Work newsletter

Page 1

the HBS news


Collaborathon ­ P8

HBS on the ball ­ P14

Values in Action ­ P11

Estates update ­ P7

the HBS news // winter 2018

A message from the Director of Health Business Services A VERY warm welcome to our first HBS staff and customer newsletter. I am delighted to have this opportunity to connect with you all and share our HBS news.

services and solutions are highly appreciated. Great thanks too to my own HBS Leadership Team, who work tirelessly in paving our progress, ensuring all our business areas deliver.

As we approach year end, it is timely to reflect on the year gone by and to take the opportunity to celebrate the great progress we have made. We have another 12 months with our current HBS Strategy of 2017­2019 and while we are already planning for the next phase of our strategic journey in 2020, we are also very much focussed on completing our current programme of work in 2019.

Innovation really was one of the key themes for HBS this year: Innovation is about collaboration, about connecting different strands of thought, maximising digital opportunities and facilitating discovery.

There was significant momentum gathered for our business division during 2018 and this is greatly attributed to our HBS people, their dedication, commitment and vision. This year I visited a lot of our HBS locations and was delighted to meet many of you. It was great to hear your perspectives, challenges and ideas and I look forward to more of these visits in 2019. We continue to be supported by the HSE Leadership Team, who hold great trust in our model and our professional business


We have seen that ideas are best coming from our people, who are well placed to envision how improvements can be brought about, and the value they can bring. Innovation brings excitement and business benefits and we need to instil this thinking in our people. I would like to call out to each and every one of you to connect with us. Send us your ideas, observations and suggestions on how we can help HBS build a better health service. Connect with us here. We will bring you an update on this within the next edition. A further word of thanks goes to our Business Partners with whom we work

closely to ensure our services and solutions support delivery on the frontline. We continue to engage with them on our evolving partnership model, the HBS business model is maturing and we are receiving positive feedback in this regard. We also have strong strategic alignment both internal and external to health and it is important that we continue to engage with partner organisations in order to share the knowledge and the learnings. Finally, I would ask you to take some time to read this newsletter, catch up with the HBS news and we look forward to bringing you further updates in 2019. In the meantime, thanks again for your continued support and wishing you all a very happy and safe Christmas. I would particularly like to thank all those of you who are working over the Christmas period in order to support frontline service delivery. Nollaig shona duit go léir.

Jane Carolan, National Director, HBS the HBS news // winter 2018

A message from the Deputy Director of Health Business Services CULTURE and employee engagement were identified as key elements to support the success of HBS when we were established in 2014. Since then we have continued to invest in the HBS team wherever possible. Over the last year we have had the pleasure of being able to provide opportunities for over a third of HBS staff, to avail of a range of development and training opportunities. I have had the pleasure of addressing the participants at a significant number of these courses and have taken the opportunity to speak about the HBS Strategy which underpins everything that we do. Our strategy provides us all with great clarity of purpose and allows every member of the HBS team to connect with the value we bring to the organisation in a very tangible way. At a recent event for HBS senior managers we reminded ourselves of the HBS mission to provide high quality business services to the Irish Health System, and our vision to be a customer focussed provider of leading practice business services.


Our mission and vision remain as valid today as when they were first developed. As you will know we collectively achieved 85% of the actions we set out to do under our first strategy 2014 – 2016. Our current strategy 2017 – 2019 identifies 22 actions which we are pursuing. These actions range in size and complexity but each one is designed to transform, develop and enhance the way we provide our services to the wider health system. We monitor progress against all aspects of these 22 actions on an on­going basis and we are very optimistic that we will achieve a similar high level of success across these strategy objectives by the end of 2019. This level of achievement is only made possible through the continued commitment, focus and energy of everyone on the HBS team in Estates, Procurement, HPSA, HR, Finance and Business Excellence & Innovation. As a provider of business services in health we identified the following goals under our 2017 – 2019 strategy: 1. Health Service Improvement – Support the implementation of the vision outlined in Future Health

2. Enabling Environment – Address key enablers for a successful innovative HBS environment 3. Service Culture – Fully understand and deliver the service expectations of our business partners 4. Operational Excellence – Deliver a quality set of well­defined services to a high standard 5. Effective Resource Usage – Deliver services that represent value. These continue to be the goals which guide our decisions and activity. As we come to the end of 2018 we can collectively be very proud of what has been achieved to date and the value HBS delivers on a daily basis to our customers and business partners. Looking forward to a new year I have every confidence that we will continue to challenge ourselves to deliver on these goals and realise the actions we have identified in our 2017­2019 Strategy. Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and new year.

John Smith, Deputy National Director, HBS

the HBS news // winter 2018

A day in the life of...Yvonne Gregory, Portfolio Manager

A message from the editor Hello and welcome to the first HBS News. This publication is for staff and customers of HBS and we are particularly delighted to launch with a bumper Christmas edition. The HBS News has something for everyone: You can catch up with

ONE year ago, I took the post of

delivery in conjunction with

other strand of my role is very

the business units and get an insight into some of the projects

Enterprise Performance and

stakeholders, and advise on the

closely linked to the HBS strategy

underway, whilst also getting a sense of the people working across

Programme Portfolio Manager

application of appropriate

also. This is the measurement of

the business divisions. Under the business spotlight

with HBS.

mitigating actions within the scope

the performance of our enterprise,

slot for this edition we caught up with Business

of my role.

and how the tasks identified

Excellence and Innovation and bring you their latest

In this role I implement robust

Of course in reality my role as

within, or closely linked to our

news! Collaboration, innovation and connection

project management in line with

programme portfolio manager

various actions, are performing.

have been high on the HBS agenda during 2018 so

the programme for Health Service

means I have to map, plan, liaise,

HBS refers to these as our

be sure to take a look at our feature on the

Measures of Success. An iterative

Collaborathon. Find out how the future certainly looks bright with

set of measures, they will continue

the realisation of €665,000 savings through HBS service

to be evolved with this Strategy

improvement projects incorporating Lean methodologies, supported

Improvement methodologies, assist in

communicate, motivate and influence multiple project stakeholders. I

progressing the

sometimes think that

and the next.

by Operational Excellence in HBS Business Excellence &

key tasks and

trying to do my job and

Over the last year, I have learned


deliverables of

manage without a

that the multiple parts of HBS

It wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t talk turkey and treats so we

function in such a way that

have some lovely recipes for you to try out over the festive season,

operationally they keep the lights

all courtesy of Bord Bía.

on for the whole of the HSE

I know it’s not even New Year yet, but we have already started

all HBS projects

project plan would be

with the sponsor/

like trying to have a game

project lead, and

of football without a game

oversee with key stakeholders the

plan ­ see how we can beat the

organisation, our strategy is the

thinking about a healthier HBS. HBS Healthy Ireland Health and

project plan through the full

best in the world when we have

light at the end of the tunnel, and

Wellbeing survey results are available for you to read inside, and

lifecycle from initiation to closure.

one of these!

the management of our projects is

you will be hearing more about the HBS Healthy Ireland

The purpose of my role is to assist

Thankfully, we have a structure

the train engine that moves the

Implementation Plan in 2019. Speaking of change, why not check in

in realising the HBS Strategy

within HBS which facilitates and

organisation forward.

