Portfolio 2019 - Bilyana Katsarova

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Bilyana Katsarova

I have always been eager to know new things, to meet new cultures, take challenges and never stop improving my skillset and knowledge. Probably this was the reason why, after graduating the French High School in Sofia (Bulgaria), I decided to study architecture in Lyon and to develop, as much as I can, my creativity and artistic view, while being in France. After four years of studies in Lyon and one year, passed on a study-exchange program in Prague (Czech Republic), I gained valuable design skills and successfully became architect, qualified by the state of France. My eagerness to new challenges led me to the UK, where I gained valuable professional experience and now I am highly motivated to apply my knowledge and skillset into new design projects in Bulgaria or abroad. In the following pages, you can see a selection of the projects I was involved in, as part of the team of Felce and Guy Architects and my studies.

St. Bartholomew’s School School extension to form new main entrance The concept for this project was to give a new and more contemporary look to the school, by relocating the main entrance to a more prominent location. The design was developed by an architect within the practice Felce and Guy Architects, but I had the chance to be involved into the entire design and build process of the job. I was in charge of preparing the complete drawing package, required for planning permission, building regulations compliance and construction on site. I was coordinating the drawings between consultants, engineers and contractors. By working on this project I gained valuable experience of client meetings and site visits.

West elevation

South elevation

< Photograph toward south-west elevation

< Photographs of the project on site

Proposed Ground Floor plan


< Photograph toward the aluminium cladding over the new main entrance

< View toward the new entrance in its urban context

Details of aluminium cladding and external timber walls

Details of projecting corner window and brick cladding

Proposed visual toward West elevation // Twinmotion and Photoshop

Grimwade Farm Luxurious residential dwelling This scheme was developed to propose a new high standard dwelling house in South of England, including principles of passive house construction. Originally, the site was occupied by an abandon barn and the concept for the proposal was to refer to the character of an agricultural building while providing at the same time some generously shaped spaces and high end of finishes. I had the opportunity to work on that job in a team with another architect from Felce and Guy Architects. I contributed with design ideas and solutions, and I was in charge of producing the visuals and drawing package for planning permission application.


Site plan

Proposed West elevation

Proposed North elevation

Visual toward main entrance // Twinmotion and Photoshop


Ground Floor plan

Sketch models of different design proposals

Visual from the living room toward the inner garden // Twinmotion and Photoshop

Grosvenor Hall Two dwelling houses in traditional style

< Photograph of the house on plot 11 <


Site plan

The design proposal for this project was developed by an architect from Felce and Guy Architects. I was involved into preparing the drawing package for Building Regulations and for the construction on site. By working on that project I had the chance to learn more about the traditional type of construction and building materials. I participated into meetings with the client and I had the chance to follow the construction of the project on site. The houses were located in an area with a lot of protected trees and it was a challenge to find a suitable proposal which would avoid any disruptions to the existing vegetation.

South elevation, plot 11

East elevation, plot 11

Cross section АА’, plot 11

Cross section BB’, plot 11

Photograph of the kitchen area

Photographs of the project on site

Photograph toward the main entrance

Section DD’, plot 12

Section BB’, plot 12

Section AA’, plot 12


Ground floor plan

< Photographs of the house on plot 12 on site

< Photograph of the finished house on plot 12

Proposed visual toward south-west elevation // Twinmotion and Photoshop

Barcombe mill Proposal for a new stilt house The proposed dwelling is located in an area with high risk of flooding and therefore the proposed house is lifted on stilts. The concept for the design follows the idea of “day and night� and it proposes a composition of two distinct volumes, treated with different materials, allocated for the different day-time and night-time areas. N

Proposed site plan

Proposed West elevation

Proposed East (front) elevation

Proposed visual in the living room // Twinmotion and Photoshop

Proposed Ground Floor plan

Proposed First Floor plan

Bandes bâties, bandes cultivées Thesis project, granted with the prize “Young Architect” by the City of Lyon

Photograph of all the laureates of different disciplines for the prize “Young architect 2017”


Site plan

This architectural and urban project (teamwork) was developed around the concept of urban agriculture and its place in the modern urban fabric. With this proposal, my intention was to question the urban boundaries between the public and private space and how the agricultural gardens can be treated and considered as a filter between the public and the private area. The concept of urban agriculture was inspired by the original use of the site, which was occupied by urban allotments.

Model 1:200

South elevation

East elevation

Cross section

Playtime /AA

Playtime /AA BILYANA KATSAROVA / Architect

BILYANA KATSAROVA / Architect Dear fellow architects, Bilyana was involved in our architecture studio for six months from end of June to end of December 2016. She improved her design, architecture knowledge and computer skills, taking part in our team on various projects of different sizes: Dear-fellow architects, Design and details for an atypical moving Tiny House concept for an industrial client in which she went up to scale 1:1 details Bilyana involved in our architecture studio six months from end of June to end of December 2016. - was Design and models for an extension of afor office labs building in Lyon - Participation in two different competitions for multi-purpose town halls in small cities: one is won, She improved herother design, and computer skills, taking part in our team on various and the onearchitecture is due to be knowledge judged soon. projects of different sizes: - has Design andadetails for an atypical movinginTiny House concept an industrial client in which Bilyana shown great curiosity and interest French culture and for architecture, investigating andshe went up to scale 1:1 details asking questions whenever she needed it, and her French level is astonishing. - Design and models for an extension of a office labs building in Lyon - Participation in two competitions for multi-purpose town halls cities: is won, We were really happy to havedifferent her aboard our small team: she is imaginative, clearininsmall her work andone mind and and the other one is due to be judged soon. is able to share her work and be part of a team with ease. Bilyana shown a great curiosity interest in French culture and architecture, investigating and She washas highly independent in mostand of her work and demonstrated a real technical curiosity, asking questions whenever she needed it, and her French level is astonishing. understanding the importance of details, technical aspects and how they fuel the architecture design. She will need to be able to spend more time on construction site to fully link the design process and the We were reallybut happy have her aboard our small team: she isthat imaginative, clear in her worknowadays and minditand construction, sheto has understood already the philosophy links them, which is rare is able to share her work and be part of a team with ease. seems among young architects. She wasoptimistic highly independent in most of work and demonstrated a real technicalshe curiosity, We are about her success in her those activities which she will undertake, has a great nice


went up to scale 1:1 details Design and models for an extension of a office labs building in Lyon Participation in two different competitions for multi-purpose town halls in small cities: one is won, and the other one is due to be judged soon.

Bilyana has shown a great curiosity and interest in French culture and architecture, investigating and asking questions whenever she needed it, and her French level is astonishing. We were really happy to have her aboard our small team: she is imaginative, clear in her work and mind and is able to share her work and be part of a team with ease. She was highly independent in most of her work and demonstrated a real technical curiosity, understanding the importance of details, technical aspects and how they fuel the architecture design. She will need to be able to spend more time on construction site to fully link the design process and the construction, but she has understood already the philosophy that links them, which is rare nowadays it seems among young architects. We are optimistic about her success in those activities which she will undertake, she has a great nice personality and we wish her to join open minded teams where she will be able to reveal herself and be a force of proposition as well as a solid team member. Lyon, le 2d of January 2017 Nils Degrémont Architecte dplg associé

P/AA – Playtime Agence d’Architecture 37 rue Pierre Dupont 69001 LYON - 04 7207 6184 54 rue Truffault 75017 PARIS – 09 5225 6184


Bilyana Katsarova e-mail : b.katsarova@outlook.com tel.: +359(0)897970373 skype : b.katsarova https://fr.linkedin.com/in/bilyana-katsarova

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