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A Friendly and Reliable Police Force for the People


경찰청장 인사말 Greetings from the Commissioner General


대한민국 경찰 비전 The Korean National Police Agency Vision


1부/ 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe


2부/ 사회를 정의롭게 Promoting Justice throughout the Society


3부/ 미래를 향해 Toward the Future

국민과 함께하는 따뜻하고 믿음직한 경찰이 되겠습니다 국민의 안전과 행복을 지켜온 대한민국 경찰이 희망찬 미래를 향해 새롭게 도약하고자 합니다. 그동안 경찰은 변화하는 치안수요에 맞춰 국가와 국민의 안전을 위해 헌신하여 왔으며, 대한민국 발전의 든든한 버팀목이 되어 왔습니다. 그 결과 대한민국은 세계에서 가장 안전한 나라로 인정받고 있으며, 우리 경찰은 세계 많은 나라에 선진 치안시스템을 전파하는 ‘치안한류’를 이끌고 있습니다. 앞으로도 경찰은 ‘국민과 함께하는 따뜻하고 믿음직한 경찰’을 목표로 ‘주민을 안전하게’, ‘사회를 정의롭게’ 하는데 치안역량을 집중하겠습니다. 특히 국민이 보다 안심하고 편안하게 생활할 수 있도록 촘촘한 안전망을 구축하고, 법과 원칙이 바로 선 건강한 공동체를 만드는 한편, 테러를 비롯한 각종 위협으로부터 국가와 국민을 지키는 든든한 울타리가 되겠습니다. 국민의 신뢰와 믿음이 우리 경찰의 가장 큰 힘입니다. 경찰이 더 큰 애국심과 사명감으로 국가와 국민을 위해 헌신할 수 있도록 변함없는 관심과 성원을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. 경찰청장

The Korean National Police Agency strives to be friendly and reliable for the people The KNPA continues to ensure the security and happiness of the people and to work toward a brighter future for all. Throughout every kind of transition and challenge to public security, the KNPA has always been dedicated to maintaining national security and public safety. By fulfilling its duties with the utmost devotion, it has strongly supported the development of the nation. In no small part due to the KNPA, the Republic of Korea is now recognized as one of the safest nations in the world, and the Korean police force is sharing its advanced public safety system with nations around the world. We will continue to stand by the people at all times, keeping them safe and upholding justice for all. To this end, we will establish an even more comprehensive safety net for the people that they may go about their lives in the greatest convenience and peace of mind; build healthy communities where the law and basic principles of justice are respected; and remain ever vigilant against acts of terror and other threats to the country and people. It is only with the people’s complete trust and belief in us that we can perform our duties. On behalf of the KNPA, I ask you to render your unwavering support and encouragement as we dedicate ourselves to the nation and people with an ever stronger sense of patriotism and duty. Thank you.

Commissioner General

Lee Chul-sung

경찰청장 인사말 Greetings from the Commissioner General

KNPA Vision 대한민국 경찰 비전


선진 일류 수준의 안전과 질서 Safety and Order at the Highest Level

A Friendly and Reliable Police Force for the People

주민을 안전하게

사회를 정의롭게

현장을 활력있게

Ensuring the Safety of the People

Upholding Justice throughout the Society

Promoting Activity in the Field

국민과 함께하는 치안공동체 구축

구조적 부패·부조리 근절

Working together with the people to keep communities safe

Combating structural corruption and rectifying malpractices

여성·아동 등 사회적 약자 보호

Protecting women, children as well as other social minority groups


Community Policing

현장 치안력 강화

Improving policing capabilities in the field

생활주변 불법·무질서 근절

조직문화 개선

Eradicating illegal practices and disorder of everyday life

Improving organizational culture


Smart Policing


Policing with Integrity

공동체 회복 / 기본과 현장 / 신뢰와 존중 / 자율과 책임

Community Recovery / Principles and the Field / Trust and Respect / Responsibility and Autonomy

The Korean National Police Agency

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01 Keeping the People Safe 주민을 안전하게 국민의 안전과 행복, 대한민국 경찰의 최우선 가치입니다

The safety and happiness of the people are the highest values of the KNPA

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe

과학적인 진단과 분석을 바탕으로 주민이 꼭 필요한 곳에 경찰력을 집중하고 있습니다 Based on scientific assessment and analysis, we focus on crucial issues for the people 범죄예방진단팀 운영 범죄취약지 순찰 강화

Operation of crime prevention diagnosis team Increased patrolling of areas with higher likelihood of crime