on a modern business place with National Integrated Staff

2017­2019. To facilitate this, I

enables good project

It is rewarding to be part of a

Records. Finally, I would like to thank all the contributors to this first

work with each Project

management. In the main, this is

progressive and visionary division

edition, a production like this is a team effort and I am delighted that

Management Lead to ensure

a system called Project Vision,

called HBS which is making a real

HBS has quite the team!

quality standards are maintained,

although some of our PMs are

difference to the delivery of

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas – see you in 2019!

report on project progress to the

using variations of this to achieve

services at such a time of

relevant groups, identify

their project goals, and deliver on

transition within our healthcare

impediments and issues to

their Strategy commitments. The



Elaine Lynch

HBS Communications Manager the HBS news // winter 2018

Payroll Stabilisation Project ‘Go­Live’ for the North East THE first phase of the Payroll Stabilisation Project has been implemented in the North East to include Our Lady of Lourdes. More than 10,000 employees and pensioners have been migrated from the existing Unipay payroll system to the ResourceLink payroll software solution. The Unipay payroll system will be out of support after December of next year (2019). Commencing January 2018, the project was delivered across 10 months, with all payroll groups live at the beginning of November. This phase was successfully delivered thanks to the dedication and the commitment of the payroll operations team in Kells who worked alongside the project team in HBS Finance. Gillian Hyland, Payroll

Members of the Payroll Operations Team who worked alongside the Project Team in HBS Finance.

Manager North East, attributes the successful Go­Live to her team: “As a

been dedicated, loyal and supportive throughout this

the stabilisation project will migrate

provided SAP solution at a later

on the non­payroll staff involved in

two HSE Areas (HSE North East

stage. The primary objective of the

the end to end process. Phase 2 of

manager you are only as good as


and West) to ResourceLink. Both

project is to ensure the continued

the project to migrate the West

the team around you and I am so

Agreed with the HBS Governance

areas will subsequently transition to

delivery of payroll services, along

Payroll will commence in January

the HBS NiSRP programme­

with endeavouring to limit the impact 2019.

proud to work with a team who have Committee as an interim measure,


the HBS news // winter 2018

HBS Estates in the spotlight HOW do we respect the HSE’s built heritage whilst

HBS Estates often need to renovate and re­open listed buildings ­ the new primary care centre in Grangegorman was one such project

also future­proofing our health service; this is the challenge facing HBS

Minister for Health, Simon


Harris TD along with Minister

Across the HSE are many

for Finance and Public

historic buildings that need to

Expenditure and Reform,

be updated without any

Paschal Donohoe TD unveiled

negative impact on their design

a commemorative plaque on

and layout. One such case is

Wednesday, September 19, to

the listed laundry building that

mark the official opening of the

made up part of the former St

new Grangegorman Primary

Brendan’s Hospital in

Care Centre.

Grangegorman – a building

Minister for Health Simon

which has been sensitively modernised and absorbed into

Harris TD said, “It is a pleasure

The revamped facility in Grangegorman.

to be in Grangegorman to

a state of the art primary care


officially open the Primary Care

centre for the north inner city.

facility provides a variety of

centre, serving the wider North

refurbishment of the former

Centre. Primary Care is at the

Grangegorman Primary Care

therapy and clinical spaces,

Dublin area. Conveniently

laundry building for St

heart of what we do in the

Centre is an important

mental health, community care

located near the North Circular

Brendan’s Hospital, which is a

health service. Making the shift

development for health service

and GP services to the Cabra

Road entrance, the Primary

protected structure. A new

towards primary care in order

delivery in the local community

East and Grangegorman

Care Centre will be easily

block is linked to the protected

to deliver better care close to

and also marks a further step in


accessible for both staff and

structure by a glazed entrance

home in communities across

the creation of the Dublin

The National Audiology Hearing

visitors. There will also be a

providing a total floor area of

the country is paramount. It

Institute of Technology (DIT)

Aid Repair Service is also now

new pedestrian access on

approximately 3,700m2. The

remains a key priority for the

Campus at Grangegorman.

located here, together with

Grangegorman Upper.

before and after photos show

Government and is one of the

This new facility will enhance

Audiology services serving

Construction of the €15 million

the transformation of the old

key features of Sláintecare.

the provision of existing

North Dublin and Meath areas.

development – overseen by

building delivering new

This new facility will provide a

services, previously delivered in

Ophthalmology services will

HBS Estates ­ commenced in

beginnings to primary health

wonderful, modern day service

older accommodation. The

also be provided from the

March 2015 and required the

care in North Dublin.

to the local community.”

the HBS news // winter 2018

Meet the real transformers THE way we think about

maintain their family member in a

disability has changed in the

home situation. The HSE, under

past two decades, and as a

the auspices of HBS Estates, and

result, how we care for our

disability service providers have

community needs to change

been working with people with a

too – and it’s not just about medical advances, but about


disability, and their families, to


progress the move to community

infrastructural changes.

living; to identify where people would like to live, who they would

HBS Estates are working to make

like to live with and the activities

our health service one of the

they would like to be involved in

most progressive in the world,

within their community.

and a large part of their work is

Disability service providers work

engaged in providing homes for people with disabilites to enable


closely with the individual, their


families and advocates to

them to move out of large

develop plans for each person to

institutions to homes in the

ensure they are fully supported in

community. Our photos here

all elements of life.

show the incredible work carried

HBS Estates often refit buildings

out by HBS Estates on a home in

in their entirety so that they are fit


for purpose.

In line with national policy document, Time To Move On From Congregated Settings: A



To this end, in 2016 the

A home in College Gardens, Kilkenny, that was renovated and modernised by HBS Estates.

announcement was made that the HSE would be given

Strategy For Community

places’, and a more modern way

development of community­

The emergence of self­advocacy

dedicated capital funding of

Inclusion, people with disabilities

of caring. Over a period of 100

based services began to emerge,

groups of people with disabilities,

€100m for disability services over

are being supported to move from

years from the 1850s onwards,

spearheaded by parents and

with a strong focus on equality,

the period 2016–2021.

large institutions (congregated

special residential centres for

friends groups.

citizenship and rights was a key

To date this has been focussed

settings) to their own homes in

children and adults with

From the 1980s onwards, the

factor in this advance.

on supporting people to move

the community with the supports

intellectual disabilities were set

thrust of policy and practice has

Current policy favours the

from a number of priority sites,

they need.

up in Ireland, mainly by religious

been moving steadily towards

development of community­

where the premises are

It is about supporting people to


community inclusion for people

based alternatives and supports

unsuitable from both a health and

‘live ordinary lives in ordinary

From the 1950s, the

with disabilities.

for families to enable them to

safety, and a care perspective.


the HBS news // winter 2018

First Joint Digital Collaborathon In mid­September the first Joint

and facilitators utilised Samsung's

Digital Collaborathon was hosted by

55­inch digital flipcharts to create

Health Business Services from the

representations to showcase their

Health Service Executive; Business

chosen solution. The team then had

Shared Services from Health and

to prepare their three­minute elevator

Left and below,

Social Care Northern Ireland, and

pitches, after which the judging panel

attendees, speakers

Ervia, formerly known as Bord Gais,

who were made up of the senior

and HBS staff at the

in the Trinity Innovation Centre.

management of all three organisations went to discuss


In the weeks running up to the event


the three organisations brought forward three challenges each that

Jane Carolan, speaking after the

they were facing in their digital

event, said: "The day has been very

journeys. Those at the event were

interesting, the engagements levels

able to select which challenge they

have been high and the networking

took on, and such was the demand

phenomenal, but we want to have

that it was booked out well in

tangible product as well. We are

advance, with almost 140 people

really hoping that some of the

braving Storm Allie to attend.

companies come up with solutions that we will be able to take forward.

