AN ECO-FUTURE 02 Visual Development Guide
Bing Han GR 604
Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.
Visual Development Guide
—Frank Borman
CONTENTS 1.1 Former Identity
1.2 Conceptual Research
1.3 Three Direction
2.2 Chosen Direction
2.3 Digital Refinement
2.4 SunEdison’s Logo mark
2.5 Logotype
2.6 Typeface Exploration
2.7 Color Exploration
2.8 Formar Competition
Visual Development Guide
2.1 Mark Development
Former Identity In order to design a new image, it was important to find the soul of the previous one including both the conceptual and visual part. The former mark was an orange sun with rays portraying the dynamic nature of the brand.
Visual Development Guide
Mark Proportion SunEdison provided renewable energy, which was the starting point to redefine how the brand would transform. Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally replenished on a human timescale. Developing a sustainability program is a must when you’re in the public sector, but it’s hard to know where to start. We can help. A SunEdison solar system is a great foundation for any sustainability program, with predictable long-term financial benefits you can count on.
“Net Zero” refers to people who generate as much energy as they consume. And the energy they generate typically comes from clean power. That
Visual Development Guide
Sustainability and Beyond Developing a sustainability program is a must when you’re in the public sector, but it’s hard `to know where to start. A SunEdison power
means the amount of energy people need to
system is a great foundation for any sustain-
draw from conventional sources is exactly zero.
ability program, with predictable long-term financial benefits you can count on.
From Net Zero to Inifinity Communities
Three Directions Once the concepts of “Infinity Communities” and “Sustainability and
Beyond” were found, the next step was to define three different directions to continue the logo exploration. This included making a series of random drawings that could develop potential ideas.
People This direction would take on iconography that represented shareable, sustainable communities.
Ability SunEdison will be a role model to participate in Community Engagement that gives people the ability to use natural resources and ecosystem services to develop green communities. Community Engagement: We can help promote your sustainability efforts to your community and stakeholders.
Progress SunEdison will support, encourage, and help people promote sustainability efforts in your community.
Visual Development Guide
Mark development The next step was to sketch as much as possible. After considering the three directions, it was time to explore more potential drawings. These explorations would allow enough variety to determine what was important to discard and what had potential to be refined at later stage.
Visual Development Guide
Circle and dots represent cooperation and community.
Visual Development Guide
The sparkle or star means a new start.
Visual Development Guide
There is a new progress will be developed.
Chosen Direction After exploring different ideas, the strongest and most appropriate direction was “People and Progress�. From there, additional sketches were made based on that three directions. This would allow discarding what was not working to develop the refinements on what it could potentially become the final logo.
It looks like a cell, but it is a direction
Visual Development Guide
to develop a organic shape.
The “right” mark with circle represent people. The “Star” shape make a new community and progress.
Visual Development Guide
Digital Refinements After this moment, some ideas stood out, it was time to narrow down and begin a set of digital versions to show more potential directions to be refined digitally.
Visual Development Guide
The untouched part make people feel the independent, but the hard shape is too strong.
Visual Development Guide
Visual Development Guide
Visual Development Guide
The round edge make people feel fresh.
Final Graphic The final graphic is not just a simple graph or symbol. It also shows the mission of the new SunEdison. The right mark with a circle represent people. The symbol it means the communities that SunEdison would like to built up.
Visual Development Guide
Logotype The Logotype follow the same style that is use the same curve on the letters. The new mission of the SunEdison is help people develop green communities. The round edge make people feel comfortable and freshness.
Visual Development Guide
Typeface Exploration For the typography, it vitality, youth, and freshness seemed appropriate. The type combination was important to create a more cohesive system by finding similar moods and shapes for the mark and logotype.
01 TITLE: Open Sans
BODY COPY: Adamina
BODY COPY: Open Sans
We’re ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder
We’re ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder
with you and help turn these challenges into
with you and help turn these challenges into
triumphs. We can create a custom solution
triumphs. We can create a custom solution for
for you too.
you too.
03 TITLE: Champagne & Limon BODY COPY: Cochin LT Std
SunEdison We’re ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you and help turn these challenges into triumphs. We can create a custom solution for you too.
02 TITLE: Utopia Std
04 TITLE: Khmer Sangam MN BODY COPY: Kepler Std
We’re ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you and help turn these challenges into triumphs. We can create a custom solution for you too.
Open Sans
AaBbCcDdEeFeGgHhIhJjKkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 123456789
123456789 !@#$%^&*()_+
AaBbCcDdEeFeGgHhIhJjKkLlMmNnOo PpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
Visual Development Guide
Utopia Std
Color Exploration As another important component of a brand, the color exploration was based on the overall idea and feeling so far established. The colors chosen were all full of freshness and vitality.