The Korean National Police Agency

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112 신고 총력대응으로 국민의 안전과 행복을 지키겠습니다 We will uphold the safety and happiness of the people through quick, comprehensive response measures to 112 emergency calls 관할·기능불문 112신고 신속출동 광역·강력범죄에 대한 실시간 총체적 대응

Professional, immediate 112 response regardless of jurisdiction and function Real-time and comprehensive response to metropolitan and violent crimes

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe

The Korean National Police Agency

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4대 사회악 근절을 지속추진, 국민이 안심하고 편안하게 생활할 수 있도록 하겠습니다 We will continue our efforts to eliminate the four major evils in our society, improving safety and quality of life for all the people ‘성폭력피해자 통합지원센터’ 확대 운영 가정폭력 재발 우려가정 모니터링 강화 시기별·대상별 맞춤형 학교폭력 예방활동 전개 국민 먹거리 안전 확보를 위해 불량식품 근절

Operation of comprehensive support centers for victims of sex crimes Closer monitoring for households at high risk of recurring domestic violence Age- and subject-specific activities for prevention of violence in schools Crackdown on unsanitary junk food to ensure food safety for the people

4대 사회악 근절 분야별 성과 Progress realized toward the elimination of the four major social evils

학교폭력 피해응답률 10배 이상 감소

가정폭력 재범률 약 8배 감소

성폭력 재범률 약 2배 감소

불량식품 제조·유통사범 총 2,467건 4,273명 검거

More than 10 times less rate of reported school violence

Approximately eight times less recidivism rate for domestic violence

Reduction of recidivism rate to approximately half for sex crimes

Total of 4,273 offenders apprehended for producing and distributing unsanitary junk food in 2,467 cases



28.4%p 감소

8.7%p 감소

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe


3.4%p 감소



0.9% 2012


2,467건 4,273명




The Korean National Police Agency

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국민 생활을 위협하는 각종 범죄에 강력히 대응하고 있습니다 We are taking powerful measures to counter lifethreatening crimes 강·절도, 조직폭력, 불법사금융 등 엄정 단속 보이스피싱 등 신종사기수법 수사역량 향상

‌ Heavy crackdown on theft, robbery, organized violence, and loan sharking ‌ Improvement in investigation capabilities against new forms of fraud (voice phishing, etc.)

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe

5대 중요범죄 검거율



5.2%p increase in arrest rate for the five major offenses

The Korean National Police Agency

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe

여성, 아동, 노인 등 범죄취약계층을 따뜻하게 보호하겠습니다 We will continue to provide special protection for women, children, the elderly, and other demographic groups susceptible to crime 사회적 약자 대상 맞춤형 범죄예방교육 전개 여성안전 특별치안대책 추진 아동·노인 학대전담경찰관(APO) 운영

Customized crime prevention courses provided for social minority groups Special policing measures for women’s safety ‌ Operation of anti-abuse police officer (APO) program to prevent abuse of children and senior citizens

The Korean National Police Agency

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주민, 자치단체, 전문가가 함께 하는 치안공동체를 만들어 나가겠습니다 We will continue our community policing efforts, working together with community residents, local governments, and experts of related fields 치안정책수립 및 범죄예방활동 등 참여치안 확대 유관기관과의 협업을 통해 치안인프라 구축

‌ Higher levels of civilian and government cooperation to establish policies and implement crime prevention measures Establishment of policing systems through cooperation with partner agencies

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe

The Korean National Police Agency

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Chapter 01 주민을 안전하게 Keeping the People Safe

테러를 비롯한 각종 위협으로부터 국민과 나라를 지키는 든든한 울타리가 되겠습니다 We will serve the people as a reliable guardian against acts of terror and other threats against the people and the nation 대테러 전담부대 교육·훈련 강화 유관기관 공조를 통해 사이버테러 신속 대응

Improved education and training for dedicated counter-terrorism units Vigilance against cyber terrorism in cooperation with partner agencies

The Korean National Police Agency

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Promoting Justice throughout the Society 사회를 정의롭게 법과 원칙이 바로 선 사회, 대한민국 경찰이 이루어가겠습니다

The KNPA will continue to uphold the law and promote basic principles of justice throughout the society

부패와 부조리를 바로 잡아 공정하고 투명한 사회를 만들어 나가겠습니다 We will combat corruption and rectify malpractices within the society to promote justice and transparency 갑질횡포 근절을 통한 공정한 사회문화 조성 토착·권력형 비리, 생활밀착형 안전비리 등 강력 단속