The day opened with a warm

We have had our Head of

welcome from Jane Carolan,

Procurement here from the HSE

National Director of Health Business

because we are always conscious of

Services, before a fascinating talk by

conducting business in a compliant

keynote speaker Graham Waller,

way, so he has been giving advice to

Research Vice President in the

industry on how it can do business

Digital Business Leadership research

with us."

team at Gartner. Mr Waller asked


everyone to keep their creative

There was a fantastic response from

minds open.

all three organisations, with each

The atmosphere for the afternoon

agreeing to take back the three

workshop sessions was electric as

solutions proposed for each of their

people discussed the different ideas

challenges and to look at them in

they had to solve the nine

more detail, while planning for next

challenges. The challenge owners

year’s event is already underway.

the HBS news // winter 2018

HBS and Healthy Ireland The Healthy Ireland Survey is an annual

positively on HBS staff.

the Tobacco Free Campus Policy14 (which

survey of the health and wellbeing of

It is noteworthy that of the five lifestyle

is supported by 60% of smokers). The

the population, furnishing data which

areas presented to participants, a

other lifestyle areas were physical activity,

provides an up­to­date picture of the

significant percentage reported a

healthy eating and mental health. A large

nation’s health.

willingness to make changes in all areas

proportion of respondents (34­48%)

except that of alcohol (only 14%). This

reported contemplating or preparing to

More than 7,500 people aged 15 years

result, combined with existing national data

change in these areas and therefore the

and over have participated in each of the

around alcohol consumption in Ireland

implementation plan should look at actions

three waves of the survey, which has been

and the low level of awareness (40%) and

to support staff in making those changes.

carried out by Ipsos MRBI on behalf of the

use (9%) of the self­

Stress management was the next most

Department Of Health.

assessment tool by HBS staff suggests

popular support suggested (47%).

The results from the third wave of the

that staff do not recognise a need to

The study also found that over half HBS

survey were published recently, and they

change personal habits.

staff felt that their stress level sometimes

give us an insight into the health of the

These findings will be key considerations

affected their work.

nation as we head into 2019.

for the HBS HI Implementation Plan 2019­

Although lower than for HSE staff overall

HBS takes the health and welfare of our


(62%), it is nevertheless a concern as

people seriously and have responded by

The report continues: "The steering group

stress is one of the main causes of

carrying out a Healthy Ireland survey of

should look to include actions to promote

reported contemplating or preparing to

employee absence and is linked to heavy

HBS staff. We have also established a

awareness of recommended levels of

change their smoking.

workloads and tight deadlines.

HBS Healthy Ireland (HI) Health and

alcohol consumption and to encourage

The survey report states that HBS must

Although a number of supports are

Wellbeing (H&W) Steering Group to drive

staff to use the self­assessment tool as a

look to support staff in giving up smoking

available for staff to help them cope with

change, influence the wider environment

starting point towards a healthier attitude

by encouraging engagement and

stress, less than half were aware of the

and to focus on supporting more than

to alcohol.

awareness of existing supports (such as


1,600 HBS staff to live healthier lives. The

"Of staff who smoke (9%), over two thirds, and by implementing

Click here to read the survey report.

results of the staff survey will be used to inform the HBS Healthy Ireland Implementation Plan 2019 – 2021. In the Healthy Ireland staff survey report, the survey findings were discussed and suggestions were made as to how the information from the survey could be used to design actions that would impact


The steering group should look to include actions to promote awareness of recommended levels of alcohol consumption and to encourage staff to use the self­assessment tool as a starting point towards a healthier attitude to alcohol ­ One of the findings from the Healthy Ireland staff survey report

the HBS news // winter 2018

Thirty days to pay The HSE paid €500k nationally on

Circumstances where interest is not payable

Prompt Payment Interest for 2017 ­ a figure that has the potential to secure a

• When a creditor is informed that a

significant GP surgery room in a new

payment is in dispute, the clock stops

Primary Care Centre.

on the 30­day payment cycle or

By following some simple, step­by­step

payment day terms of a written contract

invoice processing procedures, such

(Such a dispute may be due to price

unnecessary expenditure can be

issues, incomplete deliveries, faulty

reduced or avoided entirely.

goods or where proof of delivery is

The HSE has 30 calendar days to

required). Payment should

process an invoice for payment after

subsequently be made immediately

which time it becomes a ‘late payment’

after the resolution of any dispute.

and attracts penalties in the form of late

• Lack of Tax Clearance certification will

payment interest.

also result in payment suspension but

Within 30 days, a HSE invoice has to

the payment process will resume

proceed through every step of the

immediately following verification of Tax

payment cycle. This includes the days

Clearance status.

when an invoice is in transit between

• Non­commercial payments are not

one department and another or

subject to late payment interest as the

between processor and authoriser

EU regulations only apply to invoices

within the same department or unit.

for goods or services for business

When does late payment interest become due? • Over 30 calendar days, following the

purposes. The current rate of late payment interest

date of receipt of an invoice. (If an

The current rate (@ July 2018) is

invoice is delayed through a dispute,

8.00%, or a daily rate of 0.022%. There

the creditor must be notified

is no minimum threshold, so amounts

immediately to resolve the issue)

as low as one cent must be paid.

• Over 30 calendar days after delivery

The message is to aim to have all

where an invoice is received before

invoices processed within five working

goods or services are delivered.

days of receipt.

• On the expiry of the payment day

• If you need clarification contact your

terms of a written contract.

local HBS Payment Services office.


the HBS news // winter 2018

Every day thousands of health service staff across Ireland live our values of care, compassion, trust and learning. Values in Action Week was about building a culture in the health service that reflected our values, so that they are evident every day in every workplace. Here at HBS we embraced this ethos, as these photos of our ViA activities show.


the HBS news // winter 2018

People's needs defining change


THERE is a change afoot in the

and learning. The change

priorities that need to be worked

plan and test, identify resources

HSE: People’s Needs Defining

framework provides us with an

on together to create a healthy

and agree Action Plan

Change – Health Services

opportunity to align our existing

culture and environment for

3. Deliver: Implement change,

Change Guide presents the

initiatives in order to benefit from


measure outcomes and support

overarching change framework

our combined effort through a

• Define, Design, Deliver:


that connects and enables a

more connected approach.

1. Define: Initiate change, define

Change Outcomes: Being

whole system approach to

People are at the centre of all of

the purpose, assess the context

accountable for performance and

delivering change across the

these initiatives – the Change

and scale and get prepared

the delivery of safer better


Framework prioritises people’s

2. Design: Determine the detail,


The HSE Leadership Team and

needs defining change as the

Trade Unions represented by the

central theme when defining,

Joint Information and

designing and delivering change

Consultation Forum as co­

that is tailored to local services

sponsors of the change guide

and needs.

