Join Instantly become a member and be a part of the prestigious professional club

Conne Create professional relations and gain and share legal skills. Always be in the loop and keep on updating
Enjoy Surprise your colleagues and partners by expressing your hidden skills Showcase your prowess in the areas of literature, arts and sports Share your life experiences through blogging, keep on adding new friends and enjoy the privileges of the club by joining as a premium member
Become a global lawyer by conneing with legal luminaries and international members of the fraternity Just click and find suitable lawyers around the globe and remote places in India Public can access and choose any lawyer in the remotest place and can communicate with them based on the areas of specialty, place of praice and name
The club is managed by a group of professionals under the aegis and guidance of 50 legal luminaries and retired judges.
Since lawyers are spread across the globe, a localized club will not be effeive to cater to the needs of the lawyers.

An international direory of lawyers can ensure seamless conneion and can serve for the betterment of the fraternity. The communications made can be effeively converted into a tool to improve knowledge and skills

Empirical data and regular updates will be the end result from associating with the senior and leading lights of the legal community.
Language plays a pivotal role in the profession. Participating in classes condued by language experts will help in augmenting communication and speed up drafting and convincing skills.

Sports and similar aivities can build a lasting relationship. More over a comptetive sports develops the mind and will enhance the health. Participating in sports leverage the mind body and soul

To get aquainted with and to brush up the skills, participation in legal webinars, seminars and conferences is highly essential. Thus legal conclaves, both national and international, is the need of the hour

Experiences shared are experiences gained, Strengthen your writing skills and knowledge base through blogs and articles along with photography. .

India is a diversified country containing vibrant cultural and grand festivity. Deep personal conneions with in the fraternity will culminate in exchanging of culture and welfare of the community and the member.

Premium Membership, issued exclusively to the member of the profession, proclaims your arrival and demands respe and privilege accorded on the strength of your profession

The club is conceptualized on the need for a common platform for lawyers globally.

The club provides an online platform for lawyers to link with each other and develop install and implement decision support systems for lawyers.
The club further enhances produivity, speedy and better affordable justice delivery system and provides easy accessibility, transparency, reliability and credibility