Cultivation of a culture of fairness by eliminating opportunities for abuse of power ‌ eavy crackdown on acts of regional and authoritarian corruption and other irregularities H that threaten public safety

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Chapter 02 사회를 정의롭게 Promoting Justice throughout the Society

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법과 원칙이 바로선 선진 집회시위문화를 만들어 나가겠습니다 We will establish an advanced culture for protests and demonstrations in line with the law and basic principles of justice 준법 집회시위 문화 정착 불법시위사범 엄정 수사

Establishment of a culture of peaceful, law-abiding demonstrations Rigorous investigations into illegal protests

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Chapter 02 사회를 정의롭게 Promoting Justice throughout the Society

불법폭력시위 건수



Illegal and violent protests reduced by 17.6%

The Korean National Police Agency

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Chapter 02 사회를 정의롭게 Promoting Justice throughout the Society

일관되고 지속적인 법집행을 통해 선진 교통질서를 확립하겠습니다 We will maintain advanced and proper traffic order through consistent and sustained enforcement of regulations

교통사고 사망자수


국민불편을 주는 교통법규위반 중점 단속


10.4% reduction in traffic accident fatalities

암행순찰차 운영

Focused crackdown on specific traffic violations that disrupt public order Use of unmarked patrol cars

The Korean National Police Agency

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Chapter 02 사회를 정의롭게 Promoting Justice throughout the Society

경찰의 법 집행과 치안활동 하나하나에 인권과 공정의 가치를 담겠습니다 We will conduct all law enforcement measures and policing with full consideration of human rights and values 공감받는 인권 경찰상 확립 수사의 공정성 확보

Establishment of a police force that upholds human rights Ensuring fairness in investigations

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Toward the Future 미래를 향해 경찰의 치안시스템도 차세대 산업혁명에 맞춰 새롭게 진화하고 있습니다

The KNPA’s policing system will continue to evolve apace with the new industrial revolution

萬人不同만인부동 終生不變종생불변 모든 접촉은 흔적을 남긴다

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Chapter 03 미래를 향해 Toward the Future

CPTED(범죄예방환경설계) 시행 전

CPTED(범죄예방환경설계) 시행 후

드론을 활용한 실종자 수색

체계적이고 스마트한 경찰, 미래 치안환경 변화에 대비하여 한 발 앞서 나아가겠습니다 We will take systematic and intelligent measures to prepare for imminent changes in the policing environment 치안대학원 설립 추진 등 과학치안 역량 강화 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED) 기반 조성 인력·예산·장비 등 첨단 치안인프라 확충

Founding of a graduate-level police education institution to develop scientific policing capabilities Laying the foundation for crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) ‌ Expansion of state-of-the-art policing systems through training of personnel, increased funding, and procurement of more equipment

The Korean National Police Agency

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세계 치안한류의 주역이자 글로벌 치안리더로 새롭게 도약하고 있습니다 We are taking another major step toward becoming a global leader in policing 27개 외국 경찰기관과 MOU 체결(’16년 10월 기준) 선진 치안시스템 전수교육(’16년 10월 기준, 총 74개국, 2,579명 대상)

27 MOUs signed with foreign police organizations(updated in October 2016) ‌ Knowledge of advanced policing system passed on to 2,579 trainees from 74 nations (updated in October 2016)

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Chapter 03 미래를 향해 Toward the Future

The Korean National Police Agency

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경찰 SNS 사진 공모전 수상작 KNPA SNS Photo Competition Winners

#경찰은 나에게 ○○○이다.

경찰부문 수상작 Winner, Police Category

First Prize 최우수

Second Prize 우 수

좌정호 경장 / 서울청 홍보실 Jwa Jeongho

경찰은 나에게 든든한 버팀목 이다. I consider the police to be staunch protectors of the people.

김현수 경사 / 서울청 경찰특공대 Kim Hyunsoo

나에게 경찰관은 지켜야할 의무 이다. Serving as a police officer is a duty I must uphold. 40

Second Prize 우 수

황선심 경장 / 서울청 경무부 Hwang Seonsim

경찰은 나에게 스마일 이다. To serve as a police officer makes me smile.

Second Prize 우 수

박상근 경위 / 김포공항경찰대 외사계 Park Sangguen

경찰은 나에게 안전한 여행 이다. To serve as a police officer is a meaningful calling.

The Korean National Police Agency

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경찰 SNS 사진 공모전 수상작 KNPA SNS Photo Competition Winners

#경찰은 나에게 ○○○이다.