• For more see

have signed off on this approach

Fully utilising and resourcing the


to change as the policy

implementation of the guide is an

framework and have highlighted

organisational and HR priority –

the importance of a sustained

building change capacity will

focus on implementation across

enable and support staff to work

the system.

with and embrace change as an

The guide shows us how to do

enabler of better outcomes for

change well and provides step

service users, families, citizens

by step templates to assist

and local communities.

managers, team leaders and

The change framework locates

staff to undertake change. The

in one place all of the important

guide also emphasises the

elements that need to be

importance of people and culture

focused on to deliver change

and complements all of the other

well. These include:

service, quality and culture

• People’s Needs Defining

change programmes that are

Change: working with people to

currently making progress

understand their needs and

towards the delivery of person

support ongoing engagement.

centred care underpinned by our

•Create People and Culture

values of care, compassion, trust

Change Platform: the change

the HBS news // winter 2018

HBS Business Spotlight: Business Excellence & Innovation HBS Business Excellence and Innovation is an overarching, enabling

An insight from Julie Ryan, Head of HBS Business Excellence &

resource for the business division of


the HSE and incorporates the areas of Business Relationship Management, Digital Innovation and Operational

value that our Business Relationship

The new initiative for Business Excellence

Excellence for which a program was

Managers bring is now being recognised

& Innovation this year was to set up a

established earlier this year with a view

by both our Business Partners across our

Programme for Operational Excellence. I

to embedding a culture of service

Hospital Groups and Community

am delighted that extensive progress has

improvement across HBS. We recently

Healthcare Organisations and the

been made in this space with the

caught up with Julie Ryan to give us an

Business Units within HBS. Indeed, other

appointment of Mary Hanley who will be

overview on what has been happening

public sector organisations are now

leading out on this programme of work with

in HBS Business Excellence &

looking to adopt a similar model as the

the support of her colleagues across the


benefits are becoming evident. While at

Business Excellence & Innovation team. I

times it can be a challenge to quantify

am really looking forward to building a

Julie, can you tell us a little about your

tangible benefits, it is the knowledge, the

sustainable model of operational

area of business and give us an insight

relationships and the trust that has been

Julie Ryan, Head of HBS

excellence across HBS. I believe that a lot

into what 2018 has been like?

built up through our Business Relationship

Business Excellence &

can be achieved through the effective

It has been another busy year for both my

Managers that makes a difference in how


Business Relationship Management,

team and myself. In terms of key

we do our business.

Enabling Technologies and the icing on the

successes for Business Excellence &

What has been going on in the area of

cake will be driving improvement initiatives

Innovation this year, the Business

Digital Innovation?

Innovation team led by Kevin Kelly, Head

Relationship Management model has now

The Digital Innovation Team have really

of HBS Digital. I was so impressed with

been embedded and has become a way of

made progress in supporting HBS on the

the energy and enthusiasm shown that day

• Julie would like thank all her staff for

working for HBS and its business

journey in becoming a digital business and

by staff from all the business units. It is

their commitment and hard work during

partners. This is really a key milestone in

are now the glue connecting the digital

obvious that HBS are now ripe to innovate

the year and would also like to thank

supporting the customer­centric business

community across HBS. The sharing of

in this space and challenge the way we do

her colleagues across the business

model that HBS aspires to. The team of

learning across HBS around digital

things with a view to using enabling

units for their continued support and

Business Relationship Managers have built

initiatives and opportunities to exploit

technologies to make it better for our staff

co­operation. She would like to take the

strong relationships across the customer

synergies is well underway. Another key

and our customers.

opportunity to wish all our customers

base while in parallel staying closely

highlight was the recent HBS Digital

Operational Excellence is a new area

and staff a very happy Christmas and

connected to the business units providing

Community Networking Event. This was

under your remit, what does it mean to

look forward to engaging with you all

the services delivered by HBS. The added

managed and facilitated by the Digital


again in 2019.


through the use of Lean methodologies.

the HBS news // winter 2018

HBS is Lean and green at Páirc Uí Chaoimh Jane Carolan, National Director of HBS, with Elaine Lynch, HBS Communications, and Wendy Walsh, Strategic Planning and

Patricia Power, Alison Gallagher and Yvonne Grimes – all from HBS HR.

Performance, Office of Deputy Director.

Michael Coleman, Louise Hannon, Pauline Edmonds, and Stephen Lynch, HBS Procurement.

Stephen Lynch, John Smith Deputy Director HBS, Fra Mollen, Brian Coughlan, Michael Coleman, HBS Procurement.

Course participants and HBS staff celebrate another big win for Health Business Services at Pairc Uí Chaoimh.

How Business Excellence & Innovation are driving a culture of service improvement using Lean

Ken Stockhil from Central Solutions with Damian Walsh, HBS Procurement.

Alan O’Connell and Pat McCarthy, HBS Estates.


THE Japanese word Kaizen means

As part of the Operational Excellence

‘improvement’ ­ in business, it means the

programme there has been a focus on

company­wide effort to reduce waste and

service improvement initiatives along with

create a more efficient workplace, and

introducing the concepts and tools of LEAN

everyone is involved ­ from the factory floor

­ delivering quality services and removing

to the boardroom.

unnecessary non­value add activities. To

The implementation of the ethos of Kaizen

this end, staff members from across HBS

is what we know as Lean – the elimination

took on projects to find and eliminate waste

of waste, be it waste of effort, waste of

using Lean tools, and the results of their

resources, or waste of energies. The Health

hard work were celebrated recently.

Business Services (HBS) Strategy 2017­

Julie Ryan, Head of Business Excellence

2019 profiles 22 key actions to guide the

and Innovation, speaking at a presentation

strategic journey for the business division of

session in Páirc Uí Chaoimh recently,

the HSE, and Action 22 of the strategy

congratulated all participants on undertaking

specifically refers to the development and

and completing the programme, adding that

support of service improvement initiatives.

they were making history for HBS: “We are

Lean participant Helen O'Donovan with Julie Ryan, Head of HBS Business Excellence & Innovation, and Brian Coughlan, HBS Procurement.

Fra Mollen, Assistant National Director L&IM and John Swords, Head of Procurement jostle pitch side at Pairc Uí Chaoimh

the HBS news // winter 2018

Damian Casey, Head of HBS Finance, with Jane Carolan, National Director, HBS.

Kevin Kelly, Digital Innovation, HBS Business Excellence & Innovation lines up for HBS.

Lean course participant Seamus Ryan gives a talk.

Michael Coleman, course participant Joanne Casey, and Stephen Lynch, HBS Procurement at the event.

Michael Coleman on left and Stephen Lynch on right with course partipcants Helen O'Donovan, Seamus Ryan and Joanne Casey at the event in the Pairc.

Some of the Lean projects on display in the conference centre.

