Any procurement undertaken must comply with the following procedures. It is a requirement that final approval to award must be obtained at the appropriate authority level. For procurement of supplies, works, services and disposal of nonreal estate assets the appropriate authority level for signoff must be adhered to. Authorities at National Director or Assistant National Director level can approve only contracts specific to their area of budget responsibility. All formal requests for approval must have signoff by the relevant ‘Commercial Evaluator’ confirming that the process followed complies with HSE Procurement Policy, Government Guidelines, EU
Directives and that optimum Value for Money (VFM) has been achieved. Authority to dispose of real estate resides with the Board of the HSE. The Health Act 2004 makes specific reference to advisors (Section 24) and the Minister’s permission needed for major capital spending (Section 34). Approval to deviate from any of the procedures set out in this document is reserved to the Chief Executive Officer, or where appropriate, the Board.