일반부문 수상작 Winner, General Public Category

First Prize 최 우수

Second Prize 우 수

조은희 Jo Eunhee

경찰은 나에게 따뜻한 감동과 안전을 지켜주는 사람 이다. To me, the police are good, warm people who protect me.

김수덕 Kim Sooduk

경찰은 나에게 참사랑 도우미 이다. To me, the police are guides to genuine love.


Second Prize 우 수

허 균 Heo Kyun

경찰은 나에게 든든한 이웃 이다. To me, the police are reliable neighbors.

Second Prize 우 수

고일정 Go Iljung

경찰은 나에게 햇빛 이다. To me, the police are a ray of sunlight.

The Korean National Police Agency

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History of KNPA 발자취


10. 21 국립경찰 창설 10. 21 Establishment of the National Police Administration


6.25전쟁 당시 경찰관 4만 8천여 명 중 1만 7천여 명 전사상 Over 17,000 out of 48,000 police officers killed in the line of duty during the Korean War


故 차일혁 경무관, 빨치산 토벌 Late Superintendent General Cha Il-hyeok subjugates partisan guerrillas


故 최규식 종로경찰서장, 故 정종수 경사, 무장공비와 대치 중 순직 Late Chief of Jongno Police Station Choi Gyu-shik and late Assistant Inspector Jeong Jong-su die in battle against armed guerrillas ⋮


故 정옥성 경감, 자살기도자 구조 중 순직 Late Senior Inspector Jeong Ok-seong dies while preventing a person from committing suicide


故 이기태 경감, 철길에서 장애인 구조 중 순직 Late Senior Inspector Lee Gi-tae dies while rescuing a disabled individual from the path of an oncoming train


故 김창호 경감, 범인 검거 중 순직 Late Senior Inspector Kim Chang-ho dies in the line of duty while apprehending a suspect ⋮

경찰 창설 이래 순직 13,704명, 공상 53,661명(’16년 9월말 기준) Since the foundation of the national police force, a total of 13,704 police officers have died and 53,661 have been injured in the line of duty (statistics last updated in September 2016)

↗ 경찰 기념 공원 Police Memorial Park


두려움을 느끼기 전, 몸이 먼저 반응했다! 위험 앞에 국민보호를 위한 주저 없는 헌신

Before I even had a chance to feel fear, my body reacted first. Unwavering devotion toward protecting the people

The Korean National Police Agency

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The KNPA is taking another major step forward toward a brighter future for all 희망으로 나아가는 대한민국 경찰의 심장이 다시 한 번 힘차게 뜁니다


외국관광객 만족도 ‘치안(안전성)’ 1위

정부업무평가 우수기관 선정

(4년 연속)

(3년 연속)

For the fourth consecutive year, foreign tourists cite “policing (safety)” as a major reason for satisfaction with their travel to Korea

Recognized as an excellent organization in government performance evaluation for three consecutive years

The Korean National Police Agency

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대한민국 경찰의 제복이 새롭게 바뀌었습니다 The KNPA has changed its police uniforms













교통 순찰대

The Korean National Police Agency

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국민 곁에 언제나, 따뜻하고 믿음직한 대한민국 경찰이 있습니다 Always there for you, the friendly and reliable police of Korea

경기북부지방경찰청 개청으로 전국 17개 지방경찰청 체제를 갖추어 국민여러분께 더 가까이 다가가고 있습니다.

With the opening of the Gyeonggi Bukbu Provincial Police Agency, we now have 17 regional police agencies nationwide to serve the people closer to home

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② 서울지방경찰청

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency

③ 부산지방경찰청

Busan Metropolitan Police Agency

④ 대구지방경찰청

Daegu Metropolitan Police Agency

⑤ 인천지방경찰청

Incheon Metropolitan Police Agency

⑥ 광주지방경찰청

Gwangju Metropolitan Police Agency

⑦ 대전지방경찰청

Daejeon Metropolitan Police Agency

⑧ 울산지방경찰청

Ulsan Metropolitan Police Agency

⑨ 경기북부경찰청

Gyeonggi Bukbu Provincial Police Agency

⑩ 경기남부경찰청

Gyeonggi Nambu Provincial Police Agency

⑪ 강원지방경찰청

Gangwon Provincial Police Agency

⑫ 충북지방경찰청

Chungbuk Provincial Police Agency

⑬ 충남지방경찰청

Chungnam Provincial Police Agency

⑭ 전북지방경찰청

Jeonbuk Provincial Police Agency

⑮ 전남지방경찰청

Jeonnam Provincial Police Agency

⑯ 경북지방경찰청

Gyeongbuk Provincial Police Agency

⑰ 경남지방경찰청

Gyeongnam Provincial Police Agency

⑱ 제주지방경찰청

Jeju Special Self-Governing Provincial Police Agency



Korean National Police Agency

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4 2



1 3

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모바일 사이버경찰청 http://m.police.go.kr