Pat McCarthy and Jim Curran chatting at the event, which was held in the Muskerry Suite of Pairc Uí Chaoimh.


now in a space where we can look at our

green belts in HBS. Mary Hanley, General

processes and question if there is a better

Manager, Operational Excellence, profiled

way of doing things. In terms of our HBS

the strong connection between Operational

people, it is a win­win scenario with

Excellence and the current HBS Strategy.

academic accreditation. There are also

The savings associated with the projects are

many benefits to be realised on the frontline

significant, in the region of €665,000 ­ 70%

whilst bringing about a positive impact on

tangible and 30% intangible i.e. time.

our HBS budgets.”

Officially closing the session, Jane Carolan,

HBS participants on the Yellow and Green

National Director of HBS, commented that

Belt programmes undertaking formal Lean

the organisation has great confidence in

training have their project work accredited

HBS and this programme will certainly give

by the University of Limerick along with a

the business division a huge leap forward.

certificate and credits being awarded to

Jane also paid tribute to the pioneers of the

delegates who satisfactorily complete the

programme and congratulated all


participants on their incredible project

There are now 28 yellow belts and seven


Mary Hanley, General Manager, Operational Excellence with Jane Carolan, National Director, HBS and Julie Ryan, Head of HBS Business Excellence & Innovation.

The green and yellow belt participants with Mary Hanley, General Manager, Operational Excellence.

the HBS news // winter 2018

BRMs and how they operate

Our BRMs at work.

1. Some of the initiatives the

the portfolio of Business

BRM’s are supporting include

Partners is assisting this

the compliance improvement

programme of work not just from

project for HBS Procurement.

a HBS perspective but also from

This is a key initiative in driving

a business partner perspective.

procurement compliance for our

BRMs are paving the way

Business Partners and through

4. BRMs are now invited on to

the connection the BRM’s have

many of the collaborative

with the Business Partners they

working groups where initiatives

can support Brendan White,

are undertaken between the

Head of Corporate Procurement

Business Units and the business

Planning & Capacity

Partners including projects

Development and his team who

associated with the

are leading out on this initiative.

Development of National Children’s Hospital and the

The Business Relationship Management Model in

with our Business Partners we will be in a better

HBS is now embedded as a way of working with the

position to create efficiencies and deliver added

seven Business Relationship Managers working


closely with their assigned Portfolio of Business

As the BRM model reaches a level of maturity the

Partners and colleagues across HBS Business

demand is growing for involvement of BRM’s in many


aspects of the business both from a HBS perspective

As the model has evolved the BRMs have

and from our Business Partner perspective.

transitioned from the initial role of publicist creating an

During 2019 it is the intention to build on the newly­

awareness around HBS services to now being in the

established links with the International Business

space of broker supporting both HBS Business

Relationship Management Institute. This will provide

partners and HBS Business Units in their day to day

opportuinites for learning, sharing of knowlege and

activity. The engagement level over the past few

benchmarking of progress externally.

3. The BRMs are also working

co­ordinated the branding of the

years has continued to grow and this year was no

The BRMs will continue on the journey of working

closely with Miriam Keegan,

logistics transport with Health

different. One of the key focuses of the BRM’s is to

collectively as part of the Business Excellence and

Head of National Integrated

Promotion messages. We can

build on the collaborative approach to working with

Innovation team so that we can innovate together

Staff Records & Pay

now see these trucks travelling

our Business Partners to ensure that the services we

through the use of enabling technologies, operational

Programme and her team.

the country advertising Health

are providing through HBS are relevant and meet

excellence and exploit opportunities to drive service

Again the connections across

Promotion messages.

their requirements. Through working collaboratively



2. From a HR perspective

Forensic Mental Hospital, and

BRMs have been involved in the

the Healthy Ireland working

pensions improvement plan and


in the review of the HBS Recruitment Model. What the

5. One of our BRMs was also

BRM brings to the table is the

involved in a Health Promotion

customer experience, and

initiative whereby together with

knowlege of what is working well

Fra Mollen, Assistant National

and where there are

Director of Logistics & Inventory

opportunities for improvement.

Management, and Mick Byrne in Procurement Logistics, the BRM

the HBS news // winter 2018

Digital Innovation pushing on A key part of HBS Business

Vetting Process


Excellence & Innovation is the

The Digital Innovation team has

The team hosted the inaugural

HBS Digital Innovation team.

worked with the Garda Vetting

Digital Community Networking

Kevin Kelly as Digital Lead for

Liaison Office (GVLO) in HBS HR

Event on 14th December which

HBS, and his team work in

to digitalise the vetting consent

brought together over fifty HBS

conjunction with HBS

application process. A new

staff who are currently involved in

business units to plan and

system is in development which

technology or digitalisation

deliver projects with a digital

will replace the existing paper­

initiatives across all business

component in line with HBS’s

based process and which will

units. The event provided an

vision for digital

leverage a bulk upload feature on

opportunity to update on HBS’s


the Garda e­Vetting Portal

digital ambitions and each

gen solutions into digitalised

working collaboratively with

released in November 2018. The

business unit highlighted their

The primary focus for the team is

processes. These include

project teams from Finance,

new system will introduce

ongoing and future digital

to identify and harness

platforms to host customer facing

Procurement, Recruit and HPSA

efficiencies to the process by


opportunities and value

solutions that can be delivered

on developing their respective

ensuring that all requests will be

Importantly, it established a forum

propositions presented by key

rapidly and iteratively; a dialogue

CRM solutions on the Microsoft

right­first­time on arrival to the

through which a diversity of

digital transformation enablers,

management platform to provide

Dynamics 365 platform.

GVLO, eliminating the time and

ideas, learning and knowledge

namely Social, Mobile, Analytics,

a consolidated communications

While individually tailored to each

cost resulting from incorrectly

can be connected to maximise

Cloud and Internet of Things.

experience for geographically

business units’ requirements,

completed paper forms. In recent

synergies and expertise across

This involves promoting

dispersed HBS support teams;

these solutions are built and

months, the team has also been

HBS. During the day, attendees

opportunities for digitalisation that

automation and bot platforms that

hosted on the same underlying

working with National Personnel

were invited to contribute to

are adapted to the digital

will provide HBS staff with virtual

architecture and share common

Records team within HBS HR to

themed discussions to help

customer and which have

assistants to allow them to focus

functionality and datasets,

map the process of updating HR

shape three key components of

become an expectation in the

more on customer focused

making it possible to centrally

records with the result of vetting

HBS’ digital journey in 2019 – (i)

digital age. To support this, the

activities; and platforms to

capture and report on customer

disclosure from An Garda

Delivering Services for the Digital

team supports the development

connect and visualize complex

queries and interactions across

Siochána. This process is viable

Age (ii) Deploying Automation,

of digital skillsets and new

data to drive data driven decision

all HBS business units.

for automation and is one of

BOTs & IoT and (iii) Connecting

emerging roles to enable HBS to


The first solutions are expected

three pilot processes intended to

and Visualizing Data.

respond quickly to avail of new

Some of the initiatives that the

to go live by Q2 2019.

be automated through our

opportunities. Currently, Digital

Digital Innovation team is

The team is currently building

Business Process Automation

• More information is available

Innovation is involved in the

involved in are:

internal capabilities to develop

project commencing in January

by registering with HBS Digital

future similar requirements that


Community group in Yammer

delivery of a range of scalable

CRM Technology Solution

secure digital platforms that will

During 2018, the Digital

enable HBS to incorporate next­

Innovation team has been


arise within HBS. Digitalisation of the Garda

HBS Digital Community Networking Event

or follow our Twitter account @HBS_Digital.

the HBS news // winter 2018

A Modern Business Place with NiSRP THE HSE is aiming to build a better health service every day, and one of the

The National Integrated Staff Records and Pay Programme is going to give staff greater control of their working life ­ here we found out how this is going to happen

key building blocks is information.