CMYK: 0, 82, 46, 0
CMYK: 0, 64, 78, 0
RGB: 220, 80, 87
RGB: 239, 114, 57
LAB: 60, 66, 35
LAB: 68, 57, 63
HEX: #dc5057
HEX: #ee7138
RGB: 106, 166, 79
RGB: 49, 89, 45
LAB: 61, -47, 39
LAB: 32, -35, 22
HEX: #6aa54e
HEX: #30592c
Visual Development Guide
CMYK: 80, 0, 100, 60
CMYK: 75, 0, 100, 0
Former Competition
The Family Travel Forum is an Inter-
The BC Lymphedema Association is
net community for frequent travelers,
here to support people living with
focusing on families with children. Of
lymphedema. This organization is
the registered members in the com-
run by volunteers and exists through
munity, 75% are women with children.
the generosity of those who take out memberships and donors.
Our Rehabilitation clinics provide a
CVPT offer a variety of therapies and
caring and gentle approach to your
equipment designed to aid patients
health and wellness. We serve our cli-
in performing tasks or movements
ents with the utmost level of respect
in order speed up the recovery from
and professionalism in a kind, wel-
injury and illness.
coming environment.
After I finished my logo design, I did research to find some logos that are similar with my design so that I can know the difference and keep refining.
At Lymphedema Therapy Specialists
Klose Training & Consulting was
Back in Motion Physical Therapy is
established by Guenter Klose, the
proud to employ seventeen licensed
we are dedicated to the treatment of
only MLD/CDT Instructor certified by
physical therapists that share a com-
Lymphedema. We specialize in Man-
the Physical Therapy Association of
mon goal of providing our patients
ual Lymphatic Drainage and the highly
Germany (Verband Physicalische Ther-
with superior physical therapy care.
effective Complete Decongestive Physio Therapy and the life changing
effects these treatments have on our
Visual Strategy
apie) actively teaching in the United
PTSC is a multidisciplinary facility
Lymphedema therapists specialists
Activities, classes and clubs are a
for spinal cord injuries, neurological
provide complete decongestive ther-
valued and much-loved part of most
impairments, pediatric services, head
apy, the gold-standard treatment of
children’s pre-school and extra cur-
injuries, and burns.
lymphatic care
ricular leisure and learning time, but until now, there has been no formal guidelines to assist parents, schools and nurseries in choosing how to invest their time and money in popular pastimes.
Former Competition
The Tourette Association of America
United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) is an
(TAA), based in Bayside, New York,
international nonprofit charitable
United States, is a non-profit volun-
organization consisting of a network
tary organization and the only US
of affiliates. UCP is a leading service
health-related organization serving
provider and advocate for adults and
people with Tourette syndrome.
children with disabilities.
The National Federation of the Blind
Gifted education (also known as
(NFB) is an organization of blind
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE),
people in the United States. It is the
Talented and Gifted (TAG), or G/T)
oldest and largest organization led by
is a broad term for special practices,
blind people in the United States. Its
procedures, and theories used in the
national headquarters are in Balti-
education of children who have been
more, Maryland.
identified as gifted or talented.
The Scottish Association for Children
The American Brain Tumor Associ-
vides a myriad of programs, across
with Heart Disorders offer support
ation (ABTA), founded in 1973, was
every county in the state, each
and understanding in everyday care
the first and is now the only national
tailored to the needs of the particular
and welfare to parents and families
nonprofit organization in the United
child, individual or family.
of children with heart disorders and
States dedicated to providing support
services and programs to brain tumor
Arizona’s Children Association pro-
Visual Development Guide
patients and their families, as well as
The Communities In Schools (CIS) is a
Purpose Built Communities is a non
360 Communities is a non-profit
national organization working inside
profit organization founded by Tom
agency founded in 1970 by a group
public and charter schools full-time
Cousins, Warren Buffett and Julian
of volunteers. Administrative offices
building relationships that empower
Robertson to replicate Cousin’s East
are located in Burnsville, Minnesota,
at-risk students to stay in school and
Lake model of community redevel-
United States. Its aim is “changing
achieve in life.
opment within other cities and areas
lives and strengthening communities
throughout the United States.
to a new degree”.
Design: Bing Han Instructor & class information: Hunter Wimmer GR 604 Nature of Identity This book is a non-commercial project for educational purposes and is not intended to represent the SunEdison Brand.
Visual Development Guide