The Korean National Police Agency

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조직과 기구 / Organization and Offices


Commissioner General 대변인 Spokesperson

- 홍보담당관 ‌ Public Relations Division

기획조정관 Director General for Planning & Coordiantion

- 기획조정담당관 ‌ Planning & Coordination Division - ‌ 재정담당관 Finance Division - ‌ 규제개혁법무담당관 Regulation and Legal Affairs Division

감사관 Director General for Audit and Inspection

- 감찰담당관 ‌ Inspection Division - ‌ 감사담당관 Audit Division - ‌ 인권보호담당관 Human Rights Protection Division

경무인사기획관 Director General for Police Administration and Personnel

- 경무담당관 ‌ Police Administration Division - ‌ 인사담당관 Personnel Division - ‌ 교육정책담당관 Education Policy Division - ‌ 복지정책담당관 Welfare Policy Division

정보화장비정책관 Director General for ICT Management & Equipment

- 정보화장비기획담당관 ‌ ICT Management & Equipment Planning Division - ‌ 정보통신담당관 ICT Management Division - ‌ 장비담당관 Police Equipment Division

과학수사관리관 Director General for Scientific Investigation

- 과학수사담당관 ‌ Scientific Investigation Division - ‌ 범죄분석담당관 Criminal Analysis Division

차장 Deputy Commissioner General

부 속기관 Affiliated Institute Directly Controlled by National Police Agency - 경찰대학 ‌ Korean National Police University - 경찰교육원 ‌ Police Training Institute - 중앙경찰학교 ‌ Central Police Academy - 경찰수사연수원 ‌ Korean Police Investigation Academy - 경찰병원 ‌ National Police Hospital

생활안전국 Public Safety Bureau

수사국 Criminal Investigation Bureau

사이버안전국 Cyber Bureau

교통국 Traffic Bureau

경비국 Public Security Bureau

정보국 Intelligence Bureau

보안국 National Security Bureau

외사국 Foreign Affairs Bureau

범죄예방정책과 Crime Prevention Policy Division

수사기획과 Investigation Planning Division

사이버안전과 Cyber Safety Division

교통기획과 Traffic Planning Division

경비과 Public Security Division

정보1과 Intelligence Division 1

보안1과 National Security Division 1

외사기획과 Foreign Affairs Planning Division

생활질서과 Public Order Division

특수수사과 Special Criminal Investigation Division

사이버수사과 Cyber Crime Investigation Division

교통안전과 Traffic Safety Division

위기관리센터 Crisis Management Center

정보2과 Intelligence Division 2

보안2과 National Security Division 2

외사정보과 Foreign Affairs Intelligence Division

보안3과 National Security Division 3

외사수사과 Foreign Affairs Investigation Division

여성청소년과 Women & Juvenile Affairs Division 성폭력대책과 Sexual Assault Countermeasures Division

형사과 Detective Division 수사1과 Investigation Division 1 수사2과 Investigation Division 2

디지털포렌식센터 Digital Forensic Center

교통운영과 Traffic Management Division

경호과 Protective Security Division 항공과 Aviation Division

정보3과 Intelligence Division 3 정보4과 Intelligence Division 4 정보심의관 Assistant Director General for Intelligence

보안4과 National Security Division 4

과학수사센터 Scientific Investigation Center 수사기획관 Director General for Investigation Planning

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조직과 기구 Organization and Offices

* 부속기관 5개, 전국 지방경찰청 17개, 경찰서 252개, 지구대·파출소 1,989개 Five Subsidiary Agencies, 17 Provincial Agencies, 252 Police Stations, 1,989 Substations

경찰 CI Police CI


원형 엠블렘


방패형 엠블렘



표지장 Police Emblem and Insignia 모자표장

Cap Emblem


Commander’s Insignia


Police Insignia


Police Badge

계급장 Police Ranks


Commissioner General


Senior Superintendent


Assistant Inspector


Chief Superintendent General




Senior Police Officer


Senior Superintendent General


Senior Inspector


Police Officer


Superintendent General




Auxiliary Police Officer

The Korean National Police Agency

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