NiSRP at a glance Why the need for change? The map here gives an

Yet today, across the health service,

indication of the many different

employees have no choice but to rely on

Staff Records/Payroll systems in

paper and pen or Excel spreadsheets to

operation across the country,

record and collect information.

some of which are old and need

We live in an age when many of us pay our

to be replaced. In a lot of cases

taxes, shop and book holidays online;

both HR and payroll are not

however, within work, a lot of crucial

integrated. In addition to this

information across the health service is still

there is no single source of

recorded on paper. All staff in the HSE will

employee information and a lack

have access to an intuitive online system

of access to records for both

that will allow you to book leave, change

employees and line managers.

personal details (such as your address or

What is changing?

bank details) and submit travel and

In order to improve how we

subsistence claims electronically. It will be available ‘as and when’ you might need it.

work NiSRP will implement the

The National Integrated Staff Records and


Pay Programme (NiSRP) is designed to

• Move all Staff Records and

meet the needs of a changing health

Payroll to SAP systems

system by improving


access for staff to their own records and pay

We cannot continue to rely on old staff records and payroll systems that do not talk to each other.

• Introduce Employee Self Service and Manager Self

­ Health Business Services

details and

Service for Staff

enhancing available workforce information

Leadership team. Jane noted the strong

"The implementation of NiSRP is a great

a lot of positive feedback. Ann O’Shea

for managers. NiSRP will

need for change stating that “we cannot

opportunity to deliver world­class business

Chief Officer, Community Healthcare

help make the HSE a modern business

continue to rely on old staff records and

services across our health system and to

Organisation, South Dublin Kildare West

place and preparation for implementation

payroll systems that do not talk to each

give control of the information to the

Wicklow, has welcomed the project, noting;

continues in the East.

other. We cannot continue to record vital

employee and manager.”

“NiSRP is so important in terms of bringing

NiSRP has strong support from Jane

HR information and duplicate this

NiSRP is working closely with their

our systems in the health services up to

Carolan, National Director, and the HBS

information again and again".

stakeholders in the East and has received

any normal business standard. The work


the HBS news // winter 2018

How will NiSRP affect me? HBS Staff ­ Will need to know how to operate Staff Records and Payroll in an integrated SAP environment. Line Manager ­ Will need to know how use Manager's Self Service to manage and approve staff leave requests. Time Returning Officer ­ Will need to know how to record staff time and attendance in Time Managers Workplace on SAP. All Staff ­ Will need to know how to use Employee Self Service to manage your personal record and apply for leave.

• Further NiSRP information is available on the HBS Intranet here. There will be regular updates on Twitter so please follow us @HBS_NiSRP. For any general questions or feedback please email The new payroll system will give staff more control over their working life.

will not be without the pain, and as I’ve

The effort from all involved in NiSRP is

She added: “NiSRP have made significant

HSE and HBS Leadership teams and also

been involved in implementations of many

acknowledged by Miriam Keegan, NiSRP

progress and received positive feedback

the operational staff at the front line who

ICT systems over the years, I can attest to

Programme Director.

from peer review group.

are validating and collecting vital


Miriam wishes to thank everyone involved

"I am very optimistic about 2019 as NiSRP

information for go live.

"However, it will be worth the effort that

over the past year particularly the NiSRP

goes live in the East of the country and we

"There is real shared vision that NiSRP will

needs to go in now and the product at the

team who have been working very hard

move to the next locations.

make work easier for everyone in the long

end will enable us to work in a much more

over the last few months in challenging

"It would have been impossible to achieve

run and it will be worth the effort.”

efficient manner.”


anything without the great support from the

• Click here for more


the HBS news // winter 2018

Talkin' turkey

Turkey is such an integral part of our Christmas dinner that it's important to get it right ­ so here are Bord Bia's top tips heat to Gas Mark 3, 170°C (325°F). For

This will make the turkey easier to carve

Take the turkey out of the fridge an hour

Turkey cooking times

the last half hour remove the tin foil.

and it also gives you a chance to turn up

before roasting to allow it to come to

To test if the turkey is cooked, push a

the heat on the oven and finish the ham

room temperature.

skewer into the thickest part of the thigh

and roast potatoes.

Weigh the turkey after you have stuffed

– the juices should run clear. If they are

These times work for full turkeys, turkey

it to work out the cooking time

pinkish, cook for 15 minutes more, then

crowns and other turkey joints

For turkeys up to 8kgs allow 15–20

test again. Alternatively use a meat

minutes per ½kg

thermometer. This will eliminate

Approximate Weight ­ Cooking Time

For turkeys over 8kgs allow 10–15


2kgs ­ 1hr 10 mins

minutes per ½kg

When cooked transfer the turkey to a

4kgs ­ 2hr 20 mins

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 7, 220°C

platter, cover with foil, then a couple of

6kgs ­ 3hr 30 mins

(450°F). Cover the turkey loosely with tin

tea towels, and allow to rest for at least

8kgs ­ 4hr 10 mins

foil and roast for ¾ hour then reduce the

30 minutes before carving.

10kgs ­ 4hr 50 mins

Turkey Satay with Vegetables and Noodles


Serves 4­6

bite sized pieces

packet instructions. Heat a wok until very

Ingredients: 275g (10oz) fine egg

100g (4oz) crunchy peanut butter

hot. Add the oil and swirl it around the


2 tbsp dark soy sauce

edges, then tip in the red pepper, green

1 tbsp sunflower oil

2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

beans, baby corn and garlic, and stir­fry

1 large red pepper, halved, seeded and

1 tsp light muscovado sugar

for 3–4 minutes, until the vegetables are

thinly sliced

juice of ½ lime

tender. Sprinkle over 1 tablespoon of

225g (8oz) fine green beans, trimmed

50g (2oz) cashew nuts, toasted and

water if the mixture is getting too dry.

and halved

finely chopped

Drain the noodles and add to the wok

175g (6oz) baby corn, halved

handful fresh coriander leaves, to

with the coconut milk, turkey, peanut



butter, soy sauce, sweet chilli sauce,

2 garlic cloves, crushed

To Cook: Place the fine egg noodles in a

sugar and lime juice.

400g (14oz) can coconut milk

pan of boiling water and cook for 3–4

Stir­fry for another 2–3 minutes, until all

350g (12oz) cooked turkey meat, cut into

minutes, until tender, or according to the

the ingredients are piping hot, and serve.

the HBS news // winter 2018

A break from the pudding Berry Toasted Oat Pots

200g blackberries (or blueberries)

is smooth. Add the egg and vanilla and buzz again

Serves four. What you will need:

2­3 tablesps. Honey

until smooth. Pour into individual dishes and chill

200g Raspberries

Juice of 1 lemon

for at least 24 hours.

