Lions Clubs International. June 7, 2017 was also when the new Collingwood Lions Club received its Charter. Wasaga Beach Lions Club is the sponsoring Club and hosted the Charter Night in Wasaga Beach. The event was celebrated by Lions District A-12 District Governor Len Day and Collingwood Lions Club President Sean Kozeyah in the Lions Den where over 80 Lions of the District attended. Presentations to the new Collingwood Club were made by other A-12 Lions Clubs. Wasaga Beach Lions made sure the new club had a Gavel and of course a Club Banner. If your Club would like to present the Collingwood Lions with something from your Club send an email to:
Sundridge Lions Club New Member
Zone 21e Chair: Gord Henderson
Funny Lion Ÿ One of the worst jobs in the world has to be a fruit Ÿ Ÿ
Ÿ Ÿ Above photo of the induction of Sundridge Lions newest member Shannon Martin. From left to right are Lion President Monty Hall, PDDG Marvin Cox, Shannon Martin and her sponsor Mike Wardell. Welcome to the Club Shannon!
stand vendor in a James Bond movie. Shouldn't a female Pit Bull be called a Pit Cow? Why do people ask "What the hell were you thinking?" Obviously, I was thinking I was going to get away with it and not get caught. Whenever I delete an app on my iPhone, the shaking icons make me feel like they’re all panicked over who’s getting the ax. Shopping tip: You can get shoes for a buck at bowling alleys. There is no logical reason why short pants should cost the same as long pants. I hate that feeling after surgery when you’re not sure if you’re awake or asleep or if you operated on the right patient. Only fossils should have their minds set in stone. I am constantly putting things where they don’t belong, like the cereal in the fridge or my keys in the laundry or my faith in other people. The easiest way for me to lose inches is to switch to the metric system. When I die I want my body donated to science, but more specifically a scientist who is working on bringing dead guys back to life… I'm still trying to get over the fact that oranges are pre-sliced by nature. ¡ʇɥbıɹןɐ buıʞɹoʍ sı buıɥʇnɹǝʌǝ 'ʎɹɹoʍ ʇ,uop ˙ɹooןɟ ǝɥʇ uo doʇdɐ ןʎɯ pǝddoɹp ı We should have Board meetings in the garden. The plants would love the fertilizer. I cannot be held responsible for what my face does when other people talk.
Governor’s Newsletter
Zone 21w Chair: John Jackson Region 36 Chair: Tim Holmes Zone 36e Chair: Jim Rice Zone 36w Chair: Gillian Reynolds;
Governor’s Newsletter District A-12 Publisher: DG Len Day Editor and Graphics: Bill Frieday Zone Chair 8N Ÿ Articles and Club News should be
submitted in Word Doc. Ÿ Photographs should be submitted
in Hi Resolution. Send to:
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Lions Around District A-12 Tiny Township Lions Club
Innisfil Lions Club
Lion Dolores Hamilton receives Lion of the Year from Innisfi Lions President William Paul. Congratulations, Dolores.
Congratulations Maggie (far left) and Ellen (far right), Tiny Township Lions Club's newest members! VDG Randy Hargrave was on hand to perform the inductions, and Maggie and Ellen are joined by their sponsors, Carol and Elaine!!! VDG Randy Hargrave says “ it's always a honoured being asked to induct new members. Lions Maggie and Ellen will now be helping at least 140 people each year. We Serve.”
Lions Centennial Flag proudly raised over Wasaga Beach Town Hall by Wasaga Beach Lions
Lion Pete Hamilton is presented with a gift of appreciation from Innisfil President William Paul.
Elmvale & District Lions Club It’s happening soon...the EDLC Memorial Golf Tournament at Orr Lake Golf Club . Are you joining us ?! $100 / player, 18 holes, cart & dinner . Proceeds going to Community Reach in support of their transportation program.
Lion Gerry Pauley receiving a clock from Innisfil Lions Club in appreciation for his contribution to the Club.
Governor’s Newsletter
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