200g Strawberries, sliced

To Cook: Place all the batter ingredients in the

Nutty Biscuits: Set oven at Gas Mark 4, 180°C

150g Blueberries

processor. Whizz until well blended. Heat a non–

(350°F). Cream the butter and sugar. Add the egg

300g 0% fat Greek Yogurt

stick pan & add a touch of butter. Add 4 large

and vanilla. Stir in the flour, bread soda, baking

80g porridge oats

spoonfuls of batter, spaced well apart and cook

powder and nuts. Line a baking sheet with non­

What to do:

for 2 minutes until bubbles appear, flip and cook

stick paper. Place spoonfuls onto the sheet,

1. Crush half the raspberries with a fork. Mix the

for another minute. Transfer to a plate and keep

leaving space between them. Bake for 7­8

rest with the strawberries and blueberries.

warm while you cook the rest (makes about 16.)

minutes until golden brown. Remove from the

2. Spoon the mixed berries into 4 serving pots,

To make the sauce: Heat the fruit, honey and

baking sheet and leave to cool.

have pots with lids if possible.

lemon juice until you have a nice thick fruity

3. Stir the crushed raspberries into the yogurt and

sauce. Serve warm with the pancakes.

spoon on top of the fruit. 4. Lightly toast the oats by spreading them onto a

French Toast & Caramelised Plums Serves 4

Chocolate Pots with Nutty Biscuits

Cooking time: 10 min

baking sheet and grill them for 3­4 minutes.

Serves six. Ingredients for Chocolate Pots


5. Cool and share the toasted oats between the

125g plain chocolate

4 eggs

pots. Then seal with lids or cover tightly with

250ml cream

125 ml milk

cling film.

1 egg

8 slices bread (brioche if possible)

6. Keep chilled before serving

Half teasp.vanilla essence

A little butter for cooking

Use frozen berries when fresh ones are out of

Ingredients for Nutty Biscuits

To Serve

season but boil all imported frozen berries.

225g butter, softened

8 ripe plums, halves and stoned

325g caster sugar

2 tablesp. sugar

1 egg

Maple Syrup

Apple and Yogurt Pancakes with

1 teasp. vanilla essence

To cook, mix the eggs and milk together then

Serves 6. Ingredients:

250g plain flour

pour the mixture in to a shallow dish. Soak the

Pancake batter

1 teasp. bread soda

bread in the mixture for a few minutes. Heat a

300g self­raising flour

1 teasp. baking powder

large pan, add a little butter and cook the French

50g sugar 4 eggs

100g nuts, chopped

toast until golden on both sides. Heat another pan,

150ml natural yoghurt

To cook the chocolate pots: Break up the

dip the plums into the sugar then place cut side

2 eating apples, peeled and chopped

chocolate and place in the food processor. Heat

down on the hot pan and allow the sugar to

Milk Butter to cook the pancakes

the cream to almost boiling. Add to the chocolate.

caramelize. When all the plums are ready serve

Blackberry and honey sauce

Buzz until chocolate has melted and the mixture

with the French toast and maple syrup.

Blackberry and Honey Sauce


Sweet treats that are perfect for brunch, lunch or dessert

the HBS news // winter 2018

Major Benefits with New SAP Infrastructure THE HPSA Technology and

the additional functionality. The

Infrastructure team along with

next phase of the project is to

various stakeholders have

review, analyse and implement

been working on a major SAP

additional functionality as

Transition programme which

applicable for HPSA. Some of the

was delivered in June 2018.

new features include for e.g. Change Control Management

The key deliverables from this

(ChaRM), Project Management,

programme were to upgrade and

Solution Documentation / Process

migrate our SAP (Systems Applications and Products) HR,

Members of the SAP Managed Services Transition Programme Team; HPSA, Finance, OoCIO, St James’s Hospital and IBM.

Payroll, BW and a number of

Management, IT Service Management. CRM ­ We will also be working

Finance systems from the existing

was also upgraded as part of this

systems. Indeed a number of jobs

ESS/MSS Project with the wider

with Business Support and Kevin

Managed Services Solution to a

programme and this will be a key

that previously took over two

HPSA team using latest

Kelly’s team to implement CRM

new state­of­the­art private

enabler for the NiSRP (National

hours to run are now taking less

technologies and software from

technology. This new CRM

managed services solution

integrated Staff Records & Pay)

than 30 minutes to complete, with


technology is built on Microsoft

provided by IBM. All the systems

programme. This programme has

an average improvement across

Archiving Project ­ Our SAP HR

Dynamics and will enable the

(over 50) have now been

eliminated a number of risks

all production jobs of more than

& Payroll Database has been

SAP HR & Payroll user to

migrated including the addition of

which existed with the old out­of­

50%. The benefits set out at the

growing on an annual basis and

manage their issues more

the CFI (Consolidated Financial

support infrastructure and

beginning of this programme are

we will be commencing an

efficiently and also will provide

Intelligence) Environment to the

provides us with a secure future­

now starting to be realised and

archiving project shortly to reduce

them with FAQs and a new

original scope. The migration for

proof environment for critical HSE

we can look forward to the future

the size of this database.

dynamically created knowledge

the CFI suite of systems which is

functions. It also provides us with

with improved performance,

As the database grows it impacts


on a HANA Database was

a highly resilient, scalable and

system availability and additional

on all aspects of our system

SAP CCOE Certification ­ We

completed on October 1.

stable solution for the next four to


performance – system copies,

are currently working on the Bi­

This programme has been a

seven years. As part of this

Here are some examples of what

backups, time to run a job, costs,

Annual SAP CCOE certification.

significant undertaking, involving

programme we migrated all our

we are working on now:

etc. A six­year restriction on

This is SAP’s acknowledgement

the upgrade of the underlying

SAP customers over to the HSE

ESS/MSS ­ Now that the SAP

Retro’s has been agreed with the

of the HPSA team as a SAP

SAP infrastructure and the

National Health Network (NHN).

Transition Programme is

business and we will agree the

Customer Centre of Excellence,

subsequent migration of over 50

The systems are operating

complete we now need to start to

archiving requirements on this

as a quality support centre to the

systems along with eight different

beyond targeted performance

exploit this new technology and


HSE customers. As part of this

SAP environments to this new

levels. Our SAP users have

continue to realise the benefits.

Solution Manager ­ Now that

we review our processes, update

SAP managed services solution.

noticed improved performance

The Technology & Infrastructure

Solution Manager Version 7.2 has

documentation and assess how

The SAP HR and payroll software

and response times with the

Team are actively working on the

been installed, we need to utilise

we can improve our service.


the HBS news // winter 2018

HPSA: Making a Joan Smith on HBS difference in data staff engagement HPSA BIU have developed an ‘Integrated

•To be able to re­run forecasting as and

I am delighted to be leading out on the

Planning’ (IP) payroll budgeting /

when required and date stamp previous

area of Culture and Engagement in HBS.

forecasting system which combines

versions of the plan for reviewing and

My role incorporates driving the People

historical pay costs, HR employee master

comparative analysis.

Agenda through our HBS People Plan,

data and pay cost pressures to project

•New pay cost pressures and department

culture change through staff engagement

future payroll costs.

circulars will be developed and made

and supporting professional employee

The system is hosted on the SAP HR

available in IP as soon as they are


Business Warehouse (BW) platform and


management information reports are

•Provide a Self Service facility ­ putting

Care and engagement with our people, our

provided in BW excel format. This is a

control of information into the business

greatest asset, is a key enabler of our

major development project for HPSA.


current and future HBS Strategies.

On the 18th October the finance forum, chaired by the CFO decided that the ‘IP’ tool will be

The first annual payroll costing from the SAP ‘IP’ tool was distributed to the acute division at the end

Employee engagement illustrates the commitment and energy that employees bring to work and we are constantly striving

used for pay forecasting in the

of November providing an

for opportunities for our staff to develop and

Joan Smith, HBS Culture and Employee Engagement


initial view of projected payroll



In collaboration with finance colleagues and HSE business partners, HPSA took the following

forecasts for 2019. It included the projected payroll

staff at Grade IV and V level throughout

our staff and recognise their contribution to

HBS. This programme is designed to

approach in designing the tool and

and section 38’s.

the delivery of services in a culture of trust,

develop and complement the existing HBS

requisite data set:

This represents Phase 1 of the

honesty and respect, leading to more


•The ability to forecast costs using the

development and deployment.

innovation and better business outcomes.

‘Bottom Up’ approach for each individual

Phase 2 of the development incorporates

staff member level across all pay elements

higher levels of interactivity and an

I was delighted to launch the HBS

is our HBS Programme on Leadership Skills

•All payroll data must reconcile back to

enhanced user interface for ease of

Mentorship Programme at a recent Senior

for Staff Engagement in Improving Quality

general ledgers– one source of the truth

navigation; this will be available in 2019.

Management Forum which will be rolled out

using frontline ownership and liberating

•To provide queries that can explain data

HPSA will be upgrading the BW platform to

in early 2019. Training has already taken

structures. Watch out for the details of our


SAP Hana in 2019 and taking advantage

place for our first cohort of Mentors. These

Skills Workshops as well as associated

•To provide scenario planning as a feature

of all the features the upgrade provides.

volunteers will provide support, wisdom and

Facilitator training in Liberating Structures.

guidance to fellow HBS Mentees.

For more contact me on


cost for the HSE statutory areas

The first cohort of Mentees, commence with This will only happen when we acknowledge

Another exciting initiative planned for 2019

the HBS news // winter 2018

HBS Procurement ­ Logistics & Inventory Management Connecting, Supporting, Delivering HBS Procurement is responsible

dramatic Donegal to the calm of

for strategic sourcing, purchasing,

Cork – the Logistics and

storage and distribution of HSE

Inventory Management team are

goods and services to optimise

there to support patients and

efficiencies and achieve best

customers. Flexibility and

value for money in the delivery of

diversity is their strength and they

patient care.

work with partners to help them

The Procurement model includes

efficiently and effectively procure

the areas of Sourcing and

the products and services they

Contracting, Corporate


Procurement Planning & Capacity

This team have delivered tangible

Development, Business Systems

results: There was €80 million

and Logistics and Inventory

worth of products issued from

Management under the

NDC this year, there are

leadership of John Swords, Head

estimated savings of some €6.3

of Procurement.

million in clinical nurse time and

For this edition, we shine a light

demand reduction. In a survey

on Logistics and Inventory

conducted this year, 55% of

Management, profiling their

customers said that if their

significant journey of change,

department were to revert to a

transformation and indeed

manual process rather than use

success. Working out of the

Point of Use/KanBan, it would

National Distribution Centre

require over three hours per day

(NDC) in Tullamore, with nine

extra labour (22% said more than

support hubs around the country,

five hours per day). This time and

this HBS Procurement team work

money savings is significant in a

very short period of time with

embraced the challenge.

all targets set and have

collaboratively with their

busy hospital environment, where

implementation of a new national

Head of Logistics and Inventory

embraced any changes

customers in 48 acute hospitals

every minute and every euro

logistics model addressing all

Management, Fra Mollen

introduced. We are very much in

and nine community care areas

matters. Currently there are 402

aspects of product flow, from

speaking recently said "The

tune with the procurement vision

to deliver goods and supplies to

locations with Point of Use

suppliers to point of use. Guided

success of our logistics service is

ensuring easy access to high

keep the health services running

implemented. HBS Procurement

by the vision in the HBS Strategy

down to each team member’s

quality procurement services

efficiently. From Dublin's fair city

has transitioned through

2017 ­ 2019, the National

performance and dedication. All

which our procurement staff are

to Galway’s wild Atlantic; from

unprecedented change within a

Logistics Service team have

in Logistics have consistently met

proud to provide."








Above, a map showing the NDC and regional hubs. Right, inside the vast complex of the NDC.

the HBS news // winter 2018

The Manorhamilton Choir at the annual HR Engagement Event. Left, from top, staff enjoying the day, the choir get ready to perform, and below left, National Director of HBS Jane Carolan speaking in Manorhamilton.

2018 HBS HR Engagement The HBS HR Engagement Day took place

Following an opening address by Jane

dedication and hard work, while the voice of

on Thursday, December 13, 2018, in Aras

Carolan, National Director of HBS, Eithne

the customer was heard through the

Sláinte Chluainin, Manorhamilton, Co

Fox, Head of HBS HR, presented on the

customer testimonials.

Leitrim, where more than 300 people

theme with a particular focus on the

joined together under theme of the day ­

achievements within HBS HR over the first

The day was also an opportunity to see first­

Celebration, Innovation, Connection &

two years of our three­year strategy.

hand the innovation service improvement





projects completed within HBS HR in 2018.

A presentation and short film demonstrated

The 12 Yellow Belt and one Green Belt

To put everybody in a celebratory mood the

the size and scale of the work that is

project were showcased in the afternoon in

day was opened by the children from St

conducted, and the significant achievements

the Innovation Hub. There was huge interest

Clare's National School who were just

in line with the HBS strategy. This was an

around these projects which will become a


opportunity to thank all HBS HR staff for there

feature of HBS HR into the future.

the HBS news // winter 2018

Top left, Head of HBS HR Eithne Fox Connection & Direction

Recruitment, Pensions, National Personnel

and Siobhan. A great number of volunteer

A core part of the day was spent in speed

Records, HR Operations, Agency

staff from both within HBS and outside HBS

networking interactive sessions where

Management and also from our colleagues in

worked quietly and tirelessly to make this day

participants had an opportunity to hear

the NiSRP programme.

a success. Many thanks to all of them for

individual presentations on each of the

Feedback was gathered from all of these

taking the time out from there very busy

functions of HBS HR.

sessions in the afternoon, and there was a


This enabled them to discuss key areas

very high level of engagement in all sessions.

A huge thanks to all those who attended from

where the connections between the functions

The highlight of the day, without a doubt, was

the four corners of the country who

could be improved, but also identify what

the inaugural outing of the HSE

participated so actively on the day but also a

could be included in the next HBS strategy.

Manorhamilton Choir which brought together

huge thanks to those members of staff who

There were also interactive sessions for

all departments and was directed by Olivia

remained at base to keep the shop open!


speaking at the event. Above, images from the 2018 HR Engagement Day.

the HBS news // winter 2018

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